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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1871, p. 2

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THURSDAY, GRAND TRUNK 1 IME T l)ECE~IBER 7, 1871. SE.RVA.NT "\V All'TED, -~JIOR GE~ERAL RAILRO~U) II~ll l.BLF~MONTREAL Tn~ Pr nee ot Y\ ales is no'v I ro no need out of dn. 1 0 e1 from the recent at tack of t) phoid fever H 0 USE W 0 RK Appls attheSrA'IES:MAl'i terest of an organ zed emigration from Scotland He purchased two townships of land m Mrnne ota for a Scotch colo 1y a port on of who 11 las J st a rned oft! e _Li Good wageapah.1 READ! .J, ill. Drimacoinbc, L · .D.S., READ 'lhursday Mornmg R CommencL"lg ' ith tho lat of January 1872 the CAKAIHAN E A D I STATESMAN will bs SocrAL -Remember the social f umshcd for o o clolla' a yea; to ~ll snh scribe1s who pay atnctl) !n adva11ce held at the re'1 lence of Mr Thos Bat When not paid 111 :i..dvance th~ rates will ting to n1orrow eve111ng in 1he interest of St Johns Churc'i All who at ten l ~ II be the some as at present Subscribers be 'l\elcome m arrear (who PA> UP on or before the 1st is expected of January next) will bo ch:>rged only the present advance rate 1f at the fame. they pay one dollar for 1872 Our facihties for executrng all kiuds of lotter press pr1nt1ng now second to tnanor boru Most of them mcl idmg theCana diaru spoke the 0-rehc as the 1 n other tongue BARGAINS -IN- -------THE C 1rlers Concerc held m the Town Morg~ very fo" city offices m the Do mmon and we thoreforo a.nnounce the reduction in price with t 10 hope that mends w 11 nid louU Wm Wa ket l\:Ira Jane A o VVr ght J (stea n fitter) "\'Y ilson \\ m \V Sterling John James Pr de Will am Ray 'lhomas Hobinson Georgo DRY GC)QDS AND nud thus assist m sprca.dmg the prmciples wl ich have peen upheld by the STATES ~AN Tell your for the past sixteen years neighbors and fr1enJs who may not be subscribers at present that they ca:n have the STATESMAN for o ie dolla a year The ID'1UJll!llDil(J_l£S P 11r 1".EILLINERY, UNION SCHOOL It be g i 1 peratn e th 1t ir om school purchase of new Power Press Typo &c n<>com nodat10n be rrouded for the cl ildren has been effected at a cost of O'\ er Tlurtcen of the town the Inspectors bm cted a plan Hun lred Dollars and we 1 ow reques· to the Board of Tr st ees at then rece1 L that all persons mdebeed to 118 for subscr10 hon adHrtmng or Joh printmg will set tie their account. without delay To DAV the first sesss10n of the s·cond parliament of Ontario "ill be commenced at Toronto The busmess of to d 1y will be the orgamzat10n of the Honso and the election of a Speaker Although the lata ~loetions resulted without doubt m the ietum of a 11 aJor ty vf members opposed to tho '1j)ntmuance m power of the uoto nons Pate11t Combmat10n it is possible that the samtly Sandfield has s icceedad m con01hat ng a few representat110ea and that he fill succeed n1 elect111g as Speaker one of the many he has approached with an offer of the office 1f they would but fill down a 1d worship !um It is known that ho has met nth several rebuffs in late attempts to manufacture martyrs but electors m soma aect10ns of ti e Pro VlllCO are BO anXlOUS to act a grant frOIIl tho provmc1al chest m support of local measures that they care not who their member supports so long as they get a Sandfiel<l s only mess of tho pottage cha.nee lies u1 the abnegation of principle by members of the Ho ise but we do i ot believe that he " 11 bo able long to survive the blo" dealt !um by the co mtry nt ti o late elect10m f !l_ND GENTI'JIJMEN - CROCKERY~ ia\e tie hoi or to be Gentlemen Yoir ob t Sent J OiiN J TILLEY 1 have JUSt concl idcd a care£ tl i 1s1 ec tlon of the to vn scl ools and as at 3 our last n1eet1ng the wish \Yas gene1al1y ox pressed that I should report upon the school as a whole a.nd suggest ""ny changes that l m ght thmk neceosary for its n provement and aa I ti rnk ti ere is muck greater need a.t tl1e :present ti ne of a gen er&! report upon the piofic ency of the pupils the clas~ ficat1on and the accomn o dat on than of a detailed report of the d fferent d1vmo11s I shall opeak of the school collective y w th special refe1ence to the lower clusses and sl all speak of tl e separate <l v s1oru1 only so far a.s: IB 1 ecessary to bring before .) o 1 the c ass1fica.t101 of the whole First tl en of pr fie ency The semo1 sect10ns of tho d Jlerent di visions pai:ised a verj cred1tahle exam nation and slowed the iesult of careful tench ng but naai ly all the iumor sect ons were more or less defic1et t and showed a lack of thoroughness m the work wlnch they had gone over I d o not blame the teachers for th s ror I be! eve t ls the re lllurdoch Bro's Have still a Laige and Well Assorted NOTICf. Of ~Y-lAW. OIICE 18 HEREBY Giv EN TITAT alls Lv.w will be ntroducedat U e meeting of the l ov. nf;hip Uounc l of Dar~_ton to l>e held at the ro n Hall on Stock of Siaple and Fancy Dry N Good wluch the\ determm ed tcr 0 TOWNSHIP COUNCIL H AYrrTON ~ell 2 at prices aH low as am m the D ec Regular n1ee 1ng of Co Ln 1 all prese it llin ltcs of m etn1g iead and confi1 led the country ORANGEISM ~ At the I st regular monthl.i mectmg of Tyrone I oyal Orange Lodge1 No 640 the following officers "ere elected for tho .l oar 1870 ~A discount of FIVR PER Mr '~ mdntt p esented Iej o c fro spemal co nnnttiee appon ted to exarr u e the road across lots 31 and 32 m lu ~.,, Going t;I.. West ! Con1 CENT will also be made on all ca.~h purchases ovet one dollar Bradley G Bigham H Lindsay J l'!IcCorrm k 3rd 4th 5th ch11ed to give a. fa.\:orabla cons1de1at1011 of SELLING OFF I I Cheap for Cash f the ina~t o.r whc. 1 a ro:\d is made proper pl ace Carr ed 1n The Grocery Department is now CoUNTI1'S COUNCIL -The Couuc l for the Umted Crnu!Ies of Northumberland and Durham "ill meat at Cobo ng 0111\fon day next to complete the mumcipol bus mesa of the ) oar We presume tho sit hngs will continue t ntil the folio vrng Sat urday mormng- nlth0 1gh as a general rule the work could be all lone rn three days What Councillor will distrnguish lumself by pre' entrng waste of time and pubho 1noney 'l W£SL1'YAN M:rss ONS -Sen1ces nect10n with the W esle) an Method st M s s10=ry Society w ll be held m the " es leyan Chmch of thlS tor1 > as follo\VS Sermons w1ll l:e preached on Sabbath first at tho us ial h< trs of w orslnp b) Rev W Scott On tho follo,ung Monday evening the annual lneetmg will he held commenc tng at 7 to clock when Revds W Scott T A Ferguson and W McDonagh w1 de liver addresses tho $3 00 @326 120@125 llo@l20 35 @ 40 60@ 62 oo@ 58 (j0@ 62 3o 17 13 30@ 33 450@o00 000@ 000 Ii supp ed with New Frmts Spices IN etc None better m quality and none cheaper 33 m the 8th con Carried Moved b) Mr i\ mdott seconde l by 111r Smitl -'.rl at tie Collector is hereby authorized ·o continue the collection of unpaid tax es till the 16th of Ja11 ai7 1872 Carned Moved by Mr Snuth secor dcd by )\fr Bro"n Ihat the Clerk IB hereby structed to notify YI m Barton and Y\ m W1Uans that a setclement of the cla ns nf ~A dwcount will be made on Groceries of rwo AND A HAI F PER M us1cal L1 brary, CONSIST!NG 01" . CENf on cash pmchases O\ur onei FIFTEEN VOLUMES FILLED WITH CHOICE PIANO MUSIC dollor e:ccept F!oUI and Gram BO<> ceeded m building up the mlSBmg part m a sat15factory manner and lift Ra.msay ,. now frco from the uncomfortable stat& above alluded to The hp a1 swers every purpose for "Inch It was mtended Mr Ramsay catled at tlus offiee, and request od that the above notice of Mr '\\ abster s skilful worknrnnslup nught be he Te& Dume~ "nd Ctiam lim S~ts m- Stonew11re Rt:rLE SIIOOTI?1n -From offic1a.l retuins publishecl m the Canada Gazette g1vmg re sult of recent volunteer target practice througho 1t tho Domm10n we obsen e that Corporal Fred Hobbs of No 1 Company Bowmanville1 ranks Ji.rot lil this military district wit! ascoreof3lpo11 ts Th1sacore -was tied bytw orthreecompet1tou mother clistricts but not beaten m the total but as in case of ties the largest score at the longest range takes first money the Do nun1on pr12e 'i ae carried oil' by o, lower pro v1ace voluntoer-Corporal Uobbs takmg first dt0trict prize N>:1" YEAR s TEA -Bo1~manv1lle D1' 1 swn Sons of Tempernnce will hold thoir annual ann1 tea n eeting on New !look at presen' m the rooms t"ught by Year· d y M its tal Look f r announce J\liss Fa rweather J\1 ss Pollock and Miss Moo1craft m~\ung Gg m all and to the pient ---- ··---,-- Conte and see our Chma Halt ~For one month we will give a Photographs I 1\JI" discount on Crocke1y of TEN PER lU HE SUBSCRIBER HAVT!lih RI' T AaH I N E o FIT'IE)) and rnpro>ed the Ga ery lately cup ed b> M H Ia t s no piepa ed to take CEN1 on cash pm chases IS NOW THE PHOTOGRAPHS IN ALI STYLh" A!li'D AT L E A_D!NG l\UCHINE LOWEST PRIC1£S }' t ~s For per,ons who want e1 Bargam~ ma le m au Junds of went.I SATISJ!AOrlON GUUUNTJ<El A call respectful];; solie tcd Galle 7 C rner or Kngn.ndD sonStJ.eP. s cnt auceuoprn~te-Mr l'relev f;ln a sl oc store Han 1ton Onklrio and ha1 e the money MURDOCH_ place to go now [ is !l & TI OTIAH~ ~ona EDWIN J Bowmron ll~ FLETCHEH 1&-01>-tr ! 'I IND ·TT Tl Clerk A.gents fo Dud ti..\ d V .April 26th 18 l the tun()

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