Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1872, p. 2

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--------/tr- ~----··-- STATESlVlAN~ '!!!"""!!'!"""!!..."":'"."!'~lMZLll!!l~""~"""'!!'!!!""'"""!""""""""'""'"'!!'"""""'""'!'!"'"""'"""!""""""~;,.o.~........,,,,,~,""1U..""! """" ~~..,,..L&ZC~~~ ~ J;OW1t1A J:f VILLE, 'J1HU11SDAY, MARCH 14, 1872. GRAND ! RUNK RAILROAD ~L TYRONE Of"' ~RIO LEGISLArURE ME TADl E MON1RE TIME (l];nitlH1ntu .Jtnf:e$1~1n1n. Ihur~day - - yc -- -- I lllarcl 14th 1872 tst ot r.eucr!il llformng March 14th $300@J9G prev 1:1 yal ed l 0 @ lZo J B l<AIRD.Hl N I M 1 18 @ 1 20 J,1 !' 1 1 oC I ' tte1 s 40@ 4 6~@ Go J=tEMUNI ~G IN'IHEPOST OFFICE cas e 11I a r o l evloui;ily ad !\8 @ 60 r.o@ 62 nm n!,!lODG ES ,P M ~o @ 40 12@ l u R EMAINING IN THE Bm\ MAN ILLE P o 0 m 1\.farch Gth 187~ not i:ed 12 (a 30@ 13 03 Pig l,oliif '150 (<l5 00 5 00@500 TORONTO MARKETS per bbl Wheat per bus Barle~ aeut gi:eat Oats people Peas I lo tr llfarcl 14th Su G5 @ ;;D 80 bet wee Mass o.fferu1g to for Hay 1 2 @ 1 27 6 @ Go 41 iii 4o 70 m 7l 1~ 00 @ 92 00 Lumber and Shingles \.T ]TY MlLLS IN o 1n A B CAMf>BEiili 1s tr MON rREAL MARKE IS M rel Ht! $0 (l5 @$5 85 CDOPPElt:'§ W.\.NTED. ); Q.U cd SEVEHA.L GOOD CHOPPERS wanted to u Co d oorJ lloa.dfu iledi{r6 J AMF,S 130 139lt 33@ 34 u5 @ 57 so ® szt 0@ 2o lo@ 20 Darl gton Do i h 18 1 :(..o 5 4- > EAIJ,. l.i!ln llM\w '<'"""" Fo1 !iiale TnE Ottawa ( t,.. gives p bl c ty to ti o statement that gold bearrng quart· has been fo nd near the bend .,.at re of the Black Ri er Upper Ottawa and t i· l fo1me l that a. pa.rty w] o are well no q 1a nted w th tho local ty are go ng 01 a pr spect ng tour n that d tect o aa won "" the spr ng opens Notice ar TOWNSHIP OFFICERS FOR 1872 1 tt ~U AGitJGULTURAL MEETING TJIE L \.TB GEORG.,. MIT HELI RI!li IENDF:N'.l TOWN HALL, BO\\ J\fAN'i II LE Cry:l rma LrcB?{SE I N'"~PE TOR \.bral a n KsE~ R o> TowN HAIT ~ 1UESDAY MAR{ H READINGS I PHO<'~RAMM:E 0 C°'nwn who Msaulted the Q teen PART FIRST has been pronounced to ho of sound m nd .At.,. f)~}M a 0 "f l') by a. co 1 nu;s on of med cal n1e11 appo nted .Act 1 Sc ne 2 to exam ne a.a to h s sanity He expla. ned to the Cumm1ss on that he only wanted to frig! t.1 ti e Q eon 1 to complmnoo with h · dema d a I tl ereforQ d d not load tlo ;> stol PARf SECOND Tho Va, Cha.f'I D ckens Reading fro n Da id Copperfl.eld Ii<lra Cnudle s Lcct1 e on l! rce Mn~onrv Cl'! Shixk epeare '1 owb1 dg D l <is 0 i PARfTHIRD Ne Pll1s Ultra T A NE W GIEE IOOK \'Ill! l!AN O AOCOMP \NIMENT Pr $1 0 ca h $1 p dru on tlw mat<e of HENBY MOSES a Iisol' t apply to the Judge of tho said Cour for a. dis chargl'.'! n let' ~be ijlL J A Dated at l ov; nan 11 e in the Co n t y of Dur han this 12th da} of March ~ D 18 TUESDAY THE SIXrEEN'lH ON DAY ot APRIL next tho mdo signod w l J L I ETERS 599 Broad ay N )'. HENRY MOSE "\Vanted Inuuedaately, REV W M PUNSHON The pJ<hli~ ;< 111 West Durhan will be ple&a<ld to kiiow ti at ti ey wtll shorily hAve an opw,1,\1 u ty. .of hste1 mg to a lee t re from <th&. cQlebrated Pu ah on - "hose haa go<rome so 'Veil an! fa.-ornbly known t4~o gl,uut tl ia £0 ntl\y that m troduchQflJ· un 1ecess~ry It s cxpccwd lebt of ti c nre roportcd to bo in pro gross between France a.n 1 Germa.ny Vf th a; "T1ew to the ndvn.1 co pR.yment of the wa.r Insolvent .tlc1 o:t 1869, ndomn ty so tl at France may be entire AND AMENDMENTS THERETO ly freod of Ge na troops IT Ill ro mo rod ti at ono of the be·utl f l co ntry scats ~t Nonalk Coin has l een taken bJ the ex Emperor and Em pres· of the French and will be occupied I tie n attc of l) tnc n next s 1 omer ff IL LIAM H BA 'i'iETT a I olm t THE report about tl e ex ste1 ce of a se cret treaty fur tJ e seperat o of Canada from Great Br ta1 "as officially decla el in tl e House of Co \mons to be "?; ti out foundli.tion A COM3fITTBE of nt1vc Frenchman J as been appo uted 1 Jlfontroal to ·ol o t ~n tr but101 s towards tho payment of tho 33-4'11 French war 11 do un ty NEOOTIATIONS A GOOD to FARM HAND APPLY 0 THOMAS or T THOMAS Bo vmn.n lllo., lreb 20 18 2 30-4ln * Enn15k1llen Mill "anted Im111edrntely Ro·rn March 12 -It is rumored th&t Prmce Frederick Cl arles of Pruss a while A SERVANT to do genei al hmise m th s c tJ recently 3'!serted his cl& ms to IL KINDS OF Apply at tl e Sun: :IIil oJllce ti e cand dature for ii e throno of Spam work lumo 11 out a Bow1nanv lle e of ho kn c b DH D THE Pr noo a1 d Princess vf Wales hove bast ot refc cncoo gi en e esv.:here gone to the so th of Frimce FARM for S AL:E' I .OFFICR Cl l S ree I A CANCERS AND 1 ATTERSON The: l-q Bowmanvilli0 an4 Bo~ d u od thout. tao Rov; nn.nville Fob 21st 18 2. mnnvlllc 30 tt. .for §a le or to Let Tm strengtl neglected o known for ti e Bra1oll SHOP ~N D DWELLING NOW Oahn.wu Feb HEA..L Bo m nvil uoo p ed by I 1 n.o c ha. dwn.rc n o ohi1.nt, BoO\man e .pp y p: SAMU SL li:Jn2' S o to MRS TlIOS .ICIC 30-tf Dental 1'11 ot.l.c lh'nnan nBe BIRTH' In Dar] gton on the 6th mst the wife of Mr \\ rn CRYDERMAN Veteraua1 v tliiu> gery of a son .MARRU:D In Port Hope 01 the 13th m·t by tl e Re\ Wm Donald Mu Jo·&l'l! NEIL of Bowm·n>< Ile t Mm· K.·TB M.ATRBnS of Port Hopo In U xbr dge on the 21"t Feb by the Rev C J Pearae Mr "m BRENT to J rnE yo ngost da gl ter of Mr Wm Hooken all of Darlington By oru·r Do lru\n I o, l!'cb rztb 1872 Wanted. DTED In Dari gto "1 In:So·n~nvll oll the 11th mst M.ra 0R1:DEnMA....'! age l 34 years odle7th1Mt S\n \S l 8l aL I N LA.TEST STYLES H In Dari ngton on the 7tl M fohell "lfd ~8 ! ··~' W B C!TMH .ltl'rla.rtcul r a e 11.t mg \ JS on pad o no:- a d M lS H EX l lFTCHJ!R ~ f

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