Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1871, p. 4

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'TB~ s1 msoR1!J1~n. 1 rs Nov1 RF.cErv·r:8<1 A I J 1 J Ls. rge - and V aried I I EMBRACING .c\. YERY F1i'{2: ~ELli:C l'IO~ OF \YHAT IS NDITED 'fO THE SE~SON, Asso rtment ! A Tf RRIBlt 'I1HUSE l'J{, JCE.8 A.T 1 Ne\v and F·ash1onable, I IN F,\NCY AND DRY GOODS Al\D ~·mMMTNGS. I & Co' NEW 1300~' I THIS STOCK OF STAPLE EVERY DAy GOODS IS AS A 1, AND BEING IMPORTED BY IIIMSELF & STTOE s·ro:.E DIREC~T W!r.T, DE f'OLJ) A1: from the British STO V ER W PRICES SO P AJ,p ABLY CJHEAP ~ ~ eo.n1n1cnd thm1-:. t.o close buyor<'!, t: ho resncctfnlli.1 ' J; I ! INVIT E D TO CALL AND Jt:D GE FOR THEMSELVES! GLA9QOW HOU E, J l i I AVH·~(; , Corn_ for Sale, \1\'ho1e o r C racke d· ,J {l~Hil. i'?icDOllgaU. 13-omnnnvill·, A!'til, lS'I! THC>MAS P .A.TEERON. Ir.· ! ·--·--1 Boi.·tn1aTI-Ytllo, Ont-nno. u!VB ltXCLl;SIY!::I~Y I 'rd Sold b~ J. HIGGINBO'll!AM and D STOTT, ANlJERSOli &: C-0, wru, ~lliLr. MY 3TCOK OF IITOVJJl:~ . CO:-IUiiTING 011 1lo~Vm~::1vill~. U.1 S-c;-1 · 1871. .· Oorner PUBLIC w ! l P ort llopo 21st Sept, 1J7~ Store. i i you Clln get I CO.OK STOVES the rnott r of JOS:RPFi T:ao11 is a 1 d A.ncn1:n. t..J D To\'1.NSH:-JD , I11soh.·e-n,r:.-;, ( 8 I we ~l y, cw mt-mbcrs of th e firlfi ) of :J,'ho1nas ond ToJ.,_,.a.send -.. OPINION iully jn1tinad th.. ori1:in r.l. idea, that ·t t~!- " Coruoi Store Ii' I 'I' 'l, ED AND WE LL SU I '1.' ED ~DAP'l'ED TOP.' EITHER The <f.l~· c at Female Remedy. PIJ,J?S~ JOB .irIO[\ES' PEltIODJ(J_ \L D STOTT, DRUGGIST CHEMIST - AND DEA.LER IN 1'0JVN HALL BUlLDINGS, BOW1IfANJ1YLLE. -AT -COST. STOCK OF--o- ~ , - JIIY D RU GS. ~...1..EDICINES, AND CHEl'..fICALS, I DJ e Stuffa, P~tem l'tfodicinos, :i;'crfnmcry. Bruohos, Oombs, so..p·, P ·nd r,· I-I A R 011" , P:tmt Brusheo, Coit] Oil, nnd Oo"l 011 Lamp·, &c , &c , I TINWARE. l) ·vv A. R E ASSORTED. PYY~ICL,.NS" Pl1 ESCRIP!'IONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNbEP A1"1' ALL 0!\l)lllt8 <)011.R ECTLY ANSWEaiED IS WELL I v'~t· aw:! of the bed qi<aUty. ' j ~ a:-t.:l Pht1s1ci-tt~.s jrMtt. t'At OMmiY!J ....... ~ - ihtU d-V.f' oor. t~ / And, ss UoMI, aellmg at i'nc·· 1 t to G1\:& Sati.t4faction -- ------~-- --- -- ------ ~ I p roh1b1tion, illJ ured , but oonefitt ed, by them ~--- EXPENDIT"CRES A GAINST in bonor of the liea' en has utter ed no and Earth is not <~ead, 1 HARD TO BE I EVE. True N evertheles.s I - ----. :o:-' ---- THOMAS BASSE!T. Bo~ar:nlle, A1·&"la:t. l0, 1B11. I l I l I tlic:ln a.ny...±uw b..ltui.:_a.wid "llJ.,Wb .-y;~ to linger, assure ,1s ,Veaf01n .!!. world o( warm and lo"'in1g h eart s , the tt(lorrnn~ or the aepulchrer,; of the "lo\red on ea B.!ll'n lat-es our grlof and soothes the wounde<l heart I t a1so ch~ra the beren,, afl t-o kn.,w that &n ad1llt1onal em· be lliah ment of t h o grave presents t;trongcr attractions to a rrust tho att(ln~ tlon of the i;tranger, ti.nd ca."L.sea him to na.use and hiF.rn the name of ono ~ho ha R shared ;;o largely in tho lovo of O; hf'll<i ~-e tnke this n1ethod to inform you U1at ,;. e ca n 1111 orders for decor a t ing tho g.-ro.vea of departed fncnds, at low r1gcl's, execuLod in the beat stylo of those beautiful emblems wh1ch adorn All I- 1-~- Stoves T TN RETUfu '< given hin1, begs to inform all those 1\ho axe in want o! n. ttrst class Sto· e, Ihat th eJ cau lie sup- Howmnnvillo, whe re he wil1 keep const:intl:r plied by h1n1 a s cheap 11s an} oth i>r hnuHe 1n the hand a -well "Selected stoc1t of stoven! Japanned. pressedandp1a.1n T1n~s ro, H e has n.lso for salu the celebr ated I ~·1nch he w1l1 sell GROCERIES VERY CHEAP. T HE SUBSCRIBER, ING thanks to the inhab·t.a.nt11 or \Vest Durh am, for the hberal support wh1ch they have 1 · I lG D \'\'"orkrnansh1p ood Cooki~g Raisins only Q cents a pound, and still cheap er by the box. ll ~ UMMER DRY GOODS at coat J,fONU:MENTS,TABLETS,E'fC., OP '-fTi? FPlF.ST QU ALITY OF' -\:SD~ :J'J.LIAN& A21LElllCAN M.dllBL E· 5C0'fCE .r.\ RERDEEN GRANITE, ~ .pplie-ii. on short not1co Evel'ythfoncrt.aln1ng to Ce:!lle.tery work Wiil meet I OTTON and Y.loolen goods are advancing, but you c1.1.n buy C them at Elliott's, for a i<hort time, at the old pricas, Now is the time to Qccure what you need. - SpeCil."il nttcnt.Lon pitld kl wh.icl1 is now t~1 use in a.II the pnnoipal H.ailwa7 EA.VJl:TP.OUGHINO A.ND JOB BING Statlons ln Canada. lt the th1nw !orCburchea, I Ia..lls, and publio bulltl~ RUTTAN" HOT AIR TOYS, inll"S with l'lro::ni;t attention, by l~vlnU older~ w ith C. 130UNS.i.LL, i..~~~44~~ BEST HOT AIR ill Canada., Do wm~nvtll..,. - SEWING MAC HINES. G ! I ENTLEMEN in want of a neat fitting suit ~hould call early at Elliott's Fashionable Tailoring Establishment. .A~eut for tho Wheeler & VV1lson, tho IIowo, and thG Osborno.Sewb1g 1r'.I:nc111nei:;. Bo~:::no.nT1llo, 1-Ia.1ch 8th. !Sil - - - I LEWIS QUICK 1 iin Western Assurance I ;rar-Satisfaction guaranteed in all reasonable casti11_ Henry Elliott, Jr. R~mpton , I Uf. August ~rd, 18'rl. ~ . lci:r~Atltal ~iue':~1 I Sw.-phlij · . I 1 1-~-At-theI Ironmonrrery -- r ~. - OR- -- -DEALER IN DOl\fESTIC AND J ~I Fnru!~, I ·'11 / 1 I ~~eJp!.R ror the year W·m dnn·, rnn, HON J Mol\iumrnm:,Premdcnt R 'so I I 1 r HAJ/O.:~"" ~fanag1ng - · -" Diroc,"'.,cr · l\'rEEHING-LONG WANTED BY ' E\TERYBODY, / '..l T. DA.RJ,11\'G'l'ON, I F'1" 1 · EVER"!:- Ol\'I~ -n. HIS HOU s E .&.V.i!.. '~ >:::lP .L-\.:ND VILLA P .A.IN':rs, , PRovrnroNs, &c. , lf'l"" on DER , OWN - PAIIWTER! "T" · · -w.:;;-e "'!I"-.. ..iL.Jil ~ " ' - " .li..I' GRgg~_ii,~~R. I o~OI_OE TEAS,FRCJI'I'f<. AT LOWEST , I I re and M""r1na _ _ llo~~n~__;ue.M·1_sro;1sn. --~ -··· ._lOtf. I v rNr, uru.NoE i To Let, ' ' 1 0Ehgrwi{:rth1l<':~"fl 0g~_'fi'{f!mLL 1 1 ! TEAMSTO~RAWLUMBERFROlVl f m) 1iilla "\Wanted'], m Podonl .. to Bown1a:rrvJ.le And .tr :ur.t 1 I J;l X'!l.L ..L CA ~- CURRENT RATES. T h e 1 1 P u: m p 8 :h. op, Prep~red for immediate use, and w>thing ~ut tho purest M'.aterid· used, nnd ro- quirmg no further mixture of oils, Tnrpentme lllld Dryers THEIR O~MP OSITION CONSI,STS SOLEY ~F .-. . . . Pufe Color, Pure White Leaj, Pu1 ·e W7iite Z~nc, Lihtsud Oil, ?lnrifa 3". l.l::liGGINBOTlllA.1'1, - 0Hll;!>IT5T Detach ed - ., _) GLASSW.AR Ii'1 Dwellings, Churolies and-Sohools, w ith contentf!, ~ x Towns n.nd Oountty p1Ace~. These · 1 m Clt1es B01\m.:lnvilfo., Ont ... 37-tt rates a.nd term8 of p olicy pa,1~iet1la1ly fn.vorable - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - _ _ _ _ 1 to the Jf.o.rinmg Oo1nmun1t~ ,. .n...I'..1 A ".D CROC ·r~R" .L'" N · I l'>pecml Low Tariff uf R"tes, j Insnranco for one or tln ~ yeare. on . WITH :aoRsE-PO>\l1lR & LATH:F., c<>Ter1rg .i 001\!PLAI.NT .a..·m DRUGGIST, TO NOONOE tha,t he has roceind a well &5 ~md e:tn1 k of a ~n1une Dt'UgS aud Pure English Chero~~~1.,, Ah:o, a 5pJendid stock of tho!} most ett.ron'uJ1 t ~t loctod B EGS RESPECTFULLY ( 1 AN- , he reqmres to buy with the Pamt is ~ Brush, as the work can be clono by htmsolf or I by any member of hlB household. I · of Twrpentime and Dryers carefully and scwntifically comhined. Tho consumer c&n have 1>ny desired sh·de of Colors ne,.tly put up m CAns! and all FAR:_MS for SA.LE· 10.C. i PURE WHITE LEAD. Da.rhngton, 2t miles from the '!own o! Bowman· ville 70 acres cleared, and 30 1n \Voods D\\ elhng House, good Barn, St.P.blo, and :::;hed, some .F'.nut Treee on the prem1see, a good ~ be1ng the South 90 'Acres, and 10 on the .N ortb-e~st corner of Lot 9, in the {th con. of Bowm~ntille, Sept. 1t, ACHES OF GOOD LAND, 1 sn. I , ~ IN I A large stock just received for Autumn ~ainti~g, importe~ direct from the English Manufacturers, mcludmg JAMES Genuine and celebrated Rooster brand-Guaranteed pure. ALSO - All stand~rd Colors, 01!·, Yamishe·, ·nd Pamters' M·ter1ol·. Call 10nd ··· how che~p a House can be P.mtod &nd Decorated, fol: till thoa· I · goods will be sold at re duced figures. l ~000 G.(LLONS MACHINE OIL OF DIFFEREN'l' KINDS. Threshen and &11 parties reqmring ·uch 01! arc ·peci1>1ly invited to inopoo~ the 1 Tanon· qu,.hties-the price bemg far below anyt. nng enr oJfored m tlli· m&rket. DYE STUFFS! 11'hlch Mnnr.t be AUrP"-Med for exc.elleney of q~c.ll'to7 An " '8}30rta1cnt of Aniline D/M 1tept eon .. tau 'y c:.n bi\n d, toi:cihor ~ith a eno1ca &e- !eetirm. r.-i 130 ncres clea.reu, 70 1n Woods Well ""'atered, ulsu n good ' Veil A UC\\ Fia1ne Dwelling 1-Iouse, with Stone Cellar the full Sl.Ze of the HE SUBSCRIBER HAYING lO· HOU!:le, a email Log I-Ion~e, two Burns, Stable and FITTED and imp10\ ed the Gallery latcl) Cvw bhod El'..cellent land, s1tuat.ed 3.i nules occupied b;s l\tI1 H 'l', is now prepared to ta.iH· from the 'l'own ot Bowiuall'Vllle.. For turi her 200 ACHES, BEING LOT NO. A rno 12, in the 5th oon of the above To\-.; nslup, Well,ot soa streamol~ prmgWa ter - - - - - -- - - - -- Photographs 1 T PHOTOGR.J!PHS IN ALI·...J.n Yf,JC· AND .AT THE DONlINTON OF CANADA. PRUCIS, ORF.MIC/I.Lil, P.~1'EN'f :MEDICINJl!g, BRt:SHES, COMM, l!HOt:LDEiR BRAO~, SU PPORTERS, """ ate ----------------1 Spring Fash i ns DON, Lot No 13, ju tho 4th oon or the above } Tovfn::.hiD lo 39 3.r.u. l ~~lfi'.'J$~J:i'. ~~~~0 'i 't·. ~~o~~iej~{~ift~/"~~1tt 0 L 0 WEST P It IC IH\. Pwtures mode!n ~n ki nds of ,...,.llM I- &;tt.lf, 'I'.!.TIN '?11,' , COLOM, T J.Jl.NJ'!H!.5, '" end W IIITXI,.EAD l1Z ~9 'f"CTy- }OTraf!t pdcei. 500 COOK PARLOR, HALL · · ' arriving a.iid now on Exhibition. AND BOX STOVES, T Om!'k.0.La.dleit, J Jfn.shiona. !or this spring' 1S71 aRdi·zirepa.rod King antlTJ1vrnion Str~Na. entranco m:rpositi; M' >· .. ·I ~.J.i r 'l'releV"ell i »hoelltore. , SA'fISFAC'flON GUARANT1£];1 HE SUBSCltlBER HAS NOW THE I Ac~ll reepectfull' sohclto<l. Gallccy-Cornor " EDWTN" .J FLETC}. B Eli ~ 15 ~ HORSE AND CATTLE l\iEDiOINES. N. B - Country Storekeepet'S supplied on ad~ i.&nt&.&'CQUS tbrms 'l'he l<lr~t tmd cheapest ·took of Gon&ral llardwar<>, Carriage GoodA. a11d Tmw!l"e, in th· County of Duzham. W oliinlrtOn JliUldlng, BowmanTlllo, A,,...m ·. lf71. ·AS USUAL IN LATEST STYLES.' lll!'Partloti.l:tr atteutton fittin&". .A.pnl 12, io outting a;_d. B?~tt. Bo-wm&nvillo, .April %6tli, 1S71 JOHN Mc.T.. EOD. Di·um. isn. MRS .A.LEX. l'LEI'C!IlIR. ' ('oHag ~ ic-r-~-,;le. JI.: on Qu~e11 St1oet (East), a.t present unoc ( cupwrl. v.:ill be so~d cheap .A good Garden, ~gJ>:a~~1d D11' ln~ Shed atto ched T~ItM:3 ~TE LEA.RN rl'HitT rr IIERE J. ... RE } · A pply ro .... I fY Unprm,..1pled persons \'iho, v; hen the~ Wm PORTER. cann ct palm otr a \V olthlcs.s ::;ow1n$ !'-10.ch1n c, on persons acqu·unted with th e n1er1t-s of the d1f---------te1e1tt Machines, represent tho1nschcs a.s a.gents fl r the celebrated and Osborn !1'.Iach1ne::;, ancl otter to grant vvm r0int:>forthe srwnc, ) \\Ith intent to decerve. v~re bemg the onl-.;- an TO LET. I Wm. r I II L · owe, n . . ·· ·· A I I B.J - -o-.-.n - ,111- B_o_t_l. _ i_r_F __'_J:'_ lil_ t_ -P - r-iz -e mmi: BRICK COTTAGE Sl'l'UATED ., §HU A.h<l"ad, I A I The Pump Shop WITH HORSE-POWER & LATHE, ...::i.t p!"e~ent worked by theaubc.cribPr Poue!s1on kind in t-0wn-plenty of cui,tom- r~r~ chnuoo {or ~ aood g SILVER. BO-wrne.··rrillo, 1'fi!1 Z-6 ,18t1. ------ --~~ ~1,..en l! EdT Only business of the I 1 , - - ·;Q~ W@~D "\"Mllt~ ~Mo<>. ~· ~ -~OR SALE, Y-i.AOHINE-.M.A.DEPBJ!lS I I nnrl eoononucnJ. Drum in uee, and will disTEA. PARTIES. tribute r;nore heat, occupy less roorn. answer all pn.rpQBC bette1· than any qflier. By tt-fl use t\. Ofnoe on Silver Street, BoTt'm.tmvilll), lft-« house cn.n be tnuch better he&t.ed \v:tth one stO"V"e BA.LL SUPPERS, g J.fONEY to lOAU on terms tban under tbe old oystom Mtb two or tbroo PUBLIC DINNERS, atov.,,,....tbuomorotbanpaymgfor ltool! In ono AOR E S OF _ LAND, WITHIN aeMon by a. uTI.Ilg o! wood. All who hove tried +J them would not be ""1t.Jloutthem for me;ny time! one-and r..-q~rtcr 111iloa of B ow1n!tnville, their cost. The under~!.S'Ded hnis secured the tfe1ns the tear of lot 1'j'"o 12, Znd ~ ooncoosion of A.);""'D 't.Em Tm?:ORY o::ir :?.t175IC. Right tor Bo"WD:lanv.ille. Y.&rhn~n. Ca,i-twnght, G-ot up i:a the best :o;t~ 1e &n<l on r~a!$ona.ble terms Darlington ..... GoodJ3rick Ocitta..gc, Clft<:rn,Gardcn ) ---Clarke o.u.d Ma.nvers, n.nd 13 prepa.~ to ftll all b) thc.5nbscrtber The wh1t~t. the sweetest 'I and Frn1t -T .. etiB on pre1m~oo. 'Im:ms Msy.OHN QW.JDGE MUS. DOC., ENG- ordoraontboehorteat not>oo. Af'Jll assomnent and beetbrellddcll· ~>eddally t'l oustomershn Appfyw ll.Ic·nnn """LP 1~ I LA.>.~. Teocller of tbo alll:lv11. A1:on at Cook, P~rlo· a,nd Box stuvo·, conotoutl;y on ~u no-rt·.., th~ town. ~ ,- _.,,, . 1tor term.. - · ro Im ,,..di> t~ ~ k ~ '!'. T, 11.0;.mN'. { Jib'l;fY. ~!\<{}~. ll~,;S'Wl;'o\ ~ 'fil, ~ &o., &c B L.A. W, SolloUor ARRISTER AND .A.TTORNEY-AT1n Cha.noory ancl lnaolToncr T HIS IS THE MOST EFFIOIEN'f soIREES, I ror anile reta1l and v;holesale by nll d:ug&isr~ NORTHROP & LY].5.AN, Newcastle, Ont. .T. "l'l:NER &C'9., ll>.milf"'1. J'>,R, >l.ITC1'!'.11"fu, T"'N J rl'i>nts,, are tm ~u,,;le-1"".3, ~w d liable to be for na.ud '"!'no ~ t1bhc are hereb~ ilgUlllSt BUCh.. i persous \\ 110 ran grant 'Warrants thereon; a nd any per.;:ions not employed by us, 1epresenting theutsolvee a:-i ; or otTPinr:g to g:taPt wnrp101:11·0-ited 1 tho rIY.ed agecnts for \Vest Durh::i.m. are vne · o~I y I ca. 1lwnnd I ;·- \)~,- =<!. lilowma7vfh-.,! ~~ .,..x..,-i, R. S2 If 0 HARA. ~ ,

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