Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1872, p. 4

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, a St±J___ ; _ OANADIAN S".rA':rESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDA Y, MARCII 7", 1811. 4 A G, 1 . :r. sroN fen n1c1 on ce took ln s v fe t o 1 sec the \VOl d crs f t he in1ci:o&cope ~ Ju el \ ha.ppened to bo exlnb1t11 0 t.t 1{1 110.rnock The va11u lB cur1 stt e8 seon1e l to 1 Jcn : ;. e ~ tho good \\ o nan ' erv "'c! unt1 thft a111 1l 1D prof cs ed to b~ con~'1 ic l 1n a. drop of w · t er ca. n"" t o be shown ofl 'lheso :::ieen1 l t o roor J :i. 1 e~1ot.,,o · y le~ a s1g11t us the < thers She s ~t pa.t1ent1y llo\vcver l n il t e v 1tc1 tigers rna.gni' ed to the s ze ~ bvelve feet LJ nene 1 on the shee t figl1tu t y ·1tl1 tl Alr t s ual fo1oc1tj J ane no;. ioso w t h gle t e1 H.11111 on a d i.;ncd to hti h 1sou.nd T'or g 1cle I J Jin b ~ .., bll \O:EUL I < ~HEN you h ew- a n1a.n aa.y; Life is l>ut a drea111 tJ cca 1 on lus cotns Li££ is ___2222£ JAUU!>A""""'1$3i!Gp:w :io J.!:I ::&LLLLll ~ i eal 'V HAI rs tho liflercncc bet\' eeu a b1 en l:lr and a flea I - ()1 e b iys heps n.n 1 the other t11ba hor· ON F1 day l tst a vessel r a1ne 1 11-1: r1c F rn.nco1s v.:]uch had a large nu1nbc1 of passengers ab( Hd cn.p:::nzed in har bot and t\VOI ty t v< of th e n \'i"C1 e dr o\1i n ed ' \~ n~ doe:-.11 t ye u f i.thct t ake !\ new B -~- BARGAINS. ::Fl G- A I N"'" \hl NOW GlvEN \r 1 HE TO O"'"'NERS OF s Farm Property - A ri D - S T 0 V E S IA sun o ldn g country tlui.C he )uLs the STOVES I STOVES I :B~ 0 R I tr~~TM 2£4! - g Y ort! Second Year Good Smoke, GET ~ aonIJ1 :o L wY ~ Boog FoR io · 11 SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO JN l Dl1.l ACHED REIDENCE 'IiHE FOltl\{ the lnhu.b1t&n48 of 'Bo"R 1nan't illc and IN SUR F. \ OU R PRO! EIHY IN THE N E i GREHBARC, ~ lNS BEST SELECTION O:E STOVES C\ er offered 11 t11e I ol\ n con11 n s g BR Chea p Corner PUBL I C f tl I Sau f-1a if You r Mone; H<ad Offi ce for Canada THE COOKING of t h e I Kmgston PARLOUR BOX AND COAL 81 OVES VI test 1 n.Lterns and of the best" or.kman~ sl :p 'vhwh l c Myrtle ll - J 0 1n he foun<l. p lfo1u g one fro n l ts door step :i. paper? asked 1nn.n of a httle 1 OJ , Store ~-Causo he l 1 tLh e1 se n l 1ne t t nkc 1t and see the sh.o\ See the ;r}w, W it nnd Mil est ·bl she<l Comp·· y ins n e:; noth ng h ut Ffl.rm I roperty l\ud de t R.ct d I es U.ences nnd Iosucs Pol c es at Greut ely R ed uced Ra t s AS SETS $5')0 000 00 r-rmt;; old I JI sell AS CHEl.P AS IN ~NY M.ARKE1 ""' the ieply l IN THF DOMINION SILV f R & DOU C,I 1S , ONF D<oiOR EJ\ S [ OJ I ltc.s ad OPINION 1t Also agen t foi the celebrated in1er1can Deuo s tcd w th tho F na1 c~ Muus tci foi s pecial bG ne fit of Ca flad {lu BASE DURNER AND HEATER ::> ol clol de s O\ Ct $100000 Seel a to lo\v ng C e t tirates 'fb1s HI to ce rt fy nn.t th e Agr c t s ir1nce Oomp:tD) having de1 os ted drccl Doll Call an l exam: ne S1o' o>i n.nd l r ccs bo'"ote pmcha.s n~els e here rn l-In1d vo.rcof nll k nds l fH l.!11 0 lil L 1tb Glass &c &r: 1 tne o -- fi d t u o z g n l l a t1 flt 11 r: C l el ct !--; L j l1 :d I n A ND \V f~ "LJ_, 1.J r '11 FC D ha.u<lo o t t ne Recruvcr Ge neral of Oann.dn. tbe s n of I fty four filous:\n(l l""ne Hun s 1n Unlte rl Stfltea bo <is us re I T I N W A R £. -- F. y .KI:t-iC 0 co 1 e I s l hl$ i BO - [ s 'i e u c ul::;o Bown 1un die Oc D. Cf-IE M IS T Vt P. STOTT, ANIJ /':<_,f"f.D Th GS, JJJ -1. LE R :L'>; D R U G GIST HOW211A ~ Tlll 1 JOHN n J'1eo 1 u o u.i )" J lll 1..:Ach n gcf:I ll~ll this week tho st 1.tenient of D ua J oltn DHUGS . ~"F: D IC TNES ])j e 8-tl [ ~ ' 1 t~ P :vlc t l\fe t Cl OB T> rf 1 1) Bi l ~ hes r~ nb ~ 8 n..p ~ p 0 ls }> mt I 1sl1es C< al 011 " ' Co tl 0 11 I ""P' ~c ~ c lnd J1W"" Hut \11 I ur naccs fitt ed llJ o; the f\.ll d a s o with tlie bt s neso opc1at ous oi tll e Comps. y and I a v !.! no I es1tat on 1n lllO Sl unplO\ed pl Ulf:I reco u me1 d1 og it as a pe rtecth sa.fe a n d 1 \V 01 K!tl: IS ::;ll.IP second to n01 c In tl c Do 1 ab!o Con1pnny a od i ts Officers as con pe 1ru 1101 nll kinds of Jobbing doi eon the s l ortest tent n.nd h o no ablti h :. nr.s s m e 1 n cl as 1t not ce al d Lreaaon...,ble priooe nsu es otl g b t t } 11 Pro1 eitJ an d d EDWIN HOHSEH 1 t acl.tcd D vclh u g s n1 cl Lns $0 30 000 .Assl"ts ]3o m:.s. Ile \Jigl 8t 16 1S7J 3--tf I con s id er t r c:oi vn s I le be ~o1 d any cont1n 6 CJ D D <l \! HN M P > ~ ear s qt red by t be Act of Can ada 3 1 Vic ch l \ 4 8 see is h c1e b'i I cens:cd t o cany o l A the b s 1 rn ~ ~ iu Ca a l of F c I s r nee I a-8.5 1 t nt oj ti i t a 1c R J~t a a tel t.:(n n Dated a t the CI ~ of Otln wn t ho l d ') »J " ' S(ovc 1" 1 ~ (' ill<>lt· p1poo ofJ uc 1670 D J.i ;)f :) e ~ d t; l rp{ o 1 i 1-d JOIIN LAN G o~ fvt :\I :;te1 ol f 1 a cl':I Hor AU{ Th :. i:. to cert f \ tli llt I llavo betin ucqt n. 1J t ed w lh ti~ Officm g nnd Mn1 age1s of tnc ude t u ordi;; A gr c l t r al Ins ru.nce Co npn lY for 1na " po n ¥eor K1tc ll "' 1 DRUMS I J ames I N llES PEC HT LLY RE I Lm NJ NG thanks to the Pl bl!cfor l ~st hbcr olp ~ ronf.l.g<": 'iliOuldu 1 0 n e tfatl a ls to l rC } ar <.l :f\l: nll ordt.)r s l l sline n n. n..n C't ~ cond o o cs tn.blish1nont l tl e coun t e;:i CARRIAGI<S \\A.GOON S CU'l rERo SLEIGHS ,cc :'d i :.fU F :\.C1 LIRELl l NANY::il!i.'.Ll D.c.SinED \~ If Congrerm Juul en1r loyed n.s n1uch sci entific skill m Lhe tr·nngemen t of its Re con.stn1chon J>oJ 1 cy at the c oae ns the Wo.r Departn1 nt tlul rn the begnuung of 1 C'1""1 C r>\:\l' S P l !£SC H 1 f .[0 ~8 ( \. I ~l<'U IT" ':Ve l ri. !j c t ned to t i e cond1uon fl.nd st anding of tl e A gr coltu a l Iu!i e.uc" c oirPOU1\ D ll F RJ U\ BOWMAN\ ILLE U O -< CUE S !:lOJtl S NO UE 3 00 5 0. 60 JQ ce r 1 oumco rn: u; s" o ;-..; u .A LL OJ DF. n 8 Company nnd do full) ci.> nc1 r w th M1 Ott en n recom111 e nd ng 1t to tho Farn cs oftt11s Prov ce as one perfecll safo nn l ehh e in v; h cb to nsur~ tb e r I lOpe11) JC CrA.RK BankCi )7.'.i:"J 1 a nie s o cl PJystc lj)lete < 1 l of ti e /.c,t q rnlit, (t- t$J rri the Co u/1 t,..,u 1t ll /i l u Dn " ISTl ll sBnsur o> Wun Cuonn> is a comhn ~tion a ld n. for m indeed for hea.hng antl m 1111£ chseases of t11c tlnoat lungs and cl1 at It ClU 08 a. cough by loosening and ch:ans1ng the lungf:I and al laymg irr1tat u thus iemo,nig the cause .mstead of drJ ig up tli.e cou~h and l a'\1ng t h c disease h hn U AL the Ironmong ery r SOJ\IEETI LNG !fL~'JFUli B ~I Bn r TON J1o V1 a.1 , iJ le ""1 ere he will keep constantly on n Id ( l l).nd a well selected fltoek ofstovca JaJl 11 e , yo u rcicr you to tl e follow ng ge n \ ~ned p 1 e.sscd Tinware 1 n r u rega l to the respous b1l tr of the "l el hew 11 sell J CA.1utOTHERS & Co Gro .a KrnKJ <Tmo· ~I t' thcinha.b tants ofBo' insnville 1 epa r ug n ull branch es of l he nnd a J ro nd ug cow try that he has opened ly ntte dc tl to o ta:Nev i lSlop 1 tl oceuped J b ) John \lien co rn er or AIL KllS DS ur I {AS G REED, 4 00 FOR~IING MUCH PLE ASDlrn IN IN J, ING AND DIVISION STREETS BLACKS MITH fvOR K, S ATISFA OTORIL 1: D01' E Oompnnv -D F sher Esq Gash er ol the Oatt G J 1.tnK Jno McLflod M p P J B [i\i. rba 11 E sq Pos t mas er J E Fn1cv.;ell Esq A ge nt~ ~ VI } e Clll AP .AS 2HE GHEAl'ESl Spec al n.tte1 Lion I a d to IN ~ A SUPERI OR 0 .l'TG WANTED - )1~ - l3Y J: VEI{YB OD Y, B ut ste r Cob o urg and 'ilCJat ty (~ N:iE !!ill~ O R !TM!Bit @\W J'lll Jl·AB J:l 'i. B n ' n CLT MIE btl1 ... WILLIAl! 1 FISH £ o cn l Agen t f\t Bo ~rua.11 When ' c u ' ant a yLlung l 1 th E \. v E1 RO U GHIJ:< G Al' 1) JOilllir> (! carnage !me gno JAME::> MORI IS call and he "ill s u t yo u tour Orde s from the cot ntry u1on ptly uttcndod One door 'West of L1 e 01 ttt o :r.; l!"11 H1~l est p cc pa. d for lllde"', Sheepskins Rag s \Vool[ c k gs Colrcr l!ca.tlcr8 au l / I:lo1'S"halr Jt:W Groat jnd ts held out to , pedlors N .Il Fa ors wanting Milk Pa ls or Paua wo1 ld do ell to call and cxu.n iJ er )' r.itock 'be fore p u chu..siug claewl ere \.. of 1 ublic pat -ouu go respectfully Bolli; t.ed W GREED Bo 'u1 "'1 vii c :\:J:arch Sth 18'71 32 ti Bo VJ 1anville Oct 10 18 l Iv.I: " I..111 ~ 0 EIO CTSJ:D P t ~D 'g 1-'A l N T S , Dece 18 Guelph Sew mg M ach ' 1e Co A ND ""\T I LLA OF _ GOOD p ~ ed f r l n1ucd ate use and 1 otlnng bt1t t h e l u1cst l\f a Cl rn.Js :::t.: l a 1 d re qu1r1ug n u further unxt nre of oils I tu r eu ttne n<l 1) 1y e <.i FOR LADI ES JL ofD:J vn a ul a d 1c1n ty so c to lton y e s to ut<,.of l'd 1 THE OSB ORl'-1 Lock-Stitch Sewmg Machme 1 KING OF CANADIAN SE W ING ~' THEIR co·rposr rroN c uNSISTS SOLE? <1 t i llllHE ATTEN IlON OF 'IHE LADIES ic~ pectfully Pi 1 e Col-01 P me Wh ite Lea1 l Pti e H7iite Z-iiu L m eed Ott Spir11< of 1 twp en l t w arul D1 yei' c '1 Af>;,ll~ c ad scie itificall1J comiwe l The con s u1ne1 1 1\ve an' d es1r ed shf.L l e of Colo! $ n.e:itly l 1t p 111 C a. 1s nd al f evclj 1e1::1 r p on of t..he latest styles nnd n.t h e 1eqt nes t o bnJ 'v1lh the P a.1nt qs "'Tir ish ns t he '\V< i k c t n b ... dot e hy h n sclf or o pn ccs l ;_, s t \ c ~ bo ly JU::i L rece1 cd for ti JS F a ll s er le by ~1 J n1en 1 l of lns houscl old Millinery Goods, I 1 a.' c L ~ D IES uJt>O Western Assurance Company! I HE,\D OEFICE-TORON'lO C.O "\J>~ ul Stocli $4 tit' 60 Surplnff i nod" 7:08, l69 6't lo.~c~Jp t s tor t he '~ur end lna- t 5.. 838 ~ 6 :'J(t1h Jn nf' 1R'rl lC'HlNJ S KING O:E AivIERI CAl'i SE , VTN G l\f \ CH11 ES PURE \N H ITE LEAD A laigc st oc k J US L icc:cn eel for Autu mn Parntmv rm 1101tcrJ cl ued h orn the English l\fap ufac tu101 ~ mclud1.13 J \ ~1'[ E S\ Genumc and celcbrntcd Hooste1 brand Guaiantccd pnre A.L~ O - i\1 1 stun u u d Co o s Oils \ :nn1sh es aJid P al nL orH M::i.ter1:t f5 C 11 nd so ho\ cheap a 1101 e ca.n b e Painted a.1 d Deco1 n.tcd f o1 t-11 t h ese um a c1 s Tc or as 01 t1 1c to U NDF.HCI OT JI NG I \Dl BS COLL \Il , 1 d Cl l F S 13ltAlDED " UITS fo1 CHILDREN ~ J MuMtJRRICI! ProS>dent B H.ALD.rn Managing Directo Ho~ Mach ine urlmprovemen ls bavo lotctv been en a.bl1ng the l ttnufo.ct m s to cla u it as the ""' plull tUt a of Sew g ? n es li n 1 c ll'lof tcsti non1ala be g rccelvc rl da. ly flo1 o do."\VelJ a.s t1ew operators att.eatwg l k· vvu lo ul capabllH1e5 \Vill do all k 1 ds of <l o u eshc l5C 1g from the finest ambt1o to th e con ::ictlt o er coo.t \ ot upper Jee.thct 01 tl&C l eti t u t Sts Pl an cl 1 I a U S cl 2000 G ALLOl> S Mi\.CHIN J rJ goods \ 111 be sc ld a r ed need 1 gure::i F'1re an.d Marine B'{J\?man lle S 1 kmb r 14 18 1 Pf TtRB~ & HAl lB eRTON RAi!L '\<YA Y OI L OF DIFFE~NT KlN DS INSUR:l.NCE l i Hre:sl ei:s"" 1 l all pnr rt.I r equ ring such oil a c spec ally in'\'1 l d t o 11 11;~1 tic t iJ ons qua11ttes-the pr1c~ being far b low n..nytl un g e' 0 1 ofl'e r cd u t lus 1arket 11.; S LOWESr CURRENr RATES 6'1,nr lnteed to be as rep esenled 1'Varranted Jo ~ FE' 1 te l H U'lDRED P 1 1 yt0 or J L 'BOURERS io 1 scde I: etcn iJO o 0 thHJe 1 C(1 1.s 100 C001C PARI OR, HALL ainvmg and now on t he wind sto1111 heard t no s e :-ts if the roof wa!I oori 1ng off the h ouse He and h1a wife spuu g £10111 th..:: bod dressed then selves hurr ic lly p1ocnred "stout 1ope ~nd tied it tu two of tho raft·m o' the i;ablc mol!lt exposed to t he wn1d and put the ends out of the w1ndOl\: went outrnde and h eld on-one at ~11,ch encl- dctcr1ninP.d tl l- t the roof should not go w1t11out taking them &long with it The roof i,vas st\ved n.t tho expen8e of shght colds n.nd U e c1se or eoru1dcrnble i n.ttC'llCC A'l:R CoNN 0 1 cf E1 n i A.ND lsOX STO VES Cr.11u1,6 0 Go()(ls and Stove s 1 Stove s cii:;no1 ~ Ot TFIT a e on1plcL< rl e a 1 ly comp1ehended Is sold tt one lrn.l! the 11ncc hitherto chu.1p;ed for mncl <! ~ l ~ n. l gP of , ork the anufact1 io1 ~ Och g dcter1n inc l t u. place it w tl i tha roacl of vc fa I LI c oonntl'V ob "ORN } OWLER C< Dtracto1 lJ D U lt'IBLE C l cf F nginec'r' 5 1871 "1 ') :>.Oil I~xlnb1t10r )~ dn1 1 0 Tl c hu gest and cl1eapcst stock of Gen er 1 Ha.rd,,n.-o n e n ~ h e Co int y of Dt rh u lie T HE 11 \.ug i 1s 1 ,JOHN McI,EOD. I N G tha k ~ t() tl c n l a b tn. t.-z of\-Ve.<.it Dur la for t n c Uber 11 su1 port vl ch tlley ha· o g c J begs tu u fo all tho-se wl o 1 t of a fi st class 8 tO \' e tha t ti cv can be sup p h c l bv l nn as ch up 1S an v ( th er b ouse n tho Lr le Jle l s 1. o oi f!a lc tJ e e!ebrati:-1 SUB SClUBER ll' RETURN Office a. Tru.-.. cll 1 r; Agenc fo1 11 e To,.. n 1;1l po; ontl~ t g IB pre-e.'11 nently tbc best S rn.,, e T hrea 11\:fac' n Hucr.cs this To\\ 11 <\J 11} i i.IH- ting ' th ref..::r«!ncca offei cd the pubhc - he ce L>i l ru f 1! to the undersig ned to t1ru sn i ss 011 to t:he \Vill do n.11 "\ lio ehcs ofdomcst1 c se ng P RlCES OTIE.!.TL 't IU DUCl!: D FIRST-CLASS M'1N WANTED for The Gu el oh Revers1b 'e H ARD 'TO BEL,IEVE. 'I' rue Nevertheless! ----·o - - - R &H Ol'l:~RA l ocal !\.gents ement 0 ' ai e" 0 icy !pp v to wl lob ls no" m l se In · ll th· prlne1 1ml ll· l ·l G Cill:I PR SE\\ I NG MACH TNE COY Sta l ·lnCu ><la ltISJ tl e th1g TE"'" 'ORES OF L'~D WIIRIN aUELP!I CAN~D~ ro1 Cl rel e<:i Ho.11"' a <l p 1bl c build .1.." .t\. :i....1."' .i.: onen.nlo.Q n£u ter 1 Hes of Bowmani; llle J l\.'.; A Sl1ll }_t 1ng"}fc s rtlso m a n 1!". ct tr ll!i the RUTAN" naT AIR s1ovc, Ra.nlll'l-ch nc ' lJ f 11 o f flt $1" 1o $17 W-Each Jvla.chl c gu ra teed J t:U" -4pc11t s wan ted eve1 y Bo "llnainille Sep t lt 18 1 7 I t'I c Spl:? t: l 1n- Cott.1gc and Lana ftlto Sale. a, I I bmng the rco.1 of lot No 12 2nd conce1:1s1on of Du.1hngton Good Brick Cottage C st.ern Oarde.J1 nnl lir1lt.1reeson tb e p1enllscs ' - - - -- - -- - _g.Nr. Jf the 1uun i cr1; of Elnurn. :N Y hai;u1g l. donatton I arty the other evening when Mr - - - nn1h1t1ott!S to s.ppenr ul 1na1ked a four dollar eas tor up to twelve dolfars and took 1L in na hia donation gcttinJ m 1ch credit fJi his hberality Next clay the numster callod ·t h1s store with the tVi el., e dollar cast ox 1tat1ng that ]11;1 could not affor l such an expen&t\: e urt1cle he woul<l b~ Jlleased W exclu~nge it for itB 1nnrked vu.l 10 in other needed goods A.nd the nun1sler WM soon wending hts n n.y hon1c' ... r 1 1) ~d ed dov; n ;,vrt h t\ do.7. en dollftra ivorth of se 1-ectec.l grocenca Yf&I GROCJ ERfES VERY (J l IEr\P. Cool, mg G er b' box oorl tge l., ! B EST II OT A.IR DRUM 1ca Apjlylo Bo vn1!invJlleept RICHARD PHILP 1871 a lJL PUBLIC .NOrI'ICE - { F FRE- - ~gentsoJ l Os i .... ' v - -- -- -- R a1srns only ;:, cents a pr,und .md stl lch eap SEWING MAC IINES. ( Age t for tho "heeler &. \Vilson the Howe an l t i Osbor1 c Sc l g :.V!achm es LEWIS QUIOK Do-\ n1 n le A !,Ust 9 1871 The .i.t Purn.~ Shop· "Iril HORSE POW:li)R & LA'l'ffE, AR M s -., UMMEH DRY GOOD S at cos t I-6In ecrlllcr Po s ~essio n g en 101mediatcly Onl'I: bu1:1 -.;s of t h k l din tov. 1-p1eut) of custotn 1 are present worked hy the <Jub chance to1 n. good pur ptnakcr tnanv lle May 25 18 1 1~ 'OflON ,md Woolen goods a,i e athancrng hut }Ou nn bt) V t hem at Eln ott s for a short tune at the old p11ce~ NO',tl'e ti me to secmc wk1t you ueed E SILYER Bo ct llloney l<> Loan T Y years to hP. ie/ a.1d in inal,!LlJ t!Dts to Bl t borro"We s who £1.l~ u o' ed to mu.lie such Jay ments i n add ti n o 1 atalJnents s tl 01 nl \) flt d con ve ienr Tl ay be obta 1 ed tron1 the Cl. 1 nda Per mo.nent R ulcU g l),U l Savu g Soc ety by apply i g to F \HEWELL Mom<E & HlJTIF D(!E Sol1cno1a .Bo" mn.n ville W.Private fund s to loi 11 tilt l CJ-AOTJC-I [N(3- ! Jn \\,mt of a neat smt should GENILEMEN earl) tt Ellrott s Fash10nable f<Lilmmg E stab! u,Jnnent Jittm1, L OANS FOR FROM ONE TO TWEN VIRTUE 'ntut; rntely passes nnrccog ruzed by the world A few dist or led op tics mny fa.ii to recognize lie1 features but tt would be as easy to conceal t he fMe of the noon day B\Ul under a n1usk !IS to Jude lter reaplendent features And so it ls with the ' Canadran P in Dcst1 ie1 c'\'cry one who uses it speaks ui the h1ghest t e11ns cill IN D E.\.LER PORrED Gl:WCJ1 P.1ES D 0 ~1E S IW frl!S tt1sfid1on guarnnteccl m all iea sonabl c c:d S P~ Henry Elliott, Jr O li lfJV.1<1 NE S'I( UALl YU H 1 to ~ 1 g1 st 31 d 18 l A CAUTION. v l-IOICE 1E.\.8 IW E LE,fRl, '.IHAT THERE ,\RE l' R! f l i'i I AN D ] ~I l'Ll LI EB ]01 1heun1a.t ~nn ucut1al0 1a, colds chohc e.ra.n1ps and .sun met complo.u1ts it llns no eqnel For sale by Druggests tlld country dealers Pnse 2 > cts per bottle of TlrtUeli pain lOIU O' u1g {l its n.ud IT.A.£1, JN & ; J · rEllW.iN ]fAilBll ~I - PROv Jf\JON S &c I SCQTCH ~DERDEEN Gll ANid 'Uec <t:eie in-a~cd lllh ad Rim~ Jil';,u10 i'·w h: ' BowT an li e not i.n i' r ~ t-~11l.f.2 Druuu. - CROCR F l 1 AJ:iD C I ASS\\ Ud Ho vn a1n lle On! >-- 3 ti THE Cu.ston1 House in\cstLgution :it.N e York has deu1011stratod th e f -1.cL that it. 13 SALE· Unprlnc1pled per sons ' ho when the) cannot palm off a\\ ortlllcas Sew;n~ Ml\ch no on pcreo1 s a.cqua1nt.ed w th tl o nlents of the d f fcrcnt Machines represent themsclvrus as agents for the celebr Loc klnan and Osborn Mn.chit es o.nd offe r t o grant 'va.rtantsforthe same '\'\'Ith intent to deceive We boiug the only au tbor ze i age ts for \Vest Durhanl the only )leI son s 'vho can grAnt '\varra.nte thereon and any peraons not. en :plo)'ed Uy us ro1 resenting tl e 8 flh es 18 agents or otfcnng to grant \var l ants are fn)po~ters and 11 \ble to be protiecut..ed 11 e p iblic. arc hcrebJ cautioned for fraud (l g nh st suen R & II OH ARA Dow1no.n' lle. June 22rn;l 18 1 4.7 3 J'll SHUTTLE OR LOCKSTITLH Sewing Machine lodge that un1 r nclplcd :pnrt cs arc pc lrl hng ~Ia.clJ es lhn: gh the co ll) anrl c tlm1 to be tie \ HMS SJ \\I NG MA CHINE th j! lll tocaul1on ~a r ;ira n tto b decc1ved j p 1rol O.Ril)g tl c s .i.m e A ll gen m c ..A.rmts machines the i; 01d s l C l l AIllHS! M.anufact:urer stamped on ti o 1 ace PI lo o each machine We have cnnaldcred it to our h ter cst to cstab li15l ttn u.ge1 cy in Osah wa to 1oo1 a t tcr these I n: poeto:rs1 t 1 l ha,' e 'lrhereforo rn de ari ng c mcnt~ witn Se\\ ng I T HAYING COME ro OU'l K NO\ one tl e Cu Lid T O LET. The Pump Shop kll d 1n Io vn- plc \t3 of c u. g ood P l 1n 1 l a.k c1 '\ t l csent' orkcdl l t CRlb!i :r llc1 1 oesess o gn: e 1 nor edi "Ltely ;t31 On)- b t filnc 8 of n c 1~ on ~ c cl a cc r c< JI' T HOSH!N F ;.> l \ l P :of !:-< S I $\ 0 l NI O~ 01.l I'll f:.J:"t ~ Bo v nan-.:. lie J.1R3 1871 Bo vm n 1n il le Sept 5th 13 O OHAR' Uc et 1 \ 0 0 ts B ow a n1lle 01ST<\HTO B AX}{ F SED \\ h t;c l:1 c s 'Vorks OltSALE M\OJIIN] M iDE PRES a t the Os! v :i. 1, k OJ IN W IL.S ON THE \RMB MAcn1~.E mnkcR the SI t il e o Look Stitch n.llke on both s des lU l \~h1ch ' JI not RIP tw1 l ha.a a fuJl u 1 cou 1 lete outfi t V.1.thout e xtra charge The ARMS ),.1AOH1!\E ' ill ee V' fr m t c fi n est Muslu1 tQ ,ihe hen.' est 1.3ea-xer c o th itl on t ru:iHE SUPERB NE" LAKE 1J Pi> E change of eit het tens on or s titch I Sta te Calun S tea1ner The AR'llIS ~lACm!'t"E never hns :fitA :1:1 d e al vti~ s rca.d~ to so v and ov c t ski:ps t stitch o .brea.k.8 n tlu:ead The ARMB l\fAOlIIJ>;E hns only o.bout o:ue f(l u.-tll c.. nrrying United itnd n Ma.ill~ and tho pa.rts m ite coDst icl.loi Ll o.t are in ot her Exg,ress ma.cltines It can th""rc-rore be o l one fol.u th as 1 able to get out of o lor '.l'he .A.Rll.£8 :MA.Clll:NE YlllJ NORSEMAN, FRJ~QE FEh! TUCK CORD BI.r-;D l RILL QT !LT MR· Al E X l LETCHER ag e n \ 1 1 I 12 18 I 37 tr E "n a ' Hear l vfl t ;y l"flO t ' TllO~ TT' SO ~ l " ' GATJIER (a:nd f;l eW on a t the sn nc tb 10} be sldes all that o.ny othc1 machine 'vill d o Tl OAil'.\fFI 1'>!A CICINE nms) sh t r l 1an d m l JU9t t he 1naoh ne fo L ESQ DI llid l'On 01' 'I: LE J OY Ali C N i\.D AN JANK gom EES lS 0 u se it their horses the s itfe1c1s t) ~' J d b)th nae D u:loy 1:1 Cond1bo11 Powde1s- nn l A1 tLb:\iu II\;l n-ve ltc1 cly ir.d vo1 "nlll bo lto1 c1 ht i iha ua.tne an<l 8Ce th ~t the SlJnRtl re lif Hu1d & Co 1' o l e'1.Ch p LCk tgc :ti >rtluope & Lyman ?Scwca.stle ( nta.rH p1 )pi1oto1.s f<>J:;i Sclrl by all >nt'd1e1n1 c11alt"1~ l EA PAl~ llEll Wm -;i C'Wie, ~ Ill. If,. !!, n., y I ol " A1 L SUPPERS P Ul' I IC DUI ~ EPw'S I J U I \ '\; 8olicJtor n (} &: c &c Oflk t!On l::i het Hu ec ID UlRlSTElt \ND o\TlORNEl AT ccrv a 11 11 R h c n e T L~ \VEDDJNG CAKES L}l a d 0111cn.sonable terius J 1e 11 test U e a 1roote8t ct .., l dull to (:Ustou e1"R1.i 1 nrtsor le 01\ L5ll t I Gui 1 u t1 best I bs e s l Y Jticrlbc llo a lb st. dcl ~;,;,;,;.;....,.;.;;.;;;:::.i:..;:::.;.;;;,:;;.;.:.;~~~ o lo nt ormi ,.,.. , e· ·r 16 Ii J.LEX ll'I E WIU:R ·

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