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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1872, p. 2

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cc f'>ursday PARL1.!l.ME UT i\.RY On \\ edu ht o n!1 ro I 'ay of hst »eek sixtee1 t:B po 1 I nte rtnd four b Us G"t"l'ltt \Va ;,er b-UC fl ~f Ferguson John. 'Ji 1 ours Fraternally J G Jn r Bomnanville fan 31s 18 2 lHr Gates gr eat s 1rpr1se Po lE<lw n H.anktn H II Sn h "I" RrRAM RODGES P J M: n reply1 g eApre sed l 1ch tl ~ pro e'Odu gs o I the 1 r;;ise1 t occ \s1u11 c i~o l ln 1 a d ic no turned sincere t ianl s for the lnn<l exprcE ti e s1011s f goo 1 will n. id ·w1sl s. for f t i e the success \vh1cl lad bee-n utte 1 Ile e ferred to l s res lencQ Jll th a to \ n as l rs.\ ing b en marke 1 with m3 ny I leas ig c dents and h s nter ou1sc with tl e c ti l!llS a3 ch ~ruct r1zcd by the kl d est reel mgs '1ortd "l >.e he l egiolte l to I t ' ith s 1ch v; arm f end· lw trusted tl e sepam hon w onld not In t te ina tho fra te1 n~l fee mgs wluch lmd a:r d s !I cx1 ted bet veen l 1 self an l thosn WI h ' horn 1 e vaa a1-:>oU'& to pu.rt Tl e health of l'vl1 Stcvm s-tl e 0 entle lna1:i who had induced l\1r Gates tn 1e.u ove frmn1 i\own f~nd who wa!3 I resent ~ t the sup1 cr-1vaa ah10 l roposed a:r.d uul:y l ono1 00\\LE s "" 28 2ln i:::i1 us Ultra f not cut doWl \ J'EW G uEE BOOK c'<l. i\fr Ste' ens had nottmio for a 1 oxte J. ell re1 hy .s~iJ the convoyance '~as v it1ng to take h!l n to the 1 a 1way s+o.t 01 b it ex pre3'e 1 the hope that a 11ore e te 1do 1 ac quau i nccr>lup m s1 eed1ly e1 s ie bti t veen the citizens of the Lo ~ til Pro ncBs and 01 b .. r10 which could n t p ove other wiae t an beneficial to all na1t es rn::tl c t ie an po 1 rnent.s mcludo those f tl e v1 ov. n a 1 l of tl e Gov rnmo t of Ontan nil u tl e suggestion of IvI Ca nero1 tl ose 01 l ea:is AND TUE BEFOR:~U'IIO N" T1ie Lecturo of the llev L I'S Oartwn~J t on thn abo'e &UbJect s n.1 nouncetl for llfondny evemng Fob 19th and tic ets are bow u1 c1rculat101 Thev- can be ol ta.1ned at sa.veral of ths atore.s m town This l ecturo is ovorywhere spox:e t of as a 1nodflf; of el )(1 tent description and co tud p:i:on:c1plo The sccno of Luther at the IJjet >f Worn 8 is. aa1d by some of o tr con ten1p lrnI cs. to l o uncqt lied Ill its I at it ing a 1 l effect One report of the luctu10 81 ak 3 of it as \. co t n 10 1s :in l un n terru1.1ted fto v of bcautif 11 mngory br I hant i<leas and lmpass1on£d oratory "i lnch ce t canDo1 be sui: passe l The Hall !'Jl o 11 __ be crowded of departments Mr On.moron aa.1d he v. 0 ld mov() nn arnendruent on eo currenc 1 th a e to h nit tho nnm her of tl e EYecutn e Cotmc1 lor to five the mtere>t of tho preferred not to tavard a. con \ract when oulJ one ton 113r ,ya3 before the 1 and m order that t·ir play should be given all Datties thi>y decide l to loavo th~ matter m ·be a 1co-w111ch they coul~ 1u·tly do as t o re,'°lut10n pro 10us ii' 2"8oed shows :But · · a gu>rantee that no i " face s O'U d be do ~e to Afr BainJ e l>>S tender wa' ' ot ope ed a id i l reality t co ltd n1ake no ddference to lum whether tho Co u c I deculecl the matter that mght or not Tho dela) was occn.s1oncd by a. Oe__s re for fn.1r play \\ c·e we to deal W\th o 1r brother editor as J c has d<l;l.)t ith the Co me I we could say t)l;>+ he mi<lea vo ed to take ad va1 tage c I o r al senca and obta l the. contract for pu 1tmg b t fa I g m !us attempt tn1 ed rou d and ahl sed those ' ho wl8h ed to I ave fa play Ho also constitute l tl ·t tie 0o'1cnc l m ratcp~yers , _ ___________ AR~ILLERY - i\Ii 0\ arles Se) no r of Por t Ii:ope has been a itho1 zed to ia. 90 a Battery I Field irtillei y fo1 Dom D on pu1 poses a d th F rst ] reutena C"\: h:o1s been offeied to Mr 0 R D Booth of ti s to vn The Battery 111 consL>t of 1 C l ta1 1st n; d 2nd L1 tc iant:s 5 inen 02 h ises and 4g na__.oncof whcl 13 n.ho'fr tzcr Tl c Hca.dq 1arters will be n.t Po t Hope but it IS decmc i <l PR i. tuIJ i iH Mr J 8 'facd nal J thou dent of the Oou c J o g t l +to but there waA one A few cf its members to!' atds us there is no denymg +he fact that whatever partiahty has been sho vn has boen a.t the inst1ga t1on of the few in favor of our un Eng "' bel ove tho Co 1r.e1l 1ish a!'llia l ar t n 0 "'ould ha'tl'c acted p1cc sely as they ha\ e done h \,d om 1 osit ons been re-vera\d a.ncl wo c unot see h v our ten ler w:.iul l be T/ :HES ";'.l')U I ot 5 1tJ C Oil Hl!.Lw affecto l thereby CURLING MATCHES 01 '[uosday lost-;;atcl game wa·hfoy ed in Orono bet\V"een tne Clarl(e and o ~ n anville 0 ul i g Clubs SIX rm\~ ao~'~ke in pu Si u\.nc.e uf n. challenge fI on o l~ b club The we Lther "as all t ltl.t cou 'I e desirea but t1 e ice very untrue ne gamo las to cl abo it th oe honr· a~d aJ.~llft B.nd "hen t 1n-r-was co.lled1t "a.s oun lka _ h d on ~very r1n Bowman ville was a ea Th ivm a total ruapri<y of 74 pomts e ~ollo ~1ng is the score with nun1bers as they w·ere dr:iwn for pos1t1on ,...,..... MAN" ILLE llvn ~ N B IIden flkln .:o l l °"' ""' o V\ m Pringle ~k: P 16 l CLARKE sSocrAL W 0 d that tl e Fire bngado of till! town purpose holJ. ing a social of a more tha' is al a.ttro. hve vharactcr sometnne w1th1n two weeks f r the purpose of raieu g needed f md< Due notice of tho time an i place ' ill be g1 en This soctal ·hot ld meei with large s111 porl a.a the Fµemen cl'ery readv to help when t.he property o' their fellow townsmen 10 endangered by fu· FIREMSN --- ----~ nnderstai 'trustees *26-Sin -----··- - - R Dodd· ok l Z8 T B cdin No J~e Brown !'!kip 9 No 3 !T Dr Renvrick ski11 bemg about to J Cln:omn.n,;kip 2 N 1o~m Renwick ek P 18 J 1o'lcDo tJ:;a.11 s.K I 3ro Olendtnn nb skip 16 No 6 k 2ll F Cub tt sl P <n I .A ~fcNa. e:b.t.on 6 P l) SocI:\L -The i ext of the acrtes of so b 13 to 9 au l \\ R ()Jim 0 1,[urdoeh y l 13 +o 5 On Friday c1al s lll n.1 l of the IJampton ·w esleyan t beat J JlfoM irtr, y b 13 J M !no ~o ' fro ' I T Coleman y 13 l'v!ethodrnt Parso1 age f md w1 l be 1 old a d v Iod fr n W McKay by the Zion VI ealeya' Om rch ti is (Thu" ~~ ~ 1 a 'on Satur<l.ay W lt Oh 110 defeat day) e,enmg to be given bv llfo·" II. ed II alter Rm viek by 13 tob 3 l;~d W ""lungton and ' ' m Lar g naid Towns v >1quiol el B "eiry y o >gntoJi~1 1~3d.~~g ~e i~~~~1:0d:r::ted J:~ Sinale incdal es I ave l eenipl\ayel ,f1 1 L 0 COUNTY LODGE l t of th \\ est Dui Thern. aro cGght~ At the ann'" nee ·~gt Lorlrre hold at of 1ntercst1ng Witter i1an s Place in 1' ature oo ham L 'yal Oru igc !?~~d!v utli° i st tlle eng1""1ng1J l - WELJ ?i:OT.OGY s ILi.usT1 A'IED ANNUAi 01' Pnn.E Pn-YA IOGNO IY foi: ..u;::n 1872 sf J l oI Jvlr Lau l er s mot on nt 1 1 eccss and lur1ng 0 oU er n tters e g:tbed I "1lha 1ab r~ 1 c 0 elected officers for H ads and Bad Cha acctrs Phr· 10 og) follo v11g b1et ten w e red Prac.;t1caI Pl renol iJ..., y S01ct ce Defi 1 the eus.1u g Y(; ;ns Mast r re elected n.nd Rel !JIOn Ph) s1og:nu l y Phya1olog' Bro John Hog"! Der 1ty Master e 1 e1;, 11 Ps)cllology the Nose Rev Dr l111Jman 'R Adair Secretary t 1 H Charle~ Snmn er Hon Jacob ll1 D Deaco1 Treas irer t e e1ec c H n rd Empero! of Gorm~u' a d Ge' aplam J us B gham Cl b Due tor of Oer s owa 1 l B Du Oh01ll '11otl er A1 n 1 R 1 os~ m "tL 1g will be held at -~ n p I The llCXt aui ~~tli~eof July coleb! at1on Lee the SMker Sc' eral Em I ent reac L Jr Roeohng the \ 0 Ty10ne Iho Bown anville a.t .-Juch ers Orang 0 u t ang 1 will tako pla m th Co nt) are expected Great Ei gmecr Selfi,h1 ess ai d L ~em all the Lodge· 11 e t Ex1 er1ence 111 I'l renologJ Lo1 gev1ty to be prcse1 t i Mat antl \.n rnn.1s Ino l eachcr- Meut t \ conversazione 01 ST J 1N s Ou uJ~ John 9 Ohu,oh ~l 0 1lture 0 itl nos o! Pl ronology Illlus In co lnect1on day evet ng ne:xt 1 will he held on l csd nee of Mr 'Vann 13th inst at thefr~~1 ~c wn fh· pullhc on the hill wMI o " ° "'° 1 lUlrP ¥ St r » I · 1 au 1a·f!<·oi

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