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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1871, p. 3

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· '~ ( Business Cha ng' e ! I Every one ~dmits t}mt b sell me)'- I I 0 1 VEN, rrI.i .A 1:: :~'·. ~1~2t'b~ ~~)· \~:~~' i\:' 1;','~·~~t~~~e~-~~~;Sfu~.:.ts 00 ~ 1' '"' .i .. ,.. rv1 -"l-, r · 1 ,~: I S R:E. I~E.B :Y. --- - --AND- 1 .... . I "\Y 'J _:_,i,,UJJ: S ~)LL°Z"J. J1;:'.d,.-J: or.. J '-;.n e. i ~. l ,~ ;J.., M.f (. ~handizc on credit you nrnst have, at. I . I ~ HOOEY HOMESTEAD I Township of Cartwright. HOOE V vs. FERGCSON, \vi·l lie soitl Ly PG£LIC .A.UCTION, \V~tr. the a-pi;robation of JOH~ ALEXANDErt BOYD. Esqut.:c, J.fastc-r ·in Orlina17'" ofr11e snid (;onr c, by'l'HO)L..\.S CHRIS'l'JE Auctioneer, at , I ·llrrE S UI~so r{1B1~.t. Tr ,\~· ·.~\OVI I .:::> !) r. i' ..L-'d ri n .L .. ---- · ,, _ _ -·---- ---,-- · -- -· 1=~., q c; ...IL.. -- --~-- -- · · Ll.. ""-'l ;,-1, i' 0 ..1. Y'S ,J. THE least, 10 per cent. more profit Lhan for P~~~~~~4-J::;rl.To9 (;b~n~;,~~1: ~~~~~- READY FOR INS L.JEC~J..,ION ., / ! u~l~~:·t~;~ft~~~ ;,:;~;~:'~5' a~~"i ~~~~~ tl:~~ 1~ pr· 'AS US IJAL . Apnl 12, 1571. ,.,h. Tho '""" '""' h~ <h<mCoro I , I fitting. ,f.~ Particular ' nr LATEST . ST'l;LES.' .. - 17-t!. pa,id. to cuttins a.nil MRS . .A.LEX. FLETCHER. fhomas !::oT~!~'s -ON- T I 1 Hotel i/ · I -· -- dMided b> reduce hJJJ pnces. and that J . on n,nd ~f'.:er Oct.obe·· 1st, 1871, he TCWN OF BOW1'IANYILLE, I Still A~H·ad. . - STOVER! t gom:EES, T uesaaf, the I0th oa~ of October,. I 18-71, at the ho&- of ONE c'clock i~ the a-" I fIAVING CONCLUDED TOI A F ULL ASSORTMENT OF - TEA PAI;Trns, BALL SUPPERS, PUBLIC DINNERS will sell for CA sa ONLY! and at -- . I 1 GASH PRlCES. ·u -;ou will only call and examine . I the goods y on will be satisfied that the cash system is decidedly the most beue:ficlal to the bnyer. I thefoHowingvnluable Real Estate, hltwo Parcels, that is to sa.y : i PARCEL No.1, 11eing composed of the north I ) ha.If Lot number Eleven and the "\VesL lla!f Lc.t number TNelve, in t he Firs~ concee-sion cf HIS CELEBRATED MACHINE I 1he To\\-J:,lShip of Cart·vright, in the Cnunty of now been tested beyond all question and th& Durham. containing together two hundreil aurcs. eW.ct of the public is that ta-day · Ou thfa Parcel there are erected a f·.a·no hou0 e one and a haJf storey l.1igh, a Bnn1, il, la·ge 1._:;'"-1 lng Shed and Stabling - all Lun,u, :>nd ·n r.-ood repair. There is a yood Orcharu 1..f abou, io_.1r r:_c ~es i_n ex·ent.. ,A good Gravel Hoad pe. .. ses t .. · cag.1 thts :pP:rcr>.1, l'~ .(;'fill 1 <o. ~" tetn~the Eai3t Hal4'. of Lo_. Stand11 nu1nber ' 1 'wti 1 ve, 11i the l1'1 n.t Concession o"' t,nc said '"ow ""l of C. - ,,w .. ight. containing One 1r nnc1 ed·Acl'e.s. On tU;s Pa.r-::el there are a new J!.a..neBar·n, a Jog House anC' ngoodShedfor C ~ ttle. There is 11lso a. Smu.11 rcha...d. 'l'he r Tenants in pol'lsession to have theOght t:. P-onse, 1 'l'hrePh and Remuve Uror·s now 1· nremi:::Cs I It fa the most subatantially built, haB th· fewe~t w'.thin One Munth after Ll:ie ~ale.on '. · he p-:.::. 7e pro_Pe~·ties '1. '1'"0 and a. half working parts, beautiful in design and ~.nish·. m;te;s f" 'V"ilhn.m&bl'rP". nnd n.bol1t '!'·welve Iltts tho b~st dosigi.~_ Qf a......s:q.ttle, and .))y ~fa.r thf( n1ile~ f om J.:owma.nvi 'Je ;·- 11;ach pal'cel will be . L.A.RGRS'l' ROBHrNS. It is cnpa,ble, of perform· su1.,,e:!., to a tEJ:>rved ~frt fi;""ed l)r t,he l\·fas~el" 'l'ue p ·-...c.liusu .; L<> r -:. ·r · uw ·at thu t: uc of "Q.le i11g !'l range of work hitherto thought impossibl~ f'ne-~e..n-;:of Lieu· ·.1o.-'r>lrn.sP ll'Orey to thr VE'J.· for Sewing· 1\.:Ia.chinee. LCTh'. Solici....c-i: r ~ ~ ·,,'l ·· .: o··e moii.b ..:i:f.' sJ.f"~, i;ent "ith LJ <1. one-t.c 't" 1o. n1ake l'iJ f1ie on~-Li.irtlo~·1neu·.1c--F~e · ! '\l'(J.~,, ;,; o·-~, 1n !.::o f';oil, t1c ··~'11E nd~,· tu be · · u·ul L, ---. JlL~~.-.-. - on \.he J WEDDINGO~I · of ofl T I Give u~ the Stove ~usiness ! :nt~;~; ~m~ ~u~:~~~~yF~E;~;~~ia L. f.·othnll in tilo_b~st st:r;le.&11d o-" ~ rea.bouable ter"l':f oy t e subscr1':;el', l'JlB wn itest tho swetit-At If with@ut a Rival DR..~SS G-OC)DS/ i 1 IN .A.LL THln LATEST MATERIALS, .A.NDC:::::I:::::NTION c~s~~! '~SH HARDvVAR E, · l I WILL SELL )1Y STOCK OF S~'OVEB, MILL I N E R Y IN ALL THE LATEST CONSISTING OF I- THE SUBSCRIBER HAS NOW RECEIVED al1 ;_ ,_ cumiJe.r.Jncc,,, Tl'e othe1 off'v~:c w111 ;.Je stancl:ng;:i o, ~he C(·urt ct' Cha,ncerr., E f'·' fur')ier particula.".'s apnlv to '!,he Lr...w OfHc9s o: .fohn H051 ,n, 1£s~u, :r·1'; l ~':? ~!3'-J.'.S., ~~4·r --~ Bet' ..-ne: l\r e3srs. :'._i,'f,nrf'. , J3arwj~1r & Lyon and 1 eSsr:.c. Bea ·,ty, -Uhrct " v i ck & J" . Toronto. rnf.. ..,o the >\..uc .. ion('cr c.ndJarnes F Juke' Esquire, Carl ·,n'i;";h:. ' (Signed), 1 p~em·acsai,, ...· rr: 'l.?'Je~··s f'~ Jet ,lj, -:.i~b1cin four .nPal p,.1r .....e1 J ,· ..,~·"lln~c · a, ·, "J u· ! -~c1:est y~arly at s1Y ner cent. :>er an l::t ", Ou F. ·ch pa.yme.1t, r '1d on t e exe0 . "'"'on of + l" r- o-. tg-a;.o'>.t:1e u1r cba~Hr will 1,e en~ tled to t:1e ·;oL' e:.- 1.L lC'} a~1U. bc:lot ii to pos~et.011011. 'l'b.e prOT.lC .t,f>J will be E9ld free from doi.ycr a"'ld I h sold at about m1e·bafftlte prit>e of U1ie1· JUachinel!l 'rHE PRICE OF OTHER MACHI::i'ES Da ted ~{;th , d ay of ~~cgust, 1871. J.A.BOYD. 6-4.i.n. 'l'l!E LIKE "\VOitIC. · Is equally at ho~& lea__ther as on fine goods. Has carried oft' p1izeaover the TTowe, Singer, Lockman; "\Vheeler (f. 'Vilson, \.Vanzer, Haymond, &·c. fi!,iir A Perfect Machin~ Guaranteed or no sale. DOING I I OODSI I COOI(., PARLOR, · - AND- out of rcpr~r than other'watohe1:1. !They ~..0 m .o re accnr~ce time keepers. . . a . _A l-!pe~1a.l warrant.>' from the Fac to.,....· ·~ith ~ eYc!'y vn,lc1i. ... ,, - · J3owma11v~.lle, Sept. 20 .. 1871. L T HEY ARl,!; LESS LIABLE TO GET - ---- -- -- - -~--- _, GOOD NEWS oll V\TOO .L G FOR LADIES BOX, r EIS IN ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES. . t h e atteution ttnd horse by and wh'i~h hnve for six ye..'"\rs obtained first prizes at Provrndal and Loct;,J .lt'{l.irs. 'Jhev are undol!:bt~tll.f the best irnplen1ent of t hf'I kiii.d in use, ·will in a very Hhort time more than repay their cost, in the cfficieucy and excellence of t;1e.i.r ' '"·ork. Inspection iuYited. ...1.. supply of Cultiva. to1·s no'v on ,hand for tho spring work, and will be sold at lowest rates. Fall mportaHons of FANCY AND STAPLE WOULD DIRECT T H:rn SUBSCRIBEit of furmcrs Lo t.hc onc-hon'!c t"\tn lron Cultivn.tora n1anufncturcd h.i:lu, MACiTIIi'llES Dry Goods! ' .And notwlthstamliug the g,Teat rise r-a r-a ~ 80 1--1. ~ ::J 0-i ~ Ac H(!I CE LOT OF i I .ADAPTED F OH. E ITHER 'COAL OR "VVOOD ' Cloths, nre thCbest made, simpicst,. 1nora durablC and relio.ble than any other single-thread rr~achine. Larger and ,.,.·ork with great ea,se. 'Yill do all kinds of do1nestic sewing in a perfectly sath;fac· tory manµcr. Has takcn1 first pri7.e v,.-lierovor exhibl.tctl. ' IHON HARROWS AT - cos~r. I , BUGGI~S ! of a superior kind, also on hand. . AND WAGONS 0 CD CD ~ c-f- constantly on hand for sa.le. Jl3f' .All kinds or' B1acksmith w·ork done on the shortest ..4,._ cal 1 solicited. 15·3-itf. I. \VESTCOTT, Bo"\vmru1ville. Gent's Underclothing, Collars, .2.1Y STOCK OF- or. all fabrics in the foreign market.s, s0-i , c+ r-' DA IL y LIN E ROOH-;-STEB. I AGEN~~L~:~~T:!u!~~;;:~HERE l · ' sewing, &-c.. apply to GUELPH SEWING MAOHL"i'E OO'Y, Neck-Ties,&c., SPLENDID J3LANKETS VERY CHEAP, IS WELL ASSORTED, / {, 1 :t!E.AD OFl'IOE-TORO:N'rO. F1tnd~, ..... . ..... .. ...... . : ...... ·P:J ::J . Q {fl · I I ~ · l\Ar ~ortern-.s,samplesor 1 h3,36b " j Booeip~ for dP('I year e1u11Il~} · aata June, 1811, .. .. ·. .. .. .. .. .. 151,Cil ts-. Sarplns =. . . . RAN ._,oooeo And asU"t.-' 0 ' Q ~ ~ · - ·N. sOtat· cRabin_s~anEier ID .._,_... rrHE SUPERB NEW LAKE UPP1'R GU:f]LPH, .C..\.NADA. s ell' mg at Pr'ices th+ , a. con-, I tinuo to Give Satisfaction. I '"" · I r:, .,.,.Ol!I Ju M .1:1 " · · .L«O URRIOH, p·te!!ident. B. ll.u,DA.. 'I', M.anaging J?irectt>t'; ~ar!··ii1&t'uitedS~·; ·ndr:'n~1'0.n -"" ......_ - A ..LU4 1 u £"1"11. &- n. O'HARA, Wholesale agents 'for the Counties of Durham; Ontario and Victori:t. · ! U: The best value COTTON in town, can be seen at -', - j' "·1.l.1.'·n'd F. F. :McARTHUR. STOVES STOVES! STOVE SI .... FORM tte inl-·~biUl..Pt<J ol Dowilu1.nvUle : s1 1rrJJ.llding connt1-y that he ha.8 the .'--~ -° ro~' ~-- llct'Pv~f,;!!,;/~~t,~;·t~&'illifc{f!(;{!i.;~~t rn~;:iou) -P.ona·r?,L. .l'·cm'rn -~JM·u ~ch1 'ne·A,gorl'y . . \",~OWJ:?anville, Se;etem~~~ ~~t':~.}87~ ... ,:_ ul l1t1u ll I s-(· '· . " · - 0 ~ I eavtsi:o1·tHop~ c~~~~~;;,:~nl'."l" ,for Rschcst~r -::~:~:i~it~~~~~:~ent~ toLh~eagen~~. at9oclook,onarma'o'GrandT·vnlcF.ailway Trains from East and 'Vest. ua}s,·w.lien _6J.lclcav(.- .. "'2u'ClOC-~, - - . wm , .--Mc M . u RTR Y'S ..· . " I, THOMAS BASSETT. x-t ire and Marine SU TN Bowm{l.-r.Yillc, .August ?.O, 1871. 5. ' .A.T LO'\YEST CURRENT RA.TES. - ... cE - ~ · "'---' r- ~ . ,. / T HE >:U BSCR1BER BEGS 'IO IN- 1 BEST SELECTION OF STOVES ever OiTercd in the Town. coro.prisi.ii,i CD 0 ~ ~ . v 0 ,_.. TI'\ vi ~ ~ . /rt P · .1\1., for Bn,,,.hton). _ 'l'his ~'3th~ fov (Ji-it~ s11!llmer ...onLP. from Torc Dto Jo H che ....tcr ...:'\..lbun y , f·~. Tti~ cheap(";<> ~rd quwkes~ '.rc.1~te fron1 points Ras . o-: :Oort J1 m.Y~ ou t1··c Gra,1d 'l runl{, t o Rodieste., Buft;::oio, Uli lJ ,, I ~ 11 l!Htr , , . · . , · _..:,..__ _ ____ ___ V1 OOOKING, PARLOUR, B OX COAL STOVES, A'.ND - or th· fa.te8t pa.ttern1 arnl or the beat workn1an; ahir., '"'"hich he will 1toll 8 0 . u c+ Pc.sscng~rs and _ frmg · ~ t'\1.e Cars a long side st namer at Rochester .Landing ~; qobour: and Port '..HOile _ with Ro~aJ ldatl Li no SteH.mers rrom Hamilton tlnd 1V[ontrea1. The l\prseman will call at th<' Po-rt of Darliri.aton ev:~ry \Vf':O:N"ESD.AYMORNTNG, should Sl.::fiiciient""frmgh t ofter. - -Y"'ll0"\\:lee3.'.- Quiclr . A~·~.nt.E. ThcfarnMerouterok·ona,.,J CUwnSpr'.ngs. "'"ARKE .1,.u. , T BUr-LDINGS; - ' THE CH'EAP . '-"' . S T PLACE J.....:...t . I . CELEBP...ATED !Jy LAZARt:S & MORRT8, . 111 1 PEJ:t]'EO':Cli~ I T HE $pect..'tclee and Eye Glam;es ma...""lufact u. · n.t-f -·ll;-~-elli-.1g A.gene} fox t~e 'l'ow!l.~hips oPtlytr.g .F'Et ST- CLASS MAN WANTED vrn t1ng, with '°" L -·: lowu. App~· iu Oii~e~ u , der~rgne foi· tr&llsmi:lsion to tb.u i·eiM~I'1.tS ll~ ..zJ 3 7-tf .Ad<li·eos.u.c.Fc.;,~tJ:ffc~~n:__ B 'OvVMANVILLE f I .· - . AS CIIEAP AS ~! .A N Y MAllKl\T ::Y CD . IN THE DO:YILNION. _.\.lso, l{;111nt for the cslebra.tcd An1erica.n Bil SE l'.fUK!:iE:R. inrn HEA'fER. - l i ~ 0 Photog·raph·s I l'.'l~~ED anj im1~royed t he G11llcry late,)_ oy .?.f1-. i:.r. '1'a,1t, 1s n{nv :prepared to Ioccupled taJ;.~ ~ c+ l l i 1 '1. .TO BUY rrmi for which , R. & H. O'HARA 1 have the sole agency, are gru'nng gold en opmim1i> 1 B . L!>ea.l .A.g-~t!i 01vnw.n · llG ;;:i ' Dt 11 18'""' · · fromallthose\vhohav e triedit . If you ) \llUt t __ ·~ '~Qi · , u. preserve your sight to extreme old age, use t h l'I - - -- - an(l no others. AA.ROX B lTOK LTt:R, ~nt H' Bowm:in ville a nd Tkin1ty. l -1nn I THE SUBSCRLBER - HAY:UW BJC . D ' · I .J:--V ~ ~ -1. ., G-OODSl - PHOTVGRAPIIS IN A.LT S'l'Y[,11· AND A'l' Ca.11 &nd exaP'in<' Stove.~ ahd prior,~ 1l~f~re j p;n·ch~sini:elsc"\, li.ei-e. ~ Hardwar6 nfa.11.a.i.nmJ. I Paints, Oil9, Putt~:, G1&i::s, &c., &.c. _ { · ~ , L 0 WEST PR 1 0 }~ S. . - - -:o: - - T I N \AT 1\ R Picturea in all kinds of ·vea:thM. "Lo c I I 1 AND KMAN" GROCERIES \ i I~EEP FROM d , u r1ng --'----·- ---~I IA TfRRrnu . TfMPTATION I THOSE P R lCE S .AT COOL COOL! II liElli:P n dersc n & Co's NEW BOO~' & SHOE ST-ORE. 'iVould · you be llln1·p1i~ed to · know & hat . TI"e are §}~liLIX\; C~A.:PEJ; TII :"--'- ETiEJt. ' E. j An. a.ssortrn.ent ()f tin:rat e, R ussio.. an~ mon i·ron Sto-i:t pipt-11, Gailo11.:s pipes, Dunib Sto1:r.s, &c., kept on hand. I coni- 1 A call resnectfully so~friteU. Gal1t-,~-y-f:!orner ol K 1r~ an<l. Dhision .Strert,s. entrb.ncc nnpmdt~ 1\h·. '.l're~eTen'e shoe store. SATISFACT I OJ\ GUARA.KTEEL I JCED COLD DR IKKS, - EDW JN :J. FL_ E'l'OHEH. 16-~tl ~ . Bow111a.nville, .April 26th, 1871. F 0 li, GA s · H.. IS AT HOT .AIR DRUMS made - -------- - - - - --'-- - J -- I I ' · 1, THWTT~°.UNTAIN, <> ,,"_ IIAYI NG JC'ST . RECEIVED .A to order. pg- Hot Air Furnaces fiited up on the most improV'ed pl~nB. WORK~fANSHlP NEW TIN SHOP ! IN BOWMANYILLE .. I I i ,}_: (Jl·" , <plen did aeoortmca c pf stvles, Fall nnd Winter . ,' F-LAv-ORS, , , ~oodH of t.he ~ost!.'lnable and of tb 6 V.£,\.RIE'I . :er?: be'"'i. qualay thac ca·11Je 1'ad in the market, the Sum1ner inonths. o 1 Lere · 1 second to n:>ne lo the Do- 'I I ! 1 ~t v.111 bi::_ t o yon~ advaptage t u call a ud t:Xamine t~e s cock,a.nd p· .ce~ b( .ore pure} 'lsin.g els:ewh{re. N ~ trodub.c to s~1ow gooor1::. ?nducenten~ , · Wonld it curp::-h-!e yon -tn kno'v that ~8 are no.,.,.· prepared to ma.n1~ncture fur a TI who m a y favor u1:1 with thdr · at C. 'fon'S. tninion, a.ll kind~ of jClbbing tLonc on the shortest l'J.otice, a.Dd a.t rea.sona.ble pi ice.a. - 'W . G. REED, I WEDDIKG CAKES orders. l\" en'~ Women's and M13;,ies' iloo::.. and Shue;; lll.:ade to c.-oo:.', "\VO.rr ant· EDWil" lIOftSE Y, Bnwttt&nTille, Augu!t 16, 1371. 3 tf John.'!! Hot Ur Fn1 t·P1·ize FOR~ITNG the inhabitants ofllow:manville and BU1'1.'ounding: uonrt -v that, he ha.R opened oµt a. N cnv Tin. ::3hop in the store lattlly occupied by John Allen, corner of 1 l '{AS MUCH PLEASURE IN IN- I McC LUNG B f{O S n1ade to order. ed LQ flt or n o E;i-lc. - J!'RESJI-BA.KED BI6CUI'I !tlld·a goocJ asaort1nent of JSi::ruJ:.A.:L<L OA..:El:ESI, HaviDg engaged Drun1. h JNG AND DIVISION STREETS 1 Mr. J. GL ...fNN · LATE OF CARTWRIGHT, ""Pa.:-ticuJar attention will '·be gtV~n· to &·e1:nt'15 dLe sewed work. remember fie sva_d, and econon1ical Drlllll in uee, and will dis· tribute more heat, nccapy less, rocm.i._ani! ans\ve1· s,U purpose better than any otner. !5l it!I use a house oan bo much bctt.&r heated w1tu one stove than under th& old system with ~wo or three sto\'"'es--thns inore iban paying for itse.lf in <?Ue season llY & Sll~in!i-of wood. .All who have tried them: would not be witho~them for many times thtiir"-bO:st. 'fhe underst ed has secured 'the Right-tor Bo~·1na.ri:ville~ a.rlington, Cartwright. Clarke. a.nd.J\i!u.nvera, and i15 prepared to till ,_all orders on the. thortest notico. A. full e.ssonment nf Cook, Piu:lo:r &Ild Bax St.eves, coustantly on hand'. T HIS IS THE '):[OST EFFICIEN'f , I Ho·vmc.nville, where he ·will keep constantly on hand a. well select-t:d: stock of stoves, JapI an:necl, pressed and plain 'l'in ·vare, I, which he will sell 1 1 I ---------·-·---·--------------~----- ' on hand "OH.EAP AS THE CHEAPE S T."! ' Special a ttentton paid to . . I IUVETROUGH~ AND JODBINGi ~ ,A t the ·.Iro, n mongeryI ONE DIS OR H!Efil:. OWN. P/U.NTER ! at C. ToD's TWO DOORS W:EST OF . MURDUJH IlROS. l1NDERSON k CO. :E,)wrr;.a.n·-' . Jle, H, l!-cpt. I~:l. j 1 .,., 1 t;J~-r Qrl;lers trpm,~e co~try promptly- attend.:d I 1 18-13 ' F. T.· HOSIIIN. I 1 ' I TEE LOCKMAN ' sE wI NI~ NO~IT~c H IN E LEADING TulACHINE n>i PHE DOMINION Of! OAN;JDA . ' THIS PROUD POSITION- -IT HAS attained throu ·h its inherent gooJ qcalitJ t":::. '1'~1'3so qualitie2 arO sii11pilcity, dur.sb1ht.y, elegance, 11t.dapto.btlity, bo.;1:li'1~e> a score nw!'e of CQUl!.l importance. ..E'or full ~rticmlara a.ddr·~r:i::i tv th~ 0 Hr Highest ])rice :pa., fer Ilides Sheepskin Rags, \Vool-pickinga, Copper, F~thers and Horsehair. "#-:tr Grent inducen1ents held out to pe11le1·11. .N. B.-Farnlers wanting Milk Pails or Pnns would do well to cp,11 and e:xomine my stock be~ fore purchasing elsewbere. L.\.. Ehare of 1-'ublic ~ patronage respectfully solicit ed. I 1 VV. G. REED. 32-tf. Bowmn.nTille, Ma!'ch Stb . 187-i. lstiMEIJ:HING LONG 'WANTED BY EVERYBODY, - OR- Sewing :Maehine ::t\t.l:' L J:IQUSE AND J:il'1 0 D'S P_AINTS, VILL~'\.. P:Lepared for immediate use, ~nd nothing but the pur ~st - ~1n.terials used, and requi~ng no further n1ixtu1:e o~ oils, Turpentine n.nd Dryers. THEIR COMPOSITION CONSISTS SOI,EY OF: - ,A. Natiufacturers, "\VILSON, BOVV1d A. ~4'", & Co .. H :t.mht,)n, Onta:-io. ll. &. H, O'HAHA,~ Agents fo r Dnrhan1 l'.na. ·victoria. A CAUTION. '. LEARN THA'J' THEI'.E ARE ::D. ost cele bratcd M»chincs, ran \~'in ·~ in prict;; ·from $65- to $:1.50, I v.r.1 s1 i tha.:, rn. l\.:n!!e a n d quali::"y of "vorl~ the " Lock!nan " is not !'l;·;rp~ ~serl. by any of then1 ; tind l hPreby rPpea t lT·J' challe11ge ro year, r.o run it :-,,gain~ t any i.11a..d11ne of its price IIl.11!,ile in Onta.:io. · .. S "1>!1: EL SMALL. "Locklnan" > for H. &. II. O'll A HA. Do'v~nnvil lc. July ~Gth.1871. 52-tf. :FTEH BEING I'JNGAGED FOUR ..f'..!.. I,I>Ollths ill the U~1i\ ed 5t "";te ~ 8('2lli11·t The ·P'l:i,re "Cofor, Pure White Lead, Pure Whifo Zinc, [;i;nseell Oil, Spi'ritN of Turpcnti ,ie and Dryers ccir~fuJly and schm t'U7ica.lly combined. · AT THE I. . Jn:it held ~t Toronto. over the most renowned Sewin g l\i!achines in the wo.rld, · amcuf: vrhich w~re t he celebrated Howe, ·.Vheelcr The consumer can have any <lesired. sha.da of Colors Iieatly pnt np in Can g, n.n d all he requires to -buy with the .Pain t is a Brush, as the TVO:rk can be done by hi 1nse~ f ur 1bv anv r..1eruber of h is hotv>ehold. · · PURE wr~I ITE 1 . . EAD. I · -Unp"inciplccl pe,rso1rn ·~ho, 'vhe1.1 thoy c(l.nnot palm oif w. wo:r~hie-s>; ::iewru~ I\1:nch1nc, <:!'..1 persons a~qPainted ';Ytth the ments of the du- 1 ferent 11achines, repre.Reut themsel;·p,s u,s &irents ! for the celebrntecl l1ock1nan a nd Osoorn chineil ; Dind o1fer t.t~ g;rant _ :v nrr~n 1 $for the ,so.1'?e· ¥tith intent to deceive. \\ e b 8111;.;; the on~y < vUthorized a.gents fol· \Vest Du!'l1a1::i, a!..·e the only j :persons ,vh o can grant warrants thereon:. a;nd t\JlY persona not t-n1pluycd bJ: us, representH\1?' themselves as a¥entR, or oftcnng to grant wa.1rants, are imp1sLers, a~d li<l.ble to h e pri:ise9utcd for .fraud. 'fb.e 11ubllc a,re hereby cauuoned aga1n6-t m.1ch. R. & II. O'HARA. 1 WE _.._'\..GEN CY OJ' ·.r.a.zi:. A large stock just received for Autumn Painting, imported direct from the English Manufacturers, including JAMES' Genuine and celebrated Rooster brand- Guaranteed pure. ALSO:- All staudord Colors, Oils, Varnishes, and Painters' l\fatorials. Call Ma-I BOWMANVILLE FURN!TURE &: \.V::-.::,;..n, :r..< .~:<;J;F .A.C'fURI, ...;G CO. a,ppoint Pd retail a~ent..,by _the Bo~n:la:r. -,·i' .'j ]'urnit urc 1Ianufactur1n~ bO., I~ now in n }'J3ion to fill an orders a,t a.slow a rnte M any C6~1er ill tll.e County. ROBT. S. MANNI::i'G. 11-26 I I T HE SUBSCRIBER F.AYING BE,'<:: &c. This is on1y a confumation of' th e verdict previously l'endercd by the Great Canadian . anll proves C · 1 the ::;u ""'PERIO-RITY Public, Q::l.C oF 'l'IIm u 200·0 GALLONS MACHINE OIL 0.F' DilfFERENT KINDS. . and see how cheap a IIouse cau··be Paintecl and Decorated, for all these goods \V ill be sold at 1·ednced tlgurcs. LOCKMA.LV" OYER ALL OTREUS. , ! j Threshers an<l all pnrties req?~~ing, such oil various are special~y _invited to ii:spec~ tho Bowma..n:rillo. Jun~ 22nd. 1_871. · 47-3-n; 'Vanted.. ~ APP 1 L E SJ f, . E.UiS TO DR.A.W LUMBER FROM1j T Osha..:wa. , my Mills i.Q. Podonk, to Do-wmnuville aud , , J'or .tu...-the:r ~.rticul&n5 at mill. · · ._ I!. 0 .4l11Wlil.!LL. lt·-~ )l'..,. Iba, ~ i .. tm.. ._ - Fall apples, for which tho highest change for any other inside of thirty da.ys. I?.e· · l>rico will be pa.Id. T. li.Aill.lNG't'ON. f ·m,ember R. &: :a;. O'Hor~·· I· th~ BF.W'IN~ MA· I llo-wni.a.l;l.vlli·. t;lept, a... 131:h ti~"' . . . . . _ . . O0. . ED· 0WANT BARRELS ITAND-PIOKED chineCo., Grom & Bakedhuger, Howe ~no. Williams':Machines. We have n.lso on hMld a a full stock -of the Lll"fJ..E \VANZEn MachinP..:, · Agents. Also. agents for Gue~p:h Se,ving :P,f~ KER & H. O'HARA, Wholesale an_ d ttetail i · ' qualitie" s---the pnce being farkbtelo\Y anyHnng ever offered in th1;"1 . ma.re_ 500 COOK, P~RLOR, HALL ·, · A.1.'fD BOX STOVES, a1·riying and _ now. on Exhibition. \~ The largest snd cheapest stock of Geueral Hardware, Cari.-iage Goods, and Perso.ns not satislled with one :Machine c!JJl e..:· Tinware, in the County of Durham. W"®l.9-i"" Dnildi~1 llQWlll"'1Tillp, '.AJl~i.t g,l~l. . . · . JOHN M:oT..EOD. , " ~- -- __ ,

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