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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1871, p. 4

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iliL 'rIIE ffGilSCRinER IS NOW_ BF.CEIVING A and Varied 1 As en tment WHAT El'.IIHL'cCfNU A B1: ITE1) TO THE SGASO.N, VJ~RY FINE SEI,EUrION 1lRRWl.t Anderson Wo1~J.·l m 8~ Dd Fashionable, IN l<'A:::;fGY A:fD DRY GOODS AND 'iRBDHNGR Co s t.1 "Et~1anv T HIS STOCK Ol!' STAPLE EVERY DAY GOODS IS AS USUAL STOVES I A 1, .J..KD BBJ"lG n1PORTED DY Hil\iSELF you -he RTill'Jli'il»~i~ that ,_,JREO l' WILL BE c-oLD ""'T from the British JY.Iarkets. ~·PRICES "'tV(' H ii'{' Sii.11.."[.l""<tO!"~ I! n~.A rP~hU. 'I'll 1N E~~n. = , A f~ SO PALPABLY CTIEAP .A~ as to co1n1n~nd thon1 to close buyers, who arc resp~ect£ully INVITED TO CALL AND JUDGE FOR THEMSELYES I '"'~'ill""ru. ,., TH OMAs _ _ 1_->_A--'I-~E-~~(_)_N_. _ 1 GLA~GOW HOUSE, I [AVING CONCLUDED for Girn U~ I lhB EXCLl'SIYELY TO ~i!j\IHU o:.· Ora.eked· l'llc:Dtm;:;RU. BARGAINS EA~ G- A Gm!:AT BARGAINS ARE }'OW GIVEN A'r rm ANll CONFINE Ml ATTEXTION I N'° S .;.l I j1 I llAl{DvV":\RJ£, V\"ILI. (:<ELL 11IUP.DOCE BitOS. ..c\NDEftf~(,N ti CO Cheap ::.u:y Bo'rrmnnv1l1e, l4, 'Sepl 1871 :::':'CCK OF STO"\.,..El, Corner i CUNSIS11}11.... or Store. COOK PARLOR -ANDI STOVEi) ! .STOVES I STOVE SI T HE · PUBLIC OPINION SUBSCRlHBR H8CS TO IN .,,urroundlng countT ~ t'1at be hR,11 the Ii 01-t!tl the inhabitants of llowmanvilla ci,nd BEbT Sh:LEOTION OF STOVES ev&r oit'.ared in t;ie To"Wn oomprilinn.; M& fully JUat!fisd the origmPJ idea, that at the " Corner Store" you can get J-< l'I' 'TED AND WELL SU I TED BOX~ ADAPTED Ji'OR EITHER QOOKING, PARLOUR, BOX AND COAL S1'0VES. of tho latest pnttcrns and of the best wo1 kman sh1p, wluch ho Y1 ill sell AS CHEAP AS IN AKY MARKET The Great t'cm.ale l!emedy. JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS, D. STOTT ' CHEMIST COAJ~ OR WOOD, IN THE DOMINION. A.. .iSo, ~gent AND DRUGGIS1' for Gh,,. celebrated A\Jnet.,can TOTI'N HLiLL BUILDLNOS, BOTV11IA.NVILLE. DEALER I> AT COST. - · -MY :STOCK OF-- BASE BURNER AHD HEATE11. Call and exa111JJJ.A ..:itoves and pnot l'l })11!Chf\'<lnge\R0\'i.h8Je i'a1uh,01rn, f'1 . ~ L}, C+rn.m;, &o, &o. a llitl ri>l areufallkil.i.dS --o-- DRUGS 1\.lfEDICINES, AND CHEl\iIICALS, T I N 'V\l Pi R Dve StLlffl:\, Patent I\tled1c1ncs, Pe1fu1ne.._-y, B1ushes, Combs, So~pg Pa. . rils n.nd " Q,ls, Pamt Brushes, Con! Oil, and Con! Oil,Lamps, &c - &c pyy :;,lCIANS I'RERCRIPTIO~S CAREFULLY COTufPOU1'JJ.KD n..:t-ro .-e\LI1 OUfJlf.RS CORRECTLY ANSWJCRED. rs i\nd, ns WELL A.SSORTEii, rn{uie to orde aw" Hot \1r Fnn~acos fitted u1 on Fo:11ners and PhyMc1.a11.s frfnn the Cotonr111mil pnd our Stock of lii,.,d1ci11i::~ efnn21lete arnd oTthe but q_uo.hty .!"Zffjj- DsnaJ, 'flfllln::,; flt. P11ces that co~1- most im11 nvefl plans t1nue to (in e Sat,sfaction 'YORK1i./\J\ZHIP soconJ to HP_\_RD TO BE I EVE. True Nevertheless l ----:o:~-- THOfVIAS BASSETT. Bowm,r.vll-,Auguet30,1871 NE\'~\7 TIN SHOP IN BO WJrL\NYILLE the .Publ1ic ! Stoves I Sto·ves i w. G. GROCERIES VERY CHEAP.. ood Cooking Raisins only G box. T er by tiie 1 FOR ~G thP. in'-1i1,1ntants ofBo·vinanvillo and surro11nihng < ount1y tbat he has opened ot1t a X~" Tin :.::hop lll the store la.toiy OCO'ttp.._e[l by .John Allen corner of !{AS MUGH PLEASL"EE REED' n- IK- f> cr11ts a pound, and still cheap -.. UMMER DRY GOODS at cost .,_, "E U RE K _,:\." . !S r~ I jl jBEST HOT AIR I iu Canada. for the "\Vheeler & VV ilson, the II01; e, n ENTLEMEN in want of a, neat fitting suit should call IAgent e.nd tl e Osborne Sey; ing Machines. tJ early at Elliott's Fasl11onabie Tailoring Establishment. l LEW IS QUICR SEWING MACHINES, Bo'\fUl!l.nville March Sth 1871 j ~~~lriim~~ ,4al'Satisfaction guaTant~ed in all reasonable cases. I 1-tf. I l-6ill Western Assurance Compan~. HEAD OFFIOE-TOlWNl'O .LT -3..U:J, Henry Elliott', Jr. T HE CELEBlcATJ<'D PERFEOTl"I Hampton, August 3rd, 1871. Sp~ctacles a...11d Eye G 1a.sse3 mnnufactull'lt' by LAZARUS .fr MORRIS, and for which the sole n.gency, arc go.1nmg golden opinionF rom all tbo~o who hnv-e tried it. If you '\ and 110 othcni .AARON llU( RI~BR. ~' l Bowma.n'\"ill0 a.uc1 vicnnty 1-lllf' Wanted. At the Ironmongery! SOMEEHING LONG "\VANTED BY EVERYBODY, 'l';DA.RI,INGTO~J Ilo ~ J, :J\foMuRRICII, rrc&Ident D HAL DA~, J\ittnag1ng Director c+ 0 -OR-l EVERY 01\'E DIS OR HER OWN .PA.INTER! D EALER IN DOMESTIC AND 1111. PORTED Fire a11d Marine m....,. b'.flils m Podonk, to Bow 1:uari"" 1lle und Oshawa. J?or f'nrthor c11q1me 11t mill A~ B. CA::ltPBl·~LL Xlt.,-·vnurnvilte, Mtt"V 3rd, 187'1 40 tf 1 T E1\.JHS TO DRAW Ll:lHBER FROM To ,__ Let,_ JI J;HI GROCERIES, CHOIOE TEAR, FRUl'lR, :LV.J:'LEOD"S HOUSE AND VILLA PAINTS, Prepared for immediate use and nctlung but tho purest llfatcr1ahl used, and requ1nng no fnrth~r mixtu1e of oils, 'rurpentine ~u1d Dryers. I I IKSURANCE ~ I AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES 'I' h t R~nber 0 Shop- PROVISIONS, &c , CROCKERY AND GT..1 llo1irnianvi11e, Ont THEIR COMPOSITION CONSISTS SOLEY ~E' - . . ' ' . '1 Dwell1ng"", Ohurdie-9 ana Schools, vnth contents, \SSVVAR }i~. in l'1ties, Towns ond Country pl?~ces. These rates and tel"mS of pohcv particufa:rl~ fa,.., 3'1 tf to the Farming O::nnmunity. 5pecial Low 'I'ariff of R"tes, eoverii g lnsurnnce for ono or three yeoro, on Detached 1 at present WOI,,_Ad by tlw suhIS A J. Hll"GGINBOT!t!AIU:, CHEMIST A::S-D DRUGGIST, wrted stocli: of Genuine D:rPgs and P1 ro Englrnh Chem1c.:tl.s Also, a F.plena1d Hl;:;ck of tho most carefully 13eJected DY~' I I I Pnn Colm', Pure White Lead, Pure White Z~<rw, L:!:'iseed Oil, Spirits of Turpentine and Drycts cwrefillliy and scwnl1J1cally cmnbined. B NOUNCE that he has recotvec1 a .,:vell EGS RESPE0TFULLY TO i:lTFFFS' AN!l"' The consumer can have any desired shade of Oolors neatly put up m Cans, :md all AORESOF GOOD LAJ\D, he requires to buy v. itl1 tho Paint rn n 'Brush, as the work can be done by htn1self or t bemg the &iuth 90 Acres, and 10 en the 1\ orth east corner of L-0t V, in the 4t11 con Qf 1 ld by any n1e1n b er ot h 18 h ouse 10 · Darhll~,(m, zt miles from the Town of Ilnwrn in- 1 100 F Al~~_[S for SALE· H & R O'HARA, Sep ~ -- - ----- , PF:Ol'.LY VEGETAJlLE l\1EDIOI':YE i. .ii OR rHE Cl.J'\ll: OF TTIE L00K:JIA K LoculAgc:nm 7 SEWIUG NIAOHlNE rs NOVI.,.. TI-PI: DYSPEPSIA , T,T"\7 ER 001.IPLA..INT Pu RE WHITE LEAD · oonstautly on hand, togotber wnh a chc1ce seleetiou of PlWG8, CHEMlCaJ,S, P"-!..TENT MEDICLl"E9, BRUSHES, COMBil, 6ROULDER BRACES, .:!Vl'P0I-{.'l'l!1ItS, &e, &to \·d1 ch c111 nut be su.rpae::icd for cx:cellcncy of I qnubty An as::;ortrucnt 01 ..o..n1hne DJ es kept A large stock just received for Autumn ~ainti1:1g, impo;·tef'. direct from the English Manufacturers, mcludmg A:M ES Genuine and celebrated Rooster brand-Guaranteed pure. vill!:' 10ac""eHch~a·~i,and30 111 \'{oods Com-1 BoWillannlle Dwelling HoU3e, good Barn, Stable, aud Shed, some Fruit Ireee on tho prcmrnosJ a good 1 V'. ell, 11bo a stream of Spring \Vater. 1 14 1371 ,1 ND :ALL DISE A 81fJ8 of TUE JJL()()}J ! 2000 GALLONS MACHINE OIL OF DIFFEREN'r KINDS. ~ rnarket~ .A.L80 _ All standord Colors, Oils, Yarmshes. anrl Painters' ~fatenah. Call and see how chea,p a House c~n be Painted and Decorated, for i>ll th·sa goods will be sold at reduced fig<tres II:E su:BSGHIBER HAVING House, with Sto11e Cella::: tho t'ull SJ.ZO of the FITTED improved the Gnllory lato1y Houso, a small Log liou::io, two Barns Sto.Ole and occupied by Tulr JI l'a.~t, it! now prcp~tred. to tak., Oov.: ~hed Excellent land, mtu.atod :a mile:; from the 'l'o·vn of llowlllI'nvule ]oi fnr' her particulnri:. apnly to the p'!'opno~or) 'l'IlOl\iI.A.~ WELDO.)I, l'einpo 1 ' 0 , or to JA..fl.fE:3 \\ELDON Lot i\o 13, in the '1th con uf th._, 1-1bove 12, rn the 5th con of tl ~ ab lVt'J Lff\\ nilh1p, 1 :)l) acres cleftn-~d 1 70 111 \\ oml :; \Veil w.1tt l t U., also a gootl 1\. tl1 ~'\.. A LISO 2UO ACltEl:l, BEING LOT J'IO UBVI- Photographs I F:! au1e D·welhng 1: 'l0\\."11s111p IC ~g :l111 OlLS, .PAIN1~S, Threshers nnd all parties requuing such 011 ar~ !!pcc1a.lly 1ny1ted to 1nspect the -vimous quaht1e·-the pnco bemg fnr below anythmg ever offered m thi· I OOLOl\$, V .AR1"ISltm!!, " a·1d >\ IIITELEAD d" At the ?ery low~t prlcoo. I I .500 COOK PARLOR, HALL · AND BOX STOVES, ' arrivmg and now on Exhibition Spring B""'ashions HAS NOW THE T HE SUBSCRI BER a:vr1ng, !fashions for this o mas:e Lad,es, 1Jrti3.. ad au i A cnll respectfully snh{ lted Gnllol"y -Co-mer ui: King and })t-vu;10t1 S I H'l~ts. entr&noe oupoHJ.te 1V1r 1S'i1, andui Tre1aven s liOhoe aLm.~ HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES. N. D --Country St.orekei::ptll'i! supplied on s..d. Aantageous terml! 4 The largest and cheapest stock of General Hardware, CaITiogo Good·, and r111wa,re, in the Oo1111ty of Durham 'AS USUAL IK {flij" fillilllij h~_TEST STYLES.' Duwmanv1lle, April 2tH.h, i.871 Pal Llcular attention paid to cutting end ---1 The Pump Shop I TO LET. IIORSE-POW] R &; I,ATIIE, At proocn.t' o' k~d by thec;iuo-cr1ber Possess:on given lm uetlia.tely fGi""r Onlv buEiini::ss of the Kinfl in t-O\'i'll-"\)1enty of custom-ro..rc chtlllc e for .n good Pnmpmaker. wrrn Dor.mnnVllle, M3y 25 Bricks? ~~ '\Vllite YKd~ nt L~f~ ~OR SALE, J\fACHINE-M.illE PRES ~h·id.::;1 ! 157] E ~ILV"ER. ! 1 I TIJ. I = = = · W ellingWn Building, Bowsnl\nvllie, A\l&'ws.t D,li'll. JOI-IN MoT ..EOD. '\Van.ft. Ii l BARRISTER AKD ATTORNEY-ATLA"\V, S.1hc1tor in Chancery and Ineolv ency &c., &c " Office on Silver Street, Bowroan~illc, ur ~TONE 'i. to loan on e.a~y terms, owe, tn.A.r,.11 .. 0., ;John'© Rot 'l.k l"nt-P1·ize D1·um. and cconomwal ;Drun1 1n ui'Se, and will clistr1 ou1 e inure heat, ocoupY less lOOID+--a.nd a,nswer all purpm;e better than ru1y other J:SY its use a -1 .A.p:n.l 1~. 1871. MRS ALEX. FLEl'CIIER. ti Lf Still Ahc:ul. somEES, TEA P AR'l'IES, BA.LL SUPPEitS, PUBLIO DINNER$, WEDDING OAK.!:113 Forsai0~tkul ttnd wholeo;nle by cul druggigt:'I. T HIS IS THE l\fOST EFFICIENT 10-44 house can be rnPc h lietter hco.ted with one 8t.uve J than under tbe old Sl ~tcm with t1>vo or three stoves-thus more tha,n pa.ymg for itself in one sea~on by a. savmg of wood. All who have tned NORfHROP & LY:l!Ac'I', .Newca""tJ@, Ont.. J. \VL.~E ~l &00.,Hllmilton l':l>'l!i.lon. Il H !fITO!fEL,

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