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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1871, p. 3

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CANADIAN cs8 TArrESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBJ1jR 1, 187'1. R E R E M R -A -- ·/\_ B B M have son~o knov,:lcdgo of plnin se,wing.A_pply to. Tu!r.:i. Rcid,no"'\Yl'esidingin Mr.Collard's liouso, King rilJ·eet.. A GTRL A8 H<DT.;SE-:M:AID, . MUST FRESH ARRIVALS AT THE New Goods. " FOR j c:· ' k e, . oo d ._;mo A G GET THE The Osborn. ---;o:---· Wanted? GLASGOW 1 - HOU SE I F. F. McARTHUR Haa j!lst received j/i rst-Cl o..s1J A N APPRENTlOJ<J TO . LEARN '!.'HE J'rfHS. CJ.TN'TOK, Church St. "\Vent. Bowman··rille, Nov.1st, 1871. .Dressmaking. NEW BRAND, . ~l THE SUBSCRinER HAVING REOEIVED HIS 'l'HE FAMOUS T S A N N Ful 1 Assortment of Go.trds, SUITED TO THE PRESE:-!T SEASON, Myrtle Tobacco, T S PI-<..YI'URES TAK.b:N IN -~,, ~ have U by ca.lUngat Aruierson &.· Co's Boot and- O N THE 12ra TNS'r., JN DOWM:AN-YILL~, a driving -~- El)"». The owner can-'"' I I F. Y. -A'r-- luu; Store, o.nd p.i.ying fo,r this advert.isc:ncnt. IXYITES THE INSPEOTION OF THE PUBLIO. ~onds CHEAPEH, and of better Vl\lue, -than any other man _in thes_ o Counties; all Aa asks is that intending purchMers g:lva him a call, s.nd judi'e tor thomsclvos, so.tisfied. tha.t the result ·will be mutnall~ profitable ana. satisfacto!j". SI VER & DOUG AS. ONE DOOR EAST OF Brick~ SED ~ orks OR SAJ,E, V~'1llte ? Bl"icka ! Tn the·e d&ys ot putl'ing and Imposture, he thinks it needless to say, that he aells A NEW OF LOT N,;.>.,o. 1 Style AT ".FLETCHER'S SIGN OF .THE RED FLAG, l\UCHINE-MADE PHES Bricks, at tJ;lf'I 03ha.v;a TilE' JOlIN \Vl.LSON Picture Gallery, KING STREET EAST. Dowtna.nville, Nov. 23rd, 1871. 17. a dh>idend of POUR Pltit Cli':NT. up-on i:.h6 paid up Capita.latockotthl;; Institution for thec1rr· renthalf·yenr,hasthis dAybeen declared , ~nd that the Eame will be payable a.t tJ:le .Bank &nll H.s branches on and siter , P. S.-An unriva.lled otook of, TablG Linen D~maab purchaaed before the recent rise in prices. OO"'iVLE KING ST.. BOWJITAXVILLE. " THOMAS PATERSON. Bomnonv:!Ue, Oct. !ft, !Sil. Bowmanville, Oct. 18, 1871. TWEED · SHAWLS, OARRI·.A... GES! N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT STUBBORN FACTS! !,. FANCY FLANNELS, DRESS GOODS, ~.pF;ATE, TAlLOR, "'\:\TOULD . RESPECTFULLY RE· '+' 't' _TURN his sincere th8.nks: to his numerous ~ustonters FRWA Y, th_ efirAt rley oJDJWR!lfBl'JR """"· 15th to the ooth o! NOvember, botA days in· elusive. By order of the Board. Thc T ransfdr Books will b8 cloeM from the D. P'IBfffiR, Oaab.l0t'. an(J friends, and \\'ould beg to say that 0:NT ARIO B.A....-..;-Jt, hchn::l1·cn1oyed. to tho - co1·11cr Of I{ing and On. Ilowmanville, !1st bet., 1.!71. streets, 'vherehe will_ be glo..dto see a.s many -of thw~tfd-01mL·llred a-nd good·tempered ones as ---------~-~--- ·~··-J1lease to give hlm a call. 17-tf For l!iiale Bown1fl.1, r vUlc N·ov.-2'-0::ud, 1871. Syde,nham Farm· 1 -----._..,-·~ o - -JiE--G-i-l 'H:ll}S];ST F ARJ\IS IN THE ACRE OF LAND, -~ HOUSE AND Cou.nty or OutariO;- ):;l('~antly . sitJl8:tec1 in East '-Vhitby; ou the margin of Lal. {e Onta1'10, ~nd comn'rn. ndini; a fine vic1Y ofthe _ l ake _ and- ~w·ruuud -Anm;T 1\0 ACRES OF LO'l' No. 14, ing cnrlnh '_Y, only .hnlfa mile ft·on1 t h.e wharf and Con. 5, Ca.rLwright.. The most of the land ' warehouses n.t Port Osha\va, t\'\'O Jn~los fron1 the has been in pasture and n1eaclqw f o:r 10 years. G. T. R. Station, and threefrollL thQ villa:geof OshA quantity of fallen cedar of exceilent quality awa. It ·contair_s 200 ac1·es of. land, of the be»t for sale. Apply to quality, 1'10 under plough, and in a -.good stat e pf Rev. W. LOGA.'1, cultivation, and HuiLable for grain ·or sto~k rats· 10-tf. ing, being :well watoredi _ ~he Oshawa cri-:ek-cross- _C~rt,y-;igJ,!t_,,.Se.J1t._D-0t. !th, .1871, ing the farn1, along \Yl11c11 are son1e 30 acre~ of river nat.s, unsurpassed fur pa~Luro. Tho bu1ldinJ.,"S co11Ri9t of-a. oomfor~able frfl.nl_f~ house. with yera.ndu.h _110.ving a.lawn 1n front with shrubbery, . " .ucl an- cXcellent crarden, well~ stocked wi~h the choicest fruit, such ail Pears, Plums Cherries, eto. 'l'wo large haru:,i with stone b_asement :fitt.ed ·upforho11sing-andfeedingstock,vnth:ronthous. e s 11-, I B :i~J AND L I -FiE. complete, dl'iviug house u.nd St?,_ shed and 1 ;s Th.~1~~oi~s:1~~ a.n or'Chai-d cont~irtirig .over ·200 of _ TEr,.fPOR-.4.RY Olf.F!OES: thebestgraf!cdtreesjust comin'g ' into full bear- CGrneP--oC .ll!t. Paul an{l . - . FOR SALE. _stab10-, and a good beAring orchn.rd. For fRI'l,heJ· particulars, apply t.o MR$, LlJ'"ll:E NOBLE Bowinanvillc, Sapt. 20, 1871, 8-tf All there is a great deal of mil!!representation regarding the merits oi the different eowing machines, and may persons h!l've been misled by these untruthful etatcmcmts, - wo give be low the namee of a. few of those who tested the Wanzer Machine and who afterwards exchanged them with us for the Lockman, Osborn, or Raymond· some of them payi_ng us over $20 to exchange: HON. J. SIMPSON, Bowmanville. MR.."\, 0, G. HANNING, Bowm>tnville. thiinks would announce that he now prcpnrod ti all order.3 in his line in a ma.nnca- sccoud to no es- James Morris, RETURNING I N RESPECTFUJ,LY to thepu1ilicfor past liberalpatronageijj i3 to tliblishrnent in the countioo. and OVERCOATINGS., CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, TheM goods have! been bought at a decided bargain and CUTTERS, SLEIGHS. &c., l!ANUF A.OTURED IN ANY STYLll DFJSIRRD, .AND ON TllE Sl-IORTTI:ST NOTICE. = = = rll · now been tosted berond "'11 l(u-·.,.. ... edict of tho publto ii lh·l io--4a,- T HIS OELEBRJ..TED H-'.Otnin: It lo tho moet oubst&atl&Uy built, h .. tho worki_ n g-Jln.rt!,-be&utifnl in det!fl'B· ad h.IO.;.He.-t1 the be-st de!!ign of a e:uttle, 'And 1fr ts .~ LARGEST P.OBJJ1NS. It Is o·pablo of pft!Orming o. ranae or ;vork hitherto thought im.pooerbl 1'o(Sewing·~Ia.chinea. t..-· D. ]'lSHER, THOS. JOHNSTON, JOIIN MoCLUNG, RICIIARD SHAW, do. do. lh D~rlingtou. W. G. PEliRY, 1W. J!J. TILLEY, Rem cm her that nothing b11t the be~t. tnatorialis used, aTid best wol'kmen cnsur· ing-(lurability, ~leg:urne sn__1l cmnfort-tho most import11nt:i:_cquisitcs in a co1ncyancc. ly attended to. h § abont.onc·half'tlle do. tfo. d&. , will be found decidedly cheap. Hepairing in all branch&~ of tho trade :pTompt.- pric.e of' tbier lUachincii Wl\I. J!JPWARDS, Mil J,UMMIS, o,,,rtwright. ALL KINDS OF Royal Insurance COMPANY. BLACKSMITH WORK, SATISF.ACTORILY DONE J. P. LOVEIUN, Clarko. R. BEMAN, do. do. R. T. WILKI!ISON, NeweMtle. llffiS. IIILLAM., IN di). ~ SUPERIOR MANNER. THE Pmon: OF Ol'HER 11!'..A.CJIINl:ll DOllf· ~'HE LlK.ll: WORK. JIJ oquoJly at ~ · leather a.!3 on fine goods. Rae t.'l'arried &Ir , . . . over the IIowe, Singer, J,oclnnan1 _ W'~ M Wil1:1on, "ranzer, Raymond, cf'o. WA P~ J . BELLWOOD, MR. BA.Rll'OOT, Such. a, ph:1.ce .it seldom :~fi'1:xred. for sale, and CapUal .................. : ............. $10,ooo,oOo :·r;hould commQ.nd t}:ie , n.t~ent.i?n of any_ pe~"Son Ann ~ l! w 1 ie ove t" .1 0"" oo· .wH.lltingafi1·st--0la_ss - farn1;in, a · goodlo<;~.11tY:· ui n ;- , ················ .,.., ""' .,, Terma: easy . . For pa.rticuhtrs a11 ~ily tu·.tho pro· Funds 1n lland ovcl' .............. ,_. · 9,500,ooO ~priotor oi;i the premises:_, · FIRE DEPARTMEN'1'. . "' . . - . . _ . THO].U.S.GUY. ·-Oshawa, Novt· 15tii.! 1871\- ~: - 6-,iwl All descriptions· _ o f property In!'.!ured ttgainst J~oss nr b;r Fi.r:w1'.t moder~te ra.tcei. LOSSES PROMP1'I>Y Slo'l'TLRD Wll'HOUT REFEREXCE TO THE HOME OFEICE. infhere ;,, a mill "fL~ ,o~ -thc -k)Jove property, · \\-'hich will be Hold with the:farm" ,: or sepM:l.~ely. §t.· S. BORLAND, Oi·ono. Fran.coi§ :Xavier Streetlii. A. LOCKHART, Clarke. THOl\fA81',fcULUNG, M. · D. WILLI.A].IS, Bowm:l.nvUl~ MISS HAMBLY, :P<>rt D"rlington. 0. W. SMITH, Darlington. STEPHEN OLEMENOE,D~rJlngtc.11. THE SUJ3SORinER WILL SELL 'When you w~nt anything in the carriage line, give JAMES MORRIS " pa.II, and.he will suit yoµ. · j On~ ~o·wma,~yille, Machine Guaranteed or~· ..i.e. /_ door West o!. the Ontario Bf\-nk. Oct. 10, 1871. 18-ly THE GUELPH 11.l.:WB A.ND 'l'RE.lDL~ REV, R. BOYf;!t, R. R. LOSGOMBlll, MRS. BROOX, .... do. do. _ da. 'WILLIAM CLEMENCE, MAT'£HEW COLE,. Tyrone, JOHN BURN, ManTen. And a groat many others, do. ALL-WOOL GALLERY. .A.'l' J.. REDUOTION OF· !llA:CDI!lfM . LEDGE that-0Crtain Pc'Cll&rs are selling Sp~c ·taclcs and Eye Glasses pi.i.r:f_)ortinff to be of our ~ make and to bear our names stampecl ther~on, we hereby .caution the :pu;lilic _aglLin~t au such mpostors, as, Ml'., A ;'.'-RON BUCKLER ·IS-oUr O!J-).Y . Agent in \Vt:ist Durhau1; and u reward of $Zo 19 .hereby offered for the upprehension and. convi~· ,ti.on of all such i1npostor. '3 a.s try-to cletra11d the :,l )ublic by 6ff:'eringthe!r-trar:h as our make. , - LA7.A RUS, MOR,R IS & Co. Montr·e al; 8th ~dv., -1971. ~ I T HAVING COME TO o;u.R Kjoyv- . LIFE DEPARTJUJi}1'/'T. t._ern1s, and 11nq11estionn.blc scou.rit:r ii! to Policy ho!ders. the Laxgc Paid-U11 Cap i_tal of Lhe Cnmpan:v,, _.Assurers hn:vo Additional Hecurily in the l~N 1 ,Jl\1 J'J'.1£D LIABILI'l'·Y of t1. Wealthy Proprietary · The Special Life Fund J'!.DW s.mom1t.a to As~urance on LiTcs gr&nted on fa.-T'Ourable Intending purchasers, can enquire garcling the merit11 ofthose machines. BgwJUan-.ille, Oet&be· 5th, 1371.- or an1 of the above, re- T HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING FIT· I . p, itt the brick block ctlrnf!r ofI\::i .ng and tccl u 'l'empcrnncc . s1rccts, QPe of the 1nost completo Photograph Galleries in this 2ection of the Pro· vince, is no;y prepared to tnkc TEN PER CENT. FOR THE ALL KINDS OF LIKENESSES I in the LATEST AND l\1(,lST IMPHOVED $6,603,,::210. THE SU!\-! OF R. & H. O'HARA. mtri FIVE WEEKS. are tho bMt, eimplcst, moro dumbl· aad reliable any -other aingle·threa-d ma-chino.Larger and '\-Vork ·with great oase. Will do all kinds of do1nestic sewing in a perfeoLly SAtlsfao· t::>ry :ma,UJJO.r. Ha.s ._ta.keu' first pri:zH.-i~ Wh.Ql'eTM ------.. uhihite4. been adilell -U1ereto l\S· a .re.s uit o! the Bu.<!incss of the Past Year, lifter t.he Payment of _ fl.11 Cash Bonuses, Annuities and Expenses .~AME INTO THE PREMISES OF Claims, every Description; · ' '-11'.'IR. H"C":MPHERY SHOUT ·on lot '17, 3rd of'1'ables of U.ates, Proposal Fotn1::i an(l full in:f'or· ~on., ofDn.rlington, on._ the 22nd uit., a ram FJheep. can be obtained on application 1.-0 r.he un· '!'he o:;vner ca.-n have the same by proving proper· 1nat.ion dorsigned. tl·, and paying necesr;a.ry . expense~. II. L. ROUTH. JD. }'. DEDD.-\.LL Chief Agents !o"r Cauada. A. PERRY, F'iro Insp-ector. HOBERT ARMOUH, Agent at BowmanV-illoWELLING HOUSE AND FRONT N. 1J.--Jl'J10 flna.uoi nl position the Royal ia in shop to let, ~ith immedi3.te possess.ion, on no way directed by tho recent of Fire (lt Chicago, -c--'"".ifilng iltrcet. ~"-PPJ:rto -R._ . PEA'l'Jf, Ta.Hor. the Company having no'.i\_gcntdoing buainess in ~ l3own1anville, Nov. 9, 187f. that Oity ~. l:t-lm. '!:"'~ ~---=----- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ·strayed. $736,5200· STYLE OP THE ART. A call and inspection of specimena ia requested. ENTRANCE-Opposite Town-- Hall enlranc.,'e, AGENTS WAN'£ED EVERYWHKRB BPLEXDII) INDUCEJ4EN'H. THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY TERMS, STR!Ol'LY CASH. L. W, SEXTON. Bowmttnvillc, October, 1871. TO O"\>VNEHS OF 'i'. F. MQA.RTUUR Cottag~ For terms, !tmtil6S of 10-wiag, '°"°-·. awtr" \o G[!ELPH BBWING M.J.OHINB OCJT, GUKLPS., ().&.11.UtA Farm Property -AND- D for Sa_ l e. DETACRED REIDENCE. !NSURFJ YOUR PROP-FJRTY IN Tl1E -AND- -.;:, ""'- , . ---- "'L "' . ~ Astray. pr.emises is hereby :prove aud takoher away, and pc;,y_ ! or this advertise~l'hc . HEIFER, ABOUT 18 MON'l'HS A o-wnc-r old. came to the of the eubscribcr. requested t.o property Caution!! Caution! ! ? To the p.,/,lic of the British !',-o·~""'-' of _ Norl-h ~4-1ne1·it·a. I acquain.t the public of the British Nort,h A1n· ! el' :prov1n~es that in }.fn,v I caul!ed t.lrn I bw-iineHs at SO, Jlrlaiden Lane, Ne"~ York, !or the ' sale of HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AXDOL'lTMENT which were up to" prepared by _ ,villiam B!o:wn, no\v. deceased, to bn r,l(rned. The!le M_ edic1nes were, I regi·ct to say,.fro1n v1'l1at _ha.~ Ia.te1y co1ne to my kno\-Yledge, nutdo up of stwh v-ery otdina.ry ingredients as to render them nJn1m-1t, \~orthless, and tJ1erefore calculated to tny _ g ood name. Tlufl:lfl who do not wish to bl! (lee~! vt-'.1 by baying spuriou:. nrndidru:~. which now likely to emanate from t,he S-t.1'.,Lel'I o:r el:"Jiiwhe:te, but tO possess themselves o:f the genuinl'I Ilo.1.LOW:-.!Y's fILLS AKD OIN'nfENT will do \·?"ell to ..~ tha.t each pot and box bear!!! th o Britiih Gov ~rnm~nt stamp on v;rhi_ chis_engravod tho ·words: "Hor,r,nWAY'B Pu.r.s llND llL.'l'l'Ml;NT," a-nd thnt th8 .lld· dress on the label il'> 5:~3. Ox:"Olli_) STREn:T, LON· : DON, w_ h crc onlv they are ina.nufa;ctured, and in no othet'JH:i.rt oitho world. The rt"",f, prices aro on the label:J: in British currency, and not ill dol· and cents. No re-presentatiTe of ·mine ltill ~v~ t,ravel throu"'h any part of the Briti>!lh ProtinOfa:, or th~ UnitR.'a StatesA either to sell, or to ta.lro orderA for iny Pilli> H.nd uintment, and as I ha,ve rea.so11 to belicv-o thu.t aUe1npts win vezyprobably b· made to deceive tho :(JUblic in this way by penJons ca.11· ing upon mcdimno vendorn, fAlsely :revroeentiniJ that they are acting for .1ne, and -..vit.h my kn.ow· ledge and consent, I deem it ad'vlsabla to put the ~ublic on their _ g uard against any dooep· trnns. · ~ -1 niost earnestly entreat all -thoso who n1ay read this a1lvertisement that they bo pleased, in Lhe public interest, to comn1unicate the uurport of the same to their frienas that-t hey mafnot bo def1·auded of Lheir money by purchasing ·worthle:i8 i1nitationsof the genuine lloLLO"\VAY'a 1 'ILLa a great favour, tbat should it come to the kno>vlcdgo of auy Pl~nwn that spuri· ous 1neilicines are being made orsoltl in .my name, he he pleased to send 1110 Wl the part.wuli-;.rs he can co!lect 1·especting the same, that ·is to 1'll:l '!, the na1ne and :uldres:-. of the vendor who is seiJ~ ing the s1Jul"iou31nedidne~.and like\visc the name and address o:fthe -Houso in the Cnited States, or olscwhcrc, v..·hioh may have :-mpplied them, so as to cno.blo me; for the protection of the public, to institute proceeding.3 against sueh, and 1 _ eng&.ge to remunerate Yel'y handsomely any person -who n1ay give me such informaLion, the informant's name never beingdivulO"ed. J Sho11ld any person reason t·O bcflove that he has 11_ P.en tlec~h·P.11 by · b uying spu..."ious hnita,.. tions of thcso 1\-fediuinel'l, he will do well to el!nd 1ne, in a. lotter, to the 11Udress at foot (\"\-"hi~h ho cnn do at a. cost of six ccuts :in poeitnge), one of the books of instructions which are a:ftixed t· the same. ·. I promise to exa.minc it_ and send 3 reply, stating \Vhether the I\--lediciucp gel"tuine or not,, so that if spurious he may apply to th" per· Hon from whom he purchased to.em to have hie money returued. Chemists and Druggist" who do~ire ta> obt.nin tho Medicines can be im:pplied at th.e low~st \"\-'holcsn1c:priocs i.n quantitia5- of not less than £20 \\'Orth (for which remitto.nct'l n1nBt be sent "in advance}-viz., Ss. M., 22s., and lHs. tier -dozen ll?xt'!1'! of Pilts or pota of Ointment, not'1:, without dis~ount. I G-OODS ment. oil Queen i;Jtreet (East), .at present unoccupied, "W\1ll be sold cheap. A good Garden, Stahle n.:nd Ddving Shed a.tta.chcd. TF.RXS moder1ttc. ---·. Apply to Wm. PORTEl't. T H'it BRICK COTT.AGE- SITUATED I tar R. & Jl. O'HARA, Wholesale ~ l\!r the Oouni!es ofDurho.m, OntM!o and VI-. nr Special Inducements to llve ogon1l!J, January 18t~. i871. '!-'; · ""' ~-- Savi! Hal,/ Your Jlfoney. r I wu,1,u.M p,mr~. R<lmno· vill·, i.- ov. 7th, 1871, ·- ·-- -------- ·--- - - --~----- - __,_..~-·. _ _ _ _. I BEG MOST RESPECTFTJLL Y TO Head Offi:ce for Canada, Kingston. __ General Sewing M achineg ency MARKET BUILDlNOS . ""t , , §'· ~ ., ~ .I 3.J · ,.e...__.i: · TRY IT. AND GROCERIES subscrib?r, l?t _8, ~nd conce~s10z;i of Darling· ton. about -t'\ o nwntJis ago, a RED ST~~R~ · _ <:>. PHTT..IP 'I YI.Ji.~;;. Da:ril.ngtun, ,~ ov. -2, 1R11. 11 ...~111 PREJ\.'.IISES Ol;' THE . . 1 9 C.A._:htIE .ON TIIE i.ipplicatiou ·w ill be by tho Corporation the 'l'own Bown1anville, the Legislature of the Province-of Ontario at its next session, iu addition to former-notice of -ap:t>licntion ··for a.u Act_ :. ..a.uthorising the construct1on of a Ra.ilv;at from llown1a11ville ~o Lindsay and lloboaygeon, ' for po\vers to extend from a point on the afore.said line to such pointg and Harbours on tho Georg ian Bay as Tnay lJe dee1ued desirable. -·F. CUBITT, R. WIND.A.TT, Mayor. Town Cler!.:. Ilow1nanvillc, Dec. 2, 1871. 10-Gw - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- · OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, N of of to THAT · Ho.ving·used three bottles of your valu· Greately Reduced Rates. able my fn.mily .wit.h good e:ff'ect., I feel safe in recommending tho Eureka for GeneASSETS ............ . . $5uo,ooo.oo ral Debility, Inaction of the Livo:;t Loss of .Ap· petite, &o., ith.avingboen used formoaboveco1n· Deposited with 1.he Fina.11cu :Minis; plat,nt_sJ.n m_ y f~mtly. · Youra rmmectfully, -' ter for special benefit of Canadian J. FU (\QVSON, M. l!l, Mini.stcr. Policyholdors 1 over ·· "11 ·· $100.00& M H. E. ROWE, Lvi<.Oet. 3rd, DEAR SIR.- detached Residences, and Issues Policies al 1sn, T HIS old nnd well established Compiny insures nothing but Farm Property and I .0 I>. See tho following Certificates:This is to certiry that tbe Agrlcaltura.l Jn .. aura.nee _Company ha.ving dcpo8ited in the hap_d!I of the Receiver Genera.I of Canada, tho sum of Fifty-four Tbonsau.d .P iTB' Ilnn· drtd Dollars, in United States :&o.tlds, as required by the Act of Canadn, 31 Vic., cha. -4-8, sec. 2~, is hereby licensed to ca.rry on l}fe busineS$ in Canada. of Fire Insurance. Dated at tho Oity of Ottawa, foe ~n~ day of Juno, lSTO. been a.cquaiot .. ed with the -OJ:ficera and Managers of the Agricultural Insurance Oompany for many years, and also w-ith the business --operationa ofthe 0. ompany~ and ha.:ve no hesJtation in recommending it as a i1erfectly safe and re· liR.ble Company, and its Officers a.s co,mpo~ tent and honorable business men; a.nd as it insures nOtbing but Fnrm PropeT4.y and de· tached Dwellings 1 and bits $530 1000 Assets, I consider it responsible beyond any ,eon tin JORN LJ.NGTON, for Minister Thi~ jg to c._ertify that I ha Te BOvVMAN-VILLE FOR CA S I-1 IS AT ' · :Notice. : I will not be r~i:!!JOnsihle for any ileht.i con tre.ctcd by rny son, Willh.uu .Ta.1uc:::1 Sulle;v. WILLIAM SULLEY. Dulin.;.-ton, June 1871. 4.5-Lf. or ,Fine.nea;. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT "LOCKMAN" ' 1 .:· ·O· ;r);i$ WI'l'H SOME KNOWLEDGE ·. · or ean1rH;;t;mding prQferred. H. R. REI :M. l.l Wanted, a Studeut .AND 0INTME~T. I would n~k. aS DR. BOYER'S GALV A..1\'IO ll'Ll1U), tJ1i~a.Uy ~cknowledgcd t o be on~ o g. McCLUNG I BROS FARMERS! " " gency. D._D. <t1 CALVIN, !1L ·P. t>.; .0 till· ~o~t l'owerful I.i_ n_ ime-nt.a rm· tl\e oure ot' to ~ u3 ~ ~ l1. H J!: U M A T I S M, NEURALGIA, or Shed, attend the Aucti_on of buildings in rett.r o! the olrl disti1lecy, on Saturday first, at 3 :J.rn. A r1i1.rf} chance. S. BURDEN, Sec. B. C. C. DowmanTille, 2eth Oct. F YOU WANT A BARN, ST.ABLE, ~ We have examined into the condition arid standing of the }, gricultural Insurance Company, n.nd do fully concur with Mr, Ca,:. en in recommending it to tbe Farmers ofth1s Province, as one porfectly snfe and reliahie in which to insure their property. ! :? ~ lid. for a.11 ca.sms where n.11 external ap- >:plication is required, an extensive use z ~f it. ha~ proved that it has no equal ;;;;i fur tJ1f! eornplaiuta enumerated. 0 ~ A. ~plcndid Farm Cor ~ale, TN to~nw!.ot.o ..1_-~e:ir the Towu< of Bo·wmtm:ville. .A.pplie&tion THE COUNTY OF DURUAM, J. !!. DA.TES, Prol'fletor. ril .~· +:> Q) 0 J, 0. 0LARK 1 Danker, J. CARRU'l"HERS & Co. Gao. A. KIRKPATRICK, lf. 13. M. r. c+ 0 BRITTOK. ~) ·>tlern. W Sold by ·a.11 Druggist!! a.nd Mcdicino ._ Propr1&t.o~, :! &W!ll"'1ville, Ocleber Wi. 1871. 1&-tf, ?-WOOtnur:rll', BENTLEY & CO., · -oUg Oha.m,n C:: ~ d ·' L. CORNISH IT.AS THEM_! I have the honour to be, With great respeet, THOMAS HOLLOW A. y _ 553 O:L,fm·d Street (lat-0 244, St.~Ct.lttt,, Lo--nd~t;, w. 0., Se1)tenibei' l, 1871. 17-10. p ril l!i.1olvent A.ct of 1869, 1... tlw ,,.~. "re would refer you to tho fol1o-wlng gen· tlemcn, in regard to the responsibility of the Companv :-:-D. Fisher, Esq., Cttshier of the Ontario Ponk; Jno. McLeod, M. P, P., J, B ll'airbah a_ Esq."_ Postmaster; J. E. Farewell Esq. 1 Barrister. Aglint for Cobourg and vicinity, W. Till6. n. OLIMIE; WILLIAM T. FISH. Locnl Agenl at Bowman' Decembers, JS7L CONDENSED ATMOSPHERIC BATH I :--t ho!,J1 acute and chroniq, Prof. ::Stonn woultl n:nnouncG to tht;i people and the country tti large_ tha.t his cond.onsed Bath ie noYr in succe88fnl o~eration in Osha-w 6 . - - -- - -~ a.nd ho Ls ready to treat all d1!300-ses on the pri.n~ LESS LIABLE TO GET c·ples or Airpathy, or .a rindeneect .Atmosphoro. THE Y ARE :\>. He has p1ir1:tj.ed and diac1plined it to bo~ome ono out of1·epa~r thttn othcrwntcht'ls. They I ofthn grflate"t F>anita.ry ag-cnt~ of the ag-e, and more &eenr&.te tin1~ keepers. . perhaps uf the 1"orlrl. A! n Cill'e for df&Gl!J,S"~· it ft A apcc1al warranty from. th~ ll'<'tctory "1th n1ust unquest1~11ably hold 11 plam 11 ~ fa.r't'l!I every- w-a.tch. all other cnrat1ve and s3.n1tarv &g~nte g.e its :r&Bowtn&nville, Sc_pt. 20, 18'71. t la.tion to_ a-uimal life Us al_ioT"e &u OthAr elements -- - - - - _ \or a.geuc1e5 know;.1 to science. A.cute cliseafJa& a "" II Fj 3l1'1ll W 31tae 4 d · such as 8oarlet Fevor, Tvpho!d Fo~or Bllioru .1'A. Feverj Ac11te Inflamnuition ot' tho Lt;n&"!! a.:od - -R?we !!, Dysentery, with all othe:P formn of Aeute rrtHE l..,.NDERSIGNED ~'ISRE8 TO D1sea.seH, can be c1~red 1a their tt;rtr1y etlt4(en 1.0 a ,.L ex:eha.nge good house and lot in a. thri \ 1ng 1 1 V{')ry :re~.,- hou~ without fail, so lf :rou or you:r \."ill~e in Mechi~an for a sn1all fMnl near Bo\v- family o.r<' at t&::·k:ed with A.ny acute dh:euo -llla.rtTille, if farm is :;.vorth more than house and con10 to th.:'! Bu.Lh and save thil auJ'renng-ot a long Jn -wiJI IJlY b&lfl.n<"~ in Tnoney. Call immedia.tely protrncted illucs3. Tho cme is l!Urf'l and ~rttt.1u _ta J)e'nlon ·r address as ~bov_e etated, which others oan _ 1~tify', ltho .· T. \V. NICHOLS, Dox 7!, h~~e tried It. ft..t!.Dowm.anTf.lle lhe _t~eat:ment ha9. b~en thoro-n.ghly teetGd la Chronic D1senses w1th Lhe grenteet l!ITioeePiQ: - --. - - - .- - Di~~a..~ee ~f the Heft.rt, ;Hf',A(l snd Thro&t, Bron: A """t7'" chltrn, L1v~r Compla.rnt DTSpepaia .Asthma ..L1.. · l.: ..&. Cata.rrh1 Ner~_rm1J A.tfectiolil:!I, N !9l'Tous Heade.che; P~a.1yws, DeaflleB~ ·. Neura.l!'J.n. lthcuma.t.ifim, 011' TRtl Diabetes, Drop:·w, Drneases of the L . ungs CoD.· ' 1'0WMA,NYILLE FU IU~ ITU RE sumption in lte Early and Midillo Scogeo 'rns&n' it-y, and flp Fcn1s.Je Diftlcultie~. Be h~.· r,ier-er lL<\..NUFA.CTUilING CO madc_tJ,f&1lnre of a. cure, where hP- had.a reMon· " · . a.hie t.11ne and.ti. r:eguln.r ALtendanc~. SUBSCRIBER IIA"ING BEEN Hfl '>':·oul{l 1nT1te a.11.tho;;;e that 11r" ·!utrering B;J!iGOIR'G, PlA!l'O, 1'101.111', 11.ll!ROJl'QJI 1. " .1 " _ . i fro.1!:!; _ <l1sr:ia~eB o~ ·!1-Y kmd Lo ~a,ll on him n.nd ln11.prwintA'!d rl"ltn.ll agent""by _t_ h e Ho~man\'ille vest1~ato lus pr1nmplos of cure, .or any in . quiriea L"fl> nm nmoav cg H'RID. ~r1dtnre Manufacturing Uo., is now in a. posi- relation to l.reti,t1nent ruid cure by Jet~ TI'i.ll ' 1011 .· to fill &ll orclNtl at nB.· low a rate as any dMl- honestly nnd pronocptly Q-nlnrnred O.A.MIDGl'l!, M:U.5.. DQO.;Jll'CJ.. ,er in \)IG eoun1.;r. · H-:11 . ) 'l0ll1', 15. YA.NNlNG. ~, J'ooo 111, !W1 - ~ Sewing Machine THE CURE OF ALL KINDS 011 F OR Diseases, of OshtnYa ·! d<u<Ued, MO J. 0. L. GIBBON, 1-lvo..t. TOOK:.'l'llE Flll.S1r l'IUJHl I I . .- a:ad.18 ope~ fo:r JOt.h!')11, _ a t m:r o:me~.r u-p to th· Wlll be V&ld. A SlCCOND DIVIDEND SHEET IS i:aepection. obtenth da.::r or No- J. II I G G I NB 0 T H AM, OREl\HST AND DRUGGIST, AT Tl!B T~mber, 1~'1,w:hcm u· d.i vidende therein aJJ.ett~ THOMA!'! 0l!RI3TIJ!, Aoipee. ..;_,ma I B EGS HALLO! THERE! NOUNCE th&t he .hGB nwclved a. well M rtprted stock of Genuine Drugs anil Pui-e English Ohem.icals. Also, a eplendid .etock CJf tho most OM' &eleoted _.:, RESPEOTFULLY TO AN- 1·ro-vindal E.:ihUtiticn ! Just held at Toronto, OV-01' tho moM HB.rl'f'Jt·4. Sew1Dir Ma.chlnea :In th& world. amonz w~ell DYE f:l'l'UFFSI G E N 0 ·r:rHE I 1 -~a~\t~·~~ JOHN = = = Tl1 were th· oelobra.tod Howe, VVhool0l' "1- vv:a... ..-to. This te only a. oon:f1rmat.lon or - tht fflrdtet pre'l'iously rondored b7 tho G,....i C..:0&41.., Public, and Ilf'OYe6 oonolnsively tho acr.11m~ OJ' 'l'BE "LOCK.\L,,J.,.V"" OV&R .A.LL OTHDM, JIB'R. .S- ll. O'HARA, Who!oo&lo Md ~ A.gents. Alao, for Guelph Bewi.111 Jl· · chine Oo. 1 GroT"er di' Ba.kor, Sin&'6t', IIDwo ant. \\"11Uams' Machines. 1Vo ha;vo a.ho on ha.tl4 · a fall stock of the LITTLE WANZER Mooh!aoo. · Persons not 6AUafiGd with onG Mo.chine oan f!I.. q,hnng& for ®T o-th~r ins.Ide oftbirly dtl.TS. J.t9.. mOlllbor R. .. ll. O'lhn'· Is Ibo lblrmOI JIM,.,_.~

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