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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1871, p. 4

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CANADIAN STATESMAN, B0'1VMANVILLE, FASHION NOTES The ch1gn.(·U'ti teign Hi ori<lc,.i.i) Tll1 bnn hrits are nlon:· 1u vo3ue OYel'. THUl~SDAY, SJ~PTEMBl~R 28, 1871. DES GR I PTTON-l I I - To o"vNEns oF4Par1 o ~ F'arm Property \ IN" nn: QUHll'O -i~D- VOLUMES I--IARD BE I EVE. - - - 0 -- - - TrinlmlnJ on tho tro1 " of dr"'a:ao1:1 Tive<l Jfl. re IDETACHED 6F I I I Puce, $" 00 per \Olume, 01 RE IDEN CI 4@,G® per !Set CompJcte. True Nevertheless! Bonnet lrJnger HU1ng~ 111& i"ildo~ and 101y mucl1 INSURE YOUf: PROPERTY IN THE CE RIES VERY CHEAP. ood Cookmg Haisrn', only 5 cents a pound, and still cheap G er by the box 'I'. DARlL1lNG'll'0"1. Chatcbuno h.1. a.1da \\ 111 not bt'o n 01 n n1uch longer Sack o~ercoa.t.s "1th oapes will be tho SL)le for bt\}& S avt Ha!j ,1£011.'/ Heacl Office D POT<IED EALER TN DOJhESTIC ANJJ CHOICE TLAS. FTIUI'I' hau JS lH>rn t'1.l1n la~t sea..sou 1 rhe ! C~3 £rir.z~ GI,WCERIES, illld fiufiy fo1 Canadr. The plaited Ga.tib l.ld1 i\rur;ts contm Je to grow m fa' or 1nen1 ber lhe nttrrleJ and see r..ha-t the s1gnn Ltttle soap lock;i on the ~1de uf t he tura of Hm <l & Co is on package ?lt tl out of d.tte Northorpe \,~ L)!ll<H1 Newca..stlei Ont, The ha1r on the te1nplo:-. c()nhn uc to be p10pnoto1a for c~n~d· Sold hy all Med1\"i or11 high u.nd sn1oot.h c111e dcn,101s T PI.1 ..AIN I r!IS uld ~ind "ell eot tbhol ed Com p H1) insures 1lOth1ng but Farm Piopert.} a·1J det:i..ched Hesidr.ncei; n.1Fl y.,.~u·s Pohc11~3 nt Gtc!lt('ly Hednco (l Rntf:; AtnmaJr;: Vol J' ]l'ore1gu 011ds nnd ~.\n uu 11.s Vol Y .F1s:hes, Rt:pt1lc3 and Insects ·r1i1s "ork will nt ouce commend 1totelf to j the cnlt1rnted Autenccu peopl· ·nd no !1h a ry "Ill hO!elftei, oe complete Wltb- I !:Int tli1s addtt·on to it:. tt>cn."n ..cs, wln le RB pa ...lot aruuse1 meut It 1,.., 1 neq na.llPd h'f' Arne·tc~n lJllO 1 ]i'A HMS for -r \\ "'-:'\ ... Fnzettas and aho1t curls on the head Fo& over twenty yea1 s "B.i:ya.n's Pulmo1uc :lte more faslnon1ble thi.n eze1 V\ a.fer"' have 1na111tamed thgu reputation Pla1tecl at1d tw1s.tecl coronets of hn.n tre fot r.ur1 ng coug1 1s, cold-s, and puhnoniit.ry t-0 supcu.ede t11e .eon1padou1 .o1J Those suffering: or threatenocl I(l EN fLEA.t,N want of a ne,1t fittmg sho,,]d :r early at Ell101t's Fa8hinn,1hle Ta1loruw fj,;;tablish 11ent JU f\lllt call Not inuch changei 1n bonne4s, but they ""Y of the " rnptoms of bronclut1s, or nc 1~nge1 and Jnore sl1ape ~r1y of the pnliuonr.iry eomplnint~, should at one· give thom a trul They glrn geams still lug11 and sho1 ~, inost muned111te r~hef, and if taken 111 time : followmg the lme of tho shoulders goner'llly effecl a cure Rome'llber that stlll tO he a (,'Ol111no11 cold or cough, Jf lt<'t n.ttcndcd ret:nued b3 t1.e1Hublo " 01ncn to m often lcadn to thl\t d streBBm(I F'olt bo1u1~t6 lo be wo:rn fot v;oothe1 Sold by ;nuts b) thooc who do Jlo t hkc h!\ta Pnoe M fhO flhOrt skirt for 'WUJktng I dicd, 1u United Stu.tea bu irb :.;s r~q111red by tl;e Act of Oana.dn, 31 Vic, cha 4B, ssc. 22, is hereby licensed to cimy on the business in CRn a d!\ of Fire I11s1 1<:1 Dated at tb e City of O l ta.Wl\i lrH1 a.. r of Juuc) 1870 I " 1 ville 10 ac1es olenred and .Al in 'Voode. Com fortabl~ D\\ ellin ~House good B~1'll,, Anll Shou. , eorue II'cult Troe~ on tho premisea a go0t1 \Vell, also a stream of Spllng '\VRtot j ,, LSO 200 ACRlES, BEING LOl' NO ! ~ 12 in the 5th con of the a.bove I o\vnghfr ACRES OF GOOD LAliD, borug the '"'outll r,-0 and 10 on the North eMt corner of Lot 9 m thei 4th_con nt Darlln~-tcn 2i miles fr-0111 the Town of Bov. m.,._n _, , 00 J_ SAI~E· t ~S11t1s,act1on "I l'. bl gmranteed m all reasona e cases 130 acres clenredJ 70 m \Voods Henry Elliott, Jr. H ampto», A11gu·t 3tl, l 3T l ORNAMENTA"L I I Jons LA?¥ G-TON 1 hn 3hr1:st~1 of tr 1n1nce This ts to certtf;} that I l1 ave beeu acq1uuo t. 1 tf I I '\Veil "' ate red , arno o., good \\en ~ ne\v DweUinir Jiouze, \<;{ tb >:<tone (,~llar the full Sl'i.3 Of tJ.i<:iIloUSC a. small Log Hou ae tw o &.ins, Rta.ble 3nd Cow Shed Ex~llcnt laud situated Jt mnm~ trom the Iown of Down'nnville Jio1 t'urthe!" partioulars apply to the propuet,oI"l. '1H01\f..i\.~ \\ELDON Iempo P o, or to 13, in th8 1 lh the Officers and of t 1rn · oult rs.I lnl\uritnt e Coruu~ny !01 man y yeKrs, und also with tbe bu1Hnegs OIJ'"i:a t1ons oftbo Company, t\nd barn no bes1tat1oir 111 1ecommcnd1ng it as tl. perfectly i'Jllfe and rfl !table Oon1pany and its Officer!! na r.om1 e tent aod 1 onorsble business men and ns tt insures notlung l1ut F~rm Properh ar.<l dt~tached Dw~llings, nud hns ~ts 3 o,ooo Aslil'te I con s uler it respons1hle bc}ond any cont1ri genr y D p AL" IN M. p ' )re have ex1u11ncd n1to the conct1 t1on nnd standing of the Agriculturul Insuritocc Comp·n;, and dn fully concur wttb Mr, Ctc en irt tecomm~nd ng it to the Pa1mcu1 ot tn.s Province~ as one perfectly ~Hfo nn<l re11ahte rn which to insure their property J C C B k IiARK a~~ Gfr, -----------L I l '!.'HE ,,un::oGRIBER IS NOV\ REffEIVING A I DON, Lot No I Township 1 4th J.A1in~s QOO of the nbow 15-39 31n '"EL- ~nd .Apron!! to ove.._"H1.1rta n10 ,r:nucl1 "1d01, the a1do loopntgR nre. drn'\'1 vo \ fcir I l m por~ant to the PubUc? -~~- bacl4 b3 W'Orn f) mti1 dRHll l 'l.IU sk1rts f~ T toileb PRINTING I I I EXECUTED TN il ta.1n1n o of the Oil Cbromoi 10 Steel En· 1 g 'V d E ' d 00 1 gravrngs 1 10 .10 .ng1a~1ngs on I c r pages of Uesc1 1ptn e readrn g being selections Jrom ea(;b 'olume, together \i:! h birtnk pn· 1 pe1 , spe11men3 ofb1ndrn~ &cl «c Our Spec1ll\en Book: has cost u~ quite largely, nud we tlo not wish to send it to TN F !l.NOY , ND DRY GOODS A.ND TT>IMMINGS persons who do nnt intfnd to a.ct as a.gen ls, ~ B.. ...: "" ~ .t.... f but to any one who -w11 mfl.ko an efloti to , I procure snbscnber& to the Wo tk, we will STOCK OF STAPLE EVBH.Y DAY GOODS IS AS USU re nd the Specimen Book, p·epeid, on receipt A 1 lL'iD BEL.'<G IMPOR'rED BY HIMSELF _; of 40 cents to cover po·tage Enclo:;e stamp ' J C ~ 0 '01 reolv and addrc83 DIRl'.<"'Cl"1'~ B~ ~;' Gto ARRUTHERS A KrnKPATnlCK, h! . f' " -1.:,j LJ B M Bn11To" AMEllIO L'i PUBLISHLNG Co '\\"e would refer you to the tollow1ng gen· RorrANJJ V'l ! WT.LL BE'.0LD A'!' ! ~lemen, 1n regard to the re~pons1b1l1t~ of the , · ~ PRICES SO P ALPA.BLY CHEAP .1ICJ Compan) -D ::b~1sber, EiJq, Uash 1Pr of the Ou tam Ponk J no ~lcLeod, ~I P P , J B 'fhe 4JeJebn·a1e{l TR~·a·Hm1·J M to co1nrnend th~rn to close buj em, who a1e respectfully I Fa1rba1n. Esq 1 Por;:tma::iter, T E 11 a1t'.'ie1l I N ew ana ) F as h 10 · na bl e, Assortn1.en.t Stoves T Stoves! SUITED TO 'l.'RE SEASON, HE SU:BS.OR1BER, IN RETURNT EMBRAC:)l"G A VERY FINE SELFOTION OF WHAT IS ham, for tho 1 bcre.l support they rg e and Varied 1 I I ING thnnks to the inhabitant ~ or ~h ich West Dur llav~ "ri vcu him, bog3 to inform all those who are. in v ~nt of n. tlrst clas .. Stove, the;t the)'" ba eu:p plied. by him as chea.p as any other house in thfJ I trade He has SJ.SO for ~a.lo the celebrated I THIS AI H RUTTN" HOT IR STOVE, foiChurch::IB, IIalhi, and publlc building~ I from t}1e ..v.1.Sh !'l Ma1·ke which is no'\v in use in all the 11r1nclpal Rai!waT Stations 1n Cuna( 11 It lSJ 1st tlw thl:lli' ;:: Re is ull:!O 1nu.11ufa.ctu1lng tlm BEST HOT AIR !.:::i Canada DR U ~.1 STYJ,E I E·q,Dmr1.~r a gent for Oobour~ a·ill W. R C'LTMTr ville 1 l"lCtn1ty 1 I Piano !Forte. IN VI'rED TO CALI, AND lTDGE FOR T 11 1 ' " SEVvING MACHINES. Agent for the 'Vneeler & '1l llson tho B'owo, nnd the Osborne Sow1ug Macliines I Dee I 870 WILLI IM 'r. 1 ISB Local Ager.t.ut Bowm11n j GLA$GOW Bow nru.r,-illc April, 1871 1 HOUSE, THOMAS PATERSON. LEWIS 'JU ICK Bonn1auvillA :\ugu;it 9, 1871 I I I Chau{:ei·J J'WoHce to cied1to s of SECOND TO I ! I Special An nouncen1er1t. {). DAVID HOOEY, DECEASEl' ORJJE S JN A.NNm Nc:-rr, 'IIIE OPEKING OF THE NO The 110,voat fa.U <iut door gt!.rmont ts tho n1tP1tle It 11'> n. loose 8'1-(XfU£l eovermg hnJf wq down mth a lnrge cape, ~flirqtneo S P I~ I _N (3- rr"' R _L\__-J=:> F~ to their orocrs Newest and Most Fashionable Goods i·h1ch looped "P lo the collnr rn tho ba-0k [ ~1th n. large, fla..t, A.rabutl' ho'"' .._\ U 11cl1ly bra.ded Basques ha't'e entirely snporsedEid round l\-aists, except in use of the plaited hlo11se wru.sts, nnd the5e. ,tp 111 henvu11· ma· tc1 ts..l, froquontly worn a.a n, basqu.e, 0 I () NE~T DL'\.. VID FORBES. "E UREI<:.A" the pl1t1ts bomg loft loose bolow tho ' "!St u.nd over, u1stea.d of under the gk11 t J G<)O:QS JI X'!!:C. ~ rnrnottrod that the Hon c:;'\rhng 18 to suceood I\-!1 l.11eut Governor 1s lT I -AND-- 'rnR potato blight 1s ropo=i:l to be .upreaduig with confit(lerable mp1d1ty In the Provrnco of Nova Scoha ·rHE etrongth of lJlfJects is eviuontly pro-1 1 1 SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRA..'!ITE. suppliod o l dlglous, A mosqu1ito 1 fol" example, Wlll frequently mo,ko a man got out of bed ~t I 1ugbt I fT 111 "'1Id th»L if a-tree-rs felled whuo m le.:U, and allowed to he until tl10 fohnge 11t1thers, the wood mll ho tho ·ocnest ·ea ooned, ""the leave· will rlrnw all tho sap before they die ..-'\. SPLE:SDID lot of cotswold and other sheep, ha"l'e JU·t been ·h1ppe<l from Be1l.n, Ont., for l\i1nn"'sota There n ere 234 head in all, embra.c1ng rams lnn1bs with promµt attention, by leartug d""' with pertam!ng to Cemetery wo1 k " 11( meet C BO"G ·,~A.LL short not1oe Evcrrthlng Ot'w- S Ii I no,'\ man'l1l1a.': I:l 0 M I N I O~N, Best Surr1mer Drink Knovvn 1 and e\ves of ehoicm~t specnueiu~ A'l' 'rRE 'EUREKA" IS A SOL:::: AJ FOR DO\' MANVILLE }<~ 1\' T j PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICI!:rn ! .l!'OR TllE C:t.:'ltE OF DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPI,AINT LOES OF \PPETlT£, G-E:N ER AL 'DlBlLh'1: JB[ .. A :i.r lN" ln Kansas " Ls p1cBent at the .i.unoral of a nc1ghhf':1 of wh Jn1 no g::iod .... ~ Flt :I\/.[ s' NEV\! SHUTTLE OR LocK-STrrcH SE\i\7 IN G :l\1:AO:E-IINES, I e.ould hono·tly bo ·aid But ernrybody was t+ay111g so1neth1ng, and this 111111, 11(1t .J. ll[ I G GIN Iii 0 -'I' 6 A. ~I, ' 1 I ! selected NOl,i~C II, OHEMIST AND DRlGGIST, 1 BEGS RESPECTFULLY ro I tliat ho hao ieee.hed a e:orte(1 t!!-Ock of Oennmo Dnw;s n.ud-Puro En.glj~l) ChoD:llcnh; Also a splenrlld l"tocl~ ut the .11osl A.N-1 -o;ell as i ,/FoR ' '.FA"'\HLY USE ~ND LIGHT l'\f.A.NUFACTURING ~ 'zj >rj ~ ":) 1 DYE STUFFS H ! wl11dt eu:nnot. b(l !!i Lrpt.tSl!!od tvr e:xcc)leucy ol I l quality '.\n a.B1WrtmP.nt of ..!lliliue Dle!! kept e<>nste.ntlr on hwd t-ngeth~r ;""r"lt h a c .. o ec ~ I l·etion of Dtu::&s, I z ;--3 tr: I rfrrE simplest and cheapest w.1y to c:-tol a 1oon1 1a. to wet a cloth of :-&Py mzo, the larger the better, and i:suspend it in the pfaco Jou want cooled J,et tho room be well ·ent1lated, !lnd the temperahuo wJll tnnk fron1 ten to twcntJ degi (·cs 1n less than an hour RotJMA<NIA. is as nnlia.pp:y in domost1r as m p11 bhc affmrn The nccomphshed alld b<Jautiful wife of 1t· Hospodar IS a con· fumed kleptomamao, imd keeps tho old gontlon1a.n llusy running a.1 ound to the ·tores to pay for the thrngs ·h· oteals wh1le shopping True, tf1ough qneer I I OILS I l'Hl!MlCAJ.9 ' P.ATENT .M'.EDICINES BRUS!iE5, Cb_UBS !SHOU,LDER BRACES, SUPPORTE:RS, Ste., l!to P.ilN~ COLOl'tS, V ./i... H -(I SHE~. ll!ln"te< I and W Hl'tEI E.ll.D 1111" At the very loweat _prlcoo NE'\ Elt be a~ha1ned of conf&f!s111g your !:fbllOre.nce, for the WL<Jest man upon earth "' ignorant of mnny thmgs msomuch tht what he knows is .i more nothing in coin panson to what he doos not know But wo llpprehend very f·w Mo 1gnor&nt of the wonderful effe:cts of tho" Canadian Pau1 Dest1oyer/' it 1s a lUost sure tind rapid cure for colds, rl:cu1natunu, pleurisy, chol1e, pholera mor:buis, n.nd all su1n1ue1 corn !'· Sold by rul medicine clohm: 1 I AT THE llOWl\!ANVILI,E 'IURE Factor; npp1ent1ccs \\.'anted, t1 B .t "'l-:< "A.r .a.1...1U-J 1-'f'y l'ROlliPTL'u· n.a 1. business .Applv to THOM.AS JOHKc1:0N J\fan ager to o a few strong JOlUl~ 1nen FURNI- PRIVATE to others wh1oh "tve cannnt explain he~e but will be nl0n.sed to forv. ard Orr-cu.lam :l:n.d Samples of YI o:rk ei e:cy\\hero on application DISCOU~r 'IO C1LERGY:!\1EN Cane Chair and Cabmot ),. '!"!'ENDED J'O I W There are many point8 of excellence about the Jl,fachme, Super10r Fruit Ti·ees Co1· ~ale. · ' -'-

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