-------- . -- VOL. XVII. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., "rH £JitSDA \ -,.-; (JOTO BER 187'1. N0.. 11. FALL! Nl1'W DRESS GOODS NEW CLOTHS NEW NEW NEW NEW PRINTS COTTONS FLANN] LS KNI1 TED GOODS &c &c _.ALL MARKED AI LOW PRICES ' '"fib ha.e BOUT oO !I.ORES OF LOT No 14 A been Con o C.Ytiwright The of tho lana m pastuie mo~t for sale A q_un.ntit' of .full en cod.a.r of excellent quahty ..Apply to and meadow for 10 yeaJ l Re..- W (OGAN Cart vr ght Sep t Oct 4 h 1871 10 tf NO Bomnannlle, October ABA T EMENT f. I FOR IOVRSELVES 1 AGENCY OF l!IE 1FAC'TS T'HAT ARE FACTS --o-T RY TI B0'\11\IA-NVILLE FURNIIURE lI.iNUF.ADT l RING co a;npointed l"Ot:iil agent by the Bowmo.nYillc IFurn1tlll'c 1IanUfaotu.ri:llg Co iij now in a pos1 ion to fill s.11 orders at as low a rate as anv deal er in tho eounty II 26 rrHE S1JBSORIBER HAVU<G BEEN APPL WANTED. A lot of Last Season's Tweeds, at 20 per cent less than cost. L. $1.00· Mittens Soc ks and Yarn taken ""' Cash for Goods ITAS TEEM Hegging for some fat position In the nng or a.t t he polls With no sterling manhood 1n hl n NoLh ng stable broad or sound Dt:stltute of pluck or bailast Double m inded all aroun<l. "\-S: alk j ourself with firmer bea:dng \Vhen you see a pohtioilln Crawling through oontia.ctea hob~ Show vour spine as nexve and ma.rrow Just the things y·h1-ch his mast lack. A stronger word Was ne\""er heard Ins n e a nd tor.-e fh ro\ your moral shouldcis back. Than tWs backbone. A modest song n.n d plainly told Ihetext 1s vorthnn: 1neofgold For n a y men roost aailly lack: A noble stltruess n t he hack S. F. HTLL. S No Ohalles - it cannot be ill! a friend I shall iespeot and <Stoem )OU but quRGEON DE'j"TIST SUPERIOR II Grateful to a generous public for past hbAtal patroull-"e begs most respectI cannot be your '1J1fe H ave con1pass1on "'-' Gold Fll 1ngs 2ns01 too and an excellent f b 0 on me but do not press me farther p<rnde forsnlc 011iccrnMeClungeblock fully to announce that on account o mcreasmg uomess h e no" occupies Mary Gram ille stood before me as sbe th us spoke "'th her hands olaspod and 1'. J. Jones, f,. D. '.l' HE WHOD~!E OF D!!S OJ,IJ STA:\D; her head bowed tremblmg like an aspen URC.-EON DENTIST OFFIO E I GOOD NEWS and I fancied that th re wM a fear m her °'or F F 'foArthu"O store King Street I and has filled e\ ery shell' h ole and corner with an oxcetdin.gh eho1ce Bowman.ville I eyes She \\as a beautiful gnl and I h r.d assortment of goods compn smg thought her as good and as pure ao she was beau·1fu1 and further than tlm I HE ATTENTION OF THE L!l.DIES hnd belie' ed ~he loved me She was an of Bowm.aff\'"ille 21.nd vicini!f' 1~ r~s pl'.'otf 1llv orph n and had been engaged dunn0 the soUc tcd to my now stock of ."!. :ti. Brrnnacombe, L. D. s., MARKUS s-::--1 out ofrepa r than other wa.tchea They are more a<'..c rate hmo keapera Q A s-pec1al " arranty fr om the .Fs.ctorT with every watch Bown:un1ville ~ ept T HEY ARE LESS LIABJ,E TO GET FOR LADIES Y ; Hats, Caps, Furs, Buffalo Robes, T p \ PER 0 co r,r, ti.RS NECK TIES whole of the ALI J{J!\D" OF FUHS ALIEHED AND 11.Ughe~t Dowma.nvlllt:1 Octob&' 5 1S71 EPAHH'D ii'dee 1taid {"(W Rl'l.W 1" ur!!I. MARKUS M,\.YER ARRIVED -Al'{D- Business Every on& adm1ts that to- ooll mer- - READY FOR INS F>EC1"'ION I least 10 per cent more profit than for eaah The subscriber has therefore decided to Tedtlce his pnces 11.Ild that on and after October 1st, 1871 he will 11ell fo1 A FULL ASSORTMENT OF R . mt. 'll'1m·uer, rnfonn tJ e 1nha.b tants of Bo"nnn.n illc and !a-rmers of,Ve:":lt Durham that ae to no-w p1opnr ed to atten l tot. ~sales that may be entiusted o him Ch.arg·es :moderate 10 tf I A CA8ll ONLY! D:RESS G-OODS 1 UOTViNEER, WOULD BEG TO §. Chedq>1·ft.cld, VILLE o.nd Darlington Resid011uo Qu<>en etre"'t Ordern 1 unct11allv attended to Chn1gcs Moderate 13 A I I I I A.ND I sales I If yon w1U only eill and E>Xl!,lllIDe uorro e<EER 1 OR BOW MAN '.l'homa11 Shm1tuouse. A UOTIONEER to APPRAISER Gcuera.l ..A.gent. ha.rllngton Centre promptly attencfed R. D. Foley, L ICE,NSED .AUOTlONEER the TownahJp of Darlington Sales prompt.1' &bt>e.nded to Ohaiges mOO.ei-ate I FoR I I I MILL I N E RY the good~ you mil be e,tisfied that "\-V, H, Edwoods, o! the Poet Office ls p repared to o.ttend to toe w ant.a of the public m his line in a manner un ee:rpasOOd by any in the Province. Particular a t- .:n.UtBER A.FD HAIR-DRESSER, I .D havlng fitted up t he prermee~ tWrcldoor eaet I tention glven to the cutting and dreeislng_ of La,.. dies a.nd Child.ten s hair A call solicited. I 1 vv OOL eMfiN&l to t .M buyer G OODS THE SUBSCRIBER HAS NOW RECEIVED I !Uon.ey 10 f,end. mRE UNDERSIGNED HAV I NG ·ecu:r ty on the mo"t fa.YOUJ'able terms 1619 J D F AlP.BA.IRN .I.. been anpom.tcd agent for tbeProvinc1al P e r manent Building and ::;a,; ug s Society or roron to te prepared to negotiate loan~ on Real Estate I I I 1 IN ALL THE LA.TESI' NOVELTIES HIS I A CHOICE LOT OF~ R Peate 'I'aihu·. S A:'.'<D BOYS G ENTLElhEJS M.ENTS made in the NEWt;S1 ST>LES .llowma.:nvill° F eb 19 1868 Goths, FANCY il"D STAPLE Gent's Underclotb1ng 1 Collars, ry GoodsI .And notw1thsta.11ding the great rise · Suri.:ey C1v l El!~ille l'.'!1 etc 18 prepared to do a.U orderfl 'vith -wh1cn he may be ! ti.. ore L.A.ddr ess Bow na.nvill\;' P O }.{arch 15th 1871 t J L HEED, PROVINCIAL LA ·m N eek-Ties, &e., SPLENDID BLA... "N"KETS VERY CHEAP, of ell in brwa m the foreign ma.rkete a- The be$t 'alue COTTON m town, e~n be seen at 'iVanted a Stud.eat I O NE l'i'I'IH SOME K:SOVi' LEDGE I Oflf/Jm!'l'Onndinj{ pi.ti-fer ml Fil REI MD Wrn. McMURTR Y'S., :Elo" lt\:!.nvill0, Septemhel' 27th 1S1l F F McARTHUR m of