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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1872, p. 4

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· CL-\NADIA N STATESl\1'.AN, BOWMANVILLE; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 18112. , dascr1bcs tl e Slut of nn: Indian b oy five ne v paper for n. \\ J.fe ' who is 1n1 hu1n1)lc old Ii co11 ~ istt) oi n garte1 tied follower of the SaVJotn ; - - - -- - - ,.,... - - ·- "" A FASIII.~N ...,rt1clc 111 a. \Vurn:Jns.111 pa.1 er I A "HI ,ING hypoc11te adve1t1ses in a I ---~n !_____ _ __ ~ - -----~ -- P Z::_ &% _£WWWWWW _ _ __ w I arotuld the left leg 1 HF. Spa.111a.1ds a sa.y1ng " At six teen 1narcy j our daUJhtcr to her superior at thtrt), to anvbodJ ·who \Vlll ha.vo h "'t A :BACHI r OR lS d e sc11 b "' d b y a rncn1 b er uf the Soro:ns as a Jnan who ha~ neglected his opportunity of making so1ne 1vonHtn I H io· n oUN b H or. SES - ~ hoJ'·o is ·uid I to be lu de bouucl when Ins skm will not miserable HAIPINESS ii1 t p erfume winch one can llOt shed over anothe1 ·without a fe w drops fallmg on one s self Ifa that "ould mako othera happv nru st be happy lumself PaoHNI1Y neHt did any man tnc least 1ood No man is r cher happ1e1 ')J 1\ iser for lt It commends n o one to society , it 1s disgusting to the refined, R.nd t\bo tun able to the good v·1RTtE 1Ts ov;r.; Kl\\AR D - !\.11 Otta.'i a an.eak: tluef stole an overcoa.t ,y]uch h e found ha11g1ng on a fence In consequence of tho for1ne1 owner havu1~ died of sn1al1 pox the tlnef is n o" i-a that land where warm coats ~re a SEpcrtl.u1ty AN old faJ:iner s~ud to lus sons Boys, don t you ever speckeLi.te o r wn.1t for so1u m1t to turn up You 1n1ght as \fell go an 11t down on a t)tone in the iniddle of a med der, with a p:nl atw1x t your leg$ an wait for I\ cow to back up to ~ ou to be n1tlked ' shp un der thu prcssu1e of the ha id, but st1ckF1a 1 11 it w·as glued, \vh1ch condition. GREAr BARGAINS Aim NOW GIVEN AT THE is alwa)S dependent on <;i.. de1a11~e cl ~to..te ! of tho Btomach an d d1J es t1ve o gans- by cO lTechug wlucli and g1v111g t o then1 l\. h ealthy tone and cond1t1on the drnca."o or compla1nt will dt.,appear E xptir1ence has pru' cd th at tho moa 1S best ad ipt e< l to this l p end l 'f. ' Darley s Con c h bo n owclcrs and 1 1 Ar· 01 ., 1 H eave R emcdv It has been 1 uead in nu1nc ous ca.sea with cotnplete sue ceas gcne ro.Jly effecting a cure in a f ew days le is the best conditton known and 111ay l o gn: en \V lth per fec t safety at all times a.nd i oes no· 1equ1re that the h orse b o kept frotn ""ork Reme111bor the name l: as r uli.r JUSt1.fied the ~ l,5lr al 1dt!l, t i.. a..t a.t the ' Cot"r.c. and see that the signatu·· of Hurd & Co , you M n get JS on each package Nortluop & Ly:ina.n, N ewcas tle, Ont Propr etors for Canada }1' 'l' Sold bv a'l medieme dealers BARGAINS. E A ::R... G· I f1 ' 0 J_-{, t orta Second Y ":tr s Good Smoke, f"IE S IJBSOfU B Ht BEGS ro IN i I GODJ y s LA. D Y /j BOO,( 1 :JR1872 f 0 1 lil tin.: nh..'l blla ts of llo vn a..n v1 lle a.uU u 1{ J)thut J <> h ns h e GI , ruE H10 J d )£ G Cheap BEb T SELECL ON OI1 STOVES N e:r r 01ie1 etl ::.n io ro,·1 coru p1 si n,: E \ \T B n ~ \.. Ht ;:; 011 Corner [~ STOVE~R! COOK I!i G I 'A .r.LO L B , BOX t 'OA L STOVRS, A ND lil" ll H:i, l1 uJ to h "\-1c lo r, I o ~ 1~ e Store STO-VES! I-:I_AVING CONCLUDED TO of U Glt1.test pa tterns n:ud of th e beet vror sn i w hi<:b h e \V1ll sell AS CIIE AP l>.S JN A'I Y 1B RKF.T 1) i; ( A lu 'nson S vo <.:leot iu i Myrtle Tobacco l I£0 o oi \[ De on e c l 11 a un ro r t.: !Cclli.;1 c o 1 1 he1 VL t ll J 6 a tio ve \ C 1:1 i )ll! ii.J e t t~ Jl.l 'ii fa r - ~T ~} J IN T HE DOMINI ON Also, agent for tho co]ebrated .A.me1ican i SILV E R & DOTJG I. . . AS 1rl e l:l ~ o l lF! s 1 t h Ut>.g r. li n o Co i o c d l ! 10 Pl ite s 1:uc t he ro ost PUBLIC OPINION BASE BURNER AND HJ>ATER n P CRll to l1d c::o: :a n11ne Stoves and pu ces before l CAlC'..s i igclscwh ere \t'!l.Hard" a1e o.t a l k u1a ~ 11 ~ Otl'! Put ty Glnss &o k c ONE DOOR EAS I OF F. Y. C O vVL E S', D o l'f r. ~1p,; . - - o-- I'I' E D ND WELL SU I'J'ED No Risi~ Give Up the Stove ~usmess A.ND CONfiNE ll Y ..!.'l'TEN"'f ION DXGLUSIVELY TO ! TINWARE e 0 18 13 Hmna· E ek ctric Gil' Worth 1en Tmta .lt RECKLESS athlete 111 V11g1n1n. lately went up in a. baloon with notluug but an erdina,ry tra.peze in plaee of & cru:, on which ha went tin 1ugh Ins break neck performances, several hundred feet above the ground to the a.&ton1sl11nent o f a gap ing1nult1tude of n1on won1en "'ndch1ldren it· Wel']ht m Clold Do yo« kM u aiiythi ig of it 1 lj owt, it i s Unw y ou. dLd D. ST01"'T, CHEMlS'f AND OE..U.ER tN A n atsoi ment of t1n'Uxo e, Ru-s.sia ro ~n. mon. uton Stiove ptpes, Gallows 1npes1 Dumb S1 ov~, &e- , Otlt ha1ul · Jame s lY.i. 0 r 1-:> i s, JN "RlJ: P JWTFULLV Pl.lTUitNLNG i\ If oc c ot t n v 1 uo l hcrl ·th· cottl lf AlJ ll"!i' UL l::'l E t l P I\ l ES - O f t hes e tb6 11 d .) ~ Buok g 1vt.s fu u1 tee n r: ach ye1:1.r On a 1x \ L ~lus 1c- ('{ o d 1y s 1!J t b ~ onl1 a. az ne 1n wh ch m i s1c I re1 a o d e:xpres~ 15 !o r H u p1 ~ a 1 s ~ I ODf. L Cu'I f A G E<l - I le onl y m ncd.zu:e Q 11s C' O n t y h t g H es d"' o: iµ, ns t! th!t Lnd :, s llool DRAW I NG L EaS ON-l< - J n t lS we are nleo a lo 1 c ~\ c I n-ve n so fl. C l l dr eu a) a. H o1t1eul tn ~J l tt n<l a He a lt h d cpru t.m e1 t G ol e vs 1uv d a ~le Re ce p t s upon cveoy s b3ec t, for t he Bou 0 11 , N 1rser v, K1tche n, Ho ae n d I ur r 11v r1 Nri.:o E111r. n Av1~ G !-! - '1 1:11 s 1a a s e ries of eo g ra.vn1gs t h t1. t DO o ne h n attempted but oui s elv e ~ DRUGGIST O e dose curea connuou Sure Ihroa.t One lJottla has cured Bronch1tts Fifty cents worth ho.a c1 xedan old stand1ug Cough Or; e 01 t· wo bottlCB our&; bn.d cn:scs of P lee: aud ludney Troubles S1x to Q1ght applications cure n.ny of 11 xcori Breast One bottle hfl ft TnE bost way of detecting the spurious a.tcd n1pplea ed e ld1ng Dan1el eotn 11 by the touch A genuine piece of cur Plank of Br y Pa says I of ~our Oil which ~nlver, if pressed between the thun1b a.nd went thlrt~ effected a . . ondet fnl cure of a. crooked limb by sl.x llnzen, has a finn grip and will not read applications ~no ther tvhoha8 bad Aathtn afor dy 1novo, whe1ea.e the counterfeit co1nfecls ycUl's an.ya I l u.' J a.If of 11 nU cm1t bottlfl left greasy ~ncl nearly smootl1, and will shp a an d ~100 would not buy i t if l could get no mot e.. H.n tus Rob1naon of Nunda : N · y 'vrltos round hke a pieoe of lead One smr.ll bot le ot your Electric Oil restat ed th e voice where the person had no r. spokeunbove R ev J l\lallory of " [HOPE vou will be r.blo to :support me a whuipor iu five years \"\ yomlug N Y ·w rites \'.our Electric Oil n1d a young \VOm~n, w h1le walking out c ured inc of Bronclntis In one "eek Dealers with her mtended dur1n; a so1newhat all over the countr1 an) "\Vo have n e> er eold llippory state of tho pM ement - " Why, a me l1clue tl at has g1vou such complotc liat.UI a s yes, J replied the ~01newhat hes1tn.t1ng facUon I t i ~ composed of six of the best oils that a re 1wa1n , ' 1 w1th a. httlo a.sa1stnnce from yout k no\vr. la n.a g ood to t ake ae for external u tse d s belle' ed. to bo immeasurably sn~rlor to f&ther There wa.1 so1ue cenfuston and a a an;; thug eve r mad~ 'Vtll save you lnuch auf profound silence fcnug an d manv dollars of e xpenae Is sold b:r one or m or e lealors Jn e very place w~ c1 e thcsia ci culars D1 c found Price 2o oonta "\Vhy not To DRIVE o:vF RATS -rake a bunch of matehea n.nd soa.k them over night 1n a bu}' it to daJ ~ Prcq.xrrcd bv S N TJIOM ~~\.Pn1"t.r ~ N Y teacup full of water then take out the And~OR111.ROP&. T Y ?t-I.A.N N"'" \"CAS'l LE Ont matches, and tlucken the water with In Sole A gent.~ fortbc D u i tnton d1e.n meal to a thick dough addnig a tea. No rE - 1 cd 1 ic-Selected and Elcctrlzed 1/'o~ 1;1 <> le oy 'V T Atkinson and Dr Deans apoon full of sugar nnd a httle lard Lay Usha vn. in \\ hit bi; b\ J II Gerrie and J Dyrn about the p11)nnses where the rats arr i:u d n Brooklin by .lohu \V"atrtn where notlnng will get it It. dt::c1dely is Sold by J HIGGINBOrHa M ond D STOTT the best exter1n1nant 01\e it a trial Bo'wm1:irn ill., Ontario A TRF.r1:1o:i: A. r P !l.IN CANNOT ST!l.YWHEREITIS m~ OO lt is the;t l\:ledlcme ever TOWN HA.LL lJtflLDINGS, BOWMA.·VVILLJt. II ARD WA ltE, WU L ~JrlL mac le toorder t ~ -5 to uo.illc fo T}['.~ 1mrc l pat1ona9,_o ~-H tA F fit\ d tL -wo ld t i o l et 1 e is o., i cpl'.' 1~ 0 to 11! ~ o ir un1acea e Up on re l~ o c a i:.1 u ll to m i11e secourLto no e most improved plans W.ilh,. icu.,t.i toc.o1 lL t es ~ ORKM.A.NSH1P seco11d to n cno u. the Do min101:1 all kind~ ofJollb,ng dono on ths suo-i.' lest t noht.1e o.nd at """ca sona.'blc p1lccs HOT AIR DRUMS DRUGS J.l--'1 EDICTNES, AND CHEMICALS, MY s CC!l: or STOVES CO NSISTING or f j Bowmn.nville .Au~ us t EDWIN IIORSE Y 16 1v71 S tr D:"! & St-uffs, Pa.tent Med1cmee 'Perfumery l'3rusho:-i, Combs, Soa-prs P a1nt1 and () Is Pamt Brusheo, Oou.l 011, and Coal Oil LAmps, &c , &o. COOK PARLOR, """'ND- !NE'V TIN SHOP IN BOW111ANVILLE FORMING the inhnb tants of Bowma n v ille countr~ that he has opened out a Ne\v I 1n ~hop in the sto 'O lately occupieu by John .Allen corne r of lLl d CARRIA'.'G ES, W.r.\GGOKS CU TTERS SLEra rrs &c t!ANU!t'AC'l'U?.ED Dr A: N Y $T t: T!il D L S!R:2:!) I i a l d t 10 i o tll the a bov Q n ~ h r :ic t a ns , ti c1e w i ll be p 1b lr sl.Jed mo n t h' y , a a o nbl& 1 uge c og t 11 g t e g e t eud t i tle of wh1cln u o l 1 op 3 Pa.1 ty 'Vv p ro e tc ltt.s (ou tl ne 1n l l 1r chal· !:\ Cle r) lo be s 1ne L Ol to a ny- of bei kind. b tt et o fo 1r. pub} s hed Wiil b ~ Mrs edE1 colors 111 a s t v le unc<ptu.lled LAD "' F; Ncir WoRK Dre" """'"' -Somo f th ' esg n:i t11 3 dep 111tr11e o t n.10 print n Sf: ti c sc ~1 ll~ !UIS ~3 00 ~Q 5 00 A '\ h Ol'\ I!U:: E: 0 i.'l r ::fOJ. C"' !'YY~tC:U.NS !'RESCR!PTIO!< S CAREFULLY COMPOt 1' 0.iliD A.ND ALL OP,D, RI CORRECTL1i ANS<\ ERED W. G. A S MUCH I I sunound1n« REED, PLE A~ U RE 10 00 a ro d !.\ IJ ~:z::l ra I N JN ALL KINDS OF .!JEB' Fanno· · "JU! plete and of the b... t qv,ality 1'1111"'""" fr·m th· Cw·tl'y will jlnd "" !Jtock of J 1f·d·c""" ·<m h. ING AND DI V lS!ON ST R EE'l S j At the Ironmongery I SOMEEHING ONG \¥ANTED - OR- BOX, .ADAPTED F OR EJ'iellEI Bowma.nVIllc v. l ere be; will l eep con stantly on hand a.' ell selected s: oc of i;tove!'l Tapann ,,d p1 esced n.nd 11 1 l 'J i n wii e 'vluch h e \Vlll ...,ell BLACKSMI TH vYOR K, S..A. IISI ~0 1 01 l LY DONL "OHE..4.P ..4.S THE CHE..4.PES1 Spec al a.ttent on laid to IN ~ ~ all, A nd SUPER!Olt 1 10 \ E A Y JHR O U G!II N G A N D JOBB ING C3r.rtWi5e h no \'\ h i= n vi. u "ii !"In._, a 1\. gn o J Al·iE BY EVERYBODY, l s it yo L De Canadian Pa111 Destroye1· Witt Talmadge said, in a sermon in New A. SA FAMILY MEDlCI NE IT I Yerk the other clay, that " if a man in Thi..[" l.!.o~ '~~ t~ well and fa~ ornbly knot'in relieviug tb.ou low b.fe commits a. wr'lng he 13 conv1cted, nnds from prun in the but if he ts in !ugh life the lawyers plead AND VILLA PAINTS, Back a id Hcadl. Coughs, Colds, Sou HOUSE and th" ladies weep The Judges delav, Si<le, Throa,t, SJY1 a.ins, .tJrwises Ora1nps i'I"~ Prepared for in1med1ate use and notlung but the purest ~.1ater1als used, and reand the trial 1s put ofi, and one day the the Stomach, Ohoie1a Morbus qtnrmg no furthex: mixture of oils, Turpentine and Dryers murder 1s out If capital puntshruent be D'11senter11 Bowel Co1nplaints, B1.£1·ns, ?1iht, there ought t o bo no p:irt1aht~ in THEIR COMPOSITION CONSISTS SOLEY OF Scalds, F1 ost Bite.i, &:c SIOK.L"Ell -Rev r E\'E.RY OilE H..llS OR HEil OWN Ptlll'IlLi.l! COAJ_J OEL\VOOJ), · -MY STOCK OF- to tt:J.T Ordere from the c o1l11.t1 y pr omptly attended L 0 D 4.. . fr U ighcst pr100 p aid or 1I1dcs~ Sh ec psli;m 11 TI \ ~ "\-Vool p1ckmg:i:i Copp et lea her s un d ll oel an tt-il" G1eat inducemen ts held out to ped.lel"::! ~ H - Fqrmers ·w anting 1\1 lk. P la or Pans w o ld do \ 7011 o call .an d e XO.Dlllle 1 y s to ck be ro1e p urchooi lg elsewhere A share of Public patronn g 1:1 U""Imc fullv sol cited W GREED Bowm:!ln~ille ?,:larch 8th 1871 SE >VJN G MACHIN ES hemp nutted Mu1der is murder v.he1eever corn even if the Presi<lont afterwards appo1nta tho murderer J\fuuffter to Spain · The consumer can have any desll'ed of Colors neatly put up in Cans and a l BE Jus1 AND lFl"-H. Nor - In tlnsGods he reqiurea to buJ with the Pa1nt ls :!. :Brush, ae th0 work ca.11 be done by lu1u.self or world, with its wild \\ lurhng eddies a.nd $<\ GO, 00 by any member of h!S household Capital S1o ~' mad fon.m oceans, whe1 e 1nen and nations IS WELT, t\.SSOR f ED, 2t.:8 369 O.t Sur11l u.11 F n nd& 1 perish as if \vtthout law and JUdginent n ecct11t111 f or t ue cn·U.D" } 357,SM 'aG lor a.n UnJust tlung is sten1ly delaJed el\~~ s nook fro 1l ex lcrlencc In tbe ma.tte1 ha\"" 3Utll Juue, 18'U ng tested 1t thorougljy a nd theroforo those "\vho dost thou Uunk that the1efore no JUSt1ce 1 1 suffor 1u g f rom any o"l the cor11plau11..8 for It 18 "hat the fool hath said m hie heart "\\. l lch 1 Ltl i eco1 11110 1ded l a'i d e1 eud upon 1t A lc trge stock JUSt recerved for Autumn Pamtmg imported And ·· Uall>.l, .eilmg at P n ce· that con H oN J M ol\foRRICH P r es de ot a so~ere ign llen1ocly It is v.hat the wise, 111 n.11 times \'iere \Y'Ise beI og tmno to G1'e SatISfa<:tion he a.stonwlung eflieac) of the Ca.nadum Pan1 B H..1.:.J>.AN, Managing D rector because they denied and kneVi forever not D estloyer in cur!ug tho diaoaijes for -whie 1 it 1s dnect f1om the English Manufacturers, mcludmg ,JAMES' t.o be I tell thee ag:un, there is not hing rocontincuded and ita wonderful effects in aub Genume and celebrnted Rooster brand-Guaranteed pme the to1 turou.a po.ins of Rhoumat1sn1 nnd in 0 ne s t rong tlnng I fiin d du1ng eIse b u t JtlS t ice reho' ing Nervous .A.ffect ons entitle it to high here below ~1y fr1end if thou ha.dst a.11 , m the liet of R en1ed1es. Order.e RJ"O commg ALSO - All standor d Colors, Oils, V·rmshes, ·nd Parnteis' M:atenale Call the art1llerJ of \V( O l1'ich tn111dhn~ at thy in fro1n l\Icd1cn1e DeaJe1 s In all 11arte oi' the 8-nd see how ch~ ap a. can be Painted and Deoora.tod, for r..U the&e 0 l cou i'.ltry for furlhor :'IU,PPhes and each te., INSURANCE back m gupport of an 11.llJUSt tlung, a.1 c ns to the univer sal satisfact ion it gh cs. goods "ill be i;old at reduced fieur ea B o\lma.iv11le Q.&t M 1~ 1 infinite bonfuas \""t!§ihly \\ a1t1ng a.head of Tho Cn.i:u:tdiftn Pan Deetro:s er ne'er fa.11~ to AT LOWEST CURRENT RA.TES GALLONS MACHINE OIL OF DIFFE" ENT IUNDS ~ t bl t j f tl izhe 1mroed1ato 1clief .All !\Icd1c1no Deale rs t.nee, o aze cen nr1es ong , or iy vie Kee i t Phyeicui..ns ordei o.nd uae it and no tory on behalf ot it I would ~(1{1 vise thee fatn~ly will be \Tit llout. it c.ftcr try1nl:),. t Public? the Important ~o Tluesh e r1 and all parties requiring such oil EP"'3 spoc1a.lly invited to inspect tht to call, to fling do\rn th) bat on and 1 Price onh 'Iwontf il>e Cent.a por oottlo ve1~oue quaht1G s-the pnce bemg far below a.n1thmg o'er offe ed lh th.i.o " I G d n ' Tl " l For sale by W T Atkinson a.nd Dr Dea.ns 1ay, n ro s name, o iy isuc sl'. a.· t.t in \"\ l t b"\"" t :o. J Il Gerri~ and J Dyrnc market eeel Whn.t will thy suoces& amount to? Ei ooklyn by John Wru1-cn If the thing is un1ust thou hast not sue Sold in Boy.; rnain U.le "by J Hlgglnbotbe.m. tmd eeeded no, not though bonfires blazed D Stot t and all 1ued.11;u1e a.ealers 500 COOK PARLOR, HALL AND BOX STOVES, from north to south, and bells rang, and ' arnvmg and now on Exh1b1tt0n editors wrote lea.ding tu:ticles, and tha JU&t '.l'he Ga·eat 1Fe1nale Remedy. The largest and cheapest st.oak of Gonernl Hardware, Ca.rr11.g· Goods, :".n<l. tlung Jay trampled out of sight, to all mor ,...,11wi::1e, Ill the County Gf Durhan1 _. kl eyes, zi.n abolished n.nd annihilated JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS! thing Succe!lls? In a few )ears t hou wilt be dead and dark- all cold, ·) eless, HIS INVALUABLE MEDIOINE IS Wa J.3~n B r _ n.g ll o" mi:.:ivi o Auguai £11171 nntn.lling in the cure o.. all those pa.fnful a.nd deaf, no blaze of bonfires, dmg dong of ~~--~~~-diseases to v. Inch the female coneti bells or leadmg .rttcles vmble or audible dangerous tut on l.S subJ ect It ino derates o.ll meccas and re to thee agam &t all for ever What kmd inoves all obstructions and a speedy cure way bo r elieu on ef auecelB ts that 1 '.l 'J ELPH SE ' \ 1 ~G M\O}JTNE CO Y, ! TO MAnRIED LADIES Ci {; ELPll CAN AD,,, le ~cuharly suited l t will 1n a short tlme., rlj'IEN .A CR E S OF L A ND w rrn m THE 0Rows -Henry Ward Doocher It bring on the 1nonthly perlod 'Hth regulnI1ty L one an d a-qw;.rter 1 Il es of llowmo....'11- iilet J "' A S i\Jt l H aay.s of crows ' Aside from the spc1al '1 hese P1lls should i.Ot be t alct:n. bv F'emal.cs be:in~ t hf! r ca.r or l9 t :No 12 2n<l oonco io i or fl.Uestion of p1ofit and loea, we have a. war1n during the Ji11i.S1 THREE MO.iV'i'HS of Preg Da1lington GoodB11ck Cot ta.g e C1ste1'll G a.r dP.n ne 1, also manufacturing th· naney as tMy are sure to orinu on li.fiscarruige. ru1d :E'rn1t 'I rees on tho pr e niees Tc11ns ensy 11de towards the crow, he ia BO hke but at a n.v other tune they are 8afe Apply t:> one of ourselves He L'> la.zy, n.nd that is AIR DRUM In all Ca.scs of Nervous and Sf!Ull\.l .AJI'ectiona RICHARD PHILP humim , he takesadvantage of those" e·k Po.ins in the Back and Lunbs } atigue on slight BCJ v; 1JHl.ll\ illeept 1371 in Canad a e.r than himself nnd th::it l..'i 1nank1nd he exertion Palp1tatJon of tho heart Hysterics and v;; bites these Pilla will effect a cure "hen nil ~ is aly, and 1ude9 for to n1orrow u hat he other - -T dLe~ means have fruled ond altliougb a po"\\ er 1'.,,.J ean't eat to day, showing a real human Cul 1cmcdy Q.o not contain lrou calomel anti providence , he lea.rns tricks n1uch faste... 1nony or anythu1ghurttul to the constitution Fall d1rcctlons 1n the pamphlet arowid each tha.n he doea US!Jil-l t}ungs sho'i\tng a tn1e p·okage wbteb should be carefully preserved. oo d ,-., _,,ook mg R a1sms only 5 ccnti .. pcmn d, an d sti 1 cheap .A.~nt for .;be \Vheoler &:; \\: 1lson the Howe, Thn P ump Shop· ... and the 0°born~ ~ey.; 1ng Iirillchines boy nature, he likes }us own color, WITH HORSE l'OW'.FJ.ft '); LA1 ' fE 30Ill\IOSES NEW YORK sOIEPRO PR!ETOR Xer by the box and love1 to hear lus o~n voice, wlnch are ~loo nnd 12} cents for postage enclosed to LEWIS QUIVK at present wo1J, 0d h) th n 'mb enunent traits of , he will neve1 :Northrop &. L l rnn.n l\e·woaatle Ont general 15 n scriber agents for tho Dominion will insure a. bottle Possess o ., n eu 1 v rue,d1..'1.t eJ Onl .._ UMMER DRY GOODS at cost wo1k when he can get another to woik conta.ilnog ovei 50 pill9 by return mall bus1n13ss of th~ kind in tovrn- v *'nty of custom for him, a genwno human trait , eats he i are chn.r11.;1;i fo r a good puu p 1 a kerl!'or sale "by VI/ 'I AUdnson and Dr Deans l l:.. whateTer he can get his cL1.WS upol\. a.nd O!iha.wa In W hit by ~--HrGe!"rh:.a.t.tulJ Byrne ] ' SILVER a leSI much1evoua with a botly!ull lhan in Broc)yn b f'°John WaiTen 10Tf0N and ·woolen goods are advancmg, but you can buy Bo\vmnn v1Ue 113.y 25 1871 ( when hungry, n.nd that~ 1!,l£~ePt h 11 0:...,; :B;,~~e.~Vill~ Oii'tarlO - - i. -t: ~T"lrt D STOTT J th"m l'tt EllrnMh.- fM ~ ohnrt time, at t ho old rices Now i" !Loan. at war with .PJ1 '.uom Im has nothmg to do HI th<i tim~ to seem e what you need -- blo wonder, then that m<-n daspu1e crows if , OANS FOB U WTYI ONE IO 'l >\EN ·h·y are 10 1nuch like men Give men in 1 llen101·i:un Jl..JTY years to I ~ rcprnd in inst alme nts to !:i i t 'lnnp and reduce thetr &mn.rtnesa a httlo bo1 To,vers " b o t.rP. allo wc 1 to n1 1 e s ch va~ A. GAINS I EXPENDI'l URES ,,---~..,--~--tr,u;y:a~ p~p~ ly~in :gt;-~ and many of them would bo good enough hono1 of the dead lle.e-iveu has to h· crows F \ REW ELL McGEE & R t TLEDGE ber.:n befor e the public for n. le:ugth o r time and "heun: et uaod 1 ~ ·well Hked ne" er fall nt tu a single 1nsu1nce to give peunanent rehei w 1en tnnely used and \ve ha\ ~ nevc1 kno'"'n o. Bingle ot dL~atmfactlon where the dilcctions lHM c bee 111)1opP-tll follo'""oo but on th e cont rary all are tlcllghted ""ith ttA 011cra.tion!'I o.nd spe ~k in tho 1 ugh cst ternlB of it a "\ u tue., and n1agical Tbe 01 N t.DLl.N P AIN DESTHOYEE. ha.8 ll OW Pure Colo1 Pure Whi le Lead PU1 e White Zinc Linseed Oil, Spi1its of Ttt rpentme and Dryers cai efully and smentifwally combined HA RD W ll R E Western Assurnnce Comp&ny. I HE!l.D on;;;-roRoN~o JUNG OF AMERJC'AN SEV1 ! N U 1'.TAC H! Krr PURE \tVHITE LEAD. S th & CI eiltnut Sta Plu r. delp !u/\, U S 2000 · Stoves I T ,JOHN McT.EOD. HARD TO BELIEVE. True Nevertheless l --- - :o---- ----------,___:_~~ tuo~ ~~ I IG R 0 I cE R I E BEST HOT G VERY CHEAP. ---SEWING MACR1NE8. PUBLIC I~O l ICE s AR -- -- -"-------::'::'::'::':~it Riv-er and R~COVERE]l.. - C n nf How THBBoD!l OF.1..DROWN ED MA N WAS 1 utt eicd no prohibition and Ear th is not ln.1 ur ed but be1ieflt1 e<l by them 1<Aii--r--r:G -.NYTLJIJR~111 CLOTHING' c ,, \fflS dro,vned he next dav a.+tomptn "ere lr.ade to find the body by grapplmg hooki! Wlule the men wore thus engaged u. buyer uf JUnk stuff named Da.v1d Rep1to an Italian, who hn.p pened to pass up the docks, wa+ch ed theo1 for a wlule, &nd then asserted that he knew of oomethmg that "ould lead to the speedy ppplmg of the body Ho proposed to get a loaf of baker· bread put aome qmck eil ·er into one end an cl seriously asserted that on b01ngthrown 1nto thewa.ter1t" ould float to a. point duectly over tlie b ody a.nd then 1tand still He wa· hooted at and ~ld to go :>bout his 3unk buymg, not a man behev1ng in the old woman :s whim ns they termed it Repito " ent awa.v, but retun1 ·rt in· !title while threw a loaf of bread into the water near where th& man went off the dock ·nd m a moments called the at tent1on of t"o men below to the fact that tho loaf was ·p1nnmg around like ·top It went p·rtly under t he wbrf, stood 1till for a moment, 1tnd then ""ent half :ii. block down &trea.m, turning right and left, and u vouched for by five different men, et od aearly two mlnute.s a.gamst the cur1ent which was fl.oatmg dntt wood nght by it Very much excited the Itahan ·houted to the ·euchers to drag over the ·pot They were further down, and it was half &n hour l>efore they pa.. ed over tho ·pot but when they did ti was hooked mto tho cloth· of tho drowned a&i!or and he wu haulod to th· dock -Dotr<»t Pwt warn1 a nd lo>Ulg b ett ts tho adornin!i of the sepulchres of the love11 ones alleviates out grlct and soothes the ,vouniled bCll.rt I t l'lso cheers the be recn cd to knQ'"' that. nn add1t1onal en1 b e hshment or lho gr ave presents f.lti ongcr a t tractiona to orre5t t ho atton tlon of tllc 8ttangcr and causes hlDl t..o pause a ld learn the nan10 of one who h n-s shared eo largely in the lovo of those beautir~~W'!li'ef~;;;;;rlci or want of a neat fittrng smt should call early at Elliott's Fash10nable Ta1lorm!! Establishment ...., 'I'. DA..UJ,iNGTO~, Sohcitora B o,vn1on· 1lle ,w-Pri'vo.te funds to 101:1,1.1. Olt IN DOME<;TIC D EALER PORIED GROOERIER, A.NJ> 1111 A CAUTION. ag~nta ffi'll""Sat1sfact10n guaranteed m all ieasonable cases Henry Elliott, Jr. Mampt&1' August 3rd, lSTL E LEA.RN THAT THERE ARE CHOICE TEAS, cd -pel'sons \Vho w h en they FRUlfR cannot Unpl':mmpl pa.Im off' 3. ·vorthless Re-w ing n e on PROVISIONS, &c , CROCKERY AND GLl.SSWARl· l3owma.nv11lo Ont. ersons a cqurunted "\Vfth t he merits or the Cbf r. erent ].la chincs represent themseh es as for the celeb1ated Lockma.n. n.nd Oabo1n 1'.1a chmes and offer oo gran .. \Varre.nts for tho sam e with intent to dcce ' e "e be1ng the only a.u thorized r< gents fo:i: \o\ e.,t Durham the onh persons "\7lio can s ra.nt w·ar1"&nt a thereon and a.ny poreous not em:ployed by ue representing tbemsch es as l!Aent~ or offeun.g to giant wru rants a re unposters and liable to be tW for frau d Tbe public are h ereby CtJ,utioned suc.A 0:. R !1: H OHARA :Bowma.nVJlle Jun4 22tld 1871 4.'r 3 J:'ll. W thhs method to inform j: ou that tve can fill orders for decorating- the gro.~es ox departed frlende1 a.t low fl.gurca: executed in the beav styla of workmanship oL~-,$~8 take MONUME:NTS,TABLETS,ETO, OF THE FIN EST QUALITY 011' Piano Forte. Dot < Frst-Prize Drum. a.nd econom1cal Dr um in use n.nd will dis tribut e more i~ at occupy lel!ls room+...and an"wer e.11 purpo,,,e better than an:r other J:jy its USG a house oa.n be much bet ter 1cated wit h one stove than under the old u~ stem \V1th two Ol" three stovea-thuGmore tbc.n pn.:ring for itself in aeo.son by a. saving of wood. .All uho have ld not be without th"m for manv The unders~cd has Bowrno.nv1llc Dar Ji..ogton and llillllVer<> and is preJ)ared to 111 a.11 on the shor tes t notice A full n.saot tment o oo Pill' or aQ.d Box Stoves const n.ntly on band IT ALUN &: A MERIO.J. N :M.J.RIJLE-.AND-- T HIS IS THE MOST EFFICIENT FARMS for SALE· I OQ ' _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ ...-l _ _ _ _ _ ...... SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE gnpplied on short notice Evervthing perta.inlng to Cemetery- work ,-.ti! metit with prompt a.tteut.1on by lca\1:Q!J or d ero with C BOUNS.<!.LL Bowl:IU\nVUle DAILY -TO- LINE "\Ve h av~ con sider ed 1t to onr interest to ..Stf\b lish t\Jl a.geDCY lD Osa.nw a to look. a fter uhose Imp o b'.~Or s 1 aud. hav· t h er e!.oro r.:ia . . .e u. rat ge menia \ \i itu. B OCEIESTEB. I .. TO LET. is 1a F T H)SHIN The Pump Shop WITH HO?\SE POWER & LATHE At present worked by th~stlbROrlber Possession given immedh1.tely t11" Only but1ineas of the kind in tovrn-plenty of 1'tlfttom.- rare chanu for a good Prunpmaker JC :SILVER Bo~ manvillc M"" 26 1611 ::o·ON IDT !fM1'1Dl>i I ul>lNION OJ' TIX ;1;18!\1 r .a 1 Bo,vma.nville Sept 6th. 1870 ?.-!em· R & 1l O llaRA General Agents J r"':'\HE SUPERB NEW LAKE UPP 1' - {)";"TAJtlO B.Amt: ! Cabm Stenmor Bowmanville 1 Dl!:AR Sms - The pnrcl1nsed from you f!Olll9 six monthi agQ ma:.ntifact ured bf Messrs ir Q Smit h & Co New Y 01k (i:;nccessora to W B Bradbur~ of the &i-tnG cLtY ) for whom you are General AgentB ts giv ng great sa.tlSfaction e.ttd is in my opm1on o.nd in the op1ruon of m:u1y ompet-ent judges a fl.1-st-elas~ in~trumcnt l o.n:) ins: U~ted States Spring Fashions a.:nd Ca.nsdiun ~!ail:; and E xpre:.s I eav.!s Port Hope ever11 J.lornino (_or R 'Jchcste'J a t9o cloak on a rr1val ofGr and I rur \'ia.f 'lrauH1 fromEast 1;1,,nd "\Ves t N 0 Ii S E !! A N, \ ..... l l.l l> o 1c -A sheltet to cover m two lo' Bricks! Bl'iclu ! sitD Whit~ Brloke at tho Osha.wa. Tll~ Works JOIL.~ 'VlLSON T mHE CELEBRATED I'ERFEOTl'P 1111 heart., the corner atone of which t· tl\e Tirtuo of wom3Jl,a.nd from whose doo~ all other blomngo of c1nhzed hlo nre to 11'1 traced But yet, no home 10 completo without & ·upply of the "Oan·drnn Pam De1troyer, to pren nt disease or for the eura of coughs, <..'-Olds, snn1me- complau1ts, 1heumat1sm, nonrolgia, &o For ulo by all Drua:g,.to llnd country daalers Prico i.111 cent. per bottlo F OR SALE MACHINE .MADE PREl!lFil·st P1·1ze Cultivato1·11. enual to t h e best Chickering and U1 in my o_pi As fn.r ns the "\Vorkmo.nahlp is concerned It je HE SUl3SCRIBER WOULD DIRECT & Dunham and still one or tlieirs ru in ~ Dowmau.vill111 and vioinitT tho o.ttentton orfnrmtre to the one horse .o.nd Yours J SIMPSON two horse Iron Cultivators roa.nufnctured by him houeo and which have !or sLX obtained ftnt pr12:'""9 a.t Provincial o.nd Locn.l Fa.1re They arc un PB0?4 W TUO~~ON ESQ DIR?!:OTOR O· 'l'B:E doubtedl-y the besot implement of the ltind in use ROYAL c.a....-..:.A.DIA.N BANK and will l.D o. very short time more than tGpa.:r T nfon superior to the 1nstrwnents by th: s .J_ Spectn.elcs and ltye Glasses nu1.nufo.etUTC11 ftrID 1n richne ss 11J1d fullness of tone and it is equal 1( not supenor in both these resp" ts to ilY LAZARUS &: MORRIS and for whlch tho instruments m.un11faoturcd by Stoddard &. il&.Ve the sole cgenej a e gninmg ~olden op1n 011 Dunham or Dunham I may mention that I rom a. 1 thoee who i D'\ e 11 l<!d 1 t Jf you "l':Ot have purchased for mys elf an d friends s eveu1.l p a.nos manufo.ctured bji the old firm of Stoddard and no othe1~ .AARON BtJCKI F.F.: 8..iO n 1 m~ VP.lNGE Lw,1 es P01 t of lLochcst~ (Char lott ) FELL cvory evening at Do c ock {except Su.tu r TUC:<: dn.ys wheu $le lea \i es n.t 2 o o.;(ock P M for Bright on) CORD BI >ID 'AS USUA!i IN LATEST STYLES ' 'Ibis 1s the fa> or1tc summer i:oute trom 'J oron J to t o Rocheste1 tt.n y, Sec lhe ct ea.J:if': "t a.nd FRILL 1uckest route frorn points E Mt o f Poi t ! ..ope on m Pa.rt1culnr e..ttention to eutt ng'" .u.d q QU ILT tl\e Oran 1 rrun k, to Itoche~ te r E uftalo &c dttmg The favorite route to .A.:\ion and Clifton :Spnr gs G.A'II!E!t (ancl S(!!'t\ on ~t 1' e .. rtm A t n e) be MllS .ALEX FLET CHER Passengers aud fr e.ight tn.k u a.long s1ae 371! Apr!l12 1871 etea.1u er a t R vchester Lo.n. hug Con nection innde a t Cobou g tu d Po rt :Hope with RoJ al M ail L n e r~ fr om lla.milton Fashions for this sprlng 1571 and1!111rcparerl o La.dies i) .H :H .._.l. l HE SUBSCRIBER HAS NOW THE J-tetu-rninu Still A.h('a4. soIREES, TEA P ARTIEl3, :BALL SUPP ERS, pum,IC DINNERS, WEDDING OAKES and best a 11d !v!on t1 en! Ihe Norscnrn.n ' '1:111 cn.11 at tl e P ort of D a r l t i{! to1' e~ ery W Y.:DN J.tSUA Y MORNJ t1;0 shou..; d sufilci out. !re 1~ht offer Ycllowlee! & Qu.icJst ~ gcn b .Addre0S R C CA« TIER 37 t f Port I-lope Ont ~11 li!!I not loo· the un-0onquer ablo w ill .A1u1. courage ne\ er to sul)n:uL or yiel l .A. DtHl\:ll!l1"Q Ooitlih c&u··· tho friends of Uie atltferor almo·t as tnuch pam e· the IRON HARROWS au1ferer hun1elf, n.ncl should receive iiu .. or a. s:.iperlor' kind also o.n. ha.nd mediate a.ttantiou Dr Wi.,,f.atr & .DaUani. of W·ld Chm y epeoc11ly cure· cougho, colds, JS()GGIES AND WAGONS eon11tLWilY' on b&nd lorta-le IJ16uen11a, eue throat, &c It will always All kinda of :Blaek11nut.h work de·· es tbt · · - A o&ll 1<>ll<it.ld reline conoumpt10n, and mm·ny well at1 ,,..._,.. ~' _ .. it loi:I dUWi fl>.T°' thelr cost, ;n the cm.cie:ncy e.nd excellence of tlie1r work Inspection inv1ted .A. aupply of Culttvlll· tors now on hand ror the 1pnn1 work. ud W "b6 ·old a.t lowest r11ts1 Tono?l'TO, }Iarch 15th 1$70 :MEsOR· R &: IL O'ILu« - GE:sT:C.£1'fEN - I purchased about ten yeo:·s ago one of :Bradbury fl prn.ncs-t he fhet cobn It is ackn.OYi lcdgcd y 91 gned to th1a market profes!ilonals to be a remrukably fine toned 111 Wm. JI. Lowe, JJ. A. r,. L. ll.i., Notice. strument o..nd I may e so m"'nt1on that having II,...,,_ ..,._n·lll· LAW Sobc1 ...or in Cl)anc.ory and Insolvency been remo' ed seve1 1 t mes during the.t period. &v t &O 1.r bas 01117 re(,tlilled tt unil t'\'\o'1oe. Yo~if;L\:;_M T!fOMPaON O ftl· o-s !ilver Street Bo1n1.p:rlll· Firm ot .Thoi:r,iison &\< »w-t!> ........ ,., ...... q - B A.RRISTER AND A.TTORNEY AT l'l.TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE N THAT Got up l :l l1 1e be~t etr.Ie a.n 1 on r"'a~on able tc1ms .1..~ I ~ ill not be reSI10I s b1e for n.ny deb ts con b y: th e sub acn ber Tho wh1 t.est, the sweetest tra.oted by 111Y son Wilham Ja-me!5 Sulley 1 on~..,.,....,.,,... b10.."Ld dell'\"ered d a il) t,o eustomenUn ~ ·- --~ ·-1..o.a-..,._ YJllllNma. u~ WU'.14.ill aUI.LJ:T ..,..~.,_·-· ~

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