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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1872, p. 3

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---~.~~r·---~~!~~~~~· ~ Zlli2±W _for ~an1toba jD01E~~~D9NS) Dw·AR.tta , ' )~-i · ._ ~ __,,.- ,..__ -~~ ~ F · Y . C O\V L E, Union Board ,o f P ublic and High School T r11Bteesi hoio~~a1Ivitle, FOR THE Yi~Ait 1871. ~========================="'·"'·= ..= ·=·'"·=·= -=· . IN \Vll'H T lIE , : .&;L. .<ccoo.,~ _Seoret a;ty--Ti'eastii"e r .I -· ------:-- 1 ' -- .....__ - - - ' - - ·-- - - - - - -- ~ DR. - -.:7 s T --; _ a: CT -~ ·~? 922 · 00 TA. 'r; ~-~NT:-----~·.,-··-C R. ·'_ { . ~ ., ~ · · · .. ~ ~ , ' ~ , , - -- 1..1~R l"I . , 1 I ; . ';1,., ~ - " -....____ - -r . ' Al 11.i ~- , <'""' ,:Ho. .· / T HE SERVICES OF A NUiifBER .OF' . * '/)~ - or- " _ ~a~u.dia~ the workGovernn1e or ~urveying, undei- d irection of t hC nt.. S ui table pcrson 9 cnn "'- ~un e t h eir Pll.E:lliage m oney advanced on nccount viac."~~·ir~i~\t.:'~ft.~i);~ ~h~·~~;~i~l".~!:~~; At the DEA VJ£R BLOCK. - · i if' 333 02 Mr. Macintyre . .. ' . " : .. . ...... 3 900.00 " Ti 'lley . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . 560.00 'P~bli~ll$~ho~I.. ....... : : :: : : :: ::·:: 276:00 " Helson .... ,, ...... ...... . · ~g·~ Aosessment .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . ... 3000.00 ~'. Ifiiih ....... ... .. .... .. . . 400·00 . , :Fces for the yenr .. .. ... .. . ... 479.75 .Y·.. .. . ..... . .. .. ..... . . soo· Ot her Sources............. .. .. 48.50 " Millard ... ...... ... .. ··.. .00 Ga m B lance last Ve · r "" · · ' S ·iiool · ' ' ' ·· · · · · · l·· I ·; " Pollock . .. .. ..... . ; . . : , . . 270.00 " Galbraith . .... . .. . · · · · · · · 79.39 " ' Fai·weather -. ,., ...... . .. . :14-0.oo " Moorcraft ........ ... .. · ... :14-0.00 M rs. R ickard. . . . . ... . .. .. ... .. 240.00 Pupil Teachers ·· , .. . .. .. . · · · · .. ~4.00 26·25 Ins uran ce · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ; · · · · · ... Interest ... , . . , , ..... ...... . · · · 75.05 W ' School .. ., .. "· · · · ·00 d U mon 94: ' 84: I " · South W&rd . .... ... . . .... 24.00 +. , ~ ;. ,, A ,. .' ('! ' , 4 ~ .·<· ~ . ~ . ,,, ~ .I ' ,. ! '· ~ · ·, ng t o locute Jn Mnnitoba · ns a summer'{! , .,..ork a t good once · to 1Va.gos, 1viJl be' s!nn.rantccil _ ._ ' A,,_ppl r y a' B J . r,ESTOOK REID I; L s 0 f~o~PJ>~f;o~~1~ft~el~ ~~;~1£"J!~~~ntsi~erl!~~s ~fs~~= wnrn.nville, March 27th, 1872. · .; 1 :, ' " ' ' 35i:.2{n PIONEER , , ..., .,.. Bdc;t &· s · hoe · IQ> ~tore. , ' . . , ·i ::\., . , ES . ABLisiiE_ D __ 1888, CERTAIN PARTIES H AYING I N. ' J (_ f II· ' · · ~~ ilfll ~ VI 'I 'l ·,' ) . cl CJ Balan ccon ·hand . ..... . . . . . . . . .__ 51.7.75 - -- - 8chool.., ' .' . ' . ... , , ... . 74.95 Other expensee , . . . . . · . .. · .. .. · 39 ..50 Janitor ... . . . .. . · · . .. · · · · · · · · · 120.00 · Secretary ..· . ...·... . . . .. . ·. . . . f0.00 d 63·00 R ewa r B · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Union School rep&irs. .. . . . . .... 208.M __ '5009 '1T . · R~lief R ilfll . . . ~ ··· o !Al " t./ . ,. to L r; · ·. ·u. W.«J . t·. . Pr 'e I n · .i i 8:~ · ( t 'l:E H ESTEDlhem selvcs ;nrcportin gthxough·I I 01( t h of'-ouutythnt I WUB a bout g iving up my { l,'\rge a n d incNasin g bu siness, I tako this ineth od Ollf of int'orn1i!1g my numerous friends andj cuaton1 . , 1 , I e»s in l)a.r1h1gtoJ1, Clarke, Cn.rtivrigh t 1L1ld Manv~i~. t hat AllCh is not tl\o c... o. T-0 be fully con YJnce<Jl call a nd See the large t C enueat 1\n'c.t Grand Duke and Chicago Hats- the very l a test ~ tylcs At t ho BEA VER ·DLOOK. · 1' · · bes t 'coc!cd·8'ock of · ' · · ' 1 s ' . . , · · - ' · ( etlll con~ue to nuLnufaeturo trom I & U:t prepa:red to offer extra. inducemont tJu~ · ~ . ever otra-cd fo_ r sale la. th!~ Pltt.ef.'. lfaving pur. ollaacd U\Y s pn ng stock previous to the adv&nue BOOTS, SHOES, & TRUNKS, OF i l ( ,_ ~ 1 i i BES'l' l\1A'1' ERIAL, $5059.27 , ·-,Vel1~Ye, as Auditor· for th-;;-·Corporl\t(;1;-;;£the To,;;.-~f Bowmanvillo; ......J.he Scliool Accounts foi; the year 1871, :mu found the t o ba correct. ,> ~iawiued T :S: O ·JY.t: .AS M d n o. l_l e p ut th!) best ~v~rkJ?:ien e~plO;roo : J nut dote~n,.dl*o J,Pve satisfaction a s 1n tttucs past. a~d w ill 'llot ~ unde rsold liy atty 1unu ~n t h ts trad,e. · T!l:E H!GHEST Pltl CE I ::f CASI! FOR HIDES . Bowruauvillc. ~{Rl'Ch ~h. 1872. f CHARLES ROBERT LOSOOMBE. THOMAS CHRISTIE. ' " BASSETT m cHAirn nm;o, :U·:iin . Insolvent &ct oC IS69, AND A111El\'DMENTS TIIEH ETO, Has Rem·o ved ·his' Stock of Shelf and H·eavy Hardware to the large and commodious premises recently occupied by Messrs. Mcclung Bro's as a Grocery Store, opposite the Ontario Bank.' O I1i Proviuce_ otOntarlo, l U nited Coun ties ofJ North'd & Durhan1. 1 CANAD A: , 1ln the Couoty Court of f the United.Counties of N orthum ber land and D w·,aam. . Spring Dress Ooods, Prints, and Kid Gl oves, just ar-rived At the DRAY ER BL OCK. the r11atter o( HENRY ltf'OSES, «n JlJ.S<>lvent . . ! --· . ! · · ; .. · DAY of AP R IL next, tho undersi~ed will apply to th e Judge of the sni d Court for a d is. cha rge under the snicl Act. J)a.t ed u.t Bo·wtnqnvlllc, in t h o Coun ty or Durham , thl~ 12th day of Mo.z:c ii,, ..,._, D . 1872. H ENRY MOSES, by S·1·. J . lI. H tr'l'CkEBON, 33-4.iu. h is attorney a d l'ite:m · N 1'UESDAY, T 1HE SIXTEEN1'H I Insolvent A.ct . o.t· 1869,, AN D AMENDMENTS THERETO. ' I . /, I · 1 .FlllST OF ·TIIE SEASON! A FULL ASSORTMEN_ T ,. . C.A.R.D C>F - - Prov ince ot' Ontario, Uni ted Counties of North'd & Dul'luun. CA ~ADA..: }In the County Court of 1h e Unite d Coa11U1;111 u( Northllmborlan d And Durha1n. r J,. th< matt~'r of T:S:A.N~B. - WIL LIAM H. BASSET'l', a.n In.3olvtnt. THIRD day of APRIL n ext, the: undo~ign· ed will apply tQ the Ju4gc of the 1:1 aid Cow:t for.a dl:sehnrgo under t h e N&ld .Act. · Dated B-t JlowrnauvUle, in the County or Dur· ham, t hl11 l2't·h da,t of March , A . D. 1s1; >VILLI A.M H . HASS.,T'r, . by ST. J. H . HuTOn EBON, 33-iin . Ji is attorney ad litt,m. -----~----~-----~- The latest styles and the cheapest Tweeds and Cloths, just arri.ved At the BEA VER DLOCK, - - ;o ; -- O N T UESDAY, THE TWENTY. ·' SPRING GOODS .. ,. HA VE AlrnIVED A'.l ' 'l'HJ<l Golden Lion. J. at W. J. McMURTRY 8i CO. Full Particulars Next Week. For the very liberal patronage extended to me during the period of my connection with the Hard-. ware Trade, I beg to return rriy sincere thanks to the public. My endeavor has been to serve the public faithfully a nd fully; and the measure of increased support with which 'I have been favored is evidence that business has been conducted upon correct principles. Increase of business r1ecessitating increased a c commodation, tpat want has been fully met. I hope to meet with all old frien'ds, and ~any new ones, in my new premises. ,. ·J · " Sit 11a1i o1i " mrun'tcd~ L I .' :3l'.J.TNS M"Al'\ Offi ce. A S HOUSEKEEP ER, BY A PERSON of consi de1·a ble cxperienc.;e. .A pply n t the . Harmoni111u tor Sale. Alexandre, of Paris; l i R i:;. 'Apply a~ once to Churchwarden St. Goorgo'11 Ch urch, 1'~wcaaUe; W ill ,be !!Old fot-. h a lf o.! origln11.l OOi!l. -------------· - --·-~ Now's the tirne to order your $12.00 suits (all wool,) the best or 'thE: mon ey in Canada, at A SUPERIOlt INS'l'RUMENT BY Seed Potntoe!il, . 11.~o. 4 or King of the .l!larlios , N o. 2 or Pro· litto, :t{o. 6 or Peerlees for tittle lu 1ote to suit pnrcha15er t1 ,n.t lnwc stmari~ ot prioee:. Those arc t he bori:t g rown, and tny e&ntplee not surP&SBCd. A.11ply earl y tuJ the e:upply is Jimi h1rl. lJ. JJ.tlAPlGH.. Bow1nnnvHlo, 28, 1872, 26-tf. 1'.F. MeAR'l'HU'R 'S CA!illl 8T0 11E. G .UiNET CH IU , EARLY ROSE, Bea. ve1· UJock, Klng et. , JJ01·r n1an \"illc. !it · if . ·-·~-·---------------- . . 1-'irst P1·izc 4J111tivato1·s. t wo-hor!'l e Iron d ultiv;e.tora ruan ufact-Ured by h im, . Rl\d w h.i<?h l,1&Ye for au: :Yea.tB. o btain,ed ptlzea at Pl'ov111c1a l a.nd I.ocal F a irs. 'fhey are un ~ d oubtcdlf the best implemen t of the klnd in u sc1 and '\\oill in a v ery shott ttmc n101"0 t h a n reJlal. th eir cost, 1n the efficiency and cx:cellehCO of theil.I work. I ns pec tion Jh vit.:::d. A s upplv bt CultlVa· tors l\ OW UU hand for the t. pring wor k , Ud ,y,ll} bo sold nt lowest rates. - ·-- - - - - ..- -· -- H E SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT T the n.ttontion of farrner.e t o the 0110..h orso and I m o· N .HAHROWS . ot n superio r .kin cl, ~l~o oh hP.hJ, BUGGIES AN D W AGONS '"No. ~1;" "No. 2," and "···No 3," o r this brand,· arc uns urpa!lse<l for body and brilliancy ot 1;1bwle . Packages contain fu ll nett wP.ight. The pu blic '\Yarned t hat c er t a in ot.her brands a re l! lbs. short. in cvory ::io-c nllcd 25 pound pn.ok· W HITE . LEADS, " GENUINE .," constantly on hand 1b1· aafo. zar All ki ntls of Hl11ckemith work <lone on tho sJ1ortcst notice. A call solicited. . I , W ESTCOT'i', BowmanvWe 15-31U. ---- -·--- ·- - -- -be lng the South 00 Acr ee and 10 on th e N orth-enMt CIJrncr or to t 9, in r.h o db. con. D,arlington, 2lnulos f rom the Town at Bowman\. · v 1llo. 70 acrelj clcn.rcll, an d 30 in \\'oods , Com· !ortable Dwellini:r House, g ood Bar n, Stable, and S hetl ~ some F l"'mt T rees on the prom illcs a good ' "ell, 1Llso a 11treo.m o! Sprf ng '-"" a.tcJ·. Fo~ furth er · pn.rtlcnlur tt n.pply to the pro11rtctor, T ) IOMAS \ VEJX>ON, 'fcn1po P . 0., or t o JA~iES \V.1£U' f?ON, LC?t No, 13, h1 t he :itll con. of t he nbo\'o 'IownsJu p. 1 7~33 ·3ln, ·~~o.mlno the bt~u d n.nd do not be put off with infer ior paints. Ths b est fiJ a.lwa.YH ch ciipeat. Sold h1 llomuan vllle by .Tohn '.H igginbothn.m , by respcotable tlenlers i n P aints t hroughout On·, and ~o d e-alcr& onl y by E LUO'.l'&CO., 3S-6m. T oront o. loo FARM for SA:L E· AORE S OF GOOD LAND; o r lmiolveut Act oC 1864, STOCK TAKING! C:B:EAP assorted Stock of SHELF AND · HEAVY HARDWARE, I have .purchased the Bankrupt Stock of Edwin. Horsey; at · a price that ena. b les me to offer my customers In addition to my previous .·L arge an·d well- A ND A 1\l l!:NDME'NTB THER E TO. CANADA : }In t h e CountyCourtot the Pro vin ce of Ontario, u n itcd Com ilic· of Un ited Coun ties ot Nor thumberla nd a.nd Nortli'd & Dm·hnm. Du rham. . · Spr1' ng Fash I.0 n s . T HE SUBSCRIBEH IL-1.S NOW TH E }~nshi ons fort.his spring, 1871, n.ndia preparo{l o mn.kaLadlcs,D:·j:JJ ·.! >a. ;1.l · ·· 0..1 I" i··lte· , ..,.. :J DE N NIS SUT'l'ON, CASE: SALE for 20 days. G · R E A T R G A I N 8 ' · ~ lt"Ir P<.1.:r ticUln.r nttc n tion paid t o c~ut tiu g_n. nd , day of .April next, t he n nclers igned will RP· fitting. ply to the Judg e of the etiid Court for a d ischarge MR S. Af,EX. F J,!!; TCUER. under tl1e sa id Act. .April 1e, 1811. 3M r. Dated at Dowmttnville. in th e Coun ty of Durhn.m, t hie :ITth day of l\fa.rclt 1872. -- -·------------- ---~-·-- _ DENNIS S UTTON, O ctn, I nsolt,em t. N TUESDAY, 'l 'HE 'l'RIR'l.'IETH 'AS USUAL lN LATE S'f STYLES.' by ST. J. H , ll UTCH.KSOI\" . his Attorney ad l·ite·m , HALLO! THE .Rl-J:; ! 1 l~ol' Sale . ON LIBERTY como along and get Eatt{n.inl!I, for U i5 a.c· lmowl edi:Nd by those of e :i.:p!-!nence that A LL YOU WH O NEE; D SHOEING, I ' I Persons about to build will find it their advantage to give me a call. . [7" M'CL UNG BRO'S Cheap Cash Sale is still going on, and will be eontinued for 30 days longer. ~GREATER .BARGAINS THAN EVER WILI, BE GIVEN. ___ _. ..______ To parties commencing Housekeeping I can offer Special I n d ucemen t s _____ _____ D AILY LI NE in Stoves, House-Furnishing Goods, etc. · . j ·-1'0R 0 0 IIE S TER. S U:ttiou .n.g-4'-nt . For partionla.TiS enquire or \Ve a ro n o' v ma.nD.Cac turing, f rou1 th e b~~t Dl Q.terial, Doot11 of a ny d c!1l rod p a ttern, WJO ,., i r· '\Vin. Tll0:\1PSON 1 ranted to 1lt or n o fiale. King l:'.lt, Tile au bflcribct· fetil s gra teful for t h 6 very libor· !iO,YD' '\UVhJ )ill.)' 20, 1871. 2°.i"l·tf al pat.r·tt.nge h 6 h a s had for the Ja:;t t1fteon ycnrl!!, au c1 " 'Oll)d solicit a con tin ua-nee o! p ublic p atron. aryi:.Vould beg t o sa.y to n il who indeb ted to me , eith er by note or book account., t h ey tnusl STC"IE ~·ttee l CG'1'T.AllE ,ti.t p;e:i,Pnt oc .1upi cd by J . Christle , Es<1. Thia Is the Place to Buy Boots and Sho~s--None Bet t ,e1·. ST 0 0 X: . At present embraces EVERY ART ICLE s N 0 RS EM AN' PATENT SHEEP MARKS. ~rm;: NEw LAKE s ·rEAMER ~-.. iii&a¥ when yo un$'- if o.Uowcd to r un until foul' or fl ,.e years ohl it is eonslclcrc<l a \~k age. Now u.ll t h. a t nre in nrrCil.l'S, a nd a ll a cCOW\tfJ due thia fa ll Wil el.'.peOted to })a)' up . Bown rnnvillc, Oc t. 1371. wrnt to th.e scratch t /li$faU. P ast e.xperit:ince lul.g taught me that steer s are n 1nch easier bro ken in t ----·- --- --·--:------ . - S. H. BR.ADSIIA W . 12-ly. D A N . A' Crockery, China, Furs, Bonnets, Hats, Dress Goods, Clothing, and Buffalo Robes, will be sold at a great sac rifice. DON'T FAIL TO CALL. usually kept in the Hardware TraQ.e. McCLUNG BROS. Sign of the Golden Sheep;: My stock of Paints includes all the Best Brands in the market, namely: JADJ"Ml!i·&,. BR..A.l.'\TDR.AJB·s,. and the celebrared ELEPHANT White Lead, direct from Alexander Ferguson's Paint w_· orks, Glasgow; acknowledged by all Painters who have used it to be the BEST Lead in the market. · J.M. Bl'imac.ombc, L. D. s., l;>.r RE '1' URNING, Leaves Charlott.-0, Port of Roohester ,ev ery even· log at 9 o'clock.. (excopt Saturdays, \Yhcn sh e leaves at~ o'clocK P. 1\1., ·for Dright ojl!). T he S tea.mer caile nt Brigh ton , Mondays nn<l Thu rsdays; .11.t.Colborne, every Uuy ex:cept. \Yetl· ne&iay; n.t \Vl1itby, OsbAwa., Darlington and N e wcai:;tl t!1 on \ Vcdncsday , should freight oft'er. Dea.lers in stock w ill ftn d thhJ tho cheapost &nd q uicke!lt rout e to .Albany, Hoston, Ne w Y ork, &c~· · , ARC ll fUA.Lll YOU.NG, Jn., ~ A ddrcSs; 1R . C. C.A.R'fEit, Sarnia , Out iHt P ort Ilope, Ont Ordet'ff t\dd.ro11se<l to t h e ;CA:NADIA N STA TES ~.u·; · - - - - - - - - -- -Oflice tor 1~n y qu uutity '\\' ill be tlllod nt. t he nbov&men tloncd price, awq uickly <1-8 the Mnrks cn.n be and sent, W, R. CLI MI E . Will, on or a bou t ll:lt Aodl n1~xt, comm 3nce regulo.r daily t ri ps, (Ice pern1itting, ) h er Leavi ng Cobourg every inor ning a t 7.:W, Port n ope a.t 9 o'clock1 _ C or Rochcstet', oon necting there w ith Ne'Y York Cen tral, Northern, a nd Erie R ailway. / 01.· a1L points Ea.~t, Sout h un d South \ Ves t. · T HESE ;.u u .A"KS A-:-_RE · r H·E " ES'l' ,'tbe n1ost 11 tsting , t.hc h·onbl caoul(:l, and 1nos t complete ever inven t1~d . 'fh ey a re uood and reccomrnendcd b y many of the beat Breeder s in tbc U1 1it.e1l S tates and Ca nad a , such as G. ·B . Loring, Snlcn1, M a ss., P res ident N e w Englan d \Yool Growers' Socie ty; John S. Hoss, H enne pin, I ll,· Professor M . Miles; ot thfl Stnte .Agrioultur a l ~oll ege, J..aru;ing, ~lich : Hon. Geo. Brow n Toron to, Ont.; J ohn Sn ell, Edmonton. Ont. On ca.chMark is statnped the owner's a n d th e sheep's n umber. '£h er will be t:ten t/ree by n 1ail or express, for onl-11 f ()ur cents each , a nd will for T WENTY Y E .A.HS. m. n1u st n.cco1npany · ~Lll orders. ~ N .B.-All accounts must be paid at OIJ.c_ e, -~---~B;;~~~~ M ~ c~ C~ . ~~ Bow:u-A.:."'"\.'ILLE, Jau. 6th, 1572, ~ ~~~- Gold Fillings inserted. Teeth ertra.cted ~ cen ts An excellent Tooth P owder. fdt s&lc. O.filc1i jn ?t-I cClung's block. SURGEON DENTIST. · SUP ERIOR '.l'o Rent. ,. ·-- - - - - - · - - -- A __ BOUT 50 ACRES OF LO'l' No. 14, ~---+---~~.,....._,__ - A few Fairbanks' Platform Scales, to be offered at a -......._. -:-- Bargain ~ TO LET. C011. 5, C&rt""'Tigh t. T he DlOBt or the land has been in pa st u re a.ncl m co.dow tor 10 yearR , A qu antity or fallen cedar o! oxcellen t quality . for Hale, Apply t.o .' , ~ The ¥ump Shop ' · R ov. W. LOG.AN, ee.riwlliJP1t.. 8·pt. O.t.. 4th, 1811, ll'-lt. Remember tlle-Stand-immediately opposite OntariQ_Bank, { Sign of the G c lden Anvil. 5 T. BASSETT·. ·· \"V l'l'H ll OHS.ffi-PO,Vl~H &. L.\.'l' HJ!~; At present worked by t h e subr·cri ber. Pm; ~e:::Hio n given hu m ediat,('.]y, fl(if On ly buairi<:sH of t he l{tnd i n town-plenty of cu>1t.Om-- r are chan co tor a Jluod Pumpra11 ker. K 8 IT.VF:ll. Dowmti.11rilttt.1if riy 2.'i 1871· I .' ~-----· ··;:;.· ...

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