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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1872, p. 2

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_ _ _ £ Stkl£3£! CANADIAN STATESMAN, ]l01iVMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1811. BRIT a.IN GRAND TIME lllUNK RAILROAD \ BLE MONTRl>.U TIME Att mpt to Assa~SI ate Queen V cto a - --- -=-- --- - -' __::v _ '.[ huraday lforn ng March 7th RAILWAY PROGRESS Eng sh co np1u es are now ope at1 g in "\Vanted lmmetlmtel~ L ttlo nd l3 g Cottonwood EMt Canyon LI d B ngham D str ct The m nes aro .A. SERVANT to do gen~ral ho ise pr nc I ally s I er beonng 1uartz A few work Apply at the SuTRs>uN office ve ns have hc-e fo r.d v. he1-e copper Bov;ma.nv lle dom ates Tl e Emma Fl gstafl and For Sale· ?tfau noth nines a.1a a nong those \\h1ch have been sold I on lon for large auma E'\ ERAL GOOD FARMS IN WEST Star D str ct wl ch E Co1 nolly S las ..:: Durham For particulars O.P\ v o J ~ H U ILEDGE N Patterson J Mann a l others of th1S l'Ia.rc t, 4- 1872 0 ono s new b t ~ J, llf Brn nacombe, J D S, S To Let I uit ot Lette1 s r1 Mara Pa Mcln osh Hugh Purd Ja e A Hob neon Jauo I clcal\I R b.ioJJ 'Va ter J St.aoey J ruci 1'a.p8on ? Thoe T ls lf ss J an he J\Ia. hev:. Ii l\{ che John Ne Plus Ultra ii. NEW GLEE BOOK WITH P I ANO ACCOMPANIMENT l,' ,. $1 0 eacl $1 p er dou 1 IOCA.LS pn:rt es 11..elves Earnest efforts of the l ne at bot! ends _____,__ ___ .._________ Domm1on Joe on tl10 Ra.mpage · o ag ma nt& n t1 e 1 e ghbors so ti to become poasfjsaed of t s Do u n o lle referred to the se t mo ts of ti e I per al Govern ent " d E glIBh poop e "' m·do k OWJ ti rough ti e press · · proof that E gland des red to sever I er co ec t o ti I er ~ r an colo cs a l ti at although o Cobu ct had yet dared to al ape thUJ tho ght and g ve t utt ra ce yet we had be n told that ouq rcsencc w ti ti e Emp re wats n. so rce of d:\ gcr a d tho t nc fo tepa.rat o was ap1 O<lcl g f t I ad ot a aody ar ed The celebrated M p ess d U] o l a g first the dea. that n.s a at on Canad ans were as noth ng wl en n enaced by eighbora next proceeded to nculcste ti a bol efthat we eed look for no f rther a d frou the E cp re of I ch "e fo "11 · n1 ortant parl But I e ca t o aly nbsta ned from n '" ti · ntc fo ed w th bv the agent of go ng fu ti er a d g ng a I ttle ndVJco as any body vho had b en ontrugted ti n to wlrnt eho Id be lone ndor ti e g oomy ate k of goods or u ate al to be used for ·tale of affa rs wh cl I e I ad been eJCJ?O· tho r benefit ng to pub! c e· Alt! ongl ·· were l nble at a y one t tote cut adr ft fro n TRUSTEE BOARD Br t sh connect n and t be gobbled p Tl e reg Jar n pnthly neot g of the at one mouthful by the Yankee eagle ho " d rector of p 1 c aftarrs a d guard an of Board of Uno Sci ol 'lrustees was held Dom n Qn n-.erests one of the pr nc I al officers of ti o slup of state d d not at tempt to suggest any means for ti e safety of ti e crew althougl breakers wore aheod all he I ad to eoy WM that furtl er develop rnents nl st be aw ted w tl a .firn re ha.nee on ti e goodnos8 of Prov dance and N eRrly three hours ere spent m cons der our ab l ty to save oureel eg by o r w t ng the appl at o s of cand dates for ti Rat! er a gloomy I lure th · for Cana poa t on of P nc pal of tl o school ao s c Twelve appl d ans to look upon and ono vol! cal ceasor t o llir Mac ty o latad to and foster a. nexat on cat o s l ~ be ~n rece \"ed but at previo :s feelmg We feel confide t ho ·eve th.~t meet ngs the umber } ad been nnrrowed the sent m ts of Mr Ho"· w I be re to five of tl o most el g ble- the ot ers At tho co c us o of l1 e exam at on pud ated by tl e gr at n a1or ty of ti e ct be ng passed o er n.s not ac eptable Of the p isoncr was o u utted f r tr a n.t the £GM of tho Dom n on I9ast exper ence these five Dr Crow le s appl ca on as ti... proved the pro voss of Canad ·n arms thd · wn and ti at of Mr M urmy of Ass zes a d ta.ken to JU. l nder a and we ,are er) far fro be! e ng that Colborno ., .., pMsed o er as he co lJ our f t re I bcrty depeucL. alone pon tho ot agree to · ept ti e po· t o at the re qu ed t ne even sl o Id I e ece vo the ap ex.ere se of o r w ts But are we to Mcept ti e Jato speech of po ntment rhe tl ee rema n ng ca.n l Mr Howe ns the oxprosa on of l IJ own dates-Dr Ki g of B antfu d W W pr vate op n on 1 Is t ot poss ble or k ao of .l\1t Pleasant nnd Mr N I ols rather probable that Mr Howe has bee of Strath O) - ere e cl favorably thoug t selected as tl e n oa:t ava. able nember of of thertest o al·h ngofahgl clar ti e Canad a Cab net to g ve utterance to actcr but as h aior ty of t he Board 1ent ments wl cl I e says o Cab not had wanted lo !'lCe a. man befo e ernplo.} ng yet dared to sl ape and ttcr7 Tl e pul h n ti e fi al select o """ postponed un J c are a.ware tha.t there ha.1 beon a. good t I Mo day n gl t ext The Secretary deal of talk abo t ii c so era.noo of ti et e was nstructed to not fy ti o abo e ti ee wh ch b nds s to the mot! er co ntry gentleme t1 a.t o. personal nterv ew s PARLIAMENTARY Lato events wl ch have ~ranspu-od-euch necas·ary befo e an appo nt nent s ade as the surrender of Canad an r gl the and requestlDg ti em to p t rn an appear The first ·ess on of the second ment of Onta.r o va.s broug t to a close o first Mimster of ti o Crow n ti e Donuu &nee by Saturday first ion-lead to the be! ef that me nbers of oon H s Tl e n eet ng of ti e BoMd W>S a n ce Sat rday last At 12 o clock the Gove i ment at Ottawa are oecretly free and ca..'y co ve :-sa.t onal affair bland Excelle cy L out overnor H owland pro eonu vmg a.t a. d working for the sepa.ra. I ke and mild w th t o except o of a ceaued to ti e Lag slat c Hall a 11 ti e e n ti e na e of Her Majesty ssented to a t on of Canada from ti e Br t sh emp re ttle target pract ce at short ange bot May 1t not then bo poss hie ti at Mr a fow lnEHr. bo a of ti e a gust body large u uber of pub c nnd pr vato B lls Bo e I as be made th< o ti p ece of t o vor 0£ t o sess on ti e mos con edera.tes and l a.s a.d ri ed 1 s d s TEA MEETING Loca 11 a e not ofte suffered to ut a, figu e n on n n c.i.t o s for d eta t pub I cat ons b t a few of general u tereat cn.nnot work n sch cf th a msto.ncc I presu n e you I ave I card of tho oommg Jap nese Emba··y who h·Y· boon w th us for two weeks pMt aw>Ut ng tho open g of ti o snow blo kado on the Uruon P cilic rn !road As the bnrner aga n ope od to tl o tra ol g public several days ago they ·t·rled for tho ···t They Ve e consldernl ly I on zed l th e c ty 'lhe I arty co s sts o lOo Japanose repre ae t g tho r a u~ brancl e.s of govern mo t ac o npan ed by U S M n stcr Do Long a d lady nt rperter etc Thoy n te d first v. t g w ..1 ngto c ty ti once to otl er powe s of tl e world on a. general t eo.ty excu a on The Utah Leg ·lat re has J st adJourned after n forty d V· s tt ng b t as they see n tu co ·ult tl o Cl rch nore thar the State ti eyacco11 pl ehed put 1 ttle J3emg des rous of becoo g a State tho~ have hJ resol t on cal ed a const t t 0 al 011 vent on \\ h ch s now n 808810n cons st ng of twenty Mo nona to one Jack Mor non* or Gei tile 0 e th ng a certn n Uta! w not be adm tied unt I the Mu mo Pnestl ood des d from the pract ces wh ch are a ts.gomat c to ti e il · of the govern ne t of the Un ted S tes Th s be ng ti ob rthd·y of George Wash ngto t was generally obs rved as a ho! day flaga were wavmg throng! out the c ty nnd appropr nte salutes fired at the f9rl \\ th kl d reg!U'd for tho success of the STATE! AN I close for tl e present W FENTON & Thomson" m S J L PETERS 599 Broadwa~ N Y J B FAIRBAIRN P M. R v ertised J.iirt oC Letter!!! }larch ls not provtoo.& J' Manhood, Dow Loirt, Bow Restored EMAJNING IN THE POST OFFICE Newea.e. ad MeC&rtby B o.kmnore l\frs Bel John Ca.vil er &;: Co Payo Honr.,Ramsay RR Culy .John Ee e Joseph: Mill E&Co .Rlohard1 Robec't \VlnSllo"" l! E IURJ.M HODGM P ){ Pig Lo1t or the a bscribe Bow uan il e a.bou t ivo months a.gol a SO"\V PIG about e ruon he: o d po ~d ac1t and le Any po eon nowing of he where&bouts or a~ c pg w p eu,Mo nto m he unders gncd or make same kno w n at th~ STATESM.AN'" ofilc S TRAYED FROM THE Pl EMISES AD.11\!S 3 Wanted Mal"C~ELS good w nter apples THREE OR FOUR HUNDRED BAR d ll e ed n - - - - - - - - - - - -- BURDEN"'\\ ERRY Bowmanv Ue Fob 28t t.,; 18 2 P KLINE &CO t-Ofilce Box 4. 588 Want ed lnnne«lmtelJ, A<:.?OD Bo"\ FARM H AND APILY -1 an i1 e Feb 26 18 2 G r HOlvH S or THOMAS 00-4. n over McArthurs King Bown: a. ll e ree ex a.ctea !o 25 cau s each DENTIST OFFICE Enn1s k1llen Mill SURGEON F F sto.e.,. S root !II G "ebl!lter, J 8 ~ , Dental 1"ohee DISPOSED OF MY DEN H AVING TALOfficetoM 8 G WEB LDR r~lt lean w qul Ing his 6et"Yi es as pcueuro reoo Ul' d m o a e o. sk ful De a 1 J JONltS L D S Dowmanvllle Januruy 31 1872 'l1 11ottce of B!-1 tw ISHERl!BYGH EN THAT N OTICE a. a. ot B W1 be n odll (\( at h mee ng he Tnwn Cou'1c of Bowman Uc o be held l Tumors tak on out and c red w hout tho so of the fe 1 DTI B P .A T1 ER SON The best of referencoa Q1 en n Dowma.nville and cleewhere e Ed to of the S at na MONTHLY STOCK F AIR rhe 1 e npera cc Reformer· of R ch no d 21ltli day of MARCH next tow ship n ti e co nty of Lennox havo e.t p m !or h purpose o! romo in~ the road s ccccded n carrymg ti e Dunk n B I on tho \Vee crn bounda v or tho Co po a. o froru tho mai n road o the 2nd co ccss ou line to thnt to~ sh p e proper p a o according o the as au orU:OO. Survey Tl o S Joh · Pans crew have 1>sued .By order R \ ?<-1).lTT 3 cha.Ha ge a.nnounc g their rea.d nese Towne et'k 8e>W'flltt.nville l"eb l!th lSi to row an) fo r oitred er w n England or the Un to I States ·" mile· ti roe m los Lumber and Sh1nglE!!I to otake a d return for $1 000 to $n 000 OR SALE A.T MY MILLS IN a · de Race to t&ke 1 l ce at H·I fax in Dar ngtoo A B CA~IPBELL. Ju e or JnlJ Da llngto No~ '9 18 I 18 t! A LL KINDS kn OF CA:N CERS AN'D OFFICE CbOl'ch S Bowmo.nvil e .Fob lA oo~! 872 Bo rnmn tu~ ~t: For Sale or to J,et T occup od by T Baosat h.Ardwn. e meru'.ha.nt King S rect. Down a.n Ulo A_pply to ;::;.AMU&r HEAL Bowm·n 11 o o to MRS THOS llCK Osha. a Februar} 16 187 ~ tt HE SHOP \ND DWELLING JS OW F THERE · al laot A pro·pect of ti · T ch CHOPPERS 'VAN'l ED born com ng to s speedy end The Jury have nformod tl a court that ti ey E' ERAL GOOD CHOPPEitS wa ted ha e l ea.rd f!Uffi ent c dence to o ablo to cu Cordwood Boa d fu; n ~bed t e Qu.i ed them to re der a verd ct and ti e court JAMES VEALJ.. Lo64hVQn ·dJO ned t II wednsday t og vo Brotl e1 l A lngto I>ee 4 h 1811 194.v Ba lP.l t n t n e to oons der what courae he " l take As ti e ev dance for the defence For Sale was be ng taken whon ti e JUry ti us nter pooed thernfe ence w II naturally b dravrn _TC>;E CGTT.AllE ON L1BERTY strcc at p ea nt ot up ed by J Chr at" ~sq that the JUry t nd to do do aga net tho Stat on Ag~n l!'o pn.rticu a. a enqu of W n fHOMISON,, cla. nant S Banbupt Stoc~ ofHar~m IN BOWMANVILLE FOR SALE BY TENDFR S K1Ig ~ NOT Qu1rn So -It s an ong the most sa a0 0 a d deb sed tr ho· only tl at tie cond t on nnd comfort of the ] orse ] ave been neg e ted but we be! eve there are any u vil zed oountr es wl o are gu Ity of tl e sa e J eglect and w tho t the ex use of tl c for er her all ma1 avail the sel es of the use of an article wh ch as one more tJ an a.nyth ng elso hereto fore know to nprove tl e con<l t on and r el ve tho suffer ng of tlie horse Those who w II not use t " II be ti e looser. the r horse· the · ffi ere to avo d both u·e Dario) · Cond t on Powders :u d Ar nbai Heave Remedy and you w II be 1mt sfied w th tho result Rem em her ti 0 na ue and see that the s g:i at e of Bu d & Co ' on each paokago N ortl rope & Lyman Newcaatle Ontar o pr pr otOl'B fo C·nnda ~ old by all m·d e1no de·lers BO\' MAN'\ II LE M \RKETS March 7th 1872 Flour per 100 lb $300 @326 Fall V.'hoat pe bu· 120 @ 120 Spr ng Wheat 118@120 Oats per bu· 40 @ 45 Peas 63 @ 65 Barley 58 @ 60 Rye 60 @ 62 Potatoes ilO @ 40 Butter l"@ lo 12@ 13 E!i"gs Wool 30@ 33 Dressed Boge 4M@45 Clover Seed 500 @5 25 TORON'lO MARKETS liarcl th Flou le bbl $585@$590 Wheat I or but1 1 "8 @ 1 30 Barley 66@ 68 Oats 4o @ 46 Pea!! 70@ 73 Hay 17 00 @ 2" 00 Bo ,. '\n e Ma 26 18 22-tC A. S}'lent I be ni&de N nea ul Fat m :tor ~ale 'lHE COUNTY OF DURHAM e rown or Dowmo.nvillo Applloo. on to to J B DATES P oprlctor Bowmanvtl e October 4 h 187 10- f The stock v. h in en o an be eeen on ho premises otfers!or n c to se ur tiea Thu h ghest o a y t ende no necessa.rYy accept ed Dc~CAN f<3 l~ McFARLA E Ass cnoe 29 Pay up and Save Trouble undo s gne are requet1 ed t.o pnY. p efo o the firut oCJ! e bruary ncx w d sa. c rouble F I HOSKIN Bowma.n lle Jft.n 3 1872 23- f A LI PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE Jatneli P Lolelun, M D OF THE COI LEGE OF Pbyst UL A and Surgeons On n'Pio Office KJnJ1S ec ~cl'if(?-'i c 273m M EMBER D NotJee LLPARTIES A WILLI MS mon h prcse t DltmanuUe "\eterntary Sn1~er1 INDEBTEDTO nust pay up d 87,,. tr M g t e Bowroa.u ille Feb li ftrl!lt lnsorUon or this no co m tho State&wan to a1·po ut Jane Thompson ot the 1 owuship ot Darling on in he County ot Dur ham W dow and Henry Elliott. he younger of the sn.roe p ace l\ierchnnt Uun. ·dln.ns o Ma. ild& M&rl .A.nnil h a.nd John Thompson infe.nt eh dron of the l.J)te J ohu Thompson formor!y o Darlington a.Coreso. d doooo.sed. and tho 5& d Jnne Thorup&on 1 ot ho Surroga o Court of tho un cd.Ooun oaofNorthUJ.Ober a.nda.ndDurbiun after t e exp 'Q ion ot tw0ntr do.TB from the '*~ to the .Judge l PPLICATION WILL BE MADE A uct1on Sale I Bowma.nville Fob 13 1872 ROBERT ARMOUR So c or for .Applieant. :.?94.ia For Sale B owma.n tile Fob 1.S 187 THOS 0 HUM! l'tREll ~ tt for a.nncxat on 1 We hope tho s ·Pc o of conn va co on \he part of the Goven ment at Otta rn may prove fru less but tie fact of a Cab net M n ster mnk ng st ch · ·peecl at the 1eat of Go ornment coupled v ti re oent acto of hia aa~oc o.tos certa. nly g V()!:J ca oe for calli 1;r q 10st on ti e loyalty our r lers to tl e ni\ tenn. cc of our yos Let the J bl c watcl t1on a· Br ton· eloaoly tho cot1t·o f the Ot ·Vo Go ern ment ING - 1 hrco · ngl· h·n<l n eda.l matohoa 1 avo been playod lunng ti e past week On Tl rsday Geo Gray won from J l\[iJ1 e by tho close score of 13 to 12 Oi Sat rday H Towns va q she I F F McArth r by 13 to G a d folio" ed p his au cc·· by play ng o t C Munoon w th " score of 13 to 7 Tl e first an ual aun orsary of ti e open ng of ti e o Cana a Pre byter an Churcl th · to n ll ·ke place on "ednesda.y ext 13th nst Tea served n tho basement of the churc from 5 to 8 o clock p n Addressee by R ev Messrs Ballnntyn Ca d e" Dona.l l an l Dr T er ton T eke ts 30 conts each '.I ho rep tat on vf tho C P s m th s place s ch ti at a large attonda o nt ti e abo ann ve 11 -y s certa n Tl o publ c gener a d t ey "II ho well l\[arcl 7th 1S9f lU li7 $5 85 @$6 00 135 33 @) 65 @ PETER~~' ~ RAILWAY HA llBSRTON Spring Fashions JOHN FOWLEII or J H DUJl!BLE Ch ct Engineer Con a o 80 @ 20@ 15 @ 82i 2~ 20 A FEW HUNDRED App y tQ want-Od AS USUAL IN LATEST STYLES ft till{( Pe :erb·ro Oc t.obel' 25 1871 21-3mo11 a!" Part ou a a tent on pa. to cu n r and Sewing lllneh1ne Challen1re m.ou l s in he Uni ed S e.tfl· se ng he moat o obrated Ma noa ranging in p ce from $65 to $1:i0 1a.m1atieficd that n range Brkl que.l ty ot wo k o 1A k:ra&.n is not e rp&saed b7 nny of them a.nd 1 hereby ret_)ca.t my hal enge to la&t yea to run it against any mach ne or it. prico mBdo n At rll 12 18 MY. S ALEX FLETC!Iltlt 3 tf A FTER BEING ENGAGJl:D 1'0tl'R soIREES !§tdl Ahead TEA P ARTIE!!I :BALL SUl PERS PUllI IC DINNERS WEDDING CAKES ms by he tiubecribcr The wb s he swee e t and bee b ead thd ered dc.i y to c a omers4 n all part.II of the -own 15-3 Cun --- -·~ ·----- JJOekmtm Agent for R Dowm&nvillc July 25th 1871 SAMUEL SM4LL & H O'll.A RA 62-tL 1"ot1ee OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT N I will not be be r11c nr son ' ' Jan es re~on.s Got np 1n h e best l'.i fr e und on rcaeona.b e te ed by llam !o a.ny ebt.a con Sulley i6-tf WII>LIA.M S {; LLEY ALEX l'LETCHER So~· An ntereotmg t me 18 expected &t the regular meet ng of Bo" munv Ile D1v1>1op on Tueod~y n gl t next A prograrun · h .. been prepared for ti o e>ecaa~on Wm B f Lowe,D A I LB ..

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