Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1871, p. 1

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~~~"'"~""'!"~~~"'!!'!......~!'!llll~S&!&!!!!!!!!l!lll I SELLING YS PACKING HOGS ::; pr rrte i t.1ond pubhshcd I Evc1·y 'Jrlnursda) m'l=Wchng, b, the Proprietor ' at the Oll"FlIIJJE-lP'o·t omce KING R~~.tcl.. sn .B.llf BO\\l\I\NVILLI F AL L ! NEW DRESS GOODS NEW CLOTHS NEW PRINTS, NBW COTTON~ NEW FLANNEL>: NEW KNITTED GOODS BATrINGS BATI'INGS BAT'l:ING S BATTINGS BATTI:\fG'S 'l'o Rent. 41. BAT rINGS &o &c G®"' ALI, l\l ARKED Ar LOW PRIOEn f .~ _l-J.._ Con 5 C11rt ....-r:ight The most of the land ha.s been in pasture nnd meadow tor 10 years A que.ntity of fallen cedarr of M:cellent quaht:\' for sa.Je .Apply to Rev W Ce.rtwT1ght Sep"' Oct ilth 1871 BO'l T 50 ACRES OF LOT No 14, NO ABA TE MENTf FOR AGENCY l30WJ>LUfVILLE FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO Bowmnnville, October 187 t Along its brimming bmmm Perpetual summer Q1nilcs And gathers like a go1dcn robe .A.round tho 6merald isles '!here 1n the blue long distanc,... By lulling breezes fanned I seem to sec t ho 1lower1n;~groT~ Of fair ol d B<>ul11h s lana . :\J.1d far beyond the iaJo.uds That gent the wiivea sere1 c The 1n1age of tho cloudies:: FJho"e FAC'TS TRT - -o-- ARE FACTS I THATS Y:OU R SELV El!I J F HILL i sells Ins Goods as J,ow, or Lower, than any one else m Town A@"' A large stock' of Cloths, D ress Goodo, st riped, oheoked and plam Shawls, Blanket!! fonens, Wrnoeys Flnnnels Knitted G oods, Hosiery, Glove· nnd Trimmrng·, oll bought befo1e late adva nce m pr1aes ~ A spco1al l10 a of Chui T11.rhn s, 60 per ecnt lower than l·st 1 cai s l'f1HOSE WHO H'1VE TRIED IT ARE CONVINCED Furn1tura Miin Jfl\cturtn.g Co is now in a posl ion t o :fill l'lll 01ueris a.t n! low a. rate n~ a.uv deal er m the co1u1ty 1126 ROB"r S M \NNING HAVING BEEN T HE SUBSCRIBER n.sont by tho appo~nted r otiin Bowmtt11~11le 'J. I II I [ oeJJ ..,JlOW nnd oo}ad]y give Ot lifG tlle waud'811ug bark Of holy heaven is aeon the great hereaftcr.A.forettme dun and d~rk: AT a printer~ festn al the following &an. trment 'vns proposed 1 "VonlB.n· second only to the press m tho <li·oemmat1on nf ' I .AJ.l! receiving 1ny hack ra.t ions," a;a the ryold1er said when he wM flogged fot stealing beef "I WONDER wha.t ma.kes ID) eye& 80 'veak1 said a .fop to a phvs1c1a.n ·'They ro m a weak placo, was tl-.e unp1ofees1011al !he A - P P L E S WANTED· . f And ln the far ojf h cnvon '\'i hen shado'\vy soo.s ar pae30tl By an{fel hands 1ts qu1ve 'lng Bails Sha allbofuredatlast ======~= reply LooK OoT '-The Montrer.l W·tl1 "'8 ho seen a counterfeit Canadian half dollar It will be well to lrnop ' the v. eather eye open" A lot of Last Season's Tweeds, at 20 per cent less than cost. Gents' Suits Made to Order, by the :Bast Workmen in Town, W- wat ianted to fit and not oome to pieces .._ prrne 1\ 111 be 1'!00 Fall BARRELS HAND PICKED U appl es. tor whioh tbs h lghest Bovv:n.;&rrv1lle Sept 6 18- T D e\RLINGTO:S 6-5v:; L. The Bed Bladi: and Green Tea!l il,n To11na, at $1l..o@· · The Dest :)0 cent 'l'ea in Town.. O:T Butter, Eggs Mittens, Socks and Yarn taken as Caah for Good8 Oct 4 1871 8 . F. HILL . JI. i'I!. Ji'h·im~combe, IL. D. s., MARKUS~ . 1v1 A YER, ClURGEON DE)[ fIS T ~ Gold Ji'i1hn 5 ~ inserted p o'f\dei f ,,. "ale Ottlcein M0Ch1ng s block SU?ERIOR Grateful to a generous public for past liberal paironage begs most re&pect. and an excellent §., T HEY ARE I .ESS LIABLE TO GET every out if repR. r thau other w-atcheis lho:r are m o e accUl"ata tune k p,epe:ra n A SIJemal WtLTianty from the Fn-0tor:.v With v; fully to announce that on account of mcrea.smg busmess he now occupies atch 'I'. J. J oae>1, JL · .D. over Ii F Bo\\manvllle SURGJWN DENTIST ~IcArthur s OFFIC E King Street 'I'UJE . ~vno1.E OF D:l!!i @Lill STll.~D, and has filled every shelf, hole and corner with an exceedrngly choice assortment of goods, comprrnmg BoWilll\.U"Ville Sept :!O 18'71 storo GOOD IHats, Caps, Furs, Buffalo Robes, PAPER COJ,LARS, NECK TU}S, nnHE .aI:tEJSTION OF THE LADIES sou 1tl"d to m.,. new stock of _!.. lf Dowmanvi lo and ~oln1 ty 12! 1eHpeo:;tfulJ~ GENrr·s FURNISJ:-IINGS, The whole of the stocK havmg been well bought, w1ll be given ALL KI NDS OF FURS ALTERED AND ·EPAIRED. lliiglle;ot Pwiee paid for R:'iw JFurl';. l\-IAHKUS MAYER Bowmanvlllo Octobe~ 1VI1lhnery Goods, A~ English mcdwal JOUrnal pubhshes a. waJ.n1ng .::iga.1 rnt die wearing of green 5 IS"l ARRIVED Robe.1t·t A:a·mour, Jiilo1 Issue of Maruage I 1ceenses l3?~1s tor ang A ttorney ct Law and Solicitor Jn Charoery.ev loaned on Real Estnto Ofilco on King bteet Do" manville kid gloves lt !12'5 been obsen ed u .several cases t11at the ho.nds of those wear 1ng gloves 01 thrn colo1 soon l er;on e cov e1ed with au eruption which })lrvsic1tt1u1 find ]1ard to cure M the poison seems to Clltit'll the system lTpon analysis, it l1as been found that the green n!3ud for dyo1ng tho kid contnmed arsemc ~ell R EGISTRAR WEST DURHAM ~AND ~ Every one adllllta that to mm- · READY F'OR INSPECTION I !!.t. John ff. Mutche:!!on. ARRISIEH, !\IIORNEY, SOLIOI B 0-.. door east of Post Office up ste.Jri lOR a:ndNotaryPubhe " l VE lfi~st t'. G. Rann1ng, and Land Agent Office and Darlin gton Allotdei"8 left HI the office of Hobert Armour Ef!q prompt ly att ended to 40 P res11ence Lot13 31-dcon Civ il ~ngineer ROVINCI \.L LA.ND SURVEYOR, j decided to 1-educa lmi pncet, u.nd that I on A. FULL ASSORTMENT OJ!' 1md s.i'Wr Ootober bt, 18'11 mll aeU for Thomas ChrisHe, mt. !Ii. 'Ji.'~n·ner, inform the iunab1tants of Bo,vmanville U:Ild, farmer.. ofVYest D rrham that he 13 now prepar~ ed. to attend to auy oolcs Lhat may be enLrusted o h1n1 Charges moderate 10-tf A UCTIONEER, WOULD BEG TO 'D ::RESS · ~OODS and at S. tDhcsteA'flie ld, A 1rJJ..1I ar d Darhnr,tonattended Residence 8troct 0 1d Charges UCTIO)[EER FOR BO,.; llf ANIi ,.~ l\o'lodcrntc l 1nct1 n~ to <~een IN ALI THE LATEfH Jl,f&TEltLU $ i._. 'Eho1m:u1 §1onhoaise· .A UCTIONEER, APPRUSER AND Sale:;; General Agent Darlington Centro promptl) attended to M I L I_. I N ER IN ALL 'l'HE LA.TEfll'l' M:ATllllt !A.LS H. JD. Foley, L the Townsh1J?. of Da.rllnctou Y attended Charges moderate 1-0 ICE,NSED AUCTIONEER, FOR Sa.les pro111pt- . eneflelal to the buye1 VVOO L l'ficney t®~ Lend. been t:tPI?OintOO n-gcnt for thoProTinmn.t Perm anent Builrnng and -.:a"'ing s So01et;y of roronto is proparod to negotiate loar...s on Real Estate secuntv on tha most favourable terms ts-rn l D F AIRIJAIRN GOODS THE SUBSCRIBER HAS NOW RECEIVED HIS T HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING IN ALL THE LATEST NOVEL'I'IE.<:! Sum men nre born gi:.i e, ann1 1ne11 git gra.te after t hey are born a 1(1 s un men have grateness hove npon the n It seems tow n1e that I an1 all thre~ of these n1en hove into one At a mass meeting late,y h"ld m Poi dunk county (m1 native village) t ho m ha b1tants p~st t'1e folio" mg proam ble u 1d rosolutos fl Whereaz, it is lnly good thAt a .F armo1 fJ A CHOICE LOT OF l Fall Importations of FANCY AND STAPLE GAR- Cloths, Gent's U ndercloth1ng, Collars, 1872 Bcsoluted, ihat Jo,h Tiulrngs should ho sot. apart, (a ld hercoy JS ex 1) es8ly sot apart) tew beget tho iub Reso iuted, I ai tlus Allmma~ shall he begotted o 1 the fust o' 1ox Oktober, wet or dry Re vluled, That th10 :\Jlm nox shall kon tam nnlk £01 babes crumbs for all n "'A1 ,.lllmmax should be J,,m tor the yeat fo... eldoia, and i;"yle a 1 <l >n tl I'! Rbo'ttesL 1ot1ce by lea;\ 1ngU em et t he STA'fESM.A.N offire Bnng along your bin h ne which thev WIBh to have bound can h ave nelr orde Ii f Ueil 1n Lhe ntatestand1nost flnralile HAVING BOOKS MAGA] :)ERSONS ZINllJS Pamphlets or anytning in the book Dry Goodsr v\ R CLIMIE Neck-Ties, &c., SPLENDID BLANKETS VERY CHEAP, 11!1, Sb.eriu1 & Co, ftcl'l"" W of HOOPSKIHrH HOL~SAL~ ~iANUFACTURERS D .st Ne'v Yor k ~fa rel used :rhe trade supplied on best te1 mes. Factory Krn,,.Street East BO\\man\lllc 16-.'mtf The best value COTTON m town, can be seen at pneel!-for eaeh "\Wanted a §tudent, O NE v\IHI fOl\iE of ~mt-&'J.ndln~ 111'G ferred JIJt RM M b KNOWLEDGE Bow~afi1>1lle 1 Wn1. McMURTR Y'S. ; 8ept.etl!lbe1 27th ] S!J'l / ·

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