... 'lr 9 9 " L!Ll!L c H1 7 I T liJ:;qe (J[anahri1n ,itntesmntt ONE FRIEUDL Y GLASS At n fa1r in lt:. 1tl 01hnu1 u. n1echa.n1c \\ inv1ied to h :l\ e one f t cndJ.) 0 la!J;:, lld "as accusto1ned tu cb: nk ' e1'\ n1oderately and HO he dul uot i efu..,e 'Ihe one glass becatue two and the t\vo tluee till excited wtth clr1nk he ata:rted for ho1uc winch w1ut a few n1iles th.sta.nt On tho )'i a:v , tl ~ d11nk infuriated hun n1eetu1g a young woinan hf nu1.dly knoL:kcd her do\\n, took out ]us l<ir0 e Shella~I a 1 n1fe \lld cut tho poor creatu1es throi\t fi on1 ear to cu \..,.1sit1ng ltun in prison, I nsked h1111 ho\\ he could do a deed ·o awful T W"8 not a drunkatd said h e "but took a 'ery little mdee<l llHl th cr efo ro what C took ot the fau had such a std effect upon me H11d you only ha' t bet n f\Il abat:.un er said I, \\hat sorrow v oultl you ha' e avoid ed I tlo unt taste the deadly drmk, and con1111e11d the example everywhere Blu.st ing iuto teara. and prossinJ his lu"nd t) ]UH head, he could not speu.la, but I scetued to hear lns larncnt of ngon' "Oh I nug ht ,.j, ei·y 'i'hul'sday At tho pr ntcd u.n I .i;iublislicd lU ol'ning, by t he Propr ctor. WJ\.1:. TL OJ_, I 1'1 IE. OFFICE-Post Olllce Blocl·, XJNG STREE r DOWMAN\ !LIE ONI I T OO~TAINS IfIE L \TESl FOR - ,J<\..--' \¥JSt nn.ld othorw1sc they DU\} not l e t!l.ken fl.'Onl l e Post. Ot11;e EIGN a ld Prov1nc101 News Local Intclll ence Count) D1 s iessj Commercial l\faLlcrs llkld un uu1tr l ctn c M1scc hul.V TERI\'[S --41 ::iO J er annun1 n a.tlvancc- $? 00 t! l u1 l "" t) n six 1 lnt.hs-2 50 if not p u1d till U e end of the }Car No pnpe l d1sconl1uued until all B>rre11r ige<:l a c po. l except a.t the opt10 of the publisher and parties ref\1s1ng pa1H~r3 " it hout r;.ay1ul{ up v ll b e held r er-spon s1blc fo1 t he s ub dcr1pt1on until they con1ply v;1th tl e rule !\..11 Iet ~ 1 iii ad ltessed to the l!:d1Wr n1ust be ------- -- -- .. -~~ VOL. XVII. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1812. - -- - - - - - - - - --- - - THE HOOSIER SCHOOL·MASTER Bl: FDW ltD t~GJ.ES'IOX N0.23 1871 NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW FALL I 1871 at BATTINGS ut BAI rING s at BATTINGS nt BATTINGS at BATIING'S at BA'I I ING S CARRIER l!OY S NEW YEAR'S ADDRESS 'IO THE J<RIE~DS RAIES OF ADVERTISING !lx: 1u ~ n.nd nndc1 first 1nsert1on ] ach 8l·liseq icnt inset-tton Froni i:, x to te n hn e f:! first l nsertion Each s11l,sequ l t 1nsc1tton Over ten In es flnit insert o l per li1 c $0 50 0 08 0 13 O "r-J 0 20 J... d\ort1seu1onts \VJthont specif! 11cctions v.dl bo published till forl l ntHl charge l accordingly .All trans1tory ndvcrt1sen en ts 11 t be pa.id for 'vhen bnnded in Advert1scn1cnts n1 ist be in the atttc c or p ubhca.tlon by 10 o clol k on tho \Vednes :Io.y 111or un g procec 1 ng ti cir first p 1hhca bon 'Io merchants and otbe1s a d' c1 L 1Hng by tlH~ yeo.r ver:; hbera.1 d1acoui1t w 11 be mtule Euell subsequent lllscrt1on 0 02 'lhe ntunbcr of lines to be r eckonflcl bv t)ie apu.ce M flupied measurell b~ n sc...'l.lc of solnl "Nonpareil DRESS GOODS CLOTHS, PRTNrS, COT'l ONS ~ L :\NNEJ,S KNII'fl'D GOODS \.ND I \, 1110NS OF THE "CAt~ADIAN STATESMAN/' 1872. Ho'" rla k and d ea.d the clouds o er.head! Ro'iv white the snO'\\ on oarth · llow keen tho b ast that ru1:1hes pus t J 0 l C1ttld t.he NEW 'Y Et\RS b rth' Tl c cloudi a.ll 1no 1 ) for the Old Year torn ] rom the BooK or 1 mo l.V. .a.y But the snow so 'v1nte and the w 'l<l9 to mg! t neefguard for NEW 'YEARS DA'£" J.i c n llcarth and H4'me CHA.PT.ER I A !"RIVATE LESSON Fr.OM A. EULL DOG &c &c &c &c &o nir'" ALL MAHKED A'I LOV. l'RICES I "'Ui>I NO ABATEMENT! Bowmanville, October 1871 ' Want to be a school mastei, do you 1 You Well, ,~hat would . ,101 1, do 111 Flat C ick deestrick I'd hke "to know' Why, th0 b oys have drove off the last two, and licked the one afore them 1 ke blaze·_ Yo ~ nught teach u. l"lununer school when n othmg but ch ldren come But J low it takf:s a. ri~ht smart man to be school mas A Fl t c k er 1. ) a. r1c 'l t 1 10 )VlUter The,} d ptl<;h) ou ont of doors s lnny, neck l\lld Ji ci.:! :v·ore Christnias ' 'Ihe young man, who lta.<l. "a.lked ten nnlca to get the achool nt thlS chstiict nd who hnd been inent \11 J rtn iewing 1118 le~uning a.t eve y step he took, treinbl ng les t t he committee should find that he did not know enotlg11, wa~ not a. little taken aback at this g"ecting from ' old Jack Means who >1as tho first trustee that he 1igll ted on matle by remarks \VC.3 emphasized by tl1e glances winch ho rece1Ted from Jack 1u~iut~~ lirtd©lt!. ~ ---- ------- - - --------- and Under grndun.te n.n l Pl zcol.n.n of tho l u1vorA it y ot ]'0101 to a irl 1 n1v 1 ty of Q. iocn"' Colll;!ge K1ogston mer1\let oftl e Collcgo of lhyslcians Su1geon f; o f Ontario SUigcry a nd Re~t denco also King St1eet Second door c ast of l\!r l'Iaynar 1 s llotel. 16-20 G LEGJ or J>hvs1c1 " or England Uulverslt:-; ofV1ctorm. College Cobourg .J · .I '1eld111g, JU D. --~ ik:J);~on,~~ R ID1Ja'.IEU.l< lfi R0¥-AL l)L FAC'TS THAT 'I' Ry ARE FACT r --o-- FOil Y 0 1J R S E I, V E S ! fl1IIOSE WIIO HA.VE 'fRIED II' ARE CONVINCED rn \TS ] IJIJ,J, i sells h18 Goods as J,01v or Lo11er than any on o elem Town B6.l"9 ,\ lu1 ge Su1 geone I ngl w1 l L ceutiate H.oynl Col ege of Phv s101u s };dub ugh (L...-..te Resident A Geo rcheur St r h( as H osp ital J.on r l on nnC. Acting Rc"tdcnt l\1odJcal Officer City of Londo1 JI013I ital for D1sease"' of ti e Chest ) Otllce D Hc1 I Im tn s Orono .J.; M EMBER oe HUYAL COLLEGE m stock of Cloths, Dress Goods, stnped checked nnd plum Shawls, Blankets Linens Wrnceys, Flannels Knitted Goods, Hosiery, Gloves and Trimmrngs, ·II bought before the late arl>auce rn pnces !ICY' A :> pcc1al hne ot Clan Tartans 60 per cent Old Tnne w1Lh 18 s~) the ca nc 2ou1 l unce mo c Andnewl1a1crdtleOl<lY t Lr Nc\crmo1e lower thlln J .,t \cars lhou 11.1 t h.astcnmg onl'\'ard s u1c ut d sJo-w 'lo whore Obl1'ion s watci s fiow For t\Jo good Old Yont \'iC d ..op a. ttnr l or lt.3 l Hl ses: :ire a ll uns 111 g l ts lJl~?.H ng- he1e i t."! ble«s 11g thf!rc '\\1th t1oublos hKe weeds amon.,, M ~Y '11 nef:I oe v bor t be left tnsho ., ortl e 0 1 l Years pcacef n l leaven A.nd the Y en.rs ncr nBc bring plenty tu d pea. co W ito Jln1' est t eld smihng to } ·a\ en A lot of Last Season's Tweeds, at 20 per cent less than cost. a@- P. Notace-llen10Yal. It ltEID HIS l'EMOYFD HIS ~treet !Gents' Suits Made to Orde1, by the BeEt Workmen m Town, warranted to fi t and not como to pieces ~ his old rcs1den oc Silver rom 10 am to 8 p tn residence to tuo ho i:,e lat.el}; occupied by Oro \le on \\i ell ug;ton Str.eet Surge " at OHlcc hours 16-4-t.f The Dest Black and G1·een 'J'eas in 'J o'vn, :1t $1.00 'l'hc Dest 50 ecut 'l'ea in Town. & Butter, E~g· Mittens Socks and Y trn taken us Cash for Goods G RADUATE OF 'IRE 1 OIWJ'i'.IO C. Newfand 'll'en, M.D, LTEW C <liSTLE OFFICE- OPPOSITE ., J\1~.tirs Northrop & Lyinan 9-6tu Dr. '"· Beith, Oct 4, 1871 8. F. HIL Unnerslty Physic a n Surgeon &c Ofi1<".C nKing 8trcctjjncxtdoor to Yellow lees & Qtuck s a.rlety Store ov.ma.nv lie OntarJ.o The hands of the clcck like a 15har.p keeu k.n1fe 1. t in1dnight s u nde1 ed t he t brend of hfe Of the sad Old Y ca1 nnd up from hLS tomb The br ght b udding NewYen.:r burst into bloom 4.nd 0 thou L or ] oflieaven nndcru tb Let M orey n.tt.cncrt u, '!\Tew ~ea s birth I Let !lope "Whbper to us v;tr-'1~ of cheer I et Pient:i; Cl:O 'iH u c glad NEW YEAR .And li.nk togetl er the Si stet 8 th ee T11l the year f\ des into eterruty 'l'. J. Jones, L. D. s., ~ S F Ilownl!lnvllle o-ve1 F URC EON DENTISI McArt11u-'s store OFFICE Ring Street MARKUS THI] 'VDOl.E OF DIS MAYER @r.n S'l'A.'lD, Grateful to a generous public for past liberal patronage, begs most respectfully to announce that on account of mcre1tSmg busmess he now occupies and has filled every shelf h ole and comer with an exceedmglv cho1co asso1 tment ot goods compr1smg · Dowman1 Ille Veter1na1·y Snl';e .., ntnr10 College Office )n J(1ng Strl'lct Ea.st of Henderson s Hotel Hes1dcuce on Seu -og St Bo,vma.1 v1llc CllllS I u ctua ll)- attf'!r rl '\ <id to Veterinary 1nodicincs always on ha.nil · GRON registered u1c n1her of the Phnr aceutJcal societv ot Grout Brita.in and of tho Means two sons The older one eyed him from the top of his brawny shoulders with that amrnblo look which 3 big dog turns on a ltttlo one before ·hakmg !nm nalph Hartsook had never thought of bemg meas1red by the stru1dard of muscle_ Ih1· no'1on of beating educa'wn mto young savages m spite of themselves, dash ed hi· aroour l nu: O sitllJn nly ears, tbnt clread or} 16 r nging He had "all:ed r1Jht to lvhere Jack A 1 d 1:1h!l t.110 bright Demon of F1te I see winb'lng Me us wa'!. at ~ ork shaving slnngles 111 his H s v -LJ o er the cat th u.nd beneath lus fierce fla shes own front )~J:d rvhile Mr Meana was Proud cities and hnnilct s are low la. d m ashes ma1 ng the ap"'cch wr ich we ha.ve set down And stroug men aghast stand st1ll 1n despair abo~e, and pt :ici,uaoing ii, Wt\ih expect ora. ~:::~ : ~~te~ ~~:1 ~k ~a;!!7~:a~e ~::,~: tions, \.large b11ndle bull 1og had boen H Purty pea.rt k1nd of a.1naster, rl'l mark sni~§,~ t ~ l 1 1 l d I ed the old man to Bud after R" lph h"d I l1c Lord. cometh (some say) ou \v ngs of fire llll a .1:...a l_) l s iee s an ~ gir m a "' °' J[ a b reath hath .kmdled earth 3 futwral pyre 1 new hnsey '"oolsey d~ess, standi ' by the gone to bed "Guess you be"'-:ter bo a. V vllithei ah -wlulli1.:1 shall ·va fly door h ') d nctirly f;,1."l'i::rled her hcMt off at hti,le ea.~ on hun Hcy1 'I'o h de fl.om his uJl see ng e'e ' .:>o ' B ur.truu - ' "-dB~"'IlvU · ..no reply Nol th South l:u..tiL and)\: est they g ... .<::c the dehghtfv1 prospect of seeing f!. new }>erhaps ... * 0 Year of F e 0 'Year of Dum.ster' Sink do'\ n to the tomb- gQ ste1 faster Lot the cloak of Tune fl om "i our shouldeis fall Aud Obi v OI s v eil be Jo r funer:i.1 pall! these on11nou~ Tho nnpress1on * * lt A J MARTIN VETERINARY SUR 162 tr: Hats, Caps, Furs, Buffalo Robes, PAPER COJ,L1HS NECK TIES, And l~~"c~ upon the black earth they he Ench hca1t st J l l forev~r ! Au d uitrn ,~ sigh And won1cn wi l 'veep for those w ho no noie Will como to tl om from Deatu s d :u k shore· upon ..he stranger st tndn1~ u1 tho <1001 way So with the heart w l ul~ \\ tia:lth a11 l friends are clustered arouncl the be iut1 ftil hght of God falls not "itlnn th e hea", He tned tomove as ho thought Bull would through His infunie me1cy it c\! et move if he V. ere a ma.n He ate with de lingers round , but w·hen friends 1 iches liberation, ancl looked ever~ body 111 the eyes with a manner that made Bt1d watch po" er and all earthly ' baubles aio gone, then the ctuta1ns are flung as1do, and lo him curiously He found h1mael! contin the hght falls w1tlnn ei; en as the 'noon ually conipuing hunself with Bull He found Bu11 po ssess1ng a. s t range f asc1natlon light 1nto tho desolate chan1ber Butthebea.\ ons a.:i: eblackande.icthfJ"'ellUjAblnzei school teacher ea.ten up by the fet"ocious because he knew that Ri!.lph h.,.ard tho for huu He walked to the school alone, -- · Ihe the fiend brcntncson the1n-th e' gasp- the) brute conversation through tho tlun partition .._ the rest hav1ug gone on before He en A N engagement ring- 'Vhon the do<Jr 1 1 1 1 ketch the varmmt You wouldn t hke to ta.kc a. coon hcint nor noth1n, \Vould you? W o!J, yes, aaid Ralph, there s nothmg I Hl10uld hkc better, if I could only be sure Bull would , t nustake me for the coon And so, us a matter of poh(ly, llalph dragged his tired legs 01ght or ten miles, on hill and 1n l10Jlow, after Bud, and Bill, and Bull and the coon But the racoon chntbed a tree 'fhe boys got into aquat rol about whose business it w 1.3 to ha.ve brought ..he a.xe, and who was to blan1a that the tree could not bo felled Now, 1f there v.:as anything B.alph" nn ~clcs were good for, it was to cluub So, ·slnng Bud to give h ma start, he soon reached the lunb abo\: e the one on 11; h1ch the raccoon 'Va.a Ralph dul not know how ugly a eusto111er a. raccoQ._n can be.t aud so got ccedtt fot 111ore courago than he had With inuch peril to his leg!!! front tho rac coon's teeth he succeeded in shaku1g the poo1 ci eatnre oft ln1011g tho yelpnig brutes a.nd yelhng boys Ralph could not help sympatluzrng 'Wtth the hunted a.nuna.l, which sold us life os dearly ·· pomble, g:ivmg the dogs many a scratch a.nd bite It seemed to !um that he was h1<e tl1e r"" '""" coon, precipitated into the nudet of a party of bo3s and dogs, who \vould l"eJ01ce to worry Im life out, as Bull and !us crowd were de!Stroyiug the poor raccoon When .Bull at last seized the t'dccoon and put an end to it lfalph could not but admire the decided "ay m which he dld it, cdling to mind Bud's connnent "When Ball once t·kes a. holt, heMen and yorth cant m·ko him let go But as ·hey \>alked home, Bud carrying the racooon by the tail, Ralph felt that hia hl!itt had not been 111 vain He fancied tl t d d B 11 lk ia even r" eye ll wa ing un comfortably close to hLS heels, respect ed him moro since he had climbed the tree -- - --- ---- - I -------~~....,,. -- Iho diplomatic Bud only chuckled a 1it tle at tbts , wl1ethe1 he assented to the alliance or not Ralph could not tell When Ifalph looked round on tho fa ces of the scholau, the httlo f8'les full of mis chief and cur10S1ty, the big faces full of r,n expression which was not further re1no~ed than aecond cousin f1orn contempt - whell young Hartsook looked into these faces, hlB heart palp1tatecl with stage mght _ There is no audience ao ha.rd to flea ut one of Bchool ch1ldren 1 as mauy a mau ]u\.S fonnd to hIS coat Pei:ha.ps 1t .us because no conventiooahty can keep down thei· lnu2hter when you do or sa.y An) .. lung rt diculoWI Ha1tsook'~ first tlay was h11Triod n.ud unsat1sfa.otory B'.e was not m ..t, r of hunself, and consequeutly not mas et of anybody else " hen el enuig camo there were syntpto1na of 1nsubord1nation through the ·w hole school l">oor Ralph wae sick at h eart He felt that if there had 0 , er been the shadow of nn a1hance between huuself and Bud, it wa.9 l\ll " off' now It seein ed to Hartsook that even Bull had lo·t hia rospcct for tho teacller Half that mght the )Oung m·u lay awake At last com foit came to him "2 re1111mscenco of tl1e death of thu raccoon flashed on hnn hke a \U:non IIc rente1nbered that quiet snd I have escaped all tln· sm and n11.ery 1f only niy p~nts 1 plli td a) Schc>ol teachetis and n11111stcr h a d g tven 1ue tlus a<l, 1c.-awhen I wa.'i a cluld E ut now alas it 1s too late 'Iho 1n1Mon w tlls huld rue fast and I 1nust d10 n felou H death '£oung nien be ,varned b) ruy fate and shun fo{ ei. e1 thu 01 e fr1e u.dly gl LBS le~t ' ou n1ake ~ 1nu1tlc-rei: ....tloo1ncd to '11 0 _._....__ _ anmhilatmg bite which Bull gave He remenibered Bud'· certificate, that "ef Bull once takes holt, heaven and ~ arth cant make !tun let go · He thought that what Ffat Creek nooded was a bull dog He wonld be a bull dog, quiet but 1nvin cible Ho would take hold m such a \\ay that nothmg should m11.ko him let go And then he went to ·leep In the morning Ralph got Dllt of bed slowly He put on his cl(1thea slowly He pulled on h1s boots lll a bull dog mood SvN~Hl1'-l:t A!iD 'fltl' Jlz ·u :r - l~uu \ .te~ 1nouths a.go I pnul3ed lt the cloo1 of 3 'a. cn.nt, unfnrnudu d roo1n once lha JbHl In softest colors, -with i ts ei;hoes hushetl 1n folds of velvet and da.tuask but no" sh lp ped of all that made i beautiful rh1.a IOUlll I thought, L'5 hke the he tl t In days of prospe1ity it waa stately i.n(l beautiful, and JOY n.ntl happiness linger ed there, hand u1 haud The J ich cnrtn.urn hung over the \V ind )\\ s and no 1 a) cf suu ormoon or starr_) planet eve1 entereU the1e Now the deco1at1ons b ~ve all bean swept u.1\lay, and there stands the rooni bare and tenautless , but th1 ongh the ,y1ndow,. ' uomes stealing the soft bght of the moon 1t ghdes alongJhc " all, stripped of all pie tures save that, irradiates e'lf erv no ok and n.nd cornet of the "Pat hnent , falls even Q I 111 Fa1·cwell,IU cGee &Rutledge, CITORS and Notary Pubhc 4 E F AREWJlJ,4 L L B.,_ n McGEE B A JAMl!:S RU1LEuGE BA OFFICE -0\ e:r "\\ 11 i\.fc::VIurtry s ])ry Goods ~,!>~c second doo1 west of the Io.tit Office up B ARRISTERS ATTORNEYS SOLI GENT"S FURNISHINGS, L~ C . The whole of the stock havmg been "ell bought, ba1gams "ill be g1 ven ALL KINDS OF FURS ALTERED AND !iEPAIRED H1ghed t···iee paid for llaw l'nrs. Hown1&n '\ i ll e Oct.ob"" o lS'il Robe1·t A1·1nou1·, Issuer of Marriage Liceenscs Ba1rister ang Attorne)' it T.fL\V and Soltc1to1 m Charcer:-; )loney loaned on ltool .t:sto.te Office on l{1ng - - - ---- --------- - - R EGISIRAH, >\EST DURHAM ARRIVED - AND- ::;root Bow11 nu\tll(l John Ii. Galbraith, 'ic>ci ety .:b"'rom :E R1.?;0E we h ea't' a lo w triint not~ rhe Pn USSI \N' grasp IS on he throat J She br al heth qwck n Jth bated lncath B ut ah sho feigns It ls no t do11t l T.i1 her sv.el cd veins proud bfood 1s ftow1uit Ito Vt ger 1 t oui:>h s u1c r.ou :ig go1n She ga.zcth :l.r u l lost Lo nuno' S he broodeth ovffr Sedans pl.Wu S ho sees her dead in manglerl 11cn.1a And !or Ro\ cnge she Sl3'hS nud "' ocps Slt~ 0 e 1Il18 Lbu.t on idu 1e f! banks a cs ti c ::1 .t..r:.d a.i n1 <l ho"'l~ ~t he1 GOUlll a nd$ 81 L g up as did tho tht: D1agou'"'S tcct l And dro w t he sharp sword from tho she ~th A.DU grnspctl their 1 fle3 in the I l at d:oi And '\Jack to F1 n1co '\ l her fa lfl.nds Sh e sees them p a:;s ng o er lthino s st. ea1n \Var banners w·1ve an<l bayonet1:1 glea1n Heu.rs rifles rattJe cannon a roa1 Sec s Pru~si ~ ~ leg )OS swept bcto e lhc av uglt g h >St3 of proud I< rcn~h Jllt: !.1u1 Vlctoiy s~le o :i I< ranee agu.lu A.11d fr0n1 all E11 :ouc s tho e conit:l'I I he blare of b ig ea a 111 b o.t of rl !IlB ~ 1u u ! e~t _peda.i;;ogu~ Between the d1sheartenmg wold· of tho old n1au the unmense n1usclcs of the young nian v;ho lVas to ho ]us robelhous pupil t'le l'" 3 of the ugly bull dog, and he heat le!'la ~p 1e of the gul, Ralph had a deh3htful sorurn of having precipita,ed hmL,cl .1to "don of w Id beas.s Fant with\ e"r1ncss and dl8courage 1nent, and ~111ve1111..:. with fear, he aat do\\ 1 on i\ wheel ;ri ow ' 1 ou Bull said the old man to the dog, v. h 1ch was sho" iug inore aod ruore a d1sp) s1t1on to make i~ iueal of the incipi 00 :rnu until ho had given Ra.11 ha look full of p14. 11 Jae of what ho nioant to do when he got a good chance Ralph ,vished h n self back 111 the "111 \.g"C of Le" re.burg, '}OU, B:Jll' git aon, you og ~a -t~ ewiei y olf t. ut. B LAW Office King Street Agent a t Do·\ the ] icchold lOR a.nd Notary Pu bl c 0.FFICE - .F lrst door ot Post ARRISTER AND ATTORNEY ol.T Bowman"\ lie n1n.n'<i1lc foI Buildin 1\fonel to lend 01 farrn secunt" St··Tohn ft. Hutcheson. SOLICI B UtRISTER, ATTORNEY, east Office sttu1s up READY :F'OR INSPECTION. And mt:.n"' a ilea t vu pates f'.'1th fear .And ID ltI!"I" ... 11 Cl.Ube t.110 COlll Ilg } ea. For tho blooL ed Demon of 'Va.rhC1 ve o n1gh W th cloie-<h e \ n lips nd bloodshot e et Cvei ItussrA he l "ave JJ.is dead:-; wa d And her sullen men a.t the 11 lle eomma."ld ~ ill gt a sp t.:Ic r ritics a.nd hu.ste to meet lhc P ROVINCIAL 1.r attended to t'. G. llann1ng, LAND SUlWEYOR 40 o:lqnno1ng treall ot P.Russ:...a.:N feet ~ 1 :sTT IA will Civil En g ineer and Land Agent Office u1 d res1deu ce L ot 18 3 ii con I>arlington All ordera loft a.t the office of Robert !\.rrnour 1!.'.:)Q. proinpt And soun \Vilt mtet 1 tue d e i.. i dan ce The Cossacks epc :1. r and .. e Uh.!11 s Ienco And fight for her n; to:. _l 'tfc .A.nll 1 UIUC:&::Y and l'lALY wil JOI l Jll the s~r1!e 'l'llomas Ch1·1slle, Agent tor the folloW'lng B r itish rind Ca.ua dl&n Insuran ce Co1n1JanHIB "\ lZ H.oya l Li\ er )luol and London British Amcuca und Prov1n l Ag ent for ltoy Ll :i\fail Linc of Steamers o.nd e g t t Line ot boats and Coroner for U rull.ld unties of North t heL lu.nd OLud Dlll'ham K ING .:>IREJH BOW:il'IANYILLE .And fa. a.ud 'Wld6 the war-e·oud ro I The et Lh w1llsbakc f1om pole to pole .And the vr~ le worL:l 1L1der .A.robit on .:1 spell ·vv111 n1ock t h e mi~et es of hell 1 Gon SA'E 'J)rn QU EEN ' \ udonce agaul \.\ e btca "El the prcyer of Eng ibhmcu A ud breatho t n e p "'""Cl of 111 1.\ho hold A oi;rue he:n b ette:i: fnr than goldGcd sa\ e the QUEEN' .A.nd save our P1 INc.t:' G id e h1m to .hfa lnhel tt uicc' \Vn.r d off f1:om h u c.l tead .A. r cl:> dar :)C rn3h not l ~ J.1 thet s heo. 1 or l car ,, .A..".l.d so. e OLD ENGL \ ND S Etnpuc bi.Id ,.,,u ~ "'-· A FULL ASSORTMENT OF It. U. TtH"ner, inh lbit in t.s or .Uov;1nn11\ illc f.Llld ~n tl:atle1s1owprepu 0d Lo a ttend to an y Hales t hat inay be entrustccl o hurt Chai ges in ode Ltc 10 tf l~llCl S A UCTIONEER form the rYicstDnl ll WOULD BEG TO S. Chesterfield, ~VILLE nnd Dnrlington Residence Queen ~;~oet 0 de~'S plUictuaJJy L ttended to Charges -.6deratc 13 D:RESS GOODS IN All L"t S ha1u1ock lhts1,le nil.d Rose be t ·v ncd \VJ \V1th bi-oad <1111k Palm Lea'\csthat g ow l' bl e Gang'~" flood doth flow )fa.pie 1e1.\ 1.lf:I t · .l UOTION EER FOR BOWM <li:N .A.:.id 1d Lilhes Jat I hat ttourisll fii"'cnn:a h nn air nm I ArESl MAIER!AIS 'J'homas Stonhouse. .l UCI lONEER, APPRAISER AND -3.. General Agent Darlington Centre Sales »romptly nttendt.>d to ~ And proud :.defiant o C" us ever Ma.y1Gngland8 RedllL:g w&.ve Uduever Maytheda.yco1iewhe11v.e1:11a.ll know A friend to us to he" n foe ' As tu ns tho n e edl~ t.o the PoJe So ho1newar d s now our lhougl1ta fM~ .A way from thee no mo e to l'O:l.Jn Fa: ... CAN.t t>A ou.J ho nt.. ' ---!ond hon1e .Arou!ld me noy, lleep 11cs the s11 ow 1 he brooks a. l.d s treams he.ve C(',a.acd to ttow Our grand trees a ll are lcafles::i bare 1 R. D. Foley, AUCTIONEER, FOR L ICENSED Township prompt.. the tended to MILL I N ERY ""'"'---,,_ ' - ind h·ddca 0 1co1 fiowreta fai :-1---..,,--~---! IN ~AT L THE L\TESI MA I ERI \L~ r ho rel sun 1 mvolrnrn los 'll eirpo vo 0 ,, 0 1 ol. RB ER AND HA ni DRE S 8 ER ---:--"------'--+~~n~d!,.2 of [!t_i ouel!ri!.£hcad da·k sno" c ouds 1 ha.vmg fitted up the prcnuses thITd door cast Ilut to my ea.rt the~ ot ·!the Office is p1epared to attend to the ua.nta Post of the public In the w1do \\ urld thet e s o o e S)O 11 his line w o. mnnn er un cu,rfa.s~ed by any m tho Province Particular at So dear to rr1e - uor me ~lonct1:1Q, ion given to the cuttl ig nnd dress1ng of La. As CAN.AD\ out home - fo1td llOnic I ,..,,..- !\tee a.nd Cb ildren s hnir A ca.11 solicited ""'(-XT Soon '"' lour old \V1nte 1:1 hand iel en t VV .And Sprmg retu.rn f om vani.,:uue it lUoney to f,end. Thewe<lJ>solve and melt thes~ow HE UNDER8IGNED HA ·v·1NG And biooka and1ncr~macl1y 1lon 1 boon appointed agent for the Prov1nclal Per Soon emo1ul 1 lea~ es " J l deck ou t tKknen t B ild1-ng Sa.VJ 1g s Socrnt} of 'loron .A nd green g nss 'vea.' e on a 1 ot 10'1S Oil", is prepared to n.nd negotiate loans on lteal Estate 1cour1ty cm then1ostfavou.rableteims Soonrounl our homes sotg11!! d>s w 1 sing 1610 J B FAIRDAIRN IN ALL THE LATEST NO\ ELllFR Aud ""a lo\ladarton hghtnng" ng ,V. U, Ednoods, ot Darlington Sales Charge&modera.t.e B 0 0 L G 0 0 D ... s T ___ _ _ R.Pcate, 'l'ador. C1 ENTLEMEN S AND BOYS And from t h e e arth ais from t cir tom]) Brig ht tlow r ;, bud and burst nl.to ..,1oom 0 GAR20 tr Sowmn.nTille Feb 19 1868 .MENTS n1ade i n ihe NEWESr srYLES A CHOICE LOI OF Pamphlets or a.n:-; tn1ng ii the book -y;h1chtheyw1shtohavclu 1nd can hn.·e ir orders filled iu the ncn.tes tand inost durnbJe .,le a.nd on the shortest noLlce l ~ l ~a.v1ngtbeni at the STAT.ES& '-N office Bring a.iong your bmd ZINE~ t, mg Book B1nlh11g. ERSONS RAYING BOOKS MAGA Cloths, Gent's Underclothing. Collars, N eck-'I'1es, &c. SPLF.NDID BLANKETS VERY CHEAP, ~- WR CLIMill lhe Summers hen ~ and nurturing H\lll WJll cleck OUl' fields l'<ll.h goldt>:n g -an Ripe f1 11t w ll heng on our fru t tr"cs ~nd mong tJie clovfn-· the br O\\ n bee1:1 \V1ll JOlll ) l U'11SOll WlCh t te bloeie WI ll.ll 1n IT":Jl\ Ting a1ng~ f:!on1 earhcst morn lo bearded r) e n11d ta t.~aldcornl T.111s is the land- it e Jand wo o' e .And st l 1nay bless ng3 fco1n a b ove Out from IIra JO t:Jou-s hand dow 1 pou From Atbu 1Jc s to Pactflo s shore '11 1 fl.om cu.ch homed~rk Want b ~ dnvou .And l ea. ~scend5 to us front hca. von Land Sul'Ye~1ng. i I · Survey 01v1l Eng111cet etc is pro,pared to all o 1r r8 \V th "'hf'ch he n ay be favored d.dross Dowmru11'1lle P 0 MMcl 1 t1 1871 J, REED PROYINCI ol.L LAND '\'\' th <H erj>' :io ears rc"i ol vn g fto\V Ne\v fa.ces contc and old one3 iCU Dut I lhe dear o1d face s Jove ~ .And may God keep )Ou f.rom a bo \ e 1I ere safe beuea h Ins eholter 1g wing -You .. songs of JO} a.nd p eace to sin'.! .And to you..: home:i bring festi ve choor 0 .!l u:1any a fttt11reb11ght NE'\\ YEA.rt B. Shel'in al m ed .~ Co, W 1'Stto1y-K ng Street East Dow1nan\1lle I6-39tf o(Jf0 0P.3K[ltlti Dcst Ne-w Yurk !\la.tr I he tr tde supplied on bes ~ tcr1ne)l HOLES<liLE MANUFACTUl<ERS The best value COTTON m town, can be seen at l1ncn::s tnd t1eachery :1.re th e p1nc~1ees of fools tliat h a.ve not sc nfie enough to be ho;iest " T.zro t:Gd lost to s ght, to 1nemory dear, as the 1nau satd \\hen h e p~u d lus clmner bill W. K. Ch nae, SSUER OF M<liRRIAGE LICENSES JJ_y ~ Wm. McMURTR Y'S. Bowmanv.1lle Septem bc1 2'7th 1871 01 (le.'.l4lt'&l 1thor1ty o!llls Excellency tJ1e Gover Otllce u.L I.he Sfri tcsni a nolllce th 0 gings ]t takes: a man ~o boss this deestnck llo"stundever ef )OU tlunk yo\l km trust yo ir Jude ·u Flat Cnck school house, I Ii· n t got 1·0 biection _ But el you git h ked, don t come on usFlat Crick don t pay no nsurance, > ou bet Any other . rusteeai Wal, yes But as I pay the most ta-es t others Jiat let me run the thuig You can oeg n right off" Monday They ant been no other a1Jphca.,1on You see it ~k.es some grit to app1~ for this school The fast master had a .:Hack eye for n. month But, as I said, I low } on ca..n JlSt r oll up and wade 1n you ve got pl wk, may be, and that goes f or a. h eap sight n1ore n s1nnoo w1 11h boys \V" lk in and stay over Sunday with ine You 11 hev to ooard rotin, and I guess yon better be~1n here R lph did not go m, but a&t out on the whcol oarro", "atchmg the old maa shave thmglcs, while the boy~ spl~t the blocks and chopped '\ood Bull smelled 0 ~ the Uitl\COiner again Ill an ugly way, and got a. go( d 1"'ick from the older "on for hlB pains Bltt out of one of lus red eye3 the dog \'i'ar:ied the young school maatet' that he should ) ~t suffer for all k1cJ i::t received 011 Ju~ DCCOUllt If Bull once takes a holt, heaveu and pr h cant make lmn let go, said Bud to lt:i.111h, by way of co1nfort It"""' weJl lo1 Ralph tlrnt ho hogan to boa.rd 1ound by s+opp ig at ?tfr Mua.ns Ralph fe't that Flat Creek """ "hat he needed He had 1 "\Cd a bookish '"'e l~ut here wn.s h s lesson i ~he al:t of inan a;u.u g peJJ£l~ _J'tln h J!'h.o CU'l. _1n:-nago th e e 1t.:n1ed and Bliiapp 'lg youi;h1 of a w n er school in .Floopole Cotnty ha.a gone far tolva1ds lea i:' nng one of tho hardest of les·o11s And twenty five yea!ll ago, m l\rl Ralph K tnue, th ngs "e1e worse than t1tt:y are now Theoldet son of Mr Means \Vas called B ud M en.ns What his real naine w 15 Ralph could not find out, for in n1any of these fa.nul es ihc rucknamc of " l:lud gn en to the oldest bo) , and that of "Sio .vhich '"tho birthright of the olde.t guJ, completely bury the piopor Chnstum na.mc Ralph lVnB n. general He Ba\rh11 first stra. egtc pon1t which "as to capture Bud Me"119 Af r suppe1 the boys began to get ready for some orng .Bull stuck up Ins ears m & d1gnined vtny, and the three or fou1 yel low curs who were bulls satellites yelped delightfully and dl9cordAntly Hill, .aid Bud Means to !us h"othor ' ax the master ef he'd hke to hunt coons Id like to take the starch out of the s tuck up fellow 41 Not gh fl ...d w·as E11 s rep1 J "You dur:.). t do 1t, sa. d BuC "I don t .,ak.e no se !\ a dare 'r.... turned Bill, am!" al d do\\ i o the gate on wlnch R alph s .. ood 'vatcl:ungthestars come out, a!ld w.LSlu i.~ he hr. :l never seen Flat Creek 'I 1'&J 1 ll'J.Hte.1., bega l B 11 '1n1ste~ t11ey Aa coon what e been a. eat1u1 ou~ ch.1.cken~ lately, ancl we re g o1n to t-ry to 0 whence he ca.rue You see, coni1nued)'fr 1\Ieaulj spit t1t1g 1:i a 1nedita.tive so1t of wn.y, ' you st", we a1n t none of yo1 r ~o"t 901 t. n1 these. P.alph woke deh~h!ed to undit rammrr te.c.l h~sohoo) room, preservmg a cool ~:l~t::,~~lled by a friend l 011 l1ave rnvited He did not want t~ hunt or fish oa Sm: ancl do3;;&:ed 1 ..am1e:r He sa.w ln the eJ es day, and thu1 steady rau1 woulU enable of the boys .,hat there ~J\S m1sch1cf brew ' J>A \\hat cnn I do unlc~s '1 0 ll ff'C DH him to mako fuenda lHth Blld l do not mg He did not dare 1t doi;., !us a udmg habit, up here m the I know· how he got s ,,ar e::l., but ri.f . . or break cha I for fear of a. pin "Get Juto q. l~a.b1t of w·alk1ng n1y de 1 fast he boe m t o toll sto11es Out of all Everybody looked solemn F.alph hft J ~1'il,,, deat.Wllli ·Jllmnced of Mis< Marv the lJoo\.s he had ever read ho told stor' , ed the hd of I !us desl: Bow "ow ' Scott whf>lw 8ii _,.,.,. "Vl1 -'-1'2 _,, air1.u\'111g oo nstn 1 n.fter s11ory And" old man Means and "' 0 ' ' wow t Yin~ tho voice of an un of the la.to SirWalt.tni~t~ old :r.-r1ss l\ien.ns n.nd l3ud h'leans, and prisoned ptppy, n.nd the school gi.g~Jed I "" B11l l\.fen.11s, and Sis l\1eans, listened with nnd then fO"ted 'fhen ctcryc;h1ng was D1:: SIBI"SI\. is n HJ o.rn Jl!~deu :~ "" i"'!t ~ gieat eye· while he told of Smba l's ad qmet from which nearly all ' the tits the hum '11 ventures, of the Old l\1an of the Sea of! The sclinl~rs expected an outbur& t; flc1:1h JS hutr to 011g1nat o lhe Poruviau Rob1naon Crusoe, ofCa.p·1.1u Gulhv1::rfll e.... "rn..th froru 1Jhe teacher ]or they u S)rup, a protected tsolutiou of the pr~ perience at L1hput 1 a.nd of Ba.ion J\lun conH!! to tegar<l. the whole world a.a id toxide of Jron ts a loll/ tried ancl we11 ~ 8 ch::'tusen fll exulo1ta._ t_ e<l tnto t \VO clasill~S, the te....cher on tho one f tabhshed re1ned3 fur th1s d1shess1ng cout Ralph had caught ]us fi.ah 'J ha hu11g~ v indo &a rep r :!Se11t1ng lawful a.uthor ·t',} :tn.d pl a.u1t it ha.a ctu·cd thou~·uJ \8 when .othct' · th L ' d ) iu 1nds of hese backwoods peoplo sick and e pupilJj 011 tlie other n1 a eta.le of chron 1eu1e lB!S hale f ulcd d.) ing of therr own co1nn1onplace: we1e re JC obt:Jllon To play l\ trick on he llla.B ter IF y ot;r hotse 1:$ 1 nne, soru OI galled, freshed with the new 1 fe that ca1na to '1ias an e'\"' deuce; of 8 [Hrit to "he.... the :v ou sP.oulu use J oh1'u;01 ' & .tino<lyui.: rLttH the1 1 magu1at1ons in these atoruis For master "as to ho tho croVi ned heio of Flat n c lt n a.sl.. the part \\1th ens tile soa.p an~l there was but one book 111 the Met.ti.ft bb Cre(~k district. Such "hero i."ias Bud wa.rtn v..ater tub th .r , nttlL a clt!n.ll cloth ra.1y, and that, a .,,e]l uhuntbod copy of ~Ieans, al d Bill, who had less 1nusclo, then b.prly the LL1nn1ent, i1th 01 nell nith Captain Ri 1ey s N a.rrative, had long sn1ca Baw a cha.nee to distmguUsb 1um30lf on a the hand lost a.ll 1ts freshness tcnrher of slender frat le Bence the pup PREAcmso - Mrs H B Stowe gtvos tho "I 11 be dog ond, said Bill, omphah PY m the desk foHo\\ ng s el:ch of n. N e\v Ei gland uun11s cally, f J hodu t ruther hear the nlMtur Ralph B nrtsook grew red m the face te1 - ' He 'vas great on texts, the doctor tell tnem whoppm yarns, than go to a when he""" the puppy But the cool, re Wa3 Vi hen he had a p P1t to prove ]10 cu9<lus the best day lever aoed· Billcould pressed, bull dog mood m whwh he had Jest go thro the Btblo and drive 1'11 ti 0 pay no lughor coruplunent kept h maelf ""'eel h m He lifted the texts ahead o hun hkH a. flo ck o .tJheep What P.alph wanted was to make a dog mto hl8 arms, and ·troked him until and then_! there \\VS a text that :teemed friend of Bud It's s n ce thmg to ha.e the laughter subsided Thon m a solemn to go il.gln hun - why be d c~ 1ue out with tho seventy four gun ship on your own sido and sat way, ho began lus f1ree--' and Hebre w and. kind r. elu~ and the more Ha1;sook adn11red the "I am sorry,' and he looked round tho it 1ound a spell, JU.St a.s you see a fc} knotted muscles of Butl :Mea.ns, tho more roon1 with a. steady, hard eye- everybody chase a contrary bell wethe1, and 1n si he demed to attach him to himself So, felt that there was a conflict commg-" I hun ]Ump tho fence af er the rest-I t w'lienever he stiuck out a peculiarly biiPi ain sorry that any scholar ui this school you the1 · wai i t r. o t ext m the l31ble th ant paseage he a.nx1ously watch"d Buds could be so mea.n - the word \Vas uttered could sta!tcl ag1n the <l oc tor viheu h1sl ~~ ·> e B ut tho young Philio.me kept ht1 with a shaip emplrnsis, and all the big was up own counsel He hs ...ened but said not}1 b oys f e1t sure that there would be a. fight 'IHE 1ilu10LS Con 1 fl.1 Raih~ :.\)' Coinpan) 1ng, and the eyes under th~ shagJy brow wi~1 Bill l'vieanfJ, perha.ps with Bud south of Chicago, a1e building e}e, t:n u L 1lea gave 110 sign Ralph could not tell " could be so nwan.- 23 to- shut up ]us of Coin Crib~, thn cap2city of )\h1c1t will whether -.;hose eyeB were deep and inscrut rnoth,,~ Ill such a place as thatt be t l.iree 1n1ll 011::i. of -thue:hols llLe.y are able, or only stohd Perhaps a httle of llrre was a long derisive laugh By e,.ec~ing these cribs i,O 1cce1ve coin 111 pay both When Mondaymornmg came Halph one stroke Ralph hatl carried tho whole 1nent foi 1a.nds pur<;;ha~ed o.e the Com1xLny 1 was nervous He 'va. 1...ed to school with I school to hia side lly the s1gn1ficant Bud glancea o~ the boys Harlsook detected and the f ull Chicago price is 1.10 be 1 iJld or ' I guess you re a ht~le skeered by wh.a.t the perpetrator of the Joke, and -Wlth he 1t tl1eie Corn iR the g en.~ a~ .-.ultu1al CnT>t tho old man s~ud, ant you1 herd o.nd dogged look 1u lns eyes with staple of ha.t co 1 l J , nnd the dian Prun Deo;"1oye:i: is he best ren1e :ly Ralph waa about to deny 1t, b:.it on re JUSt such a look ~s Bull would give ~ pup flecu1on concluded that it was a.lways bet1t py, but with the utn1ost BUa\ ity n 1118 1n an.) couni,-ry where a d1so, dercd con cht on of the sto1u 1:e1 hver a 1d b owc1 e, to speak the truth He srud that Mr vo1ce, ho said 18 combined )\Ith grea t deb1llt) nei\ous. Means descllp on of o.:he school Mel made u W1I11 Lm Means, w n you be ao good weakness a.ncl p1tense 1ncln.nc}1oly 1t.1 hnn fe el a little down hearted ·· to put tlns dog out of cloor 1 effects a1e tuost benefica;."1.l and wondorfl1l "What will you do the tow·h (to BE COXTINUED) Pr oe 2li cts pet bottl< tsoltl b) tll m<d boys? Yonan t no ina~c.i for e111 A~d --- - _ .. _____ - tc1ne dcale1s Ralph felt Hurls cyeo not only mcuaurrn{i \N lowa court hM decid ed that a '"' lHE u!u.c tcy of Bryans Pulu1onic waf( l.:t lnR n1nscles, but acrut n1z .... 6 li, cou1\ten ma.11 can ttue het hushantl for tHfln~y boi 111 cu1 llJ '1.:0lIJ;hS cold i i d a.ll Bro1tcli11 l llnce he on'y ansnered ro"ed of her ' I don t lllov. P:r.ENTI TO :uo Ar HolCE \\bun ~he afrect o it-:1 und chect ug th1;: aW. c~ s cl lt" ~ 1~ .ou~hy I , -· J l ""It I "'\hat would JOU do w th iue, for 1n ~uce? and Bud i,tre ched ) 1weelf up a& 1f to slu:.ke out tho reser~o }-'O\\EH oo led up in h 1s great 1nuscles "I sha..nt have any itoublo with you "Why, Im tho worst chap of nil I thr:ishecl t1te last n1as~r ntyHelf ~nd Lga.in li1"le uyea of Bnd l\.fe... us loo-' ed out sha1ply fro1n his shadowing brows to see \;he effect of t1na speecl1 on tohe slender young iuan "You won t th.rash n10, though, .eaid Ralph " Pshaw I I low I could wlup you man melt of your hfo with my loft hand and never half try, said JOUng Afaans, '\'o'lth a threateniug s11ee1 " 1 know that a. well as you do " Well, a n t you afraid of me then I and agalll he looked sidemso at Ralph "Not a b1t, tsa1d Ralph, wonder1ng o.t hlB 0\111 courago They walked on m ·ilence a mmute _ Bud wwi turmng the matter O\ er ' Why ant you atra1d of me 1' he~ d, present!~ "Because you t:nd I tro going t'.I be f1 ~ndf'I "And \Vl:a.t about t otheii ~ "I am not afraid of all the other boj 8 put together "You ant fhe m1ach1ef 1 How's that 1 "Well, I'm not af1a1d of them because you and I are going to be fuends, andyou can whip them altogether You 1l do tho tightmg ·ud I II do the tel\Chmg "-rooJY Hou.sE8 - Wooly hurt:1u!f lt'il U)t so to.re a:; Ju \.UY supp J u not such g.1.eat. car101;n t cs eitht?r, tl ei e nrc inany t o btt fo und ,n vu.r1ous parts of tho couutr:y, but we doubt f they \\ ll uvet' pro\ & a'i 'tilu a.olo t'.J t.hett o'Wncra e~ the one exhlbtted by Lunum v; o nun.gin "' the t owner& \\Onld cons der thoul 1noxe valuable 1·nth ont tho 'i ool, £01 th s ?ough and '\OOlJ ~t:!.:1.e of the ha.u ind1vate!i that the h orse 1s not m o. heo1pl1y condmon- probablv hid e bound, or suffering from some disease A M.a.N tu.lnt a note to a r ch neighbor wh ch occalons this unna tural appearance with \Vhon~ he was on I ieud 1y tcrn1s to . .n such cases \so ' D arley B Cond 1tiori borrow nn asa for a. fe w hours The Powde!"S and Arabll'n H eave RP-1ncdy, 1t wor"'hy 01cl nian wai:s no scholar, and hap will pur' y tho blood cor ect thoapp etite, paned to } a re a. gue«t fnt mg with }nm at teruove nil obr.l.1 uctions nom the lungs and the ine to wnom he did not :w ish. to ex 1 ,et , and give tQ u~e coat a slee, and. pose lns i3aorance °'1en1ng the note nnd shut ngappeara.nce Renteinbetthcnam~ pretendmg to r e· d it, ho reflected a mo and see thnt the aig%tur e af fimcl & O ment, and tt ned to the oervnnt, "Very / ,. on ench package Nol throp & good,' u d ho, "1· 11 >~llr m!Ulter rn j Ne~ -&·'1e, Ont, propr10ton1 tor Cttn>c'~ ·om· pre·olltly 1 $gld )>y all medicme ilealon late Rev Dr La..-.rie, of r~ontlon 1 wa1:1 ex a.nu U!lJ a. few of hie parUtl' onets 111 n country J Rtl'\ct, he ~l:ed John A tde f'l! vu, 1 & solid fa1n1er; to repor.t the 1 enth Con 111:indn1cut Johu stuinble<l on s:.s fLr al"l ' Thou sluilt not covet thy no1ghboi a house, n...---id then. s~ovped ' 4 Coute on, 8&H-1. t~a Doctor, 'thou 15ha1t uot covet thy 11e1ghbors wife ' ":Na, na, sn1d John, "nnne o li.ltat, Doo.. or I hae enot~gh tw dae w1 oor Tibb10 at ha.1ue, tac \f'a.nt ony man s wife ' AN Oh10 l ·dy who for years haa trumph &ll ly ca.rried off tho fhat prenu111u fut ct.nned fruit tit the s·a.te Fa.ir, hM beeu igno1n1n1ous1s overlhrowi1 by the cur1os1ty of one of her o"'\vn &e3: Her fruit v. a.a aa plump and fresh looking as evei, but a la,dy member of tho Committee mS1Bted upon operung the can, 'vhen it was found that the preaervmg mgredient W311 n wt y strong br1he The Co1nm1tto,, ent p· l ~ overlool lllg the novelty of the pre'" 1 procosa, did not consider it of sll!L veJ.ne to n1er1t oncouragcment, and pre.... v I> ruled 6ut ti e specuoon 1 o a pto\ erb In th e U111 ed \vhe10 111,,.s e 1na vc llo\ s \\ l c.1...1 31'1 kno"W1l t l:c~ t ear down t.11 upposi.tlo_n tntl e , p e all II\ alrJ l1e de1nnnd f )r tluin\ has ste1tdily mcrcasccU or the J,..t t " cn tJ \eat~ until i1ov; the stlus a'ie1age o,al one hundred thousand boxe1:J a y e u E1u inent 1ne1nliurs of the nte d1ca.l 1 rofessH n without u1.11nlie 1 ~dnat th ~t the> kHO\\ of no 11epa at on prodt ru1g Hucu bcnehci:i.l 1csultl$ as tn ~se wafc1~ \\ hc11 takc11 1 season tl l y o Iect :i. pti, l a '"lent clue Sold by all dru,&g 11 s n1Hl c )1t r1tt) Jc ~ e1~ t t 25 conts pe1 box pal'laod S+i..1. ci . . ., ' I l Lyma~