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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1871, p. 4

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C_i\NADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMB;ER 7, 1871. %_!__ _ _ - - TAKE TIOLLAPS TV'/E:'.TY BARGAINS. IHOSF PRTCES GOOD NE'WS FOR TtRRIBLE TfMrTATION T HE A1TEl, TION OF rHE LADU::; M1l11 n ery Goods, of JJ '..l"Wn1an\ 1llc nud vicinity 1s respectfully sol cited o m y n c" stock of :Notice Corner PUBLI C Ms fi ' Do you b e1011g to the clunc1 1~ one of the "' ngs Yeo the Lord be pr me ~ a"d Anderson & l\E'\1, BOOT & SHOE STORE Corn for Sale, \Vhole or Cracked· .J ohu llicDougall. E"l ""' ll Store. S T 0 V E S I S'I' OVEmR ! "1Vou~d yon b e s1p·1n.ised lo ku o \v th tl 'rilA~ "\V0 n"'e :'.:l.11!.!,I"llNG t..:I[li!.i u·...- n, OPINION u, i nstifa:i tho origmal wen, that nt the ' Corner Store' you can ge _flA\ING CONCLUDED TO I< l'I' TE D AND WET__,L SUIT ED splendid ~ssortment of Fu.TI n.nd '~inter of the mo'lt fashionable st~ lcs and of the "> ery best q_ua ity that can be bad the na ke 1 will be to your o.dvautagt) to call aud ex1u111ne U e st.ock and prices b c!or cputchaR1ng e lsewhere N > troub e to show gooods G1c at u1duceineuts offered ' Vowd it smprise vou to k novi thwt '~c Th 1:tre no>> p1epa.rcd. to munufuct 1rc for all who may fa' or us '\'Hth their orders .Ufen s VV 0n1en s and AYING H ( oo<b JUST RECEl VED A the 1 ,., D CHEl\llIST' STOTT, AND DEALER IN Give Up the Stove ~usiness ! A,ND CONFINE J\IY AT1ENJION Misses Boots and Sh{)(!s made to order >Vai'lant ed to fit or no srJc er OJ II ILLIA lf H ILLl.EB an Insolvent Proclain1 the Glad '-l'i«li~·? HavmJ engag-ed Mr. J . GLYNN, TWO DOORS !WEST OF MURDOCH BROS AND ER~O~ DRUGGIST I llXOI UST\ llLY 1 0 TOWN HALL BUILDINGS, BOW1 1£ANVILLE. RA liDW1lR E, TI: lLl. ~ ELL .ALSO & CO l-fV,DICTNES, AND CHEMICALS, D> o St .if, Pato it Modrcines P erfumery, Bru·ho· Combs, Soaps, Pamts and Oils, Pomt Br ushoa, Coal 011, and Coal Oil Lamps &c , &c 1\1 "Y STCC.K 011' STQ,TJ.1:8 Bowm:!lnvillc U Sepl 1871 North Half of Lot 11un1ber 15 in 7th concc.,s1on of t he 'IOWllSh p ofDnrhngton except ti o South East t thereof CONSISTING OF COOK PARLOR, · STOV J.:i,S I S1 OVES Pt "l:!'ITCI ,N ~ PRl"8LRil'TY0)<S CAREFULT"'i' COMPOuNDED AND .ALL ORDEJ'!i COH Rl!CfLY .dl'SWERil:D STOVE ST IT HE STJBSCRIBER BEGS 1() IN FOR1'f 11 e inhab tn,nts of,n\1llo and su1-rour du gc o lutryt at he has the jJiiiB- Fmm· , and J'hysioiam f1·"' tho Country wiU fi"d oui !it-Ook of Mcdwmes ""m - AND- " ete «nd of the best quality BEST SELECTION 01<' STOVES e" er offered in the Town compn<>1ng HARD TO BELIEVE. True Nevertheless I ----·o---- BOX, ADAP1i:D FOR il!ilTHllll' WOKIJ:\G, PARLOUR bOX .A>.D COAL STOVE;:;, of ihe latest patt..,rns and o! the best workman sb p which h e :rlll ~ell AS UHEAl' AS I N ANY MARKET COAI. OR WOOD, I IN TH E DOMINION agent f o1 the celeb1aLe l A1ne11can "\lso GROCERIE S VERY CHEAP. ood Cookmg Raisins only 5 cents a pound, and G -.-er by the box stil cl crp AT COSl -MY 1 · BASE BURNER AND HEATER srocK OF- H~t\..RDWARE THE LOCKM!l.N IS WELL ASSORTED, SEWING MACHINE to order P- Hot Atr Furnaces fitted up on the I N most Hnprovcd plans '\\ ORKl\fANSHlP second to none in the Do lll IS NO~ THE CLOTI~ING- ! call LEADING lll:ACHINE And as Usual, selling at Pr ices tha.t con t u1ue to Give Sa.t1sfact1on n1on a ll kinds of Jobbing done on the shor est not ce an la.{, re£80na.ble pnces Bo"man·'e THQfyJAS BASSETT. jj'Jr S'it1sfact10n gua1anteed m all reasonable cases Bowmanv1 le August- '10 18 71 Al gutrn~~.~V!NHOUSE~ tf R & R OFfAHA J NE'1V TIN SHOP Il\ BOW MAN"VJI LE Her1ry Elliott, Jr. Ila. n pt on Angust 3rd 1871 1 tf 1 Impm·tant to w. Stoves 1 lU onc~ G. REED, AP PL[ED '1'(> Tllll Ironmonge.ryT sowtEEHING ONG WANfED BY EVERYBODY, -OR--: ING tha..J.ks to the inhab1tanti;i of "\.Vest Dur ham for the liberal st ppor "\Vhlch they ha> e gncn hun begs to mforn1 all those who are in Bowmani,;1lle whe1e he will keep constantl) hand a »dl selected stock of flt Vf' J wp -..vant of a. first class Sta\ e that they can be s 1panned pressed and p la n T1 "'are plied bj him as cheap as an} other h:iw"e in t he "Juch be '~ 111 ell trade He has a.lso for sale tJ1e celeb1-a.ted T HE SUBSCRIBER I N RETURN and surrounding co mtry tha.t he h as opened 01 ta Ne>v lm i::;hop in th.3 store lately ace ip1ed b) John Allen corner of BIAS MCOH l'LE!l.SURE TN IN I ll OB.l\l 1Nb-thc1nJabtan sofB ~1na.nv1He ICVEL:"filX'W @1\l~ U:J!ll on HER OWN PA1!1'l'l~R l 11 ~'LEOD'S RUTTAN" HOT AIR STOVE, lll,.,S "CHEAP AS THE CHEA P ES1 $pc01al nt~nt A CAUTION. IWEUnpr LEAR:-< TllT ncipled per sons THERE ARE LIVER, KIDNEYS, SKIN, STOMACH & BOWELS. DR. PERFEQT AND VILLA , PAINTS, which is no'i'I. 10 uso u1 all the punmpal R liwny S tations in Canada I t ts Just the t hing fo1 Cl u ... choo: Halls and public build p 1 epa od for unmedrate use, and nothmg btit tho purest Materl.Als u1ed, and. ro quiring no further rrnxtn:re of oils, Turpentine and Dryers Ho is also manl facturi le' the fllHEIR COMPOSITION CONSISTS SOLEY OJ' Ji_ BEST HOT AIR DRUM in Canad.a Pu1e Colm Purs W7i1te Lead Put'~ Whit~ .lino, LirMud Oil, Sp~rits of 'l u rpentine and Dry e1 a ~efully cmd SC!ientifwally combvned who when thev EA V JJ; TUO UGHil\ G .A ND .TO DBING cannot pa1moff a \vo1 hless Sew1ni Jl: Iachine on Eersons ac~amted "1th the merits of the dif SJ" Orders from the cormtry pron1ptly ntt.euded f~~e~~:1~1cbre:te1ipL~~k~!~en~~' i'fs~r~gM~s to chines and otter to grant>\ a.rra.ntsfo1 the same with lnteJlt to deccn c \\ e bClng the only au thorized agents .ror \-Vest Durham are the only pe1sous who can grro.i.t warrants the eon an d a ny persons not enrployed by us repr esenLu g themselves as ageP.ts or offering to g 1a nt war r iu ts" are 1mposters a nd ll!'l<ble to be 1 rosecutetl fo naud lhe pnblw are )lei eby caut101 ed against such Bowm=villo Match 8th 18"1 on paid t-0 PURGATIVE PILLS. The consu ier cn.n have any des1rod shMle of Colon neatly put up in Can15, :\nd a.11 he reqnres 'o buy " ith the Paint ls · Bruah, .. tho wo1k o:m. bo done by lumself or 'gent fo1 the '\Vbeeler & oy any membor of brs household 0 and ti Osborne So" S £WING MAC F[ INES, in~~~~~ i;;~IvK \~Uson I r t he Howe PURE WHITE LEAD. IWestern Assurance Com nan1 l-IBAD OFFICE-TORONIO C 1.11Ual l-6m A larO'e :stock JUSt recened for Autumn Pamtmg, imported dn ect"' from tho Engluih 1\fanufacturers, mcludmg ,JAMES Genume and celebrated Rooster brand-Guaranteed pure ALISO -~11 stanuord Colors ~nd see how ohe·p a House can b· Pamted &nd Decorated, for all these l!iwplns Oils, Varmshos, and Pamters Matenals Call ·· 208,369 64 Uece1JJts tor !he yc.:u- ent11:n" } 3 1) 1,S!iS , 6 Bttth JlunE': U 71, Fun~l~, Stock~ $~00, 2000 GALLONS :MACHINE OIL OF DIFFERENT KINDS The flames sp ead rapdh ailll the en tire building "'as soon ablaze Th"' :fire brigade was caJ1cd out but before the fire \v-as got under, a large towe1 the chap el, and the prison offices fo I a p1 ey to Lhe fla1nes Schwale fled to n.n ndJ01n1ng buililing and tho guards ror a Ion,.{ t i ne sought m um £o the desperado At leng'-'h he was disco\ ered h dd en l nd r a I floor of the loovkout at the su nnu~ of a lofty tower Sword In hand he fought like a d emon Riddled "iih shot and sLlshed "1th s ~bre cuts he still kep v Jns assailants at bay At last they r ushed up on lnn1 1u a body and p1tche l hnn from the tower, a hmght of six stories, i 1to the prison yard Marvellous t relate he "\TS.S n ot killed He fell rnto · cn.ri load of rubb1s11, but in a daJ Ort\ 0 aftel \\ a J: CTS he dred. of his " o mds T h reshers and all goods ml! bo sold at reduced figures Ho:. J l'ricMmrnrcrr President B IlATDAN, Managing D1rector pnrt1es requu ng such 011 are specially mntcd to inspect M1e va .-10 us qunhtie'!- t he price "'eang fnr below anythu1g ever offm ed 1n this market 500 COOK PARLOR, HALL AND BOX STOVES, e,rnvmg and now on Exlnb1t10n The la·gcst and cheapest stock of General Hard'llare, Carrragp GQQds, r.nd T nn in tha Countj of Du1han1 D EALER IN DOMEi!>'UIQ POillllD um Fire and IVlar1ne INSUILANCE GROCERIES .AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES JOHN MoT,EOD. Dot· Fi st~P1·ize Drum. PROVISIONS &c CROCKERY AND GLASSWAR1 37 ti D A ILY TO LINE ROC H E S TE~. mg ex1ste-11ce for iheumatrn1n back and srd cs r l'HE SUPERB NEW LAKE Ii State Cabin S tea1ner UPP~ THE CELEBRATED PEEFEOTF.ll Spectacles and Eye Glasses mn.:nufa.oturcil by LAZARUS & MORRIS and !or whio 1 have th e sole agenoy ~&lning go ldo:n optnion rom all those who have trled it If y() u -vi: ant nnd _no othen: .AARON BU CKL a.gen Bowmt'Ul"'tiUQo and v1einity 1 m.'1 Ii.AW !lolicitor in Ohaueezy tµid Insolvency &o &e B l\RRISTER AND .ATTORNEY AT

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