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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1872, p. 3

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,_ _ ... &&£,EL± - LtCJ. - 1~--VlEW' .4 READ! IMPORTANT READ CHANGES I l to be made in my business duri11g the latter part of Febrnary, I wonld offer · R E D A NE vV OF L 0 'T THE R"EM IND ER GOOD c:onfectl011e1-y, Bis«~utts. NEWS I HIS PA'fRONS lJOW'llH\l.l vi!lo, Dec. 2, 1871. l!J.thv . . ·-~ li ttle , ~hop att;whcd,' in a gnod b;E:l:ne::<i / of tlp:i l o,vn. F ol' pa 1·t ic 11l a rf> apply' to :r c ~ l;oir~ OLI ,AHJJ, on the Pl' ~' 1r1i ~es t'vo door- ~E ns'.- 0 F . llcndcr,;on's hntBl, D ow 111~n1'illo. i. ~ u- OUSE F011 S.A. LE \YITI-:I A S~ lj G I j ,.B ARGAINS -OF 'JANiES !!ITEWART Royal Insurance 001'1:P Al.'fY. IT' I B F.l SELLING ()FF! TWEED SHAWLS, ) .tn dcb.t ed to t h e b usine ss will plea.s o (Jll.ll ancl 1Eet.tie t h eir coconnts as soov a,; possible. MY- -nr- u.nd others th:1.t he has uow 011 hand, in his newly:occupicd t:5torc, a ln.rgo stock of B EGS '£0 INl<'ORM ANO ~t . [ 0 ~l i: i a :~ n il ~1t .. ~ll Cheap for Cash Bowman villo, 4th Dec., 1.1: f: C. I T 1 '~ ""- ~ T ED MACHINE ~hat to~a.f TEMPORARY OFFICE S: ~ : 01~a ~c u 0 DR·Y GOODS'·wrN,-I'El{. I (;rackers, l'l'tdt8, ll:' t~ :~a\H!~O i ~ X:t~·i e~~ ~Qa·cc 6 8 . n.r F .AJ.~CY FLA.:.'l'NELS, --· - -- ·- -··- - --- I I I I POLLA~~r THIS OELEB ad ict of t1rn publio i.:; now lx;eu to·t.od hoyoml .~1 qn·· tion ou~ th Cigart1, &c., I <Du;>Hul.. . MILLINERY, Greatly ·r e.d uced Prl-ces. /FOR . L!1-DIES I .1~~~~n~,~;~~~~~~i~!i~~;;;~ policy hi>lders. Dee-idea tho La.rge Paid-Up Cap Co1npl'.ny, ~o\ssunirs ha,-o Additional 1n the U1'Ll.l\11'1'.1£D LIABILI'l'Y of a. of Bowmanvillo and vicinity is rospcctfully '" oalthy Proprietary. solicited to my ne-i.v etock of 'l'bc Life Assurance, Fu.1ul now amounts to _ I . all ofwhloh ho will $el] T e rr Che n.p for Ct.Sh,~ Funds t ii tl. wholes.a.lo or retail. All orders prompt.Jy flllfid. a a u over .... ··· · · · ······ !J,i'.iOa,000 Aca.ll solicited. .E"'l:Rl~ D'fi~PAilTl\J:ENT BOUNSALL'S . BLOCK, Jr;ng~~t . .All deacriptiona o! propert y Insured against Bow;manville, Dec. fltll, 1S71. 1g-3m J,os~ or Douuage Qy Fire at 1noder:\te rates LOSSES PHOlYIPTLY SE'l"l"Ll£D \YlT.iIOUT GOOD NE"\YS REFERENCE 'l'O'f!UJ HO~IE OFFICE. Aruuta U n r JOUlC OVCl' ... . ........ . . . . · ·· ·· ·· ·· .. ·· ··" ......... $I~·. :~~v 0 ·,".~ .... V'<.L' "" DRESS GOODS, i aod OVERCOATINGs. 1 These goods have l I I SURGEON, GRAD- GR,OCERIES CROCI{ERY. T Millinery Goods, LADlE~· HE ATTENTION OF THE LADIES l~al of. th~ ::.;~cunty ETERINARY been bought· at a I V u $6.C03.210· 'l'HE SC~:I ot every description of tha la.test' styles, and a t OF PARTIES IN WANT OF prices to suit everybody, just recciYed for this Ifo.IJ '9 trade. I have also a ,~ery superior assortment of $73G,200. h:tving l'een added thereto as a rcsnlt of the Bus1~1c~:> of the Past. Year, a.ft e r tho l ' a:r1ncnt of all Utaun s, Cn ~h Ho n u~es , Au1rnit ie s and Expenses v f c\· e ry Dosoripl iun. T ~ bks of Ha te,., Propos nl Fornrn n. 1t-4l full in for· f!la.t.1,0 11 can be ob (111 HiJIJlk al ioll to th.e un - ' l e d b a1'1gc-11n · d 8ClC an d ATE of th e Outa rio Vete1·i nary <:ollr~g·\ lu}g f:i tv lnfortn the inhabitants of Bownu1nYille I and snrroundiagcountry that he has commenced the }lrae tico of ht~ profes sion, anti can be con · I suit ed 113 to the disea.8'8 of hor:;c::i u.nd ci~ttlc, ~1 t j Clvve r'~Livcry otllce, KingStrect, Bowman23~it 1· It i& the moi5t eubgt.a.ntla.lly hullt, ht!.11 the fewest working parts, bet1.uti!ul in dca1p o,nd tln13-h.llas tho be st design of a auttle, an(l br far the LARGEST ROBD1N S. I t is cnpable of por!orm· ing a. ran.ic of work hithe r to thought l:uposs.ibl for_Sei·\·lni M a oltinM. I Is so id at about one~balJ"the 1>1·ice of thie r lllaehin.e1 I D:R,Y-G-OODS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO GNDEHCLOTH!NG, LADIES' COLLARS and CUFFS, BRAIDED SUITS for CIIILDREN, '.l.'!.c!E 5 4 t.h VOLU~.I:E! will be found deT HE I'm· 1s-.21 I :tLU 8 TRATL D T Borlin, Ji'in~criug an(l Fle.e<;y 'V9ols; llxni c li!1g nnd Embrouler~· Matorlals. Stamp111g rm· H1·fLtdworlc: and l!:mbroidery; also, lnat.edaJ.a for tht· St.itching done to ordel·. Chignoni:i, ti~·itchcs and H.ol!s in gree.t va.ric~Y.All orderH promptly attendetl to. - A oall respectfully solicited. P..emember the stan<l- 1'wo drn;r::i :E1;1S;L of Jiundcrson"i:; Hotel. ucr ~ 1gu ed. .a.. , i'Ef I y ·, { { , !<Ire In::;pccL ur. ,. E . F. Hl~U D 1\LI.. , Chief Agcnl,, :foe ()anada . H. L. ll OU TII. cidedly cheap. Phrenological Journal, A F 11c3T ~ C L AS S TH~J 'l'H~~ LLK~; P R!CE OI<' OTHER MACHINES DOING \\/OgK. I s e qually a.t home on MRS J, C. l'OL!,ARD. Bowmanville, Septenibr.r 14. 1871, HALLO! Mur<loch Ba·o's . Call and Inspect the GOODS~ A.ucl get Har~&ins, for it iB uc-j knowledged bythosoofexpenencothat Ai I lNTEND DISPOSING OF THEM AT inn.te rial Boots of desired i:iattern "'\YU.r- ~ ' ra11ted ~flt or no i;aJjj. The subacl'lber feels gra.tcfnl for the-. ve ty liher-a] Dl\tl't)l:Lllge he h&3 had for the t\ft.een yenr!:I, u.nd would solicit a cont.iuuance of public JJ&tron-, age. -1 wou1d bog- to MY to sll who nrc iudobted to r:1e either by note or .book awoonnt they 11Lu~t ('01:i.e liJ lh,., .~~ratch thi$ fall. Pa!lt c x'peri~r1ce has taui:tht n1e that ate.or~ 1 ;,e. u 11 tc b e tn-+ ier br,1ken i ll when yuut1g - if a.Jl o wcli to run l.tnt H t'(H1r "r 11 \"(. years oill it 18 e01u1idcel'd a break-neck ft.Lo\~. N< Jw To the T',tblic of the British Provinces of Tiii§ is tile Place to BllY Hoots X orth A merirn. and ShocH--.-.;onc Bel tet'. '\Ve nre nO"\\" r.nanufacturing, fl.'Offi tho best B l~G. rv19sT ~ESP'.ECTFU'LLY 'l'O A . c1Jme ~h)ng TI--Il~.R~::: ! LL YOU WHO NEED SHOEING, tho C~!1'1pu.ny hav~ng no .ltgont doing bu :;inc~ a in that City. 12-lrn. no.u.i:.;n T A r:.1\/fOUR, .,. Ag~ n L a t. Ho w mn.n villeN. D. - '1'!1 ~ t1na11 (1i11l po:Sitio u of the H1·yal 1-5 in no '~:1Y afle.l.'l~<l IJ.·V the rc:cent Fire at Chicngn, .. THE SUBSCRIBER WILL SELL FAMILY 1HA G'AZJNB. l)!wenolo{/)J. --'l'hc ]~rain a n(l its Funcl.ions: Location of 1he Org ~uis. w-lt.h d irections for cul- leather a s on fiue gootl 8. Ji aa cn.r?'icll o.. prizes ovct· the liowc, Singor, Lockn1an, '\Vheeler .t\Vilwn, \Yanzer, Haymon d, &c. ~A P&"feot 3'Iucl1iuc Gr.n.1·J n teeil ·)'t" 110 1;tall'1. - - -- ·--- ----():rntiou ! ! C:u;tion ! ! ! I I UNHEARD Goods,~~ OF LOW PRICES. I ~ eh they WI det$rmi~ to l all th a t arc in t:.rrcr.n'M and all aceou..'1ts duo this fo.11 wil be expected to' ]lay up. s. n. BH.ADSH.A. \ \ ' _ Rown111.1n·illc, Oct.1871. 12-ly. DR. BOYER'S Icount.5 as I Par.tiGS indebted t.o me will much oblige by settling their acsoon as possible. :<i ~ GALYANIC FLUID, t:nivon5aliy ac~:nowledged to be one o tho moGt poworful :Liniments for the cur~ of i:i § ~ R Il E U 111 A T I S M, Q Wm. McMURTR Y-. The Gr~ry Department STOCK T AKINGf ek. ,None ia quality,and JI.On~ O~EAP CAS:Er.:: ·SALE .A.nil for a.11 c~ri;es where &u ti rlernal ap :>- · I moe.t ca.rncs~iy entrea t a.11 those v.-,h o IJ\l;),) " plication le: roquirOO.. en ertonnivo ntie z ,roa.d thifJ :!fl vcrtisement that t1H1y he pleased, in of it has proved thn..t it has no eqna.1 C thepubhc1ntcrest, t o comrn the purport . LY!"f.Oct. Srd, Hl71 . · for tha complaint· enumer.itited.. _, ot' the sa.n1e to t:l=! eir fri euds that they inay not be H . E. ROWE, DEAR SIR. - · ::Jd defri_\ pf the·r n1onoy by purcha.~ing w orthUf!t.d three bottlea of your Ya.luin11ta tJonsofth6 gcnuiuc HOLLOWAY'S !'IJ,Lfi rn nr Sold by all Druggistn and !Iedicine ... . loss A::-lD OrNT:7l1Nx'l'. ~lJl e l\fed}cina in rr1;- ff!-Ulity wi\·h good effect, I D6Klers. ... col saf~ ~n recon1mending the Enrckn. for G cr.c.. ~ 1 would nsk, a.s a great t11vo11r, that should it ~ WOODRUFF, BENTLEY &; CO., como to ~l~e know~ed_gc of 1~11 y person that spuri-· Deb1hty, Ina<.;tfon of tho I.i\·er Loa3 of A P· >< . potit e, ,\ c., iLho.vinll be.en micd for the.above c om· ·o Proprietors, ous n1edJc1ncs are no1i1g m or sold in my name · he be pl ~1$C~1 to :)end me all tbe particulars hC plo.iutB ii\ lnf r'amily, 1'.ours re3pP,P,tr11JJ~· ca n collect respecting tlfti sa1nc, r,hut is to sa/'· J. FURGUSON. M. E. :\!inistcr. ~he unurn an.d addrc~.s ?1 t h e vendor who is se I 1ug t.he spnno11smcd1cm 03,a u dlikewiscth e n11111t~ and address of t he House in t ho [J n il!:!l S ~atcs Ch!"ODic o~clsr· where, · w hlch m ay h n ve ~ u pplied them, sO ~o e!lable Jne, for. th1~ 11t·ot cction of the public, R. JAMES ,ELECTIO PHYSICIAN, a,, to instltntc pr11r:<·c11l11L:'s ag<\lnst such e vil-doero, \Vonhl rc!:IJJ ~etfully state th~t he i:i now o.nd I <~11g,1 ge tu r en:: uner a tti v ery hand5omcly trea.11ng successfully lhl:'l fn11uwing disc1JSc1.1:-- <\il Y_per:;on wJ;io may g 1V·! urn suc h int' ·rH1 a.tlon, ! E-pilepsy, or fa.lliOK Fits. tn their \\'(Jr:;!, fo11n; ! h11 rn.t ~ :;n:a n t s nanl~ ne v er b<'il1 g divulged . I 1 Co:n'.:lumv:.,i· m , in it,s va.rioua stn;;ei1. (with D:. ~:L 1un t<. any p ~1·.~ \»l 11::i. v e l'Cd8 0 ll to bclicvn llut:. I J, '" reu1e die3 consurnvtiun ill no longer an lnc1~ .:~ o m:,::; !Jc c n t1 ;<.: 1·11 :e J by !J u,n n g r- : 1u ri.i 11'-' i m 1tn- I 1 ra.Lle dia ea, ,;c); Bronchitis, Ua t.'.Lrrh, _..\_st hm1\, · Wn ~ 01 t_,rn1>c .Jir~ d ~.:, :tc s., l H; > 11i , <lu w oll t.o :::end Gravel Dr(ipsy, Ge nc rR.l Dropsy, &c., p:1tient:-. mo, l!i ~\ l et tci-, ! o 1· 1 ! t<·tJ1·r·sf:l ~:. t \ w: uuu 1,e w ho have b ~ on tapped .:ieverai tim e ~ aro eur::~l>k ·:an ,'l o a i, a. t " "l < JI .,, _::: c eni '> i :l p-. s ; :t~\:"}, m1·J of under Dr. Jitme·' tre.'ltmen :_:, di se ~tSNl of thrJ i. h ~~ LJ0ok31 )f111s~r uc !. 1011.-. w bkh a :J-i x.;tl t u the ao.m.e. I pnrn 1ii;e tu exnn1ine i l tind ,;end a rBp :r EYE ~.\..i..~D Ei\R, st.atu11-l' wht;9 1er t.i1c l\Iediducs a r e genuine oi'not, so thut 11 :;pn r ious he inay 1~11p ly t o Lhe p or· · Erro1·a· of youth Nervou.5 Debility Prern~turc son froni whom he pnr chas(;11 1 w m to Jia.vo hi.<i Decav ttnd o.Jl {he ~lfoct!j r>r hidiScretions or uiopey i:etu rnod. youtli-*' cure ts _auo.rantced · Drsvepsia- I h·er Chenu!it.~ iuill Drugg lsts \Yl10 desir n to obtain Disel\ses ~nd diseoaes of wom~n <Jnd Oh'i1<f:r(,1i. ( l\:!e<licmcs can · be sup1Jlied nt the lowe::it 0Ieeelc ~.rices !n qucu,itit.lcs of not les g tha.n . Uancers: 'cured lVithOlJ.t cuttinn·, anrl little ' pah1 ; Sore Lci[B Salt Rheum P,Jld :-:lcrotula. in all its wort h Uc;>r which rcm1tta.n cc rnust be sent in forn1s_ D;. J. ii:, hn.iroy' to say. diseases i.Yhich bdvanc7~;:~iz., 8s. 6,l., ~2s., and 3:18. 11.--:1· llu~en have hitherio been th1;n. 1'1'ht incurlible are now 1!"xca o 1 8 or pote of Ointmen t, nett, without I rs.pidly yielding to his treatment, a! his grateful ( 11 scount. . patients a.rci williI4f to tettlfy, No Calotnel, no have th e honour t o be, 1 mcrcUfy, no Mineral PoiDoni, will be ad.minis\\T ith great respect, Uif·e.1 1 m ~1~y furn~. In 1u1y dlse1-.A1~ _ '1'1 !01\fAS UOLI O\VA y fho affiictcd, who cannot obta.1n relief fro!n r:~ ., -. ) ~ · au 3 0 X_.; t:Wc1 Stred (1Cffc :..11, St1'lind) , Lonrlon, other sources, are perLleularly :lni.·ited to call and lV. C., &,:pletnber 1, 1811. 17-10. 800 hhn. £ir01llce tn Nei1son'11 IIall. Belle1'·:11le, Office - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - -how·s, 11 a. 1n. t.o 3 p. n1. Your!j rno!l.t ~~veotrnllf, COND E NSED H. JAMES, ~r. fJ. ~ ~ NEU RA.LG LI.. lo--0 t;< ~HlljJTleSS ~t ~· l\fa~dcn L a ne, ~ew- York. for the ~ale of lluLLOW ~.Y 8 PILLS AND OIN'l Mi,:N'l', which A'l' .A. REDUC'f!ON OF were up to tha.tt1nw p1yp1n:ed by- \\.'illio.m Ernwn, now tlcucu.BC\l, to b~ c 10.)r;11, 'J.'l1eoH"i ~'feUid n e:; !3 Jl (.Ci:;1..l fea !.nrCH. were, I rci;r~ t tu Bay , fr m11 wlrn.t 11a!:I latcly com.ti Parents, 'l'ea~her.<1 ana Otlu~rs.-As a guide in to nly ~owicdge, ntiH] ,.,1: p nr ouch -i-err 01"<-linary f!dn c aLin g t.!.n.d U'>;.i!lill{{ Cl1ild 1·en, tl1i1:J ma1:(l:.:in t.c lngTcd1cn ts us Lu r i\l\il1 l l UCl H 1\!n1ost W l)::th l ef>.~. bt1,._; n o sup m wr. nml llie:·(;fo rl:\ c a lul!.l a k d to th1ni:t;;·e n1y ;;ood I\fnch g eneral il1f(11'Jn11 tio n 011 I li e l e r~1Un g tupiu."> u~iN e. , , of \.lie duy i , g i ·· e n . antl n o efforts are spfl..reU to I . 1.rn:o c 101 ~-}io d o Il!-J~ w1~11 to. be rl ec ei v Pd by b u)·· a mb:c th:i::. r,he }ll O~ t' it:1terc::itin_ g and in<:tr u t. li~c ;ng i; pm· .1~ n1ed tcincs, \~h Lch are no w Jik0l y to al:' well a:> th e i3e s-. I >wtor1al F um ilr Mag 1 \zi.1e cnianu.te trotn L Lo Sta!c8 Ol' c ll:Kn\ 111.: re , b ut, to e-i.--er publishe d. l~OS8C83 the msel-.rcs o! the ge!luJ ne llu 1,1, owAY's I~LB )i_)l'JJ 01~'?'.\IENl' wlJ I do. :vcll t o see that Establish cd."Tl: e J ou rn al" has r enchcd l.t:; FOR THE Nli:X1' FIVE \'1EEKS. ca ..h potand~ >i rx 1Je;u 13 the B ritish G overnrnent bit!~ Volume. It hu r. s!cn.dily in,e~·c::i.s c d in fa.vor ijt.a111p 111J wh ich if! f'ngrBved the words "lIOLLOdm·mg lhc m any y ears lt has been published, and W A"t s PtLLSAKDOtNrMEN'l'" nnd thu.t tho adv;·o,s never n1ore popu lai· th.a u n ow. dre im on the label is 5::13, oxFon u Srr::EET LON· .Tenns. -1\lonth !~·. u.t $3 a year. in nd va1 1ufkno::;i, ·where onlv tl1cy nre manufucturerl, :~1111 iu · "'H Ri11i;l n l 111 mh1!l':-+, :llJ ~~o nl R . C:lu l):-1 uf t u n or 1nore, no othcrp11rt_ol th~ world . 'L'Jw l't~IJ1. il pl'ices are 'l'ERMS, STRICTLY C $2 cnch, a n d a n e xtra copy t ·) A g ent. on tlie labels in cur1·e r1 cy, ancl u ot in dollars and ct.::at,s. \Y1) a 1 ·n o ITe ri llg 1lw, miJ ~l, lilier ul Prcn1ium 5.K u l·epreRl'u \,a.Li vc of m in e ·will eve r travel I nolose 15 ocnt5 for a sample number, witb new tl)t'(lllgh~any par,t of U1e British Provin ces. or t he j I Pictorial Post er aud Prospectu s, an d a com plet e t: uit e.~l b 1'.-titc1' 1 ;,1tho1· to solJ, or to take orders for l List of Pre1n h: ms. .Acldrccs S. R, WELLS. Pnbllshor, mv, Pi lls and Ulllt mont., !1?-d as I have reason to I believe. that 11ttc1nrt :0 .will yer:r :p::ohn bly he made , · . O '· I :1 ~0 Droadwa:r, Ne'v Yor k. ~o dcccrvo t he. I?Ublic rn t his wny lJ,Y person s call· mhg upon n1odrn1n.e vendnrti, faJ.seh" rep r esenting B·"VM'Block, Kingsl.,Bowma;nvilJo. 17-17. t at they aro act mg for me, and with :my knowled~ il.1Hl eonsent, I deem it advisa ble to put tho !1ub11c ou their guard agains t such decep- ---~· ~ -------------I ' enc!l 11 1 1 ~·n\I i 11 ce8 t!1nt jn May la~t I ~a.Uflcd t.he . 11.eq,mHnt t J 1e puhl : (~ uf tJ1c llritish :"iortb An1- I AL L-W 0 0 L CARPETS ture. and training, aild the relations of 1\tind oud Body descr ibed. , l)h.11si'?(pw1ny, or the "13igns. of Character wltl1 tllUBtraL10us, and ho~;: to Hea<l tlL<~m," it; t~ specii\l fc:1tn1·c. Ethnol0!/1/. or the Kabn·c.1 Hifl t O't"y o! Ma.n, ilh1~t 'f {lff!<l, wil lu' g:i~c11. :f'hy.~ ioloov and 1na tonq;.-Th (· Organ fa{l.tion, f:ltl'U <:inre nucl .funct11mti o,f the huprn. n body; \YitJ-1 t h e h1,vs or hfc a nd he11lth. \ \·hot n·e 8honld Cf1t nnd ch·i:nk, J:to " - c:oUtctI, u.ncl lww 1o exerC'ioo, sleep nnd ln·c, m a ccord1ince ·with hyg'iQUle p1·i11cipl es. J)ortrails, sketch es a n d biographios of ler.Uiug n~en and '"·omen iu 1iU dep11.rt1ucnts of life , ~1i· o THE GVELPII 11.4.ND .t.XD 'l'HEU>LE 111.t. <:HI::W E8 CENT. tho bee:t mnd.e, simplest, Jnoro d\U' o..nd rclinblc tlrn.n »,ny oilier .al nsle- th~d ma.ohlne. Largor a.nd work with areat ~. · "',.ill do itl kinds of do~JH~«tic )je wiu g in a perfectly utiafaotor)' 1nann&. lla.a ~talce n :tlrst \ltl!roi 1'1'h9Nv'er cx.hibi. t~ d . AGENTS WANTED Ev'ERYWH&R!ll SPLENDID IND U CEMENTS. I 1 · "'-"' · · 1 F F M ARTIIUR I j 1---···;;~-0'l'V~EI-.':§ OJI~;-.U i h - For terms, sa.n".Lples of . eowing, &e:., &fll'l..l" to GUELPH SEWINGM.1.CIIIi\'ECO'Y; &T..' ELP H .'CANADA lons. TRY IT. Farm Property INS URE YOUR PROP!ll\TY IN THE -AN D - oil 1\r. H?~Vinz D1.t.AGHED R EIDENGE. Save Half Your lvfoney. Head Office for Canada, Kingston &I!" R. &:- ll. O'Il.A.HA , \ \ 'holei!S&lo agente fw.r the Oountics of Durb.a.m, Ontario and ,..,.,ictnrft1. al" Special induccn1ents to Llve ss-ents. January 18th, 1871. General Sewing M a cnine Agency I I BOWM .A N v~ILT.E MARKET BUILDINGS "' Disemte8. D " TF!ISol d nn ·l lllS tH.;>S . detac!Jt·d He a1 d ea <: e s, a. nd I ::i s ~ 1eR I'olic i cs G rC' a te ly Ih·d u c:c d Hale3. _w t!ll C.'.! t11 blh1bcd CompnnJ 11.ot h rn r,~ hl1L F tt rru Properr y n.r:: 1l at A~~ ·· · · · ··· · ·· · · ·· ··~-· '->.: ~T ' :,, ,. o.J 0,000 .00 the Fi1i.u1 c·.' Minis- Depo s i tNl w:th lf'l' for ~ P"'<'i u l ben .dl t 1 (1f I .?ti li cyhuld c rs , O \ 'e r Cnnf!.d i:1n ·· · , ·· $1 00 .COO S ee t h.;. f,; llow i ng Ocnl fi('al es : 'l'his jg to cet·tify 1lrn.t 1he Ag ricultnrnl lns11:·Knce Co111pr. n y ba't'i ng dqiosited _ in tl1 l" bands of 1lw B1· c 1· iv1·r G~nt-' rtd o f Cil.nfldu, lh e -'H:n of Fifty.four Thouso.1HJ "' h'e Hu 11 ~ dred !Jollan1 1 i11 Lnit('d Sta les bu~1 rls 1 as r eq1dred bJ Llio Act of Ca.rm.da, 31 Vic. cha. 48, sec 22, is h e r~· by l ice u':!cd to car~·y cu1 tbt· bu ~i ne s s in Crtnad1i of Fire lnsur·nnce of Jnne 1 1870 . ;JJ "Lo .. . " " Da t<"li 1it th e Cily uf Ott\l.wa 1 the 2ud c11~y for 20 days. WA diacount will be on ----- - ------ - - ATMOSPHE RIC BATH! R · t:<' J.. -J E' R The Grcute.'lt I n ~:tion o!' tli., AL{e. .,.rl w i 1h 1b e (t ffi c f l':'-l n n rl .J-L1nagers of t !H :\gricu !t cu:1.I l n :;u _r ~ nc e Compnn.r for m in 1y )'<'1ll'~ 1 :>n d 111~0 \-...1th tb E b 118iuess opcnlt io th0 I c,f tlw Ct;m1lfu 1y 1 fl.nd no hes itn.tiou lll -:;:::: · rl;'C11rn mt>11diu ,1t it ns it perfectly snfe and rf'I · ~ I I I J J1mN LAr--GTON, f(>r ].ljr ister of Finn nee:. Tli1R i .;, t o ce r·ify tbat I have b t11 acqn:liIJt- C K MAN" ) TJ10R 'rIIE 0 010 1 OF ALl . KINDS 0] ! _1_1 Di~c:i.!:les, botit a cute ~ntl chron ie. Prof. :i ~i<"l he is i:ea d r to 0 1 JJl ~· ~ of Au·piithy, M'CLT)NG BRO'S Groeeriea of TWO J.)!D .6.-BA.Lr Hll M B . B R M Fi-r1t. ~ Old IS !::it one v;;onh: announce to the pe ople of O.shawa a nd Lh c cou niry at, L~u;;e tl1n: , h is 1.·ontlcns~d Air 'U -,.:> 0 !11-iblc z"' ~ Cheap Cash Sale is still going on, and -will be continued for 30 days longer. GREATER THA..~ A A N N S BARGAINS s A , 1 T PICTURES TAKEN IN EYER "-'1LL BE GIYEN. 000 Crockery, China, Furs, Bonnets, Hats, Dress Goods, Clothing, and Buffalo Ro bes, will be sold at a great sacrifice. DON'T FAIL TO CAl,L; No. 1 Style AT FLETCHER'S Picture Gallery. SIGN OF THE RED FLAG, KING STREET EAST. Bowmnn ~·Ille, NoY.- ~ard.1871. t r eat ,~n d i.-:1!:.',t.<::0 3 011 the !Jl'lnor a. coru lenst~d At1110:'>p h e 1 ·c. Ue ha.;;i purlt1cd 1\nd cUscipHncd it t o beco m e one ot' the g reatest sa.nitary ai,:-ents of the o.g e anti µerh.'.\ps of tlte ~'<'orhl. Ali a cure for dis~ n~c s it must, unqucsti ~nably hold.a place as fn.r\-c all other c1nat1ve and sanitary agents aA it,f; i·e· !ation to :fn. imal life is nbove all ot h(~t' elomentfo or ageuci~f\ "uown to ~11·icnce. .Acute diseases. iJU(':h <i.s ::Searle~ ~""'ever, 'l',YJJhoid F eYor, Diliollii Fever, Acute lnfiammat1on of tht~ Lungs o.nd !Jowell$, Dysentery, witl? all other forms o! .A.cuLt;' Diseases, ctl.n be c1.ued m tl~cir c~r-ly stages iu u very few hours ·v1thout fail, so if you or your fa.ntily at·e attacked ·with :iny iwu te disease come to t b.,: and the «0-fl'eringof a. long protrn.ct(11l il lnooa. 'l'l1e i" sure and oorto.iu d.S abo~o r.·;.;.tcd, which other& oa.u testHy, who have tnod .u. Th() ti·1:oatment has been thorongbJy tee:ted in C~nic Diironscs with the greatest succefls. D1aeases of the Rea.rt, I Icad and 'l'hJ:oa.t. Bron· chitis, Liver · Oon1plaint~ DyApop i:i i~, -Catru:rh, Nervous Afl'cct.inn a, N ervous I-Ieadache Paraly1:1if1, Deafne.~ t1. Nmtralgia, Rhemnatism', .Drc;ipsy..., Diseases CJf t,]ie Lungs Con~ eumptwn 1n its En.rly n11d ~Iidtllc Stages '.rusa.n. 1ty, and a}l Female Di fficult ies. Hehn~ never a failure or a cure. vvhcre he ha d a r0aaonahle liine a n d a r egul ar ;ittendancc. Fio ~·oul(l iuvl~ all. those th n.t }\!·e. suffering frorn 'l1 ~i::f:!. ;:;es of nny krn d t.o 0 <tll on b ln1 a n d in · v e :;ti~,Lt;e h ir> pd ne iple :; ot', O !' nny in q uirios wn to treat1n ~r1t 1intl cur ft by letter will 1 relat honestly and promptly a n1:1 werod . Osha~·a, Ua t:U i o li OW 1n IHlC G O:~~v:n1l OJ) CHH i n11 I ll U~h ;-i.wu.. 0 ~ ~ ~ I z $3t; I c:un :i iJ er i t r c s.pJn s i hl e b c.r o 11 d . ~u1y 1t· 1·1 :t1 1d ?.;; i1.3 O!fic el's ns comp~h·mo:nb lc hus inc::;;:. me n; n.Hd a~ 11 i .·s un·s 1~~1thi11g bt it F a n11 Pro1wrt.r ftnd t A. c hed D \v1·l'h1g-.:i , a n d lin s Ail~f'IS . c .. mpuny, n.:i d '"'. I ' I d1·-1 con tin i: ~ n c y . H ~ ~ D. fJ . CAI.VIN, ii!. P. P, 'Y"' lJav ~ r.xarnined in to lh e coad1t1on ur th e A;i:ricu ltunll lrHllll"HUC\t' I ~ uu1di11i; C ~ ~ H Company, A. n·l do f 11 1ly cuu cur with Mr. o~.('fl in n ·commendiug it to ihe Fiirmers ofttue Proviuct:'!, as one perfectly SRfe and relL'lhH' in wh icll to in 3uru their jiropcrty. z ~ 0 J.C. <)LAnx, BankE'r, J. 0 AnnurrrKRB & Co. Oto. A. Kn1Kt'AT1uox:, M. :t. B. .M. Ec1rroi'l. "-~e wonld refer you t o tho follo-n-lng gen · d emen, _i a regnrrl to th e i-esponsibili t y of tb1· V0mpa11v :--D. Fi ~li er , Esq., Cn.t!;hi,,.r o f tbe Ontarii; P<J.nk; Jno . !1l cLr-ofi 1 :\!, P . P ., J, B F a irbnin., E::iq., l ' ostma..stcr j J. E, Fare we ll Esq. 1 B:t ::nstcr. Ageu t fQr Cobourg and vicinity, H rJl I j . \V. R. f v tl l ~ . WILLIAM T. F!S!I. CLT~1IE 1 L-ocnl Agent nt Bowman .. I Se-wing Machine --.,_·- '- _... ·1 1 I --~~ce rl\h ~r 5 , 1 '3 ~i'l. Juno lti, 1871. STONE. -· -~--- -- .. -~- J.>E T E R S 1 McCLUNG BROS .. Co- ~d ..II Musical Library, co:<srs:rING OF FH'TEEN VOLUMES FILLED WITH CHOICE PIANO :Mt:SIO. 11 h-1 ! $ 1 ' " .I '· TOOlt:TllE :t'Jl.IUl'l' PRIZE AT T H '.fi. Sign of the Golden She-ep. Olll' (frun& ""' :Hall. N.B.-All accounts must be paid at once, Mee. BROS. Provin cia l;;IExl&i bi f ion "l't'rn\·ln.n ~,rrup," ( Nff1' " B1trk, " I blo\,. · h~ the gin ~s. A 32-pa!::'e 1m mphl et f<"!nt frl'I e ), P. DTY fl. 11ron.1t, Pr·)prieh1 r, <i.~ D""' ..H .· N1.1 w ;O u.rk. Svld b y ail DruggiJ; 4 --- - - · ~ --- - -- --·- -·~-· CAUTION. -All ge11ulnfl lias thomlllH'I ·-- ------·- Just held a.t Toronto, over tho mo5t rcno1TlUJtl Sewing ]..ta.chines in tho world, among whieh were the celebrnt e d f{ ..n \·El, \ Vltf'l e1er ,c· \V : ~. CJ:NT. OB OMii purchuee. &:-c. 'fhif.I i5 only n. c on1l ru1nti on of the \'Crdlot p rcviou~ly n:lu J.e1·ed liJ' lla"! G reat, Cnlltdl::u1 P ublic, and proves i::o ucltrniv rly tl:o st.·rri:1uo1<:ITT 0 1"' l'U l: .. LOCKJ~..:lZ'{" O \' ha{ A i.L V 'l' ilb:.RJI, ·J.:, v.tid· h&ve the . money, M.URDOCf~ ) T .X. U J.. ·- -----..--- -·- -I OILS,!'.n. ·1 --"' ·l" ' I ~. , SU PPOH 'l'l~H.S, & c. , & 1.~ . .Ap;ent.~. W R . & II. O'IlAltA, '\V~ &lld. Retail Ali·o, ngente for Guelph Sewi.nir MA Corn for Sale ' vVh 0 le ~~ cor.oR~.V J\J!.NX SI!ES, i I 0 r c ]'a ck ea .j ~ .Jolua .l'lleDou1all. ~lla'4'·Pfl! l-'Ol"N* H OWSE AND OA'fT LE MEDICINE S. N. B.--Count cf Sto··ap· ·""" · ·~~pli·ll.,. ··· .i.· nnd A t the ve,y lowest price«. .,_.~ \Y lilT ~~I.. T~AD 1.1 Jl l!e Co., Gro ve r tf:' Da.k er, Sint.:"er , Ilo"'e a.nd. '</ 1 !fnch ines. '\\.Te haYe also on hand a .(!, full;: of the LIT1'L m \ V ANZll::R J;l:rwhillNI. PorsonG not sath1fi 13d "ith t:)De 1J.nchlne. e;a..n ,.x.. cha:ng~ ~O'I' U..!'.l.y ut.htl" in1:<lile of t h irty d o.ya. lt$Ull)lllbQ.r lt. & .U. O'l!a!'P- 11 !a iho S~W~lil M· 1 ' ·-

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