-- JOSH BILLINGS UNDER OATH ABATEMENT! THAT TRY FOR --o-- )fy arms tney were t red but Tommv s h st 11a1 ts Wel'e._m1nt1s <>.Ome h 1ttons he Sal 1 1'\ Ilhe s nev.; coat had a np in the slcovc- ARE FACT I s-l':~IILL I Y Ol' R SELVES! HA VJ<J TRIED IT ARE CONVINCED rnAT sells lns Goods as Low, or J,ower than any one e],e m Town M@'" A lar_:e stock of Clo·hs, Dreso Goods strrp«l, checked and plum Shawls, Blankets, Lrnens Wrnocys, Flnnnels Knrtted Goods, Hosiery Gloves and 'frimmrng·, all bought before the late advance m prrccs ll'ii!iJ Aispecrnl hne of Clan Tartans, 60 poi cent lo" er tlian last 1 car s Tnosrn wno A lot of Last Season's Tweeds, at 20 per cent less than cost. Gents' Suits Made to Order, by the Best Workmen in Town, 4@"' warranted to fit and not come to pieces ~ 'J'bc Best Black and Sreen Teas in 'J'o'R 111, nt $1.CO 'lite .Gest oO C('!Jlt 'l'ea ID 'J:O'All. (J:)- Butter, Eggs Mittens Socks and Yarn taken ns C ish f01 Good· Oct 4, 1871 8. F. HTLL. if SAll':PLE CLERK WANTED IN A DRUGSTORE Grateful to a generous public for past liberal I at1onage begs most respectfully to announce that on account of lll< reasmg busmess he now occupieB THE \\IHOl,E Ol' HIS (l)J,JD STA~D, J uln TI-- 8 a ·wag A Joke to J e1n ts both foo] ar d 1a1n1ent and whene\ er there is u1 opening tor fun he goes into' it filled every shelf hole and corner with an exceedmJly choice I assortment of goods comprrsmg Furs, Buffalo Robes, PAPER COJ,LA_RS NnCK TIES, '~ il s in search mq med the GIBNT"S FURNISI-3:INGS, &c. whole of the stock ha,mg been well bought, bargams will he gnen ALL KINDS OF FU RS AL l ERED AND nEP AIRED Highest l"I"ice paid for R:nv :t'urs. MARKUS MAl'FR HO' A WONDERFUL CLOCK NAIOLEON .BUNAl .\.RTE:::; 8-A\ETI IT'!l"R pa;i $1000 to a; Durin0 the su n n ter of 18 AR R I V. ~Eb- 0-~ -AND - FOR INSPECTION I B ARRISTER AITORNEY SOLICI TOR and I\ota1v Ptblic 0JFICE -F'irstdoor east of PostOillec up sta1rg D~ESS S. Chesterlacld, a:r d Darhngto1 Residence Q ieen Order.:. I 1nctua.llJ utt nded o Cl a.rges l:Itiderate 13 St~et 0-.00DS ~ A VILLE A UCTIO:N EER FOR BOVi M A.N IN "'-LL THE r "'rESl l\HTERHJ 'J.'homas S1onhouse. UC'!IONEER 1t"o1npth att nded to Gcne1al 1._gent Dail ngton Centro APPRAISER AND Sales MILLI NERY IN ALL THE L~TESl MATE!UA.L8 L R. D. Fole), ' ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR the lownsh~p ofDarllngt011 S:t.les p10111pt ten<l.ed to Charges moderate It was some two years after this occur rencc that there began to circulate among the qmd ' 1 ' cs of the capital reports of a mar\ ellons clock to be seen in that city, 1 whtch illustmted by means of automat ic figures, an ep sode in the life of ths en1 pc1or, and "as designed for presentation to that personage And 110\V t he g eau Dell 1n the to,ver struc one, 'i\ 1th a hca\ y re\ erb tin clang there rose a s'vell of trinn1phal. music and a m1m1c procession clad u1 go1geous robes n O\ ed into' iew fro111 one of the hidden a10los At the head of this cortego 1\ alk.ed "11 old tni1n 'vcar111r.r a 0 -W-OOL G It was said to be the work ef a famous triple c10\\11 who as the bell tolled for arrived 111cogruto the Becond time, ascended thn steps of the ft 0111 foreign p~u ts iccompanied hy a srnaller thr :)]1e 0 oung lidy his daughter "ho, m a sup posed fit of eccent1Ie1t-i.: had taken lodg pe1formrul h,) Ct.lLtom""to 1s _ ings In an humble and obscure quarter of 1 IN ALL IRE LA1F.ST NOVELTIES of tho Fanbourb St Antome The rnports of the "onde1ful-ahnost superna.t111 alperfo1n1ances of tluis piece of 1nccha111sn1 JUj sterj surrounding its owner I and inventor ga'c iise for a short t1n10 and in cert11n en cl cs to no small an1011nt and the ~'\. GAR 30 tf CHOICE LOT OF of gossip This graduall0 died awaJ and Cloths, Gent's Underclothing, the artisan and Ins clock 'iv ere allke for got~en ·when an e'ent occnrred wlnch re stored thcn1 to more than their for1ner p101n111ence "'Ud entitled then' to a Ill h11::1tOI) \.-"\ H CT r~1lE I.and Sur~ C:J ing. Collars, Neck-Ties, &c. SPI ENDID BLANKETS VERY CHEAP ~ The best "alue COTTON m town, can be seen at Fouche the Cluef uf I'ohce m one n1orn1ng in Ins office xeccn ed a letter fron1 his secret agent in Spau1, wluch con ta1ned mfo1mat1on < f n. n1ost startling and lm.porhnt character Its perusal threw ! hnn into ~ state of very unusual excite tneut ~nd it;;. result was an uumec.hate dto 8cent of the p( hce updn the mysterious shop m tbe Faubourg St Antome, wlth orders to attest the artrnan and his daugh ter secure the premises and carefully guard all the stock t )ols nnplemunts, and other contents from bemg tonchcd or dis placed till furtl er opportumt} ollei ed for ath orot1g1 i 1nvest1gat1on ' I tll ousarH1s, a.nc1 llJ 1".teanwhlle ] ouche was revolving a l emn1a n1 ns nnnd with the rap1 ditJ of one accustomed to act 1n a dangerous erfoui " · Th e1c aie s1t ua t ions 111 which a s]idht '"-! th G h ancIs of a dan er i:z ru1.u age in ons man :iet Lt naught the strcnO't1l0 of !! I l l th b \ 11c 1 e 1r1ost e:X.i. 3. , r I u 1::t.IJ n1<;,ans 1n i t b ~ em1 l ov ell to s c..:ure wh bt are nip1Ja.rently trifl1n 8 rt!.i;;tll 1 , 1 I I Wn1. McMURTR Y'S. Bowmainille, Fle1}Mntl1e1 27th 1871 The par J detailed for the dnty h~vrng f l! onchc nclop·ecl the course w h cu , 0 departed Fonc rn reseated himself find at first moot ·poedily piacticablc awaited ·with 111 coneealed an:x:1ety the ar the cons1derahort ot firs t unportance r:ival of the p11su11e1s 1.U ihHi J.nr,~;;i.nco tiu-1.e ! 1 I '