' I I 1 .. Assortrnent I L:.-, rge and Varied A tRRIBl[ Anderson "\'~H·td.1 Ne\v anc1 IN FANCY '.ND Dll\ UOOU" \STJ ":'Hll\fi\!l:"i"O,; DIRECT fron1 the British Markets. \YTTf lH~--Offl yo11 hr surpr~~~l n ~ ol'f" 1<0EIJ,~NiG.;, .lilt All"l\P.. r,-~ tu kn o w tltnt l "~ r1 ~U'. \1 i(SJ'.iT Pitl\ .E8 80 PALPABLY <'HEAP~ ( 'anadian = · ..A tS to t:o111111Pnd th01n t 'J close bu~ e1s, 1· ho iue rospBctfnllJ TNYITF.:D TO CALT, AKD GLA~GOW .TFDOE FOR HOUSE, T'FJ:O~l[AS ' I B H\1 Hill\ il u~ \pr1l !Si! I Give Up the Stove ~usiness !I l\1r. TWO DOORS WEST MURDOCH 1.rnoe 6"'tfJM~Jll' 1£!~ BARGAINS B A R., G- A. I .N':" S Cl"'leap OF ' COOK ..AKDT'J'.~{'J' H i!t>t· 1S~i Store. PlIBL.IC JllurJey's A1·abinn Oil. FOR HOHSES AND CU'Yl'Lll: OPINION PARLOR ' A . NIJ BOX C() ~4..I~ OR "\'V ()OD, IN I Al·o, agont I D. CI-iEMIST I S'"fOTT, AND DRUGGIST for tho oc>lehutod 'J'OWN H,1T,J, JH!ILDIN<i8, BOf~7JlANYJLT,B. A'l COS'f. 1 I MY '<TOCR OF- -- --o--- DRUGS Ih ~ 0 l\.lfEDICTNES, AND CHEMICALS, 111({ ,...f IN Vv ARE. Htntls P.1te1 t 1d~d1c1nc" Perfumery, B11.tslws, Co11l)P., Honps, Pa1ntf.l I )1JB I>;t.p1 ! B1 ut1he::i, 00?.l 011, <ind Co 1l Oil La.I:npri & c & ~ IS WEI.I ASf'011TED, · oJ ( (, ~ .. I .AJ1,,_1_ :'!£ t1U \1 C ll:1nttl, sell . .i15 t:.t P:uc~s th ;.t t'1 Grtc ~i~risfl'lCtloll Mn HARD TO BE I EVE. True- Nevertheless! ----0 - --- IIn1portan~ ;~- ~lte Public! I - -- -W. I Stoves r Stoves Ii 1 ITH 0 [l1 As BA s sETT' I llo=~::~~~ l~il I -'~'"I NEW TIN SH 0 P \ug'5' 15 lfo'n·,·ian1 llo, Sil 1S7i I CAU Tl ON -All genuine b:ui the ns.ru.a "Perulian Syr1:v," (NOT "Perullfl.n Bruk, 0 } blo1,n in the gla~,<; A 32-pa.ge p!;l phlet i-l'lllt free· J P DTNi:l.IJ.ORE, P1opril3tor, n~ Da-; tJt N<:w York Sold by :ill DruggL.t.11 (): i I IN !JOW!iUNVILLE G. REED, IGRO(;E ItIE8 J!.n ,Ueiuori:un : {,,J TT.NJ~fER DRY II VERY ( ~J H Ti _ J.:'.-41 ....:""l.. ,~ p THE · 0 1 ___ I a nd SUl"l'Oundin.t·· e.ountry that he has opened 01 ta Ne\'l l'ln ~ihot1 in tht') stnr0 hitelv m:cupieil :;UB:>CRIBER, IN RETURN b! J ohn Allon, c-0rner or ! ING thank2 to the Ln.ha"b1tantf' of\.' esL Dur1 han1, fo1 the hbernl support \thich they ha\!e ], ING AN J> JJI\rISl(J"N srrii.mE'!1S 1 BIAS MUCH l'LEA.SURE IN INI FOR:.\fING the iuha,b1wnte o!BoW".L11a..nville j ,...., ood Cooking Ifarnms only .> U er bv the box 1 plied ])y hitn as ohe11p a.s any other house fn the ccnb a pound, and still eh ea}) I traae He ha.s all'<O to:r ~ale the celebrated gn. en h1m, begs to inforin all those '"ho aro lll want of a urst clnsoi Sto\ e, that they oa,n be SUP' COODt'\ at cnst good~ II 1 V-lh RUTTN" HOT IR STOVt, ch i~ no\\ 'Duse ln ull the :p1 inc1pnl H.ailwtty ""'tatlona ~n Canada It isJu:it t he thin~ rorCh11rcheo H~~~.annnucl!obuJld D .J and \Voolen are advancrng, bur ;ou can bny (10TTOI\ them at Elliott's, for a short time. at the old i)nces Now I I is the time to secure what von need He is also r.un.nufuotilrtn~ the I j . --- , B.EST HOT AIR DRUM 1u Canada CI-4()rl~~IN(J- ! Ll .Ul.! 1 ,--, ENT LEMEN 0 0 '.Ii in want of a neat fitting ~mt should call I t.T earl) at Elliott's FaQhionable Tailoring Establishment SEWING MACHINES. Bow1nft.nY1lle, 1\farch 8th 1871 ,LI XlJJ 3 I :~~:h::::::·::~~="n"~·:~l;;"~";;;~~~' Jr. 1------j At the I fl li1 AD 0 FF ICE-TORONTO 1 " I1~onmongeryr SY EYERYBODY, - OR- HON J TI Ul'L l soMFEH1N\~ LON(} I 1.El'i':ll"l' Oi'til~ HIS OR HER O\lTi\' PA IN'l'ER ! D E,\LER IlPORTED DO:MESTTf- AND l ~· Tl\.\S, Fire and GROCERTEt--i1 <~H OiC'E l'\r.'.[' L E 0 I-IC>US E D "S PAIN'l'S. IAT \TJ.LI, A .. PRO\ TSI<JNS. &c , CROCKERY .c\J\'D COl't!..f'LAI~>!'.i' I J. II I G G I N D 0 T Ill A !ti, j _.)xoc NCJ<J that he has rece1 i: M a ·well a.a ~rt<!d stncK ot Genuine Dr.ug'5 and Pure English l v hcmlca.ls Also~ splcnc1td ~tol'k of llH rno"'t , n:r:etnll~ sclected111 -· _ 1 I CHEMIST AND DRUOGUl'l', ::>EGS IiESPEOTFPLI,Y T<J AN- I DYE ST"CJi':B'S I h~tion Y'l'1uch cannot be SlU'PU"'St'd for exccllEnl0'1 of 'J.tl.6.lit)~. An n$50rtn1ent of :A.n1lino DrCfl kept ll:'.Onstantly on httnd, togeU1e1 w1th a. cho,~e ~e- I of __ I l>R11GS, C IIEMICALS, PA '!'ENT :VJEDICINE~ , BRUSHES, co~rns ~HOULDJ])!t BH Wm.ft. I.owe, B.A.J,.L, D., U::E~ LA \V, :tiolio1tor in t.tnil ln"olvencv &o., &< Oftlco on s 11ve1 Street, Dowm.o.n"i ill~ 2Z" :MONEY to losn ou enffV tm rrt"' ATTORNEY·A'r· B ARRISTER AND Cllauc~l'V on Queen Street {East), at IJresent unoc~ oupied, will be sold cheap A good Go.rdc!!-, Sta bl6 n.nd Drn·i.u!l Shed tt.tffichcd 1 ER1I~ moderate Apply to W1!< T HE BRICK COTTAGE SITUATED I r'.AIKl·. ( or.n"s T "R NI$HES MK At tbe VClY" )O\\e!lt pr1C<+B, 8 aud'Pi:VHl'l'.F Ll AD HOHSE A.ND CATTLE :M:EDJCINES :N l .E: - ( ountr'f :-St01tke~pct:j ;;;uuplwd on ttd Ltr:ntlon. For "':llc' etr l a"'.ld >VbnJena e 1.>v aU drnggb1~ ~{ORTHROP & LY :VI.t\.N, Nc1i;cMtle, Ont . J Wil\ wR & Co R .,nmon '.El', 'rrro~:t., :a ...1..a.nt&lflKIU-S termi