DECJ~IMBFIR l ,4 , 187"1. CANADIAN ·s'11ATESMAN ' BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY; ... .. .· . .. ... .. . . . "· .,., . . . . . ,, ·· .. ' . .. . .. R READ! R E AGIL N CY OF T HB FRESH ARRIVALS AT THE M B B M E BO W MANVILLE F URNITURE ·New Goods. A F. F. McARTHUR Ha.s just received FOR I 1 The Osborn. - . --:o:---- Good Smoke, GET THE READ And all oth.r N R A'........ A First-Class appointed agen t by the Bowmanville Furniture Manu_facturing Co. , is no'rV in a posi· ion t o·fill a ll orderr.s at a si low o. rate ns any dealer in the county. 11-$ T HE SUBSCRIBER HAYING BEEN GLASGOV\T THE SUBSCRIBER HAYING RECEIVED HIS HOUSEf NEW BRAND, ROB'£. S. MANNING. THE FAMOUS ~~~~~~~~~~- N l\.TOTICE J S HJ<JREBY GIYEN, THAT R , . ...,._ . E A D T T TAKEN IN T PI\JTURES s of tha _ ro w n of "JJo"-·iilrinville, 'to the Legisla.tu1'f oft.he Province of Ontario a t its next sesaion, ir H.ddition to form er notic e of a.p:ti1icaLion "for ar Ad; a utho rising thtt cun struc t10 n of a Ra.ilwa;. !tom B owmanv illc to Lindsa y a nd B obcaygeon," for po wers to exlR.nrl fnn n a poin t. on t he afore· said 1im:i t o S lldt poin t8 u nd H a rbo urs OI;t tlie Geol'g ia n Bay as may Le d eemerl desirable. R. _l_' appllqa.t.ion '\Yill be made by the Corporation Full Assortment of Goods, eUITJID '£0 'l'UE Myrtle Tobacco, A PRE.5ENT BEASON, Il'fYITES THE INSPEOTION OF THE PUBLIC. In these d&ys of puli'lng and !mpo·turo, he thinks it needless to s&y, th&t he sells No. 1 Style R oya l I nsurance · J3KRGAINS . AT FLETCHER'S Picture Gallery, COl\1:PANY. Town C"lcrle. Bowrnanville, Dec. S, 1871. WINDATT, · F. CUBITT, ltlayor. " goods CH_ E .i\.PER, and of better 'Vn.lue, t.han any Other man in. these Counties ; all he asks is that mtcndingvurchasers -give him a call, 'and j11dgEY for themselves, satisfied that the relilult will be mutually Jll'Ofitable and safiiifactory. . 19-6w NEW OF LOT O:N"E DOOR EAST OF COWLES', KING ST., BOWMANVILL'IJ:. Bowmauville, Oct. 18, 1871. P. S.-A.n unrivalled stook of. Tablo Linen Dam"l!ks purchased boforo tho recent rise in prices. THOMAS PATERSON. Bown1anTille, Oct. !6!1871. '~. - IN-· SIGN OF THE RED FLAG, KING STREET EAS1'. Bowma.nville, Nov. 23rd. 1871. 17. :E<' i: R E A N D L I FfE. TWEED SHA:WLS, CARRIAGES . TEMPOR1~ RY OFFICES: ·. RY .D " Goo· D . - M·-u-s·1·c PETERS~ . ·· al 'L .' i'b·r·a · ry, s · CONSISTING OF . Corner of' !:iit. Paul and St. l!'rancoi!! Xaviea· ~tl·eets. A.nnualfneom~ o\-·e1·...... .. . . . . . . Funds i n J[nncl O"\'c1· ....... . ' ; . · · · . · STUBBORN FACTS l "' ·-........ ",, P'ANCY FLANNELS, ~ (JupHa l. ·. , .. ... . ......... .. . . . . . . l;!lO,ooo,ooo 4,000,000 9,aoo,oon DR~SlroO!'>S, · Jam es Morris, N RESPECTFULLY . RETURNING . I to would anno1moo thanks the public rorpas·t Iibei-alpe.t'l'.onageil that he-18 now prepared to :t1 Nl orders in his line in a ni4lln-W aeoood to-no .e&'6-blish.ment in tho countiCS'. ---- - been tee:iod ~yond edict 9t \he le V>a1 CELEBR-'.TED !U.CEIIXB. T HIS now o.U qi.ieRloll an.A dae publlo t<>-4".r AND MILLINERY, -.. ; . · ·GR 0 CERIE S Q~:~.:R~~~:!;,A~.~~~L~;~;Ic~N;~dW . . · _ A,~ there is ii great deal 'o{ misrepre$1mJ-a,t!Q~-:~ga.rding ~~e -· LOSSES· PHOMPTLY SET'llLED WITH:OUT meritl'I of the different sewing ffi!tChinoo, and may per80ll8 l VOCAL COLLECTIONS. · I ltEF'EREN0E -1'0-l'HE Ho:\l:E OFFICE. Shlnt1:1-~ Ltgllts. A .c hoice collect.ion ~f LIFE DEPARTMENT. have been misled by these untruthful statement.!!, we give be 9fbe{l-!'-tiful, So_!lgs. . · . ~l:IHllraI).ce on Li\Tcs granted on favou1·able Dea1"th tln(l lloinet ~ir~tae Echoes, ! te1·1n~f aud unqaf'4icmable s·ecUrit v is otr. ~r e d L0 low the names of a . few of those ·who tested. . t he Wan_ z er. and Sweet Sounds, 'lhree Volumes of - p·01· 'h 0ld B_,, '. h L "· - . e easy Songs by VYeb -ter Pel'sley et c. . icy era .. <:::w1es t e a rg e .P.::nd-U:p .Cap "v ·1 ' d II~ ita.l of tQ.e C01npa n1·. Aes urers h ave AdditlOnal Id Le G ... o en. . aves. o ~mes l. an. · Security in th e UN . Lil\<UTE D LIAJJlLI'rY 0 f Maehine and who afterwards exchanged them with us for the lhe ~wo volumes contain a ll of V V 1ll S. Wet\lthy Proprietary. a. - HWJc~~~~Gems. _Ai.. collectio n ofheauti· aii~~tsS~~c1ttl Life .Assurance l'und now Lockman, Osborn, or Raymond. sonrn of them paying us ~.Ballads by Wallace, Thoma..,, Kell er,~ · $ 6 , 608 210 , over $20 to exch!tnge : FIFTEEN VOLUMES FILLED WITH l FIRE DEPARTI\'.lEN.T, ' NO ~ MUSIC . ,_ AU description s of, properLy Insurefl C.H OICE PI-"'l · Loss or Da.m.agc by Fire a t moderat e ratl'I~. a.nd OVERCOATINGS. --- ---·- It Stand1,.without a'ltha - oARRI.AGES;-' ,_..____, ··--.. WAGGONS; -.....___ . CUTTERS, ~ ~ '-: . ,...... ·. These-g.oods .have ( . been ---bs;ug . hn tt . at a ,.. ' ..... '-· ·siiEI~ · MA.NUFA. CTURl!:D IN ANY STYL'E .DRSIRED, ANO OX THE__$H0ItT:ife'f -NOTICF!, ' It i~ tfte tno!t " b'4ii~, kM ihe iewed wor:king parl:s~·b~J!.tiful in de9lp. .tt"Dd ttrlsll.HM the h~t dMlgn Ora.-sn.t:.tle, · lind 1'f" ftir ._ LARGEST ROllB!J'i'S. Jt.l~-a)\"4blo ot , ...r...... ing Q. range orwork hitherto thoughtl 1Dll'Ollllbl' Jor'ilowing'Maohlnco. {IJ AND CROCKERY. 1 ~ ~ Murdoch Bro's = . ~ l'uuncPinnJst. Three volumes of v.ery easy Music for young players. -_ - · Pearl Dropso.ndMu.itl cal Recren.tlqns . Dance l\-iusic. - Two collections of ~ ate difficulty. Plcnsnnt 1'Ie_n1ort es. A collection of boa.utitul pieces -by \\' ymaJl, Mack, Dre ss· lc(;oei~en Chlmes. A collection ofb~illi·i-;l . b y Ch ar· I es K" ~ ant par I or '1 J.l usic 1n k c I . Dl'llllantGems. _A._ splen.tliil collection, J . by VUbre, Allard, Pacher, Kinkel, etc. Price, $2.!"IO per volum~, e.legantl;y bound8 in cloth, with gilt s ides ; $ 2 ia pla1n cloth ; $1.75 hi boards, Addres~. J . L. PETERS, 500 Broadway, X. '\Ve wonlrl call attention to '.l'h c O~ra. at lloutr., u coUcctiou of over one h~n dred beautiful opera songs. Price, $51 iJl cloth and gilt. 'l'rade price, $4. HON. J. SIMPSON; Bo,vmanville. < v, ,o · ~111.yin.~ heen add ed theret o as a result of B us· L~c~s 11f J,h e Pfist Year, after the P ayn1en t of all D. FISHER, do. C1auns, Cash Bonuses , A nnu ities and Ex_pe nsea of ever y Desc1"ipl.ion. do. Tf!:blcs of Rat<~H, _Proposal F orL'lS t1.nd ftill infor· THOS. JOHNSTON, i11at1,on c nn be ob1Hined on a pplication to Lhe un· ' H. L. ROUTH. E. F . BEDDALL RICHARD SHAW, Darlington. . Chief Agents for da. A. P E R R Y, Fire Iaspect ur. J . P. LOVEKIN, Clarke. ROBE RT .A.P~MOUR, Agen t a t llow manville-N ..B.-Tp.o financial position of t h e !{(> yal is in E. BEMAN, do. no ,.._·ay Diffected by the i~ecent Fire at Chicago tbe Uo~pany having no .Agent d oing business ill J. BELLWOOD, do. t11at Crty. 12-lni. . .w' I a.~~3E ~u~ooFo ~ ~--- ~._..._~:-----:----. Is -- MRS. C. G. HANNING, Bowm:mville. W. G. PERRY, \Y. E. ~JLLEY, declded.·-barga1n ana · · --- ----__,___ - -Rentembel' tha.t i-{;thing blft the best material i& used nnd best workmeu employed-thus ensuring--'ilnra-bilit.y ,-elegance sud con1fort--thc mos"b important requisitcsjn _ a co1rveyance. im1c1,nrir6-outonc-1iau·u1e · · ..0 · · · -· # d.,, do. do. '\Vill be found de-- Repa.i_ring in all branches of the tJ.· prompt,.. ly & ttonded to. . priec of" tlaier Machines ALL KINDS OF dcrsigned. JOHN McCLUNG, do. WM. EDWARDS, MR. LUllUUS, Cartwright. cidedly cheap. BLACKSMITH WORK, 8ATISF.A.OTORILY DONE ' R. T. WILKINSON, NewcMtle. MRS. HILLAM, MR. BARFOOT, C. do. Y.00 IN SUPERIOR MANNER. do. S. BORL..lND; Orono. Cau tion !! Ca u tion!!! Jr.Torlh .1luie1-ica . MISS HAMBLY, Porl D&rlingeon. Sydenham Farm FOR SALE. ·.· . ---- A. LOCKHART, Clarke. M. D. WILLIAMS, w: SMI'l'Il, Darlington. 4o. THG SUBSOIUBBR WILL $ELL '!l!!l.. When you want anything in tho e&rriaga liM, give JAMES MORRIS a call, and he will suit you. Onedoo~ Wes· of th.6 Ontario Ba.nk. 'fHE PRICE OF OTHER JlfAOHTNEll DOU{& THE LIKE 'YORK. ~ ·quallJ Oil leather as on·goodL · Baa carried. oft ~ over the Ho\"ve, Singer, Lockman, Wkfflw .Ao Wilson, \Yanzer, RA,ymond. cto. ·tJ'J" .A P81'foet Maohiue Gua-ra.ut.ed or ·· ale. &' ._,,. To the Pt<blic of th;, B 1'itish ProrinceJ of THOMAS llfoCLUNG, BowmanYillo. do. STEPCIEN OLEMENOE,Darlingto2. WILLIAM CLEMENCE, MATTHEW COLE, Tyrone. JOHN BURN, Man-rera. And & THE GUELPH U~RD ·.. AND · Have still a Large and Well-AEsorted Stock of Sta;ple and Fancy Dry Gorms, which they are determined to sell at prices a.a low as any in the ln'here is a. mill 'sit e on the ~bo.;e · property, whlch "\\'ill be sold with the farm, or s eparately. Such a place it scld9m offcreQ. ,for sv.te, and should command the . attention of any person wanting a flrst-oluss farm in .a good 1ocality. Torina easy. If'or pnrtici.ilars apnly t..o the Pro-prletor on the premises. · -. ~ Oshavu1., Nov. 15fh, ~8 71. rn ar g1n commanding a fine vie w of the lake-and Bru·r ound· Ing country, only half a m ile f'ron1 the wharf and . . . . houses at Port Oshawa, t wo miles from the G. T. R. Station, o.nd t hJ.'ee:tron1 the village of Osh¥ awa. It contains 200 a cres of lnnd, of the best qualit y, 140 under plough, and in a good state of cultivation, and suitable for grain or stock raising, being '\Yell V'later e.d, t he Oshawa creel>; cross~ ing t h e fa.rm, along '\Vhich aro some 30 acres of river fiats, unsurpassed for pasture. 'l'he buildings consist or a. comforta ble frame house w ith verandah, having ala.,vn in fro11t-..vith -shn1bbery, and an excellent· ga..rde r!;_ '\Ve.II sl.ocked with th e choicest fruit, such as 1-'"ea:rs, Phnns Cherries etc. "T.w o large 1Jarm:1 with stone Ua~uun ent IHted up for housing an cl feecling stock, wit.h root houses con1plete, driving house a nd stables, sh ed a nd sheep houses. There is also au orcha rd containing ovor 200 of the best grafted trees jUfl~ coming tull boar- NE OF THE BEST.FARMS IN THE I REG .MOST RESP ECTF1::LLY TO . acq uain.t th e publie of the British North . A ..inO County of ·Oi1tario, pleasantly siLua t.ed in that caused the East"\Vhitby, on the ofLake ·O ntario, a nd provinces in 1\·[ay Jns t I bnH iness at 80, M aiden L a11e; New York, for the sale of llOLJ,O\VAY'S PILLS A Kn OlN "'l'MENT. ·w hich were up to that tlme_ prepared by 1villia·n·1 Bro,vn, now u ~ccased, t o be clo_sed. TheHt~ J\ledicines were, l l'egr etto ea y, from il\o·h11t has lately come to n1y !l:-ao-w1edge, 1nade up of .s uch v<~ry ordinarv cric~n REV. R. BOYL:tl:, ALL-WOOL CARPETS PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. AT A .REDUCTION OF r~tod up, in the brick hlock corner ofJ\::lng and 'l'empcrance Sfl'ccts, 0;11c ot the rnost complete Phot· ::i&Taph Galleries in tl1is sectiou of 1.he Province, is no'Y p;:epa.rcd to NEW TRE-'.DLE ltU.ClllllfES R.R. LOSCOMBJ!l, MRS. BROCK, d<>. do. great tn&ny othOl'S. T HE SUBSCRIBER HAYING FIT· are the best 1naile, and thc1·efore calCulated to darn.age my gooa name:_. 'l'hose iv ho do n ot; wish to be dccciv~d by b uy. Ing spurious ined icines , ·w hich arc now likeiy t o emanate fr o1n the S ta.tes or elsewher e , Lut t o possess themselves of fh e genuin e HOLLow~1Y'8 ingredients a s to render t11cm almost worth1esS Intending purchasers, can enquire or any of the above, garding the merits of these machiues. Bow1na1nille, Ottobe· ith, 1S71. ain1p)eat, more duM.hJ.e Aad reliable than any ,other single-threll4 niaohin.,~ Lo.ra-er and 1vork \'i'ith great ease·. Will do Ml kinds of don1estic sewing in a perfcctJy es.u.ta.a· to1·y 1nanner. Has PER CENT. FOR THB NEXT J'IVB WEEKS. ALL KINDS OF LIKENESSES in the .ta.ken: 11rst pr12eJ 1Vkei.'&"f"8ll' exhibited. LATEST AND MOST IMPROVED staml' Cl_ n '\Vhich is engra \' ed the '\'1-'0rds "Hor. . r.o· Vi-'AY 8 l'JLLS A_ ND OINTMENT," a.n d that the ad· eac n pot and box. be11rH the B ritish G0Ycrnn1ent P1L_LS AND 0 I :N"'.1'll::LEl'l"T will do \Vell to see t.h.a.t STY LE OF THE ART. A call and i nspection of specimens is requested . ENTR_ ANCE-Op1losit.e Town Ila.11 entrance. L. W, SEXTON. Dowmanvillo, October 4-th, 1871. AGENTS W4.NTED EVERYWHERE the eountry. THOMAS GU Y. discount of FIVE PER _, CENT. will al!o ba on all cash put:chases over one doliar. The' Grocery Department 1s now supplied with New Fruits, Spices, etc. I None better in quality,and non1.1 a ll those who lnn.y r~ad thi~ a;d vert~e111en t t.h a t the;v be p leasec1, h1 the public 1nt ere~1,, to commnnica t G the purport . .. _ . of the snme t o t:qeil· friends th at th ey may not be HE SlJBSCRIBER HA_\TIN<.} l {l;! · .!lefr~u9.?d of th ~ !' money .by __purch a sing .worth. ~ llic g cnu nic floL. LO'\'fA_ ~·s l'ILLS . -FITT-ED arnl improved t.he Gfilleryla.'tel._,.... _ l~\':R 11m~~tion,so . db M II 'l' ·t . - . d ~ ri:;- l ,;, AI" D O.IN.;r:.\lE!S 'l:. · -· occup1e y _r. . a1 , 1s no'\v prepare to 11a lf! I-~·oU:ld a.-;k, aa a g'l7M.t favour , t hat sh0 nld ·it , I N A_ ·T I S "' Ylv cometo .~~eknow l of anyperson that RpuriI'I:IO TOGRAPH -·: . "' i'S "LI· .L 1rr.V oµsmodJ~mesarcbt~1ng1nadeorsold inn1 y 111:1mo 1 pleased to sep.d H~ e all the particulars h ~ ·.\.~-v AT can collect respecting the ~am e, that is t.o ::m.y, ~he- name r..nd address of the vendor 'vho fa sell L 0 \VE 8 T ·PR IC-ES . ing thcspurJousmcdicines,a nd lil{eWisethcnume , a.nil a.ddiess o! tl).~ House in t.Crn United States Pictures made in all lrinds of wcnrt h~r. .or else where, w hich may ha. ve supplied. thc-ni s~ "'TT _.1ll "' E · I ' . to as .to ~;iable me, t"or.thc pro~cti oll i;;f the public, SA. 'I' ISFAC')'ION GUAR' ,. A .L'l m,u te proceedm gs a gamst guch evil-d oers a.nd I en gage t o rem unc"rate ver y- h.andson1 eJY A call respectfully solicited. Gallery- Corner · oi a.ny )mrnon w ho may give n1e such information King a.nd Division S trefl t,s, en trance oupositQ 'M r; the Htformaut's nam e ncv e1· being 1livtilged ' T'releven 's shoe store. · Should any v er:oon have reason to believC that l~c has Uee n deco1ve(l by buyinf spurious imite.· EDWIN J .. FLETCHEH. hoM, of these ::W1edicines,.ho wil "do \Yell to S(;n d .n1c, Ifl a letter, t o t he address at foo t; ("\ivhioh he Bowmanviile, April 2;Jth . 1871. , l fi-3l J -tl can do_ at a c;ost.of six cents in pos~g-e}, one of the books of tn ¥tructions w hich aro affix ecl ·to the ,. ,a · Blilll!3· I pronuse t o ex.amine it and send a reply · 11 C D1·1l ()t .1t. .al.3! stating 'vhet hcr the J\fed iciues arc genuine of. not, so that if spurimrn he m ay a pply to the per""'m:::a .._....,. ~ A ·· m ~ · son from '\Yhom he pt1rchased t hem to have his ~..... , ~ ..a;:.,g ,..c:l!i.. ..&.. money returned. Chemi~ts and Druggfats w ho desire ti) obtain TAILOR, the _:\fedicine_s ca.11 be su:pJ?lied at the lowest whule:-ale p_r1ces tn quanlltaes o:t' not less than OULD RESPECTFULLY RE' £2() '\VUI'.Lh (t9r which rc1nittance rnu1't be sent in TURN his l'lincere thanks to lLit:1 num erous ~ v a.n ce) -;-viz., 88. 6d., 22s., and 3-ta. per dozen cu!!tomers and friends; and would beg- to sa)" that ~~~{t~J1U s or pots .of Oint.m eut; nett, v.ithout he has removed to U1e corner of King a nd On· I have the honour to be, tario stree.ts, where he will b e g4J,d-to sec us many of the ~ood-natured and gaod·te1npered ones aa \ Yit.h groo,t r esp ect, please t? give .hin1 a ca~l. _ _. .. 'l'!iOMAS HOLLOWAY. BowmanYillci Nov: 22nd, 1871. . · l T-tf 5;)3 O;qford Street (late 2~1.:1 St1·a1tcl) London. TV·. 0., Septembor I, -1871, ' ' l'T-10. ' I m6St Phot.o graph s ----- -- -·-- ----- ·--- (t.4wl drm;::;; Oll t he la bel is 533, OXFORD STH-b.b:T, LoN· DON, wh er e on.Ir they arc 1nan ufactured, and in no otheL·p1Lrt ,oftl1~ :-··orld. The r·el;ail prices arc on tho label ~ Ill B ritis h currency, a nd no-t in dollars awl cen t.s. . No represen ~,a.ti ve of min e >Till. ever travel t~·~ugh a ny par.~ ot' the British P r ovi11ct\H, or ihe C iut~d, ~ it her to s ell, or to take orders for 1ny.!11lls and Ou1trnent, and as I havo rcaaoll. to believe . that a tte1npts will YCry probably ha _ m ade to.ctecerve th o. l?Ublic in this w ay by persona oall· lng upon n1edic1°:e vend.ore, fali:;elr ropreBenting t,ha.t the)' ure actin.i.: for m e, n.n d wUh my know· J edg~ a n d co~ent, I lleern it advisable to :vut the Ll~~~~1: on their guar(l against a ny such d ooep· THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY SPLENDID L'!DUOEl\fENTii. TERM~. STRICTLY CASH. TO . OWNERS OF f ..F. M~AR'tUUR. Farm Property .;_J.ND- For teroie:, sn.n.tplei!I of !ewing, °&J.o., ~ to GUEf,pH 811.WING MAOHINB O(!T, . G U , .ELPH. OANA!a I_ - cn.rncs~ly enLrcat DETAOHED RESIDENCES. tz It. ~ H. O 'I.l.A.RA. Wno!..alo for tho Coun,ics of Durha.m, Ontario and 'Vietoftii,.. U/!' Special inducemeint-ll -tO Live ii.gen~ January 18th, 1871. · ,. ~ "If- T D R ; "'Y -- --- 1n6dsrate. on Queen Sttt!ei (, at present unoc.. <1upied, will be sold chel'J.p. .A good Gardon, Stablo · a.nd DrlT!na Shed <ached, UllMS . ~ ' T HE BRICK GOTT.A.GE SI'fUATED ~ INSURE YOUR PROPERTY TN THE _..AND- - .4pply to - Save- · H aif ~ You r Money: .Head Otllce for Canada, Kingston . Wm.l"ORTJlln. General~Sewing.Machine-Agency. TRY IT. · LY:s-.Oct. 3rd, 1811. AND GROCERIE5 "' --- -- # ra.l Debility Inaction of tho Livor Loss or .Ap· potit.o, &c., it having been used !or t.he above eotn· Deposited with the · Fina.nee Minisplaints in my family. · . -. ·· ter for special benefit of Canadian ·yours respectfully, .Polioy holder5 1 over ····· .$11)0.009 J, ];URGUBON, M. E. MlnisteP. detached Residences, and Issues Policies o.t l\il" H . E . ROWE, DEAR SIR.- Grea lely Reduced Rates. . .1.1'..l.· Having used three bottles of your valua blo Mcxlioine in m"y frunily with good effect, I A.SSE TS., ..... , .. . .. . $550,000.00 feel l!lafe 1~ recontmonding the Eurekn. for Gens-- T IIIS old and well established Company insures ·no thing but Fi:um Property nnd. MA.RKET BUILDil:rns .' $ ' g H '""" ..s::=.J1' W FOR 0 A S ·r1 IS AT ' · .... ..... ~j ~ ~ · !!ee tba f~llowini _ C ertiftcat e1 :._ Thi· i8 lo certify t]Jat tho Agrlenllnr&l fa. 1ur&nce Oompany -haTing .depo1lted·· in the ha.nds of the .Receiver Gen~ral . of Canada, the sum of Fifty.four Thousan.-' J"lTa Hntldred Do1lara, iu United States hi:f-ud.s, a1 re· ttulred by t'he Act of Canad,.,, 31 Vic., cha . 48 1 lee. 2:1 1 is hereby licensed to carr1 on the business in Canada of Firo Insurance.· BOWMANV:-ILL E ::a. -·--·· . . or fone, l!fO. Dated &t tho Cil;r or Ottawa, lh· ·alld da;r I DR BOYER'S R H E . Jo11J" LJ."JG-ToN, for Minister 'o t!i. This ii to ·certify that I been acquaiD t.Agri~ultural ln_ s urance. od with the Officers and Managert of tho Oomp'any fo"r many " L 0 C. K M 'A N " cheaper. ti/iiA discount will be made on ~ ; p! UnJ~ersoll! ~cknowledged to be it!' GA!>V.A.NIO l!'LUID, ~ CONDENSED one o El'i.c mo.e:t powerful Llnimonta for t lw cur-e of ;o t:: ~ !:'.! ~ ~ t< if, ATM 0 SP H£RIC BATH ! TJie Great est In~·"ntion of the Age .. u }f A 'l' I s III ' NEURALGIA. -I And foi: all .ca>Jes w her e a n e:xterrrn1 ap· -<; plicat.10n is required, a n extenBiYe use f:; bf it has proved that it ha.!':I no equal ~ fur b.he con1p.lnintl'!I enwn"ratec1. O :Dealet11. GroCc!Jries of TWO A.ND A.-H:ALF PER g g o Jd bl'" all, a tt·t td Medicine WOOD1l.UFF, BENTLEY Proprietors, S> CO., tj . ..__. ~ io:rj IJTondOl"mi,n C:t:NT. on CMh purcha.~8/J over one L. CORNISH lfAS THEM ! Disea ses, both a c ute a n d c hronic Prof Sto ne "\\' Oul d ttnnounce lo the people of 'Oshli-wii. a nd tl_Ie conn~ry at larg e 1,liat hiS oon"densed Air Dath is !l-OW in sucecs;ifu] op eration in Oshawa , u:nd he lS :r:eadY to treal nll diseases on the pdn· c1pl~s of .A1rpathy, or a cnu.<lenscd .<\.tniospltere. Re has purified and discipl.:i:tled it to beconie one ,of 1.he greatest sanitary ngents of the age and perhaps of the w orld. As a, cure for discu~es it nn!_sl. unquesti?na.bly hold.a plaoe a s far aba'-va all uLh er curative and su.n1ta.i'Y a.gents as its re-. la tion L o. animal Jife is above all other elemont9 or age ncies k n o wn to science. .A.c u te diseases, J s~ch a s Scarlet F ever, 'l'yphoid Fe~"er, Biliouj ] 1' cv_cr, Acute Inflam_mation of the Lungs and B·;rwcls, Dysentery, wit~ n.Uotho:t forms of A.cute D1Seases, cnn b o cured in their cD.rJy !'itages in a ver}~ fe\v hours whhullt fail, eo if .you or your fa.m1ly arc attacked with any a.cute diseaae . com,e to the and save the sufi'oring or a long protracted iUness . ';['l1e cur·e is sure and ~!: :i~:aslt_tcd , which others can teatir;y, l\·ho FOR THE CURE OF .ALL KINDS 011 McCLUNG A. Lecture to Youu11.- 1'Ien. Ol' Seminal 'V eakuCs-. ~-voltIDt4J'Y Emisions, _Sexual Debility, lllid'... J:m»eUimonte to Marriage generally; , NcrvousDess Consumption. Epilepsy, and. J'iitl Jfaita.1 ,and Bhysio.I Ine·, JoonltiDJ? ~ So!!-.AJruso, BROS . Notice. " " 0 "d +:> years, and also with the business operri.tiona of the Corn pany, and have no hesitation in recommending it as a perfectly safe and re· liable Company, and its Officers as compOtent and honorable business men ; and as it insures nothing but F ' arm Prg perty and detached D'v~llingsi and has $5301000 Assets. I consider i t responsible beyond a ny con tin gency. · D. D. CALVIN, M. P. l', · UST PUBLISHJro, J LS. eal·ed · E.nYelope ectvn-· tht! . .. l liJiroe IN .A .A o-n. Natt.ft':&, ';e~w.tment and 1·adicat Cfurf'-ftfS~torrhcea, Six . Cents. Vre, 1.tave examined into tho condition and standing of · the Agricultural Insun1oce Colllpany 1 and do fully concur with Mr, Ca:en in recommending it to the Farmers of ttua Province, as one perfectly safe Rnd relis.b1e in which to insure t_beir property. 0 1. C. CLARK, Banker, 1. CAnRuTHERs & Co. G111:0. A. K1nJtPJ.TDICX1 lt. B. M. BRI'J'TO.n-. ~1emen 1 r. '\_ .dollor, except Flour and Grain. ~~ fJOO Tea, Dinner and Chamber Sets, in erve.rr wn.teh. oni of repair th&n other '\.'.a.tches. They are Chlntwa, more a.ecura.t c timo k eepers. m A special 'va.rra.nty fron1 the Fa.otOry w it h Bo1rnui,n vi1le, Sept. 20. 1871. . . T HEY AltE LESS LIABLE 'IO GE'l' A. §mall Farn1 \Vantcd. - -. - D1?e.a!'ieS !>f th.c Henrt, Head and Throat, Bron· clufar1, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, .A.slhma. Cntarrh., Ne rvous-~tfec.tions, Ne:rvous Headache; P~ralys1s, Deafness, :xeuralgia, Rheumatisrn D1abet:es, _D1·'?psy, Diseases of the Lungs.,, Con~ ~umpt1on 111 its Early and l\1iddle S tages. Insan. 1ty, .and a.~l F emale Difficulties. He ha.$ n e~er _! .a 4Ulure of ~ {mre, > vhere h e harl a !'ea.son. able time and.n. r:eg ular att endanoc . · Ile -.;~ould i nvite all t hos e thnt a:re Pm:trering fro~ drnea ~es a~y kintl to call 011 him and in· Ve!!L1~ato hia ))l"lnc1ples of cnre, 01· .auy inquiries relation to trea,tmcnt anrl cure by Jet.t.ocr mJ.l 1wnestJ y and prO?liptly a-r1swcr0d. The .t.rea~ment been thorough ly - tli'lt!l t~d in C~run1c D1 se.. ' tses with Lhe greatest 15 uccess , or Jrmo 15, rsn. STONi~. world·renowncd author.. tn Wt11 .aUitre· s.ble Lecture, olcarly provn hm.n hist ,,'C"lli ex· perience t.ha.t th6 awful ~uailee8 of Self· .Abui!!e may b8 etrectuallT ~oyed .wtihout medicinel'I, and With9utda.ngU'OUs fU?'g:ieftI oper. a.tipn~, bougiea, tn.strume:nt;.s,. ~ .. or tt>r'di&ls. pointing out. a.mode of cure at oaett ~ a11d etI'ectua.l by. which ever_y &Ufi'al·er 11i.o ~tJ.tter what is condition 111.ay b0 ma:r ·Cam ll.iJ:p.Self ohcaply, priTatel7, and l-adloo.u:r. · tlllS ..LE:< CTURE WW, PROVE A »00)1 TO 'l'l~OU.S.4NDS Al\'I) THOUB.A.NJ.'.)S. . . . Sent Wl.der seal>in n. pla,i,Q er:ive1lope. tt., any ad dress, poi1. aid, on reootpt: o{ ~ ce . ·llti< . .M t'l'o'O post stam. · ?-.Iso, . _ Cnlver ~lJ" .. "M.arriA~:'S C':u:id~, pnr,a 25 c.entJ:j;_ Add.res~ the ubiishen1~ ..._ CH.A.S.. J. C,., Jl:.Lll.'Z. ll : CO., i;.:;1liJt'}WemNcw\:"n ~e.~-t.,588 Th~ ;lntho> of the "Greon :Book," l.<i>. &e.-By ROBERT . CULVl!lYf.lf,I4., M . Dn B<>wm&nTille, Oet. t4U., l~I. We would rsfor you to . the folio" Ing ir·n· in regard to the rospousibilitJ or the F,[ALLO! THERE! A LlJ YOU WlIO NEED SHOl!IING, ..1:\... eo1·e~longand get Bttr-.m·, for it ill ae· know1ed#61l by "'-oso of expMie:ilm tha· - Compaov ;-D. Fisher, Es.q., On.shier -of the Ontnric Pank j Jno. McLeod, Af. P, P., J. B Fairbah 11., Eeq. 1 Postmaster: J. R, farewell Esq., Barrister. ' Agent fur CobOurg and vicinity, WILLIAM T. Fli!IL nllb. - - ~. - - · De.eember 5, U'II. ~ .Sewing . Machine I This Is the Place to ·uuy Boots . W. lt. CLIMIE, Lo-cal .Age·t· at llo'lnnau--· -~--- aaid SbeeiJ--None: Better. We are :now m~nutr~ettiring-, from tho b~ tnflteril'Ll, &o~ tJf ariy dee!Ped pa.itft'lli, Wl'Lr· rft.frlted to 1lt·ot- no sale. The snbecri~ f8els gr11.teful for the Tery Ubora.1 pat:roange 4e.h86had.for thelas1i fifteen yean, and would 80hc11:: a cont.mua.nce or imblio pa.tren· I -··--· ! China and Stonew1're. i I Come and see our Chi.J.rn, Hall. I I HE GNDERSIGNED WISHES TO axcha_ngo good house-and lat in a thri ving ~ in Mec~an !01· a small farrn n enr B ow· p:t&.Ovill6, lft&rm.1a '\VOrtll m ore than house and ,tin will pa,y ba.I.n.noo in moncr. Call im1nediatel y 111 pO'r"Bon tr lbd.dl'ess · <Hf. T. W. NICHOLS, Box 7', iltcw:ud, Bowmanvmc taughi me tha.t steers are mu~h easie-r b!'oken in when young...:.if a.Jlowed to run tour· or ftve yrea-:rs old his eonaide?ed a break-neck .age, ~ow R. JAMES ,ELECTICPH'lE;ICJAN, all tha.t arrelU'S, and all aceonnts due thiM '\Vould re!!J)ect!u.lly 15tate that h~ 1 ls now . et.fid to :pay U12_. · tr~ting successfully ~he [ollowtng d isien.scs ;- fall w'll be 'xpe S. B. I!R.kDSHA.W. Epilepsy,_ or falhng F·ts. 1n their wa.l'St fotm · m'vm·livlll·, l!lot· .1871. D-tt. °9nsumpt;!on, in its v_ario.ns sta~ (with Dr~ J ·.s Nmedies consum:pi:1on -ut no longel!· a.n in cu. ra.ble disM.s,o); Bronchitis. Catarrh, Asthma GOOD l'ij'~WS Gravel Dropsy, General ,Pro_ps7,. &c.~ pat.ientS who b&ve been tapped 1everal tix:UAs are curable und('!t' D:r. James' nrea;Jrnc.ut; di~ ~ . r the Chronic Diseases. - ---·--- ayWould oonw lo lhe beg to e&y to nll who are indebted to me, cit.her by notoe or book ac-:count, they 1't.Uat rJ] H soratch tk.isfaU. Put; experie.nee h&.!!. D if.! ~ ~ H z c:!) 'l'OOK;,.'l'IU~ J,'J~S'i' PRIZE J. HIGGINBOTDAM,J CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, , AT 'l'KE Q?"For one month we will give a $~i'i EYE A:ND E~ CAUTIQN. -.A.ll genuine bas the name "Peruyl:l,n Syrup," (NOT "Peruvian Bark,") blown in the glasH. -A 32.pai:i;e parnJ::hlet ~nt free.·J. p, Du.-sru:oRJ!:, Propnetor, .Q ·Dey St.· Naw York. Sold by all Drugf;ist!I. · T HAYING COiliE TO OUR K NOW· discount on Crockery of TEN PER LEDGE tha-t cert ain P edla1·s selling Spectacles u.nd Eye Glasses purporting to be of our make and to bear our na.mes sta-m:ped thereon , v:e hereby caution ·the public against .o.11 such mpostors, o.~ Ml'.. .AARON BUCKLER is Our only"j in \Vest D_ u rhan1; a nd a r e'\va.rd cf · $ 25 is [ hereby otferedforthe app_reh ~nsion and conviction of all such in1postors a s t ry to defra ud the public by offering I.heir L as our make. ~.font.real, CENT. on cash purchases. 8L h N ov., 1971. LAZARUS, MORRIS & Co. Notice. For persons who want Bargains I \vill befor 'any trnctod by n1y son, \-'\ illiarn J a n1es Sulley. :Qa.rlh~gton, J~o l ~; 1871 ~ E rl'fH"l'I of Yo-nth, NervoUs Dllbilitr, 1.,remature Decay and all tho. etreets ot: indiso:t"etions of ~~uLb-6 cure 1e: guara.ntecd~; l'.lyspeJJtSia, Liver D1!0&l'lM, and diseases o! W~ ottrl Cfh,ildrtm., Cane&_~ c~~ without cntt.V.lK·. and little pain; Sora Legs, Hal~ Rheum. 3!ld, Sinl}tla , in all it!!. forms .. Dr. J. is happy °t9:> sa,:;. diaef'1.tJM whfoh hitherto been l:honfbk 1n_c_~lb'. are nollr rti.t>idly yielding to his ~tment,_ ae hJs · ~ateM pe.t ients tu"C w~ing to TMtit.r~. Ne Ol!Uomel, no merCU;I"Y. no Mineral PQi.aona. will be admini·· t-&red in a-ny form, in n.~ lllf10a13e. 'fhe afftioled. who -~·ijpot obtain r~e! ft'om of,h8r. BOlU'Off, &J.'(l ~ly invUed t o call a.nd ec~ FOR LADIES I ~ T HE ATTENTIONotOF 'l'HE LA.DIES Millinery Goods, Bowmanville and Ticinity is reapecttully &olicited to my lle'\v Htock o( B EGS RE~PECTFULLY 'l'O AN- NOUNCE tha.t he hM received a. well as itOrted stQck. of Gonuino Drngs.and .Pure English Also._. · apleudid stock of the most .w'otu.lly ecleetea. ;; Provhacinl Exhibition.! J .u st held ·a t Torobto, OT"or the mOst .renowned Sewing ].{t\ohiDos in tliG , World, among ,,.-hl(lh DYE i!TUFFSJ of.every des~rlption of the lateHt styles, and at prices to SUlt CVOrfbOdy, just l"eOCiVed for this Fall's trade. , I have also a v ery superior assortment of wJrlt".:h uwnot be l!rltrp21-8'ed for oxe~llenev of quality ·An aaaortment of Aniline DTe!! .·kepl oon.stantly on hand, toi"·ther witll a. elwioe aielection ot · ·, Y · ; ere the. <.-elabra.ted Ho'\Te, VVbccler tff _ 'Y:!rGn, LADIES' UNDERCL0'£HING, LADIES' COLLARS and CUFFS, BRAIDED SUI1'S for CHILDREN, him, IS HEREBY GIVEN TH AT N O'l'ICE not r_oo~onsible dhbts con £"1'0Jlioo In Ne!li<on:s. !iWl, Bollevillo. Ot!l.M hours, 11 . a . m. to. a p~_ m ·. Youmm.o~.i l!$'POOlttllly, H. JAME~. ll. D. S;Il\'Gll\111~,. and have the money, MURDOCH BROS. is the place to go, a.n<l now is the time. _ WJI,LTAM f{ULLEY. · .i&-tf. · ~-----~-~.:..,.,_:,..:·~, ~ - ~~ ~-'-. O NE ..\VITII '. 1:' 011)~ J/:)':.V 'fl 1. l LC II of .om]'lotrodluv_pr4ilerred. _ -..: ·. JI. R. RBlI M. U . '"\VantC'd ,' a . :_ $.\¢uclen1 AN», nm f3crliri, Fingering and Fleecy- \Vools; Braiding a.nd EmbroiUery Stamping for '\York and Embroidery; also, mf\teriaJs for the same. Stitching done to order. Chignons, Sv.itehcs and Rolls in greut variety, AU orders promptly attended to. A call re¥ apectf\.llly solicited. Remcinbe:r ~11e stand-'r1\·o doors ~t ofllenderson's Hotol. l"-l<A.N,O,. T.tOLIX, ilAl!ftOliUIH MRS J. C. POLLAR D. Bo>vmanville, September 14-. 1871. ~ DROGB, OHJ!MICALs, P.4TENT MEDICI!'. l'lS. BRUSHES, COMR.~. SHOULDJDR-BRACE!!, · SUPPORTERS, Ille., 11<0. COLORS, VARNISHEd, ' &-c. This is only·8. confirmation"' of the vordiet previously . reDdered by. ·th~ . Sl1'.ea.t Oa.nAdian Public, and proves conoI~i;i1Y th~ SUPERIORITI' c'ilr 'l'HK "'""":" Ovfla ALL QTll.SR& .tarR. & ll. O'llAitA, .Wlwlosale a10d R<>tail .Agsnts. 9IVl, l'.A.INT3,, aS-cn'ts for_ Guelph,. Sewing M-l- chine .co., Grover & BRker, sin~er, Hewe and. WillirunS' Machines. 'Ve ha;e n.1.eo on hand a o,. Moero. a,nd "'l-IITE.J,JtAD ttar A* ib.a 'l"t.t'Y lowost pricoo. 1 a full stock .o f the !<ITTLE WANZER Machin ... Persons not su.tist1ed ~ith . Mn.chine oon e'lf· e·hange for any other-insfd13 of i}il r by clti.7is. n.. me-mbel.' It.&.· H. O'Hara'.e h. ~w-ma M.iG \'J1JINJ!> JJli:P<Yl HORSB .A.ND CATI'LE MEDIClNES. N. B.-(,"t>UJ:l,ft'y Storo-kcetJIWS $U_ - pplietl ~ ~·a.Jlllbt<>goons terms tli'O · I / J