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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1871, p. 3

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CANADIAN STATESMAN, Syder1ham Fs r m l FOR SALE BOW~IANVJ l.LE, 1-'HU' llSJ)AY~ 21, 1811. AG J1J N or 'lHE !l!!!!"!".....!""'~~~~~....~......,,""-~"'"'~!!"'!!'!'~?~""'!!!!!!'!1!'!"!"!11'"!'!'!~....."'!!ii~'!"!ll"!"!ll',,;....'!"!ll"!"!ll"!!!'~~'!'llll'!"!ll"!."'-"'-'!__'!"!ll'"'!!~·!!'!.'!."!"'!"!11"!"!11'!'!"!"&&22!1!!!!!""'!"""!. _·_'!_'!_'!._..__ ..... _ .....................................""'!.............'!!"~'!""'"'!'!"'"-"""'"";""".'""'a;"I'~"'!"""'~"!"'"""""'""'"!"':"""!"'"""~"""""'""""""'""'"""""~ I R READ R E M E IT G TI -'.'l IT 1TH Jr READ N B A R B A M New Goods. F. McARTHUR I FOR A G ood Smoke, GET THE NEvV BRAND, THE FAMOUS N T Has jtldt received '.!.'AKEN R . E A D T , S T 1Myrtle Tobacco, -11-- T>IGTUJ:{ I_,~~ A large stock of A No: 1 A NEvV OF LOT ! ONE DOOU EAST OF B ;_t\. R G -Lt\. I N S Going ~ ¥/est H OUSE FOR SALE, WlTH SNUG A BoW'..J.ULil' AT FJ~ETCHER"8 F. Y . C 0 \V LE 8', - -IN . :I!". Henderson's hotel, littl e Shop attaclrcd n1_ 5 good business part of thP Town F111 ptt.r!H ulurs apply to J 0. POLLARD on the prcmbcs, two cloora East uf - ille DRY GOODS ~ !Years, at low prices, :will be found at _ ___ 1 I /new FRUITS for/Pictu re Gallery.: Christmas au d N e"v ~naN oF THE RED FL Au 1 R oy-al J r1s1.irance C 03.1:P A NY. AN JD !\:ING ST BOVl1L\.NVILLE 'fWEED SHAvVLS, i:C ..c\.. TI RI AGES! KING STR EET EAST GOOD NEWS ~------- - --- - BO\\rD.: i.J n1llc, No'" 23rd. 18'"1. - yl lF!l.·anco i~ X:nim."§h·cc~ ,; . l!.'m" EH~l!' oi' !;lit , Pm11l and §t. 1 FA::'-4CY DRES:-0 GOODS, Ji'LA::'-4~ELs,j James I Morri s, - - SELLING OFF! Cheap for Cash I AND '--~~cClung Bros. ---~--- 1 "·'"'"' Bnd OYV:RCO !\TINGS l'AHRIAGES, WAGOONA, Cash pa~d for any I I MILLINERY, .cupied, Vv""lll be sold cheap A good Garden, Stable a.nd Dr1 Y1:ng Shed attached IJ£Ul"1S rnode:i:ate ~pply to V1lin POR':lER quantity of Geese,1 Turkeys, Ducks, or These goods have A call flOltoit~d. ~~ - .._,. CUTTERS, SLEIGHS &c, BO l. NSALl 8 ULOC'K. BO'\\ manydle Dec. ~ th, 1S';" L T IIE BRICK COTTAGE SITUATED on Qllccn Street (Ea::.t), at present unoc bought at decided bargain and be found cidedly cheap. s~... TniFA.CTOilILY I l I GROCERIES AND GOOD N.uavs I'arnll :for §:tie, near tl1e I on n of Ho\\ to he rm.ult> lo Chickens, at McClung Bros. FOR LADIES I N THE COUXTY OF DURHAl"1, f1.:1.n ille. Applica tion J S B...:iTES, Plopr1ctor. 10-Lf. Bowmi:t.1nille, Octooer ith, 1871. Foa· ~ale CROCKERY. DON"E fUithPt p!u hcnlar;,, ip )ly t o ACRE OF L-lND A E OlTSF: AND 1 stable, and a gnod hea.11ng oreharrl For Bowmany·1lle, S31JL 20, 1871, SUPERIOR MANNER. l\JRS LUI'.:E N OBLF. 8-tf To ll.tent. 50 ACRES OF LOT No 14, A DOUT Con ·5, The most of the lar.d has been in po.sturc and mcadO'i\ for 10) e.u "· Cai t >'tr1ght for sale llro's Have still a Large and Well-Assorted 10-tf. TH:!!; ST'DSCRIBER WILL SELL 18-l y A quantltlr of fallen cedCIX or excellent quuhty AppJv to Ca1l\\..ngh t, flf l 1. o, t nev w. LOG AN NEW ALL-VllOOL CARPETS I PrIO'rOGR..A PH 1 4th, 1871, UALLERY A'I' -l A §1nall lFarn1 Wanted.n1HE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO ~..,.ilki.g>c lJl 3:1'.cclugan Iu1 a ::itnall fai rn r·e1:t1 Bownt.rulvil1e. if faun is i,vorth 11101.._ t llun hon"-c and lot w ill pety b:.l.lance 11' mone:;.. Co..ll 1mn1ediatoly 1n person o r address T. NICIIOL~, Box 14-, 41-tf Jlo~\ TH "H"llle mm1 CTTON Ole Ji_ cxUhangP ,.{ Hlr1 l1011se and lot 1n a thr1vrng Stock of Staple and Faney 'y Goods, which they are determined to HOU8E D WELLTNG let, "Utr K1nJ' st1eet _b'OR 1'IIE NEX'1 1 FJ .L,. \VEEI.:S. AND FRONT shop to i:fIJATE, 'la.1lo.I Dov: man> ille, ;._. _ ,1 ~----- ~ -.~------- .\_~p 1J >HtJ ""n1ate posse">i1on, on sell at prices a· low ns any in the STRTCTLY CASH TO O"W"NERS I"". CORNISH IT AS THEJ\f 1 the country n, "" llw·k,~:,, :,, ~:~ 1~,:~~~H~1:{· [Farm , --.. Property -~ND- DETACHED RESIDENCES. ~A discount of FIVE PER -~------ -- - -- F R""E SH ARRIVALS AT THE TNSLREYODRPROPERTAN D- IN THE S(17Je Haif Yo2w llfoney. Office for Canada, Kingst-0n CENT. wil1 also be made on all cash GLASGOVV rrHE SUBSCRIBF:R H -lYING RECEIVED HIS 'insure~ nothing ht(t Farm Property and d~tach,.,.d Hes1dences, and Issues Pol1c1es at ·rHIS old anl 'vel! established Compan y purchases over one dollar GrC'ately Reduced !{ates :R.. PF_:]A..TE, - The Grocery Depmtme1,t is now Full Assortment of Goods, SUI'rED 'l'O TIIE PRESENT ::;EASON, INVITES THE INSPECTION UF THE PUBI,IC In those days of puffing and imposture, he tl11nks it needless to say, that 110 sells ~ods CHEAPER, and of better value, tl1an any other man in these Counties , all he asl\.a is that intending purchasers give him a call, and Judge for themselves, satisfied that the result \'Ylll bo mutually profitable and satisfactory· I 1 Deposited witL the Frnanc· M101stei for special benefit of Canadian ~.,oltcyboldc1s, over .· 0 · · $100 00 0 See tin following Certificat es SlH'llncc Fruits, Spices, rh1s JS to ce1 l1fy th~t the Agucultural Jn· Company lrn.v1ng deposited 111 the i hands of the Recen er G-ene1al of Canada I the ~um of Fifty fonr rrhousnrHl P'1ve Ilun: .P S -An um1valled stock of Table Lmen Damasks purchased before the rncant I ~~~~e~~l;a~~,~1~ ~t"~~e~a~~J~s 48, sec 22 1s hereby hcensed. 3~o~r~~" asc~:: to en.riv on NOT ICt !_ BY-lAWi THAT ( rJ.Se n1 prices. the business 10 Canada. ot Fire Insuraa"'ce lj efo. None better in quality,and none THOMAS PA'I.'EBSON. Bowmanvill.c-, Oct 26.1871 aBrLa,w will be int1oducedatthenLeeting of the l'own:::li1p Council of Darlington, to bo held at the Tovyn Hall, on N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Monday, .Jan'y le'ifh, I ' ~A discount will be made on I of June, 1870. I Dated at tl e City of Ottawa, the Znd da y JS1~, cheaper. STUBBORN FACTS I DR BOYER'S GA.LV...A:\ I C FLUID U111vcrsal1J~ and Lanes in.dicated on tho ".Perry .Plan" of the Y illago of Hampton !or tnc purpose of opening all unopened Streets H WINDA'll, 'l'ownship Clerk 1°4.., acl,,,n.oVilc(lgccl to be one of the lnost po wc1ful Lin1n.ents fol th" llo1ice ot As there is a great deal of misrepresentation regarding the merits of the different sewing machines, and may have boon misled hy these untruthful statements, we Groceries of TWO AND A-HALF PER lOW the names of a few of those who te~ted the VVanzer iMachine and who afterwards exchanged them with us for the Lockman, Osborn, or Raymonrl-sori1e of them paying us CENT. on ca.5h purchases over one over $20 to exchange: HON. J SillfPSON, Bowmam1lle 11RS C t1 HANNING, Bo\'\intnn1llc W G. .PERRY, W E. TILLEY, Wivf EDWARDS, MR LUMMIS, Caitwright. cure of Z Jou:ii- LANGTO~, fo1 1Iu 1ste.i of F1nnnee. This i::i to certify that I have been acqua iot~d wtlh the Officers and ~I::i.nagers of th o Agncultu1al Insurance Oompa.n.) for man y years, and ulso with the business operations l of the Company 1 and lune no hesitation n 1 11ecommend1ng it as a perfectlJ safe and rfl· 1 11ablc Company and its Officers as compe · ~ / tent and J1onm tble bu::;1nes~ n1cn; and a.s 1t ~ insures nothing but Farm Property and d~'0 1 l tacbed Dwoll1ngs, and lut3 $530,000 Assets p: r I con:51der it rcsp:ins1ble beyond any contin gene) \\~ e ht I I ~ ' e exarr1~ned D D O,\LVIN, }:f. P. P, into the condit1on an d standing ot the Agricultural Insuranc e Company 1 nnd do fully concur with ~1r. Oa:en in recommending it to the Farmc1s of tb1a P10\1nce, as one perfectly safe and relialn e m which to insure theu propetly ,J. C CLARK, Bnnk(lr, J CAI RU'lH.EUS & Co GEo A Ku{KP ,\ ra1(1x:, B !\-J BarrTOr{ :r-.r. P. dollar, except Flom· and Grain. D. FISHER, THOS JOHKS1'0N, ,JO_!IN llfoCLUNG, <lo <lo do do rJ,, ch RICHARD SHAW, Darlmgton. 500 J P. LOVEKIN, Clnrko R T WILIUNSON, 1\m,c,rntlo E DEllfAN, <lo <lo :rvms HILLAM, <lo do J. BELLWOOD, l\fR. BARFOOT Dinner- anrl Gliambor Flet,·, in S. BORLAND, Orono. A LOCKHART, Clarke. THOl\L11.S 1/IcCLUNG, Bow mannllc M:. D. WILLIAMS, llfISS HAMBLY, P01t Darlington C. \¥ S:vII'rli, Darhngto11 STEPHEN CLEME.:S-CE,Da1lmgto·1 WILLIAM CLEMENCE, clo. do do China"ancl Shoneware . REV. R JlOYLE, IllfATTHEW COI.F,, I J Tyrone Notice. 1.-hbtia ancl nDu u-1 "ho Jun l' bel·il in the habit £.,f pract1c111g \'1th ball ca1t11uge, on t he flat, \\lll please bear l l nund that :fJ:on1 the present tln).C, an) consent, hitherto gn en by me~ I T HE J\'IEMBERS OF YOJ,UNTEER Come and seo our China Hall. R R LOSCOM;_BE, llfRS BROCK, <lv do JOHN BURN, llfanvers An<l a groat many othero Hl~GINGOTHA 1~f, is absolutely w1thd.ra \\ n , ruid any one founa w11t'ully continuing Hirte practice after this notice must be dealt. with as the law rlirects RA\'"NBS J~_~n~~c , Intending purchasers, can enquire of any of the ~For one month we will give a garding the merits of these machines. CH.EJ\UST AND DRUGGIST, i\fay 10, 1371 41 tt. R. & H. O'HARA. discount on Crockery of TEN PER Bowmanv1lle, October 5th, 1871. Jl"otice. l\.TOTICE IS HEltElH Gl VEN, THAT I will not be 1eF=.rion:o:;1ble for any debts con -:tracted by iny 8tm, \Y1l 1~ n .Tames Sulley WILLIA}! SULLEY Da.!'linp;ton. June 12, 1871 16-tf .SfNGING, PIANO, l-IO:LI ~. l!i.RHOMIIIM AND 'l'HE THROHY Of MC-SIC. I II -1." l"NSOJ,VENT ACT oCIS69, CENT on cash purchases. AND AMENDMENTS TIIEH.E'rO. UANADA, Provincp of Ontano, United Countws of North'd & Durham THE LOCKMAN }In SEWING MACHINE IS !\OW 'IRE T Durham the County Court of the l n1ted Counties of Northumberland and LEADING IvIACHU\E fo-.. terms, &.c, to be Tnade to i{)'JTa.r,i Sta.1loner8 J For persons who want Bargains and have the money, MURDOCH OHN CAMlDGfJ, MUS. llOC , ENGLA.ND leMher of the .above, In the niatte> of FREDERICK wnLIA,lf .R.A.1 ULJJ1'JJ'E; a1i Insolvent ·.L 1 l Ao:pl~ca.hon llfus ~rs, lt & H. I 4-2 ~m. x - - -1 1 OI1.;..'4 TSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. I ·01 Qeuoui.l . \V. R. CH.mie, 1 BROS. is the place to go, and now J.L By authoTity of H18 Ex:cellenci; the Go' er Office ~t lho Statl}!.'JJianottlce I is the time. On Wednesday, the Tenth day of January ne*t, the underSigned will 11pply W the Judge of tho said Court for a discharge under the said _1.ct Dated at Bowmanville, in the Connty of Dur· 1, tlus sixth da) of Decernber, A D. 1871. F. W RATCLIFFE, I Corn for R &; H O'HARA. ~~2 for Du.:rhsrn Mld Victorin l\l-OW by Jo1rn K. GALDRAI'l'H, hi,9 Attol'ney !t!l litc111. lu 39 ·f \I · J .< ·

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