TO Pc RC HARE A...:..'l for -iT- AT $2.25, GRAND TRUNK RAILROAD TIME TABLE MO:'(lllN"L TIME & s eqna J a.s son&. C lo v Co's .A.ndor a cl\11 bcfo e pu cl as ng LA 'TEbT HTYLES -Til'- J mas 01 GLYNN, NOS ;LE ANDETISON & CO WARR ~~'I ED TO FIT CONJ' EC1IONEHY llOWNFALL OF JOHN SANDFTELD MR. J<ORl'vIING A. NEW MIN1STRY Tu:m preBsUre 1pon our snace h,.mentary and Co rnty C uncil J rnc cd mgs a ld correspondence co1npt:ls the onuss1on of our u.sual Cl rtst1nas notices of advcrtIBmg patrons-which we very much regret Let the public look tl ro igh our ad\ ertis1ng culumns and then go purchase frorn the mere} ants 'vhose na es they there fiml No better assortment of goods for hohdav gifts or better .,.ates can be procured an) ·here than may 1 e ob ta.1ned from thilsc whose names appe r in the SunoMAN BUFF ALO Ro BES -Tho bal .... nce of o ir stock of B ffalo Rob s '111 b sold 0 l\icCL UNG BRO sue REMEMBER the Bible m the Towu Hall thi· e Mr Mani) s lectm e on he World