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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1872, p. 4

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· HOUSEWIFFRY dofet.:l' I Bn J 11 "'l L lics u e t ncap~b le ot d tL vc: t1n; theu o \ n ::ie1' t 1t" Hol e~ witho ut sl oc~ o '\\ llstb:\ 1 l ' 1th uut a. shn -t no l l t n1n J.u nselQss th 1 1 0 IO t4f th es~ One da. ishortl' fl.ftc n In" a1 n sge it. J o u ug 1 l rch flont 1 ou t h ) lnc nd 1eeu~g no d1 n ne1 lca.dJ u1d J 1& '\v1f e 11 l 1 +eanng an 1ous ;i_n d confu~"' 1 "' I,. d u "'1 1at 15 t he n1att""t r ' N !.ll C) ll! ent oft a.t to n clu an cl lri.6 n 1111 g rephod In ::; n tfe ~h.a.m.beru1a1d k nows J o 1noro ;tbO 1t CO) lng tltan. the n1 n in th; 11 10011 " Co ultln t sh e h "' e don e tt under d.U'flt:t1on 'I 1 lqu nod t he hnfiha.nd e<>oly " (Jndot niJ dn ect1on l I .shoul d h ke to Me A dinn er cov"kccl undor \Y dnet;tl) 11 t \Vhy so t .,,,,keel the. husba11d, ln :-; u1 p ' You ce1tu1nly do 1 t tlnn k ( could l~ phed the w1fe "hon s11 ou ld I 1 now ~n y i htng: .abou t cooking I It 15 a ~a.d BARGAINS. Oi) I l l P i-=: c' ' I 'c {) G rt A -i:· r-r ' le \ th! ' o 1 1 II c Jt~E ne l'> ll 111 s uppoe.c c 1i 1011 '\\ c: ly h t .:.e n e tot 1 it 1n11..: h ; EA ~GAI ~TS C J..LLE RY ls i I on1 os ll.8 ti ttl 1-' l 11 l l ':ti io wc dou 1)t u thov ' iJ\ c 1 e1 1ro\ o as 'alu abl" to the l O" ncr s ns t 1e one exh b1ted hy llarn u n Tro 1111t0 1ne their owners " ould co11sirle1 the1n lno1 e \<duablEJ ' ith fo t h ro Li e i 1"' ,~ t be parl s of t c C[) unt1y b11t 1 Cheap I Co r ner, out t he '\\ Ool f J tlus Jo11gh a nd wooly stat r tl e h n 1 111 :ht:i\tel'J th~._ the horse Jl!l noLi1 · h ealt hy co id1t1011-1i.ob~blyh1de bou ~ 01 Stor e r VES 8 'T 0 \T l~H..;;; e th <1 1 nos t eufl eru g f"otu so ne d ~rho hu 1 b n.nd ·w 1s sLlcl t but 11111 look of " ln I occa31ons tins u 1 natural a.ppeatance tu s 1 u.~h c1ses u~o i):nley s Cont11bon I->ow <lers a.n d \ra.Lu1n H eave Ren1cdy it will purny tl1e blood coirect the ·ppetitc remO\e W.1 obstructions ft om t ho lungs anp l l vcr 1,.n 1 ,.., i \ e to t :i.e coait a !ileek &nd shuungappcn.r 1ncc Rcme1nberth cn~1ne, ~ ucl see tl :i.t the signature af Hurd & Co u1 on c \ch p Lckage Northrop & ~yma.n, Ne"i7"Crt.stle Ont propr10toi.B for Onnnifn. ~olcl }'. y ll 1 n ed1cu.1a dea.lei."S ! I PlJBI... IC OPINION I Also Cull and c.xiuuu1e Stoves and p1lces be"o1c purchnsingelsll lure '+"..a.11 n ar~o f u.lkh d s t :1 () ls P u ttv Gass & S.: c FO A Good ( TI: l \. ()'.\' C'L 1J DF. J) 'f () f'a11 l s thu ....., ti 1s w e ~ 1e 9 ho -- o - - AND v\TELI, ··ton18h 1nent perploxed and wife HYou look yei ,t .surprllied she fVorth Te t 1 nnes D. CHEMIST 1 11 u sinessl An tne c·to \l l ~ll B 1 T IN \JV ARE hnent oj twttelH e .Ru.~~a an..... CQ .,run. 1rt>n SlotrJ. p1p. e~ Gallot " p JJi!! il Dunib StovM &t- 1 t pl on ha nd a,,so1 N I£ vv PHE B J~ .A N J.) . S FAJ\1 0 ~ -'.ND CONhL'E M~ AITl!NTJON TO Do 1 ou lnow AND DR U GC..1-I S T EXCI usn) l ' H01 AIR DRUMS ,.fl 1de io 0-1 de ,_ $ I 1 \ LI':, & D 0 U < d , AS', ONE DOOR E T O l VN HALL B d JLD1NG8, B._O TVJ11ANYI1,LR. I 1-lA. liDW A~R 1£, \ f l.LL ·ELL AlY :=!iCCK OF C O~BtST l N G IO;fOV~ Rot A.11 Ft: lac~s tJ Lt d uJJ on thu 1nost unproved pl11. n:; Y~ORK.I\1 1. ,qtJll s ecot d to i ::iue In the l> o- r~ '-s 1 or L J" DRU G S . M" EDI CINES, AND CHE1\1ICALS, D \-w ~ h.WH 1 P aten t !iet.hcuit:~,';! Perfumcny, :Bruahc& C 1nbs S ap3 Pa1nl.t an d Oil! Pa111t B1 nshes Coal Oil and Col\l Oi l Llt1nps & , &c I r minion 1'.1.ll lt.lnds of jobbin_g done on the sh orte3t ! 11.otioe 1in l ut rea onn...blc p 1 lce::i ~ EDViIN dO lSE y y Bo u u 1 C O vvr OF Bo u a. \ Ille !\ugus HI 18 1 K IN G 8 1 BO\ HlA NYL L £ i tf lll e Oc t 18 18 1 COOK PV'i81CU~ · P 1t ""Cl't fPl l<JN~ (-'.REFlJLl t COl\lPOl ~mm < OftRffiC l l'i ANSWE1'Ell NE\V rrIN SHOP IN BOWM \ )(YU LE lTORM J1\Gtle r abt n t 13 o'Bo ;-; ma v l i.; I n dsunoun d111g colntLJ li t lo t1u1 opcr ed o tJa 1\evT1 n:-:;ho1 at o rt"\ otclv occ i ed h J o1in } I 1 c " l o o( 0 . ._ \... R H, J _t , _ G1 'f, ,<NJ) " 1 Onl>1l:P8 PAR l!5 F.ATTI11 Ll 0 R, W AS. II MUC~ G PLE ii.SURE IN I N REED, J a 1 Il1. es l o t M J 3 00 5 00 1 50 I 0 0( 0 '"" i r r r 1 s, ' l l.,....N Curi.; J,Ol i::IM ~LL Po :- ;: flltl$"' Fch W tt-ts · fl.d .Ph11sUt «J1.1 fr~itt lf'l' C111ttit1fry ut U fi.1~ f ., ~I~~} o( M cl t" ·.-tH" ~ ,., that h0Ir1d (h s~:tS" the sn1a.ll pox 1 g1 wo1k1ng it..<. ., ., . 1,, "o~ t" n.1 l nll n \} \te h e10 :'lbout t]Hi tin e tho r1n ~pu 1g 'lf"nth et 8et s u1 to h tnnt nn d pltte" «l ·J IAt /,.,# q> u<l1U; A l'i D l I I tlan .... ~ toLl ('J llES PEC l F ULLY fmp ~ :ltl H . tr 1 LJ 1i>:N 1N G :Je c Upri l L '<Jl n "'c <.l o ]l J, ING l.:N DD" JSIO N S r .1. "" "'"\J .l!J ETS Ho; mn. 1 Ile vhere be will k eep oonetu.1 HT on hant1\~ ('~e1~::;:Jc~n~~~~~ 1~e{~~c:re JR n b }6 1:1"',J.I 00 t h t1 h fij 110 11 " " C ' "t " trll Jtsh l CI j "ti 0 o 11 l a '"°" c~ A.It R IAGJJ~ l uk fo1 tn o1tths 111 our ~t 1 octs ll1,; j ~ a-n.d 1nfc:st t ho \\hole Cl unh g'OOd one is it o ' th· eit1"" affi 1ctc I At the I i~onmo r1 ger·y I SOMEEHfNG BOX COAJ, ..L "'i. A ' 1 j lT 1' u ~s ~ !i} VtJlJ IFIE cHEAYE s1 !o. N D T()l3BI NG ,; ,;. t11' ( l '( } F.I J ND Q )i ()NG \VA:N'l'FD B1 ow~ EVJ rn BOD y If l leclal n t {J t lon I n1c. to \ ' E 1R OUGil !NG ::>LF IOHS ' c rn F. S ll ORTES J - ORf: l R,Rl' ONE Ill § OR UF. U j· \ Ql'{l'ftTe~ . r ( )ln. Ito&Ir Hir<I est prlco p ·Id Co f» Hldc!.t SI ee 1 sluns OR ~)(TO n I _, , \nu"'l3 \."Vool 11cl pper .))·c a.the ftn<l Rl rtir ~:J:' Olu~r~ f ro n t he co int :r proui p tlT nttended c1oor1 .J ~ I 1~el 1ngs tJT Oreat Jndt cainonts hold out to padlorfl 1 · :-\ B -Fa.nnors "~nting 1rlllk Pa.lfo o~ Pans lwo il ldO\ olltocfl.l ondexo. l ln0J i ) stock le fore _purchaslug else 'here A shnre of l ubllc paloonr.go rcspeet ! 1lly scl cite lv 1 cp:.. r\11~ 1rl an~ lri l t o fl !1 l0 n Bo X'1J'. 11. vil le i.\Iar h S!Ji 18 I Gl REJW ;: tf: AI L h.ll\ D' 0 ' srocK D\" 1\ R W:ELI ASBuRTED El l Weste rn Assurance Company. U ~ ~D .;: l...fl ~P \.CTOEtlL Y n Q:.:lU ~ OlFll' E IN A SUPERI OR !Ol (JN J 0 ! Ca9H :t.1 Stocll /Surplu s f'ru t { l !i Re4:'...clut11 for the :fCttl' e t n iS1" ct~ .,u 1 3i1'b .June, 18"' 1, (r Q I GUDRt "' ti X P l_;:_ins t t \t St:i f a dcl r I U s And, as Us1.H\.l sclhn 6 ""' Prices thn.t on t1nn e to G1 e Sat1sfecno 1 HoN J Mcl\fuRR cu Pr ..,eitl el n0 B If..A..LU.l::'.'i l\.:I;:) D1r'3cto1 & HAU~ URTON S llVi'I1' 0 MA.CJITN E I Th1eshe1s ar d a.ll pa t t1e1 reqtllttng such oil apec1a.1l7 IO\ 1tcd to i u ~p a crt. th .. v-anou1 quaht 1 ~ - the p rice being fai: below anythm fl ever o'J11red 1n th1.i THOfiIAS BASSETT. F ire and l\tlar1ne I J NSUR<l_NOE "" ' " '"" 1· -'- 0 · 1 30 18" 1 ' 1 AT LOWEST CtTRRENT RA.JES co"\ u lll KIN C1 0 1 "c"liIElUC '\'l I 1:-'> AL I ntc F G~ rm .t\.p ply 0 T L OURERS O>\ LEH Co n tru.oto T J,i DUl(BJ .IC L b let' J 1 g ecr SI 21:.luos OU : Pubhc ! market 81 cc1al Lo\"\ Tr.11tl of Ra.tea g oO O COOK , PARLOR, HALL AND BOX STOVE~, 1u n n ng and now on E~hib1 bon I h e la..rgcst a.nd chen.p est stock cf Geno1al Haid·ware I Stoves T Stoves T - -- I lnsura1 ce fOI oua 01 th.rec yefl.l'S on De ta.cb~U Dvclllngo Cl desan~Sehool· wc"hc=tsu ts Jt CltieR IO> ns fl. d Col. n tn pln.ces 1nes rntcs and lern1s of polioy pwtfcula1h· ftl-""\' omb c t c tl e Fu m1 g; 1l7ce.ruio l.Ustc- \J of ""II"' tt. hnlf ~ teasr nfold 'Ute iFen1ale U t·n acll ). r1n ware in the County of Du1lta1u l Vfl l. 111gton :Buildin g 13.owD AD>llle i st SI lSTl JOB JYIOSES P ERIODICAL PILLS l JOI-IN If It & R '3ept 14. 18 I WHY ANIMALS NE ED SA.I, f J'rof J ~mea E Jolm0< PY· that half the salme bloo<l con1 nsts ot com u c 11 s tlt HARD TO BE LI EVE. 11$ u1U tlns rartly disoh e<l overv cloy throtoh the 1k1n and k1d neys tho uecoss ty of c n llnucd .upphes of it mto the I c1lt 1y bod v 11 anffic1ently ob\10 !l.S 'Ihc 1n .... tc ialrs ~ou t.Jt1u .sodn, ~ i T r u e N e v ert heless ! - - - "!:..-- 0 specn.1 ind n i s_p turnJ le ..t"!t1tuent and so do nll tho ca.it1J:irtvs of Ute body trnt the s1111 y o t s.1 lt 1ml w~it,Jm 1'111 tho !Jde I e "blc 1 rnJC1ly to i:ssiB"t c h ge8t1on, 1101 the ctu.,1L 1gcs to h\; l>u1lt up ag·m IS fast ts lheJ natmally 'lr'W!lto I t rs bct tc1 to place salt wh e1e ttock ea.n h ;n: P.: free !iCCess to 1t t hnn to GR O CER I E S ood Uookmg G er by tho box I,__, ' Ifa1 sm s only f:i eent~ a pouml, 111\ d st il<h e ,\ p '- U J\fl\IEH D R Y GOOD'-' ,tt cost OTTO:N a11d 'N oolcn good s e ad' n nc-mg bu t you C th em at Elhott's, fo r a short t une, th0 old as ai .Agen t for tl1e \' I ce l ~r & \"\ ilson the l lu i\ C' n.nd tl e Osbo no ::;c g .l\Inchi ue!! ! Im I S QU! vK ] ~in !8Jl fin it occ tunonu.Ily in s ntll q t u.n'"1hc s - l'lley will h elp thcmseh c· lo what they ·eied if fLll owed to do so at pleasn1e other .loo when they become salt h ungry th ci tlf&Y take m ore than is v;holcsom 1.:1 fan~ is a. needle I:ictory m Ne'v Ha.' en CRH buy 1LoaNs FOR FROM ONE fin d C( ltt p 1 1c N (')W £)' ye[US !mcnts bor tow·oHl ,v}10 n.Uowcd t o lna ke 8t1Ch in Mid t lon to msta)oo.cnt s as t h ,.. 'f 0 UEI P H SM\I IlS a i\fAOPJ. U CA..>; ADA I ll 1l1e tun e to secure ;v ha,t you neocl T & A SMII H rn r" EN to 1o1epa1d Jn inMu.lnentrs to suit r ny tOO.J l.\U :\.gc tta f or 0 :'; U:fl. w R E R E M witere the wh olo process LS done by a single 9'MhUu!, wi thout the manual l i.boI of llOj penon .A.. 0011 of steel y; u e is put 111 the ....,June c ut~ it off t ho cnh rc le ngth It A G \INS'I P XPENDITURES ~1n.da. ..B..1n l on or of the tlcud Jicaven l1 as 1ttel l.'<l no p1 Q l ib1tlon and. E rth ls not th e 1nun \ to111Js nrouud -..-..1 ch we 10vc to h ngc1 a r e 1s-.. c flJ'C 11 tl. w o1ld of v; arn1 1 lo' lug hct~rt s t1 e ndo ru l~ of tl e sep lcl1 ca of the loved ones allc u.tcs t g lef nn L ~oothes the \VO tndcd hcl~rt IL a lso chee1a t h e he le L ~ c 1 to koQ'>' that n l nddit:ional mn bell:is in1e1 t of tho gru.\ ~ present s strongc1 nth:act101 a to Rr1est t he atte n t o of tl o strl'\. gcr ind causQs him to n.nsc 1 d l cn..111 the na ne of 011 0 \\ llo u1s s1w.. rcd ~o hugely n t ho lo' e of o heis \ /c ttkc this netho1 to Jt f01m you tbut 'vc cun 1 ll 0 1 le"" for clecornttng th o g 1a.\ es of l C' t cd fl or 1 hi nt low 1 l gu c~ ccu c<l u tl e 1 es t stylo of "011 n nn sl J IIlJUl 1 b L l cncjlLted b) ih c111 .All tJ os e bea1 r11 c n11Jlenrn wluch ado1n by n p pl} mg to n"Venlt.m t Dlft lie o\ Pern1anent l t1d fl ::nn thD C{l. i Snvlng Socloty i ;:;tl. eute th e steel p u.>ces consecut vely JHLnch .. the eyeholes, oountcrs1nks t h e eye au<l. p!Bda th· point s n.nd rn fact does"' eiy (Jun« unt il th e needles drop coinpletelv k-nned :\n.othor u1aclu ne picks tl e1 tt:p Mic! a..trrul.g~ the1u heacl aud po11ts l\ettrether, a nd 11.. tlur<l. piece of 111cch L1 ism p<thJ then mto pap e1 One of these mu ilhi:nes occupies no lnore space th 1n on er<lw.ary table and of 1he1n tu r 1 s ..,t from 30 000 t o 1.0 000 needles !>'.lost el tho needles hith erto ill uae l n> e boeu 1a>perled from Engl m d u ntil 11 few ye <rs J'Mt They. aro mndo th·10 mainl) at :R.1Q1tch, in 'V urcestflt T h tt bustn e ~s -ploys .,bout 4 000 people ecu~ily fe ...ie1, who nre i r o111 ~u cet 1ri fo1 ......U ohild1en t o 89 50 fot sk illed rnen G ttnrly «t Elliott s :Fasluonnble Tail o' mg E~tabh shm ent LN1 J~EM EN m \rnn t of ,t l'leat fittmg ~mt should rn ll I'. n1u1~ J, { '1 G 'fl.'O lVil, f.&"Prh nt< fun , \Ul'\\ELT '.\IcG! E & R lj'l'IEDOJ Solicitors .8ov. ino.nv1lle l~ to 101 ~1 fHt lN D EALER POllrED GllOORRIES DOMES fT( ~NJl HI A CAUTIOl~ B B R Iv1 I ii WSnhsfoct10n gnni .rnteed m all i easmmble cases A l I I-Ien.ry E l liott , J r H unpt ,n Ang ust 1b:d, 1S71 (xL \::<SI' Ahl BON A N vie Onl !!7tl N T r;'q 'lhe i\fO:N UMENIS 'IAilLEIS E'IO , t l rflJ::lil~'"ESTQ 'V \ I IrYOl<' P J· iao;e Celebrnted Jlradbury J .Jo hn'l!I Hot <\ ii i' l!'t sfm D r mrn. Piano Forte. s A D~II, Y T :I -'h YC U H I ,\ 1~ s N JN r:r HIS I S THE MOST EFFlCIENI tribute more heat occ=upy lcsa roow+...u.nd n.1 en'> e1 all purpose better t ha n any othBr ny lta. use u ,l)OMe Cl\:U l e mucb. better l'eu.rod with ooo & tove tha nunclertbeold system w1th t~o or thiee atoves- thu.a mor.e ib11.a payli g for lt9olf ln 011e th em would not be "\"\' ltbout tbew for raau" tlu eiil t b l;"llr cost 'lbtJ un dct&i_gnell 1 aa secured t h e ltigl t for .BowruAnYill.;, Dulington Co.rt" rlgbt Cln.r keand ManveI'8 utd 8p1epa tl(l t o Ill all ord on; o the sl orteat n ot tee ~ fuJl asso1 tmcnt ot Coo k P tu loT l'l nd Box S o es <onsta11lly u hand 16 l~ Sf'111.eoo b y n sa:vmg of wood. .All who h a ve t ned o.nd economic&! D run.l In uw a nd w:ill lie JT' AI-{::\1:8 fOI 1 <LIA 1'l & AI>IEJIJOA ~ llARFIL& -AND- No A1 1 Sty le I 0C(]J f H 1UoJl'P.DEEN Ortlli'ilTE suppl erl on sho t not co Evm-{thm"' poJ ti.lull.I g to Ccn f!fc 1 ~ v. ork ~ 11 ruee:1: v.l th p on p t n t1Cutlon b} l ea\ lu.g o rl !".l h C BOU"SHL Dot\ 1n::1.a v1lle I'LCT CHER ~ R C> c I-IE s T l INE ::B-: R. I F'1cLt1re SfllN 0 1' I HE lU D :E L \(, Isl! N · w S>rc< GLINO DoDuE - l'he Og --- -~---ikR·bnrg J 01mui! ·~>' Henry Hookm TO L E T. deputy collector nt 1\1orr.tstt:no; n 111 tlus r-r1~ p s1~ op tlisb."let , ee 17.c<l. en F11du.o t"o boxes of . .Lt:; . J.. turkeY8 c11tered at lua 0 ft lCe coming rlOtll "\ \ [1 H !IOI tSE POV~ En &, L \'l' IIF Ca.Rad& Y.nclt t urkey hri l thrust up Jnto At 11osent -..voi kc lb) l1 e subsci l)(W Pos~ess on i1a body a. bottle of b1 andy an l tho 011ficc fil 11'tl; 1i~1~ v:n~pl~\ril , fi;:u~n 0l"J 1 bi.~~~~\ 0~ 13 ti~~ ~'lyeloise d i..s to Jude tho ~ in 1 e \.nd il.. goo ! p n1J1 nke ~--' J E ::; fl \ F,P. ~eu. fro zen up 1 ho t urk CJ s thns lo tuod B o \ 1 ::u n 1 c "'f [t..} " l o I Ttlllhed eo 11111ch i..s to att1il.ct the n.lten i t t"iou of the officer wl 1.0 co.u secI Ill Ill\ cs 1 Bl"JCli\.~ ! u ~~ l!( 1,. ' ~'"'ton and dotectod the flam! Th J1 e on I _ r '" ...,, cf the brandy t hough sUC0°5" ully Yi10 l <, \.LE 1\I \ CHINE 1>I IJ)E PRKS - .Je tnW t h e turke' s l)l c"\ outed the lat I .L1 R8D "Jute Ur c J.:~ at tl A O!lhi.1.'\\ a T Ii! ... I J) "t a1 \ j)l c !'\o KING S1 nl' l r F. 0.·1' 23rd 1811 - - ---- -- - .Pu mp I :0HON ,,. N fH ...f l'" .. ,, ~,, ~lON Oil" rt! M S !tlll - - - ~ 8own.1itnvill 8 ~ 1111t !ith IS 0 Mes~ ~ l'" $:. 1{ ( l C..AI i. ON'l'ARIO EA..:o; · Gonern.1 ~gents Bo,vman ville I I 1ome 11lx m onth111 ~ rne.nnfact rred by Messre r k )ir"" """ F G Sm ll b. iG Co .. New -Y 01 i ' 0 "' t ~ ~e B Br adb ury o! t ho sa 1ne c 1J or w IOID Y0 1 Gtm era.l :A.gente is gl\'lng g:ie11.t snttl!ifnc tton a nd I In my opinion !Uld i n t h t."; opinion of nnn:r 0"1npeteu t. j n dl;efl a f\r3t ola!!~ lOStr lO)(H 'l.t 01!1.A.A !51JU1 '1hfl pla no purohas~d tto-m. yo11 A~ f11.1 Mu e 'I\ orlo.n&11·b1p 1s ~ oncerned t Is HE CELERRAlED l'EHFEOi l, I' "ln·l to tho be·t Ch lokenng And" In my op! ~I Get ~\eg c. 1 En~ G l ti.13 ~.,,R Ill<'! Cachu ~1 ll.on au pen"'" to the Htul·ln:lnc:ment~ tn1ade b~ ..,;:i \Vorks JOIIN 'VlLt>O'N firm in rtohnCf'e: &nd o;;.; 3 t h one &n s b;r L.AZAh.US J!o ri.10 Rl Il:3 aud for wh1<Jh t.r frt,m ng l'i t fi; passago t htourvh t h.CJ equal if not !ruJlm' IOr m bt'lt h t !l.ene r espeot'I!" to 0 - tho L nstru.u\.ento m 11 nufo,ct u0<l by S toddard & ha:ve. Lhe 8ola a~ euey n-ro g1uu111g go ltl<'n ori h lo o-u<rtoni hou >· Tho 1hmdo1 wis sold at IF' .c. · ··~· """""~ "'l!illl tfo 11. ··~. Dunh&m. or Dunh4m I may t h·tral l ron1 a ll t-ho·&ilbO bav~ tr eel it I" rot1 want 11. <:'!! It ll. 1. 1:. E~"-' '4_.. ~ .bn lUrob ased for m3'1!1el! a nd 01enttou frien ds., eeve wet\on at the cu ~tt)IU h >n sc 11 thl t$ c1 Y , P:"~:0\ mau1tf6 etured by the old ftr1n of S t orldo,l'd n.rid nu othor fl: AdR0!-1 13( CK.l Jll.fl: n 1 m" .., Satmday SUI,SORIBER" OUJ,DDIRECT & Dunham and h·n ·11~" ~:· ol thoits In l1l.Y BownHu ville tLn.d f"1¢tn ti!\" tho ri.tten.110 1 of far u1enJ to tbo one boff!o and I .hou~ ) J ~11.[PSON .A ~TElt::-1 ptpcr aa,, 8 \"l th n o ord t"lo.hor1-1eJxin Cu.llivatorsmauufactuxcd ard Juel h a1cfo1 su:veare 'bta1nertfirst pnr.e3 gq DI RJ:C'! OJt Off 'lmt at'ed the pnntors t > dustributo tl o :ible n.t Pio' incwJ a.nd J,c:x; l F U"' 1.'l o; nro nn l'!"A¢1.U ~ tlilOM r&O~ E " l ldoubtedh lteles t i n1p le11cntofthekind 1nuim lt.OT.ALCA"" .t.Dl:\N DA?ilI ebtt'C.n.ry notice { the P 1ince O! . n a o s, ri 1lwill1n e 'Cl s hort i aJe Jore th J..n rep1.1.~ T OROX'I"O !ll&reh l ;,tJ.1 1810 l f the ] ven i ilg .; 0 ill tbeu coflt t fl e cillc one' and c:rcellonce of thei.r r·y-.V'-A e x p res::! Y Ot .1 \\ 01k In s-p eel on 1 n itcd ..A supply of Oulhva.-- ~IgM"RA !t & f l O H .!tU. d b" otlr foietgn edtto It conta11u; a t0r .. l o-w on l a d for t i e :;p:rmg '" o K 3. it 'Wi ll 1 pltl'eha..rted about ~11 - _........ ... ~ J "" be 50 l at lo CBt rattR GP: t<; TLlt?dlU· IS lanoe- the drat eou """"' I l"'at deal of ,aJu,.blo :mi mtctc< mg m IRO~ HAR.RO" S :~.J",~ ~;:1_!>~,;t Is aoknowledged hy '\'Ht. ft,! O'ff J. , ~ahon about Ji..1ngl1 ~h :tfla\Hs a.J I of of a supono1 kin 1 a lso on hn. cl I profesaiona.14 to be "' ren:ui..rkabtlly 1tn tro.ment &nd I ma; also mon on t1e--\o'he~~1 a 1 g I I it hr T I Ap'l. 11 1" JS71 THE I S ti ll A !wad . I somEES 1EAPl.RIIEt> ----.l I B"LL SCPl'J'.:ltlS Pll BL1C DINN];} S lt r "' e, ,.., ,\, ··"'· o~ fea 1'!ueh OUl 't"\lt'nCU of ""'"aleatn t ee.dc1 13 1n u e;t l ) 00 l ll COllr.;G ]3 u G G I E s A N D Vi \. G e N s l ~n rem ov ed 8-0Vet'A l time· during that purlod . tho p1g hett<lctl ohsbua.m: of co slat tis 011 hAnd !01 snlc ~ H1 llu onl;r rertu1~t!.un~·wico &le &c 1 O ftl ~oon~vor $tr~! Bowrna.uTIHe tefu~lllgto<lio whcr1 1-h o \oe 1$".Allkhd~of B lackAmlth ' "ork lion& ou t-l1e WILL~ TJIOlt.Pt~ I I to~?' ~ 1u ffl. u ~ 11-b.QU:<itt notics ii;Jt tf A call !0Ue1t ed 1 W'Ei~"'0 ~1. l.lOWD)..'ilfflli· &:.· e:rtau ~1' ..._ Jlmm. Qt ~ 0~~'# JI 1 o!ilG"kntGli'nlA~ 1 'f lti--4-J

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