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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1871, p. 3

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CA.NADIAN STATESMAN, ·noWMANVILLE, THUltSDAY, OCTOBER ·am_ _£§cs _ _ 1811 · i' · 1 \yflJ 1F·'L Lo r ei:! p:-.rnsib'.e for Kny rlal.Jt·s ti'a::!t C"I Ly r~_ty ~o n, 'lV ill:i;;,,rll J t\-4ne1 Salle,!'. C{'m. 5, Cartwright. · '1'~10 W:o<it o? lhe lan<l lut.3 bee11. in. pasturco and mca.dow f(~r 10 p~ur.c;. A qnantit·Y of fttllen cedar of cxcellel!'t. que..lity for snJe. Apply t.o lte ~· . A BOU'l' 50 ACRKJ OF LOT No. H, Cnr tv;rig'h t, Seil!. Oct. 4th, 1871, W. L OG_t\.N, 10-tf. --- 'T'he Osborn. I l-.o; - -- : i J : - - - [CHAN CERY SALE I I I ~~ il'J J ARRIVED -AND. . ..l' l\.fO 'W E IS HF.Ii.EBY GIVEN, TJH,'i' C:.'01.l.· \-\' lL L1A:;'t.:1. SC"L~ E·"i .... . Dt>-!'lbi ·:tw,- J · ~~i ~ 1 1 , 1s:1. --· - --- -~ ; - OF THE- !"~. jJ1! c·1aditl ~ : Rl"El]. 1~p~· ~a i -t ., 1 IN A. . -ll~:.;:::l~~:t:;;~;:;;::a;!~i,,"~f. I . . .~. .. liousework. IIighest wa:ge3 gn1 u·a11tccd. A.pply at this Ilowrua.u ville, S 9pt. 28, 1871. near t he Tovn1of13 0 \Ymanvilh~ . Ap p !imt t.ion to be rnadc to .r. f5. BATES, P roprietor. THE COUNTY OF DURfTAJ\1, ffQ QT~!shi~~!~~i;~AD I I in n Rnit of sold by PUBLIC AUCTION, \\.ith the a pprobat ion of JOHN ALEXANDER BOYD Esq~irc, 1\-I a.stcr in Or· ilinazyofthe said C{Hld ,, by THOl\lAS CIIRISTlE, Auctioneer, at. P . . by~ tho Cmn·L qf Chancel'y, ~OOE·\'. ~vs . lnl:.ROU:::iOX, will Uc URSUA:"fT TO AN ORDER MADE !i lREADY FOR INSPECTION 1 r;' ~ ~ Spr i n.g Fas t1io:n s ..\. 'l'RE T HE SlTB 8 0R.I.1:1~ tlA~ N-o ·~c Fu. 1hhas 1'1Jr l ~ i l spring, oma~'.e LJ. ::l i ~J ,d :. ~ i .; ; -~ · ' 18'll , and i.s p:rapa.l't'd . SERVANT TO DO GENERAL · 1 'ho1m1!!1 D1·cHlic's Hotel! -IN 'IHE- ~! I ::' =~ ... = " =~ 'AS USU AL IN fit ting. LATEST ST!LES.' FLETCHE~ . tE Pl\r ticulin· t\t.tonU-on plLid. to entti.:ag: a-all MRS. A.LEX. ,Aprll IZ, 1871. l'r·tf. ~otuce. in his 1i!elimo oft-h e. ,, of Newc.--i.-sHe, rn t.he CountY of Di.U'hn.m gentlema n, deceased, wil t on l\tON'OAY, the 23rd day of OCT OilEB:., inat,aut, TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE, / --ON· - ~~, I s. =l ~ STOVER! Still Ahead. SOIREES, 1'EA I' ARTIES. BALL SUPPEHS, PUBLIC DINNERS, WEDDING CA..K.Jill!l Got u1"J in the b oot st;;_lo and ou rottsonable N OTWE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the lihders igued. wirlov·· of Albert Mc!l;itm1h, T ues~ay, the IOth ~a~ of October, I I "-ppfy to t ho Judge of the. Stu·rogat.e Co1wt of the Unit.edCouuties of NorLhumberlau11. andDurh<!tm, to ,b e appointed Guard.i au to Charles Edgar ~IC· Intosh and '\Valter \.V1!d ~!cintosh, In!a_ u t children of' the Albert tfclntosh, decelumd, and the undersigned, Dn·t ed this 3:rd di:i.y ofO ct.ober, A. J;).1871. t JANE ADEL~.\. IDI<J ·. :\'1clNTOSH. ·--·- -----~~ .. - -- -- - - - 10-td Ini the 1natte·r of JOHN FLE1'0HER the yottmger,. a.n. I-nso-Lr.;e-nt. D. BOO'l'H , of Bo\vmanvill'O!, have been ap· pointed Assignee in thls mii.~ter~ Creditors are requested to file thelr clnimk' be· tore me within one1nouth. CHAHLES R. D. BOOTH, Official A~aigne e.. Bowma.nvillo, October 2nd, 187 1 ~ 2-in. I THE UNDERSIGNED CHARLESR. = = = r·: · $..h I 18'Tl, at the hour of ONE o·olock in the afternoon the following :n:W.uablo Real Estate, i n t;wn Purccls, that is to 8a.y : PARCEL No. I, being composedo:l' thei north half of Lot number Eleven and-t h e West Half of Lot number Twelve, in the 'First. conoossion of the To\·,.n ship of Cartwright., in tho County of Durham, containing together two hundred a.cree. On- this Parcel are erected a- frame house on . c_ o.nd a half store.Y high~ a Barn, a .large Driv· ing Shed and Stabling-all frame, and in goOd repnir. There is a. good Orchard of a bout four 3cres in extent. A good Gravel Road passes through this parcel. no"~ been tested beyond all quC11t.ion and tM odi0t or the public fa tJlat to·d..1.y T HI S CELEBRA.TED MACHINE I I HAVING CONCLUDED A FU.L L ASSORTMENT OF Give Up .um t~e Stove ~usiness E X OJ,U81YELY TO ! by the subscriber.. rhe whitest, the sweetest and best bread delivered dath-· to customers ht &lt varl-f' of t,he town. · 15-M term. ALEX. FLETCHER. Imio!vent Act ot 5869. z,. the matfor of .TOSEPH THOMAS and .AROHlBA.LD TOWNSEND, Inwl- 'vents , as uell Individu. r:.d ly as me1nbers of-the fi1"nt of Thom.a1 a-ncl Tow-nsend. .... ~of tlte aboYO n amed Insolvents will be held n~ Boi·l8.nd's H ote ·, in the v l Uage of Orono, i n the Town:;hip-of Cln.rk.e, in I.he County of Durham, on 'l'UE3D..\.Y 1 the SE"\'"EN'fEENTll DA.Y OF OC'l'OBER , A. D, 1871, a t the h vur of two o'clock in the n.fternoon, f.Jr the ordering of th e n,:ffairs of the E9tate generally, and more particu larly for advising the Asr;ignee a;, tothe sale of the .Ei.sscts I of the Estate. · Dated at Bo..,.ymanvilie this 3rd day of October , 1 A. D. 1871. CHARLES R. D. BOOTH, Ofii~ir.J Assignee. 2-in, MEETING OJ!', '!'HE CREDITORS number 'l'we;l"t"e, in the _i;'1rst Concession said Tov.-nship of Ca.rtwrlght, containing One · H1,1ndred Acre-a. On this Parcel there a now Frame Barn, a Log Housei'. and a.good Shed for Cattle. '!'here is also a. cirnall rcha.rd. Tho l'enan~ in poesesaion to have theOght to House, Threeh anU. Itemove Crops now i1the premises lt h the D1.0et eubat&ntlally built, has the fewest within One Month after the sale.on Tho . above properties are Two and a. ha.If working part.a, beautiful in dMign and 1ln.ish,mitca -from "\Vil1ie.rnsburg, and a.bout Twelve Haa t.he beat. design of a. suttle, and by _ fa,r th~ miles from Bov;rmanviUe, Each parcel will be J..ARG_EST. U_OBB1NS._ ~ ia capa~le ~12tP ~foriµ· r.iu bject to a reserved bid fixed by t.he Master e of wqrk hitherto;-thq1.lg"ht lmpoa.ilble The purcl;tasers to pa,y down at tho time of sale inir a. ra.ll,l. !ol'_S&r.i.n.a; J.\.!Aclt.ine1. . n th of theil' _purchase money to the ' 7 en· one-te_ dors' Solicitor &na witWn one month therea.!'t.e1· sufH.eient with ~aid one-tenth t o make up the one-third of the purchase money ,without interest, , th e reu1ainder to be f ecureti by mortgage on the preu1ism1 at the purchaser's expense, payable in tour equal annual instalments, with i.ntcrcat 1 one·h:df'the 1·carly at slx per cent. per annum, On such pu.y- Is ment, and on Lhe execution of the mortgages, the purchuscr will be entitled t o the conveyu.nce n.nd p1·nce of thie1· JUaehines be let il1.o posi-ession. 'l'ho p1·opcrt-ics will be aold free from dow-0r a n d all inoumbe1·a.nccs. The other conditions of sal.e will be standing conditions of the Court of· cery. .l!'or further particulars apply to the Law Qffl. ces o! John l:::Joskin, EsqWrc ; Messrs. Blake, Kerr & B ethune: Mcss1·s. I\'Iurl"ny, Barwi ck & THE PRICE OF OTHER MACHINES DOING Lyon; and Messrs. ;Bcu<;ty, Chadwick &. Lash, THE LTK'.E WORK. Ia equally at bon1e on i oronto, and to the Auctioneer andJanies Fluke, "leather as on fine goods. Has carried otl' prlzef'I ..t:aquirc, Cartwright. over the Ifowe, Singer, Lockn1an, 'Vheeler &: (Signed), J.A.BOYD. \VilMon, "°""arn:er, Rayn1ond, &c. a" A Perfect Dated 30th day of, 1871. 6·4in. Maehiuw Gfu.arantoed or no Dloei. P,A.ltCJ;;L No. 2, bolng tho East Half of Lot , Rh·at ot tho i It Stantb with&nt a DR,ESS· ~. OODS j CONFINE Ml." ATTENTIO:-< L. CORNISH HAS TBE'M: HARDWARE, MILLINEI=tY IN .A.LL THE LATEST MATERIALS . CONSISTL"W OF sold at about COOK , PARLOR, GOOD ~AND- - ..,..., . ~· NEW'S \VOOL GOODS BOX , IN ALL THE LA'fEST NOVELTIES. . pf Bowmanville and vicinicy b res.pcOtfuU:r aolic1ted to n1y new st ock of .ousiness Change l TlHE GUELPH iliAND FOR LADIES r T HE ATTENTION OF THE LADIES Millinery Goods, LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING, LADIES' COLLARS and CUFFS, BRAIDED sun·s for CHILDilEN, I n the niatter of \.VrLLLUf MuLDH.EW an.d J MN J'YI1:-LDREW ,as ·i.ndit:i.-d'tlCLls an-r:l as copartners t·rading under the ncim.e, styf.e midfirrn of Wm. M'tildtew & Go., Nev1- Every"one admits that to sell mer- .~ND chandi:z-0 on credit you must hnvc, at /;;! . . leMt, 10 per cent. more . cas11. 'I'RE,\.DLE !UA.CHINES A CHOICE LOT OFj lco:~":;~~~D, I I l I of .e very des~ription ~ of tht':, latest styles, and at P,rwcs to srnt cyeryoody, Just received for thU l! all's trade. I also a, very superior ae:sortmeut at t011viU.c , I11solve:~1;toJ. Goths, Underclothing, Collars, prc_pnred, open to objection, at the o ffico 1\Iessrs. Smart& Smit11,B.arristers, & c-., Port Hope, until t·ho tenth da.y of October, . A.. D. 1871, after 'vhich dividend 'vill be paid. A DIVIDEND SHEET IIAS BEEN AT_COST. ~~MY o!l . A. F. GAULT, Assignee. Po;:::: :::::· :~t ofiS69.~ I The subsodoor n.rei the best n1ade, simpfost, more .durable and profit t han for reliable than any other sillgle-thread macbh10.Larger and work ·w ith 1:.---reat \-\rill do nil kinds of donlestic sewing in a pe-.rfcc tly satisfo.c} tory 1nanner. IIas . ·taken: :firat i)rizc whe.rcver hns therefol'e cxhibit~d; · I STOCK OF- Berlin, Finfrering and .Fleecy \\rools: and E1nbro1dery -1\Tater1als. Stampin~ for Bratd~ "'Ork and Emb1-oidery; also, n1ater1aJa for thu same. Stitching done to order. Chlguons 8,vitchcs and Rolls in great variety. ' All ,,orders J?l'!Jn1ptly at.tended to. A ct\ll ro-s_pectfully· solic1t.OO. Re1nmnber the stand- Two dnors East ofIIcndorson's Hotel. · MRS .J. 0. l'OLLAJ tD, BO\VnlQ.ll.Yille, Sopt.ombtw .H, 18iL r· I 1 I . fHARDWAR HEAD OFFICE-'.rORO;><TO. ----·----,,. I n th~ malt<w of .TosEPII TuoMAS ,,,,..a ARCHIBALD TO'\l.~SEND, I n.sol'vcttt8, at1 well i-ndivi.d·ually a-8 'nteniber:r of the jirr11; of Th<mWA mid To·wmond. '} R. D. DOOTR; of Bowmanvillt:, been ( appointed Assignee in Lhis matter. Cr~ditors requeBtod t o file their cla..i.tn6 b5fcre mo \Vitb· in 011e month. B~tltatnvillc, decided to reduce his prices, t-i:J.d that on ~nd 3'fter Oct-0ber 1st, Ul711 hi> I. Will eell for ~ A.GEN'rS WANTED EVERYWHEHE $PLE"DID_ INDC'OEME!>o'T~. N eck-·Ties, &c., SPLENDIIJ BLANKETS VERY CHEAP, ~ IS WELL ~.SSORTED, C:tpit.rtl Stoek , . . . S11.rpl u11 F n ntls, . .. ,. , $-l&tJ. ·M Of 205,3&9 t?d ...... ;. ,, ,; .. end.Jn~ I THE UNDERSIGNED, CHARLES Sept. 2Cth, 1871. GHAl{LES R D. DOOTH, Ot:tlciaJ. ...-\.ssignee. J'or term~. sa.mplee or &e,~iag-, t'(;ow., anly to rJ.UELPHllfEJWLNGMA.OHINEOO'Y, GUELPH; C'A.'i'.llH, I I AlHl, ·.\ Usual, :u~celpts ::hU~ aailing at Pric~s that c(lntinuo to Give Satisfaction . ._Jn1u·1, for the yca.r l~1t,., 1 . .,..:;.. ~ ,,.. ··· r >JI·,,_,,,, "' · Ho::<. J'. MoMuRmCB:, President. B. fuLt>A...~, Managing Direct-or. 9-2in. The best value COTTON in town, can be seen at Insohent .&d ot 1869, fo and JOHN MuLDRE,v, a.s in.d-i11ir.lvA.>ls ancl a.s c0-par.tner.s__ Wrli11Q .under t.{ie y~ainu:, st:yW a.nd firm of Wm. Mtt!drew & Co., atNewthe mat.for WILLIAM l'>IULDREW of '-:' .. Wm.M0MURTR Y'S. j ~---·-------- . ·--· ......___ ===---::::~- 1 jTHOMAS BASSETT. ' F'i re and Marin e Bawma-n'"ill t), Auguet 30, 1871. 5. tQ1"Ville , Inntioltients. T VENTS are llocitled to meet at the office of l\<1ess:rs. Smart '& Smith, Darristers, k c ., ·111 the Town of Port Hope, in the County of Durhnm, on D. 1871, at ten o'clock iu the fol'enoon, for the pub -lie examination·· of tbe In~olvents, to advise the: B.5Signcc u.s to acceptance oi u. .-lers for stock or other disposal thereof, and for the ordering of the affairs of the Estate generally. · HE CREDITOilS OF THE INSOL- CASH PRICES. General Sewing Machine Agency, If you will only ca.II nnd examine - - - --....... JI ARKET--JlUILDINGS, the goods yon will be 6atistl.ed that he cash system is decidedly the most eneficlal t o the buyer. - .r - I NSUR A NCE AT J,OWEST CURRENT R1.1'ES. Snccial Low Tariff of Hatos, 00Tari1 ·g In:>urance for one or three, :rears. 011 Deta.ol1ed D'vellings, Churches and Sehools, with oontente in Cities '!'owns and Country places. Theff and tern113 of poUcy pa.rtioula.rly ta,yora'bl· Loth e Fa1·ming Conununity. FRIDAY, THESIX'l'll D.AY OF OCTOBER, A . THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY T HE CELEBRA'l.'ED PERFEOTl· il Spect a.cles tt-nd Eye Glo.sscs manufactun~;· by LAZARUS &:- MORRIS, and for which have the solo agency, are gaining golden opinion11 !rom all those who have tried it. It you want t preserve your sight to extreme old o.go, use thoi:.t and no others. AARON BUCKLF.R, n-gent Ir Bowma.nvills and vicinlt;r, 1-mo . FIRST-CLASS l\fAN WANTED foi: Ofilc.e. A.F.GAUL'l', a 'fra;elling .A.gene), for the TOwnehiP~ outlying t.h1s 'lawn. Apply in wriUng1 with references., to the u nder:llgned for tl'llllilmlitiion to the He" Assignee. Port!Icpe. 20th Sept, 1871. R. & H. O'HARA, BowmanvLle, Sept. li, 1871. ; Local Agent;;, lm;olvent Act ot· iS69. In. the matter of BO WM..t\..N"VILL E 7 WILLIAJtl' HILLIER, un I1~ol11ent. j_"1i by virtue of the power vested in me as A_s· signee of I.he Est.ate and effects of the above nl;l. rned Insolvent, a nd w1dcr the provisions of the Insolvent Act of 1869, I shall offer for salo by Public Anci.ion , at Lu.ttimer's Hotel,in the Vill ag~ of Ennii.k.illen, rrownship of Da.rlin~ton, County of Durham, at. the hour of };!ev en o clock in the forenoo n, on 'l'UESDA Y, FIF'l'~ day ofDECE.M· BER, A. D. 1371, all the estate, r1ghL, Litle and in- 1 terest of the above-named Insolvent, and of w~ 1 the undersigned a.s such As..,ignee, in and to a.L.L and singular: Lots numbers 2 a.nd3, in l st Range, North Dur· h.a.:m H.oa.d, Township of OspL'ey, County of Grey. Al.SO, l\.TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TBA1 ,G-0 0 0 D si ' l I I Photographs I _ lt'I'f'l'ED and improved the Gallery late!) occupied by J\.lr. H. 'l'a1t, iB now prepared to ta.l<f A fRRrnlt Tf MPTA TIO N ! THOSE .PRICES A.T ~ AND "LOCKMAN" GROCERIES T HE SUBSCRIBEH HAVING .HJi.. PHOTOOB.A.PHS IN ALL STY[,Ji;·· Anderson & Co's North Halt' of Lot number 15, in 7th concession of th e 'l'ownship of Darlington , except tho South East t thereof. ALSO, I One Roml/1nrt or 18. in tho 7th concession of the Town ship o Darlinlo(ton, us described in a. doed t,hereof from one Edward ]~loody, Da.tcd a t Bowmanvillo, t his 26th day of Sep. tcmber, A. D. 1871. CHARLES R. D. DOOTH, fl-Oin O.lfl.oial Asslguec. -~--- --- - - s FANCY AND STAPLE 0 FOR Dry Goods Y.l I I ' CASH .. I IS AT '.l:SD .J.'l' LOWEST PRIC:MS. Picture:ii in 311 kinds of wertt: h L~l. l NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE. ' "ould you be 1urprbed to knuw Uu'lt: '"'e s.r 6 SEI.Ll:\'G (")llEA.PEll TH.t.N JE."fF..Rs l I\. 4call respectfully ~olicited. Galle1·y-Oorner o· HAVING mg and Division Stre~ ts. en tr a.nee ouposit<."J "".\1 r. Treleven'-: &hoe storo ~ SATISF A CTION GUARAN TJ<: El ' · ___,_ __ .__ _____. .__ I STOVES l STOVES ! IN STOVE SI T FORM the inhabitants of Bowma.n ville and surrounding country that h e has the HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO IN· c+ 0 I nottrithst.A11ding the great rise McOLUNG B . R 0 S . IW. ~ ~ .. ~plendid assortment of l'a.ll nnd W ink-:r Goods of the moetfaahionable styles .a.nd ofthl'" ED,VIN J FLE1'0B1" l> very best quality that can be harl in 'the ma.rkot, · · J .£J \. it·w1U be to your n.llvantagetocalla.ude::to.mino: Bomn&n \ille, April 26th, 18· 71 . ~he stock and prices before':r.mrchasingelse whe:re. 3U·Ll 16 _ ,-----· ---···~---- · -·-. ! offered. -.1..~o trouble 1.o sh ow goood!'.I, Great inducement~ J'E"l~T "\Youkl it Bttrprisc you to kno w thiit. "\":"e fl ~ l'\ro now prepared to 1nanufaetnre for all who -1nav favor us with t,holr IN BOWMA.. 1'VILLK o,-rlerR. ~ton's Women's an~ Misses' Boots n.nd Sboe;i, ma<letoorder,warra.nt · . . c.d to :fit or no ~ale. JUST RECEIVED ~ TJN· SHOP REED' PLEASURE IN I JJAS MUC~ G BEST SELECTION OF STOVES over oft'ered in "the. Towu. compri sing of ell fabricl! in the foreign mlJ..l'kets, 1.e 'Will ·sell fill good8 ~t ---~... . ._.. .,,,.,.. _ _ __ . ._.;;.-....,.,,..,~. - .·,.. - .. ~ .--.... ~"'"-·'··--~--._..,_,_ ...... _~- and surrounding country that he hr...s opoued out a. New Tin Shop in the store lately occupied by .Joh n ..!.11.en. corner of' · ' · FOR~fiNG thcinhabitan:t s of Bowman-ville rn: I . Mr J · H aving engaged ~ GLYN N - · , LATE 0]' CARTWRIGHT. Particular attention Viill bo given to gt<'l'lt.'s ftne sewed ·vork. Please i·cmoruber the i!14iilnt'I, GOOKING, ef tl~ PARLOUR, BOX AND GO.AL STOVES, AS CHEAP KING AND DIVISIO N STREETS the old pa.ttorn2 and of tho best workman &hip, ·w hich he ~ill s&ll AS IN ANY MARll:ET IN THE DOMINION. .Also, agent for the celebrated A1 nerican I i prleea-for eallh. I i At the Ironmon.geryI ~ nowma.nvllle, whera he will keep constant!)'" on ha·n d a well 5eleot.ed stock of st-0ves, Jap. anned, pt'es·;ed and plain 'I'in "\'fare, which ·he vdll "ell TWO DOORS WEST OF l\HTRDOCll: BROS. ANDERSON k Il&WrA.t\nvillf!, H, ~e'f) t.1S71. l SOMEEHING LONG WANTED BY EVERYBODY, "OHE.J.P AS THE GHEAPEBT." ~pedal Ct~ . F. F. McARTHUR. I ··wm·nville, scptembera · . IE VERY - ORONE HIS OR HER OWl\' PAINTER! attention paid to . f:A V E1'RO UGHING AND JOBBING lo. BA.SE BUR" ER AND U:EAT.ER. Ca.JI a.nd examine _ Stoves and · prlcea before ~-u~Ohruilr;,l\felsewhorc. !lA.Hal' ofa.11 kind~. Paints, Ous, Putty, Glass, &o. , &c, in. ISewing Machine TOOli;TllE FIRST P ·Rl.ZE UT Orders !fflr.a the ecu.ntry promJ'ltly attended ----- --- ----...-----·~---· - -- 1'4'LE0:0'S HOUSE AND VILL .A THEIR COMPOSITION CONSISTS SOLEY OF:...:. . Cotta;e fol· l!tlaie. Queeu Street (East), at present unoec:upled. will be soi.d cheap. A good G-a.rde~ ·) table and DriYilli' Shed attached. TllRM.· ~PPIT PA INT S-. ' · - - :o: - - T .:on HE BRICK COTTAGE SITU.A.TED Prepared for immediate .use, and nothing but the purest Mat.erials nsed, and re· quiring no further n1ixture of oils, Turpentine a-nd Dryers. TINWARE. An assorluunt of t-intva1 e, llussia an.d conimon iron Sto·v;; pipe~, tr Highest price paid for Ridell~ .eheepskins. Rags, V\-"ool-pickinga, Copper, eathers and Horsehair. 1;g G1·eat induceme nts held out to pedlers. N. B.-Farmers wanting Milk Pails Or \Yo uld do well to call and examine n1y stock before purchasing elsewhere. A share of Public patronage rer.;pec tfully solicited. W.G.REED. Bo-..vmanville, 1Iarch 8th. 1871. S2·tf. ..·--··· First l'l'ize Cul1ivato1·t1. _I_ the attention of farmers to the onc-horrse and t·wo-horse h·on Cultivatorsn1anufa.ctured by hlln and ·v}Lich have !or six years obtained first prlzcti at Provincial a.nd Local Fairs. They are undoubted ly the best ilnplcmcnt of the kind i n use a nd will ill a v ery short time inore -than re_pa:f their cost, in the effi.c1 cucy and excellence of their work. Inspection invited. A su pply of Cu!tlva.· tors no·v on hand for the apring work, and Will be sold nt lowest ra.tes. rnHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIREC'I.' .nodera.t8. to W·. PORTll. fAT 1'll'.E For &tr. Pu re Color, P1tre White Lead, Pure White Zinc, Linseed Oil, Spirits of T~trpentine and Dryer8 carefully and scientijfoally combined. . The c?nsumer can have any desfred shade of Colors neatly put up in Cans, and all he reqmres to bny with the Pamt 10 a Brash, as the work cart be done by himself or by any member of his household. Oallows pipes, For !!iaic stablf"__., and a goml bearing orchard. ·.' urther particulars, upply to Bowman\.·illo, Sept. 20, 1871 , D umib Stoves, &e. , kept o» hand. 1 ACRE OF LAND, A HOUSE AND MRS. LUKE NOBLE HOT AIR DRUMS ~ mcide to orcle,.. H ot Air Fµl'.!lJ'ces ~tted up on the i·ro:vincial Exhibition ! Juat heltl at '1.'oronto, over the moist renowned Sewingli1o.ehiqos in the ·world, - among which -..vere l,he celebrated Howe, YVhecJer &: W;!f:;:Jn, &:-c. T'nis is only a confirmation of the vexdict PURE WHITE LEAD. A large stock just received for Autumn Painting, imported direct from the English Manufacturers, including JAMES' Genuine and celebrated Rooster brand- Guaranteed pure. ALSO :-All .standsrd Colors, Oils, Varnishes, and Painte1·s' Materials. Co.JI i most i1uproved pla. ns. WORK"Ptf_ ANSlIIP second to n one in the · Dominion, all kind::i uf jobbing do ne on the shortest. no Lice, antl at reasonable prices. To Let.--!-- ~r he Pump Shop· . ED'il'IN HORSEY. 3tf WITH HORSE-POWER & I,A'!'R'E, Bovrmnnville, August 16, 1871. at present worked hy tbA ~ub::icribe-r. Possession given immediately. Onlv business of the kind in toWn-pl~nty of custom· rare chance for a good pnmpmaker. '\Vm.D. a.owe, 9.A.J!',.J,, SJ., LAW, Solicitor in Chancery a.nd Insolvency &c., &o. Office on Sil ver Streel, BornnanYille, lilr MONEY to loan on eoay t ernrn. 16-<b! @INGH<G, PIANO, 'VIOLIN, !illRJ10XWU B ARRISTER AND ATTORNEY-AT- R SI LVER. }3owmn.nville, May 25, 1871. 4.3- t previously rendered by the Great Canadian Public, and proves conclusively the SL.PEnronrTY OF ·rJIE "LOCK1l:IA.1'{" OVER .Ar,L OTTIERS. 2000 GALLONS MACHINE OIL OF Dll!'FERENT KINDS. 500 COOK, PARLOR, HALL AND and see how cheap a House can be Painted and Decorated, for all these · goods will be sold at reduced figures. ea.nnot palm off a. -..vorthless ~e'l\fachine on persons acquainted with the inents of the 'dif. ferent ?tlach ine.s, 1·epre~ent them selves ns ai'ents :tor the celebrat..ed Lockman a nd Osborn :nra.. chines; and offer to grant warrant.s f or the same with intent Lo deceive. 1i\'"e being the on1y au: thorized agents for West D urham, are the only persons who can gmnt warrant· thereon: and a.ny persons not employed by us, representing themselves as ngents, or offcr:illg to grant . warrantsii are imposters, and liable to be prosecuted fqr _ rand , 'l 'he public are hereby caut ioned agnjnst such. R. & H. O'HA'\:.RA. 47-3-m B own1anville, Juno 22nd, 1871, A CAUTION. W E LEARN 'l'HA'I.' THERE ARE IRON HARROWS of ~ constantly on hanU for sale. shortest notice. A call solicited . 15-34tr. I. " l VESTCOTT, Bowmanvlllo. r,:jf' All kind~ of Black3mith \York done on the suporior kind, also on hand. Unprlndplod. persons who when they B U G GI E S A N D WA G 0 N S SC'\Ving lltiachine Cballen.,"'e, AF'rER BEING ENGAGED FOUR ~.ost celebrated Ma'?hine:i, ranging tn prico :trmn $05 to $150, I am satisfied tho.t in range and months in tLo United selling the I Cottage and Land .for §ale. R . & H . O'HARA, Wholesale ruid Retail Agents. Also; agents for Guelph Sewing Ma c hine Oo., Grover & Bilker, Singer, Howe ·nd « .- Threshers and "11 parties reqniring such oil are specially i1wited ta inspect the variouo qualities-the price being far below 1'ny'Jllng ever offe"ed in this market. I Ser·faat '\Vanted, -- ="' -- - ·-- - - ·· , i BOX STOVES. . COMPETENT to clo GENERAL I Lo~!unan .!.gent for ho:w;awcrk. Apply to. i .Dowmanv11le, July 2Sth, 1871. O NE " " fy of 'l-V(:l1·k the "Lockman " -is not suxpa.ssed by any of them; and I hereby repea t my challengo to.Iastyear.. torunitagainst anymachin e of it& pnce in Ontnrio, SAMUEL SMA LL. R. oc H. O'H A RA . .52-tf. MRs. GEO. Cl. MANN, · .. MUS. DOC., ENGJ.OH;N QAMIDGE,the-above. . :tor terms £:c., to b9 made. w -R . It. LA.:ND.·'feache.r of 1 LND~ 'l'llE TF.EORY OF MCBIC. l I ·il'lili~~. llt11!1<>1ot'I, Ap~lic&tiOl! 14~. 8') I · ~. ·~ T one-and-a-quarter 111ilca of Bow man ville o. fUll stook of the LIT1.'LE WANZER Ma.chint1J1:. . \':!i- The largest &nd cheapest stock of General bcins tho rc11r of l_ot. :Ko. 12, 2nd concession. of p t · ·h r h' Darlingto11- Good Brick Cottage., Cistel'n,G ... .:rr:len ereo:ns no ea . t1sfiec .l "'iVJt one ~ ac inl!. oa.n. n· 'Tinware, in the County of Durham. and Fruit Trees on the ,premisoe.. Terms eass.- cha.nge !or any ocher inside ot thirty days. . ~e·Apl)ly to 1 . RICH.ARD PHlJ;p, . member R. &: U. O'llllra'· !· tl!· !!~<> lf.l· .AJ1flUlt-tt.i!l'l'i. I' ;i:1.,...._rm1 , ~"lit. ~t, .1&71. ·· ~ .. O'il)'.-'li;l'tl,!'f'.I'; . EN AORES WLAND, WITHIN Williama'Machincs. Wehave also on hand a l arriving and now· on Exhibition. Hardware, Ca1riago Goods, aiod Dowm&nirille, Sept. li, 1871. · Do.mygrats. 7 : l - - ---- ---------~ -- ·· · ·- · 1.Vauted. ..---... ..,.-~-~~-~~-~~~~~~~-·· w~~~ 11,µi~l!O..,_....,.;u., l\,l'ISS BHOWN, WILL BE HEADY .1.l'.L t o receive aJlordors in :.\iillinery, Cloak nnd after 25th .inst.. R(:~lil enee Mrs 'V"1n . Oowla's, Silve:r Str&et. · ·' · ;Ro~_1'v;iJJ,. S·Jlt. !mlh Hlrl. e,.tf. Dre~s-rn&Jdng, Ui"hn,w& · T EAMS TO DRAW LUMBER FROM _ my Mills 11'1 Podonk, to BowmauTille a.nd l"or farther particulars enquire at mill. 'II~-~!'. M·Y lll~, Jllll.- _ .J 0 HN M o T... EO D, c:- . · 4. B. CAMPBll:Llh 4Mt - ------ --------

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