Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1872, p. 2

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(JAJ~ .A.DlAl<t 'l1 HURSDA Y, JANUARY 1872. 682 185 of the Pro ·· fol ~3 · 700 4"1 850 000 600 000 lomand Sr cal 800 000 1 'J 98r> 901"4 $3 810 963 ese tatior of on of so ne b lls peo1 le \le beco u g 1uoru re:3tlt!tjS und r ts operat on the nore cet ta n of ts clauses are becom ng kno n u d un leratood A large and nth ent n.l meet ng of the rate paye s of the 1 ow1 sh p of Darl n<rton )\: ns I eld A tl o '.i'o rn Hall Hamp o on Fr daz afternoon last p rs ant to call of the Reeve u1 obcd1 ence t a req 1 s:i.t on a.'3k e from all sec 2:111.l · 1869 Inspector or schools by requ )St spoke in reference to aecon<l :in l i ftl otions op posmg the sa.1ne Tl e i: IO'\\ s of MARRIED At h s res1dBnce l Bow no lVllle on the 18th i 1st bJ the R<>v E Roberts Mr J B MARTYN to Mis· HoorER both of Bowmam Ho ETIZABETH D A. N ....:-\.. S PA TENT SHEEP 11:ARKS. tho closo of the i: ear tho rrompt "" · J d reel n of nu bhc "11 IEC l P 3 Cash o 1 and J st far a y 18 1 $ Flom Gra nn nr jj lo 1 L ar:ds Sales :E rom Crow i L11 ls S lo8 Fro 1 '\\ oods an l l or s s Front S s1c1 sc Ac o t From M m I 1 Lo F u Stat mcut No 4 Fro n Interest 01 I vast. onts per Statcmont ~ o .Fro n L cc scs p er Staton e ::So u From Cas ml "'He e e Sta.terr cnt ]'( o ,.. From \lgoma Tax"s l e .,t t mont No 8 From I a Sta I s l o Sta e ment No 9 TYRONE The n1 s1nouarv meeting of the Bible Christ a i Society wa.' held m th s place on Tuesda, last the 10th mst 1he chair vas ably filled bJ the votoran Father Ey 1on After tl e r ading of tho Iwport by the R ov lllr Pascoe addrosaos 'voro dd verod by the R o' Messrs Barker Ayre and Cantlon The amount ta sed vas abo ii $75 On Fr lay even ng last tho oecond of a series of aoc1ah1 for the p 1rpose of furn islung the \Yealeyan Parsonage at ton ~as held at the resider co of Mr ~farshall CrJ derman and cons dcr ng the stormy veather vas q ute n. s icceas Tl e next w 11 ho o 1 Th Ir8 hy f next week at Mr J r o Gm, a n r, one J\Ion lay ev 11ng of th s veek tl o \\ oo leyan m irn1onn.ry u eet ng took place Tl o igh two of tho ·! oak ' e ·po to l fa1 l ed to Rrr vo the cet1ng was not 1 g in interest 1 01 n good '1 orks )fr '" n Clemons occuprnd tl e cha r a d tho Ro Mr Feip:uson re 1 I the Retor t wl ilo the spca< ng was furmsl ed l y ti o R \ Messrs Patchcl a l J olliffo Tho collec t ons a d sutacnptions .1.muu 1Le 1 t O"'i or From E 1 tcn.tio Depar nent per State ent No 10 P"romReformatory Pe etanl!I 1 ahono per State em No 18 .From Lunat c Asylum roron to per State ne t No lo From Lun:it c.A.ff\ lu wood 1 Flour per bbl Wheat per bus Barley Oats Peas Hav Jan 2u $580@$1>90 128@ 130 1 Go@ 45@ "O@ 68 46 For ~ale orchard For o tr W .u!ted .1 Stm le111 KNO~ 17 00 @ 7"J stable !lnd a good hearbg 22 ()IJ further a.poly to Bo mBnvUJo Sept "0 1871 1 AOIIB OF LA:ND A HOUSE AND l\IRS. Lt KE NOD LE O of coroponnding profcrrod NE WITH EC:M E ~.mmbn LEIJf,E I! RRmD:ll;J> MARKE1S Jan 25 Flour pet bbl Wheat Oats per bus Barie, Peas per 6b lbs Pot ito s per b 1s Butter per lb $585@006$ inu! §bunbl<es AT 2D 18 l 'lo Rent. hn,ij been Jn f3t re and neadow for lO yoor A quantity ot fallen coda.r or ei:z:collent quality for sale App y to Rev W LOGAN Cartwright r..e:pt Oct 'th 1871 F OR SALE D ar u'10 to1 ~~'i MILLS ~!PD ELL IN 18-tt Lo do1 per Statement No 16 hom Lunat c Asyl l n Rock From Deaf an l D tmb Insht i tion per Statomer t No 1 To amount w thd1 n. 'i'll from Bpecia.l Depos t Accou t From Dom n1on of On.1 ada From Mun c pal t os Fu d :From Coin non S hool Li ls 135 33 <i'.< 139i 34 A !l OJ o5@ 80 @ 20@ 15 @ 6" 82~ .1::\.... Con A BOUT 00 ACRES OF LOT :No 14, u Cart"WTlght The most of tl o la.nd 25 20 J. BOWMAN\ ILLE Mtl.RKETS B o \'! rnan Ille Jan 2oth 18 72 I nrm Hand U anted. Dl8llVI SE!IJENTS J'or C1<Il Go' ornment $ For Oolon Mt on Roads For Legrnlat on For Admm atrat on of J 1"t co For Lrnat o nndother As; !urns ms.mtenn.nce For Reformatory P ei et mg i ehone ma1nte ance ] lo u per 100 lb F all Wheat 1 er b s Spr ng "\\ he ,t Oats p 1 lus Peas Bar] y Rye Potat es Butte1 to i first man App yon the pren isc S300@3G 125 @ 128 It m le:. of Bown ru v lie to RJSHI\.\ 1 Iv @ 1 20 Do 'lnn.n rill J nn 8th 1812 2 n 40 (ii; 40 63 @ 60 1'i of e l,ost 58 @ 60 60 @ 62 30 @ 3o L -- IBEHAI WAGES \"\ILT llE PAID r cc ts Ifor, le om S ~K. Il n·im H ' o 11 b 1 , l. URGEON DEN1 I ST SLIER!OR 0 n. s., Gold l'll n s 1 ser ed 2i'. 0 11 t T fe(;t 1 P 'idcr eA"'tracted ··b 12 @ 10 12@ 13 30 @ 3:1 Bo M \Ru IRE1 JANE 1fIOMOON 1 nnisk Hen Ja.n 9 18 21 3 :v ~ ---·- ;v ua Uc i D t 1 89 COUNTIES COUNCIL 500 @ 515 0 00 (\!/ 000 For Imm1grn.tlo1 ..F<tr Agrrn~ltl! o a1 d Mecha I c Institutes For Hospitoh a d Cl ar t es For Literary 01 d Se e it iic J 1t tut1ons For Educn.t on For Ohugcs o i Ro\ enue :For }:{ sce1hu eo is For Lu nt10 Asvlum rotonto csp1tnl CCOUl t J'or Lunatic ~s.r lt 1 Lon 101 cap tal U.CCOUI t For Deaf a1 d D mb Instit ite Bollov !lo c pt 1 ace unl For Asvlumfor the Blmd B a ford cup ta! acco nt For Roformatocy Peneto 0 l!lbene cap tal accou1 t For Court House an 1 G>ol Saa It Ste Mar o cap ta! a co t For Look on Rosseau R1 er cap t.l acco ut For Look at 'i o ng s Po lt cap taJ. a.c.count For Look on Boloa n a id C2n eron Lakes cap tal accou 1 Yor :N a:ngatton Scugo0 Rn: e e&pital account ll'or Cut betwoon Lakes Jo5epl and Ro~sea i cap tal acco nt P'ot Washago ana Gr.~ e rst Ro·d capnal aceo mt T'OLL GATE tlHE TOLL GUE ON" rHE S UGOG __l road v -- 500 VVAl\T T EDI 10 PURC1H~E be et O~ r=>u oli-:; repo t of p ueuo'1 ne:"tt ss c \n HA MPi O N Dowmanvill e :\-Iay 0 18 l B OIS AT $2.25, T- our H\.LL ,_,o 431 l 726 & .All n ho f 1 Co's CLARKE AGRICUL I URAL SOCIETY rho offic0111 elected tor the Chrkc Agr c lltural Society fo1 18 1. tre foll o vs I 1eo dont--R ch rd Bro· \ 1 c Proa dm t-J L Tucker Secretory ;\ 1\f.cN ~ gl ton 'I:rnasuror Charles T 11blyi D rectora- H enry 111 ddletoi J hn Da Ve) Richard R id lo k Sa 1Uol i\ ii 11 t J~no· .ff mter Charles Ulm John Lyall Asher Farrow 1' lha u Worry A d tors--John Te pleton T n \\ ·d del FEBRFIBY runn xt 1st 1872 $2i'i Reward thAt certain !lg ~ p cc os and Eyo G as~ee l UT orung be our m3ke a ud to b ar our r stamnod tJ o eon vc hot(Jby ooutlon tho p b lo ngalnst all suc.h mpo tor1->. a s :\tr ) A.RO BUOKLER ls c.ur ouly A-gen.tin '\VemDurhim and e. rows.rd of)!i<:>.5tJ> hereby off~od fo t.ho apprebens on and oon>iot n ofoJls c:b :pt'.JHto :'8a!). .i:y t-0 Jl)f a 1 tbe AT ON" 0 Cl 0(1 P ' f E or the o n of oue ~ear from tho rd of Feb R \ H '< DATT TO :?U THHINGOOl\IETO OUR KNOW I I EDGE l dUll's nre sell ta.o to ot klrld6 t:: u ll BO .:.. Co t: o3 784 4 480 i C erk :.-.; iw j 1a r: oall b fo The wy b~ :t+ ooderin tr:e A r r r , .f' r " ... ::j._ <L J.::.,.~i J. u: u1hood, 0 t cago 8i5 I eX& ill sen 1 hee ·ddress llo'lt J,otJt, Dow .Resto1 ed. I, c, rr; - - ,.. public bv oU'eri.Dgthelr trash as our make L8Z4RUS ~<ORRISl.oCo ?-Iontre"l 8 h Nov ion y J__..., s Hl 11 382 j\fR Lon lo 1 T , ~' of the i ea!t1 CORNISH fl AS THEM Mr~ J CrL YN N, GP. NOS !.LE CHALLENGE TO CURLERS Oao~ o Al D TISON & CO Su WllU!Jlvillc. DC'e 1 lS l J au 94 1872 P'or Survo~ s and Drainage of Sw3mp Lands occount J'or N &Vlgahon Ka r stiq a Riv-er capital account P'orNavigat onRyde1 1 a 1 R1>e1 tap1tal acco t For College of 'Ie n olog:y cap t&l account For Agt c lt n I Collo 0 e and Fam c·rt l ·cco1 t For Normal nn l Model Schools eap1t 11 ~c· rn t 8 ?Oi) 197 374 38 507 ..

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