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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1872, p. 3

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CANADIAN · S'l1ATESl\fAN, 5 ...--.... BOW1\~fANVILI..1E, 11 L1t llonn1 THURSDAY, FEBRU._ A RY 22, 1872. --· ~ - · - -. ,. , · WO IN VIEW OF rxo u o, Pu1rn, ·rnLIX, READf I I JOHN CAMIDGE, MUS, DOC., ENG- llHJWM.AN VILLE AND '.l'rtE THEORY OF 1\Il:'SlC. ' ! .A_ (:} E ·N · C y. 0 1r TII!l: I I }vl p 0 R TAN 'I' R EAD CHANGES I L AND, 'l'cachcr of the nbo-v~. App1ication for t-erm.s, & c. , to be 1nade to J\fr:sR rd. 11. & l L O"l·Iara., Stntioncra. -1:&.Jm. x I _ _ __ .t\J.ANG li'.A.CTU IU :.XG- -CO. IN ew Goods. l<'UR~ITURE _ , ' · . . .. I ·i _ ..... _ , -~ ·-· ··-·····"·-"··-· -- 1 Cedar .R:tils and Posts. 1 1ANY Qt:ANTITY OF GOOD CEDAR 1 nn.ilf> nnrl Posts for sale, cithe . rat the stump m· deliv er ed. . . , Du.r lmgton , De c, 4th, . I The Osborn. ----:o: - --- NE\.VS J?Q]i,. 1'1:---IE I...111.. Jfaii- Chignons, . . -----'l'H:E ffCHSCRIBER HAYING BEEN 'DIE 'S rt~ta ii I _ , i I ' J .urn:s VEAI, 1871 ~ Lot 5, 4th Con. ~ , E\ll'nit1n·t~l\ta.nufucturing C o.,is - 1ww in n posi· 1 I nv Pointcrl ug·ent by t h e P.own1anv iJle to be made in. my business durii1g the latter part of Feb- R ~ BA E A D r ruary, I wonld offer I t\pp>n. ,..,.111 Oe n1:-ule by ihe Corpe~"~" iou lof t hc 'fown of Bo-..-..·manville 1 t o th~ Lcgblat.ur~ of u:c Province of Ont.'1.rlo at its nex t sci:-don, in I " E"El'l~ r· ' Rll 'Tl' I "" I" ) (, ' () LA')T to former notice of a.pplicntion "Ivl' 1111 I .L1 . ')J r ' ~ /LL -~- ~ L ... l . J.l 1 , addition Act anLh0 risin g the con 5trucLion of a. Railwa y I 1t'1·om D '.i Wi'!lllU \' ilie t.o Lind :;1iy nnd Bobcaygeon," j ·- A'l' T HETI. QQL fO ~'j)o y· 1 :J ·'"' _· to 1l fl'mn iL p o i11t. on th<: nfor~- , 1 HiL11 . BJ! .RJ~ .f.LV Y I! _ S' T () RE h r"~ to l:l uch poi nt1:1 and Iiarboura ou . ._ · · · Uco rglt.. 1 !3;i:; us may l1c dcctncd desirable. ]1~irst door 'Vrn;t of ~{urdnch B ro5. F . C C DITT, Bow1na nville, Dec." 2lst. 1871. 22-2ln. Il. " -~~ DA'l"f , Mayor. (furls .Hrwids, IN - o1;rcg rn I io~ to fill a ll order<J a,t, nS low n. rate as a.ny d eal··· er in the county. ' A . ~}mall Fa1·in Wanted, --- HJt! - -- -- -- 11-21> s. MANNING. rrF-:-rillB:YalvF-:~~-;;;;;~ _ ItOD'r. · " 1 8:i.v1,tches, ._ IF F . MCAR'I - lHUR / THE . I rn : · l 1 V tUttg-e in )le chip: ~n fur a sn1a.ll fattn near llownlunvlHc, lffnr1n is worth more t han howe nnd 1l()t w iil ]H~Y balance in inoney. (jnU humcdiatcly exchange good house and lot in n. thrH·ing UNDEHSIGNED WISHES 1'0 I Has just received j 1 per son or .ntldrcf!s . 'l' . \\r. N"JClf OI..5 , Bo:t 74, 41-tf. Howrna.nvJUe 1- THID IND ER MY-- · _ _ ____ --~ ----~ T1111m Cln ·k. GOOD NEWS I .JAMES STEWAll'l' B1 )~-rn~~l~~~~~=·..~~'· -~---1~~ I IA Goini:a -·west_ ! _ _ SALE, WITH A NEW OF L 0 T . I I . / F. l[end1.:.twn 3 hot-01, .Bo w1uanvillo. + li~tlo ~hop fit~ ~:i. chei.1.,. in a good bua!nes i;n1 ·' of l-he 1. own. J:t or parti culnrR apply to J. C , OLLAI,~D. 0,11 the :t:ir_en1iiw!S, t.wo doors · J<;ast 0 · HOUSE ]'OR SNUG l{, GA I N S B -IN- Royal Insl1rance TEMPORARY OFFICES: ncwly-ocoupiod St ore, a ln.rgo atouk of CO~:lPANY. EGS TO INFORM HIS PATRONS AND L I F,E. TWEF:n suA'. wr,s. nud others that he has n ow on h and~ in h!s J!' I RE Confectlone1·y, DR:Y GOODSl-WIN'I'EH . . S'I,OC)K" ! · I I ! I l'-u.pital .. . .. . ... . ........ ·. . ..... .. .... ttno,000,000 Al\Uuallnoome OT"cr.... ... .· .... .. . 4.000,000 ! all of whk,h be will e,(!11 V ery Chrop for Cash.~ Fun.d11 ln"Qnnd.Ol·e:r. . .. ... ..... .. . . 9 1 500,000 j wholesa.-le or retail. .All oiders }l ron1ptly filled. 1 .A. ca.It solicited. :FIRE DEPARTMENT. BOUNSALL'S BLOCJJ;: , King·St. All deacriptionl!I or property Insured a.gairi.ijt Loss or by Firf) n.t moc lern.t,e ra.tea. J3.owo1Ruvillc, Dec. 6t.h, 1871. l!l3n1 · Biscuits, Crackers, Fruits, 'Corner of' St. Paul and St, l~rmac-0is Xavim· Streets. Ac., I SELLING OF'F ! 1. 91~:;,i~" b~?!.wS1~.~~.I . _,. I FA.NOY F.LANNELS, . -- - - --···· ·--·-·- ,_ __ _ ___ __ _ · ·~- oottle then· n ccou nh~ as soon as :possible. 1 1 B . J. C, POLI.ARD. - ---- -~ ow·1nRnville, !th Dco., 1$71. · 11 )tf edkit. of T HIS CELEBRATED MACHUCK now been teEited beyond all qUMtion at\.d tb Mi~ puhltrJ 16 .v·\.~ ihl\t- to ·dn,r t Cigars, DRESS (tl'.>ODS, : I - ---- co'On N:F~ws MILLINERY, Greatly red uced Prices. I FOR PARTIES IN WAN'.l'. OF __ _ LIF E LOSSES P.R.U:.!PTLY SE'rTLED WITHOUT REJ'EltENCE 'l'O 'rl!Jl HQ:.\IE OFFICE. ~1id. t)VERCOATINGS. 1 ~f .. . ! . I ! It St:a. n d"' w lthuut DEPARTMENT. .. GROCERIES A.ND T , Millinery Goods, I or every de~ctiption Assuia.:nct>. on Lh·e3 granted on favourable terrps, and unquost,ionable security is oiforod to f'ohcy holders. .Hesido_ s tho Large Paid-Up Ca.p i~al of. th? Cainpany, Assurers have .A.dd1tlonal Oecur1ty in the UNLII\>II'fED LIABILITY (lf a. HE ATTENTION. OF 'rHE LADIES of Bowmn.nvilio a.nd vicinity i:J respectfully \Vealtby Propriota.rv. Tho Spl).C la.l Life Aaeura.nce Fund ~ow solici_ t ed to my new stock of amountff to · LADIES T These goods have( l Robe1·t ·Young, SU!tGEON, GRAD. U.A.TE of the Ontario Veterinary C(Jllcge, begs inform the iuhabita.nts of Bowroo.nville a.nd surrounding country that he ha.a commenced tho practice of his profession, o.nd oan bo con. 1:1ulted as to the dJ.seasee of horses and cattlo Ht Glovor's Uvory ofllco, King Street, Dowms.nvi\ic, 23-LC. $6.803,210. been bought· at a V ETERINARY to ' d e d b arga1n ' an d d 8Cl It is the rcio~ ~b11tll.llti"'1tr 'built, lt~ tho f1'weo;~ workilig ~i.rto, beautiful ln d~ and fi11Ld1.-. Ha.s the be&t deelgn at & sut tle, aud by far th· LARGEST ROBB1NS. It 18 ..pablo of per{...,... lng a ta.:n_ i,ie ut work hitherto thOUS"ht tmpoo(.W (l>f.$~wlng ~Mael1~~ _.. CROCKERY. I D:&Y-G-OODS . . WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO 'rHE SUM OF of tho latest s~yles, and a.t prices to suit overybodr, juat l"CCcl vcd for this $736,200~ Fall's trade. I have also a very superior ·nasort.nlcnt of havinrr heen o.ddod th~rcto a !> a result of the BUS· LADIES' C NDEHCLOTHING, iUCf?S of the P.Rst Year, s.fter the Pn.yr:llent of an Clrums, Cash ~on:uses, Annuities anU JJ;xpen~s LADIES' COL!,.A.RS and CU~'Jf3, of every Descr1vt1ou. · BRAIDED SUITS for CHll.DitEN, 'l'n.blcs of R a, I:Tpposal Forms and full inforBerlin, Finp;arlng ancl FIP-eQy 'V90ls ; BrnicU~g mr.ti_on can be obtained vn appllcation to tho uit-. and Embro1der1 Materials. SLa1npH·fr for Bra1d- ders1gned. work a..nd Embroidery; also, matet·U for the H. L. ROUT!I. sam. e. St.itching done to order. Chignons, E. F. BEDDALL, ~-witches and Rolls in great variety, Chief Ai;cn ta tor Canada. All ordcl's p1·01nptly attended - to. .A. call re- A. P;ERR Y, Fire Inapec.:tor. spectfllll .Y i;olicited. Remember the f.ltand-Two HOBERT ARMOUR, 1h)o1·s East of'I-lcndarson's Hotel. · _<\.gent nt Bowmairville. MHS J. C. l'OLLARD. N. D.-·The :Qnanc1n.l poaitiOn of the P~P_f,al is in Bowmanville, Sep tc1ubcr 1-i, 1871. no way affected by the recent Flre-o.t Chicago the Company having no _<\.gent doing bWiiness tU tha.t Cttv. 12-lm. 18 8old_at about one-half't1ae prke ot thic1· iflach.b1e· ~----- THE 54th VOI,UME! will be found decidedly ·cheap. For 1S'72 ! ILLUST:RA.'tlil)) Phrenological Journal, A F l!l31'-CI.ASS FAMILY ]JAGA.ZJNE. THE SUBSCRIBER WILL SELL Phrmology. - The Brain and its Function!: Locatipn of lhe Oi'gn.ns, with direction.9 for cul· ture and traininll, and the relations or l1ind nnd Body described. Phy.siognomv, or the "Signs of Cha.-racterwlth illustrations, and how to ltea.Q them," ls c. speclaJ. featm-e. Et.hnolow, or the Natural History of M~n. wll bo given. Phvsiolor;?I and AnaOtcmv.-The Orga.nization, 1:1tructure o.nd f11nctions of lhe human budy · wiUl · tho la> > ' s ur life a nd heBlth. 'Vhat we s'hould eat and drink, hew clct.h ed, and how to exercise, sleep a n d lhre, in accordance with hygienic prin· ciples. Portraits, sketches a,nd biographies of leadln1ir nlen and wonicn iu o.11 departments of life, arc special features. Parents, 1'cachcr.'l a114 Others. - As a guido in educating un<l trH.ining Children, this maga.zini.: has no superior. Much generuliufor-rruitlon on the lending topics of the dn.y i& given, and no ·ft'ort s are sp'11red to this tho n1o!lt inte1·cst.illg o.nd instructive aa well ns 011~ Beal Pir;Loda-l Familt Magt\.'tine eyer published. ~"The Journal" has reached its 5'th Volume. It has steadily increased in favor du1ing the inan:r years it has been publishod, a.nd wo.s nevc.r more popular tha.u now. Tc.rm.s.-1\:lontltly, u.t -$3 o. yen.r, in advnnco.Singlc numbe rs, :'.:iO cent.a. Clubs of ten or more, ~2, n.nd an extra copy to Agent. "\Ve are offer ing the most liberal Premiuqis.Jndm;fl 1[1 cenr..s for n. sample number, with new Plct.orla.l P os ter llnd Pl'Ofll)i3CtU8, n.nd R COID}Jle te LiSt of Pre1nium e. A.ddre6H S. R. WELLS, Publisher, :!Sl.l B:road,vay, New York. illu~tru.ted, - - -----····--- - - - -I-IAI... LO! 'rFIU:H,E! THE PRICE OF OTHER MACHINES DOING 'l'HE LI.Kl!: WORlC. 19 . equally at home oa leather as on fine rood.I. Has onrrled: oar ~ over the Hov,·e1 Sloger, Lockma.D, Wheeler Jt Wilson, 'Vanzer, Raymond. &e. nr A P1;trf0\it Machine Qu..aranteed or no s8.ia. Bro's Murdoch · . still A La.riie a.nd Well-A»Sorted 1 ALL YOU WHO NEED SHOEING, eorne along and get Bar;;:-at:ns, for it is aC· kuvwled~d by those of expei ience that Caution!! Caution! ? ? , Call and Inspect . ' . S, the · Go 0 D To the Public of the. Britfah P·rciriilJ.!~ uf I This Is the Place to Uoy :Boots North America. THE GUELPH UA:Nu TRE.i.DLE .· A:il I INTEND DISPOSING OF THEM Stock of Staplll and Fancy Dry I I S E UNHEARD OF LOW P R IC I AT Goods,. whi cb tb&y are determined to sell at prlc:s as low u llJ\y in tb(j . courits aa soou Parties indebted to me will. umch oblige bv , , sattli11g t.}1oir ll.'li possible. Wm. McMURTR 'f Bow.unville, Ja.nua:ry 16tb, .1S'12. . CENT, . will aho be mad· CG all .,,.h pilrchaa" over one dollar. The Groetry Department ~:>TOCK TAKINGI \Ve are no'\Y manufact~U'lng, fru ul LllC Oest acquaint the public of 11 , B ltl h ~ material, Boots of a,ny desa·ed pa.ttern, ano wu.r- el'icnn pi·oyinc~B that in ~l~cy { t 3I -. orth Am1 . ranted to Ht or no so.le bu!:'· , t ....~ "d L . as caused the I The subscriber feels.grntcfulfortheveryllber- . lnei:i~a 80 , .:.r.1.~~ en ane, N '-: w York, for the al (lat.i·oange l~e.has had_ for the last ilft.c;en years, ~~;eo~~l~~~itti~r:'e 1;1:~~NdDb~ 1 Nfil~E:-i'I'B,which andwould tlOlJ L.i1 tacont:Jnua11ceofpubhc-pntron- now decea sed· to be clo 3 cdc "' _lw ·Mm edli.:rne$ r?:wn, age · ·i lCse {;....-ould beg to say to u.ll who a-re indebt ed to YtC!"C, t_rc{.,'1.'yt to say, from ·what haa lat.ely come me, cithor by note or book account, t.11ey n u u;-t {~ 11~i ao-,,.v edge, ma.di; ufi of f:l uch vc1·y ordina.ry C01ne to the this f aU. P ast c~pcricnce htt.::.i a~ tll~~~~O~~toc~{~1~C::t.e~ 1 et.~ ~llnos~ \.VOrthless 1 taught ine the.~ steer:; nrc much ea8_ier broken ln uH.m (:, c amag:e my gooa wl 1fln youn~-1f allo-wed to run until four or ilYe Those who uo not wfah to bo d I 1. d b - ycnr~old iL1H considcrodabreak-necko.go. Kow ingspuriousinetli cinc~ wh· 1 occ -,,.e liy 0 uy- . · all that tt1Te 111·s, and all accounts due j cnuin· front the Stti.tcg ic 1 il1 re no w kc\y to I fall -.,yjl be os.p ectccl t u pu y 11p th ~ · or c sew1 ' ~·ri::, hut t.o 1 ' -.. ' ' " ' s. :B. BR/\ DSI{A ~ri ' f.)~~~°s8SA~I~n3zK~~c;fTt~~11f(';.~~~~.cliH?~·;!)WAY'9 12-- Y"· 1 each pot and ~ox. bears the Dritlsh Govc~~ 1 !~~! Bo\.Y--nuw.v1Ue, Oct. 1811. _ sto.n1p on \Vhwh 18 ~!11gravcd the words "HOLLO· --··-·------- ···----~-----1 ~'A YB P IT.v:iA l\'D OtNTMENT," and that the ad· I . _ u r ct:is on tl1e label ia 533, O X FORD STREET LON· I BOY"Elt 'S DO~, whe _ .re on lr Y hey <tr¢ manufactured, iind it1 J '· . . :-4 · · . no o.th9,i- ga.rt- .0 1 ~~l? y.'orlfl. The rotai1 p t·icoo are a.c~ GA L ~lANIC FLU ID, t;j h~r~n::i.~trf c~~t~~ B.·:itmh curren cy, iiud uot hi d ol· ~ N o of min e . 'vill el·er travt-J Universally aeknowledge{l to bo one o bj t~r?ngh ,a ny t)a.r.t o f the British Provinces, or the tl!r, mo& t, 1,'u) w-0rful Liui.mont.8 for thn 0 U u 11't::u Sta.tes.z..?lther to sol]. or to take orders for c-uro of ~ my_ Pills and u1ntmen t, and £1-fi I ha-...e rea,sou to ci l'l bohove. that l!,ttom~ts.will very probably 00 "' ··r ~ to dccu1ve tho. J?ubiic in this way b y persons call· ~ R II E U J\-i. .l'J. T I S n: ~ u:, ing upon _ 1nodicme_v~ndors, fa.'l iiely reproaontiug 12 a that th e~ acting ror me, and with niv know· NEURALGIA > ledg'? anrl c9n~onl., ·T <leemitadvisa.blo to- put tho · ~ P.Ub~~o on tn tnr guard again st, any s uch decep· '· · ~ . 0 ~ --1 tion ... 7-1 .A,tld for all c.nii.08 where an oxterna.l ep- f:.I mos~ ean1ooyly ent reat all thoae who nrn.y <1 plica.-tion is required. ll.11 ~xten.sive ua z read qu~ ~dvort1semont that they bo plt·a8ed, in ?':::3 of it haa proved that it ha.s no cq1u1l i.- the, pu ohc interost1 to comu1unk~1. t;e tho puf-pott ._... fol' the con1plaints onum.Gra.ted. C of ~ho l:!o.rge to theU" friends t.ha.t they ma.y not be 0 l:tj do1r~rn;Ico. _of tho_ ir mon ey l.Jy , purohasing worth· i ::r:r Soltt by a!Tll , · l'U'"""'ir.tff an d li-ledicino t" 1635 i nut..:~ 1011 s o t tb.!) JifC\ rnino H OLLO"w :i.Y'B l 'ILI s cq_ Dt..'8.lors. .so d Al'D 0 .iN T,'..: ENT'. · ~ 8 Iwonk'. a i::k ,asagrca t favour that should it ~ WOODR17F. f.', BF.:-~TJ...EY & CO.. · c:onrntv ·:..:e.kuowled,go ofanypei-son that spuri~ Propriet-t)t't!I, . o us medicines are being or sold in niy name 0 Oil hc~nbcoop/ee~t'"rdos'v"e"cct~d rt " t.e all the tla.rticula.ra h~ .. 1lL .., · mg le aa.m.e tbo.-t ls to aay the Ull.Jl1c and nddres.a of t he vcn'dor who "is sell' - -- - .....,,,., ...,...__,_.....,,....~_. -_.._ ,,,.,.,., ,.-~·----- lng the spurious n1ed1c:lnes,and likewise the" namo a.~d add,rcss of th e House in the United States, Ol: olsfl\\ here, which roay have supplied them so aa _t.o,ena.ble me,'! :prot.pction of the. public to institute procoecling fJ against such cvil-doeru' and I engage to remunerate very l1andsomelY nny person w~10 1na.y give n10 $Uch tntormAtlon the informants nam.e ne\·er being divul od · Should any pcr~or1 have .reason to th:1-t he has bccn .de4~Ct ~' t~d. by buying spurious imitation~ of th e"e Medidnes, ho will do -..vell to eeud i;iie, rn a letter, to tliy address at foot · (which he can do at a e.ost of 01x cents in postage), one of the books of in~tru_ctious which are l'o!Uxed to the siun_e. I promise to examine it und send a reply A nd aU other statmg whether tho ~Iedic.:iues are genuine 0 ~ not, ao that if spurio111:1 lie may apply to the pe:-son froln whmn Ile purchased them to his money re turned. Chemi~t~ and Drn&"gists wlio desire to ' obta.iu. thhe 1\fcdic1ne.a can be 1:1upplied at the lowest '~ olesa.113 p_r1ces in quantities or not less tha.n £~0, worth lt_<;>r w h kh remitt~rwe must be sent. in ad"\nnce)~'ll.Z.., Ss. 6d., 2'2s.,· and 3'1s. per dozen of Pllls or pole of Oiiltment nett without bi:ixes d iscount.. · · l have tho honour to be r\Tl th grea~ respect, i . ' I .and .Sboes--:'llone Better. I I · -BEG J\IOST RESPECTFULLY TO ALL-WOOL CARPETS A'l' A REDUCTION OF I PER CENT. FOR THE NEX'r l'IVJll Wl!illl1'S. a.N the,, more dura.ble and reliable than a.ny Qther sing-lo-thracl.d. maohbis.··· Larger and work with aTe nt easo. Will do a1 kinM of domestic ecwing b.1 a perteotly satlilta.otory mADner. Has_.,taken) ft.ra t priMJ whar9vor exhibited. ·i I _, L · DR.. g 1-'oj I AGEN'l'S WANTED EVERYWHEitli! SPLENDID TND1J0Kl10JNTS. TERMS, I 1 I STRIOTL Y CASH. F. F. McARTHUR. l"or ter'!UIJ, && Of Wwing, .f-e., ap:p1y tb GrJEI,PH.'iEWIN(} M.4 C!HJNE C:O'Y, G(J'!r.i,PH. ~OANA.tU, TO o :wNERS OF TRY IT. LY!<,Oot. 3rd. !St! · · H&ving Farm Property -.lND- J ' H. E. l,tOWE, DJ!:AR SIR.M 1 .iACHED REIDENCEU!!:ed thro& bottle& ot your vo.J.u. D able Medioino in my ta.mily Tith !IQOd cft'oct I !ocl in - recommendill~ the Eureka. _ for Ge~e ra-1 pebUity, Inaction of the Liver Lost1 of .Ap· pet;te, & c., it ha. vi nil be on uled t'or the"·c compla1nta tn ~Y;. Huro W!_poctfully, J. FURGUSON, M. l!;. Mio.lsttt. ur It. & U:. O'UARA, Wnol.,...lo /l&'Ol1t. !·r the Co1mtl .. of Durha.m, ·Outarlo and VictoriJI, 131" Speoll\l lodueemeuta to Ltve &.gents. Janua.r:r 18th, lSTl. - - ------------ - - - ·--------'--·-·"-··- INSURE YOU R PROPERTY lN TRB -AND- Save Haif Yout· Mon~. Hee.d Ofliee for Canada, Kingston General . SewingMadine. Agency .MARKET BTJILDINGI R R E E M M uoffeve T RIS old and well ostnblisbcd Company insures nothing but Farm Prop~rty anJ Residences, And l!lsues ?olicie1 at Greately Reduced J\ates. ASSETS ..... , ..... . .. $550,000.00 B B R Deposited with the Financ~ Minis .. N A A \er for &p-ecial bene_ fit of Cane.dian ?olicyholders, over ······ $100.000 BOWMJ~NViLLE N See tlla following Certificates:Thia is to certify thl\t the Agricultural Jnsurunce Company having deposited in tbe bands of the Receiver General of C!nada, the :rnm of Fifty.fonr Thousan..~ Pive flun .. dred Dollari:; 1 it1 U11ited States l:so~Joi::!, as req11iL"ed by the Act of Oana.da, 31 Vic., cha. 48, sec. 22, is hereby licenged to carry oo the business in Canada. of Fire Insurnnce. Dl\ted at the City of Ottawl\ 1 the 2nd day of JuneJ 1810. JoHN LANGTOlf 1 for Mirister ofFinBnc:e-. Thia i9 to certify that I. hav'e been Bcquaioted with the Officers and Managers of the Agricultunil ln!!Urt\.fitle Company for many years, r1.n d also with the business operationfi of the Company, "Rnd have no hesitation 1n recommending it e.s e. perfectly.snfe and re. liable Comp a ny, a.11d lt!f Officers a:1 eompe .. tent and honornlih1 busincs3 men. and 811 Jt ineuree nothing but Farm Prope;ty and d~~ ta.ched DwellingH, and hBS et>SO:OOO A111ett. I consider it reffp o nsible beyond .any con tin J S A T "'f PIOTT.JRES TAKEN IN S . ' O:S:EA.P No. 1 Style AT FLETCHER'S , , TH011AS HOLLOW.'l.Y. ox iJ53 '8{ord Sbtreet (late 24.J, r->tra1Ul) London 0 . ., eptem er l, 187l, ' 17·10. ' <D " I' "Lo CK.MA~'-' (:JASE: SALE for 20 days. WA discount will be on . Q;roeeries of TWO ·~ W1!1TER HAS COMErLONQ EVENINGS ARE Hl£RE I l'ROSPERITY ABOUNDS I &.ND NOW ! S '.tlIE Tlr.X~ 'J'O srnsCRID~ :FOR . Picture Gallery, SIGN OF THE RED FLAG, KING STREET EAS1'. Dowrun1 )\'ille, Nov. 23rd.1871. <> ~ aS Q i §. I ,_., I ~ 1 I "O MOOR . ·s J.l>'D ··BAL1" l'IR <.!l:N'r. on wb purchues aver one dollor, except ]!'lour I.rid Gr&!n.. ~v1'CLUNG BRO'S Cheap Cash Sale is still ' on, and vvill be going continued for 30 days longer. GREATER BARGAINS TILL~ Rural New-.. Yorker .£ i:Q TllE GRlCAT '.NATIONAL P'A.VO!tll'E z"' -< c ~ :;:a ~ f'"" l z Q) PETERS' Musical Library, CONSISTING OF Farm and Fireside PROFUSELY ~ ] gency. T¥cekly, ILI,US1'ATED. FIFTEEN VOLUMES FILLED WITH CHOICE PLUW MUSIC. VOCAL COLLECTIONS, ~ EVER WILL BE GIVEN. 500 'l'o&, Dinner imd Cballlbar Sew, ln . l I I l Crockery, China, Furs, Bonnets, Hats, Dress Goods, Clothing, and Buffalo Robes, will be sold at a great sacrifice. DON'T FAIL TO CALL ~ O ~ ~ · 00J .. ~ McCLUNG BROS. Sign of the Golden Sheep. Come and see our Ohina E'1..U. '2"For one :month we will give a. N .B.-All accounts must be paid at once, Mee. BROS. Bow>U.l<'VILU:, Jan. 6th, 1872. = Shining I.tghte. A ohoic6 collection of beautiful Sacied Songs. ~ !im~med 1fcricult-ui·al, :lAtera·rv1 l?cunt'.ly and Hc.n.rth and llome, 1~1rcdde Eehoos, tt.sute.Ss J cekly. and Sweet Sounds. Throe Volumes of easy Songs by 'Vebstcr, Persley, otc. UNEQUALED FEATURES! Golde n Lf'--8V4':S. ·vohnnu~ J. and THE RUI U.L'S EDITORIAL STAFF ia tho largest The two volumes oontain o.ll of "rill S. i1Ud ablest of any Journal in its a:phere -.."Vhlle its Hays' Songs. lliustra.tions, .'I)pography, Ete., a:te' superh·n·~ Prtcelcs&Gc1ns. A colloctiou ofbca.uti· ~'&i.BaJlads by "\Va.llace, 'l'homn.s, l{elJer,~ Bc ~idc tl10. v;r1t1rtgs of tho conducting an d asliOCla.te Editors, it s Corps of Contributors is l&r· gor t..hnn th~t of ll.llY 0Uie1· fl. URAL <.'l!"tD LITERARY PA.P EH-80 tbtit.,)foO RE'~ RL-TU.4.L is the Organ in INSTRUMENTALCOLLECTIONS. and t,hrough which _ grfll\.t a.nd beneficia.l ctt'orh: FatrJ' l'Jngers, lln.gtc llircle, nnd ~w~ Youne Plc.ntst. 1'hree volumes ot VtJry~ easy Music for young players, ! ROG RESS l;'R 0 Yf·]MENT " earl Drops andJln!!:lcal Kecreatl.-ins, c orig inn.tod and; ~om1nunicated to t.he vcnplo. Dance l\.1ust.c. 'l'wo collections of moder-~ In.the F~t"t?-,re, a~ 1n.,the, the H.URA..L ~!\'lot·RL e ditn0ult.y. w1ll be Exelsior! except in pr ice, which has Ple:uiant Mcn1orles. A coliectlou of ust been l'educed-mal.:ipg i t t.Ji13 llhcupe11t .Ru· beautiful pieces by "\Vyman, ], Dress· ul au1l i'amlJJt Weekly 1n the lVOr1d! lei; etc, t·olflcn CbtmcA. A c,olJection o! brilli· THE RURAL'S ILLUSTRATIONS ant parlor ~'[u Si.c by Charles Kinkel. Brilliant Gems. .A splendltl collflcL ion, 1 l'\umerous, itarlcd, and Beautiful. Indood by Vilbre, Allard, Paclu;.;r, Kinkel, etc 1 our is to render the whole pape1· excention:. Price, $2.50 pervolume.· elegautlybot'ind~ ally Valuable ~nd accept able. 'l~hc RU.R.AL,S Rein cloth, with gilt sides; ~2 in pl cloth· . ports of Markets, Crops, l ina.noes, etc., a1·c tlUl $1.75 iu boards, ' and rclrn.ble, 1uul alon e wor1h do ~ dJle the plioe _'\..ddreas, J. L. PETERS, of the pa11er, I nd eed, next to your local JHJ.~er 699 nroa.dwo,:r, N 1\fooRE's H.URAL ls the one !or Yourself, Fa..u1Uy "\Ve would ca.11 attention to Tile a.ncl Friends. · Ope1·;.1, au lfon1e, a col!actit.>n of Q'1tt~t one · ~ h1n11ll·ad l11;41.u1 i(l1l (1p1'.ra songfl, Price $iii 1.1 cloth and gilt. l' price, $4. ' S'l'YLE AND HEDUCED TERMS. . nearly Twontr·Fi--ve been the rr.c ogn.t sed Ltadcr in its Sphere, a.nd has ti.ttained the fArgest Circulation of any Newspaper of its Cl~s. It iG t.he atanda.rd authority on RURAL A-XD J:.ioME AJl'.F Aills, and concededly the bost T HISFA!'IIOUS JOURNAL HAS FOR c ...... Q ...... , ..., ~ Q) J8 D. D. CALVIN, M. P. P, l j I Company, a.nil do fully concur with Mr. Ca:- 'Ve have e:t:Atnin cd into the condition and B f Rnding of the Agricultural Insurance 'O Q) ! in whieh to insure their propert.y . 1 en in recommending it to the Farmers of"tt:us 1 Pro-rince: as ono perfectly safe and rf!li'1bte ll.= l:J i-; ~ ~ ~ s ·~ I t ! J. C. CL-ARE, BaDker, J. CJ.nauTnEns k Co. GEO. A. -KJDkP.4TRICK, M. P. B. ~!. Ba1TroN. ~ ~ t:"""' rn. H · We would refer yon to the following gen· uemen, in t'egarrJ to the responsibility the Compa.nv :-D. Fil3ber, F.oq. 1 C:ishf~r o! tbe Ontarh Pt.nk; Jno. llcL""od, ,.LP. P., J, R Fairbaiu.. , lleq., Postma·s tcr j J, E. Farewell Esq., Barriatl;!r. or . ..._____,,_ 0 Agent for Oohourg.nnd vicinity, ' z ~A.< 1--j, :!!' WILLIAM T. !l'ISH. vm .. W.R. CLJMIE, Loc· l .Agent· at Bowman, ~, ., December 1871. 2 lJ.:J ·J:;l:i - E-i ~ & $' -g ~ Sewing Machine I l 1 v.m RESH GARDEN, 'fREE F o.nd Slu'Ub,li:verg rcen, Fruit andIIerb prepaid by mail. A complete }~LOWER, discount oil. Crockery of TEN PER IC'ENT. on oam purchues. I classes, (I fiO p 01~~k e t~} for,· $3.00. "~l~o, an in1mensc !$tuck of one year gra._fted Fru1t 'l'reea Smail F.rnits, Fruit Stocks , Young Fruit Orn~n1cntaJ and Evergree n Seedlings, "nlbn, ltoscs Vines 1-Iouse and Border .PJn.uts, &c., &;c., the most co1uplcte a saort.1nent ln America. Prepaid hy mail. Priced Ca_talog-ues to a.1Jy n<llll11-1;~ 1 tds.o lists, gratis. S1:;01fa ou Comml~i:.lon. Agent.a .wa. 11tN1. D. I\-1. Wat son, Old Ooiony ~ urserlc lil aucl Seed VYa.-rehouse. P!:rrnout.h , :.Vlass. 'li:st.. blisMd l8J2. ---·· ··- · ~·· .. -~.~-~-·-~-_._... ...._._ , _ _ ~_ ..._ ....._,.____ 8 -edS o.ndjudiciou~ a.s~ ~ortmcnt, 25 sorts o! cith~1· clB$!':1, $1.00. 'l'he sb.: number of the RURAL Ni:::w-Yo.rutF.R tor ~ 1872 will con1p1·ii1(} Ai.s:Uic n Qu.arto Pa-ges, (larger ~ ~ J. 1 ·' .n I '"" B 0 T tl1an Ha.rper'Q \Vceklv,) priuted from New Ty;ie bU" u l· nL Jf.11. on e xtra. :fine nnd hcu vy paper , and Illustru.ted P'" and -Pl"iutecl -iu the highcot 1:i ty1e of the 'l'yo· . CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, graphicu.l Art. · ~ Tl<K.11S, In .Advancc;--Slug-lc Copy, $2.50pcr EGS RESPECTFULLY TO ANyeai· ; Five Oopie~ for $l:t50; ~ev en Copies for ·u1t ·~z ·qoJI ·no::i\!ll 11'3i-va NOUNCE that he ha.s 1·ccciv~tl a well a.a $1G; l'cn Copies for $20- only $2 11~r co 11 y·, Lib- ·' "l'!Y-~\\.lioJ'UOQ 'A\ ·ua sorted stock of Geuuille D1·11gis and Pure English eral P.-1.:~ r1 1iu111~ to nU forffi. Clubs. · Specimen 'lillU!1tf.d't.uoo Chemio~lt1. Also, a. splendid. !!tock of tho most N\lm.b crs, 8hoW-Bills, etc .· sent fr '1 e!, Addres~ eAOQ.'O e-q1 JOJ .A:\)<JtTJ~J. lJ"J0.8 -pu1J Q,rtrf! 111 i· .. 'iJ{~J: cl\-rcfWJ.y selected g El ' f:l ~ '1'00&.~'J'Jl.E );'fllS'l' .l'RUl!i . ga ~ u n .. -, J ., ' B ProYindaJ:Ell:hibitio.n I '~ Jmit held at Toronto, 1'Vet Ca.1·1l O.f Than li8. · I . for person~ who ya.nt Ba.rgaii;tS j '!Uld the m-ency, MURDOCH ' R_, PE.A.TE \ · T.A lLOR --. IT 4 Sewing ]~&chines in the wor ld, iunonK whioh which cnnnot be surpa3sed !er excellency ot -. quall_ ty .An a.ssortment of .Aniline Dyes kept were the celebra.ted Ho;Yo, 'Vheeiir,· ·;c. ··\v~ constantly Qn hand, t osether wit,~ a cholcQ se· ' 1 V l lection of ct"C, 'I'bln i.15 cinly a. contl.rru atl.oo of thq:. Yetdi~ DRUGS · · · WO OF THE ABOV.. E IYIACHINES -t>"~a;o .8a1c:!v[dmo;:, (l;."1_ ,µ¥ct.o:i .nt~Aisvd9q,.io1 ,.. .~ ....... ~.,,. . , LS' 1 preTic;usly tendtr"d ~y t~e qre~~ G~adia.Q -~ . _ · " dtu:!s Ja:a.n pa'8 "POOIR geGtIJt(;'.),. .io .,.,,~.1n'"3" i,.n...a-,1.u.iCA , t '.) el , 1 Ch·ea.~~ft?oc*sh~uF~fP~;~}6~ia-~:nt\.l~Y-p~r~~~~ef- .ro?.&: ~\llO!il {,up.'IN P~,,WIJUap~n i;tl{J.-,-::q~~lJ~c;!" PATENT MEDI Cl}."1:'J:S, 1· ..L: ubll~, and proves conch.:Si" ! the H~~"~OlUTl' flee) to ' I "' · o I -' - :a~~ll JI lI a:_w BRUSHES, COl\iIBS, 0 :¥' Tlll::O ·· LOCK..MA.~V"o"r~BR .!LL o~. . -ng .. Ql(l pnaunnoooJ: .J'.11t1J.::i:aaq:> '.}lilOtu I 'Q',J'd'lS I' ,~ ·.sq·nu~·I l'BlUJ.Ott Jfo:i1.n oi lilU"ll.8.10 Bt{l i.IUtJofso.t ~·.lr:~..i - ew· orkei· Office, New -Y_ ork. (!~t.y, pu11 9S'tll)SJ"P Snn-uorpu.r:o ·u1 u;:~1e.tsut1mnll ·nn uo __.,______ - -- ~ ..- ·-· ------ -s·l"~lf-l.1~aq1-puv\}esodrooo1i1J 'H qog[~JOSlU..tJpa.rlt , ·UT Ql{lJO ..:\uvw .ill:!A~ou'( orirv ·euu<>l 8u1.i:;>~1vu: 1 ~ C OClflCC.CS. .A:J.<>~ U!JO UOJ{Ods 11 ~·iv;;iq pu1r~Unt00.t pool! owoB .._._.__ .. u;.i\Jll "1A~1l I '.J~A!'"J 9t('lJo ." vuv 'll'Ji3ll.ild: D. n. 'T. 1V(00R E , y l D y·E s 1.' u :P }I~ s I t he .· moat re11.o'ni.e4 \' 1 --'"-~~--~ nowma:nvillo,Nov, 2 9.1 8~~· G, P.ODINSON. -- ! J _ _ ·,LI A 'H : ~- li\U~~LDER-DRACES, .wn.&-H.O'HARA, Whol~e- .;od - --'--'"'-"·-"'-··'- I I i wotTLD RESPEC;Fur.i;;y RE- To_ Rent. i --c-~------f--~s ------f orn or __ , OX" _ · _ · eJL· : BROS. is the pU.ce to go, antl uow\ . aiuttm. I I ' '.fURNhis·ibcerethanka to his numerous ABOUT 60 ACRES OF L_ O _ 'l' JI:" 1'_ cnst-omcra and fri end s, and would beg to s a y that , · . ' ;.: Q , '.'=, 1 he hlls removed to tlle corner Of Klug n.nd OnCon! 5, CartV'tr.ght. The mQst Qf tho land tario st ect h r h ill b ladt has lJcen in pasture and mcadO'\Y for 10 yearR of the :ood~ll:tu~el :n~i go;clfttmJp~~~~~n~:~~ ~qua . nt.ity of fall.enc . cdarLof . ex{~llent Qua1uy pleaao to givc hlma c·ll. ~· jforraJe. · A~plyto _ _ ., I ale,. · .. , ..PAIN1'8. COJ..ORS, :..>iit·PPORTERS, &r:., &o, Ag-to)).U, ,A.lfto, Q&"enta for Gu elph. _Se~1:n.I Retail .Ma I oMneCo., Grover ,r, Balm, Slngor,Howoant Wh. ·b.1e "· i...,... · 0.J r a c k e d'·1 _ V ...-'\.RNrsnEs, · d 'VlilTEI "' 1 Li.1l · ·.Jl.oAD u· At the very lO'wa.atpricetJ, 1' . I / & l>owmanvlllo Nov. nna.1m. l?·tf ...~"·1"ht, Se.11.t. Ot\. ,J;~~if' I.~G.A~o-t. r. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES. c.h.,,gorora~yctherlnolde oUbMy ~T!· N. B.-Country _......... WU!lams'ldnchlnee. Wo h ·Y· alBO on hand. h l · · full 11tock ot" e .ITTLlr. 'V'lr~ p t.h eraona not Ba.ti.Jfled wi one M:&cbllle u- .Jolla lttcDoqaU. :S··n}l"·~-: PP~ ... "' ea.·n .. mombor 11,,,, ll. o·u...... '· .. Ibo hW"'Q lb -- · . .., . .. , .

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