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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1871, p. 1

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Ui Ll tl' ~ m :rn I l n n t ccl nnd publ13 e 1 3'Jini·,.,ia~ ~~ w i' ni;, ~ b J t h e Pr _., rwt l, I 'Ille Fastest Train iu the Wo:rld A "nymg B ·.ttributed to tho lats Mr. Brunel, t o tho oifact tit&t lf the dmicton of t..'to railway company would g1veh1m full po,... era he l\"ould construct an engine to take tho t rn,n from London to Bristol 1n t· o hours The offer "'"" regarded e.t the date 1t was m~de !Ill u:npoo·1ble of acoom· 1 hshment, but the underlakmg haa been almo·t reali.ed m the pre·ent day. Th~ Great Western Railway Company hne re· cently maugurated "service beb1"en Lon· Jon and tho West of Ellglend, by "h1ch part.cs leaving J,ondon at a quuwr 00· ·OH> noon can be m Briotol at 2 21 p. 111 , the 120 miles being T>n n 1n 36 m1nute11 over the time fixed by Brunel Th~ servie<t ia contmucd o' er the BrL>tol and E i.:etet .Railway M far as Exeter, winch city ~ reached at 4 p rn , a J<mrney-ot cloi16 u pott 200 ,..,Jes bcmg tlms accomphohcd in fout and a quarter It will be aat!Bfactory fu p&ssengers to know tlrnt a special ~od0 of mstructwn· has been drnwn up w1th t he view of rendering the ionruey s&fo ""' well "" swift The line ahead of the tram i& t<I '.V \ l . K "· , E, vo1·. .:~VII. BOWMA.NVILLE, ONT., I18 71 NI; IT NI W ~ I ~~=~,...,=====~====~==~~==:"'~~=~~===~=~~==== -="'-"'-"-"'--"'-"--~-'~"'"~~~,~D~ic~:~,~1"'c~r~e:i.s=:-~d~::;-:;eo, so ...,~:~ment, wl1cn I began to 1 ::Ei ! j ,ft£ 't 1 "1 n~. mu"h ·o as t o dr4W upon lumsell the n o· fear that I shon 1d be sacnficed by the man AT--1L I N0.17. cr~.;k_,,, stud J ohn -l a _u_g_h_m_g - &t 1 children to 111 ~.I i ~I: I NI:IV &.i. _.ALL ,\JABKED AT LOW PRICES!.._ NO ABATEMENT I Boww:mville, October, 1871. FAC'TS FACT! ARE ' t1ce of near Iv every one on ho-ird '· \\hat is 1t that a.Js yon, D1,,,k 1 ' I ACROSS THE SEA ask"'d, as vie caPlC to an anchor nnn<l tl e To tlic Hloptng b~n kH \.\ h!:""8 th ~ ,, a.-. es :t"'o ch.eurs ._.f tl1e grea t 1 portion of those on · t 1' e · r1 ccrecpinri wav e-. tJ ~till from my;hilme di\!iJe, boa.rd "Do you r r'grct h "nng 1ett t comeami lookatthotimoofweep1 116 ! old laud?" To tho lighted sh ..;'"e on the othct ;;fde I " Rcg1ct 1t, no 1" h e answered, qu1cldy I, for the t1di:i B ~message bt'lngmg [ 1' Why should I regret-wh :t.t have I go t From t h ose I lov-e on the hea' enly shore, I to rogrt't 1 ' And it seem 9 F.1orc.etime131 ca.n h o. "\ r thom I I doh't know " I replied ; but you1 s1ng1nCI' The song;: .fuat sweet to me e vormo1e n1anP e? has been so d1ffere1 t, f 0111 \\ hat 1t And oft when the sea ha.s a. 3uver f:lblm.m-3T', I used to be, that wuro .11i not th at I knew And thG tiny wavelets tlasu. a.ud play, yon well, I sl1ould suspect -:;uu had been I ca.n fancy itllk' the dlsta.nt glim!.nor gntltv of soma cruue in Enfr1and antl \1ias Ofthecrownathe~ woor,vhoareferaway t" ti f fd te t.0 ,. ' cont! au y in ear o e CwlOn I look "1ld liateu, &nd"" am pre85lng The look ho gave me was not n. plelV'ant I the same time. " \VeU, now, if that tun 't a young scamp," 1u:ud the couutryman, his featul'ea relaxing into a g:r1u as he saw through the whole matter '1 uch h a.rd talk an d b a d bl oo d wot· ld d1 '~11culty I gave nL,.;;rance to, c1cpt lin if l.I fea-rfnlly forward, and dealt my aS"~::ulant be saved, if peoplo would a!way1 strp a; l1lu ,., un the h ead with !l short stick "e1gh before they blts.n1e other.a which ho cnrr1ed in hts lland. whom the day before I had called my E1a the n ative could reue&t tho bl.,~, I ' Dick lflt go lus hold of n~y throat and spr nng t o h13 feet A inoment he glared upo11 tho ne wcomers, and then a knife ilash"'-d lll h1 s hand !'"or rm.rely I know from th&t la.nd of blea:~ng one, lnd tJ1e gr ip he fastened on 111y axrn A token ot lot1) will 00 sent to me. mad a me 1'=tnco, \t; hilo the 1 F's of lns T'o1ce Bnttho d~·ll.1'6d!ll'k Close to the edge of the pa.rt1ng sea., An.dsav, '"\Vill he coma t;, ta-.Dl".>ITOW; Th!>thcraldsWiltfrom thoworldafa.rl' I mt'1 o.nd tho night<! haze startled mo, as, th1ough lu· clcnc.'1ed I teeth, he a·ked1 looh.ln va. n for a, gnidlug s·-sr, "\Vh~t cr1mo-whab or1 n o could I 00111~ sorrow, .,. , , , Oh. t.rlends belGved, with yonr tender vo1ecst Oh, sweet, sg,fe hom ~ tha.t I long to scmt -Doyoukno\vhowthee:rilas he!trt rQJmces When I tillnk th>t my fath<r. will send {or W:111a11ted to it iirtd 1JOt co1ne tn pt1ec11. "'18!.t From~:~~1iing ;Jhore wbern the \'r.1.VM &-rG I str11la my "fcs o'or the watera wid.,, And my hea't grows qmetand h~ppr, know· mo1 The Rest IUnl'k and #.irceo Tt'llS i· Tewa, at 'l"bc Dest 30 l'tnt ·rea in Town. - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - I & Bn t.r, ~: ' It'· M111c111, ing I ooon oh&ll P··· to tho othet aide s,,.1r. and Yun taksu .., Oaah for Good1. Oe 4. 1871 s. ~-,.-~---~~~-~~~--~~ ~~ You don t bunk I vodoua anyth,ng wrong, do you 1" 11 4 I rephed, qn~ckly " But ' Not !' I your tn:'.lnner 18 .. 0 very stranga that it aomettme· alamrn me ,, "Ba.hPt ho cried, "It ii! your 1mAg1na· 1 ti&n I tho sa1ne in :\ll th111gs as I wa.s at homa Dun't talk such nonsGnfJ.O agani, it only vaxe· ma " ",I ha. re no WLSh to do that," I rema.rk~ od : " I "nine yom fr19ndsh1p "'t too & puce Ui j h1a new land, "hora WO are both ·trnng·ra, to say or do 11nythmg to ahenato us I suppose 1t was tuy fa.ncy then, 1u1d so let tho matter drop. " I Ias I n&w the blade desoond, "hich chauged abo\·01ny head. 1 uttered a cry of terror, to one of JO Y &Tio tha for1n of a. man botw oen u~, and tho knife \\ta-a knoe-Jted from Dlok ea hand by the but,, of n. tirga pistol, and the o.rma of tho would bo ;uurd- erer foll po worlo.~s to hi.~ aide. "Just m tlina, young gentleman," ·3id · tnll rcopootabla looking Europaan' "an. other moment, ~nd I should ho Te bOfln too late " Then turnmg to Dick, who atood pole "Yo>, yes, don't speak of 1t agam - and powerless, he oontmued" Rtch~rd Barton, I hold & warrant for And now, of couraeJ as we have know1 each other so long, a.nd as I h·wa as much your arrest, and shall convey you back to England on ~ o'iarg· of breakmg mto and money as yo 1, it will be b0tto: for L l.S to robbmg tho - - Bank of gold and notes J nn onr fo1turi~s together ' "I ha.7e no obJect1oa to th11t , ' I re to the ainount of one thousand pounds. phetl "S ' the old gentleman lot you It i\ lll rem~111 with yourself w]1eth0r 7our ha ve the n1 iey, thP.n · he rap!ted \ oyaJe back shail be a prunfal one " Buffalo FU l={NIS l-IINGS, I The whole of the stock havmg bueu well bought, will be given, ALL Kl\D~ OF FUH S ALTEHED AND FiEPA!I>ED. Highe11C l(·riee paid for Rnw 1-'uH. MARKUS MAYER. READY FOR INS L~ECTION .l FULI. ASSORTMENT OF A l H,L:US1'RATIOI'f. ::R;ESS G-OODS " W fiat is that I hold m my hand l" " A \\ at ch sir, ' ans nrered one. " ..A.. ltttlc clock/' said a.noth~n~ "D\J yon see 1t 7' " Yos, s1r " 9 'J'ho111a" ~·onbou ... e~ .- - I A L UCTIONEER APPRAISER AND Genc1 al .Agent, har11ngt.on Centre attenaed to SalcH promptJ~ I I MILLINERY R. D. Folt>h ICENSED AUC'l'IONEER, FOR the Tu\· D6h P.. of Darlington Chrugee moderat-0. Y attended to Sales p!'Ompt. ~ \l&V1ng fitted np the premiees third door or the "'Pogt om"'e. is prepared to &ttend to the wa.otG of thecpubllo lD his line, r.p. u.: IJ!.9.:1.lD.&- nueerpllS1;ed by any m tho Prov1noe fiirtiCuutr at.tent.ton given t.o toe outtfug and dr6881ng_ of l.Ja..dJ95 o.nd OhilUron s b.aJ.t. A ooll solioited.. B \V. n. Ethvoods, ARBER AND HAIP~DRESSER, -VVOOL I I GOODS Beourlty, o.o. the mof;h.· fa.v.:ru.raole terr11" JO.~~ J B FAIRDAJRN. - manent Du:ild1n,r and :3a.ving r::. e;omety of for vn to, is prepared ~I) neg.Jtla.t-0 loane1 on Real Estate T iHoney to J,eud. HE UNDERSIGNED HA YING been appomted agent for tht;i Pron.ncial Per- IN A.LL THE LA.T!ST NOVJ:LTIES. - · A CHOICE LOT OF - llt.Pe:i t e 'l'ai!m·. ~ ENTLE~r.EN'S AND BOYS' aAR(Jt MEN rs rn :t.:i~ ro the Cloths STYLES. l!'-ob 19, l&H ~1 EWE ST 3D tr. ' Gen t'S---U ndercloth in g Collarsf N eek-Tie_ s , &c. SPLENDID BLANKETS VERY CHEAP, \~ ,ua~ed a :-.hH.!e~at ------1 UR. li£i llol..11 Wm. McMURTR Y'S. O NE WITH SQ}fE h1'G\\ 1ELGE J of o::im;>-uundin pn:1eued · Tht· was so d1f!arent to tho u·ual m·u· at home, but ahll I I believed hi· thoughts were alw:>ys on I those he had left bolnnd, and t hat !us 1epar~t10n from ham.a ' ai;d li;irdrad had blighted hrn noce Jnyoua haort, and crush ed htGe:it.ubarant sp!r1tn As the lvns and tad1oua voyage <lraw towards 1fa close, and myself and fe!IO\v passengers began to aongratulate ourselves upon bemgrap1dly noarmg our des'ma I ~ lll· llHV<>IW!.IU QJl.fil J'W~l!I- ·~ I ner of t)\e young fallow " No, s r," waa the nnl'lwer " You he, you hctlo villain/' Mid oounttyrnan, s'1ll cnraiood at tha boy's eura.ncl) &a·

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