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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1871, p. 1

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t[ = WM. you1 own 11.ppreciatiou of tosbmony, and ask you, ha, ing these facts in ev1aence rn pilnted and publiBllcd / and upon the dispo·1t1011 oI an ~ye and Evc1·y "l'ilm.·s(lay llJl.m·ning-, ea1 '\1tness, whose veracity, through a by tho Propr1etor long life, ha. never 01100 been compromLSed ur questioned, ha;\~ you, or hare H. OLI].!I:IE. you not, in the foregoing story, a v; ell o.u at tlH) thont1cated ghost story1 OlFFUJJE--Po~t omce Block, I Before you answer the above question ONT I KlNG STRRE'r EO" MANVILl,E howev·er, it may be oonven1e11t to let you I know ce1 tam oth01 facts which were cleru I~~~~~"-'=""""'!".'"""'!".~'"""'!".~~~'"""'!".'"""'!".'"""'!".'"""'!".'"""'!".'"""'!".'"""'!".'"""'!".'"""'!".~'"""'!".'"""'!".'"""'!".'"""'!".~'"""'!".~'"""'!".'"""'!".'"""'!".~~~~~~""='"""'!".~~~~~~~~~~~'"""'!".~~~~'"""'!".~~~.....:......_..,.._~ly established upon the mquest that WM 1 1 (![anahian £)fit1es1nttn I I VOI..i. XVII. ~ BOWMANVrLLE, ON'l\, THlJRSDAY, SEPTEMBFJR 28, 1871. --,---- · NO. 9. :r:O~~~~~~~ ~e !::::, t:: ~~!y 0.:~~ ' ·:::t' By tlns ti n1e I wa~ again Heated Ill rny I must hive lain Ill tlns stato for a. Ioug 'eh1ele 1 and son1e six 01 eight .r.111 iutes' tnne for vthen I brn.;ainc conscious the fire l --... rv quick dr1v1ng whirled us 1nto the old fa.ah waf! ahnost erlu11..:b For hours that / GONE WITH A HANDSOMER MAN A NIGHT !N THE BELL INN wtiod street, and brougl1t the chatse to " seemed mte.-nnnablc I lay setucely dimng $0 50 THE NEWER'r A.ND ~'OST FASHIONABLE SPRING GOODS .JUST O13 1....: J. BY ,, ILL M 0 \.rlLTO".I> / About fou1 a.nd tlurty years ago I was fu ll s t op befo re tlie open d QOI anll " ell to bran.the, and afraul to get u p lest I ~~ ~RRIVED at I travellmg th1ough upon a ~ght~d hall! of the Bell Inn To me there shoulrl encountm the lndeons apparatiun, ---.. TOJ~ m1ssien winch 'leeded d1spat" I had, as a ways >ee,n an Mr of mde·cripable for au~ht I knoiv hukmy close beside 11e ~ LL~ j 1, c "or... cd iu tho fie.ii nll dr.:; i plowin the m f.!tet, 111 lUy charge, $0Jlle papers "Inch ul1eEn and comfort ahullt ~ subst.antml I lay, therefore, 1 1 anag~nj of expectation tunate lunatic: '\\ho had, upon the da.1 but ston~ stieek" weie required for the legal preli nuna.ries country hostelrie, ospec1a1ly t>ihen one ar such i1S I will not attempt to clescnbe, one precedmg n1ade lus escapo rro1n tho j I' o scolded my till I rn l oa.-rse Ive tr.a.mpd to a marrutge W'hich wa.s abAul to t&k nves, n.M I did, upon a keen wiijj;er s night, awaituie! the n.ppeara.ncu of the daylight neighbortng parish workhouse, where he ti 1 !m~krr:;:;aro't"iook ' e ,.,tii an nppe t ite as·} d some tinng Iiadbeon f OI many years confined R "" " / pla.ce n 1 f il f d t iarp, a.n Gradmilly it came, a.nd mth itohecheer 0 I ~c choked a dozen"" (sos nt)t to tt' Jane b l\ ani Y consi arP. ton upon f th t f i t. d t t haJ.lucina.t1on \l;RS a att"aDge but not by any fibe) tne J>dera of that connfry o a senso o o.c ven ure. an exci emen ful and roassurmg sounds of life and oc 'Vllan tho :plo'\ :pint etrucx: a :stone e.nCI. the The season tras wtntsr~ but tho tH~ather wluch before~the days of down trams and cupn.t1on .At lengt h I mustered courage an uuprecede'l1ted one He fancied h:i.ndles pilllched my rJbo dehghtful- th&t,. to ·&y, clo:>r &lid ftosty, t10kcta, alway·, 1U a. gr··ter Ot less degree, to reach tllC bell rope, and lumng 1'1mg that he died, and WM condemned, and, ... Ive put my team in the b·rn, ·ml rubbetl theu and, even without folla.go the country gave a zest to t~a' elhng Greetod ~ ith lustily, I plunged ngam 1Dto bed these idon.s alternately predomm&tOO., swcatycoa.t.a , tllrough wluch I po!ted WAB beautiful _ the warmest of 'velcomee for which mos, ' ' D.raw tne wuidow curtains-open the someti1nes spoke of hnnself as an "evil lfi,t"' Plea~e c~ll And ez:s.m1n& G-ooda and P i1 (C'3 1hi Great B~tf lt r I! , A :l le g.1.Y(!J Ive fed cm on a. h c3.p of .Hay-and lmlr a bniJhet ot The eubJect of my Journey wa.s a plea.s&n+ 1 are celebrated, I h a.d soon satisfied shutt~rs " I ex::clatnl ed as the tnan entored sp11:1t," and soJnetimes importuned hill foI 08'lh oots, one I anticipated 3 n rea&b!e vmt ,,._d the importumt10s of" keen appetite, aud an\l, th:se orders executed, "look about keepers to "bury lum," usmg habitually i~I ti':t'~: ;he ""Y lhoy co· mak"1l me like eat l ,. cordial welcome , on~ho weather' and havmg for some hours taken mme ease m the room," ] a<lded, " and sea whether a certam phraoe·, w)uch I had no difficulty dllil7llnc-won t 8a:t t<rn18,4lthat I don t mo.kc I .:H~enory we1e precfsely of tho 'iort to sec a. .comfortable po1 lor befc1re ft. blazing fire, cat or any other arumal has got m " in racogmziug as tunong which ho out a moaL ' ond tho cheerful Mnoc1at10n· with wluch I began to feel ·lecpy and partook myaclf 'rl1e10 was nothmg o' the sort, and. ·~t had add1-essed to me Ho had been I 'I ell s~id ' tho door ts looked' uut hore slieo left my excursion hod been tmdertaken Let to my uo less comfortable bedchamber ~ lBfied that my vmtant ...-as no longer m traced to the neighborhood "here h1J1body l'10 key no one, therefore auggeot that I was preIt is not to be supposed that the adven· the cha,nber, I d1J1mnsed the man, and I was found, and had been seen and rellov' I Under tho"'"" tn a placeknow:n only to her and drnposed for the t f 1 turo of tho ch urch ya1d had boon ooliter huITied through my toilet with broathless ed scarcely half a mile from it, about two me, , recep ion o g 001ny or df b h h c.h h __, 1 1 wonder "hos dyln or dead. ll1 at oho· htlstled horrrnl& >mpr~ss1ons Wben the sun ·et ate rom my reoollect10n y t e ·nppres- prec1p1tat10n hours beforel!Ily vlSlt to t e urc ·yan·' I offpe" me" ""had"' splendid moon, ~t once soft ~nd sed bustlo and good clieer of the ' Bell' Eastonm" from the hnted soene of my The10 were, further, nnmistakeable ovt nut here on the table 1:1 a. note. !lnd probahlJ this 1'rilha.nt and I pleased n.yself with wa.tch- On tha contrary, . . t had occupied :m_q al- te?tor! I A:caped to the parlor, whitlicr I clence of some person having chm bed up TO JVN HALL BUILDINGS, BOW)]'IANYILLE. <ill tell, · mg tne ~lterod, and, if po·stbl<>, more most mce·..antly dnrmg my toh\ary ru.n nstanHy ·=oned the proprietor of "the the trelbs work to my wrndow on the preGra-01~~1~0m;:,::: wit'o haa gone l my wife hos oeautiful oflect.· of the scenery through mat10ns, and as the mght advanced anu Bell m p"opna persma. I suppose I vious mght, the shutter of which had been DEALER IN The letrnr it ··Y· · Good bie. for Im~ going which we were nmoothly rclltng, I w·s to tha stillness of repose and desertion stole looked scared and haggaI<l enough, for left unbarred, and, as the Wllldow might 1>wa:r, put up for the mght at tho htt!G town of over the old mansion, the sens·t10ns with mme host looked upon me mth:in exp!tl8 have been easily opened w1·h a. push, tho DRUG~ }.ff he lived wlth youslxmontbs John, and so far _ _ and on reachmg the hill- me which this trnm of remembrance and spec· sion of surprme and mqui.ry cold which I experienced, as an acoompatruc to-day, with a handsomer which the ' r u1a t1on iva.s accompa111e db any t h ing But I Ivobeen rn going awa} sppro&oh to it is conducted, "Shut the door,, sR.1d J rument o f t h e norturnal vuut, wu ea.sil y Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicmes, Perfume1-y, Brushes, Combs, SMps, Pamts and man tnan you" "bouts short mt!e from its quamt !tttle but purely pleasant It was done accounted for There W8'l " mark of Oils, Pamt Brushea, Ooal Oil, and Coal Oil Lamp·, &c ' &c A hansomcr man than mo' ~Whythataln't mauh street- I dismounted, &nd diroctmg the I felt, I. confess, fidgety ~nd queer-I "I hav,1 had an uneasy mght lil the blood upon the mndow-stool, and "scrape to sa;, postillion to wulk hIO Jaded horses lllsure Jearched the cornem and reces"s of the room you assigned me, sir, I may say upon the knee of the body corresponding 'I hero' bun ·urner men than me go vast here ly up the wmdmg road, I troa on before oddl; shaped aml roomy apartment -I deed, a mmorablo mght," I said with it A multiphctty of other circnmPYYSICIAl\ "S PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY C011POONDED .um .!.LL ORDERS e>ery<lay rum m the pleasant moonhght, ancl shn·p, turned the face of the lookmg goo'· to the "Aray," resumed I, mterruptmg h13 stances, nnJ. the positive asserllon of the CORRECTLY ANSWEltED 'fb.ercs Lan soniermen t han me-- I ain't of the "" I fi ban some kind, bracmg air .A httle by-path Jed dir·ctly wall- 1 po k e d tie re >nto "roanng blaze apologetic exp1ess1011a of surprise, "has c1iamb er-matd thnt th e wm d ow I' '--u=n Dut a JoviJ.1 er man tliau r v: a.'i Igu 888 jj}l 0 llnever up the steep a.cchvity, while the ca.triage - I lookod belund the wtndo\"'f cu.rlams, any person but myself ever compla.tned o:f opened, and but imperfectly cloood, / find more grt\duslly ai;i.cending by a wide sweop with tt. vague anxiety, to assure myself - of being dL.'iturbed in that roonl 11 1 can1e 1n 8upport of tho conc1US1on, which v ri the Co-unl'f JI u"!U jnid O'lH l::J(.{,oef:, of Mtdi~n,.e com I C1u se her! curso h<!r t I flay, and gh 6 m; cui-sca - th s little path, leading th.rough fields that nothing could be lu1kn1g the1 e The ' [\'ever,,, J10 assurod me was to my mind, satisfactorily settled by "m,;s I and hodgerow·, I followed, mt·ndmg to shutter was 1 httrn open, and the >vied I Jud suspected the ghastly old practi- the conclllTent evidenc>e of the medical May the wordo oflove Ive spo.. e be ohnngc<l to " f l l h d h f d h ili th th 1 - - - - - - - ----~-- .......________ fJco1p1011 stn1gs I r a-nticipate the arrival of my conve.yance .it to\vor o tie 1ttlo chu1c 'an t e tu te cal Joke, so olten played off by landlords n1en, tot co cct at e uu ia.ppy man Oh aho filled my h"'art with JOY .sho emptied my t1ie sum nut o1 the lull tops. of the trees thn.t su1 rounded 1t, were in .story books, and I fa.ncred I xnight have could not 118;\ e boon me.ny hours dead ltea.rturdClbt I had uot prooeeded ·ery far whon 1 v1S1ble over the slope of the mtervenrng been dehborately exposed to the chances when the body was found l Aud t~~: ~"'~1~o~eo~;~tclt of a. pen eho lets my found m~ s~lf close to ti> pretty old "church hill I hastily uhut out the unwelco1ne of a " hauntod cha1nbor ' But thero wns Takon m the nta.sR, the ev1denco ron C::. I whoa:o ivied tower and countle-ss diamond obJoct, n.nd in a. inoo<l. of mllld, I r.:lust no nct1na 1n the frank look and hono::,t de '1nced mo, ru: d though I might still hain 0 "'-' CurBot·ue lwr curse her 1 sin I Rh..,. , oomo tinte window panes, we:i."e ' ghtt.errng j f f bl h f l l t th e p1oter11at lUn.l thMry, w Ju ch, 1 c ung o tl e day, 111 the inoon* co11 eh~, avo1a e enoug to any rc.1i ~my u1al of mine host 1 J She11 sometune learn thttt hat~ 18 a ga.n overtop nerves 1n1ght p ease to play me, I hur11ed "It is a ~.ery straugo t1un 6 ~ 5 aid I ut tho op1nio1 1 of aon10 peraons, tho facts 1 a that ! beams-n. high, irregnla.r hedge I d two csn·play pod by tsll and ancient tree· :nolosed it, through my dmpoS1tions for the mght, hes1tatmg, oi1d ' I do not aee why I of the case m1gl.t still have austomed, I ! .A.n ~~: !:~0~~1'!1,e dtE'!i7- ane.1 gI'lf>"iC c1 er and row s of funeral yews sl:ic,ved bl!tek hun1m1ng a g:ty arr a.11 the tune, to 1e asshould not tell you whn.t has occ11.i-t'ed cand1dl~ decided with tho ~eight of ev1 ..e...nd I'll plow ho:i: gl'ln e Wlth Md seed it I and u1our11ful a1uong thewana11a:'(' of h ead- sure lny~elf, a.nd plunged into bed uxt1n- And ns I could swou.r, 1! uecessniry, to the deuce, gavo up t he ghoat~ aud ::t.-OCepted down with ooorn' 1 s!-0'>0· lhat koi + watch over th"· '1llage gm·hl!'s tho canale, nnd -sh~ll I noknow- perfect reality of the ent,re scone, it ho the naturnl, hut still somo what hornblo As snre a.a the world goc'i on thcro couu~ a do?.d I was so &truck with the glin1pise I ledg:o the \V')altnesa ~ no:1rlJi hury11g FlY hove5 you, I th111k, to ,gift tu.e lna.tter en.Io j explanation of tho occun:e11ct) Fo1 th.i8 time when oho I had 0 ,ught cf the old church ·ard that I head undor the b!ankm· fully Fm mysolf, I can not ontertam a I candoI I take credit to myaolf I might W'!liread th· de.'illi;h !tear. or thnt I c-0u1'1 not fo-b·a1 ~o t thj l t'11 t I l laJ awake oom9 time, as men do under doubt a· to the naturn of tho truly tern- / stopped short at the d10covory of tho n IOV. U than mo I. LU un ing e l 0 9 I e H ) ,;I .. ' V ·' And there 11 be n time wheu ho will flnd n~ thn.t oornm<\1 dect it~ no tlcene .could be im . . such cuc1.unst~uces, but at. length ftl.t1&,rue ble vunt.n.hou to ivluch I have boon :sub corpse, but I am no friend to l!lpurto'tl.11 FarewcU,'licGcc & R!~tled;-e, others"° \ """'"ed moro still and oohtar Not " ovorc~mo me, &nd I foll mto a profo1,nd Jected, and, wore rm ;our position, I gosple,' let O' t faith, wh~tcver 1t JO, b-0 ARRISTER", Ai""OR"."EYS, S'OLITbot olie tl>at Li fa'·o ~ i"i """ mun co,n be the } bt t y fleB" From tlns re110R· I was, hu,"ever, h Id t f t bl h t t fou'lded m hon0lJt fact F<>r my part, 1 " _, ·' 01r EVERY DERCRP'T:ON, WHICH HE \'TILL SELL aamo~1th\wo 1"U'UMl"' a,1on wa· n~-e\ery sigh · sou l"ll·ermyesa is nen a once CITOR!:i, and Not.arv Public I and f!ouud of liio ~s-s 16,e101,_tJy '.eniot·', aroused nt the ntttnner 1 a111 "tt.bout to de to some other house as well Bllltcd to the steadfastly helie'\ie lll gho~fa·, aud h&n J E F Altl')WEL,..._L L B R ],fc(,~E B A And when he fu' ~ b e l10"'} ' J4.!\:IES ~UTLEDGE, B A eyes gro~ grO?ri11 11a.16 Ml d whou her a:ud thus old church, Wlth its silont con~ scr1ho A very cons1derable intervn.1 m 1mt pu11)0>le and freo fron1 th3 dronrlfn1 lrn. / d ozen.s o f stor1es t-0 aupport t 1 ll'tt St~{.:"~.~.;;;~'d".:or~:::.t ~£0!1i:'Fo:t ~c~,00~; An<\ when he. tire;! of h"1" Md ·ho i· tired of gregation of the dead marahakd under llli hav. mten-ened There was " cold mr 111 bihties of tins ' but this lB not among them Should l ·t.alrs h rn ,,.o,11· scemod to h"' d d t 8 the room vmy uuhke the comfortable atfprnceOded to detlLil the part.culars of ever come, therefme, to tell :you one, pray b h h Sh 0 ll d0 h 01; h ' 'e sprea roun i d l tl s ~ought lo Moo dono < cool cirel· of ·ti'lnc· w d d rt h , 1 mosphera m which I had · COlll"Osed mv. the occurrence of the past mght to "luoh romom er t nt you avo to ea vrt 1 ' " ~mar(l, lycountthaoost v ~ .t ... s:nn 6$e lOllt n. . . 'Peas~ !;' ' \._/BARRIRTER AND ATTORNEY-A'X .,._ · self to sleep Tho flro, though much low ho hstel'ed w1tl1 nearly "' much honor as j caudid nan Ator 1.And then she'll see thl~gs cloar o.n<l know who, ed, rhlle it thrilled 1110 LA:'\V Solicitor in Oha.ncery and Inoolvency-, / she haa lo:ot l'.~ o sound W!.S ni;re audtble but the soft. er tnan when I gone to bad, "-a.8 i;till I recited them with l ------...--.......... - - - - Con"te,s..ucer..; Notru""l Sollcito<r fer the Ontario C.l..LL EJ..HLY .A...."D YOt: WILL 'BE et . . RE T O DE S'U..Pl"Lnm "" .. ~ .i.. 11 .l}!er\'l'lt'd tom0 1 Bank &c Port Hope.._ Ont .Antl thoughta that are now aaJ:erp ,...ill ftl\KO np l ened n 1 Sh of wa.tcrti, and that llW\iat note emrtt1ng :fiaiP. 5 enough -to thro\v 1~ l11cker u ha repea.ted ...:\ vet:oran 1vas relating h1s explo1te W ot Money to Loan La.nus for SaJ.:_ _ I In hcrmuld, ot hor::1e a.nd sa.fet)', the distant baying of ing hght over t ho oh:tmbcr My curtruns me, 'vhy that's do1m there in L- -r t11e crowd of boys, nnd n1ent1oned havmg boots Robert ,, rntoun·, ll!!i'!i.. Ill. iGH.lE!illT PR.JfCE P A.ll"D FOR l'J.tA W Fl!R~. ~ And ~1::'1 ;:f, monrn and er; for wli·telioha5!&ft tho watch dog, now and then broken by "ore, bowover, closely d1ar.n, a1·cl I co· ld church y&rd you cnn s~o from tho window m !i\e engagemonfa "That's nothing," EGISTRAR, WEST DUR II AM MAlUG:JS MAYER And may ho oue"tl som·tlme· long for ""~for the ·harper rattle of tho e&rnago·whecls not ""e hoyond tho n.i.,-ow tent · U whi"h of the room you slept m ' broke m a little fellow , "my S!Btcr Ag Issuer of 1\!ar"'iage Lic"'ertae8 Bains er a ng j mo- out no ' upon the drv l oa.d But whll& I looked I Ly ' 1 Let 11s go tlun a u1stanth:," I exolann no's l)cen ongaged oleven fames " Attorney at Lav· and 8ohc1t-01 ln Chru:cer v r bl " " Money loaned on Reul Estate Ol!lcB on Kmg vo o+too hor 0 tt or my heart a:ud I wiil not upon the s&d and .!tOlon1n sceno before me There. hr.,d boen as I av1n.ku:rtod a. c1 n1k- ed, w1tl 1 an a.lmo.rst f ei;-er sh anxiety to ns Steet Bowmani;1Ile ha.,e1tso ' d A VERY agreeable girl, about twenty, -~-thEse sounds were 1nte... rupted by one- n1g P.mong the .fire irons, as if a. pals1e cerbu l whether we i;:honld dLScovcr m the- havJng dm1ng a. countcy viint run out of 11 1 ... ~ Ar1 1 ~ ·..;.z- - h .. ""a~..,r:ui.i, I th h h d t orowaa semethin' which startled and mdeed for a moment ha,1d Wl!S str1vmg to n.rrang& the firo, and place md1cated anythi,1g corroborat1ve of ARRISTER AKD ATTORNEY-AT oro m · · a , , d powder to wh1tonher faoo, has tned pow · / Tha t fast cnt:d a man to hei and wasn't entl.l"e:, froze me with horror The Bound was a this rather unaccountable norne cont1nue the auth,,,.nticrty of my VlBlOll deied sugar =th the be·"t ~·ul'· , ·'-· LAW Office King Stxeet Bovrmnnv11le b ., . . ~ ~pro i.o nuu Agentnt Bowmanvnie for the Freehold Billldln cry, or tatl1er a howl of despa1rnvr terror ' for soma seconds after I had ecarni comH lVell, I shan't eay no, n said h a, oh ----1 a_ ·r d A d bad h 1 b says it ta.·teo mce when ·he ts Jn"'""' IQUC1ety .1Y onev to 1en on fa.rm sec·1rltJ n a e o~ed mo H- little I tblhk, although it I such as I have neve,. hea.rd befc>ie nor since pletely awake Ylously bracing himself £01 an effort of 1 ~A it cage'" m vogue. ItlB "'- t, J Ohm! If, !H!utche:.iou, · i-, · f~""""l -.- -Ci.. Bu· I dldntla·t, mustu t think of th"'e thlng.-l'"<"e buned uttered by human voice It broke from Un<ler the impression that I was sub courage, "but we'll take Faukes, and -I!. NEW , om BARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLIOI ....!.... '-" ,....,A ':J themm the pnst. the 1tillneas of the church-yard, but I saw Ject to accidental intrusion, I called out, James the helper, with us, aud please, :nnde of wood, such as rustic cha1111 lil oF'i~c~ ~Fir~0J~~ fa~f~fPost Office up stairs 111 "a.kc mr hard worµa back nor make a bad no figure from which it proceeded-though first in a gentl e and afterwa_~.s u.1 a. :1harp- stt, you)ll not mention the c rcu1n.'i1ta.nCe pruks, and Lq RO 1ngoruou.sly covered mth GREA'I.' BARGA.INS ARE NOW GIVEN AT THE matterworse this CU'cumstance, mdeed, ivas sc~rcely e1 tone. as has oocurred to either on 'em" leaves a.nd flowers growmg m the earth at 1 t'. G. &I.I ::inuing, j She1l have trou1>le enou,..h-ohe·l not have my wonderful, as the broken ground the "Wno'· there I" I gave !nm the assurance he aaked for, the bottom as to wholly hide the wood R OVINCIA.L LA.ND Sl:R\ EYOR I cm~o, t t 11 d d b ' ' th e :sccond summons tlLe - aound 1;ea£'" and in a f ew m1nntoa our Iitt1a -part y were and W'"O Tl1e bird· Cinl En~ill:C-r and L!1nd Agent Office and ! I But Ill 11, ca Jife so squam- o.ntl I well kno-..v that reas, a 'Vee .is,an tom stones afforded .dt .... ~ seem within n ltttlo Iesidenoe Lot 13 3rd con Dar~1ngton .All orders J ..a.. I en 1_ -" a.bw1da.nt cover. for any person who might ~d, and I heard instead the t read of naked 1n full march upon the po1ut of intereat bowe1 of natural :flowers left at the office Tb nt 8h e u1'1tD.)'8 \Yhl BOIT)"bethot she went with .llli.V6 ,__ sought concealment ly a~tended to of 1-tobert Armour ~sq pron1pt 40 Tlns cry of feet, RS 1t seemed to me, upon the fi oor, There had been an intense black irost ' h A LAltoE paper mill is a.bout to ~-~ "" erectt ~t hnn Mom""r man unspeakablo agony was l!Ucceeded by a p~ctn!l to and fro, between the hearth nnd o.nd the fTT'Ound, rev crberatmg to our tread '.i 'I Cl · 8 · I , ~ed at Rice Lake by a company of AmenlOllil!:Ui U'ilil .1.e, I Ah, here ts her kildten ut eso' It mokea my poo. silence, and, J confess, my heart throbbed the bed m which I Jay A ·uperntitwus \"1th the hollow sound of a vault, om1tterl ING STltEE1' BO\'\ l\'1A NVJI_;[ E, I eyes blur t ngel h h l d t 1 cl I ld ' b t t l th I · ti t d d ""n cap1tahsta Tho pnnc1plo matertal to A gent fo"' the fo 1owlug B:r1hsh. and Cnna l ..· I It see1ns, when I look at that as lf t wn..<; hol{Un s la. y, w tint o same voice tut1cu ate error w 11 l con no., corr1 a ' s o e e on y nou1e ta accompante our rapt be used in the manufacture of the dian Inenrance Con1panies: '.\:fz hov-al L1' er j her 111 tho tone of agony over me, w1th an eilor1.o I repeated my advance I and. my ho,,t were too 1nuch \.. . pool and Lond0·1 Ilnt 18 h Ainerica and Piovin 'i'flll bo 1ice stra;~ 1 tn tho WOl'n.tng and cial Ar;;ent for Royal Mail Line of Stea.n).ers and Ana_ here are her "eek-Oav shof'-..a antl there IB "'Vhy will yon trouble the dead 1 'Vho queshon, and drawinJ ruy.!rnlf up:nght in" pre occupied for conve1 sat1on, and our at 8 11 '-" ht fb ·.. d C , U11 it d her "c·ck ·'-·y h· t d d h t d gathering of which l 0 men wi "" con 0 .S' reig mP. oa""z a.n oroner i.or o ~ can toi ment us before the time 1 I ,~ 111 the be , expecte my a.nawer w1t as range ten ants ma1nta1nod a respectful s1loncc stantly om ployed Co1mt1es of No11Jnunnerla.nd and \!I An(l yonc1c1 her wcddiog go-wn-I lvonder sh e ·~ - - - - - - - - - ----- I did.n t tak~ that eome t· Jon ln my flcsll, thourrh after 1ny aort of trep1dat1on It in tern a and A few 1n111ntes brought us to the low, gray R .. U:. '.i!'t11·ne1·, I ._, A roon toper, as a. la9t resort for 1noro "'"'ER nc ()UI·D B"'.G '[O 1 TV1 as onlythis mornln~ ah e came 'nd called mo j okm wcrms destrov tlm bod;r-ancl JOU accompamed mth accco1~r1es which I shall walls and bleak hedge1owa that smround \_UC TIO i H " , I· ~ · / h II kt f f d h tt ll 1 1 l ll t l rlnnk, t<iok Ins Bible to pawn for liquor, J: inform the inh \.b1tanLs of Do'i\n1anv1lle aud I nn?J fully Jnstifisd the or1g1nal ideti, tha.t at the ' Corner Sto.. e you could 1'.!et her dearest dear l!i a iipea o i 1e ace to face " not soon orget e t o pre yo c . ., ituc 1, anc .t 1 s lne , b th at h e is nov.: prepar o Tlm ri: trange addrcsis wa.g followed b"l" 'Tl1e very san1c toner. ,;; h luh ,:iatl so anc1 but the Jandlncly refnsed to take it t a.'"1ners of '" ~fest 1 ur am A.nd srud I wa 9 1nakin for her a rcguin.rpa.radise 1n1' ::i.n 1 p1cturesqu0 n1c1nona1s ed to attend to any sales that mav be entrusted h " "Vlell," sa1d he, if she wont take my o hun Charges mode-ale 10-tf 1 L7' ~r ore, another cry of despair, "luc't died away staitle<l me m tho church yard tne "' on' ili·n)It's tomb he, there, I thmk, ..v 0 Go~:J;r Jon want a. man to aensl'l tho PaJns of :is suddenly as it was ra1s'Jrl rng before, the very sounds wluch I iw.d sir, , he s;aid, to a corner of th e worcl or God's word, it's time to give it §, Chestt"l"ticld, I Before iou pitch him in 1u·tkee,, him m he·<on I DO\ e1 oould toll why I wa· no+ more he~rd then ancl there, wore now filltng my eh'lrch yard, m which piles of rubbish up And he went and signed tho pledge h k b l I U OT IO NEER FOR BOWMANcl h k and kept it fa1thfully VIL.LE and Dn.1lin~o H.cs1dcnce Qneen ,a spel1 01Tor atr1cksn than I really was by this ears, and spo en in .1.hfi cham er w lcro 'i'.1the"o( v. oeds, and b:ra.mble,:, 'Were t ic ~~d~~at~i:der:)pnn,.,,tua yatteudedto Ch~~ea I ' 1 Goodbye' l"l\Bh "iad ... o~erodustwo mysterious, and, all things con~1dered , lay ly accumulated under the solontn tlto1gh \VHY flbould Eve havecontnde .. ed ~ npnrt 1 ·vel'i ternble mto pell·t10n It was not "Why mil yo·1 tiouble the deo.d 1 Vdw impeI!oc< sholt<ir of the wmt1y tree5 "'very good husband l Bocauao ho nOV<ll 1 'J'homas Sto.athouse. l Youv1::·:.~rnhipnorhere,-10uve cruso d a until the s1le1we had agam returned, &nd can toirnant us befor" tho 11 will Ro exo11angcd somo sentences 1'tth our spoiled her curtams and cP.rpets b~ amok AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER AND j I1l worshlp no \\Oma" again, hut I gac"" n1 the famt rustling of the frosty breozs come to you m my flesh, 'thougl ~ftor attendan·" m Wcloh mg m the drawrng room, never ftirted prom~;':'t~:~fo Darlin,gton Centr_ e ~-·.,~: j loorn to pray I among the onsp woods crept towmds me rny skin 'vorma destroy th13 body, and., nu "Yes, 1:nr, tl~rit's the plnce," he added, ?;lth othel' -wonten, nover asked for a. --~ IN THE And~;:; as ~ou used to knool deforc rou run like the ste~dy approaoh of some unearth oho,Jl opeak mth mo face to fa-0e turnm J t-0 me key, and never rnturned home at 1 a m ' 1 1ly mfinence, that I felt a ouperntitious torAs I Jue, I c.~11 ;wear tl.e words and the And "" we all ~pproachod 1', I he mtoxicate<:l bv over mdnlgonce m ptokle<l And:~~!ob:~~ticonldbxlng!llywordsouHea:v ror gradually iusp1re me, which hurried '\01ce v.:ere the veI:l I had heard on thought me that the d1rectiou 11l wh1ch1 as salmon And if I though~ I had some llttle!nJ!uonco thore, me at an acclerated pace from the plo,ce tho 0C<Jas1on I have ment10ne<l, hut (ll.Ild I stood upon the stile, I had heard the THE Lolllr;,iile 001" '"' Jowrnal pnta it I would pray that l tmi;rht be,1f1tonl) could boso A few n'mutes, and I he&rd the friendly mark fins, repeated to no one \V1t1 1 feel- voice on the mght precedmg, oorrespou d 'V. U. E(l\VOOdlli, .J.8SUR.1NOE de , -"f LONDO},',<'D .Aa 00P1'l'" and gay · 5 I wa· half auhonr ago ' 1 voioe of my char·oteer ltailoomg t-0 me mgs wldch I shall not :tttempt t o describe, ed accumtely with t ha. md1catcd by my m this way-" A 'ecy excellent la.dy !of> AllJ3ER A.ND HAIR DRF;SSER, JANE (e,ntoring) from the summit of the hill I hearcl the speaker approach the bed- a gtudes T"ne tomb m questwn was a huge Indw.napolis the other da) to go to India 1 ~"1ng fitted up tho prou:Uscsthird door eaal Wb;r, Johll, what. Utter hero I ~.VO thro\m Roam1red, n.a..I !\pproa-ohed !um r ab&t- hand pa' toa the bad-~urtam· and drew slab of b1'~k morble, suppoxted as was a· " mJSOJOllary to the heathen And yet ofthePostofiloo 1sprcpa.redtoattena.tothe n ~~ l i th 100 u 1 wanw of the pub! o in his line in a maunor un j_, ill I \: J ~ fl thJnga all a.roUild, etl my speeoh them open, revealing a for,n mote horri mado &pparent when the surroundmg I scaxce Y moro rui m "" "ll'RY ""'" eerpa.saOO. b:; .any 1n the J)·<n~ince Particular at11 u _I \. ~ LJ 0 on::.o. whats the matter no~ "l n.nd 'vho.l you ve 1 ,~ I l b bl d ill Chicago whoro Aha could tind more hoot.h t:ent:.on rvon to tbe cutt ing and dresstng of La-lost<Jr found 'lIS&i'l you atandmg on the stilo, ~trj ble tha.n my fa.nay had ever seen-an Ct ram ea \Vera re-move ' upon BlX p, ~ ~ dt.. ao Cblldron a luw A o3.ll soli~ilro - -AD<\ here sm; fatho' horo, ""'"!t'ng ·or BUPP"'" by the ohnrch yard," ho ""1d, n:& I dre\V most g1gant1c figme -except for what httle more than two feet high e~ch Thore en Ill nn ho<1r than sho will find m Ind:& , too, n·~1, "and I ask ~o,u pa,rdon for not gtv- might well hovo been tJ1e rotten iomnant was ample room !or a nnm~n body to he ~ncy§to ~end. " 7TIRIS FIBST-CLASS BRITISH COMPANY OFFERS SUPERIOR ADVAN- r,o been a rltllngwith.h!m-ho·thot" lum'llOm mg you tho hmt before, bnt thov say it 1 of & snroud-atood close be.ido my bed- ms1de tlus funeral pant honso, and, on PRo:r&aso1 D H J.LuioN, of W ..t rrRE lJ N DERSICf:N ED HA VI Nu Jl T.AGES to U.· Poiio.y I!olt'ern !n both !ho Life and Ftro departmoot. Rat<lft low and term· or man than you not lucky ond I called to YOU 1 d d livid ond cadave-ous- <>nmed ""' 10 soom stoopmg to look be,1eath, ·I was unopeak. Pomt, educatt r of moot of t)10 leadm~ beon QJ1potntcd a~ent i'o.1 Lhu Prov inc1al Por llbernl , ' .. OU no .. ~ --u 1 " manont BuJHing and :s~"ngo socle'v of Toron I Ila h· l Pa take a seat, wht!o l put the kettlo lusty to come !\Way 11 r but I see you are ed with tl.e lust of the grave ~ncl st~rmg ably shocked to oee that somatlung hke " imlitary officers of the Umtcd St&W. of to iaprepa.redto::iegohateloan£.JonR.eal CO ., M / And get on things roa.dy tor tea, and kiss mr dear nothing the worse of ' it ',. ' 2nahgruty, h un1a.n fi gure was a.ct ua11Y ext endedthere eecur1ty on the most f'a, o~ablc ·e/'1.R BAIEstate N MO~ LA.ND, -W-ATSON & ..!: o:n t rea l , on ine with a gaze of despair, tho present day, com1n1tt-ed su1c1dQ on 16-lli B F.:iI.1t Rl ra.1 Agent.ti tor Citnad old John "Why, what is there to be afra.1d of and fury, too intenso almost £01 humRn It was, iudaod, a. corpse, and, what IS Saturday, by JUmpdtg from o. ateo.mbon.t w R CLI::f\.nE .lq;ont"'or BowrnanTille. 1Yliy,John, you look so strange !Como, · wha.thas there, my gt)od fellow 1' I asked aftucting endurance more, corresponding 1'1 every trait with A proposal to superannuate h1m, ho be1ng R.Peate '§.' croosedyourtr.ckJ h d~ I h l I k th 1 fe ·l ph nto -h1cl1 011 tho nt" 70 f dt h cd ""1ENTLEM~NS AKD BOYS1 GAR----IwnsonfyJok.mgyouknow,rmwllllnatotake asmuc in i.u.~rencea.s lcannotsay'v et1e1 spo & or r;ot, en rn ... a m...,. , "' age,1saru. o aveproy on JI ME~TS madom tho l<'Olil (,.@@n A;,, I) CHEAP A §1nall Farm '\Vanted. !tback. said the ma'l, thro"mg an but thm mfernal spe,Lre ans·orod me aa eedmg mght, had VlAltod. and appalled his mmd, and .s tho only lll)P,1gnablo c:>Ul!6 ' >'ihy, air, , I · Spring Goods 1871 F k:r: I _ ____ I I s_ ered I pmposely a.'oid detnls, and without riss1gn1ng tlie dopos1tion11 1espect1vely to the v;1tnesaea who nuido them, slutll n? stnct myself to ll naked outline of tho eudenco as 1t n.ppearcd fi ~ho bi°'ly I J:ve desc~bed] was e as t iat of braham m1t i, An or SUITS MADE To ORDER I l New Felt and st ra vV Hats. S . F, . I L L 11..!ld 0 'D · s I T Q T T / CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST' I I I I I · EDICJNES, AND CHEMICALS, J U T Q p E N E D. . I I I -1 I ,.l,. . , s cA p s & I B for a.:, , .,, , I I t I I I I I R I ' B =· BARGAIN s T 4 E A I N"" s I I I I I P I ch ea p c 0 rn er n., K St 0 re Q I p U B L J C E D p I N I N .. 0 I 'I' AND WE LL U I T ED I I A I I N s lJ R E you R L I FE AND YOUR PROPERTY, I I f Q 1\11 M E R C I A L UN J Q N I B I CA Pi TA Fu L1 ., ·lBEO, SUBSCD.\· £2oOOOOO ' RLTl't·l i!i I I I ( I Bo" mnnvlll~l!:p~i{° rl l~YLFS 30 tf ~, GR CERIE ... IV -· & - 0-- --- C c · uneasy look m the dn ect10n, "they do .t, and no body 1n these parts would go near lt after » f I 1ar10 Ic 01 ove or 1noney " "HaPnted I" I repeated, 'and ho·w 41 - - - - .A.ndlth1nk ·she smells a.rat, .. for i:ihc sn1il1H at j does the sp1nt show hunaelf I' I asked Notice I hop~~:od~~~ergo, od l ord ' I hope tl1oy didn't "Oh ' lo wk, sir, m a.II sorta of shapes (JG RS, THE MEMBERS OF VOLUNTEER hear --1K>metimes like an old woman almost Mtllt a d oth s h h b th habit of R~a~~cing '~th wba~l c~~ridg ec en o'nn tl1ee Twas one of her ptactfoal d1n:es-8he thoug]lt double in two with," he answered, ' flat, w l please bear m mmd that rrom the Id understand "somet1mei! hkc a httle child agomg along , AND PIPES .:.J. presenttlme.11.nycGnsenth1thertogivenbvme ... 'ts abi:mluteh withdra\\.n and any one round I Du.t 1 llne'terbreak sodagnin till I get thela.yof a full foot high above the grass of the wilfnll} continutnf,R1flc~ract1ceafte1 notice the lnnd "" t e 1aw directthis ~ave·, an d sometimes hke a bur black GO TO THE mustbetl cal·w "' l t, un s But one thlngs settled -with mo--to appreciate 0 F RA'YNES heaven wcU ram, strutting on Ins hind legs, and with 'li' RYSTAL ALACE.I ·' 'Tisgoodfor~Ilk,ntobt"·somefirtoenmmutns apairofeye·hkehve coals, and some ofhel' havo seenhimmtheehapeofamun,with ONE DOOR EAST OF =his ann rai·ell up toward the sky. and hlB 'VV-11 0 le 0 r r a c k ed. A twolvo ycaroldboy mCmc.nMti stole a head hM>gmg d1'm, ·· if lns head was .John D.cDougall. trunk full of hlB a1stor's clothmg and $700 bruke I can't tlnnk of half tho shapes he of bis papa's money and "dug out" mth hlB has took at diffe1ant hmea, but tney're all · " '1 .J~t! h"ING ~T BOWJ\Ll.N"VILLJ!: j Bt·ick Cottage sweetheart, aged 11 They have been gone bad, the very child, they say, when lta OR SALE, ON w ELLINGTON a week, a.ndall tho 11uthor1hesof Oh10 have comes m that shape, has the face of Safon 1 Street F!1Tpartl""tll"'a opply to 1been unablctc, ohtam the fir.t clue to then -God blosa us 1 and nobody'· e1'er the J """ 2~tJt 1~n I 1-. ~ W.t!W'll:P. / wltei:-~~lmnt~ ·"1ne ·{l·>Tt that ·oe· b1m ~nee 1 THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO JOHN (a·ide,) e~change good house and lot In " thrll1ng V illa~ ln MecW~an fo1 a. small farm near Dow 'Veil now· if his at t k ~th th blt manv1Ile 1ffurm1s wo'thmore than house nnd 'ercani'L n a.Joe, i u ra eI a tar -.:TISIONS lot will pay balance in money Call lmmedlately .r , n pcr,son or a.ddrees It se,~ms as 1f t d \\ oke from 6 mi"'hty ticklish PR y >01CliOLS Bow~anvillQ Bo:r ., · l w ... tf di:ea1n 1 I ""'Y there'· a bad spmt haunts I L .... P Corn for S 1 a e, 0 y c 0 vV L E'S I I I F SILVER & DOUGLAS, / if I had me for the act " I am dead and yet ahv"," it said The body, tho ugh m111ernbly emaciat<id, ' h f 1 th! f full "CLARA, I love but tl1co a.lone '"-thus the chJd o1 perd1tion- 1n tho grave I am WM t at o a. a.1ge a etic ma.n, o Y · f t 1 ht d 1t th f sighod the tondor youth , '0, hear me, a inurderer, but here I nm A.POLL YON Fall SIX ee in ie1g , an was, ere ore, down and worship me no easy t aak t o w1thd 1aw I t f ron1 th o re - then, lll) passion own witlt' trornbling h"" rHaving thus spoken, it stood for a 1no- I ceptacle where it had been deposited, ancl and earnest tones [nde.,Ll, I speak tho ment at +Jte bedsHle, and then turned lay it, ""' our assistants did, npon the truth He -paused, the blush o'eraprea.d J h a d covere d 1t Strange her chook , she lot lun1 d1aw her nea.r , away with a shuddo;rl!'g moan, ,md I lost t ombs t one w Inc' t th f t f t1 1 d scarce for emotion could sho spellk, yet sight of it, but nfter a few seconds it ca1ne o sn.y, moreo\ er, e eo o le )0 y, as d d f d t J db ,_ d t d I l she ask, iu accents n1eek, 11 how ll\Uch aaam to the bed-side as before "" oun i ' la een prnce owar · t 10 0 t hn~eyo u~woek? "i;,Vhen I died they put me under )'.Ie1- ~ A8 · T 100k 0 d upon tl118 c0>pse, un d 10 / THlil trial of tl1e Sotttl1 Grey ·. ontrove·~ =is tombstone, and they did not bury .J .Lu1ne ~Iy feet he towards tho 'vest-tun cogntzed, but too surely, in its proportions ed election co1nn1enoed yesterday a.nd was d l t tr t 'th ' thentotheeaatandiw1ll re·t--maybeI an .moam en·,every &Io· · e appa adjourned to the 7thof November, m w1l!rest--Iwill rest-rest - iost" n t ionthatbadstoodatmy bodsido, wtth orde1 to aecnre the attendance of a wit Agam the flgurs was gone, o,nd nee a countenmco ammated by the despair ness, Mr Pern ·r1easurer of :M:r I-aud agam it returnel, and saHl, and maugmty of the damned, my 1 ea.rt er · Committee The whilom T10n~nrer "I am yom master-I am your re, 11 ilutte1ed and sank "ithm me, and I re- prnsented ~ bill of $1,600 election ex rection and your life, aml thernfore, fall c01led from tbe effigy of the demon with ponsos, and cannot now be found On· down and worship me 1 tenor, socond only to !hat which h·d hundred witnesses wern mmmmed, and It ml1de a motion to mount upon the thrilled no on the mght prec~dm!j I among others, the mn.rtyr Lauder himself. 1 bod, but what fnnlier I ~··cd I know not I * · Money and wlnskey "ere used Tory fre<Jl!f I Now 1 " der - hono<t ieador- I ~ppeal fo : durmi: th<> election 101 r famted · L - I I I * ·

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