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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jan 1872, p. 4

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J'ou "haL port 113 n 1nr111 bound dunng tourtslllp! Bou"cl to Hane Do!i't .MINn ENE~IIES ~ llave ~ou ene I I I §!St ____ LE& BARGAINS. .AR.,GAI~S GREAT BARGAINS AR:ie NO>V GIVEN A1 THE STOVES STOVES 1 ' 1n1es ? If they block up your go round ihe.n and do your duty regardless of tht.:u spite A ma 1 wl10 has 110 ene 1111es ~s sehlon1 good fo1 nnyt.lung , he is Jnade of that k1ud of ni..."l.ter1al ,vh1ch is· so easily \\Otke<l. that c\ery 1uan has ha.nd in it A st,n' ...11ng character-one who thi.nks fur hunsclf, and speHJks "'hit J he tl11nks-1s ah\ ay~ sure to have ene j 1nics 'I hey ls necessnry for hun as l fresh arr, they keep hun llne tind active J A celebrated characte1, "ho su1Tounded by enenues used to remark "They are sparks wh1;h if you do not blow, \vlll go 011t of then1seh cs Let tlus be :) out feel ing "lnle endeavou ring to live dov.:n the scandal of those who are bitter against you If you stop to dispute, you do but as they w1'1>h, o.nd open the \Vay for more abuse Let the poor fellow talk , there will be a 1e.ictlon if ) ~ll but pe1forn1 )Our duty :a s TOVE SI ' J O p\ '11J ie 111 I sturow1d.111g count J. PHOrl'OGJ~_A 'R GAL L E ""\:T NE "v . Sewing l'li!achinc Chail cui; c. J>J:--I 1 I T HE _ ___ < I AFTER BEiliG ENGAGED J<OURI Juonths in the D rutcd 8tatco Sl'! lJJJl 0,. tJ e Osborn. - - - 0---- iuoet oolebrated l\"Io.cluncs"-ra n g ug 111 I dce fi:on1 ~65 t.o $150 I a n1 sauaf cd t 11at. 1 i i tng e ~nd q uab S UB;:,CRlDM< f BEGS TO IN 1 Cheap "EJ '<'Cl'lO'l O'·' S'I OV"' , BEsl "·:> _.. I'. f 1 .f'_,.ti " c>erofrmcd "' t he Lo" n c01nprosrng UOOllBC', PARLOUR l!OX COAL 1>10 VE!', >!ND )Jtants o Bow1na.n' 1lle and lnut he b as lhe I 1 Y of work the J..ockmnn , snot am I ""'ed b' any of thc1n and r li e1eby i t:: peat 1nv , hallc n ge up Lil the brick block co111 c [ of King l.nd to last }ear to r u 1 lt n.gainst nn-.,; in l 11 ue of its l c npe1 w1ce H~1eets 0110 of the n10!3t con1pletc price inadc 1n Ontario Photo ~p·a11h Galleries iu LlHs see lJt u of the Pio s ~ 1\il EL S::.'11.ALL v1nce JS now pre1nued to tal-..e Locl'"man .i1..gcnt 101 ll &. 1[ Q lLA.J1..A ALL Bo\VJaan' ilic J ti..lJ; 25tll 1871 5) tf THE SUBSCRIBER H <\VIN G FIT KINDS OF LJ KF,NESSES - ---- Corner .n the LAf1'5 , AND MOS! !MPHOVED Store. , STOVER! of th e la.t.csi put.terns a Hl of the bc::it v,:01 k n1an i-;lup '\ h1ch he "ill sdl STY LE OF THE ART. A call o.nd inspect Jon ofspec1111eu r:i 1 s re quested ENTTIA};Cl1:- 0ppos1tc To"n IIlill cnt1 ance AS CHEAP AS IX u;y MAilKE! IN THE DOMINION Also, agent fo1 the cclehratell A1ue11.can L W llo,\!m1P1vill e Oi:tolJer ttJ1 1871 S~X lUN PUBLIC OPINION 1 BASE BURNER AND HEATER l-llltl:l fJAYlNG COKCLUDJ-:D T 0 I P L CaH nnd e-xamme Stoves nn<l. pr ices before 1nuchasu1gel sewhcrc m:EI~id\\ ll COfl-llknHis Oils Putty G1 ass &c &c FOR A Good Smoke, GET IHE ' Proclaina the Glad '.l'idings! ha.a fully JUBhfiocl the 011g1nal iden, that at the Cornet Store" .}OU cun get F I'I' r_rED A.ND WELL SUITED _ _ -- 1 Give Up t~e Stove Business AND CONFINJ!" 1\1 \' AI lE~TION ,fTI N l \V-A RE. fli ~sia NEW BRAN D Tlrn FAMOUS I No Risk. 1ho11w,' 111 lc< tric 01lf JfT0 1 th TeuJ:'l'1 111-ti; it~ n rc1ght 1n Gold Do yon kn-0w a11yth11ng of tt 'I If ttut, it..a-s tnne yot£ did used It ia thcchco.pest J\'Iedwinc C\ crrunde Ollo:: d o8C cure:-; co1un1ou til re'lhroat One bottle ha:; cured D1onch1tiA Fi!t.) centli \Vorth ha11cu1 eilan old standing Co ngh Oneot t·vo botilea, crue..~ bad cases of Piles t~nd JCidncy I roubles Slx to c1~l1t o.pphcaLlo11 Acure an~ caw of 1".lxcor1 a.ted inpp\e!'I 01 B1~:'l.i'lt One bottle htis cu11 rl bl'.Lck of eight~ cars ~ t,i.i.11dlng J_,.:uucl Pl.auk of J3rookfiolll Tioga c·ou11ty Pa say1:1 ' I l'> nut thn t)' nulcs fot a bottle or ) our 011 " hich eifecte1l a wondcrrul cnre nf a croo kcd lunb by Slx ap 1 11lcat1<lns .Another " hoha.1:1 had Asthma for years i:Ul} s I ha' o half of J. DO cent bottl< left A.nit $100 " ould not buy 1t if! could get no more ltnful:l Robinson of N11111fl., N Y "rites · One snrn.11 bottle of J ou1 blecluc Oil restored tho voice where the J>er Bon 1 ad uot\ e a whi!i'\)Cr 111 five yt;!l.l'S He' J 1\'ln.llory of Wyoming N 1: ~rites ) ou1 Electoc 011 cured n\C of Bro1u lulls in one week Doo.lcrs till o'er the country SU.:\ We hu.\ c never sold n.mcd1clno that given such co1nplctc Bil.tis faction as this It 1s con1poscd oJ six of the bes t oils that aro kno"" n Is as good to take as for external uao and Is belie' ed to be unmca.surnbb supcuor to an} thin"' e'er n1adc "\"V ill i:iavc you n1uch sur fering n~d nian} dolU\1 i:J of expense Is sold by one or ul.oro dealerti in overy place where these c1rcula1s found Pi lCe 25 cents W h~~ not buy it to-da;> i Prepared b} S N THOl\I ~ <:.:, PIUCLPS, N Y, AndNORflIROP & I YM:.AN 1S r,nvc,i.e.1 LE, Ont Sole Agents for the Domunon NOTlr. - Electric-Selected and Eleotr1.zed A ii a ~~ 01 tinent of tin1J a1 ~, and cv1n T l"lo1nell~ rt.ncl Pill.a of l he l!Jnllllcn t Ju lw.11 ll:Icd1c-11ic .11-l<tn~ Doctor [ c'~ io loscp l i,, of ow Grent 'lrilJe of Shosl on!jei-; British Colmnbia is 'vorking t ho 1nost 1nru vclous o.n rl nstonis}ung Clnes the Wo1Jd evcr J1en.1d of Neve1 n 1 the annals ofCa 11ad 1an l\1cclical H IBton h11s snch s ucceF.Cs o.t.tcn ded the 1ntrod uctio i o ( an~ 1ned1 cine hcrctofo1i;>. WH y1 HAI 1'HE GRE \'[ SHOSHOJSEES T HIS CELEB l'tA'l'ED llI <\CHINE no-w bee n tei$led be) ond all queat.on nnd the edict of t 110 pubile iH t h at t-0 dny D CHEMIST STOTT, AND Dl"":\.I...Elt IN nion 1101i, Stoic. p ip&J, Gallow:) pvpcs, Dnrnb Stote.'J, d\; , kept un hand DRUGGIST ItXCilS[VEJ.. '10 HOT ~iIIl DRUJVIS Oh 1n-ad1J lo 0-1 de1 P UN CA:NNOTSTAYWHEREITIS µ 'l'OJVl f HALL BtJILDTNGS, BOTVMANVILLE. JJa"r- !Jot .:-\.n Furn tees fitted np rn ost 11np... O"\ied pla11s t ho DRUGS. 1'-f EDICTNES, AND CHEMICALS, D} c Stuils, Pa.tent M ed1c1nes l>e 1hnue1y, Br11shes, Co1nbs:, Soaps, P aints and Oils, Po.u1t B1 ushes Co tl Oil, n1td Coal 011 L\n1pa &c , <~ C \\lLI '" ELL M) SI CCl~ OF S lO Vb"" coi; SJSTING OF \\ OHfC\T \NSl:IlP secoud to none in the Do 1111111011 n.ll kuuh1 of JoLl 1.11:; tlune o n tho sh ortes t notlt;"'· n.u<l tl rc"" pri ce~ ~DWIN HORSEV Boi1111"1.ln 111< Aug ust 16 lS l ~Ir COOK PAR l., 0 R, - AND- NEW TIN 8HOP \ OAR IN BOWM \NVILLE PYY$IOI"-N~ PI<l'SCRIPJIONS l'AR~.FULLY COM.POUNDED AND ALL ORDERS COimECILY .'.NSW~RF.fl w II fUlf1 G. 0011 11 1 AS MUCH 1'1.JUSOHE IN of JJ!!B... .F' a· nd PhyiStcians /1 on~ the 001.H~t , !/ wlll Jind o tu Stock OJ plete and of the best quality 1\f1dicvtw~ co·m. b) John Ulen FOhl\.fT JS C the rnl1 .... h1Cu.u ti; 1 Bo\\ 111u'"' , iJle l:i lti ~ o 1111dJ 11µ: t LJ 11 11) Uuit Ju J is ope u d 1t ~ Ne '" I1 n t:ho p 11 tl o ~t ore l»,~cl~ ouc.n1p1cd REED, James Morris, INI UARRlAGES WA GG O);S, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS &c, M.ANl I AUTUtmD TN \NY STYLE L>ESI .Rli D A~D HARD TO BELIEVE. True Nevertheless! I BOX ADA.I' rED FOR lEirmm Sl'l~EETS How111 in vi.Ho ,., h e1e l W11l kee p consta nt}} on / h n 1111-1 well 11electcd stock of sto' cs Jap a1n100. pl'csse l 1-L11U pla111 l1n\,a.:rc I " h1ch h o i;;; 1l110el 1 h ING A N D DIVISION SIMPLY boon.use tlie nu1ne1ons Vu.111 l.Ulc a cb" medicinal\ c~ctnblc 1ngi:edientF1 (son1 e of ·wJucl:! - AT 'AO will n1e11t1011; such as the .1' xho.cts of' \i\ dcl Che11·\; l odoph}llu111 Jun1 11c1 St))attweed bandultou, Cotnpon nd & Ext1actof Coloc}nth Jnln.p SocotJm e Aloes Capa1c1nn &c &c ) wlnch e nte c u1tothc co1npo' e1tion of the co111 b1ned n1cclioinc n:re SlH.:h rnlll so harmon1ou sl} classified a n cl con1potuHletl Lh it it ONE POOR EAST is the n1ost scarch mg curatn e 1n the knO\\n t\ orld and enn uot l1eJp but ct on the sysl;e 111 111 a VC1J' -Bnt1sfnto1y u1ldesu1ble ma:n ner No 1na.lte1 \Vha t your l\Umcnt u1n.y be or of ho\\ long standing 11.. \\ 111 find the spot KING SI BOWMAN ~ ILLE a.slom~l yo u bJ the rapnl u1 t 11101 1n " lueh ) ou arc icstorcd to pc1 feel h en.Ith atid fnll' 1gor Don·mu.n, ille Oct 18 1871 Tlufl Medit;u e i,, pleasn.ntand Eafc to t a ke ruw 1s W!ln.inte<l u.nd lnn.y 11ositJ\ cly be r el ed u po1 to 1111:ik e a pcrn1 tn e11t t;nre of 1111 d1scn,1-> cs of th e fh1oat, Lw1gs Llver IC1dnc3 a lJ1gcsb \ cOrg :'\J s &c, &c a s \VCU as Scroful ~ the vauous Diaea.SP.~ H1unors 111d ill iliseases al 1s n,.,. fr on Cm11u11t} of the B 1 ood excepti ng the 'T'J n~ St of COn $t n1pt1011 -" l lth t r info 1rn atlOll \nth f uJ, d11ections for uslngth cG1 f'AttShoshonce>< Rt ned) u.nd P lh:1 1u1d contanung i rn>.liu 01nuls ~nd Ocrti ftca.tes ofC1n cs can be obtnmcd b~ s ccu 1 ng tlie J'Tcn.tasci t11 c lland book o the .Al u1 IT n.o and N RESPECTFULLY REl'URNING Cuc\1]a1 1jftoin Ll.Jl} rcsycel.Lble D1ugg ist tlu~ 1luLnks Lo Lbe pubUc fo1 pBSt liberal patron.!tqe Dom11uon- f1 cc J:lrw~ uj Berrux ly in lco ye I'tnt Boltr£ '.i 1 OC would a \nOlllHiethat ho is no" p1epared to fill ills p er JJo x 2o cC<nl11 a.ll orders 111 luslme 111 a 1nanncr seconcl to no ea t ablisl.unant Ln the counhe:-; Myrtle Tobacco, DOU GLAS', SILVER IQ ~tancb nitlumt aRna or F'. Y. COWLES', the n.1 ost s nbl'lt::i.nt1all} built ha!\ t he fewes t beat t lfn u<:;:-Stl!{ ·L a 1d fhu~h Hns the best dcSJgn of o. s uttle, nil<l by !1n the. 8 cap<~hle of pe1fornrI ARGEST ROBR1NS It 1 1ng a range of WOI k lnthurto thought ln11-0i:i~ 1bl fo1 Sev. 1ng l':.1"1.( h ne 2 It IB wo1 J... "'f r.~ p:.u-" ~ RIAC:i-EB "!'JlEAl' AS 'l'HE CHEAPES1" Speorn.1 ~tt Fnti on p f.l d to L\'i E T UOCTG IITNG AND JOBBING tn'ur 01 dcrs fion1 the corn tn prorupUy atl er ul e<.1 THE PRICE Ol' OTHER DOING IHF I IKl!. WORK Ia eqnu.lly l).t ho1nc on le:lthe1 as on fine guode: lltis ean1ed oR" prlzeit ove1 t1 c lio \e Snigf!r J ,ock1nan \VI eelet d!:-VV1lson 'i.Va.nze1 Ito.y1nond., &:c a" A POl'fcc" 1.fachille G uaranteccl or no u Bruokltn b} John"\\ ur;er Sold by J HIGGINBOTIIAM and D STOH Do,vroa1n illc Ontario For sa le by 'V T Atk11 son and Dr Dea.nfJ 0~1111."a in 'Vhitbyb~ J H Gerneand J Byrn ON TIIE SIIOR1'EST .NOTTCE - - - o-- -- OR WOOD~ Rags H .tJJ" Ef1K"l ci;I puce paid or I I ¥\ ool p1ok1ngs i'it Cll :'L d es~ Co 1)[!t:r Shcepsku1s l c \thc1 s nnd Ca11adia11 well n.nd pa.11l Pain Dcstroyc1· MEDICINE IT I 01abl3 kno" n , reUcvnlg thou A S A FAMILY fa.i; o.nds from in tile 1 GROCERIES VERY CHEAP. Jt.11" Gt cat inducements held out t o p edlers IS D - :E a rn1cra ' vn.n ting !lfilk Pails 01 Puns would do \\ell t o call anrl exanune 1ny stock he 101 e purcha1nng clsewhcr~ A sha1e uf Public utttJonagr vcc tfull:v sol 1 tl t<d Remembe1 thnt nothing but tlie 1icst )ll<Lter1a.l 1s u sed and best v. orkmcn cn1plo} cd- thus cnsur 11ig tlurn,b1htv elegance ~mtl comfort - the 111oet hnportant1eqLus1tcs 1n a conveyance Tll.U: ca:rnLl'H HAND JU,\ CHINES b attcnc1ed to ltepltir1ng in nll branchc.9 of lhe trude prompt- Stop and ~ee .. ALL h.lNDS OF !-..: Sido, B ack and B ead, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Sp;ai ris, BMnses, G1arnps in the Stoniac.hi Chol.,.ra J.Iorbu.s Dysentery 1Jowel Co1npla:1,nts 1 B1a··n. .i;, G l) ood Cookmg Raisms only 5 cents a pound, and er by the box 1,,. UMMEit DHY GOODS at cost - -MY STOCK OF-- B ow n1 \.llYJ Jle 1\i111<:h Sto 1871 "V G RLED 12 tl BLACKSMITH W 0 R K s .ATISF..1.\..CTORILY DONE &alds, Frost Btles, &c lg'l'he CANADI \.N HARD w A R Ei Western Assurance Com~an, $4 T Tef:lt11J1on1nl~ of the 1nost "l\011dCJ l't 1I ind l X tra01 dinar~ OUl es m CUJ t1l L by 1hc GRRA l l "\[ DI~~ HJ{:VIEDY lheJ fl.,l:-C :itm x1 undenut o l~ and1ncontostn,ble fictf3 s 1LOlc1 entto con ~l1 ce tr ie ' 1uost. skeptical that the Gt-cat.l\icd1cal Cou1pound 1 h~~~~cdaftcr fo1 ages 11; now access1blc 1n the SHO SH OKE EB R LMED l HE Fop.OWING REM<\RKS ON PAL ""f DESTROYJ.i R has now been before the -public fo1 u le11gth of time and wlu 1ever U!ied is ·vell liked neve1 ftuhng U\ a single inst.a.nee to gi' c pet mo.ncnt rehef when J tt111~ly used and we hu vo never knovt'n a single of <l.tsaatisfactlon where the directions have 1s lH;o:en properly followed but on the contrary all dehghted with 1l8 oyerntionfl n.nd i;pea.k 1n U1a lnghest terins of it s virtues uod inll.gic al etreet 'Ve speak from CX]Jer1cucc ln the 1natter hllv lng test ed 1t thoroughlJ t~nd therefore those who l aru snffcr1ng from any of tlie con1pli:Lints for 1 which 1L 1s recon1mended u1ay depend upon it beinK n. So\ cro1gn R e1ncd:r The a.sto1ush1n,1S cfilcac} oflhr. Canadian Piun Deat-royer in curing the dlscaseH fo1 ,., Juch it 1s recominended and lts womli rful effects u1 &nb du1ng the torturous pruns of lth emnn.t1sn1 nnd in relie>1n g Nervous A.ffecllorrn, entit le it t o high rt1-nk in the hst of R e medies Orders com111g in froin 1\.1cdicmc Dealeni 1n all parts of the country for further SUJlplies n.nd tcstify1ug I ,(IJrS,ttJsfactwn as- to the oni· c1sal aat1stact 1011 it gl> cs The Canadian Pu.111 Destlo} er never f11.1ls to tiive 1mrned.1ntc r ehef . 1.\ Jl Medicine Dealers JC.eei;i it }::Jbys1CJans order rtnd use it. and no -~"'--'::...-"'""' family will be-w1tho\1t it nft~ IC tTyLng > Price onh T>'.Cnty ft, e Cfnts i>er bottle 1 Hcunpton, 1\uJuSt 31d, For nn.le by "\\~ T A tl inson fl.nd Di De u1s !hawa, in \'i. lutb) b' J H Genie o.ndJ B~n1e Brooklyn b3 Jo11n \V o.ucn Sold in BowrnanY1lle Uy J Hib>g111holhn.n1 and D Stott and 11.ll med1c1na d ealers and Woolen goods are aclvancmg, but you can buy l iOTTON them at Elliott's, for a short time, at the old puces Now the time to secure what you need I IS WELL ASSORTED .A.lldt a~ Usnal, sclhng at P11ceis i h Lt con t1nne to G1 'i c S.it1sf tt: hon HEAD Oli'PlOE-l'OIWNlO 1 i~{, Cn.'<lltn! SI ua, c~o Sn t1>ln:; I h.1u!s, 20.s, 169 G4. Rec~l&lSr; for the )eiu: Cllflillg} 3Jr,SJS :ZG. llJtl· .June. 1671, llo~ J h1clYiuRRICH, Pi cs1clcnt B I-I \.LD \ N M n ig1ng D1recto1 EKTLEMEN m 'rnnt of a ne,1t fittmg suit should G ea1 ly at Elliott's Fashionable Tailormg Establishment eaul THOMAS f,,>'llarlll1teed mall 1871 I T HE 0 SB 0 RN SeWlng Manhine I, Lo "k-St1tch u u r ~ BASSETT. F'1 re D I e,t~onable c,tSflS c I 1 tf B o" lH"TlVtlle 1\ug ust M 18 1 1 _ _ I and- MBr1ne l NSUltANCE For Dlsea.scs of t11c Th.roaL Luugs l.n m D1 :5eO ti ve 01 g a 11 s l{ Hlnr:ys &c as ' ell {!..'; Scrofuln. Q '\'h en yon '\ant ,i,nytlnng 111 the the vanous Sk in D1sen.::i1»1 llu1nors a n r1 all ih senses L 1 81 ng fl'Olll ln1pu11ties o"" ti e Dlood "\\"' o.1rnage line, give J Al\IES Jvf()RllIS a lJoltUy_state that th1.s grcu.t 1eu1ed11 luu .NEVER call, and he \\ill suit ) on BEJ"N J,.QU.ALLE IJ \.Vhcrc \-Yas tl ei) C\; CI sut.h a cu 1c u.s that 111 lh e penmn ol \ "'ii Ison One door \.Vost of tho Ontv.110 B:tnlL Stor1n >i ofBughton Ontt\rio of Const1111p t1011 or !lHy that ol' P e tor 0 V l\hllcr of F.111 e:-:; t o\\ o Ho°" manvillc Oct IO 1871 rio of Cons U)nption ol th at of \n)b1ose YYood - - - - - of Cc>1 8ccun, Ontn.110 of D1s peps1a uid I ivc1 Con1pla1nt or t hat or Joh11 Ilose} ot N qn1 nee Guelpl1 Sewing Machine Co. Onta110 nt lthe1unat1nn ·w ho had a ctunlh been 011 crutches for "\ctLI S Ill sp1l c of aH treatn1 ent h erctofm 1 1~11rl1s no" v.:c11 b core s oC r;. uchcascs nught b e m en t ioned h a.ti \\ c space ~Call a t the D1 u.g Storo a nd get a fl1rc ttlar of IN A Sl!PERIOR MANNER u,re tl:u~ be,,t rnadc sunplest more dutu.blc ruid reliable than any otl er s rnglc tlu:end rnaehn1e 1..a.1gei and "Ol k w 1lli g reatc:ise \Vill do a.l 1 ..1ud,,. of do1 :t.estlc sewing n1 a perfect!; satbfac to1ymanne1 H:i.r; ta ken 1hst puzo wherever e '"hibit,cd AGEN'IS \'TA.NTETJ E'\'ERY\\ Cf ERE SPLENDID J NDLJCJ Il'fl!.N'l'S unquestionable eetUtlca tcs on tho r,H 1 11 1 8HONEE~ RE!l..1EDY nud satuifv }ont:;el\ es suo .1<"'01 t m n1s sam1>k::1 of gcwn1g &;c , t\Pl'lT to G(TELPH SEIVHGlffAC EH1'!E CCII. GUF.1 PH CANAD,1. KINO OF CANADIAN SEY\ ING l\-IA CH I NF S 1 Henry Elliott, Jr. "\1 LOWESI CUHHEl\TllATES KING OF AMERICAN -- Impo1·tant to the i'ubiic! Stovesr St 0 V eS T · - - -- ·----1L. ~- At the Ir:ionmongeryI WANTED - Olt- 8 p cc1:J Lo ' r i ri fl of It.ate.,, co' eru g Insu1a.noo f'or on e or three Joor s on Det.ached JJ wollings Chu1 cbes and Schoo!R with content.·; ln C1t1e::i lo vn,,. a.nd l oun1r' places Theso ro.tes and tc1n1 s of pohcJ partlculilllv fa.\ OHtble to the Farmuig Con11n u 111h S.ENilli.iJL>..CII..lliES 'l'hc G1·eat ll.lemalc Uerncd~. JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS l T nnfiuhng in the cure of all Lliose painful and da.ngcrou.s chsea:-;l;l~ to wh1oh the fen1ale const1 tutl.On 1 s aubJect It Jnodera.tcs n.11 excess and re tnoves nil;tio11s, und a speedy cure rna:> be rehed on It ii! pecuharly SOMEEHING BY EVERYBODY, HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS IEVEllY 01\f: HIS OR HER OWN PABN'l'ER! ING thnnks to tho 11l1i\h 1tants. of \ Vest Dur FIRS'l'-C Lo\.SS MAN WANTED for ha.u1 for the liberal support \'hieh lhey hn\C !L] ta"\J ellu g A i;;;cnc) for t h e ro,\lll·dll]J9 0 ltl) 1ng g1ven bun begs to 1nfur1rJ n.11 th ose \\ ho rue in thi!:l ']own .A.ppl;. 1 1 v. 1 i ti ng1 Wlth 1cferencrn; \Vant of n fuet Sto' e th it t11 \ van bo s up to 11,... unde1s1gncd fo1 t.1u.nsnuss10u lo tJ1e Head plied by him as cheap 1til 11ny othc1 hou~ in tlie Office t.rade He h as also for i:;nl c the cclcbra.tcd R & H OH\RA, 1.i0cal .A.gen t.s H O \\ mtun 1l e Se pl 14. 1811 7 T II HE SUBSCRIBER, IN RF. rDRN- b eau t y a.ndcx~cllencc ot'mochtn11s1n adnptabihty trength and du1ub1hty '"il"! I\ ' ' ~a":o'i-i~;el~c\Z~i~~l~.":~~:J:~ ~;', i~~~":id.e~,~~~ ;~~ I I ! : pronounced suJ!cr1orto a.nJ other n1achine offered J tJU~ ~ to t he public For w11le range of work perfectmn NAD.Aatenownsu1i;theseMachme13 1he) T EiOTJSANDS THROUGHOUT OA I P>tce of Ifoncd,, in Lai ge I'mt.> , $1 WR & H 0 fr AR .A \\Tholes tie a.geut!'l for tlte Coi..mties of"Dtu ha.m Ontario and VJCtorla K?." Spccia.l iuducemcnta to In e nge11ta J tunnry lStli 18.. l _ a" For Sale by All ])rug.gist s and De ~lors ·n lUed1 cu1e .Age \ t.S 101 Bo"nian' ille - 1\1.e.<i.:. i'S J Higg inbotham D 8tott \\.hole ,,a]( 1..genti> Nocthop & L)nrnu Ne·"""'" 31 f-i l · -! ' Ru h _, i j G Is 1 'nrr M h'1ne A (!i' i)~T~~u "\ffi'lO~ enera ac rrency i !1 j, h,' I H 0 0 0111 I Um U 1 lJ I Ari r 1 J ro r11E The Osborn Sew111g Machrne has no rival plu s ulh a of Se'\ ing ::VIf!chines Hundreds of tost1montals are being receL\ ctl d.!1.1lY f1 om oldas w ell as new opo1n.tors attesting its wonderf\t1 i~ I.rnprovernr.nts lately been 1nt1.clt'!, en ~bllng tlle 1nan11.facturers to c 1 a1m tt as the ne LIV£it, Ii!DN~;YS~ SKIN, STOMACH & BOV/E1S. RADW~AY'S \TARKE'l' BUILDINGS RUTAN II HO T AIR STOVt, tL~ Cottage and J!.nml Cos· liialc. one ind 11 quarter iuilcs of .Dow·mnnvU1c hein_g,- t]1t; 1co.r of lot ~ o 12 211<1 concessiou ot Darllngton Good13nd... ( ot.tage, C1sten1 Ga.rden nnd E nut li: cci:; on the p1enuses I er1ns ea,,yA.ppl) t" 1'1.['LEC>D'S 1~0USE It will ln o. short tlmC, bnng on the monthl;> period >\ith regula.11t3 T lw!te P'tlls xho1tld twt be ta ken by Ff':males dunno the b.,IRST THRET; A10NT IIS of Preg naney, a,, they are s1u e to ln ui{J on J\Ji'Jt ar· riao.:.i TO ~ A.."R:RIED LADIES AND VILI_,A PAIN'I'S, "hlcl1 is nov· ln use IJ) all the J(J 111c1p!l l ll.al1 \\ Stations in Canada I t 1s Jn st th~ tJii ng fu1 Churches lfalls nnd puU11c 1ugs T EN ACRES 01< LAND W[THIN trotn tho :finest c ambuc to tho coa.rse::>t over coat or upper leather G-tt<if'aiit~ed oo.pabiliUes VV1ll doa11 kirnls of domestJc se'A1Ug BOW~1IANVILLl:!~ Prepared fot 1mmed1ate use, and nothing but th~ purest l\futcr1als used, and re qu1r1ng no further 1nIXture of oils, Turpentine ~u1 d D1ye1 s H c is al ~ o rna.nura.ct uung the to be as 'eprt3en.ted, or no &ale Warrnnted fur ti~ ce year· 0U'lFJT is PERFECT but at anv othe1 time they are safe In. a.ll Ca.eos of Ncl"\ oua and ~~nnal .A.ff'ect1ons, Po.ins H \_ t he BncJ... o.nd IJ1wbi:! E at~g_uc on s1lght exertion Pa.lp1t tt1on of the heart Hysterics e.nd Whites thes"' B Us ·w ill effect a cu1·e when all t1ther n1eo.ns have failed and a.1Lhough a pov,1e1 1u1 remecly do not conta.1n 1ron oalmnel anti mony or ahythu1g l uutful to the con.st1tnhon F'ull d1rect1ons in tl1c pu.1uphlet around each JH\.Cka.gc \\ hioh i:;hn nld b e caret'ullJ preserved JOU MOSES N"H:\V YOJUC S OLE PROJ ltTF.'l'()lt BEST HOT AJR DRUM In Cnnada RICHARD PHILP 187 l THEIR COMPOSITION CONSISTS SOLEY OF - Pure Colm, Pu1 c Wlnte Lead, Pure White Zinc, Linseed OU, Spi1 its of Ttirp entine and D1·ye1s carefully <tnd scwntifuxilly combvned The consumer can ha' e .u1y desu cd shade of Colors n ently put up 111 Cans and ul ....\gent fo1 Lhu \ Vheclcr & \Vllson tbe lIO'i\ c he r eqtnres to buy w1th the Pa111t is a. Brush, as the work can be dune by hunself or and the Osbo rne ::5ewmJ" l\facho1es bj anJ me1nber of his household LE¥lIS QU I JK SEWING MACHINES. 1 (;1n Let Th~e Purnp Sh.op· \"ITll HORSE J:'O\\ EH & LA'l'Hl~ i t P' esent worked J,y tbn ,u iJ { uh m [v n 1 comp le i c u.ncl readily eorop1ehc11ded ls sold at one half the price hit het to charged for inaclJJnes f1 0 mg o. l iker tnge of work tl1~ inanufactmers being deteu1uned to place it tviLhin the reach of ev1;1r) laruily in the cou..nt11 OeDORN PURGATiVE PILLS. "Lo c KMAN" The Guelph Reversible Tu pre e. ilncnt ly the best Single Throad l\:lach1nc o!t'ered the pu"Ulit;-hen1;e lt oi Ina1 ' ellous sucocs~ Will do ail va.r1ct1esof d o1nestic sewuig Pi·uCll:s cn · : t A'l'LY R. D U C ~n $1 00 nJid 12!-. cents fo1 postage enclosed to Northrop &, r,yman Ne,vcnstle, Ont genc1 n.I agents for the l>omuuon Y>ill in sure a bottle, oontaunng over 50 1111ls by 1 ctu1n mrul For by 'i.V L 1\..tkinson and Dr ])eans Osha.wl\ tn 'Vhit by b} T I-I GerrieandJ Byrne Ln BrocJ:;tn by John 'Varrcn Sold by J lIIGGlNDOTH .\ 1\-1 tnd D :::;10'1 r , Bo,.,.Jnan~illc OntaHo PURE WHITE LEAD. A laige stock JUSt received for Autumn Parntmg, impo1 ted direct from the English Manufacturexs, mcludmg JAMES' Genume and celebrated Rooster bran<l- Guaranteed pme u~m ln .... ~ r f at e t h ~ ri n i rur n1 l 1 Onh 1 1 ll~ GlH In ITa.n<ll\1° ch1nc w1 J d~ ~17 ;Af'l.. l I .i; i C S 'J "EL1~fl SE \VLNG GU}..LPII h1 A.fl1 I1"~,.i:.. CO Y, In Jllen1oriam A. GAIJSSr EXPENDITDRES uttered no proh1 ition and Earth is not 111.JUted, but bcnefttt.ed, lly the1u AU those beautiful emblems which adorn the nu\n} ton1bs arounll \\ luch we love to linger aiss ure us tve are ui a wo1ld of "'A.Ml1 and lo· 1ng he1trl.1J the a.dornin~ of the sepulchre!t or the lo\ ed ones &llev1a.tea our gnef a.nd soothes tho wounded heart I t also cheers the be l'e11.ved to knrnv that ~in ndd1t1onnl cm bellish1nent of t.he grate ]Jrescnls flltt'onge1 attraotlonH to fL1 rest the atten tion of the stranger and cau~es hrn1 to }\&Use and learn the n1~ine of one "ho bM shared oo largely 1n the love of others \\.Te take tlu ~ method to inform :rou th~t we citn tlll 01xl.erf) f.or decoro.t1ng tho graves of depru t.ecl i'rtcnds at low ttgnrcs, executed in the best st1 le of workmanship 2000 GALLONS MACHINE OIL OF DIFFEltENT KINDS 500 COOK PAHLOR, HALL '.rhe ALSO - !ill sta.nd~rd Colo1s, Oils, \ i a.nushes and Pnurlers' Materials Call and sec hov. cheap a. House can b e l:> unted a nd Decorated, fot all these goods "ill be sold at r educed figures CA.N.L\ D .B..ln honor of the de-1111 Heai. nu hns 'Threshers and .Lll p :1.rtJes requ1r1ng such oil ile specially lnv1tecl to 111spect the va11ous qun.ht1es- the p11cc being fa1 ht low· .u1J tlnng ever offered n1 tlus: 1narket 'I'. J)A.U:J,iNG'.E.'01', nER IN DOMESTIC DE POHlED GIWCEHIES, AN]) :m.. hou o" cu; w 111 a.i~ allO\\ tu 1nakc such p ~} m cnt.s 111 Lddition t o 1nstaJn1cnts a s they 1nny fi u l COil\ e11H 1 t r ! lY be obta m cd fJ mn t11 e C \ n;idu, l -'011na 1 ut ll n ld111g :..ind S L\ in .. So cl e h by av~>]~ u i; 10 ~ AllE\\ .ELL l\lc GEE & P"C tLli;DGE Sohc1to1s J3uwu1a11"1lle /'!W" Pu\ Cund s to !OUL (ill o ;-;rr L OAKS FOR FROM ed. TO TWE::-<. 'l Y Yi 1ir j t o ht> rep 11d In fns tnlrncnts to s111t J &A SMI1'H, Agents :fb-r Qnha'\V R R ,:; bry, Pancreatic, E M E AND BOX STOVES, rnd A CAUTION. 'arnvmg and now on Exl11b1t1on largest and cheapest stock of Hatd'\\are, Ca111age Goods, in the County of Durha.m Welllngto n Building DO"\"\"tua.nvillc .August D 1Sil B R A B A M '. ~ 'lplainis. DISGO'd::Rrns. CHOlCE lEA~. A 'i ld al.I othe1 FRGl IR. PROVISIONS, &1 , CIWCKERY AND .Bo'1'. 111 un illc 01 t JOI--IN M oT~J:COI). ll!Q NUME.N.'l S, TABLETS. ET.C , 01' Tl~ 'l'hc CcJebr.atc·l Bradbury Piano Forte. IJol~~'s N N T TAKEN IN Drum. s DAILY - fO T PicrruriEB l.l'INE8T Qt: .ALlTY OF -ANV - 11. A.LI.A.]+{ & 1 MEJ.-llC.A. ." . ..'1.Al~BLE ~ scorcu ABERDEEN GH.A.NI'l I~. C BOUNSl...LJ.J, Bo\\ man.ville No. 1 Style LINE guppl1ccl on short notice Everything perta.ming to Cemcten: \Vork w1if 111cct wlth p1ozn1,t n.ttontiun, bJ lea.' ing or ~·rs wit~ AT FLETCHER'S I1~ I~. R 0 0 I--J E S T Picture Gallery, SIGN OF THE RED FLAG Sewing Machine - -- -- ~--~·---- TO LET. UON JOHNf;JMJ: SONSO P1:-i10NOY'1ll M ~HHI The Pump Shop "ITH HORSE POWER & f,AfH1£ 4,.t present worked by Lheaub!':criber Possession 1r1.v~ lmmedlately" l!ir Only buiunoss of the kind iu to\'t n~'plent.y of cnston1 - rftre cho..nce for a good Pu.Jnpm.ake:r 1 Bowmanville llolesS'l'S R & ll O'HARA, ( 0NT.AR(0 B.AZ..'K Hept 5thp 1870 TOOK:,Tll!E FllRS'l' l'lUZE AT THE Genera.I Agents Bow1na.nvJUe E SILYJ!:ll --------Bricl<s ! Dll'icks ! 1\"ork<! DttAR !u:ts -The purchased from you gomc six month!'S ago ru&nu!actured by Messrs F G S1nith & Co New York (successors to W B Bra.dburv of tho sa.nie c1ty) for \-vhon1 you Mc Ge11e111l Agent(,:\ is giving- grunt sattsfachon and is m n1y opinion a.nd in the op1n1on of nitl.ny 0 j11 petent Judges, a. fl115t class inslrument As far ns the workmanship 1s concerned it is iHE CET,EBRATED PERFEOl'lcl' e9.ual to the bes:;, Ch.ickcnng and ls, in 111y op1 Spcct;;i.clc::c and Eve Gla~seo nU\.nufacttn c·~ n1on supcrio1 tc. tbo instruments 1n1tclc bv this fir1n m richness and fullnesi:i of tono arHl it ia by LAZAP~l.TS' & J\.'[ORRIS and for which equal i! not supenor, in both these l'e&pects to have the sole ttgency nre braining golden op1n1on the instruments manufactureCL by :Stoddrod & Dunharn or Dunba m I may 1nentJon that I 1o1n all tho<:e 1'ho have t.ncd it If J'Oll "ti.nt hnve purchnsOO for ml ~elf and friends~ aeveral and no others AARON BUCKL ~ R age 1l Pia.noo manuiacturcd by the oldt1r1n or Stodda.rd Bo"W1nnnville a.nd Ylcln ty l m11 &, Dttnhrun, and still one of theu~ ill 1n} house X ours, J Sil\:IPSON Pro-vin ci al. Exhibihon F OR SALE, M<\CHINE MADEPllES SED W bite Bricke at tho Osl111wa Tlle 'I JOIDI WJL.~ON Just. held at roronto ovor the most renowned Sewing J\.'Iacluncs tu tho 'vorld among v; h1ch "\Vere the celebrated Ho,ve Wheeler &: \V <k......n, &:c 'Ih1s is onlj o. con1lrn1a.tion of tho -.. erdict yrc v1011sl) :i:cudt:r cll by the Gieat CnnR.dla.n Public and plO\ c s conclua1 \ ely the SUPEHIOIUTY 01~ rrrE LOCKM.A.N" O'ER .ALL Olll.F. RS JttiR & 11 011.ARA, Wbolesalc and Rcltul Agcn s J.l..l!<.o a.genls for Guelph ~ ewi ng Ma. First Pt·izc Cultivators. the attention of fnrmer-s to ti.le one horse and two hn:rec Iron ( ultlvatora ma.nufaclurc<l hJ him and which ha.\ e for six years obta1ned:tirst p1izes ·t Prov"lncln.l nnd Locn.l F'aus TlH3' un donW.dl"f the best implCDl ent of the kind in use s.nd will in a very short thnc in ore than rcpaJ their cost, ln Uie cfllc1ency a..n 1 r:xcellcnoo of their work lmmcct1 on lnv1ted A supply of Cultivall ton now 011 hn.n<l. tor the 5pr1ng -..vork, a.nd "'"1 be ·old t1.t lowc5t rates 't T HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT Still Aht-ad. sornEES, TEA PARTIES I FRO-N \V 'J'llOMl'BON D:!Q DIH.i::CTOH Oll' rnE PILLS. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK I ORO:N .i;o March l~th 1870 B lJ G G I E S land ' Ls of a e:uper1or k IJlu a 0 on i IRON HARRO"\\ S . A. N D WA G0 N S constantly on han<l for su.le ur .A.11 ltlnds ot Bla.ckrrouth work done on the ~lun·te!lt nottco A cull 11oliclt«l J WEBrco1r, BoT\-'1.Ufl-·TiUe · - - -- -~-----~ · GENTLEMEN - I -pu.roha:.;ed, .~bo11t ten ) eat"$ a.go one of Brndburr s p1a.noo- tbe firl';t con~ '\\'nt.D. J,01ve, JJ.A..r,,J,. B., &ignecl to this 1narkot It is acknowledged by 1>rofesa1onnls to be a. rcrr1 U'knbl} ftno-toned 111 ARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT s ti. ntncnt and I n1 a~ also mention, that ho.vin_g 1~A'\\-r Sol iCJtor in Cll:tnccry and Insol' ency been reino\ ed se \ eral times during thnt period, &c &c it hu only reqw.rcd tuwn~ twice Yo~1:f2r~ THOMPSON, Oftlee on S1lver StteuL, Bo'-vmanv 1lltJ Finn of 'l hon1~on & Burn·. onlou~teml.Aql: t11 o:i en. S) 16 W. & n , O:Hara 1 hnwa\Agente~r0nta.m J\.iF..SBRS R &;. II o llAn.&. _ ---- - B ALL SUPPJtRS, PUBLIC DINNERS, WEDDIJSG CAKES B clu i c Co Gr o"\i:>.x & llakcr S1nger Ho" c nnd '\11llian1s .l\'1noh1neq IA'e h o.\c also on hand a. a ftill ~t ock of the L ITTLE '\VANZER ll'!'R rer~o111:1 not t;;a tl.efled w ith one nfac1J1 ne can c x change fo1 an"ll otll er nside of Ui1tt} duys Re 1ncu1b er R &- .EI 0 liaro. a is t:ho SE wJ-z;: a M A. .. i-;.111 })1:1:1 OT

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