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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1872, p. 3

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------------ -- -.±:::± _...-.. --- - --::------~~----~-- ' :CANADIAN S'l'A'l'ESlVIAN, B0'1VMAN·v-ILLE, TIIURSDAY, MARCH 14, 18i/2. ,: ' _g __ IN VIEW OF I 1 ' rnG1NG, PIANo, n<1uN, 1u1tJtoNrn'~- 1.. , -~_,......,'""'"',"""""'"""'"""'~-....,."""""'".~ .!&ICWEll.WE::U~......:i::.·~...-.~~~~---~~_,,..,,. ___ '".!!"'~~""'"'!~"!'!!!!'""!"."'!!!'!'"!"'."'!'."'!"!"""'~""'""'""'""'""'""'""'~~~'='!'!!""'""~·tr ~~:"'""'"""!'..,,..~1:1111~,....,.,,....~""'""".....""'"""'""'""'..llJl'll!!!!ll!!!l!ll At.VD TIIE 'Ill ll:OHl'" 01· ' 111us1c . i A_G _ _ __ .,, -:::::~r--; ;~;: -- -_..,- ' , ~ "< '1 .> . o:~ 1H~: FUHNITUitE J\1AKU:F'AC'!'l.: nTNG co. READ! ' JOHN CATvirDGE,.MUS. DOC.,E:-!G - 1BOW,\IANVl_LLE /IMPORTANT RE A :b ,C-HANGES LAND '!'cuahcr o1' the,'c, J\ pphc tiLion for term s, &:c., to he nuL(lc to Mossni. R. & II. :J2-31n. x l O'IIara, StativncrE, N ew G oods. I I . Cedal' . 1 or d c.:ltven!d. R:tih· and Posts. ANYQUAN'l'l'l'YOirGOOD !~o.ils and Post~ for sale, c ithcl' n.t 1110 Htn1a p D· riington , Dec. 4th, 1871. __ _ JA1\1ES YEALO 5 11 CED.~ll1· \ 0;~"· j ' i Th - e Q - -:o:--- b .J!istwww s· orn .. XTL' '"01' 'l'Il b' 'I ADIES !,.· ., o .I.! \.· · ~ -' .. NE>... SUDSCRITIER HAVING llEEN I cL appointee\ ictall n~ent by the Bo\\manville · l'.w nitu1e l\[1u1nfact'll Ing co:, JS J1ow i n a JJOStfil'I HI!: Lot · · ' IIa,ii· C'h,ignon8, to 'be made in my business during the latter part ~f Feb. ' · Biwick Ciirls, ~tt I ·IN OTICE IS HEREB1er in the co11 ,1ty. ion to fill all onlera ll ·26 :.Ls low tt ruto us uny dc11l- A. S1l1a IJ Fa1·1tt Y.Y.i,;-li ;-(-Cf). ,..'if Stvilches, IN EVERY VARIE1'Y AND COLOll, --.\.'r TIO~- RE AD T · ruary, I would offer BERLIN u OOL 21~1. _.. STOJC.E. nonT.!3.}fANNING'. --- - ~- GI\TEN, 'IHAT n1)ylif·1J1 ion will lJtl mu.1.lo by the Corpora.Lion of i hH 'l OW~l or Bow1n&nvillc. to t h (:) Legif l&turc of tlf~ Pt'OV1i1ce of Ontario a.t tts nex t sm_ ;£ion . jrr n<ldit10n to fo_n ncr notico of a.prhcation ".tui· nn Act, ~ir:.thorrn1n&" tho con structlOll of a IlaihnLy from Bo·.yn1ti,n-;;lllo t o Lindsay and Dobcavg con" · 1 f'oi · pov.·ers to extend frmn n. point on thC afor~'""d line to s ucl> pohds nn<l Hacbom s on ' Ocorgian D..t;r as may be deexn ed dcsir.:iblc . 1 F. F. McARTHUR H as JU St · rece1Yed . 1 man\ ille, iffa.riu is "\yorth nt0re tha.n house and ~ot "\\"ill pay balance ln n1o ncy. t 11ll imntedio.tclr }H:r:.011 Or n.<hh'~8R J 'l'. \Y. ::-:l'ICIIOLS, Box 7'1 , ' 4.l·tf. Bow1nn.nvillc lll niHE uNDERsmNED wrsrrEs 1·0 -1. exchange good anil. lot in a thriving : ViJlago in .Mcc llign.n for n small farm near Bow-1 -- ,._.__.__._._._--~---- ---~-- - First door \\,"'cstuf }.'.[u1·doch B1·o s. Bowrnanville, Dee. 1371, 22-2in. THE R"EM..A.INDER ~ l=t'.WS Goo D N ----------- -· J{. V\rIXDA'r'l' Town'Ol~'1·k. ~1 871 _ . __ _ - 11', CCJBT'I'T, A N E W "'L J.Vlayor. __ __ _ 1!)-6w - L 0 T I FO R SA.LE, YVPIH , ffOlTSE Ji Ltle T. - , El ~wn ·an\·~~, Doc. BARGAINS x -IN- 1 - .Jltl..NIES S'.ll'El.VAlt'..I' - OF anti. hehasno1von hmHl. in his 11e1vly-occ11p1ed SLore, n. la1·i;t· ;;i.o~k of i Ro~al part ot' u,,. , , hop u.ttn cJted, in a good businos .POJ... uu1)1 own . .E'or ll!1J'ticulursapply to J. c I 11 1hcpre_1nuses, two doo r s Easto, F.Ilcnders' 0 · I Go1 ' ng <ff· ~ ' West '· .I.!!. ' --I s S~U(j. 1 A · Insurance 1 1 TO I::>FOR:i\i B EGSot.l~tWFlth~Lt HIS PATRONS! I Ir lt COJ'tl:PA.NY. !.~ E AND LIFE ' --~ · 1',VEED SHAWLS DR'.Y GOODSl-W-I;N_T~rt,t h :· Confectione1r;;-, Biscu!ts, Cracker~, Frut h ,, TEh'IPOl{.ARY OFll..,ICES: ICO· ..~ "C" ~". "na'"I '"'t. · or ·, ""· ·· a11t· · " l'~·:uacoitl ~"a't·for §treells. &<:., Auuun1.Inco11!.e ovc1·... .. ..·... .. .. fJapt!:!t .. .. .. . ............. .. ...... ,$io,ooo,ooe 4,000,00o 'Ch ea p f'OI~' c a sh T I t· as c. F--L~CY F.~L · ~NNE 'LS, I __ _".'an" :_ ·~ .1' Dt _r__ THIS OELEBRA'rED MAOMINE · ' 1 AJI · d bk:d t. will please call and · ecttlrntlo .. o the hn sinosfl c leu aocoUJ1ts as soon possible. 1 oF i SE;~~~;;;"";·F:B"' ! Bow , ·11 0 ' l1 0 POJ,LATID. 8_ 7J. __ ·· __ 1 1 _ .______ ___ _ _ _ 1 _ _ ."' _ _ iu. - no w heen tested boyond a ll qtl(tet..ion a:nd tb c di('to 1 t 11e puholio fij th1tt t(l·dn.y I all of which he 'vill sell "\.,.erv Choa.p fo1· Co.1:1h ,~ l'un\L~ 101: lilnud ovc:;· .. : ., . . .' . . . . . : . 9,GOU,OOo >Yholct:mlc or retail. ~<\.11 oidors proru11tlr filled. ..!. call solicit ed. ' FIRE DEPARTMENT. BOUNSALL'S BT.OOK, Kit1g·St. .All ~e~cription;; n \ _pro!wrty Insured ugn.inst Bowrnanville, Dco. 6th , 1871 . 19-:3111 Los".! ~n lJmn::igc bY .I: uc n moder ate t·al es. J..,OSS~!.:-:5 JJitOl\Il'>TT,Y SK'l'TLED V'rl'l'lIOUT l:Ut..FE R~N CE 'TO TIIJS: Il0)'1E OE'FlC.F.. I DRESS GOOD "' ' l::'i, I I and OVit. RCOA'l'TNCs. I l It !iit.atHl!'I wit.h o ut "Ri't'a ·· ·1 DAN s I I LI~EDEPARTIU:ENT. MILLINERY, Greatly ·red uoed Prices. PARTIES IN WANT Of . TENT SHE EP MARKS. PA GROCERIES AND CROCKERY. -r:'.:'.l D , ..t:V ·.l -...:r ..L ·.. ~ ~ ' ·O . -o··, .: and most complete e\'e1· iuv ented. They are use<l. ftnd i·cccon1mended by 1nany of the best B1·e~clert; iJ1 t l1_t;>. T;u,1Lt~d Stnh's uncl Canada, s~tch l.\S G. B., ~l~le11J, JY'.(ax~J., P 1·<,; H 1 L!c ut New E ngland \Vool HTOWel's' Socloty; J ohu P. n.o:-ir<, Hennepin , Ill,; Professor J\f. ifiles, of th.c Agrieulturcd Collci;;y, L[tUs1ng-, l\fich; lfon, Geo. llrown '£01·onto, unt.; John ~ncll, J~ tlmonton , Ont. On eachTh1m-k fa stamped the uwncl"s 1u1n1c aucl tl1_n ::ihee1)'S number. They will be sent/rct, by mail or ex !>l"CtlH, f9r only /ow;· c1:nt8 each, nnd will last for 'l'WU:)l'l':O: :.:.K1\..HH. 'l'+1 Ca.13h nnU:ll. 11ncnm1rn.11y nll orders. 1 T foh ey ho ld ~r~ . 1k1i;ide:; the Ln.:rgc· Paid-CT p Cap t!Hl (Jr th~ 00n1pa11y _ -\ssur crs }Ht.n; Arl<l1tional HESE MA.RKS A.RE TI-IE OHE ..\..P- H~cur1ty 111 thc . u~i,IMI'l'ED J,11.:'dJl.Ll'l' Y af a EST, "the rnost lasting the lcu.;.t trou blcsmne, 'Y\ ~alth:r:. Prop1U!b:t~·y. · Assru"ince" on I~ives granted m) f1;1. voln·abk· ter1n~, a n d UJHfltes tion11.lili· He<.; 11rit ·f ia offered to These goods have ~ i l li ......ti1;ceutl Iaiuoua c., .,o ,. 3 L1fo _;\..,,surant:tl Fund no·w been bought' at a J ffl'.~ 6 ,() Q dh~ "J 'l'LU£ SUl\f 01~ 3 C) 1 Q. ' !!N - D S .- T - ' . '. WJ_U. FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO ,...., "' having l:ee1"b1.utde,t tl1~ r<"~ Lo a~ a i·c~u lt of n~e Dw5· inc~s of 1lii· · n,,,~ i etu', a.ftc1 Lho Payrn en i; of a ll Cltni n1:1, Cash ~Ol~uscs, Annuities ctnct .Kxpcn<~cs ot every Dcsr..ri1Jtto11. T~bles of Hn.tes, I::roposal Forms a nd full informati_on cttn be obr:11ned on u.pplict~tion to! iu ·· AROIIIDALD YOUNG, .Jn,, dcrs1gncd. Su1"11 ia, Ont J-T, I ·. HOU'l'H. E. F. llEDD ,\LJ., Ordertl addt-el')Setl 1u ~he C \K'AnTAN S'J'Yl'ESMAN Ch "or u'anaa11 ' . Office for fl HY q1utntit:r ·w ill be filled at th.-: abovo- ' PEill'Y ,.. J · ief .A<>'Cllt' o l " . , ..., n·o 111:.1i1{·ctor. nient.ioued p1·it.:e, nB q11i<:kly ;i:;i U1e :\farl<s can be ..:i... 1 -tOllER'r AR:WIOUH. end sent, . ~'\gout at Bo·Yl:na.-:iviJloM ,V. R. CLI:Vlill. lf. B.- The fi nancHtl position of the H Pyfl.l is in no w!t~' afl'cc~ccl !'.Y the recent Fi~e n.t , Cl;i 1 ~;-i.g-l·, Lho C~-!J1 pan) hnvu1g no Agent doi ag hw~11 1 ea::; in thn.t Citr. 12-lnl, ~ · i' 3G,O 00 decided bargain and u4'£E of tho Ontario "'\tetei'inury college, begs to 1n('o.rin lhe iultal;i~v.nt ~ of Hownrn. nvil le tuul sUl'rOundingeount:i:y that he has comm eneed . the practice of his profession, and can be conaultod as to the di8cuses of horses and cuttle, st · IJ.10Tc1·'s J..i·;rcry oHlec, l{ing 8trcct, Bownrn.nvillc. 23-tf. ·vE'J'ERINARY SURGEON, GltAD- lt is the n1ost r.11,1 .00tn.ntla.llf built, hao the 1trwMt ·vorking parts, beautiful iu defJLg u and blah.-- " Hi~s the best design of a suttle, and by (;u- \ht11 !-ARGJ.!:S'r ROHH1NS. It is cu.pablo of pBrfomt· ing a: range of Ytnl'k hitherto t hought lwpottMlbl for ,~ cnvlngJll,fachhu~1'. ,, Is sold at ab.out onc-baJCtbe v.rill be found de- - -- --------- -------- - - TFIE ·°5 ,' VOLUME! foi- IS72: l'RE pri("c ·.~t tlljc1· iliaclt-~.e~ " :~HE Pll.1,_C,:1I O~i' l?i'l:llElt ~'ilso~\, cidedly cheap. Phrenological Journal, A F1 K~'l'-CL.l\SS FAMILY 111AGAZJNJjJ, Ph1:r:noloo11.-The nnd its .E'unctiOnM; Looo.t1on of the Orgnus, with directions fo1· culture u.ud training, n.nd the relntions of 1\find and Dody described. . I'hysic;unom11, or the "Sign$ of Charn.cter wlth illustra.twna, and how to Head thcn1 "is o. speciu1 11!.A.CII!NES DOfNG ". IRE Lih..J!. '~ OH.!{.. ls equally nt home on let~ther as on :fine goods. l{us cn..rrlod or priUiS :.i ovei· the Howe, Singer, Lock n1nn, V.-"beeler _. ~ ... 'Vnnzer, Hnlru.oud, & o. a- .A Ped'ect . HALLO ! THE f iJj; ! Mashine Gunranteed or no Mle. · - - ----- - -- -- Cauffon! ! Caution! ! ! 1.'o the Public of the Britrsh Province.~ of ]V-01-f-h Amo~ica. Bro's Call and . Inspect th.e 'H&Vo BUil a. L&rge and Well-Asaorted -' GOODS, I ' ALL YO'lJ WHO NEED SHOEING, THE SUBSCRIBER WILL SELL come along and r;et Bargains, fo1· it is acknowledged by those of experience that TJ·h is the Place to Buy Boots and !l11oe~--None Bet ler. '1'ho i:mbi:;cr ibcr fecli;i grateful for '\Vo are uo w 1na nnf1tct.nrin g, frmn the best ma.terloJ, Boot1:1 of any llc13iL~ tl patten·, ·w11rranted to fit or no sale . ' . tJ1e Ail I INTEND DISPOSING ·o F THEM AT 'Btoek of Staple a.nd Faney Dry · ·Goods, UNHEARD which they determined to OF .LOW ' ' PRICES . °"cry lib eral h e has hact:t'or the l~ist ilflecm ,;e~:rs, and 1vould ~wlicit a Continuance of p ublic ptl.tron· age. , I "'ould beg to sav to r..U who are indcb~ed to IJfe, e illH· t· l1y not.} 1 :11· honk }11~\:0nnt, t.hcy 1n1rnt I co1ne to the .<:craich thi,<ifall. Pu.<o;t expe t"i 1me~ has taught m e that atccrs arc n1nch easier broken iu when young- if < l.llowed 10 run until four or flvc old it is coni>idercU e. break-neck uge. Now all thal, arc iu Ul'rCf1r3 1ind u..U u.ccounts d ue this fall -;;Yil be e.xpeuted to pay up S. ii. DUADBIIA "\V . Bowmu,:n-ill u, Out.. 18;1. l~-1~'. 1 :Mll at pri~ &!I Jow as any in -tba Pa~ties indebted to me will much oblig_ e by s~ttling their ac!' .-· counts as ~oon as· poi$~ible. '" '.' l. _, ·\be oountry. discount of FIVE PER -, I ·' CENT_ -will aliio be mage on all caah "' purchases o0ve.r one dollar. -,~ ,, -' I ., ,. j The , Grocery Depaitm-ent . .,, , ' I ' l 1-1 l t· ·J' JL 1 .· acquai t1_t t l~e 11 11lJl1c of the Brit,ish North .i\..meu~.l~ ]irnv lrl Y('t:l that in :\fay last l on.trncd the bnsuH.!:ll:I at SU, l\-Iaiden Lane Ne1v York for the A'r A REDUCTIOt{ OJ<' !:ittlc ofl!OLLOV·'.\Y's PlLLS ,\):-D 01 NI'HV:-i°T whi c h. were up to tlmt t11110 pre pured by will b{i)) i=:i·o wi i l~?': dt,ice:.~s.~d, to ho closed, 'l'lH'su lifecU·:iinoS \,cic, [rcgu t 10 say, from wl111I 11ai;J lr.lolv co1ne ~o rny !u 1owlm1ge, made 11 r~ or Gu ch ui·di~fil" rn;:{redien~s. as 1·o I'Prnl i~~ tbcm. nhno~;- v;ort.WcrJ(, ~~;~ 1 P~hei·· 1 0~· 0 t~lcnln.~e t1 to tl1~nu1..i,;c 1uy g·ood 'l'b " ·' tl . . ,, o. e,:'- 110 0 not. · to. be deueiyetl bv hnyin,., spuu on;; ruerl101ner<, "'·Inch m:e nf/"1\"~ ll kely tu einan:it e f1·?rn. the Sta tes or olr·cwli ero, bu t. to ~OSl:l~~.s.tJicLlS C~~'es of the gf: 11 LLitto HoLLOV1 . ,\Y'8 1 _,r1._,I.d ,.~ n OrN;C"MEN'J' ~d ll tlo "Well to 8cc that FOlt THE NEXT h'fVE WEEKS. eac11 pot a11d box bf~LJ'l:I the ll11t1sh (Toveinn1crt ----- ------------ -~·- -·- ---staU~.,J? op wliwl 1 is t'nr;t'C.Ycd tho ,\Ords "HOLLO'" A'\;; l fl,L~AND0IN'l'MEK'l'" a.nd tha,t th ddress on tJ1e h~bcl is ,J33, uxi·onn 8'r~T!<E1' ) ... ~N BOYER'S DO:Y, \Vhcro on ly thoy circ m a nufachn·efl ~uU h i no uthcr !""' ufthc worhL· 'l ho rot"' \ p~·icos aro 'l'.ERMS, GM.V.~:-IIC FLUID. \j on the labels in British currc111'"' nnd not in d l· r:1 ~ la1 ·a und ecnts. J' o A 1',.o rep1·c"ieutativn of mine w ill evor tro..-cl Uah"cr~ly a ckno1vl edged to be one 01 ~ tlie 1no13 t powerful LininH:m ts tor the 0 tJ;I'?ugh nny pal'_L ol' t.110 Btitjsli Provilioc5 01· the f-1 li n1te_rl 8tt1 1e:->, etthcr to sell, or to take ordoi·s for Olll'C ot' ~ Ol'..\' Pill .~ and 01ntinent, and us T liave reason to ~ ~e~evo. ~hn,t attem~ ts .wi ll very probably lJe rrttttle R H , E UM A T I S M, CJI · ~ ,.,. eceno the. J.lUblic 1n ibis "'·a..y by 11ers ona call~ I L e. upo n n10dien1.e \'C.ndora, fn l::ioly rcpr.ese nting Beavei" Bll)t.':k, Ring at., Bowmanvillo. 17-lT, that they are a.ct1ng ior n1 e, an cl '\Ylth ll)J,. know· :-IECRALGIA, t-1 ledµ:_~ ,a11d COll?Cnt, l cl~ern it ad ,·isablc to put t,hc 0 <1 P,ubnc on tllmi· Ulla.rd against a n y Bll"h <lee ·----- --- ·- - - - - - , o..; ep~ ! ~ And. for a.11 _cfts;es:"":"-here an extfrrniil ap- > tlOllS. pllt;ntion is i·oqull'cd, nu t:\:densh·e u t>e ~ I i nosl earne stly entrrot n.Il those "rho ma i -~ - of it has )H"O\ e1l Ut».t. tt has no cq_unl " I r~~l~~lt~w D;~~'~r~:sc1nent tluit tlf~y bo plf:lll'iCll, ·i ~ ' ~ f or Lhc {)lJIJJPl<LJD.ts eu.un\crat ed. .· .r 11 ~c 1 --"~n~t. to communicate the purpor t· LYN O t e- ·-" IS" "'l 1 oi 1w::same toLhch·frieudsthatU11:~ ll\'t·notbc l\;I"" II E RO\V · c . ...1u, il. I:" tlefr~-..u~lcd _uf tl1c·i1· 1noncy by 111 · · E, DEAR SIR n·olulsing.Yworth- ..ll'..L r:n i!£r S9lil by Druggis t s a~U 3'icd1ciu C: less 11u1tnbo1wof lhc genuil1i1 HULi O'\' ,,,,.,, l'rr e H,ay:in~ u~d three bottlr.a oC yonr v~lll ~· Dcn.lers . A::."'l'H OL'I'Y.lrl<:N'.r. ' ' ~ ,., ,LS able 1Vlcd1cmo Ill my family wit.h good effect I ~ '\"0011RUFF, BJ<~NTLEY & CO .. . l ·w ould a~l~, n..s i1 g"!'l.:L~t. f~YOll.J', th11t ~hould it feel ~arc: ~n i·ecomnu·:niling the Eureka. for Gc1~ecome to W1c kuowledgoofauvpcrs mi Lbat _ ral.Debil1tY., Inaction o! tho Liv~r Los.a of ..._ -\J)· a P1·oprictors, ouf' m ficli ~·i .wlj nro being inarh~ orsolll .; 0 rn y 1~~~n pc~~te, "': o,, .lt bavfug bcon used for tho u.boTe oonilit;i lJ~ p}ea.sed t o send Ino uU the pa.~·t1"1.l a r';":I ·i~~ pht 1uti; in tn:r family. ----- - - - ___ _ _ can collect 1especLmg ilH· sunic t Jwi · 1 ~ to sa l'. ours rejjpootfnlly, ~he · ar~d udct.i-ei:H of the v~ 11'4 1ul wh0 i s J. FURGUSON. M. E. 1.finlat~r. rnglt-elfd spurwus nrnd1c1ncs,.11 td likewise th e na·l{e Ullt 1 ress ofthe Ho1n;e in the Uiuted 8t...'lks or el~Pwhel'e, wJ11(·lt u rny haye supplied thcin sO as ~o cnahl n mt;i, for the protection of the br to 1fl1 1 ~ute i,ro.cccdillf.,"S against '"Heh evupdor:~~· ant, en.i;c-..g; to 1eu1 ~ncru1 e "\ Ol'Y Jw.n 1l:-io111clY 1 1\ a.n} .Person \\~o n1ny give me sncl 1 ui formatioJi I .1V:. thi:; Jnfnuuunt s nmnl' never licuig dntilgcd. ' 10utd lLllY perSO'l ha'\ e rettSOll to be lie\ 0 Urtt l J o Hts )eeu dece1Y _,~1 h;y buy1ng >'pn11oui::; inn t'"o.on~ of these 1\fr·cl \Ull t:S, ho w11l do ·well to send ine, Ln n. lcl f c r, lo ~b e adrhcss ut foot (\\ hich he can don~ a cost of six c ents in pos:tao-ci one' of F 'irst·Clru;g 11ic booksofuuitr t<:hons which are 'Lf:J.'f.....:~d j il And all other flf·l~.c. r I promise ~o .... xa1nino it nnd 'sei;d :t r~pl~~ ,., S a ing "h~thcr the lHedtClll CH are genuine Q}. not, i;othnt if spurious he iiitt\ apply to tho )e,r a:i . son from who1u he i)H u;hai::c(i theu1 t h - 11 · - ~ I BEG_ !.iIOST RESPECT.I<lr.L.LY 'TO ALL-WOOL CARPETS "crY TJ.:C N PER CENT. DR. I STRICTLY CASH. F. F. McARTHUR. Um laws ~f Jifn a111l ]1t;iulr..h. \Vhat we should eat a n d drmk, 1?-ow clothed, and how t o exerci!:ie s~eep and live, in accordurwc with hygionio pri.n~ c1ples. Portraits, sketc~ies and biogni.phies of Jeaillngnu~n nnd womon u1 [l.ll de11 ~rtmcn t s of life aro specinl featu res. ' J:>a1·cillx, Tcacltc1·s <in1l Otho·s. ~ As a. guide in educating nu.ct tl'n1niug Children, t his nrn.g<tzine has no supe rior. 1\.fuch ge~e!'a~ infor1nation on the lea.ding to pl cs ot tho dfl:Y 1s g1 \' Cn, o.:i cl no efforts are spared to rnnke this the rno st and il1Mru<:ti v1~ as well as. the Best Pic't.n l'i1i,l Family l\.lagttzinc ever 11111.>li::-h ocJ . t. E6tC!°Ushed.- "'1'1-n .Tonrrml" hafl reached its .'ttth. \ o lu11u..i. Jt J1(l..~ SLcudil}' increased in favor cluung tho 1nan)· yea rLJ it has been pub Ii.shed antl "\Yll.5 never n1ore popu liu · tluu1 now. · ' ,Terms.- MonthI:-t, at $3 11: yoar, in advanco_81ngle nnnl.bors, cents. Clubs of ten or 1uore $2 eaoh, nud nn extra. eopy to .Agen t. ' 'Vearo_ offering the lnost liberal Prc1ninms.-· Inclose 1<:1 centfJ for a snmplc nwnber with nc \Y Pictorial Pos~cr and Prospectus, and ii, con1pleto Llst of Prom1unu:;. .Addxcsr; 8 . .R. "\VE:LLS, Publisher, :1&) B 1·011dwny, Ne1v York. fcaturQ . ' Ethnolo{riJ, or tho Natural llifltory of I\f!l.11 , illustr ated, wil be given. Ph11sinWov and Anatoniy.-'l'he Org1i.niza1io11 structure and functions of tho lnuna.1 11.Judy · ~vitl; 'l'.flrn GUELPH n'llYD AND TREADLE l!IACUL"fE8 u.r.:; the heriJ. 111mle, sbn:ploot, more duro.ble a. n4 r elia.ble tl1an n.ny other:- single-t hread maohine.-·· L~rgcr and work >vith great OflJ:l"· WW do tl-e kinds of domestk sc>Ying in a perfectly ealiaf·· lorr mnnnc:r. Has ~takenl .tkst in:izel W.l~bY exhibited. , AGENTS WANTED ' EVERYWHERI . SPLF:rrnm !:;DUCE MU:NTS. ·f For tQ.rnl~, samples of sewing, d:e ·· a.wlT to GUEl,,PII SJ;) TVT.."\'a ...1.lf.A(fll"I.1.VE car. GC ELPll,"C~NAD.A z .,. >- TRY IT. all e I t:.ff H. &· lI. O'llAE.A., "\"'l1olesalo ngcnt. tw the Coun!Jof:I of Durh;i.1n , Ontar io and Victoria., m- Special inducf)111c11tioj to LiYc agents. Ja.nun.ry 18th, 1871. .,._ · I General SewingMadin e Agency , ' sch' HJ. G GIND OT 9Alli, 1 R R E M ,B A E I![ B I s1 sorted stock of Gcnui:ne D1·ugs and Pure Eughsh Ohcullcals. .Also, n. splend id ::;Luek of the n1ost carefully sefol~1 od , B NOUNCE t,hat h e has receivetl a 1vell n,:; DYE STUF F'S! CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, EGS RESPECTFULLY TO AN- MAitl{ET BUILDINGS R whi<:h cannot be enrpasscd for excellency of quahty An a.ssortnrnnt of Anilino Dyes kept f~c~T~n~~l" on ho.nd, togeth er with n choice se- ' ' ..... ~, ·· A N N 'lupplled wit_ h New l\-uita, Spiet1s ST0CK ~TAKINGI ' 'te. N'one better in quality.and non& '.'-~- O . .~ ' . . - . ~ 1.~ - .' s T TAKEN IN T PIC'I'UR:B~S SI E · A p · .' ' t' ~ . A , No. 1 Style . morieyreturnccl. o a.'c us -.Chemi~t~ u rn.l D:ruggist8 '""·ho desire to obtnin. ~ tl\c ~[ell1c1nc_s ca;i be supplied at the lffWof'J t i "£.-,J0 ?sa.Jo p rices !ll '-il11l.ntities of not lns;-i au~n '-'>,; 0 1 ud ,'\o~t1h t~ ,r wbic!i 1·t·.u.nttaucfl rn 1 u~L be eent in b '. ~UCf? ;->rn., 8~. 6d .. 2:!s., Ht\d 34S. p er dozen o' t?xes ot 11llso1·pots ol'OintJncnt netL ' Yithout ~ d 1seunut. · · 0,) 1 I have the l1011our to be, : t:; ·vfith g 1·eut rcsptX:t >11 ~ . ' 'l'HOJ\TAS IiOLLO\VA Y . if) S DRU GS, CHEMICALS, PATEK'£ MEDIOIKES, RHCSFIF.8, COMBS , SHOVLDEH-BRAf!ES, Sl:PPOHTEHS, &c., &c. 0ILS, P~U:-ITS, BOWM .A~fVI LE ·"' ,· . · . "'- ·· 1 ' I COLO H S, rrf1:.0to1/1 sgrcct (lritc _ :_ __ ·~ ep ~in ci· 1, 1~71. 21-1, Slt·a.nd), London l7·lU. ' 0 '5 ·ahMpff. CASE: SALE SlGN OF THE RED FLAG, '; THE :BEST AND CHEArEST \\TrNTEn llA.S " " 0 nnd :'Yifl'fELJi:AD zai~ At the very lowest prices. 'r ~~RNISHES, el "' HORSE AND CATTLE 111EDICINES. .~t1.ti;o3cn.; ! COJ.-I-~ Pl ~OSPEnrrY -~BOUNDS! - -- ---- --1\ioticc. --- - · -·--- N. B.-Cqnn1 r,y 8 \01·0peek"°tr:; t1uppJied OD. a.d N rms "Lo CK M AN" >. · 'i. ·..:. J,,ONG EVENT"N'"GS ./(HE HJ£IlE ! ,\. :X U N OY>' H'-J 1 1(!( '.l."J ME 'l'O 3 "CHSC:!tlJJ1ll FOR. K TNG S'l'REg·r EAST. ~ow1nunv1lk, d'"A discount will _be made on Nov. 2ili d . 1871. 3'.I 0 0 ' J!1:. · § "d +:i M'CLUNG BRO'S ,· · OZNT. Rural New-,Yorker .P E T E 1'<. S' THJ; OREA'r i'l"A'flON.\L 1 AYOJUTE in ll1 P. l111si11 ess lal~l.v ctt:rried on by mo in Bow111an v1lle, to my sonsClui.rlca 1\L and \Villf11n1 R. Cawker, I h ereby request all those indebto<1 to me by book account or otherwise to cnll nnd settle forth'\vith. ' ELli:'.:AB B'l 'f[ C_.\. \V'J(l\:R. Do,vmn..nvillc, .Ja11. D th, 1872. H AYING SOLD OUT 3iY IN'J'lmES'l' . 0 Notice. 1 halnt of practicing \vith ball cartridg.e on the f!.a.t, "~ll please bear in rninP. that from. the on eash puren&Se!< nver OM ,. '<lollol', except Flour a.nd Gnlin. ., GREiTER - ~~~GAINS r.-, ~ Cheap Cash Sale is st,tll «on ' ~net will b, e g oihrr "1 ~ continu~d ·'!or -..~o days long/;;1r. ~ . I Musica l Library, CONSISTIKG' OF Farm PIWFUSIJ:LY TVeekly. ILLUS'J?ATED. been th and has att; FiffTEEN .VOLU:llfES FILLED WITH CHOICE PIANO l\1USIC. \TOCAL COLLECTIONS. Shining :LighUI· ..A. choice collectioll ,~ of bfiill1t.iful Snm·u<l Songa, ~ rooognige~ :C.,uul";' "T i?t fl.!$ Sphe1·e, THIS FA110(JS JOURNAL HAS ],'Oft neu.rly 'rwenty·Fhm Years itsiness }J 1· THAN 'EYER WILL BE-GIVEN. ' . . ~ I~ · aoo 'Tea, Dinner and Chamber Sots, iu Crockery; China,, Furs, Bon-,nets, Hats, Dress Goods, Clothing,- and Bv:ffalo -Ro bes, will be sold at a. great sac- · tifiee. DON'T FAIL TO CALL. McCLU;NQ- . B~OS. -, Sign of the Golden-Shel'lp. O W ~ ~ Hearih and Jlome, Flt·e,ltle Echoes, and S"tveet Sound.ii, Three v~ohiines of QU.SY Songs b:y 'Vobster, Persley, et.c. Gob!enL1>aw._ .V olumes I. nnd lL~ TJ10 two volu1ues cont ab1 all of \Vill S. Hays' Song8. J>rJ.ccleiis Gents. A collection of heo.utiful Ralli~da by Wnlla.ce, 'l'liornits, Kelh;1·, etc. ~ i s lasa. · n 18 tho standard authority ou RURAL .ANnbI:IoME .A.Ii'l1'.itRS. and concededly th e best ~;1 gie Lai f.1< ··~t Circula tion of any Ne,v5pn.pcr of cckl11. ~ ~ }Jm · Uled AJ!!·icuJtural, Literary, .fiUm.ily rn~l ~ ' "d (J) c ..... e,) ..... (J) T HE llIEllTBEli°S- OF YOI,UKTEER . 1'.Tilitia a11d others "·ho hn.vo been lu the .. ptC!5ent time, any consent, hitherto given by 1 110 is, absolutol!o~ >rlthdi;a.wn; n.nd o.ny one found wilfully cont1nwng R11le practice :i.-ner this nOtice mu st be dealt with as the ,l&w directs. P. lL.\.Y~ES. ~own1an ville, May 10, 1871. 4l·tf. H INS'rRUMEN'fAL COLlJf.CTIO~S. Fairy F tnw cr/11 "" · -- Mo....-1r: "· ' ('Irr!~ 1 · "'fo11ue Phu1.b;I. Tl1rt'le vuhuues of very cnsy l\1uslc for young plo.ye1·s , , , ,,1 1,1 al a \Qhin& and Stoneware. Dance Mwnc. 1'v-ro coilectrons of moder" ~ ate diftioulty 1·1ca~:tut 1Ucn1arl cs. .J\. ('Ollec tion of beautifill. p1ccea by"\Yyman, ll:Iack, Drcm : i- r;t ,~l(lt· etc ~ · Gohl~H Chh'-\el'!. t\ <.'Olled ion ofbrllll· i:i.ntpnrlor).Iusic byCharlcs l{inlccl. . Jlr11ltautGt·nHI . ...:\.. splen Uidco11cction by \~il]lret ~llard, .Pachel', l{tnke l, etc. ' . Price, $2.yO per vo,lun1c, clcgnntly bon n d~F. in cloth, with g ;l t s1de;;; $2 in plain c l oth· $1.75 h~ boards, ' .A, J. L. Pf-;TEltS, f'earlDi-~psandllu~ica~ltecnaHonr;. , , .ruE RURAL s ~DITORIA!, S_'t'Al: i1· is t.he largest ~ and s.blest. of n.nJ .JmJl'i11;1..l tn its sphere while its h--l Illu~tratlous, · _'ry1.>0grnphy, Etc., ure' aupo1ior. p.l...j Be ~1 lhl the wnt41.;s of the conducting Gull as- E-i BOCHlto Editoi·s. its Cotps of Uontri butors is lar~ g-:r tl;an tlrn.t oi a~y oth~r Hl:R".I. ·'u_,-nI.rTERARY Cf]_ 1 -"d ~",n---so ,that 1-;i.uor:;~'~ I-t LJR.\.t, fa J he 01ga.:n in 1-1 an t, p·ougi.1 wh1ch 0 '",_,'"t · l w tO"··a:::li · ~ ....... , nn1l J)CllOfi cm ouo1·tg ... }-,: > V UNEQUALED FEA'l'UB.ES.1 H s Cfl H - - -----------Reward. I , '". ,.· L ROG· RE f:.'S 'VE1tlEN~l1 " al IUJ.d J/nnlUy \-V{:c~t.jy in t be ~Vo1=!d ! , 1 }~ri;, , C0r¥1ITlU1llcntcd to the vcoplc (, o~ JJ:> !Hll rAA 1 :~.t~'b l!':-~t_;t,r~,l a~ i n,,thc Past, tho .Hun .\L s 1\lot: s~JJC:i··'~ r,,/;;~e~~~;~1 .s.~::::1~im 1w,1 ?1c, wbioh has 1h c · " "' · c " ,., ~ · l<:'a!H~lit Uri· ~ I P..; I ~ IH Z LJ!:DGJi..: t hat certain Pedlars are s.elling Spectacles and Eye Glasses pw·porting bo of 01u· n1ake and to be1\.r our n11.11H~:-; 1:1h1.m11ed tl1ereon we hereby caution tho put.lie agafn:st -all- sucli inposf!>t'l'I, ~11 1\fi:-· .AAHOK 13.veK LNJt. is our only Agentrn ~est J>urhn.m; anrl n re1vawl of $25 is hereby o!Tt~n~<l fur the apprehension and convicbor1 of a ll auoh impostors as try to defrau<l tho ,Pttblio by offering their t.raal~ as onr mal~. , '! l.1AZAP~l: S, MOP~RJ::; .£Co. ~· on trcal, 8th Nov., J971 . . KNOWI T HAVING COME TO OUR to '- I " .. ... , 4 :," · --- ------------·- , _,...l'l 1 '-'-' 1· · Come and see our Chin& Hnll. ~ . N.B:-Ali acibounts must be paid at,once, · ,~,-· & 599 BJ"oadwo..Y, N would call attention to Th ~~ at lions.~~ u <:olle ct10n of O\'er one hundI6d benutitnl oper;.~ song:.:. · Pdcc ~0 1 i.1 doth and g ilt,, !l'l·nde pl'ice, $4; . ' ' Vo OVtY:t':t " ..1 >J t '"-' "l..ll J.: o 1-M' are 1'\uniero1ts , Y aricd, :;m(l Dcaut:ful, In de ed i ~ OQt 11yn 1s to render the wh ole P<~pcr exccphou: ~ n11,r V alnti lil c \ v 1111 ar;c;e J Jlalilc. '!'he r-u .. L 8 Repods o~ I\fnrkets, Crops, l:'i11ances, etc.: ., n re full and tclrn. U1c, an<l alone 'vo:rlh cluuble t,hc Jlr:ce 9ftbc IJ/LPt'r, In~0c~l, JiexL .to yonr local paper Jl.1ooun:.s H\JHAL is t11c oJtc 1or foursclf }'amiJ·r, a nd }'r1cncfa. ' .r TT-IE RUJ:'AI';:i lL - L'l~ 'rR .1. 1-1-oN0 L. CO RNI SH Sewj:ng Machine HAS THEI\:t:.! ., -1 .. .. ,' ·"",. 'l'OOK.,'l'HE IF'IRS'l' PRIZE AT T IH. STYLE AND HEDUCED TERMS. E~tcb WFor <!fle ui-0nth we will give ~:i~{~~~' . I ,, . .~ Mee. BROS; !>" ·· ' - ' d,' ' "' " ,, numlJer of t.hc r~1..1 HA,J_, NEY.'-YORKTI:P. for 1872 ·w ill comprise Sixteen Quarto Pages iml·gcl' thanHarpcr's\Veckly,)pri11ted fro1n Ne'w'l'ype, 1~ l_ld S lu'tlb, Evergreen, ~~ruit and T ·l f·i·b See1l f:( on extra tine o,nd h cnv:y pn.pc r and Illust1Roted pre.paid by mtLil , .A 1·nm11l t· le t1.ndJutlicious as: aud l~rintell in t h e highest Style cf tl;f! 'L' ,·o· sortmcnt, 25 sorta of either class, $1.00. The six gr aphical Art. · ' a. · classes, (150 packets/ for $;j.O(), .Also, nn iuunensc TE.Rll~8, 1n .~tl "\·nn<":c ;-8i nglc Cop y, $2.5-0lJ cr stock of O\le year i:;-ra.ftccl Friut '!'recs ~rnn.ll :>'e·n·; Fn'll Cop1oi:i for $1;),,JO; l'=icven Uopie°"' for Frni ts, l"_rnlt ~tocks . Yot.ln_g Ji'r1J.1t, Orufnuental $16; 'L'en Coples for i20-on1y $2 per copy .Lib· n.nd Evergreen S e(ldlings, Bu lb ~, Hoses, VJnes, era! Prc1n:iu1ns t o sU f'Onn Cln bs. ~ J(;chn i: n - ~onse tllHl Border I'l!l-11ts, &q., &c ., the most 1 Numbers, Sho-..:v-1.Hlls, e tc., sent fret' · .1\..~drcss l.on.1 pfot<: i.tssorti;i1en t in ~1.n1cr1ca., P1· 01n~hl by D. n. T, :;vrOOUE mail. Priced C H talog j1 f~ to ttny at1drcss , n.lso · ' trade liata, gr nitln. Seeds on Con1 mission. R\ini.l N1;1w-"l urkcr OJ.Hee, Ne'°" York City, Agents "'·anted. . J_ -~~ ---- ·-. B.11. 'Va.tson, Old Colony Nnrsodcs and S~c1l ·-~- - --· 'Va.rehouse. k'lyn1outh, .!\lam:, Est.ablisbc<l. 1812, 'lr CJOC.ii_J«~!}C§ ! F · , 1. D RESH G~'-1.. {, EN, FLOWER, TitEE ·rrr rv A\.N'HOJ "A\ ·1:1a ·~13" .. ;)qi \)U0uttu.ooa.t 'TI.If·~ ·qaJI ,1, 00 fl :!I lt~'UCI out of repair than other ·wn.tches. TJ1ey are more accurate time k ce1Jers. f t .A. s11ooioJ warranty from tha Fnctory with BowmanvU1e, Sept. 20. 1871. T HEY AllE LESS LIABLE 'rO GE'l' N Pl'ovinciaI::E.daibiHon' ! . ,. J . GAoqu tnn .1o.i .A:potuo.:r iKJOS pav orw-e 11 811 ·w:it:a..z '91UJ'lt(dtuo:.J every '\Vatch,. .'· ' . ···.Jti ..!:t[UIJ:~h)qa -tq <:iq'lJ.O £u,;1u SufM.OUJI oel_v A1nrn::i11 ("BUlJ:ou .lJO{f'J 01- 13U'8JU.o oqi .9uuo11oo..t puu ·;.ll:iuasJp !tfUJ'l'U~lPtJ.I-a U"f. 1.U0'}t1.{R uvutnl.{ Oq1- no puu]lQsodtUOO'Sl'lJ l(;)ll[M.J09'1UwJllQ.r.9 11o:ow t '!;nui8' - - - -------- ----- ·----------J t"JC'J' '" CltNT. on cuh purchues. For persoD!I wh-0 W"!lt Ba.rgain·. . ,. a.nd have the money, MURJ?OCH ~ROS. , ··1 \ ...., ., "t ... ,· ·- .. R..PEATE \I in.good runni f\g 0rr~ c1·. 1·aJ 1 ho in1rch[l.scd chon.ii ffJJ' ca. <il1 . , Fo1· 1·ai:l1eular.::;, r,.pply a t t.hls ofilc<?, t o '\\7 , G. ItOBfNSON. Bowma.nviJJc, }tov, 2ll, 1871. T ·.vo oF THEAWVE l\Lrnnnrns ·M O"' '""·' 'IH( 1 '.IGAJ'I QI[IJO .('1 ·B{([ JO 211JU!U[thuo\.I !'1-1;1!'.}.tTJd ·01- .lV0A "'°·' UJJO lt>~od· IJ P"roq .p a"'1l"'"' !1.'!dJ:oJ, 1 Ol[l ~qOGJJ0 .IJ0tp ·Stu..I I .IOJ , pH Q T 0 G R A J=> T:I ' · tct. up, ill tho br1cl~ l:.llock corner ofl{ing and le1nperance sn-cets, Ol'e of the n1ost: cmnplcte Photo.(frttph Galleriea in this 1>ection of the P rovincc, 12 now propnrcd to take " dn.L\ I'PU'11l00ffIQ80UJqO JO 'Ul{~.In:[ Jno,\ p1os inJA1.ll{ 1muifjs.iap1m ~i:l.r,-- 1~ ~ .xtro{c"' .~ I - 1 :H.M..OU ·~ "H ·.uw Ll..J Ir :r ,, C:- · - ,· · · · GALLER\. , · - - -- .i:- HE s ~TBS CI~IBER HAV.,.IKG FIT~1 .Jost held n.t T oronto, over the n1ost i-eriO..f..e::d Se:wing .Machines in the wOrld/ nmon"" w'"L'" ,_.. "" ~ th cl b t d H ""h ' l were ~ c e rn e owp. n ee er &: ~ '~ · i · ,, ' _,.,. 1 u' ..-c. 1lus sonly n:con1lrnui.t1an of, t\i~ . ". etdlct I 11rcviously rcndel'od by the. Groat Co.nndi.a.o · ·· fi ' w· ' " Public, nnll pJ:oves conclu.'5 ively tha !JUl'll:klOJUT'I' Oli' ·run: " LOUJ)..JUA ..~/'\ O\' J~H A~1 , o~nEI:l'J. ' . ,,. 1a .. 't1 l ' ' TAILOR,- - ------ --·- - · .x._;"-· CL T nrn. i: 11. 0·, \vholesalo ~n .d ~·- ~---- ~------------ ALL KINDS OF L1KENESSES ,.. in, the " - is tha place to go, antl 'tiow- ... ... "' .-:.· ctistomers autl frii;:tJi\H, and wou lil heg to a.av that he ho..s removed to the ccirncr Of K ing and stroets, '\v11e!'ebev:ill be glad to i>eLHts ma.ny Aqn1-..n ! d y of fal!-~ n cetla.r of excellent quality , · of. the Geood-natured and good-tem pered one::i a.B fol' aale. .Apply to I 1pleaso to gtvo h im a call. 1 . Re\'. \:Y. LO G A!~ . ,ilCfWM!lll\'i l1e No'f, ~2'tul, 1871. l~ · tt' O;;tt;,,· i:1£·l1!.j f'3 e11t, OiJ( , :ltlt, 11'71, JO-If', RESl'ECTJi'ULJ,Y RE· W OU~D TTJRK his !;illoero tha,l).ks to hlH n1rm o1 ·nnM: A B,OUT ~o ACil.ES ,OF LOT No. H , I ..... ~Con: n, Cartvrr1ght. The lUOi; L nf 1J1c la.ncl j has been l!l pa ~ turc ftnd i rii-~111uw fo~· 10 tents. 1 'Vl1 o . ~·o - n·mt - . ' Corn for Sale, le 0 , g."' .\gcllt.. Also, agents for Ouel1;h Se win" · c1!ine Go., .& ' .net.ti Ka ' Grov~r .~~k~r. Singo~:~no'!o.and.·,; d&ys. r 01' a ck e d·1Is LATEST AND )-!OST 11'-Ii'rt ov;EIJ r- · · Ty E 0 r ·~T HE Alt T; A. c.a.11 aud Jwspo.ction of s:Poc1mm1f1.i:J rcqucSt:@d ~ "\\"illia.n1s' ]flo.chinci!. W~e ]la.Ye a lso op. h&nd a l'.I. ran ~tock~ of the LIT'l'JJE w A N'ZER M~hinM · ' -.- o h ll ,,.£ - 1· ... ~ougall. EN'l'RAKCE- Oppo!{it0 To~~ 11 Rall enkance 1,. \V ts 11; x·ro K. J~r1Wl\Hl,t\'!'ille, ()o!~)bt:I' 4111 , 187J , 1-clt"angi for any other .iILsido of t hirty io 1 ,ho + Por..;llanotw.tiSfted with ono Muohlne -~ ...: R· . . , -· ·· · i inemh"" R. <& H. O' H1«n'e NIU- fJ1crur. swwrna MA ·

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