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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1871, p. 3

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Business Cha11ge !! Every one .admits that to sell merj - '.:.·--- -· ·· · -~---· _ __ I CHANCERY SALE I -OF '."fTE - - -.-·-:o:-- - .- THE~ CHEAPEST ·P LACE · C"handize on credit you must have. at! least, 10 per cent. / HOOEY HOMESTEAD Township of Cartwright. le Cm" :~ c"f Cb<1.nct' ..,.,· in a sr ' t of 1 be sold by v<;. v~~LCU(:;o:,,r .A.l;f. fO;\\ 1.:t:.i tbe a,11p· 01;;J.' ion of JOHN -,E_ X:A:· OE:--! B'JYD, E.Jr ,.~._e .fyle_EtH' Or· (l' . ' :' .. To: ··es ... .;GCos~· .0y ' !01LA"5C.lfRI8TI_ :HJ, I J- J)QJ1~ r.~c ~ure profit than for! mo AN ORDER MADE P URSUANT i w: 1 rue. h· = .; TO BT' Y The snhs('riher has therefore I i:- A :J (' 10.!CC',f! O, / . I deci~=l to reduce bis priees, and that I on a,n(l. ! 'l'honms Brodie'!! Hotel !"i ... I ! ' /STOVES . . . ·. T · STOVF~A? -T N TH TOWN OF BOWl'>fANYI':.LE, after October, 1871, he I will sell for G-OODS I ' CASH ONLYt . . . and at , I. I . I i CASH PRICES. ! - i ·.. ·If you will, only call and examine 1· = = =· · · /""#; mHIS CELEBRATED.MACHINE ·..I. nOw been teste-d beyond nll qu,est ion and the ·~lot of the pil:bHo ls that to·day ' . ' . i Give Up. the· Stove· Busine ss I AND a1. .1 I I I GROCERIES j AND CONFJNJ( MY .rl.'l'TENTION -EXCLVSrVELY'T.0 i '-'· It._it1 .t~.i.e.1rws . t subataf"itially bv.t}t, ha·~. t~e. r~...v~t · 'J,vor~g po.i;ts, ~ !.les1gu and tlnial1.;. cJHa&tho Qost deslgri Ofa suttli!-,"·' ~ml b}"- ·fur the ~ltQEST: :J;lOB~1NS. it b capa..ble .of ped'orru- . . -J HARDW A ._ R E, I W ILL SICL.!. ..1111; STCC'K: OF ,\!TOVES .....__ , ' .~ ~ l"l!a r·nire ofw.ork hitherto thougllt impo"'1blc ro~ Sewmll·llf.-cliln'l". the good~ .you will be satisfied that j CONSI8TIN"G OF th1\caslrnys~m is decidedly the most I ben!'!ficlicl to the buyer. ·'. r B_,, C> R !CatlJ,er ,as On :flne i:ocid$. .Ha:s , r.aITied off pr~ i Ove~ the Howe, Singer; LOckma11. Wheeler &:-. WUS<in1· "\Vall2e.r, Raymond, d'b. QT A Perfe~ CASH BAR,LO :R · c - THE SUBS~RIBER JS"QW RECEIVED HIS I I HAS J I I 'fHE PRICE MACHlME::S "0 01:>."G THE LIKE··· WORK. - I& equally at home 01> 1 · 1 ··. . ~.A.ND - · M.ivdWl· Ciwl.r-~ri~ C'l' no ialo. BOX AD.~PTED .) ;FOR - .Ell'HE!t · Fall· I,rriportations of FANCY AND STAPLE THE GUELPH H,l.ND · 1 TllE~DLE . -- ~· ·I I Mc CLUNG · . the best 1nade 1 simplest, ·morti durable and 1 relleble than @-DY other single.thread n1ach~no.- BROS - C.OAL OR WOOD, Dry· Goods Tl 1 And not~vithstanding the great rise DAILY LINE -TO- . I 'j ------· ~.., , Larger and wor1t "-"ith grea, "\Vill do a!l kJbdEiofdofuest.icsewingina. perfectly satisfnc· ·tory manner. HRS 'taken) flrst prIBe ·wherever e:ii::hibited. 1 . ~ At the· I r 0 n..m . -r T .. 0 n., ge . '\T , J ' · -,-- -· - ·· ,.-- -·- --:---,....----· ·-- - ·--·--__,.- .,....----. ·- -- y·· AT COST. - -MY STOCK OF~-- jSOMEEHING LONG WANTED BY EVERYBODY, ..:..oR - . EVERY 01\'E HIS OR HER OWN Pilll\"l'ER ! AGENTS WAN'l'ED ' 1 EVERYWHERE of aU fabrics in the foreign markets, ·, R 0 013:ESTER. 1lPLENlllD INDUOlll\lEX'l'S. J.v.['LEO:O'B HOUSE Prepared'fo:r i1n~nediate uso, an(l 110U1ii1g but the p~rest· l\{ us0d arld. re._ _ q uiripg no furt.her 1nixhµ"e of .oils, Turpentine and Dryers: ' · HARDWA..RE I~ WELL ASSORTED, .<l.ud, as tii:11c to Gii.·e Satief:tc~;iQn. AND v r I.. LA PAINTS. . he w:ill sell all goods at the old r1iHE SUPERB NEW LAKE UPPJl;P" ·. ' ' _- Foi- terms, sa.mpleH of 5e\Ylng, &'6., apl1ly t.o til (t JCLPH · 'ElVJ.Na M4.CfIII'1E OO'Y, OlJEI.P,H. CAN1 rn.r1.. prict.s .~Aor cash. ""- " NSOCRSSE MAN ,l THETR COMPOSITION CONSISTS .SOLEY OF:- 11·uai: ·oiling at Prices tbat con- , '· Pm·e Colo'r, P.1tre White Leall, Pure l+~hite Zinc, Linseed Oil, Sp'irit~ F. F. McARTHUR. B(riv.mau·ville-;-septembet lt, 18'11.-· Carryi.'lg United Sta~e.o; and C!,tnadian Ma.ils and E:;;press, I.ea1·~ s Port IIope ei1f: ry ll'foi-ni?l 'J ,for Rschuter a~9o'cloc£,onarrival ofGrz,1d 'I runk Rail- ·' ·~ w11.y Tr~ius fror.1J!;a~t1u1d West. eve1;,.v;ig er~ 9 o'o oc k", (~::i.;:cent ba.t ur· uaye, ·when &he leaves et 2 o'clock · P. - ?ti., for Brighton). ' ~ 'fhi15 :ts th~favorite summer route from Toror· t.o to Rochcsti;-r. .L\.lba~v. &c. The cgeap~<Jt i:Jid flllkkeat route from pol:bts -East of Port no1ie o~l tl·ff(hand 'f"-"llnk, to Rochester Butl'a16 &c'l'he favorite route to _.i\.. von all.d Clif,o~ S1n:ing_s. Passengers_ and f.::eight take cars along side st-0amer a.t Rochester Lauding. . Co~nectiop. ll1:ll.dfJ: at C-0 bourg and Port llopc \\ ith i:toyat- _\'lrul Line Steamers from Hamilton Montreal. I a111:~ '£he Norseman will call at the Port of Da1 ling/ t011, CV~I'V ~EilKEB!>AY 310RNING, shou . ld .suffi~· 1 e11t freight offer·. , t Yerowlee"J & Quick, Agents. Address, R._0, CAll'l'lEH, ·Ul'R . .i:- n. O'H ARA. Y\-'bole·ale a.gents tor . of T'<wpentineandDryers canfullyandsc"ien/Jificcillycunib:ined. tl1e Counties. of Dur!rnm, Onta.rlo and Vlctorl·. · ThiJ co1)sumer can have any desired shade of Colors neatly put up Cans, and all W Spoc!a1 IIidu~emonts.~o Uvo ·gen;.. " . · he .requi:·e· io buJ;' "'.Hh the Paint is a Brush, oi tho work oli.n done by hituself . or STOVES ! STOVES ! lleturni-ng,-L~~ii~; P~~t 6/ Rb~1icste---; (_Oh~1·l4tt~ STOVE liUl'l"O~ding C~UJJ,l;~y tha.t he has_ the s,r =- ~:1 ;'.~:~· M· -~·~ ~:: A . ' lby·a~yntePeURE.:1°WHITE .LEAD. G-~~\ en era i)ewmrr. acume nencv - ·. , "- .- · ·- : · · .: · "- ·· . . · : ·· 1 be in THOMAS 'BASSETT. · 6 . · E> T HE . SUBSCRIBElt FOR)fthe tnhabitant.s of Bo\vinan,ille and BEGS TO IN - J J A large stock JUSt received for · Autumn Pamtmg, imporj;ed direct from the · English 1\fanufacturers, includfog JAMES' IGenuine and celebrated Rooster brand- Gµaranteed pure. · i ALSO:-AII standard Col9rs, Oil.S, . .. BEST SELECTION OJI STOVES ever offered In the Town. coinprlsing: lIARKET nun,DINGS, COOKING, ·PAREOUR, BOX .A.ND COAL S2'0VES, of tlla IAtest patterns and ot ·tl10 best :workJ;UM . 4 1hlp, Vthi~h ha: w:tll acl1 I I j I ! I ! i 2000 l I , Varn.ishes, and .Painters' Materials. Call and see how cheap " House can bo Pamtod and Decorated, for ;ill th6Se goods will be sold at reduced figu~es. · · GALLONS MACHINE OIL OF ~TFFEI!-ENT KINDS. .,.. THE CELEBEATED PERFEO TJ<li· Thresh~rij ani! aH .parties 8Mf . .· . .- fort Hope, Ont oncl 1 oH are ·pecial!Y. invited to inspect the v:i.r1ous qua.hhe·- the price bemg far below anythmg otfered in this ffi}'t.rket. requiring. ever -~ -- · --~··- _<\.S_QHEAP AS IN .rl.NY MARKET Phot9graph s I 11'{ ALI. STYLN ~, _f . 500 COOK, PARLOR, HALL A;P BOX STOVES; tN THE DOMINION. .A,lsQ, agon:t' for the eelabratod, American .JfI TTED a.ncl: improved , the Gallery ls:Ltel:r 1 ~ccup1ed by ~Ir. H. 'l'ait, 1s now prepared·totakf' :.· _ , i THE SUBSCRIBER EAVING Rff,. arriving and now on Exhibitio11. ~The la:·geso cheapest stock of G.eneral Harclware, Cacriag;e Good·, · Tinwa"e, iu !·h.e C911nty of Durham. I I ~ Spcctaclecs a.nd Eye .Ghu1 Mit ·1nariufact.ured by LAZARUS & MORRIS, and for . which have the sole agency,·gaining golden opinion· from all those who hav-e tried it,. If yoU want t . preserve your sight_ p;,· e:Xtr-e~e old ar.e_, ,\Vie ltll'l:!I and no othe~s. ~~bN ~.UQ~L).R, ~ent f'1 Bow:..D.auville.a-nd TI0J1dty. · . 1-»a . . ,.,,a , BASE BUR:~lER AND HE4.TER. Ca.11 Gc\ , exa.n1iile Stoves and ' prices before l· I!,\llc1iasingelsewhe . re. al..H.ardware oJ.a ll ki.nd111. .t';~n.ta., Oils, Putty", &c., &Q. .i PHO,TOG-RAPHS 4-·· - . ' " 0Hin; ton Bu:'dinrr, Eowma'"lv '. ~le; Ang¥Bt - . J'()HN 9,1871.. ._ . ~ · .' KEEP - OQOL! :~ ND AT _.:..,_..:o:-- TIN 'lV ARE. I ) t ' LOWEST PRICJ>.:S. " 1 Best Summer I I i ~ .Jn'tm.ernt of tinv.:a,re, Rus:iia a.nd ~rn " ]~~pt'.:'~ f~ m ·BELFA;.f'e1NGER ·ALE.· t.he ori fi::r.~l =e'.:cipt, by -- --~ =--· tl!-e nn1~;:aiirll1rd only. :,.t ih~ r IQED COLD DRIN;KS, - mon iron Stove pip.,, G"Uows pip«, Du,nib StO'v~s~- &c.,~kcpt on hO.rnt 1"' ·-tt HOT AIR DRUMS made to order. µ -- Hot Air l"umacea fitted up on th~ moat impro'fed plans. _ · W-0RKM.A..i.~SllIP second to none iu the Do· . minion, all kinds of jobbing done on the shorteat ' notice, and a.t l'ea.sonable priCes. .EDWIN HORSEY, · 3 tf Ilowmain".'We,·August 16, 1871. ~llNGER l\l!!ll!OAL BALL . FROM THE FOUNTAIN, WITH A. NEW TIN SHOP IN BOWMANYILl·E. 23 Gll.h'.O.'I' ST, .T.Jl.ltlRS STREEl' · . -,"lfnt genui1w unleu sitptt1d, ALE & SUDA WATER FACTORY, ' 1" ·-i' ,., . /, -f.- 11.1,.,.1(,-1pf:k,,.;,.~1;-v~.a.1r6 ·t J. VARIETY FLAVORS, at l 1 -" :w. IKING G. - -- REED, \::;;;__.....-........~---- ___ ' .I. . HIGGINBOTHAM. . -- ~--"".--·- - ~.~~ during th6 Su1i1me~1· months.=· C. ToD':!. .loh11's Bot \.it· · Fut-Prize ,. . Dru1n.. · : I : t.rioUte more hCat, o.c oupy less i·oom. and answer - all purpose better than an'"· oth"e~. l3y !bi use a house on,n be mJlch better hea.. ed Y<th one 8tove tho.n \1,nder Lhe Old . system~. \Vit}i L\vo oi: three , sto'\:oo....:...thuli! . i:11ore than. µay1ng__ ·o-: l"u::elf in one . _ sea.Sun by a Sn;ving of wood. All wno rave.tried . -~ them \VOuld :ii.ot Qe · w ftho eih :._Q: mar Y times '""".-' their cost. 'l'he undcrs h~ " ileeured the · ~ -!t-ight-:tor:Bowmanville, _ :)ll., Cartwright, 'Cla.rke~ &.nd Mauvere,~ and 1-eparcd to flll all 0111.ers On the-Sliorte!it notice. A full asoortmemt o'f Cook, Pai:lot' und Box St.oYes~ constantly on hand. .. ·16-18 F. T. HOS. H IN. -~~ T-H-E~L-O_C _ K-MAN · FORIDN"G the'inhabita.ntis ofDowmanville I anr.~ . su_!'roU.n4fing eoipitl'Y tbat he has ope-ued ! out a New Tin bhop in tho s tore lately oeeupied l br Juhn Allen, co:.. ~1er of :·11As .. Z.HJCH P LEASURE IN IN- . SOLE Ao J!JNT "\VEDDI.l'ffl- CAKES n1a<le to order. , ' --~~-."- AND DIVISION STREETS E. · , · mHr.s rs THE MOST EFFICIENT I . ··J.. .and. -economtool Drum is _µse, ard vfill d.ia~ . ; How~anvllio, 'lvhere he '\rill keep ocnsto.ntlr on i hand a '\V-ell selected aLock of stoves, Japanned, pressed and plain Tiu ware, 'IVhich he \Vill sell NEw ' .A. R.. ~ S" :3HuTTLE - OR L(}cK-STITCH ~- FBESH-BA. .KED 1J.ISCT! I1.' aind_ a .i 6od -ass--or~nlent of ilillll'llEA.L:C:.. ' ' " .G.HE.A.P .A.S THE CHEAP EST." Specia(~tt~Iltion;'pcrid to EAVETROUGHING AND JOBBING IFO.R SE"V'I.NG MAO:E-IINES, FAlVIIl,Y USE AND LIGIIT MANUFACTURING oAJicm·, ,. on hnri.<l at C,'foD' ~ . « ~o. Or;derf':I from tho country .pro1nptly atten ded - ·. . ·. -, SEWING .MAC HINE IS KOW '!'HE attained thro_ugh itaJnhercnt good qualities. 'l'hese ·qualities are sirnplioity, durability, ~le. ga.nce, adaptabi1ity, besides a score more of equal 1mporta.noe.. For full·pci:rticular!J address t<? the ~n.ufaoturers, T LEADING MACHINE IN THE DOMINION- OF 0.A.N.ADA. HIS PROUD POSITION IT HAS, '\V"ool-pickings, Horsehair. t:JI" Great in_ducements held out to wdlers. N. B.- Farmers wanting Milk PailS Or Pa.ns w<r.~td do '\Veil Lo·call and·examine illy stock fore purchasing elscwlterc. A share ot Pu.bile respectfully solicited. ,. , W.Q_REED- . ·nowmanVillc, March Sth.1871. 32·tf. ur HJ<;hest Price pa I ,...-~ ' for llide~. ShcepskJu Copper, ] eathers and 1- be- 1·-, ..~ Sewing Machine TOOK THE FIRn' PRIZE I I j ProcJ!ahn nae 'Glad 'l'idiD5"8! Mtdfeinc .. Scwinl&' lllachine ChaiJenge. 'VILSON, BOWMAN, & Co., ->: - Hamlltou, Ontario. R. 8" H. O'HARA.I .Agein ts for Durhilll and Victoria I". ---~----------..--"-- A CAUTION. Unp~cipled persons · ,.,.ho, '\vhen they cannot palm off a worthless Sawin~ Machine. ~n pel'~ons acquainted )Yith the merits or the different Ma.chines, represent the.niselves a.s a.gents for the celebrated - I~ockman e.ndr Gsborn Ma, chines-; and otl'er tt? grant wtwrailtsforthe same, With intent to deceive. "\Ve being _ the only au~ thorized agents for West -DuTham, Bro the . only J>ersons who can grant; w_arraJ.lts thereon ; and a.IIY perso~s not employed by us, rep~i.enting themselves ns a.gents, 9,l' 01fering - t9 grant war-. I 1 I moilthS in tbe United States selling the· most celebrated l\.1achi.nes, ranging ii;i price froin $65 to $.1.50, I am SJ.tistied "nat in r ange and qua.ll.:y cf W<'rk the "Lockman " is not surpassed by . !'.l.:V o~ them; and ! ·hereby repeat my challenge ?, ast year,_ to run it against any machine of its 1 .o· P""-Ce in Ontario. I SAMUEL SMALL. "Lock'.llan " for R . &. H. O'HARA. BowrnanviJle. July 2otb lS7l. 52·tr, · 0 A . '--. FTER BEING ENGAGED FOUR Ron1ed.y 'a nd Pills. of the Eminent !tulf411 Ma1~, Docto1: Lewis Jr1-ltepbue fJf the Great '£ribe of Shoshonees, BrltJsh' COtui:nbia I.if, '\"f"Orkln.1g the m.;i~ nuli·veloua < &ud astonlsl~lug. Cure~ the \ Vo, d d eve1· hhtrd O f. ',,.Never W. th& a.nn~,ls of Canadian l\'Iec.lico?il. " History. Wt-it lfUC!t succe1s attended the iri.trodu QU01~ of any :iaeQj . cine heret<Jfor~. ·. :·, - T HA'.J' THE GREA.T SHOSHONEES Notice. --- -1 W H Yi. . T FOU~"".:-i t.>.e ·rr.: '~'1 in it"! constructio_ n 'd1rt 5s .':o. other M:a.Chines. tLerefore only O~-r:E,FQU:RTH as :Jab·e -.. o b!: m.' o ··~':c.Je1·. I t is :purable :i;,1 c'~; :p:i.rts, ond eve:-.:y motjoD:. po~ . ~Ye. lthO.s the un· ! Di' ~o:·· · r...~o a-.. fe<~(· -·- The best iq, 1~se r~~ct wi- 1 Smo.n.·weed, bandeli'Jn,,llyoseyauttIB bompoUIJJ . PE1 ~s from t~e "'j"i).es.;.1iv~ · u t,o·~he cc~.·"'lest of work Tii ~bot'1- c _· <>::·.e of e·'.. bc~· TEXSION or E1'J'(L 'CH. h : m11.kes ., ·~e. (.i.entti)le ~Fl.C-TTLE o:r LOUK Nxtract of Colocynth, Jalap, Socoii-t-ne A loos S7'I1'0f _ , a·; _ . .e o ho ..:.J. f>, so famous f'?" _ · ·_ , ~ Stre~th, Bea'Uiy oi· Du·1'"<t.eU.f"'y and WILL NOT ~IP. C;apsicun10 & c., &i:.,) ·v.;hich ente.c iutothj ~ompa: It:runa f"_· ;,iitP"I" r ·~ u~e~ a s:10rt Straight ~~et· · e, which i.~ eas1ly ~djusterl in '~o pJa,,ce and not near so a1tiou of the combined ·m edicine: a re'suclt 1tnd.t10 liable tob:·co.k. J... ~s ll'ghly ornan1ented, e1:t.U&l '1,;0 any of the high price ~fachiiles ; It willll'UI~GE, · h&r-monioU.eily elassiftcd und compounded, th~t jt is made the most se~rchlng curative in the kno.,..'ll world, and cannot help- but a.ct on the system in a Yery~ sa~isfactory 'and desirable man· ner. No n1atter what your ailment· ina.y be OJ' QUILT, BRAID or anything. that any other Machine will do. · of how long standing, ~t \vill .. ftnd the _ s pot 'and astonish you by the ra-pid nuu1ner tit '\'hlch you rr rs JUST THE MACHINE Fori ue restored to perfect hea.l th ancl full vigor. 'J'hia .A.fedicine i& pleasant and safe to take aud ia \Varrauted, and 1na.y positivCly be relied Upo» . TAILORS, AND FARMERS. to make a permanent cure or a11 disca.sea of tbt!I Throat, Lw,igs, Liver{ Kidn8yt:i D1g"stive0 ·~ ~There are many points of excellence about the .Machine, Superior &c., &c., as '\Yell as Se~Qfula, the various1' skt..D to others,·which we cannot eJWlain here, but will be p_leasod to forwaril CiNulars and l\!!ip,mple$ of Diseases, Humors, a.nd all diseases arising troDJ Impurity of the Blood, ~cepting the 'l'hird Stage work everywhere on s,pplica.t iou. DISCOUNT TO CLERGYMEN. of Co~sun1vtion: l':~ u1·~her information, with :tnU du·ectrnns forus1ngthe G1-eatShoshonees Rem~ . · .$!F" MAC~INE.S FUL1'.Y W .ARI!ANTED. ..__ _ . and PlllB.: and containing testimoniaJs ~d CortJ· ~ .AGENT wanted m Bowrnanv1lle, and m every other Town where. ftcates OI Cures, can be obtained by se6uring the 'l'rea.t.ise, the Hand~hook, or the. Alma.rac a.Ud we not got one al.t·ea.dy established. r .tu.·ger ind~ments thg,n-nny othex comw~Y· Circulars ft:om any' respeC:.table .Prugglst ju the> . HE MO"lT l:FMPLE ~IA CHINE IN THE . MARKET-OKLY A.BOllT ONE ~I~1PI.Y lie.cause the nllllle'rou.s \""t1:lualJle a otn1 medicinal vea-ctable.!nPedierit2, (sorne of w h.lct: WE _ will mentlo~ 1 such u.s the · Exr.mots · of Wile' Cherry Bark .t"odophyllum, Juniper .QuasaJ.a . · W E LEARN THAT THERE ARE l THE 11-IBMBERSO}' VOLUNTEER I l\Hlltia and others 'ivho have been in the .bab,it of practiclng with ball ca1'trldge1 on the fiat, . will please beEJ,r · in mind tha·., rrom the r" present tln1e, ~y consent, hithert9 gh·eu by- me. ls ab~olutely Vl-ithdrawn; nnd any one tow1d wilfully continuing Hltle practice after this notice must be dealt ~ith as the law directs. }'. RA YNES. ·.Jlo_ wmanville, May 10, 1871. ' ·41-tf. rents are il;c.posters, ',and liable to be pros eCl, 1.ted for frattd. 11\lle p~bllo are hereby cautioned against such. _ ,, ., ·· R .. &. It. O'HARA. Bo;o;manvill~. Corn for Sale, ,Whole or Cracked·! i 16-39-tf· . - - ------- -- ----Wanted. · t~ J ·t ;ne 22nd, 1871. 47-3-m John .Mcnou&"al1. --- ---- - - - -- ------ - --- ~- Otbu.wa: _ ·_L my Mtll's in. Podonk. mE.AMS TO DRAw Lc:;mER FROM .=.. ~ = ... ~ ·· · held $.t, ov~r the ruOst ,nmowued Machhicr;; in the world, an;on" whieh · were th-& celebrated Howe·, 'Vheeler c£- .c )V~c:;.n, t;bc. Thi! la onlt" a C'-Qllft.."lll.atiou of the verdict previously render.~d by . the Great Canadian PubU.o; and proves c-ouclLIBlvelytl~e &UPEl'.IOHI'l'Y OJf, THE HEM, FELL, TUCK, CORD, BIND, FRILL, GATHER, "LOCKMAN" OVER A ~L 01'1Ui:RS .. t&"R. & U. O'HARA, Whole9ale and Rein!! ' Agents; · A.lso, a.gents Cor Guelph Se\ving l\fa PRIVATE FAMILIES, MILLINERS, DRESS-MAKERS, Bowman ville a.od . Brick Cottag-e · li,~o.r further partlcuULrs enquire at mill. ~. A. B. CAM:PB~LL· . · · Boivi:un.vUI·. ~ray lttd, m~.. !Iii-ti'. F OR S_treet. Forpi\rt\'la:Pp)y_. to ' Ill-~. W. PRt:i\VER. _ SALE, ON W ELLiNGTON . I I · ~ )')'-"'.-r· __ .. · chine Co'., Grover & Baker , Stllge1·, Howe and Williams' Ma.chihes : "\Ve hi\rC also on hand 6 a fullotock of tho LITTLE WANZER Machin··· Perso.ns not oaliB!lcd with Jlfoohlne can ex· change fcr_ a.nt othet inaide-of thirty ·days. - Ee· '··· R · ~ AH . o·u · ,·. ' h 0 " " mew..,..,,.. o1:d\l.'A - ~ ~ ~ ~ ....r.:'WL"XS .,....,... on .· ._ . ..:.. , - .. i , .No. 7 Ross·in Hw..s~ Block, Toronto, ()-nt. J. c. TO. Agent. ' . DD, Goner.a - Dorninion-free. 16-41 P·riee of R6med11-i·n, large,, PiP..t Bl>ttles a}.fJPO"Bo3'2.5Ci<Jn:ts-, ~~·· · _ l,M. """· . '

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