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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1872, p. 1

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---· - -- -Q £) tnt cznrnn is t · Thmgs Curious tc 1 n 11 ul $he 1 Every i'lnn sd '~ lUoa usni;, liy t c P opr tor vVM 1~ CI, I 1'>1 J E,, at tl c I 0\ 11 le'<\ J ()1' 01' FIC E-Po·t ORice lP:locl< l --- -----~ - V 0 J,i. XVII. BOWJ\£ANVILLE, ON'r., rrHURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1872. -- One hundred and ten yea1s ago the1c \\as n t a single 1 lnte n1a11 111 Kentucky ot BAIIINGS Olno Indian i and Illu o , Tl e what TWILIGHT :it BATTINGS is tho n1ost fiour1s h1ng p irl of Ameiica at BATTINGS AU D 1vas as little known as tho cuuntry nro ind at BA1IING8 the m~ ster1 us mountains of tho 1noo11 at Bt..rrING S It '""" not nnttl li76 tlpt Bo01 o loft h s &o &c \i.'.;c &o home 1n North Ca1ohu L to beeun" the first settler 111 Kentucky Tho first p 10 k'i1" AJ, I MARh.J<D Ar LO\\ PltICES I ~ neers of Olu o did not sottle m ti! hi euty Why do we Stay Poor? veus ufter that tin1c Iiccanse the c1e1r:a is .iDowod t 11ot1ld A hw1d1ed year:; tgo Cana.da belonged to France nud tho popul~tion dul n)t ex and be ru1neil !1 ~te id. of h:ivu g n old Bo ·rnm1V1llc October 1871 ceed a 11nlho11 nnd 1 half of I coi le \ case k·':a1fo to scra1 o 1t h rty kettles: ., 1th hund1od yoars ago tho gto\t }1cdeuck of s lve1 s1 oons a.10 n sotl Sci l bu "' brush F~ACT' T J>rusa1a \HLS pcifor n1ng tl so 0 1an l ex os uc left 111 tl c v tto1 t 11 ti e hu~tlcs are --o-I)l ts w]uclt h:t-ve rnade h lU L un r o tn.l in loosencl a l l pot .N c kJ n:cs -tua thlQ v I u Iles 1 l 11 1 to ] ot ater 11 I 0 It ' otJltSIEJ,\ I s · ]{clh, 111 htn.ry an1 ula a1 l v tl Jus 11 ttlc nLou 1 ] u0 l b 1t I\ \) s r hy was snsta. Jung n. au g:lc h u detl. con Ur on s n e th10\~ ll do vn y Jtero fLl:l eo Ji u.s isod rrHO Sl \\HO II\' J l'iUl D 1 L AllE CON'\ 1NC1 D mu S F IIIJ I I test ·w1t1L llnsa1a A u1h1a at tl ~'ritnce the boots veLe 1t of 8 ght a1 l 1t w::is so ea y sells l s Good s as I ow or Lo11 e1 tl an any one else 111 1own Di!ir' \ h1gc tlnee g1eat po veis of E 1101 e c 1nbu1ed D hcl oths J::iy iut uJ sinks L re thr0\\11 to B i1 f o 1 RaI1 h s love ifi 1.11 to hLS own stoc k of Clot] s Dress Goo<ls st np d ohockod a11d plam SI "wls Bl"nkct s Lrn e1 s out in tho d sln att)t :i. d 1 e er I eked up g ne nc\ c1 to co no back again tl at Bid so ne l u v 1n J l11hng Martl1a. - '" aslungton \\ na a n V 11g111i 1. Col till n eeded 101 use WI en It 1b orb u W1nce)S Flonn cls Knitted Goods IIostery GloHs and lr n n rn 0 R all bou.,ht " t 1est \Ver e he1e An l someho v Hn11 n.11 Haw] ln s ht l ibo it hor stam1ne1ed out onel and the g1e ~t events of h1st01) in ml 1s on pty 1t 1s hus Ll I o it 1t the b 1ck CE'tJ'" A~spec10l lrnc of C lnn r :ntans 60 per cent befo1u tho la te u lvnnce in prices lower th a n l 1 st l ca1 s kept ~ ti g fu1 sornebo ly else t COl lO l alf a p1opos 11 ' It ch llfa1 tha generous the two worlds m which these gieat bub loot fo1 the sun to shrink or dry 111 till g soul tool for tl c " b )le ceren1on) and :t.c dussuruhar 1nE:1n took lea.ding parts were tt fall apart \.\h en ihe clothes ne dry CHAPTIJ<R XXXIII ceptc l Ai d Bt d "as so happy tl 1t then scai cely foreshadowed A h mdred nste id of ho ng tn.ket JU tJ cy ate left to lt1l1 h .ol csse l froinl a face a1 d \Oleo that years ago tl o United :States we c tho 1nost be 11lup1cd abo it i th rn ! t ti tou to l l'<i'fO 1 HE !IGllI "\Vebstm·, L .D. S, loyal part of the Brit ·h Empire and on I or t ~ ~eels longc I"'nl1 h t a.ugl t d tl e agony v s ove1 and 131 d \\as be tho I ol t cal horizon no .sp"'ck in<l.Jcated 1 bbons Gents' Smts Made to Order, by the Be~t Workmen m Town, "hen l <.:s art: be1 gnu. le and 1 Lit of the Flat Cieok s l oul I ouse H e ' as t1othed at l mt to tho gal ns wasa gal A1 l aftc1 Ral1 h id Hannah were mai tha Htrugg1e '"hwl "\\Itlun i score of )cars crust rn l eft o er Diiii"" wa11an ted to fit and 1 ot come to piece· '"'@fl stead of using tho e' erybotly s hem An l he w'" Bud s idol the1eafter established the gieat republic Ho did what he could to get Bu! and ned-tr ere vas 1 o tnp Ralph onlJ of the world A hundred years ago the1 e remno.1 t to 1nakc a fc tartg for tea it The Best 111.tck and Gt ecn 'I eas n1 i o" 11, at $1 00 llfai tho. togethe1 and thot gh B id always chango l luo boar l ng I] ice and beca1ne wure b 1t fon1 ne vspaP,eltJ 1n .A1ner1ca stauds n1 the pa1 try t 11 i t is too sour to 'I he Best ~O cent I ea 111 'l'on n sa\v h er safe ho1ne a.ftei this tnd called hctl.d uf t he ho 1se t.t I ho1npson s engines had noi been irnag1necl nse au 1 then it is thro \TU 1 v1.y D110d ()::}-Butter Eggs Mittens Socks and Ynrn tnk en s Cash foi Goods fruit 1s not taken cue uf 1n season and on 1 er eveiy Sunday evening yet to save thereafter- :i.ftcx: it ?i as all over B id THE HOOSIER SCHOOL MASTER lt1R hfe 1 o could I ot forget h s b1g fists cu.1no to Mr H 1rtsook and sn1cker1n 0 and ta1Iro :i.ds an cl telegraphs ha.d not en gets \Vor1ny Y cg tabl~a arc thrown out Oct 4 1871 tered urto the r e1notest conception of men Ul' F.D\\ lltO, EGC L"ESTON and h s b1g feet lo g e1 o 1gh to say "hat Just a. l ttle sa1 l ns h o\V as h1n1 and l\far When we come to 1001' at it tlno gh t 1e that would hcl1 to make a good breakfast he iuoQt wanted to sa.y and v1 "'t Mu:tl a tl a ha l fix ed it all u1 amli w they want vISt 1 of lmtorJ wo fine! that to the con wa1nted ovci 1 u lialladI-fow Thu s1 rta1 Jar ~ left u11covo1ed fo1 flee nos! rn1 ted Jnm tu sai ,\. b the on I of cd to ask l rn n. l ice and Martha proud t ny ;ust passod has been ·lotted ti o CI! \PIEil XXXII enba lC C to tl o thcs Pieces of intiat 11 t\vo weeks Ralph fo n 11 nl9 lf excec hng bit bl 13hl g can c t p and nodded assent inoru 11n1 or aut evct ta u:r. tl 01r bearing \11Eu 1HF. B,i.rrrE 1, "c ny of Fbt CJ reek a 11 exceed gly Bt ! sa l ss h ow aa he h du t got 1 o bouk UJ on the happ l ness of tl c \lorld than stead of be 1 g s vved o ::n open clrnh for 1 d as how-as ho want ~c lh.u g can 1 B n1 1e de1no al z1 g in glad to hoai f1om Mr life 1n" that the lair n 1or l ot1un h tSh he ro1 rd u hl e1tl er too d1y or too an) othc1 tv-111(.:h has chq se l s nee tl e l b it 1 tha i ly1 ch 1M. And Jet scl ool 1n01 ey hid g stale f r auyLl 11 g Collce tea pep] or t.o t It ga' c ed to 1 sometln 1 \.J d pnt .u his beat the ere lt1on And that Grntei 11 to a generous pubhc fo1 past hbernl pat10nagc beJs most rospccl;.. ljI ch lu.w fte1 01 g 1 ates i 1 .i. burst of h11n n. go cl excu se t retun to Le v s hcl s fo1 Hun ) o 1 know and sp ccs by stn.nd111 0 ui C o\:ercd lose fu lly to announce that on account of mcreasmg bu"me" li e now occupies gcncro1 s 1nd1gnn.t1on v,.}uch ts not wtl 1ng b ug \vhere h s I en.rt and lus trea.aurc M' thy she was of the same way of Um k then st ron0 th P o1k is not salted e1 ough SINGULAR WILLS .And tl e to sultet a. bol l opp1essor to c3capc by ' ere A certain sense of dehcacy had 1n and thnt she w t.s a bJe&nn and the br1ne needs 8c .1.Jd t g n1e::u ~lnle S 1 ure 1v s a go1n to ma.1ry \gtn and ueanaofco11u1t iud co¥1;.ully cuu11ii:i It A hund1ed odd fancies a111.l concetts the pork spoil· i'Wohce -Re1noval "u.sto 1'l these little kept h1n1 fro1n wr t ug to J tSt Ji et Aud lus illnstrati ve of the foreign d1ctu1n that 1 ntter.s nught be 1 ultq>l cd ad irifin:ilu'1'i1 Both mot vea "hen he got to Le visburg he h ad good 1\fartl y woul<l ruth~r vac3te and has filled every shelf l1ole and corne1 with an exceodmgl) choice is ofte1 er bo1 n of fe 11 powerf1 lly g1 tatctl the people of the ne'" s His 1 t clc ishnmed of Ins pr.ev1 1 iother a1 i l\{ randy w t.B sech as he l-\: ouJd England is the hon1e of eccontric1ty b lt we £01 bea.1 Alrea Iv e nough hints assortment of goods compnsrng \nd lw th gl t as are constantly ppcar 0 u1 Engl sh wills: l ne been t hr '"ll ut tu set any tlnnku g region :ro ind it Cluty a.s iught hew ous neglect and peril :1.1 s ith u1 eye to 11 t take 1 w1fo to ' ftet Ralphs acqt Ital 11ev1\e1e pst his l epl ew s g1 ow u n po1 ularity l id got how Mr Hartoook might thmk f some There " ' ' ill duly attested and p10ved person at \\ ork as t no of tho true ly 11 hgnant that Ral1 h I ad been i ode ten h l tl c cl argc f t] e gran ina1 do way 01 son)c place \\he1e he an l Mai thy scr1bblo<l on tho back of a publican· caid i on.su1 s "l y n1anv 1:1tay poor t] U \ 1ct11 l of S lClL a COl SI 11 :tCV nd thov partn1e t 1n tl o nc-w g1 1 led school 1 r the ino t n ako a 11 n fer the r resent and Ill the followmg tonna Dear Polly PAPEit COLL II.HS NECK TihS Never Mmd R1smg Early I 1 t i tl e r best licks fo1 Hun you know \Vere fughtc ed at tl c u seen <l ~I 0 c1 to \ illag \\an I l n gozr: hall I hav belon s tu yo i 0 Su he q iotly arrange l to b oard JJ.alpl tJ ought a on eut t1 t.} £10 n such t l ind as tl it n y doar Polly Anotl1cr the testament at ::t. bu u d11 g l o tse II1s aunt co d l not .A 11 tlus t about e : u ly u s ng 1s u 0011 GENT' R :B'UR N ISI-:INGS, & c of Smalls It" cm fa 1 tl it ti y rl 1 h ivo lu l ~bo t of v]nch f wt le w ts' eiy Ho 'va.s about to 111 Ll.ccinn rtllus 011 t Iler u y d1tJpos1tion of a devoted ateuograplust shu1-0 T11e l n.b1t of tu1n1ng o 1t of bed lhe whole of the stod~ havm0 been well bOU,\ht bargmus ut Imo v tho full exteut of the d· 1ge1 as glud SJ o conld i t l 11 fool sl c said Cl !es t.nd tl c Augc:l.n s tables but he ie IS w 11tten 1n ahot t ha1 d and contained in Ul t1 e nnd<ll e of tho night Slu~s soino Ja1nes P L<1ncJ.111, JU An l ' l at Sn 111 n ) t do w1tl n ti t lo 1 ~ 1 t I ave taken l ctter core of n1e1ub ered th t B id vot l l not ur derat 1.1 d a little box Wlulst i tlur I IS contamcd poople lot them en JOY tt B it tis 01ily yut will be ...,n en EMBEli Of THE COLL~ GE OF J Ul.} u1 vI 1,.t Pete Jon es nught do with a V\ 11tei ti a h e cl d when they 'e1e 01 ly it tl ough it in1ght i ennn l ?Yfa:r l of 111 these th.reo ords PbJs1cin s n d s g<".-0 s O Gt o o n~ \II to \VIfo Hc1e folly to lay do"' u a 0 e 1 era.I 1ulo ou the J\. fl Street. Ne vcastlc 2 -3 n AL[ JUND"> FURS AL I ERED AND {EP AJRJ D shc1 JI '"s 1 quest 01 I must 110t let111 fol r 111les tf t t Hu chl 1 ot 1 astm to someth u g she had en 1.t the East tI o rn the v. ill of Monica. S 1nej WJdo v \vho subJect Soiuc 1 en arc ht for notlu11"' an t u e she s to Bost1 g tl u ieule1 to tell ho v tI e inol iosc No ta of so Ovul an u. tu1u ofnund thatc\ en da.:i; :t.fto1 they hat-e 11sei carl,r in ° tho c It on H ' '1 Vii hJ sh ot I ! he He I IJ Bud ny de r fno11d ·ai I R tlj b J ct "111 ian 11 to th.) 1ne f I nouu110 Theu ene1g1cs a1 c de Ldcned co rncq 1c cc Tl t luulrn i I ttle i id to nsk yu to take F 01 tlus I no\ e 1 \ 111 r I cnl MAHKUS l\JAYJ H t1 en l HL g111atio1 s Lro h n..\:y theu ap1r1t8 lhe1 J e 1 ok Tu1 inv 1tat will and tt:!gt..·1.11 e1 t no u a v le 0 tol: J< I \'\i fo he1e n l l oke:t n. hn1ru gly l e de1 resse l It IS ~ id yo i cu works: " d theu on tl o <t. ll If mt ch 01 little nay my all at 'Vfarthat tl e Io 1 l o 1sc 13 it I vell 1n tl e i 1011 1 ~ Soi o l eor lo c \u I give n y brother M ·the v Gall don t I I o a y J io yo l cu do su in ich I t otheli:i ctn ' 01k be rs t ~t nigl t u d A1 d tins "111 hu dei any pull e1 to see ./\_I~RIVALS g > I fo1 Ch mt is by takn g ehorgo of that B) srntc1 St11tcl1 01 Mick o 11 b1 othc1 otl ers 1,.g au 11 tl o fto1noon Loi g Yet stor Should l\fatt die befo e l\i1c t11 tl nud e.xr c1 enuo fo1n1 tho only con place n 11 c il 0 et tl o Lppou1t nent {01 A.n d. she v1il s n1e s veet I se t nc t And that nuy ha] pen f01 death s J wL Davul Sna.u I, A l lHE yo l Ille new co nnus1;1one1t:1 vn.nt Jnst clns1vc tests ou tl csc po nts As for get h >d gotten thrng· 1e 1d) b) Ji rn g 1 p the sucl i n1 :tu I then bequeath my \~orldly st re AJtRISTER ,\.ND ATTOl tN.!H U To ln other Mic fo1 evenuort} ti 1g up oa1ly be tuse P1of1:H rn r Garnmon LA.Vi Sol c to n Cha ncer y :i.nll Jn sol\ e c:y scantli.} furn1shed i o 11 :i.a well a$ sh o Con eJ tncc1 Not u y Sol oltoi: fo 11 e O o. What l J e 'J Marth, I sa1d Bud And should I outlive my brothers his \VI1tt'~n letters t) he l t} c1s pro ving co 1ld And Mrns N inc} Sa'~ e1 "ho had Bn.nk &c Port lfopc Ont It '" fib that then I thmk of others YY h, s bocly ot gl t to do for the ~lo ey lo Lo~ ai i Lands fo1 Su.le the necosmty 0 1 it let no unu be oose seen Ralph tnat afte1noo1 1 0 te3.sed l\fathew has Rons and daughters t\\ o po01 a1 l I · ho 1ld hke to do 1t eno 1gl to do it "'c all k 1ow the 1; odol that ho wi s go1nc to s~e H n il Its Tis all their own were it l eru SUBSC LUBER Hi\ ING REUElYED HIS \J I · Tiei c 1Je, clea1 ed tho \ Jlobca t il'IUOUl1 Pray Mr Fo est don t sit shll nutn aged 01 l t, In v ui 1bl~ JJSCJ it :vonderful ho n i ch er J y1nent a gener stabloa l oea.n Bt t \ ltneas this as lny lnst will 11 o I ' Oik tlreo lo ts t u] o 1 l1glt o s he it can get o 1t of t1 0 1 n.pp1ncss of EGIS'lRAR V\ESJ Dl:RHAMI lss (\ of Ma a.g11 L enscH B i':I e nug Ll 11 l s n hm ble homely Hooswr He "' nod a. prehmu :uy ex. nnn ~tion others Jsnottl twlatHemoa L hon (Signed) l\foNICA s YINE> bte tkfruit- 1 cly a. cracke1 tnd u. pnich ..A.tto e) 1-tt La anrl Sol 0 to i C u ecr stOIJ oft :venty J car~ 10 0 d1aw8 to a. cloge ti e no:xt day lus Intl e1 went} s bn.1] and "\if noyloa e l o Real l tat Oft o Ki g l e said of s ich ~ Allss "a n er ti >t they of salt- ' 01 1 f vc lo lr1> n1 ie 1 e\: er 11 ) IHE F RESEN l ~f iSO ~ ~teo Bo nan' lle r and n t -w1t1 out ieg1ct I take le..' of he £ 0 1 fe1ted 111 ba. 1 \ cl h sappcared from l1ui: cnltu1c of rice is nov; atbact T o t] c srnoke 1 ever d.1111k az vtl 1ng but barley shoulcl h ne al nd1c l fol! m tlm life rot - - - - - - ----lfalpl ru d Han nl aml Shocky and Lttention of agricultu1 sta of California tl e co u tJ an l fJon1 tie horizon of ruy IN\ HES nm 1NSPEOllI0N OF HIE PUJlLJC \1iatcr eat no dnu ei and go to bed at SIX all thcu aacr fices? Did not M1sa Na icy .John It. Bud and Mai ti t and l\'Iiss N nncJ a1 d r;tory Two 101 orts concern1ng S11all l n e II is s~ud that tLo HllO'\\ blockade has in the e cn1ng If any body finds that et JOY.-. hnn<lte 1 w-edJ r gs and l o\e and In these d J.) of I t fhng and unpos t ure he t]uuks 1t nee lless to sa.y t hat he sells been u1 c1rcul it1on- 011e tl at he was l 1n of my readers cost the P tC!:ltc Ra1lroncl OompanJ $2o ()()() don! dield sort of life s its ]um by all ~oods OHEAPl It ru: d uf better Vil.lue tl a y otl e n u.n n the!le Cot nl cs all J o nsks s t i at ha' e tl e love of ilvc hundred c1nld1eu? P S - A co1 y of tho Lewisburg J cjfcr 1 tending purcl scrs gt el Tl a c ill au I Judge fo tl e sel s Rat a led U at tl o 1~ $ It ll be tlie a. <l. 'Y menns let huu cout1nuc it But few peo And so lVIiss N anc3 Jl st happeacd ove1 at n Luall;y 1 t-0.ftt ble nd sa.tistnctor} o i i came to nry l ands to daJ a ld I Mrs 11101nson s 1 u t ble ho1 ne and ]Ust pie \\ ould ca1e to ln e to e1~hty on these { A IRL I10 h ad lost L log adve1t sea lied st ck of I >hie L1 rnn Dlmaska I u -cl 1sc<l bef 10 the ecent see by ts col nrns that Ralph Hartsook" 1n the inost 1 uatte1 uf couise ' ay asked for a husbar d s1nulmly n.ffi1cted She tein s If a nHlJt cam ot get well w1th~r prn c1pl uf tlie Lew1sbur~ Aca !em; It that lady and Shod y to come o' or to l e1 th1nl s man and wife sho Ile 1:1ta.1 U on ed ind crumbled Uf ot en~tcr tet 1l1J ti ntt took n e so1ne t u 10 h wover to make out le Lv.e 1L 11 open quest on whot1 01 R 1lph 'J'H0111: AS PATJ~BSON h 1se SI ocky \V inted H in1 ah to co1ne those 1t s almost "' well tl at he sl ould th it tl c d e1iff of ti c county Mr Isiael eqnal f oting B w a v He ocr. G 18 I d d well to save 1 u f1on1 t1 e 0 11 ws too Bit H, u al bit sl cl i l ttlc ' I c101 :irt befo1 c l r. R n iu1a u co to J 1 1 self W }{cans \\: r11s none uthe1 th tn rny old Poto fonea ll d Bill a· us rnlly I appe1 s to sa l that iiho \\: o l l 1alhcr iot A KENH "" g rl says tl 1t "l e1 sl e a1 U n. bore to cvCI) body else frieu l Bt 1 of th o Cl rch of tho Best Licks <lies she des i es to have tobn.cco l l nited hero glcrf Jln.) s vc t to p11sol Ll l And vhe1 she vas left alone ff u nah l ::i.s al ost al':! H ch p lzzled O'\ er hts FttVIr GH..A:FlIN - r\g the tune v1ll vhen t1 e r term a I ad exp ed 1 ove l to over hct grave that tl e \veed noun~hccl Pura Count) lYiisso 111 hxed her han t vo oi th ee tHnefl and 1 a e as I ~hen I sa. nn ut cle in tl e by herd 1st 1 my be chewed by he1 bu re a 1 ed soon be l ere wl et gtafc1ng is i1 order wg J3ut it is abou t Hain th th tt ) on want s ve1 t the hearth a1 d n ov(d Lhe ch urs c iJ pape1 1 y P10f W J J ho nsvu m lo' ers There is poetry in tins idea rcreatout fo1n1er advice that e\e1y f\r to hear and th \t I" ant to tell She 1vent fir~t one " ~y a.i d then it.not} er nid d d PooI Houses I should not havo recog n er should do tl en ow t g1aftn b It IS N o:r~ IrnsrA.NDINO the severe ato11 u As the1 e 1s a gt e,it deal of m1s1 eprnsent,it10n i q:,anlmg the stra ght fi oin the court 10011 to l l<tt cr ~ek a good tnany otl1er Jlecdle~1'1 tl 111gs Nee 1 mze I tl write1 as Shocl<y h ad I 1 ot a. very easy ope1ahon wJ en once und er which I revailed at I ondon on Satuiday leas for a lo ver if Ju be lo, er doed no~ kno\\n iha.t Shocky h:is gn: en ill his spare stood an d tlns s readily done I y seeing me11ts of the d1fte1ent Se\\ mg machrne,; and may peroons climbJng to her cl a.n1ber packo l a.ll her see n10111ng the l Jn1ve1 s1ty huat race took furn1tuic 01 dres~ \1 d the1 she tune to n al 11 g o itc tats feel that God has earthly goods conaistmg clnetl) of a f(n\ place an l tl e 1esult was a v1cto1y fo1 the it lone A sha.1 p pou lu11fc nn l n good h:.n e been rmsled by these untruthful st,itements " e ,,n e be fam ly relws Ill a h a idkorclncf 11 d t ' sit do ~i by the fire nnd h eel t so v rot f igot Foi 11 deed God ne,e1 for C unbudgo crew by n lei gth and ah tlf fine saw arc inchspe1 ~ ~ble Rpl tt ng the elhorUacko11thehouse f~fea sf C\:C1 n.1ltr1elto look l conce:r.iel and tned gets B t omc of those to "hom ho 1 i The 8tr gg-le 'vais a g dl t.nt 01 c f1orn f 1st stalk so that the barkshall 1 ob be bn 1aed low tho names of a few of those who tested tho W,inze1 At t1 0 g 1.Le sl e n: iot tl 0 ol<l vo Lin i.:d 0 to feel 11100 1cen c 1 an 1 tried 1 ot to ex ht s.,.s l 1s ork (lo fo1get to 1 st II c tnue ( f tl tl iuce is 1n d11:1 and sl a1 in~ tl1e RC1 \V e lge fasluon both sh::iok ] Cl 1 st int] o o rl s al d oa\ e pect l.1 yhodJ and tried to n1ake hc1 l e i.rt \V iy I rescrv1ng t1 c bn k unlUJUted and them \Hth us fo1 the Maclnnc and ;d10 alte1wa1ds exchaugocl ( NOLUDBb J pute One report gives it at 211 14s §. Chcstt·1·:f1cld, lun ~ I art ng b01 cchction I the wo1 ls keep 1:1hll And ti ed 11 Y f I a placmg tl e r n of tl e ood of both stock nr d unothc1 nt 211n 53s TTUUrIOl'iEER FOR B01~11'1<1. N Loclmnn Osborn or Raymond -~ome ol them pa)mg us Yo mis tble ong1 ateful c1 itte1 J 0 1 po gentlo ri'.l.p u.t the Uo 1 sent 1 er p lsc l ! ----ai d BCIO!l exactly together SQ ti at the sap \f1 \ ILLl a nd DA gto Itc6 dcncc Q eei fHI l!;l: little boys wc10 cl sput111 0 u:i to long1 I m gl&d to bo shod of you At the t YOJ t~ be ·ts \ i mu to and n n le hoi f oe Mi M-- of Oxfo1 d d ""' t object tQ can uitern1 i g-le -au l tl c1 c ts no danger Sheet 0 l&s 1 unctu tlly attc de 1 o Uhar,o:os ovet :i\20 to exch,rngc ?.-Io le ate 13 h m1 sh e 1net B ud 1nd h e toll h er good bun Aud IIartsook tvas fo1 tho fi rst lu.1.v11g Llure l 1'.! \TI to do t fill da.y s \ ork 'Vhooo f\...,hcr Bald the sho1test grace of failure 1£ properlv na;xed 'Ve 1nake by" tt1t a httlo huskiness ui h 8 voice t1n1e a.b 1.Shccl 1u the I rrn:::ence of H innn,h -at least so w· J dge frou1 the fo llo vu g :F mst Boy- l\fy father says L01d YO a shoulder tQ tl c grnft and thmk 1t add!! '.l'honaas Sfonltouse HON J SIMPSON h ow a ville thank Jo ou for these p1ov1s1o;ns Sccoud ro the certainty of succ.:el:ls houg1 prob 'Jule a tt)ar gl ste od 111 hc1 eye Bud For ti e 01 pre8sed girl h td in t vo weeks story UC110NEER ,\.PPRHSER AND D FISHEP. d W G PERR\: lo Boy A.nd lll ne says Father blc~s tlus abl y it weakons it had be<>n a friend noed ...-l d 8 id 1 blossu i cd out into tJ c fu]l Llown voi 111 A sh rt t c ~Qo t i a.1 vent to J ia 111 "\"\ o i 1efe1 n.lso two Ge oral A_pcnt D rl ugto Ce t c Sales · -ou rttvnttc acl to fHO S JOHN::HON do rlntl Bo, Ah but eyos 01 buds to ~ gt ft an 1 wo ild iathe1 f11eud ie loes1otlmLvo" 1tho1ta pug \1dRa.l1J.J sat dun by tho fh e aicl l\.fi .IVI--sethunplov fool to \lS W E IJLLEY do - -- tall ed of h s sd ool and J 01 sdwol " id mg roun l ' oi Ly aero fiold l.ftoi ho 11 d i 111 e s the uf Lll he 8ho1 ca ]us I I tc h n e only one th 1n 1 ore thn.1 t wo 01 t;t ----~ JOII :t\ 1\-fcOLUNt tl 1t\ he1 uo yo l gou g 1 Can I '" 1 d f ] f 11 do to v n ls 1n1.1Unt i l sys Du,1n ye :::<"o no inl VIlh that sl o J a·tc evc1ytlu ig else but wl at lo 'rn ited to IPo e at y all day 11 til tho sm )C LLB \'IOO l should alw \Y~ le t l wl ei RICH Um SHA\\ Dul gt l llfll LUMJHIS Cai t l gl t talk ubo tt Ai d tl c i thi;!l 0 ,,, Er""'tlu \ lS ab li b h df ru 1 o 1r lngh he expu.)8Sed f1Jl l p it c L l be ob tan ed a. it s noru cc1t t. t 1 J1 d I] at B 1d we ii l ofteito h tc!t "" 0 P11 01 tl at t ms abo it t1 rn to quit dufto l b tck to :Flat C oel m d to tl lus JP LO\l h.lN Cli h 0 It I 1\ ILKINSON Its r o use talk1u about m 1ok1ng take :i.1 <l o :vs n 0 1 e v go1ousl.} au l ti o ti etom colt ind sl o tl d rot rnrt 0 0 1 w ·lk tl I gl tl o l' stt io an l to tho box Ol o iepl cd M1 Af- you can fl ho1teun gone s lLfe sutd Josk ns to l 1a b1 u cl es s1 ot 11 be c lt front beating to t l l to l rn do1 ost c un a1 p n c~s l.) J 1 l BEM \N E do 11ms HILLAM d IUonev to (,end H.ldc1 tree a1 l t the 1 1 ful t 11 1 i tlie P g 1 a.rot six: oi c ght tunes i 010 J 1r.t \v1fc who 1vas t1y1ug to ind cc hua tu gn e bi 1 cl es 'Ve v18h tor nu l t] o&e pie on 11 on isr ig Jun in th it vay ~ ll HE UNDERSIGNED HA\ lN( llEI I WOOD do late A d Ha1 ual be_ge< to be fotgt\ · 11 is we \S uot MR DAm OllJ do u1 the l r1ct ce Ihc1e s my giandfather p u1110 gr 1.ft11 0 w \.X th . i.t t VC h H"O found It w '" dark aud rnnung when she left " ~ bee appo n c l agent or tI e Pi o l e a.IP n ane n t .Buildrng a l S ng B :::lociet) of 'Io o rho ltou s vere long tho ioa. 1 u1d H.1:\.-ll h 1 u gl cd at i lca. that .sho So the h rel u an J lo ghed 'n,1 u 11 I :nx: now he s 1:1mokctl. s nee h e was a. boy 1,.nd four P"'Its of iesu1 one I art f boos, \X 8 101 oly S BORL,\.ND Orou MISS HAMJ3L1 P 1 t Datln gto n tQ hi } opn. ell. to l lo u o Heal E talc And slie or eight tunes thm \\ C nt to the h)use he :s seventy h ve years olcl gecur t) o t o 1 ost fa.\' oura lllc t.e n ~ That n1ay 1ud ne I " t of t 111 · to be th e best iro tt.11 l ~ftui ti o ievo1at101 s of that day it did had do1 e tnyt1111g 1 rong ,\. LOUKHARI Cla1ke C W SJ\U1 H Dail 11gto1 16-19 J II l AlRB ilRN 1n1lked 1u 10 co s be rer h cd l\frs J but he unght have I or t101 s ~Ielt ti 1 together 1 i jJ. sktllot not seen :vholly s ifo ]Jut fr on the 1 10 Pt used l tJ goodness to Sl ocky nn l lie took (.::aJ.e of h !i tea THOMAS lVIcOI UNG Bmr tll \ ilte inent t1 at s1 c fo n1 1 l e1self f1 ee her li e\v her httlo not o it of-- B it J Lgteed ite h B 1:111 pe \l 1 fulu1 l ten o clock i!lt'l.r been 1111 cty if h e hu.dn t nuoktd STEPHE:N CI E l\ffiNCJ D il11gto, (' h1ch is the best) t n. tinci p aud nux R Pcate 'l':ulor I ea1t had been rcadJ to b1 ea.k i.:111L1 u1 l n not to telly o t \her o he kopt it ind then 11 g hnn In tl e face fr orr1 tho old tun 11ece \Vell It shoulll 1e1uau1 in t1 e vessel a1 d M D \\ I LII \.llfS <lo WILLBl\1 CLEMENCE ~ ScoicHtt \N obse1\1ug th\.t the once do ENTfEl\fE:li S AND BOYS Gilt Said tl l 1ro l ll m to Mis M-- p \.facnt hon c sJ.ckncss "\'\ I at tho igh she bl 18hed nm! I e told ho vthe note I acl bo l sed s nee led 1 "onty r thu ty sc1 l.:CEN1Sma1 tl e white linen of ono cf 1 s c 1 ploy e~s h td RR\ I t BOYLE lu J\fAJrHE\'. COT F T\ 1 T 0 k"pt W heie is M M - -l NEWl SI S1 IE the10 nught be 10bb a1 s in tl e "oods? Sl8t·mod hrn1 u I It w I e1 , hite f··,. ~0 01:;c111bei.\txel1nonoh at1 gtl '~hen through Ion 6 Lbsencc ( f soap u1d v \.ter Bo vu l illc I cb UI 18tlS \Vhat thu 1gh the rain v LB 1 her face 1 np ]us co uage l J Ia .fhgl t lo vu t it bed 11 o go d \onian anawcte 1 He 1 M R It LOSCOMUE " r tlo JOHN BUR~ M mv rn l econte a. lazy black lt quu el LS t pro] ide 1nnch graftu g 11:1 to be do1 e ~ little f IQ 'What th 1gh there we1e ten IO 1gh iu1les of Chfty C1 eek And 1 e sn.t a.1 ttle I l:lfl.I er 1 etuetl Do Jo l w10] to sec l1uu? ilTR~ BROCK to a hon1 lJ on cle~nhnesa ho'v often his for hoating the w ix sl t ld be on <lo I ~nd & groat n any o he H \\ · R. Chm1c, to travel 1 What tho '~h sl e ha! not to ohow her the note tl at h e lad cu11od He ro1 led that I e d d And a'ter be the spot bet vecn two biicks or sto nes s] 1rt "\V:\.S "ashed Aboot once a 1nonth ·rssm R OF lVIAltRfAGE LlCEN SI s Intendmg pm chasE is ctn enqun e fa.qte l f JO1 s1ncc the n101n1ng of that ex 111 I is bosom-- I have t Id it A1 d- - rng cond cted to t i e bed ioou1 ] c said .I_ - ll) aut.I onty of H s Excel e v ll o uovcr of ,m) of the abu1 c Why returned the quor1St I reqmre \V e ha~c seen va11 ~ I c1 a t1ons fer re ar Gene al 01Hcc at ti e S t tes t rnillcc c1tn g da.y ~ Flat nreck and bondaga:weie but I nnist nut ptocce l A love scene Mt }'.[~- '" 11 el;e is the n.xe1 two shuts a. week 'Iwa Sarka in u. xn tk111g wax and we Lei c-ve "e ha\o tried gudmg the meuts ofthcse machm co - - - - - ----- - - bel1111d freedom m othm Shocky ancl ever so beautiful 1ll itself Will n ot bear Why said lift M- vhat d, ~ 11 lJ mg week CJaculatod Robbto ye man l be a them ,11 but prefer our o VII Land SnrVC)'ln{,. h ome were befo1c her and hct feet g1e \ telln g And so I !:ii o.H leave a little gn.p you \>taut ~ttl tho axe1 it warn1 or hot does no inJ uy to the graft duty dee' 1 b gh te1 111th the tho igl t Aud if sl 0 l st 1 cro which yo 1 mny Jill np 1S you Well said the hued m ' l I tho ght The object to a.ttun in the I rop ort1on is needed n.ny othc1 Joy 1t, as to kno v tna.t plonsc yon n igltt like 1ne to sr ht wood fa l the TRUTH El'ERL.t\SlI:NG [1 th v.ill uuver that the wax will 1 ot 111 cool drJ l>:own " ~ille Oct bor Mb 1871 t hernn.t.ter'l clenr Aiu he would So1ueho\ tlcync\erknevho\ tley got breakfast rn 1cad:y <he thesta1s v1Ugro,., din: tho i; u will wcl.\tl e1 01 r ln in "nr 1 wea ther If Au! 80 sho tia 0 ,, 0 1 the eaiJ to t lk 1 g >bout the f t c mstead of the - - --~~ -----gro v dun the sun will p 1!0 his glory but ho' ever 11 un t11tt.l <l flere 1t I 1op o1 t1 u:; cm Le I dI.St nee i1l d so she i 1q iued an 1 foun l pn!!t ftcr that a.nd to pl nnrng then two W1 1: s n. l en on i fcn"c l kr, a. ccr t ?trut]1 w· 11 ho foroi.: et yo111 g Jntcgr1ty be iequircitl the fo1 going can be altered the ho se the beaut f l homely ol 1ho1se hve!'J as one l fe \nd Heo.d o I one ai le tn1l on the othct upr:ight11esa honesty Jove good 1ess thel;lo tho 10 h after us1n ~ tl c 1 in SC\ eral w )II .-r~n l -v,heu Mrna Nanci. aie a.ll unpe11shablc No grtne can ever we It L\ c cou o back to tl ese 11 " l ol l -ancy of bennh ful l1omc) Sa I') er , ar d Mis 11 01 " 11 IS NOW 1!IE nnd l<nocked n ld '""' adm tied and fell 1ett med later m the menu g Ralph was A VOD l otel keeper- A man that one entomb tl10so umnortnl I rmc1ples 'll!O) 0 l tho n.rnv tl of tl e tra n front tl o \ est ~ t h b tmRl.1ti.g by t1tt:mrn!"He-i--)l-O ;;i ---h: Sli cki: c J al,vriys J l t np '" th h ~Vo been in pt 1son bnt they h"ve Oet:ll l"'"" - ,,un a wea1y a er Imel , , I EADlNU-:.MaeJUNE at Ha1r1sburg the oth i eve1 ing t vo] 1. hel'l __ __,.-----Dlothe 8 feet an l l atd her tired hcnd 111 noticed that} is cl au ' as closo to Hn.n L ~~d tllo fou.:nn 1 of an freer than before thoso w·lto e1 stepped upon the platforn One of them TN 11IE DOMINION OF O 4.NADA her mothei 8 lap ancl wept an l wept !urn 1 ih · Ancl goo l llhS& :N"' cy Sai yei 1 h rhen dvln?i. 1 d shrmed them m their hearts h avo bm110d with tun step u1 l q u ck mohon stepped looked in II tnn t.h s face a id wn.s h ai 1 y ns Jtny \V e g livintg ]Ir-1 ~ l ei ict, \H3 :t. tho stake but out oE their nshes ther 111 to tho othe1 :tud olenc11 ng bo th hands HIS I ROUD POSiflON IT HAS a cl Id and said 0 mother l nt fruo find ti e 11a1 w " o e t ie horse i attained thro gl la nJ c~ont goo 1 q_uahtlcs I J m free ivlule the mother 8 tei.lors b tp g lty Vi itnesscs lill/ve-a.~1 No Bea can diown into her curls :i.u l l 0 1 1 t entirely de1101 11 Therre qualities H.fij u npllclty d r ~b1 ty cle C"'Al'l]R XXVI't nosto1 n cn.n \~reek 11 t ss-oa.u 1:1 valloi;, ished the w hulu s tpo1st1 1ctu e u d t1 en f("Jl.~e da1~bll Yloolcao.soorernnreofeqinl tscdlerftco a tlthonlotherst1e11ll g .l'l. .. "-, ""1"'1 lnnco For r 11 partlo Jars a J<lroos to tho 1 .. 1 o l t 1 01 t 1ess~s ""'""'"'°,----+--""'~'...te'l~t~ ).fw 1 '1 et ieis n ;::,ers co nuc '\. 1d Ho1v -!-'1-.qJn!lt ur f f ·11 ..,, hu1 I yon 1 ts! ed one up tho ovei !mug tr ith Qf God 1 ;;t\ can ,miked ofl 11 e athckeu p rty Jooku g -~ nn o a110 1d_e:r- who had f1llen f1ou1 not kil goodr ess and trl1tl and 1ntogr ty sh rply"-fi.t-..t or 2etle1,.t 1 g Lt tagonrnt cooly b l I d WILSON BO\\MAN &Co Slocky ·tood y ier on etc I -"l: 'aaieallchil!tcumredigs'o~io" H lt o t l l 11 f ' ' " "tlnee stoiy hnld 1g Not 1 1 the a 1 fuJJjl a id holmess tl e that ,. h irled theso "01 \ ,,_ _} her All ught n "·I' Oll'JtA an o a o knowec; ( 0 v 1 n t o1g~t .)'ff - fa l want mot( than LU else Lo l<uo" Jo" l 1 1 ~ .,.. ":1. 1~ .il ~ .... sbe \01 cy iep u::i I the othet but it cons otent with these "" 1 i.l. way oi, e1 Yo1 i h l l n.1 l w 111 rtj fOi: \be~ bonne .Alf('nfB'9rDuJ~:itt1d\ktoluA nor ttallcu1neo1t ~ t t ht:e1l in] if U.l ~tt1stop11ng oq 1 kt l1at11Ju1 edn1e laiiitug Spt gc" 1871 NEW NJ W NEW NE\\ NEW NE\ ==~~~==~=-~,-~~ - ==-=-~== ~=======--~========~=-~==-=-=-,,,_~..,......--===~~=""============~~ ~~~=-=-~~=-~==~=~~~ =-~~~~==~~~ --- N0.36. FALL! 1871 DRES::; GOODS CLOTHS PRINTS COTTONS FI,ANNELS KN I 'J: 'IF D GOODS it BATIINGS NO ABATEMENTI THAT ARE FACTS .r n II u nah ' as ready no \ to Uo n.nyth ng bJ ,., h1ch she could st pport her inothe1 tnc.1 Sliocky Sl e iUi 1:1t101 g: ud inured to toil SJ c \vn.s \va.1hng and c] ec1ful and sl e u o lid gla.dlJ h "' e 0 01 o t se1 1ce if l J tho 1 ca s al o co ld I "c s 11 por led tl e farn ly A,n l for tl ot 1 otte 1101 nothct' a.r:s alt1:1aly 1 early 1blc to SlJport B 1\ lfam ah I ad lwrself by l m kt 1tti g bee1 ca.ref 1 y c 1 tc itcd ' I m yo u g and at th 1,t 1no neut the old l 1bhc schools wc1e bung 01ga. u ed 1 to ~ g.L:a.< school and tho good iu1n1stei who shall be n 1.tncless bee ntsc he 1s perhaps still h" 1ng 111 Ind1 u1a tnd \li ho 1 l l\'Ir:tl od st pa lance Wa8 c tllccl tl e pre ·cher n cl nge of L lS lnu g Stat101 tlu~ good 1 l lSto1 u l 7'1 ss N 1 ic~ S 1\1 JC! g t H 11m w a phcc s tc ,1.c] ct f a. p11 rtl J <le] :u t1nent :\nd U c1 little l OL o ' th fu taste is not pervei tcd we hkc it to come out well For y part ever s1nc0 I ba g~ l to \\rite tl 1s sto1y I h ~v e been n1x1 ous to I now ho v 1 ow it \Vas going to co1uo out v\ ell ti ero "ere very few un 1ted H to l 1 l co at t~ 1 ID tha n orn ng The ircache1 l1 charge c11 c of ooutso M!Ss Nancy Snycr \las there B 1t Ralph s n cle 'i t.S Rj an :l :\..unt l\il it l l i. had a 'lore tl toat and couldn t come Peil aps the n1en oiy of tho fact that lihe l td iefo.stid l.'I -s lho1upson the pauper 'lo bed for t vo n ghts affected hc1 throat But ~i1ss N ancJ and hor s1stc1 were t11ere an I ti o l e >chet And ti 1t was ti! be $1 lo the f :1. ily a l B ld a1 d M ntha Of co rse .l:l 1d and M11 tha came And d1.L \ 11 1\-1 rthn. to ~ u edd t " in a Ju 111 et """ t1 o o " oppoi h nt, that B1 d ice le 1 H Jon ls vo1e b my Ins b g One Hundred Years Ago L" l cE th;fact that (: thau wate1 theie is motl e1 curLo is thi'dg tt it wluch pe1haps so1 1c pcxsous d"-- - - - - not kno" i a.1ne]y its p 1rity A ]u1 p of ice n1eltcd ' 111 always bccor 1e p uely dis t Hed wu.te1 \Vhen early I tv1g tf:..iJtS of the Arl:tic seas got o tt of w i.tor they iuelt ed fxag ncni.s of tl ose ' lst n1ounta1ns f ice called ceberg:::; aIJd were astonu~:he<l that thoy J ieldcd 01 ly fresh water They tl ght t] e ice ~s frozcu aalt \ atcr n t knowing that tl icebergs wexe forn cd on land and 111 son1 ~ way laui c}wd Into the son The fi.ot is the freezmg t urns out of it all that is not \vate1 such. as salt air coloring 1na.tter and all other 11npur1tios Frozen set " itcr 11 akcs frosh ice If yu 1 freeze n. basu of 111 l go wate1 1t vnll 1nako Ice 1 ure as that 1n 1dc fro1 hst1lled \Yate1 "hen tho ce;ld lfi 'ery sudden t hose foreign 1111ttc1 IS ha v c I o tune to csc i1 e either by 11su10 o s nku g 1n 1 n.r.e thus ent \ngled wit} tl o lC" but lon t for1n any lat t of 1t ~Besides Xow ; icc~ter ~ A lot of Last Season's Tweeds , at 20 per cent less than cost S F. HILL. MAYER Hats, Caps, Furs, Buffalo Robes, n M I' a.· or FRESH B GLASGOVV HOUSE I ri:nrn aa R F' 11 Assortment of Goods, l -- STUBBORN FACTS I A T G I '" R. & H O'HARA l NG MAC HINE T r ~i"e I '"Y I than - ~ ..... _... ~---- - -

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