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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Feb 1872, p. 3

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;_ r- - . f~_._ .to ·· READ! _ ____ =-::______!!!!'____ _____ -·---- 5---------- --=--~ - - --~-----0=" ""':_~"tll"~-~~t!JLO:t:.\G:a;~~!l'IZ--U--:::~ .'_"1-~~:"'~~~::.·~~~~ ..zr...»:~~~ IN VIEW OF I rH11 .. G, ,.,.,u, ""'""' auurn~rn"' , . '. , , l'~ N ~ ; ':[ ~------------ -- -1 ! .i.ND·~~uI! TUEQK\: 0 1: MUSIO. i CJ' ·. · ~ t 1 ,_,,....._~AT 1 .· "i, N S1'ATESMA_ N, BO"rl\1-A._NVILL:rn., Tl-IUR.SDP_._-y . i JOHN CAMIDGE, MUS. DOC., ENG - I~ ·)\:Y-.-~f,\ .:'\ V--:-L LP IJA..1\{D, 'l'cttNICT o r the p, hO\"fl. .~ppllcn w. 011 1°r 1er1na, &.c.,to bo n1sdo tu.h{~srs. R. &lJ. O'Jlara, St.atiouer<1. 4.'.!-3m. x 9 '.i;-,r J~ tJ1t~l 1 I 1 tJ 1 :1 ; r.o. 1 r-J ,__. 'vv l"· ., < lj,_J ( '"OC)_.._)~ c-· \_J, l .J>L . '; ... ,._ ( ' L ' jj_' · · ' " t O' i l · · ii~\. "'~t F"<t_,'fl J l~l~": 1 I . . ,. ' t ~- CHANGES I READ · d -1,-hg the la1kr part of Feb- ).'E"TS FOR. ._, Vl , TI-IE. · J.ADJE1s T _, r . HE sunsom HEJl. DA v f KG- B EEN I " s. MAlrnmo. ·J<POiH(c<l H f "n " "v' U) is the Ro"" '" n. '"vH'.Furn itu re I\funllf,lcllll'll\ g" Co, 11ow 1n por>i- 1 ion to fill n.ll 01dcr ::i nt rt~ lo\V u Hllo ltE. .1nv l1c,,l I · l;'I .i;; · ,. f]_ ~' 1 'J JJ'l'" llU:P P .,' I ,J /"., ' ... , \ H:l\L, L (1 1 ·'. I JIaii· C'hiJnons, Rmids er In the county. 11-20 · no.G'l'. I ' ' CIJ.,rl8, E A D T · -.11 oilt'I' rrv · EVER y :J JT ·1RIETY .. 1" i\"rD COL01(. 1 -;;\ct nddit1on to foy1n c 1 n nti t:c n l ' lP[J 1ca t io11 . lvr' ~~Ii .t. "' n.nt hons1ng th ,, const 1·11 , im1 it' 1.4- }t u!wi:n .101n Bow1nanv !llc to I,i n d sn.y 1 1nd I :o bc 'tJ"l'(.'O'l. · 1 ~J 1V11 1CttC8, <' · 1 j u,r,rHca 1onw1llbc1r,iU.c b) ,1~e C01 p; ·1n' ton 1 I o r Lhe l' o .n1 of llow n1,tn nlle, t.o IJ' C L ei;; 1 lutu r 0 1 N OTIOE IS HB IU, J:IY LllVKN 11'..~xt - - ·- - ---- ' IH AT ]!-' I I ... ' l" - ' l' I It ' ' ' ' <>'l" · Ju~ ,, or t l1c P1·ov111ee l ·f Onrar;,, at HS b" d U!I rn I I I 1n !' " L\_ DL /N J '· OOL SJ'ORE fo~·J'owcr· t.o externl fwru a llOJHt on tJw nroi c· J L\. _ /y _.. ( . ::.v.1 hne to 8.tC h po111ts and I L u bu 1·1 s on !'>£ Oeorg i.\:1 Ha.ya:;; 1u ,1 ~ l;e dC('l OC{l ll esil.\blc. ,....,_ F lrst door Weetot.hiu1docL Bros. Bov.·mil.D.villc, Dec. 21 st. 1871 . '.!~·2!n J ·---------------·------~ , - Al' Tut:-- BA < J Ai N -OF = IN- - MT- n~w]J'-oocupied Store, a htT:q"IJ atoc!\ o f GOOD NEWS !I--1:i.~::'"~~'.~ll';llle, Dec. 2, ISll. ----~m o:_ / 1' JAJttEs s1'E\VART :Royal lr1sl iranee I J \-I P A _1-.;;fY-. I B EGS TO INFORM JIIS P ATRONS .l.T'lI ROO ~J AN D I'_.j I l-J" E .. r.rvv,.EJ~]) Sl:-I..: \.\\"LS) I R. \VINDA1"1\ l'own Clc1J,. F' C l Bl Tl' · ~Jr/yo1 · ,_ _, 0 'I' (J andol.ll{)rstbatho 1H1tt 1d'.IWOtlhnud,iu hja (JonCectioncry . GOODS '"TIN_ T EH DR :Y ·· · -.t.T- ST Q Q K ..,,_ ' !! Dl11colt11, (Jrac~cn, l ' 1 all~ ·bM~ h6 ~'in w,11. ' ' t'\l 'Y C.b03,p tor ~.t · . Fw1d~ in Il~tnd o,e-· I ox retail.. ..ill otlli'.'flii prow1~ll). . nucd.. --~·- ~..:_ " . , l'uli_~ · ·· rC<>pital. , . . ......-:- ... . ~ 4~ 1 J;'·'lrl!l1 , a.~., Aun~allncoiu~ o\·c r-. ... . . .. . · . I(~ottnc11" o f · ~t .. ~ 32.Eitl ~"t liU°li §'·· ' i "t'rtnY coi,; .:£:n-icr ~~ ,~·c~t,..; . «W.<rnL\O<Kl · 4:,{~!Xi,QllF} u ~ :)l.t O')O ,,} ' .. · . TE3iPOllARY OFFlOEfJ: FANCY I J)RE1"-' ,-, 0 y ) ~ u \.:i , U t S) FLA:lli1"L~-, , ,/ ,.f."' ' ' ;-o · . iii.; · AND J.C<lll«>licited. · DOUl\'aALL'l'l llLOCK, Kiug-~t. 1.10't't"ut1ou\1.Uc, Doo. 6th, 1571. 11>-Sm 1 FIRII: DA!:PART J'.li:EN'l!' , ...- : .. .[ .l i\1 ·nl"Y' ..i.. v~.l . ~- -~-"- .4 · .l~ ~J ~ I ------------··--·--~ -- ~--- - ARKS, r~.l' rices. PATENT SHEEP M , } c r. Pj ·' H J.,_ ' ·' l ·· PAH.'1'1E8 IN _\V.U\T OF' r A.ND I ~ CROCKERY. · DR,-Y GC: ODS T '· wn,L fl t< D 1C _>\sauru..1cc on Lives t;ra.nted on tE'J\.· -OU .!'O.lllc torm.·, and un_<1uostl~nabl e oucurll > " olfe>cJ t, , Policf huld~rs. Besides the Lo.rge Paid·l.Tp Ciil> 1 i!-81 o th~ Oo1npany..r A ssurers lie.Ye .tl..d(ldional HESE :M.'.RKS ARE THE CHEAP- Security m the UNJ"!MI'l'ED L! ABIJ.n'Y of a EST, tho most 18.Bdng, tho l6t\St troubloaonui. "'°realthy Pro pilotar y. and Jnost completo ever invcntod. 'l'l1ey at·e The Special Life ~'\..:38urancc Ful:d now J l neod and rcccomn1ended by n1an} of the best n.moun ts to Breeders in the UnitedStatos u.nd Canada, snob as G. D. Loring, Sn.lcm, !tin.a~ .· President New Engll\nd Wool Growers' Societ.y : John s. Ross, 'l'H E su1~1 Ol!"' Henue ptn, Ill,: Proro..or M. Miles. of the State I A.griculturnl College, Lansing-, M1ch~_lion. Geo. · ,+ -D 4 i , Drown · roronto,' Ont.; John :::;nell, Jl:tlu ionton, I ' I Ont. On ea.chl\.Jnrk ts staruped theo\\.ller'A name hoY1ng hcen added there to tts n. r esul t of the Ilus· 1 and t he sheeu's nnmbcr. '!'hoy will be scnt/ree, n,le~s of thcl'M' 't'cat, :ift ul llle Pa.ynu ·i L or 1.1ll by or expreat:>. for onlt1 f ou'· cents au:h, 1md CJ:J.uus, Uash .Bon use~ ·.A.unu1t1os a.n d l·lxpcn500 'l':t:: .Tl' }__ 1_ will last !or T\VEN'I'Y-YEARS. ol ever)- Dese1:ption . v~ .i \.iL. C·l'l h 1nuRt a.ccomiiany nil orders. ·r~1bJes of ~u.~, l'ropos~il lforu1~1 .,nd full u1for.AltClllBALD YOU~G ·.Tn.. :f'c~·1:1l':r~1g~~' o o UtuJcd on tLJiphcau0n t.o the unSu.rnia., Ont Jl J., HO UTJI J D AN ' 8 I PB.01''TI..Y SK l'T L ~ D \VI'l HO T _. 'l' !LOSSE~ l't~, FERENCli: 'l'U'l'lil!.: HO . !l:IB OF1"1C I:. . All Ur:sciiptlGll~ of prupel·ty Insured ,i~u..J 1bL I Lo~s o~_pamugn by Fil e at 1noclet·a t1..1ri?.tQ8.'°' L I F E UEPARTM.lli: NT. T I $(--),603 '21 Oa d!:-""3" " U,::.:;;..OQ " I h ee·1 '00ugnt "' ,. " u I ICi. :] P.Cl.d. ea. ~ CA; ,.. ' ""' fJ:.~~ri;:~cii.·ll ' .1 o~~?iiif9, I ' rr·, 1'1g 1 Hl·i. .h eHH..'·o l ~iiJ-:i · l ' h l·~ ~Jr h u11~, lJS UH1 fc1v~:»t a/·to/ -,..~TBRll~ i\ !1Y SlJllGTI()N. G l t..:~D- 01·i;: rng pn i-·i::, bL"v ,lu., l ·n { 1 C:::a~;r1 n. Hd !in;s h.lJ t l 1 < b e ,~ .lc . ..5gn !jf rt. but tk , .1nd "by far th~ LAla;jIST l tOD1J1N::J. lt is cn. 11 id:iJc of :verror rr.- u l'follg~'l'J.; ci!' t l.e Ont?.J.'iO v ctel'in;; I y CQ l 1e~ ' ocg-1; 1..0111fv-1 ,1i th e inh.cbi ' 1 , of Bn ;1 nl"~'l\ fu'-'~ n.!Hl S\lrlOtilltiJ1,gco,L,1t '."'y tlw.L no ho.s u :)1nn1cnc cd tho pl\ t ctice O! h ts }11 otcr:s.011 , .1nu oan bu < "1) lb 10 11.e d 1 >:oOU S e~ of lto1 '"-'e ~ ~11cl ' T 1th:: it Gb· er '2. l,'i,Ct':'f ofi).ce, l(uig Htrcet, B o \-J.J~,~ 11\ ill e. ur work lut.l:~rt ) O.ough::. lo.· 3cw t n t; 1IT. 'l.1H.:~ 1rnpofl~1bl 23-1! I ~ I I i , r' Jl~ ).:! . I · .... ' I"" lL L U8'.:;;.1:tA'.l:EJl I 1 1 ' TO r~ 1.:;;m A.DY A N'fAGE TO Offiee for an} quantity will 00 filled at the above· A PERR y 1, I C luef Agen t1.> for LJnnaL:a. nLen1.1uned price, us quick:l} as U1e Markis can 00 · · , 1 i.rt: nspcctm. n1a.dc autl sent R OBEl{ l' J\ H.~fOUlt , ' \V H. ClJlMI E. NB "" ,, . A gen11~1· .BJ1'irn ..n1\1 lJe · · .l · . - - 1 ,\e unancui.l po.:i1tJ ,_,11 . ...i tnu H( vttl J!:i Di no wa~ lffected by the rece u' r ·n·c u.~ Ch1 c:1;::-ri , the c'!!I PU.llf bU.\'lllg no .Ar:;cn,· domg baStllC33 Ill ' l., Hl~~.Rl.£ ! thatCitv. l.!-J1n, OrdersaddresaC'd~othe CANADlANST\TES"\JA:'i _ ..J!._." :.F'. .HEV)J.A i,r_., ! ! be found de-I · 'd 'l IPhre1toiogical Jm11·11al, I Cl ea y c11ear.J!. I t I I [f:.1 }'.,. _., GL l; tJ < .. A I'1 u ':3 r"CJJ_'\SS 11 ~1 ·rtIBPRIC:J.i.;Or O'rTI.Btt fIAT-'I. . . O! ---- -------- -- - - - - , : I I }~1 ' .~l }\7.L'IJ~ 1, 1 'l' l:-U£ L IK.l!.: "\\O RK . T~ ... q t:.a·l) 1 i t. ho .·1e o: 1 J,;1) t h e1 a s 011 fi:nt.= ~\ t!.,\'J c:u iorl 0 '1 nTI%c o ' J\l'l tht> J k nrt', ~ IJ., n]~ ·· ti ', \Yli ccl1;~ d.· _Q,A \. ]11 .'>J jf:::-;; DOr ";G 1 -~"·urdoch · I lr:nowh;dget1 bv tl w~.e ·'.If oxpcrlence thu.t YOU \\' HO NEED SHOEING, A_ LL comealongan(1 ~;el na1·1{aJn~. for 11 JH ac- 1 Call I !NT1' ~ the GOODS, y 'Fllll l s t tic ;?'ta<· -: ~ ~ o llUJ' HoOt8 7.lo the P 1tblic of the BriU~ h Proi:,u cs oj l\lld Siiu,: w -· :'· OUo Del Rt~r. No1 th ... 1r·iericli. I . ('at;-t- ~,~ . ---.---;; -- 1 -'· !«).h" · tt.18 ~1"t1o:u · .. ! / I j \J.{'l,~lJ !! ,·('_ , ,,, -Vl JJ,1" ""'h -- I tcn.t.u ·c. t ni , " . 1 L L,Lltlln . . , ..t1.'i .li" .1.0i~1JOHJ o i' -:.\'hnd n 'J·l Unih (11'.;r i bcd .P ~y810ifi~r.,11 1;. or the ": i,_;n :;i o! CJ .n1n.ntc1· ·, :t h ili1: 11..i.t«1u ..... ntHI J1n·11 v n ~ L~,: thmn," 1s ::ti::\J;:o{ ,_al 1 ~\,J.:.:i,'\1 1 ! (llL<_.:::fh)\1811;,_:'" :"1' !' ..,. , ,· '"" t it« F· .. \ Yllson, \.Yau.zor, H ' mo 11!," ~Jll' te) < l l>L <;,~!(). :i.. l'ct·t\. "10::,. ~ AI: J.1 .. W Q QL li&vc still a Ls.rge and Well-A8$0rted ·' . . · . " 1-';lN G OF THEM A.T Stoc\t of- St&ple 1md Fancy Dry UNHEARD Goods, which they are deterniined to · '· 1 · ' 1 '<' J .... OW PRICES. wl at prices tUI low ... any iu th· Parties indebted to me will much oblill'I by 11·ttliJii tliei.r ac- i§ I ' DR lo , _ counts as 11oon as pos@ible. Wm. McMUR 1F ~A -t. ' J ~ ditieount of FIVE PER ) Ii 0 ~ -..- DEG MOS'T -r:l 1"SPEC j, : acquauit .l ' L~~ 'f11i' ULL Y ~'O I the Jl1 ' hlio of the Britl.Sh Nor th A m ~ f ; l WJU1 province:;. tp nt. rn Mav Ja~ t [ e.1 u~d the I ·' 11 "'l'lC~i::I at. 80, l\Ja~d.c;i L a n o ~ : 1 >' 101k, i u l the A T A RED UCTION 01' ~~le o. HoLLO'V \ r 8 I l LI.S .\ND Or1'>~ J .:J., ··r r, \' ]n4'h < \ge. \\CI · op to t..h< l LI 11ne p repuroJcl by ~ 11lmm Bi t \\ ,1 I w otdd beg t.· 1 s ta.y t·J aU \\hO a rc in debted t. n·)'~- "'ccca-scd, cv be dooerl 'rhe se :\1 ~· 11-11· ~~ mo, c:ithel' b3 note or book 1ieco11nt, they ni~t 'lt were, 1 r egi c t to say, fro1n ' vh ut hns iflf.-01; ~O-~lc' co111.c. to the sc·ratch thilff fnt l . Pait cxpcrlen<~ had to iuy kno"\\. J <>~!']e, ma.t.1011/l of >)Heh YCl" nr1 1 iu. \ ·-., tJ.ttlght 1nc that i:;tec-rs a\·e Jnuch ea.8ier lJr,Jk cn in Lngrelbent~. n.s ,. , tenrle1 t ien1 fl lnlo:;.~ ;,01·t'.i 1 1~c~,;:, (~ I~N t wb1..1n yuuni;- tf allo wed to run untH four or five ~~~c:11er e.ur: rndt',1iated to dnm .1.;e r:y gol)rl. i-r1 ]J _~ - yearsold1th1consideredabr~a..1c.-necka110. Now 'l'l1 3 h 0 d l _.. ~~ . .. a.11 that ore in u.rre11I'l:l. u.nil i.lll a.<:i.::ount::.t du~} this 1 ,.,. o c ."' o POt >Y1.,_h tn be dcc~n col by ]1e· \. foll wn b e expeclcll w v~T up. !1. . $}1lll'H)Jl l nH.;,d 1c in_~B, wbie11 u 1·e now llitel;ir io l H. n. DR£.\.DSJfA\V. cmun atc i1'oin t he Mtutcs or eh.m\Yherc. lntt to 1 BowmanvUlc . O<lt. 1871. 12-lr. P,088 esti t~onu;el ··c<.: of t]1e ['Onumc lior,r,ow ·._ y s I ru,r,s .11:-.0 OIN'l'.M.t:-xT nlLI do W4'H 10 see tba.t ___ , ooch ])Ot ~n.<l bo~. be111·L, t l1e 13 n t1sl1 G<n~e 1 lllJ ;.QnL : 1 flt1i.mf1 on \\ll' ~ h lScrigr;.i.i;·cd tho \ t or d s " Hor,;~or W.'...\: t;lJ n..J J3'1. ", D0CT"l!ltL"T " l:Ulll tha ~ tJo ]_ \ 1 I rlrcss ou tho lahd i~ ;j~-:-J ox-'J- OHTJ ~H' E"l' 1 g~-BOYER'S DO!'>", '\here ouly t h r.y n'!o u1un11t"ar tu 1 p <l_, ; 1i'('1 ,u STllJ( ..,)r_rlu ."\.( "if , -u o other pa.rt of'tltt\ \\'or1~1 1'h o lCtniJ pt !\'es 1 ,ro T Eil!\IB, _ l ~ , ~ !-J. CTALV A..~IC FLUIJJ. z, on thel.~bol s u i ilu~i.,h cu11·cnc y qn d 1~ 0 t i 1 Loi · .. lar11 &ucl cent ~ . ' ' { No ro11n)Eent&Hvc of min e \n l] e ver h a \ cl Uaive1rttlty Af.k..ttowled~ to 00 OOJe o t:I througl:~d;-n:t pur~ of the B ,..~tish P.roY ~nt.:(·:;< " . or the t:he ~t pow6rtnl Linime<:1ts (tt>r the 0 t< Unired ...... at~s, ~ 1 ther to sell, or 10 take or<l.era for t." ot ~ n1y Pills nnu Ou1t1ncnt . and r.:.i I Ji uYo ..C"' sr;n ~fl 1 ;:1 beJJcve that 11ttempts ' " lll v er vpr oba.bly. b'C n uid~ 1 ;::, lit H E U MA T I 11 llf, r;, to deool..-o the. l.JUblic in tbi1:1 ,va.y by :ie:"30tJ.s call¢ hb1g upo.1 n1cdi0111e ve n<lort:, fuJH el·r r t:picse111 Wo;:.. t "t they .:l..i'03.0t1ur· fo r me, nl'ld \Vi!h Jny know': l f::l(·.,,, f"1 · 1H·x·k, l(m~ st . Be·· u11111\ 1ltt> i:' r; ,__ lcdgo:-andcon ~0nt. 'f.decru1 tad\'isnhle to:put tb c Pnl>lio ou thc:.r JJUa.rd ai;uiust nny , ucb. d"ccp· , - - - --- , __ ·-· - -1 ~ tlons. ., ~ 1 1 1 I mo::it entreat ail lliono 'Nho ma) \Ve now n1anu:.i ct" ·ing, tron1 t.hc best material, Boots of a.ny t.l esfrad ern, au ) W<i <"· ranted to fit ot no sale. 'l'ho subacr1l>cr fee1s ;;;Tttl t·fu] for the \"CI"Y ~1ber· ~· I p t11n1nngc h~ bn.§ hn~t ror 1he Inst ttflecn J. t·arc, n. nu wau hl ·;o!icit a cou,1u 11£Lncc of public pat:tvn · rl A \j 1-i. R p T' 11 _w . . . 1 , 1~lh n clo 11. u ,or r·1 t· i\ f!.tl 1Ntl H isto1y of :1[;.i,n, : lll(i ~atcd , .vil be givon. (.'l I 1 /1.~" ,,,[oa; t 'il d -i na oni11.--'1'hc 01 var' 1 tl.U. lln t !\'.) t.t. -~ L l,..1.t: :ot1 ·U ~ ioc: l(llJ ' of u~e h 'll t11P n l~>cly': v. 1tl; ~~] [i) tht oaw·s <Jt Iott' ,·,rii'i .health . \Vnt~t ·wo .sh r, t lfl c u.t 1 rid {!.:lnk , l_iov: 0lo::th cd , .ta.l b ow ~o cxcicMc, ~};; 11 ·', n~ .~cnrdll' l'~(' \\ ith 11 ;.'blf'llW p r1u4 I 1 l~r;, l" 'I{t':!, ~ 1-kh c:; ~' lHl b,ng-r,i,,1 1!."S or lllC-ll ,..u<l h\,;ll!U U Ill .t ll ~·t'P· ' imt:UL.l 0 1 V., . . . . - J:-> E rr ! I. l'st;:rA1 ·,,__ .,H h of. the ,1 ~.l' J, I~· ve d, ,\, Hl n o c 1l:·;l1"'; · ·o t p 1r, d 1o ·111 1;.t· tlu,; : 11c l lJU::;t.1·1Lc Ct;tll.f{ and 1,1... t, ncti Ye 1 a.· \ ,<'ti d, ·'"'G Be1"> L l1ctou,~1 I\!.n ilr _\1 11 ,,,,\,~inc 1 C\C:' pl!.J 1'« 11(!J . R }JCe,-.l !e::nu1 e i ' T> ,.. , ~ '( f {f/{ ··, l CI U'.i~ 1' '> (I.l i d 0 1 'fi.RY ~.-.i\r, a g'Ul d<' ll1 ~ (,,1, nl · t ::i; an1l u Hnn·g Chl :,11·e r1, L l ns 01,:i.gii.;::ul.C _1n,< 11') i:: ·ra · lm· :!lhtch .,..,n· I 1' i l1·fnrn1:1.t1 onon t he lo.1d1ugt 1 11J:C~ l' tlllllf ;" 11fc ,...I'~ :Ld.J t l.lo b " st 1 11:1.-dc , >W t]ll t::;' , n101e dtau h!c 11,: ·] ., ·r·'ti ,18 1 I 1 1" ' · ' :-eJ1~ b lc tlir.11f:h'.' 1.1t her s u 1,,:l.:.--tla e:..J n1al'hinc .J.Jn.rv,01 tl.n d " 'Ork ' v1th gre~· : c a~e. i.r111 d o 1 ·1 1 I kuu ls of d,(JJHCJtic .-c .v,n g 111 ~ l)f ~ u (.h ! ' ,ll.til'ifll. c rr 1~ t·dtml , , '" J · c~ ' i,b·li"1 L lt ~l l" 1Zci \ 1; ,., ,! " .;:-JJ C ol·1 1 H'. it 1 'n:'I l 0 I '1 ~ 1 ~n~ -·!tr,, ' I , rt ...:; 'l yer.· , LU ,t dVll'lCC .A.t~ ::£ 1·~T S I smr; tc· nt1c,· 1' <l cc< :::.. Cl:.ib~ o! tea o ..· mol -1:" , \ ~ ..: ett.:h, . "'1 _r. _ , { 1;' t L/-..~en L I f \~~oJnr_-:, o'.i_ · '-:.0 10 .t 1tberal P1 e~nlu:u::i. - r I d11.Ul )... L l · , 0 v"'"J , ('" r'l if. (H~S b e en nu.JJ!h;l1cd , ,uu1 l" a~l'nl· .: J·""" 1 lur · 1 ,::r.:1110·· · stc1dily 1nc1e,t'>e1 l .TOlll"l~l "" ' h . lS l c>ached !LS l h fav o ~· \r~\ .... J'~U) J_~ v.i!.;l\ ·r \'i'l-IERi!I~ I ·{·1or<,d l L ::.t ri l"'"i 1 4\r~ I~,t.:;obo J.J ~' · ._ 1 £:.t.n- nlo r'l l nilv' L', ·~i t h uC»"-' ~1o~ ~i..;ct 1 ·tJ , .ind n. <J01 ·1plct0 P>l'J<:f · · ,A , ~c;I' u..,, n l"! !_!·E 1ei,, _ j I I " . .. _ O!lr1hftY,N c \ , l: vi. ·. - - --- --- I <;' · ·"" \;:';"' ' l'oe l ... ~n. ' , , ,.,. . 1.11 ~~ > t.- f ~C\ 1-:-i:;r, ci:-c.. n:pply tft c~ U.L~Ll-'II8.'..,ll .",. 1!ACH1 ... VR C(f 1-'; CUHLPl!, C.A ~.\l}}. < ! .:.:_~.,, 1 1 1 1 5 z , ff' · ,r1 il Fi l· .) :_·p ..:8G-; .1.n 1 ::-- ~ ~ ~ 1 :-t:ih I I i ' W Bold by all Drtla'Sl at1.11 a.ud !It:dk!n i:i: Dealers. ~ WOODHUFF, BENTLEY & CO .. o Propr10 to1-a, § '._, ~~ ~~i;i ·~<h cr ...1 <>u1ont th?\t 1.I..1er be plc:i.r-c (l, :n \ . g lC lnlerest, tocommunl:::atc t JlQ p1u·port, 1 ~ Od<ft.. 0G 1 " 'd ncftohl1!t 1u-f..icncl<J lh11tthc;r1na.y not bo 11~ r:r .. 0H1-u< o o t e1rlllon e>;b,... puql ·· · 1 il.f~! lei:is lmitritlonsof thegeni.tln"c ANO OINT:.JENT. ~r~ c.~~Y '"1 · J~t - -- Y I r ·r . ~r,, ~·' 1 ,... ., .. .- ' ··, ~ ' ' ..,, ,.: ~~t. '1' \ \, '°"' .._, i1\1i! ;._. l·'ft ";:'.) ; · I !"!.,~ H ,C 11. 0 l f.\.l:_\., \\ 1\0k ;,'· 10 -.: ge:!'.'.t 5 fe1 1J1e C .J t ·ir,_i ot D": h .tJu, 0J'tnr1·J a.n rl YictQrm . ftl3 81 cc1 '~ i" <l111·m u "r1t~ t::i L h e ~:;:-;:it~. Jtl'lUIUJ" l"Bl!l , 11!7]. tto~I~';~!~1 ~. · '1 6'JC:.:Li,: L-= l , .... 1 I would ti.bk, a t> a g1ra'!..t ftn-·our t hut sh J l t oomototheknowledgcof u,u ·.. .c-u { l ous 1uodic1ncs are bcmg inadJ.~0~1,; d_n ~lny r.riun.· h o ho 11loased to sc.nd ·ne all tl /; .m J Harne , can collect 1~ cctm ' 1 ie panu u in·s be I the TI(~mc lH1:(l ~ddres~ ~ffh~n~~~·( ~!t\,~ .~ ~6'?J· 1 1 1 I R ... pnreh&le11 over one dl'llr.r. :r-,,1 A E The Grocery Depa.rim ent i· irupplied with New J'ru l:.~. Spie<!· ,f N PICTU.HES TA.KEN IN l ... 1.1 JH· 5til.~" . vne of l'·,ll t'i:n,{ . 0 , 110 hi._ 1 < lo c'X,L l.i ,1e tC l!Hd s, llll a "uJ>l.l' f R ating w letht.=r t}ie n.1e.,1ciuefj a te gc111 uno ot~ j llDt,ffi·O Uu\~ if spunnus .ue rnay a.j) to the lH'l' 1 eon ion1 "hon1 he llllrch as.od Ll C'n +u n ~ ~·e ltifl ~tlo at.1i.:o ~ t-::: ~r1 '~ l<',n th~boo~so1 111 ?ll ·~~ 1 ,,,, 1 huni!uftneuf!.:\i ·. l, ·· u~ . ho ~;: 11 du '.i~'itu h·e"d I n1e,111u.le, to t, r , n· cs'"' >! L foot \ il·icb Jiol l da.lY!Jt'1"::u . b ,~ l 1' r(· 1 to befo ve th3.' 1 11,0::;hou h a s been t.lcce1 l 11,.. l.i ..:~ ·ng sp tn·i ··u:i llP't'n." I LJi1~ifi~~~:?;~~~o1;~;~1v,. ~11~~l:P.\11~cf1~~ltlj~~'.[i~1~~{~ti01~ ~~e l~w~e1re,wh~c lttu1iy havesupplw d1h'cn 1 sO 1,oenu .· 1c:iue, f orLh~prvlc ctimi oftl . bl! t.o instiLnt!' p1 uceeilln , 8 ;.i r:r::unat s n<'h li;; lPJ 1 c , ru1t1 I eni.;:i.gc tv reuTunci"!~t1;i ,cry Jl~~tl~!..'1~~15 · :·,1gl1 tad hoJ_y~rtous uame I lu·esa ott1elv 1n1ed11cnHls,uutlhkc'"'scthe u'3f'iu lhoUtulNlRtates ! 1 1 i: tny " l~li r;ood cfl"t~t , I fc~ll~atel1n reico.mmcnd1ng t l'e Ji]u1. d-: a for !Seno.f_ ; ra, cu1.r1_. lta v tw~o1 t.hc L n (';· JJo ~stf.!... p· JJ~.ite, we., 1th1~vu1g ocoa u sed for the abo' ocont· [ , _ 1 1 til:!:·t~ In iny tn.nuly. . a .J c .1. ~~-\e r ~,ia\.ng ll~Nl th r e('I bottl(IB of you1 vu uia ....1c :no t.l rr. E. JtOVlE ' L YN Ocl r.)1~~ 1 ;"-Jyp . I .. ~ ... - -" o ,-" , - 1r 1 1 Llil r.,;" ~ I .\- 'You~ ic1:1 r.cctf111 ly J . F UilGVci0>¥, !l. F;. 1,~1J1 oter. , ,;.;~ ..0 ,....... CIJ ~~ 0 ~.... cp .~ c:! ~ U H ~ ~' "'V -1 ' . o l I 1 I , a"C " ml I! ,..,. ·" ., r,; ,, L I L.. ~-? ~.'" ' '-'.J ,..., ;:._, :,, ";~., i. 0 u!I J ~ffoncu ;::1 ,,... ~-i ~~ ~ ~ 1c'ru~1i11{1~ ~·":,,_~; ,_,~,, 1 .r:-1·· u ,,I, " 1 !>, 1 l , t 1 ~ ~lOdl\ ,_,J i. · 11 Lt "; L , 1 1 ~~~~~\ ~'"~ ~k(if C· :n 1i9 l;.;· " '-t· Oll"-."-' ':"T .u., __. BEGS Rl { · , 11. l l~J ,_,s\i,.._! , 1 ~8'.L. ·:, '-t (-'LY "t > \'~ I .\. ~ t , ...:. ,1 t ' , 1 I'LL.ti nu L· -1 , 1 ,, '1 J · 1· , ..,,. . 'r" " , .J ,. ;:· )) ,, ... ! si n.e. 1 1{ 1ti1u:1c ,_, _ " (~~ I E ).-I'OCK TAK ING! .etc. -.!~:: ~EA. s A T s I 1 ad lo\Hc \1'3 L 1 Jl"O o;;:~~ l}ncea !n quanti t ie>; uf not i0titt tha n {f.o; >vh1cl~ i·ountta·lce mu~ i be ~cnt :in bo vnncc )'I. ·· Ss. 6d ., ~:ls. , and Sls. per do~cn th~~~~sts and Druggists "110 dcm1 c to v.h to1nes can b e SU})plictl nt t h e ) 01ouey retu1·1 1ed. · ~ ·ol.JtaJn di~~~;~1lls01·pot1JofOint1nent, nett , with (lut I I I a) i-o ~ 4j -: ·· J:, LE 101 '_,DF:H.-1.Ht1-..0.n.--., '3G ')! OF~' !'EU: --! , &\:., .'.'~u. ... ~ ~ ·;;n CJ; ~ p H OIL'-. p_\ 1:;'1.'C J. COLOll.", P No. 1 Style AT FLETCHER'S l I bnve the honour to be 1 ..._.J With grcai respoc!, ~ TIIO;\!AS noL1 ,o y w~0f°:;J't~l;'{t;:;.ef ~Sfe 2H, S t i and), L on d;,n, Q -- ·· ' · 17-10. ~ 1 w" en ,..-1 r.. L' ""· ;:::.j '.:;:) · ,...°' E ~ \' .:.\n-:~1srn: .:;, Iv1J~DTOINES . CAS:S: SALE for. 20 days. W A diMount will be rondo on Picture- Gallery. \\'INTEna.ts coM~SIGN OF THE RED FI.AG, RING s·rnEET .EAST. Bt1'e\n1&t xi\'lJ' t , THE DES'r Al'fD CHEAPEST I.ONO EVENINGS ARl:i: }lERE ! l \_,. Ai i~ ~ ~;:,:; M' . ~ :<- If-iO HSE I I :.i ntl \C.-llI '1'ELE_\ D !i.1T J"..i l ht:.V(", k1 , c"tp1.cc1 f'}.j) '1 0AT'1'LE v '~1 I I N n. ~ ;(,· ntr ;. ;;:'tlll'<'pt·ckr:1 '&' !!J!Jiied on :.d tY , ~ .tl'-~c\~Q,_,., · c .lVJ A N " .;..) PU08l ' EI\IT Y Ail OUNDS ! I Nev. 2!1rd. I87l. 1 A!'CJ.1 No'v 113 ra.11: 'l'HJE To suH&chuli: fo1t 1'1: O 0 M'CLUNG BRO'S ml'l'l'. on l!Mb purchans owr one _________ __ :Rural P ~~ T 1'.t~ 1:.t S' New R Yorker I~ r.;i r~\TOP.I r£ ~ ~:; I8 I ""d j 0 1 U 0 0 TIIE OIU:.:A'l' NA'1'l O:S.\.L , dollor, except Flour and Grain. Cheap Cash Sale is still going on, and will be continued for 30 days longer. GREATEF~ BARGAINS TH.J.N EVER V 1'1LL BE GIVEN. '. Musical Library, CONSI8TING OJ' t-111 +) (I) Farm and FireJide ;;reck!y ! :S I PROFUSELY ILLUl:i1'A'l'BD. ' ~ FIFTEEN VOLL'?rIES FILLED WITH ___ · I CHOIOE PIA NO MUSIC. TJHS FAJ\IOUS .JOURN.~ L HAS VO It - n<mrly T"·cntr·~·'i v;i Yt·ara hccn 1ho I c VOOAL COLLECTIONS. ~ffi.cised I~acr ' "' 1 t,<i Sv llerc, nnd l1 d.s att a.:11 - ........., ,f-_' i r:.. ·a ~ .,,... () · c~ ftl ~._: .t s ~.1 1 ' a., 500 l --- · ~ ·' · ·· · _.._ ' :;,~:. fl ~ ~J . BonGoods, Flo bes, sac- O r· ; ~ I I I I : 't·') : ~,. -l ;~ i·, 7" ' ...·":! · · , , ,;;, l ' l! ~·~ .). ' '\.\,"ll ~ 't1t~; :~. J (.i ~ ~ ~ !1inuor "nd Oh&mber Set.<J, in : I and 11ee -0ur China Hall. 1tice. DON 'T FA lL ~·o CALI... il G L ·uJ._·-: 8ign of the Golden Sheep. Cif'For one month we will give & N.B.-A!l accounts must 1· 1..Je pa10 at once. McC. BROS. l = tul Ba.ll&da by<l, Tht>nJM, Kcl}e.r,~ lUua ~ ru.tJ.ons, .'fnlogrrq1hy, l.:; t-c., SUJ)l·rJoI. ete . . Beruuo thu \'i"flt1ngB Of t he conduoting a.nd ··s· _ eocu:i.oo Edlt ors, H5 Corp·, of Co ntributors 13 J ~rINBTl\UMENTAIJ COLL:&Ct'IOSS. ,,_i ~r tbt;-t o~ any oth;cr H.Ull.AL ,AN 1 ) r,n.o H. Y Fall·y Fl.Dze.n Jl&£te C:ll"cle and ""i:rv- !'jo tha . !\.IooRm e nn1uL t h o 01 ·~a n 1r1 l'o-e P!altl.11. 'Throe volumes of ~~ thd·Ough winch g1eat U.!ill bouciiCll.ll e'trorts U&) MuMc for younU' players. ' ar Pe.arl Drep1audMa·1eal.8ecreatlo··· ' ROG R E ff~ \11£1\I"l"" N'l' " Dan ce Music. Two col cctions o/ moder- p:t. d """ at-e di1ftculty. c 0/1gu;.ttc and comm11n1c'!..tctl lo the near.lo. Pleasant Jlemorle1. A collection or' <t In ~ h e l: !tture, ~in,, t he JlUH..AL\ Motbeaut iful piwe& by W yman Droog "'JU he E:r,ef~, 1or' exccp l in pi- ce wliioh hrr:> l~r. etc, ' ' · u st i>ecr& 1c1 · nol:d-~u11kutg it ('b~,al)C!i l _gi ~.. Gol4eA Qf.m~. A collootton of brillial :t u1 W:uaUy l"1 cchl y lill d.1c l~ 01·11t ~ ant parlor MuBic by Charles Kinkel. .&1 Tli"' l' IJI' ' L ' 1 r- .,. U"' I'll ~ -< BrUlla·l.Gen1· . A rtplendldcollection iY .ci " :-..u.. ;:; ... L.i.. b 't_t.TI ON 3 by V'ilbr-e, Allard, P1tchcr, Kinkol etc. '""""' re N ' 8 v~ · d Prlcti, fl.W p er volume elepntl ' botUlll Ill(. o. - u morot. , oric , ,ir:td B e,H< t:fnl. Indeed, in cloth, with gilt liid es . '$:?in pi,J' I th· ~ o11r. n,~m. ia t? render t h e w·hole J><tpe1 exr!c~1U 11n - ! , 1,75 iu board:., · nc 0 ·ri;! a.llJ \ a.nd ~cccpli\h le. 'l'l.te l t t:dAl. :.-:; P~e.A.ddre8I, J. L. PETERS II t!ort ff. Of Ma.,rkets, Crops. l l n!LllCf'8 , etc., .~l'O full W'J Broa.dwa.' N y ~ 1.. nd1elm.blc, and nJ.o no wort h flo nblc th.J p : Je( of the 1,a.per, Inileed , next to 'Olll' loci, I P~r.c r ' W e wonld c&Jl u.ttentlon l; T·. ' O~raac B·me a. oollection of o"·er on: ?tfc~t}~i<-.s ~IJH,\ L HI the on e fur Yourscif, Fllt!Hly. h'Dldn<i be6utifUi oper· ·onp. Prlee $1· a.n nen ~. 14 ololll ""4 11m. Tro<l· )>rice, f<. ' ~11.t·s UaltU. .A cboioe eollec1~v.1 ·t C.10 Larfes., Ch-culatzoir o r an;\TNo><1. ::paper Of 1 15 th~ thostaud.axd o.ut.horir,v on I\.GIU.r. a!~ntU"ul Be.cred Bonga. Ban.II. a11.d R··e, 't'lnwttle EchtM'!W1 !:i~bl.n.O~EAAll,FAfns, n nd conced crily the b!il:st .w.d lweet ioun.d.f.. Throo Volum68 ot Btt.s1rteu T~~~. t ural, L ttc, an1i F'CilHl llJ ana ~ SOU1'3 by WebB~r. Pvrsler, etc.. C.lde.a~,.el. V olume!> I. tmd TI.~ UNEQU'LED FEAmU' 1 The &wo. vo lumeo oontaln all or Will s. "" x xlES Ba.Ts' Songs. 'l'llE Run.~r,'s E DITonu .r. 8'J.'.ll!F is the fo.l'gcst Prtet1lf!&tGcm·. A oolloction othca.ttti1:1nd a bl ~ ~ of a.n:v J0Ul"11ni in it , sphere, wlule frs ta I If;i'l ~ I~ !'--; ' ~ !~ I~ !..~ r~ I-~ l'Cl')'m i" rf1 I0., t-.i f-' I~ A Z i._..; r r. v~ j i Iµ..:; ... ~ Tv[ ,., ,.., ·..., i· ·1e L .1.- V ·.:::1~_,1 .l.. r;.... ·:.) 0 STYLE AND R EDU CJ:D 'l'E1tMS. of TEN PER _1_1 and Shrub,Evergrcm1, lo""'tuitan(l IIbrb Seeds prepaid by mall. A complete undjudlclous M'. JJOrtment, 25 80rts of e ltbor, fl.00. 'fhe six clu.sees. (150 packets>for $5.00. Also, An ilnmenac 11tock: of ouo ye&r Kraltcd F ruit l.'reca S1unU Fruit&, l""'rult Stocks, , Young Frul~ Orn~mcntn.! a.nd Evcrgrcl'n See<lungs, Hull1s, li;Ol:les Viney Ilout1e u.nd Hurder PJ:ints, &::c., &:c., ti1e mosf co1npl4'le aesortluent in A1uerlca. Prepaid by nuul. ~1cod C&:taloguc1:1 to any aclrlrooe, also trade ltsta, grstie. Heeds on CommiRHion. ..Agenttt '\anted. D. M. \Va.tson, Old CoJony Nurseries a.nd Sec<l Watehouae. Plymcutb, l\Iass . .Esta.blishcd 18'll. l i'RESH GARDEN, FLOWER TREE ·· T _; ',· <'· '1'·) T (~ l. lTI 1ll'< , l ·u :o:r · ~(, ·q_;:i,I ·~-;.c oq~r 0 'J'T\ r !\\NH00 ',\ ·tra P" lllU: ~ '· . 1 , , \ff}.' l ' U t Id l l" " , ;") 1oq 1· 111[1 .l OJ - L ·~J" { f,OlUO l p~o!i ~111' l'>.:1 l18 1l t;1l "lfif'-1.t I ~S {;lll "Sll 1!1J[dU:O:) B ..,.., .t: 0tt11J UOUl tG O<J01 .J.Jl'.J hJ0 q;) I :J1"' )', " J t !'~'. ic 1 "! r , no"i"i nt:lt.l .i .. 11., - - -- - - - -- - -- -- --- - -·--- .i:l{'. l[llOlJ pnu,.ton .lWl11" o.; bUTI.!i.i.O (Hi'i .::i ll.1 [(Y\1';.),I puu OS'e<:! Sl p 2 UT.j.'U;)f1J'Ul;) U 1 lll \.)lo,i_\.; HHUilll[ 011) l't) 1 s1 0;--iJJ>:l Jr>;1t[1 pn11 ! imm(fUm ~1 It0!lt \\ 1u1:qu "P~.M}i "~n oq1 JO ,{utim .... u r \l. OUJ[ Ol:i ! ·s11r.r;-q _:;} 11 1 IUH l'.<] J .t 1'1A UJ 10 uo~ods ~ t p 1t1,H{ pun 1q~ns::i.T poo.d 0111 08 which tq v 1 <_:ENT. on OMh p11rch"'6<1. u::ios o '>-"ll' I I '.m.\VI «IJ: JU .!l !P!b<O,t puu t'tHi<i ·l I ',Ju JO !11n11 -u1dtuo0 1>.Jq ,r~d u 1 .TUD.<1. 'Jl'.V~l 01r 1 .r~ J I 'I Cnr·l oJ.· 'J'hanks. , ,; penion11 wlilo -.rut lltl.r~ and the montiy, MURDOCH . dP:' "'S -l'a~lrl pu u p OOT(1lHmtlll~ 8 .. pGll ~'Lc·J , )p l~ll TI'\)\ :i tOS ..! ..:. j.'\'\J"t.l iO , 'f! 'l0.UVi[., 0'![,1 - 1n,., .J't:C(f I .. ,~.PEA.TE TAILOR, TURN hla sincere t.J.innks u· J, ;. numru-ous I cu1tomers. and fne.uds, and w o ilci beg to m:i.y that I be ha15 rQruovcd to t he ( of K ing and Qn. _ __ _ __ __ .JIA'l. t1 Jf "3: H "l,J\[ , 1\:r diJt' l U.llt l'"' Jt ~' ' · ~ ~ l ..1.."1l!,j 1_:::,{lr J:i.. "·'· m 1 ""' ..--~ .... Uf'L ' .IOHTTT I ____ _ __ _ _ _ 1 I .P 11 i t ogr :t ph c I \ !·i .:..:e, ~ ~ 1,(,\ , , 1 t. f ,JJ:.ii-S . I '·h L ,AL11 !.. -1 r: · 'l ' BRus.' is the -plam1 w~ffh, w iO· aio.d nw I j W OIJLD RESPECTr 1 : 1,L1 RE· I AB 0 "1' q 1,. ) ... ... ~)f\ ~~· , I. 1 -, i t l !-,"' ot the ~od.-natl_lrc<l and good-temper ed onea 1 u 1 A quantity of fu.Hcn ocd .L1· ut ex( ellc ll ~ quali ty I elnM:J to him a. call. for Salo. . _\.JJ}lly to Uo'!'llftt-·rt\le Nov. Jthulol.iit. - Con . 5, C:i;1i , . 1t; 1r L' h " 11 '"to rt 1 .\ ·tiU\i ta.rlo str(!e ts, where ho will be gladt-0~eoaa man}' h as bePn n111a!:ltu rc fJD · 1 1 0 tJ 1iw tur 1~ i:cnr, J..iC/:' i{,, 1"'- Corn , _.I,.... ' "' ['1, ' " {~ · t ,,,,. I,; r, 1il1 ' '"· \' ,, 1 ,i\o n!:io on h and Q, ,· ' ) ~· ~·~ t · c1 ~ ' '.c ' ' '(·. ,,, -;-_ , t':.,i. 1 'l.1' 7."~RM ~ic h inrR . H" ·'. J " ·-· ? · -~H"l.'JOf U ni· t ~ 17' lt H cv. ,V, "':n1 \T'J-ifrllt~ SE:llt. Oct, tt h, J'l7l I.00~\N. Hl--t f. 1~ilt~ ...}1G tlfi :~J ] ~ 1 I I ,._ .. _ ·- 1 ,. ·1.,;, d :i:_ri:i. f:. ~ 1. .:r.uc n b·n· l : . .:;. · ll L Jl.11c t> 1 :1 dn~ SEY.'lxr. MA KE D Et' Ol'. -----~ · ~

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