----- --- ---£ _ _ _2§ --_·' ci1NAbliN~',~ ·T A±E~M~~' BOir~ANV!L~HURSDAY; AFRIL 4, --±Sf READ? £££!SSE±--- " 187'2. ,J Veloc1pedes! .J ,..,~,() O} ---~& ARE YOU A .FREEMASON 11 c lte-,,;d Mr 1\fni;; lll Rector of St Paul a thurcb Pt ru Ulino s 1 c1 lg u~kcd the abo' e q iestlon by a lady res1 ondc l ns follow I nm one of t1 c bo.nd \\ho will faiU I lh stand In tbc bonds of !Feet on und love I bave k1 ockc I at the 1001 Once Vi retclied and 'J)OOl 1 And there for at n1ss10n I stroYe tho bell oCu. f 1e l I \¥ho n.sslstance. did lend I fl 1ccceded 111 e ha ce to gah \.\ as rec en: cd ill the ffTest By c(nnmt 1 d fr 11 tl e East llut not >'iitl o t feel g s01ne la n B~ BARGAINS. IN"" S , RE 0 A R -R _.. l ~...c~ -~ G E S I M B B R 1 I 1 1~t !James Morris, ClaBr READ R ,, T ! ' I 'I J E -k ~u ~)~r~ Corner PUBLIC I N T A A N Stores T ..L in ~ood running 01 01 ca1 be p l o.sed chel\P, for; q wh ~or pivrticulars apply at 1h of rtcc to \ " u RoBlN s oN Bowmni>tlle Nov- 29 lSI 'TN RJilj3PECTFULLY RETURNING J _ _ __ _ .I. tha.nka to the public for p i'l.St llberal patronage I would annont t U at J tr-is v-; prepared to :fill Dool... D1ndin~. all orders in lus Jn c 1ll a. mannc :.econ 1 to no cs ~HGA talihf:!I 1ne1 tin iho c nntie ] :>ERSONSHA.vINGBOOKS ZINES P.am1 hlcts or anytrung il} tl e Oook line i\.V!1 ot;ll. they \\1sh to ha' e bound c a-)) 1 ave heu Ol'iJc-s fill 1 ll e el;l..AR L 11 o~ 1 rable "'le cm l on the sh ortest notice b) lcarn\0 C l1e at th ST"-TEfi:\1'AN o fl 1.;e B i;: Ll· 1 g you1 b1ncl \~AGGONS --- I IBE ABOVE Mol.OHiN'1S, p I , N E "\v , ~~ I IC) T 0 G- R G " L L n"' u ~ ,... -1.li '· i pH ----- t c 11e1npenncesncctc o e of tle Bt co ileto 1 ~ !$ech n of the Pio 1 l toK L l f a ll<! 8 n J 1ct is n o.., 1 t~1 a.red to t nke THE st Bscmm t~ n ~' ING F n p ntlcbnck blo('k('Olllcr of l{ng 111J. OB Lll~ENESSES <\.LL KI~DS ST Vl. LE OF THE ART, EN'IH.AN( E L~TECT in t l c AND :\-! OST I:HPHOVED t- ,...PI0TURES 'JAKEN IN Ul f1'ERS SLEIGHS M\NtF\C'.fORl OJN \N\ SlYTEDESlf!.J:1;D AND ON THE SIIORTES:r NOrIC ~ · !!i_l.1'_ g "J '"' _&. - - ~- -- \.ca1l 1nd 1nspcch no!speo1mens1 rcquesl 1 Oppo 1te Tow1 II11ll et trnnc~ Oct l 01' For Sale! - SE\'1 lhL Durhan1 d · OPINION Cc::11 Cl A No. 1 Style :\.1 FLEI CH ER S 0 ] or pn.rt1c11lurs uppl) to t J N RUTLEDGE Ma.r.;h i 1:..12 O 01 o GOOD .F ~RMS IN·WESI · Jt b: 1871 L ·~ ,1x1oi" Ca i-1\ oJ· '.fl1ati8<11.S ' ~--- ------ R...PE.A.TE I \ TT OR 'lhus far I ha"e stated A 1!; 1 13ARGAINS lt.ns fully ( nu fioJ t~ n11g1nal id~ L t.hat it t he 8t H ) ( u cnn et 1ly1ola l P1cture Gallery, SIGN 01· 'IIIE UED FLAr. KING S1ItEl I l AS1 I c ~ tJ\ d IR I I Pig Lost. 1 ' ' hn.t happened 'ivhcn I was rua le free Il1tl-,,;e pa~sed Bncctlcn \.nd '"as rai~c l u1 ai:;ra n 'lo a s iblin1c und ancient degree :B""' I I I r I 'I~1,...r~D· W B WI~ BL S l':I [ 'l' ED 'fhcn on \ard In a.rchedl That I nught be Arel }. 1 SA 1 rnF AC101 ILY DONn \I _ __ 1 I.DA llS 17 tf If 1 find out those trcai:iurcl!l long lotit ' I " he1 behol 1 I n bright fhunc Erom th en idst ofy,:h1ch ~ti w \..., 01ce wluch n"'i t)~:rs dirt. tu~o!'lt fhro igh the va ls 1 then 'vent \.nd ~ tcceedccl at le gth 11 c ~,u otuni 8nnctoru1n to .find Dv the S 71 el I ga ucd A l q l ckly t htainod I mplo" n ent "\Vl ch s ted n1y nt l 1 DRY GO 0 DS AND D. STOTT, CI--:IEMIS TOll'l\ ITA J /, Bt 1.Ll>INGS, BO ll 'f 13 I lLf GOOD lN A 8 L }'.K ill OR V1\l '\'A.Ht MANN EU d 6 18 t .,.i.___ __ o ~ND \\1:-l[Jf.JtllAS COHJC CHEA.PJ SI FOR LADIES r. T ~n:ytJnng lll the 1~4 .. l~t-- P(l!'liO 11011~ 11.l.R'tlO~ll M ~NO 1HE 1H1'.:0l-n: f t J.U;SlC fONGKIENINGS \.RE lll'IU< 'l:-il NO\V IS THll: 'I'll\. P!WSI 1mu y ABOUN1J8 £()8UJ3f:llllllH lOR x J 0 0 1 l i.1 RT tl C Wl gl I And most carefully sought Fo1 trcnsurcs so lQng hulde:o there "' .And b) la'brn nnd toil .... 1 Id scovercd nch :.'J?Oil \' h1 l nre:kcptQY. H eC1 ft'v t:h el l ccare I · l DI> ~LE!l IN Rural New Yorker ""-T:HE G \ :\J "1 \ l 0~ \.L ~ ~ MOO H 'S I MILLINERY, , 1 q~fEMIC ALS, of evei) Uosc 1pt w 1 of ti o lul.eHt s t} les tuul at ~~Ucs'\~l~ t C\<'r bod.;" Just iecc ed fot tl ls Ila\ca.lsoa u;is:ipe1lo1aa::101tu1e1tot ADIES' l XDEROLOTIUNG ~ 'i" VORTTE Ila\ 11 g tl us fnr ltl'I vc 1 I further contrived \mong' nhnnt l{r t.gl Ui to ap\ en \nd b.a Pilgr1n1 and l"-nlgbt I stood rend~ to ffgbt NutStt. we !ue l llftjtt Ii or the '~ ido v d1stresaccl Thmes Lc01din111y broasL ...... aid l'RmlSED lLLt 'T \TED \, S llpR P111nhi: &C\ , &c an<l BHMDlm SUIT~ for CHILDREN Fo:r the helpless and orphan I feel ind 1ny 1:1w0Hl I coulll drttw lo ma ntn1n the new Jav,: \VI id the duty ofJ\.laso1 sre,eal TJ us 1:D.\eI1C'1;caled ~Yet "\\'JSClY 1 GROCERIES .A.ND ORDERS BURDF ~&.\VF. RH. Y- DcwIDo.n\'ille I ob '>8th 187° WI o '\ill fa1thf illy stand A..8 a Brothc1 \Yhe1 e> i:r I go St Johns Du.y- A I 866 \\11;1..tll e f e L 1 .1.:ce1lel I nin one of the Bcttul COi cealcd) dlk ow ;Ja!/"" R J. n m :J t 1d 1 hvsicia dlele emd of the best 11 ality i j\_C+EN<'Y Ul 1fi.ii,; - -- -- - --·-------- CROCKERY.-·.-. A L.<CR< ssE Indian ),eggar boy appeal· to tho symp ithie· of the chart! tblc r eople of tlte city by prcscnhug for thtiu cou s1dor-ation I\ paper "\\h1ch ce1tifie:s that the Qea.rcr l:i tho rnother. () fc tu clnl d1en At the Ironmongery I S0}1EFHING O~G IN BOW.l>BNVILLE BO\\ l\i o\.N VILLE FUI~NI £, URE ' SS REED 11 M \NCE '\.VlUHlNh t 0 IVohcc. 'II~>INGSOLDOl:Tl\iYINTEltEST WANTED BY FvERYBODY, OR- Murdocb Bro's l ' 1ElEll1' 01\'I<~ lllS OR HER O\V N P \INTER' appointed retail age lt by 6r.e Do v1n lnv lle e ov1g nated 1 d communJcatcd t( tl 0 \ eu 1 le Fur it u e l\1)1nuf;'\ctu ng Co, iS no\\ i l post It th e Futnrci is in t he I :u 1t t.he l l HAL s 1V1ot A.S i\10Cli I>LJ£A~UitE IN IN ~ t1 e I 1::; llf!S~ la.tely: tl"1 cl 1 b~ re Jn 1on to fill all orders at a s lo·\ a rate as anJ de tl ' tll be E.,,e ~ o I e xcept 111pl 1 lueh Juw:i E ORMING the inl ab1tanhl fBowu anv He B>wnu:'n'1lle to mysonsCbarle.~ JI.I and\\ 111ia1n e1 in the count} s t boen 1 cf! l ccd n1a.k n~ t tl e th( n])C!it Ru 11 d su1rou d1n1;1 co ntry thut he hn opened H Cnwker I hereby request all tho~w lndebted 11 96 ROBT S 1rt~NNTNC: :ii u11l l:iurnlly 'lu~-ldy in Ute Worhl? ut a Ne \ 'fn 8bop n tl e sto 'Ola cly o<: upied to 1 e by book aecou1 t Or otherwise to call ttnd by John !\I e corner of settle fu1tln ith '.[111 JU Jt\.T S lIT,OSThATI01'S ELIZABE1H CAWKER h ING \1' D DIVISION STREETS Ho"m"nvlllc Jun 9th 187 24 cf Bow1u n'\lll 'i.:hmc he ·vill keep 001 st11.ntlv on hand n \t~U selected stork ..Qf sto;\'l:!S JU-p q.nned I t('8Sed and plaiil Tin'<' are;...:aw 1 icl I e '\ill SOU T HE :SlJBSCRIBEli B WING BEEN - - - --- -- --- --- 7h 1 " its Height Ed""l c Oil' Wen lh Te T11ne< m Gold Do yvii l nun anything of t' I; 1 ot 'l.t s t i.ntl yo1,t did Have at1ll a Large and W 11 Assorted · AND 1 l PAINTS, ( , i J ,, uaed lt is the ch en pest 1\te liclne e'\ ornutllc e dosecurescomno1 t-io~'Iluoat Oncbottlo ha!i cured Br unet 1t s F fty cenl.H "\VOrth has curod an old stnu llng Cougl One or two bottles cur\'s bad c11ecs of Piles t 1 1 J{ 1t e y 'l ro blos Six to elp:ht al l hca.t101 s cu1c any case of Ji:xcon utcd nipples or 1nft i1ned B1enst 01 e bottlu his cUl'ed tu.inc bacl o( eight years 11t11 duig Danrnl Phu k of R.-u kfI Id 'I H gn. Co lnty Po. says I v.:cnt thirty 1n1lc~ fo~ tti l utlh: of \ J r 01! \vl 1 l efrccted awontlcrlul c tro of a.crooked limb 0} six appllcnl.i ns .AnoLU.t l J lJ f.I. J 1 >\ i!!!l Lf r ) cars. snys I ha> e J alf of o. 0 cent bot.th kit flolld $100 wo ldnot b1 y t 1fI could get no u1orc Rt tm:; ltob1n"'Oll of i..; n l L ~ Y WI Les 0 1c small bottle of -.,:01 r Ji clcotno 011 restored the' olce where the person t arl not spok t abO\ o n v;htlil10t n tlH:i yenr:oi .. Re' J l\lallory of \V} onung N Y wr tes 1' o r I electric Oil cured nte of Broncl I b OJ c ' eek l>e tlers nlloverthecouti} sa \Vel L\e JCl'Cl Boll a uwdic1nc th.at ba.s gt\ en such cotupl'cte Sutu1 (a-cLI{ n W iJ 8 It 1s eomp)se l of si:t of the best olls: that arc k:n >wn lH ~!3 g( o 1 t IH ke tfl I l f!Xternal n~c n. d 3 belie'\ Cd to bo 1n 1net\snrnbly 1;, 11 o t an~ tlung e'er mu.do \\ 1ll so.ve you 1nuch suf ftn1gand1nR1 y dollars of ex1 el ~e Is sold by onoor n1orc don1crs:in C\ or., J h~e w1 ere l.hcs~ circulans arc fo u cl Pi e 2<l ccuts \:V l T not buy it to-day? AndNOHTlIH:Ol \'.LYM\.~ N.1!:\\'lAf:ilLf. 0 I 8olo \gent.8 to; the Domin 01 Not'E -F..clectr c-8clected an.d: Eleet1 zed For: sale by \.V 'I Atk1 son nnd Dl Deans Oshawa in" hitbyby J II Gcr11e and J Bvr i 1 BrQ(l 1 r I y lol 11 \Vaucn Soldby J I!IOGIJ\ ll01HA:<I 1 ID S lOil Bownuu1yfile OJ taro P1cpn.rCdb}_'J~ AIN C:l.NNOI SJ\) WBEHEll IS P 0 r Stock ot Ste.pie and Fancy J>1epared for nn1ncd1atc use and notlung but the purest l\later1al.s u1wd and 10 qturinJ no further in1xture of 01ll! 'Iu1pentine ind D1yers UREAP AS THE OFJEAPES7 81 cc1 'l.l uttc1 trnn pn1d to 1 · ··' Dr~ j THEIR COMPOSITIOJ:\ CONSISTS SOLl<'Y(j)j' ~ ! I KAVErllO U GTIING ;AND C.¥' to Rags 1 Pii?e l'oloi Pioe lV/ule Leaii Pure Whiie Zwtc l.11.nseed 'Oil Sp1nts 1 nj 'f1L pentinean{llhyus lmefullyandscient~ticallycombined lh~ con$u1ner C!\ll ha-ve n.ny desne<l. shadu of OJ1d~ neati ) put up 111 Ca.us l\nd al II> t Order~ f!X>nl the country ~,_,.._ \~ J M n"i:>IG I p inpt ly:n_ttondoll.l j .JA ~ 116 v «::tr If gl ~~ t pnoo pu.1d f9r H1doo Bl oopskins ool 1 1. k 1 Gbod~ "111c1i t1rnyatc detemnned to he requnea to buy w1tlt the Pau1t by nny 11 mu her of hfo hou·eholl I iJOll PU RE WH IT'E LEAD. B1 ush as the 'H>rk c i.n be done by hunsi.;Jf or l ' I r ~ R t':l~~ll ' l J:!l'I l 011 m l t ther::tl and CHEMIS r ~ND DRUGGISI WU I a d 'tell t Lil and CXU.ffilllO my...ist(J()}c bC ~ ro1epurd1aslngt:ls \')eH \ io, \ilfl nf Pnlll.c BEG~ RESPECI]l:LLY TO N B ' f c( c "I cl l >ntto pcdlc<S J. Fnrmers " Kntmg 'Milk I ails or 1l'ans t II I G: ·· I N n 0 'I' HA Jll, A~ for Sale, \'Thole OJ I I \ l l atro a ge-. P.f) pP.( ttully l ohc tod Bowmanville l\!!;u eh 8tl ~ - at }>lll!N as }ow 2\8 any JU 1th@ j A l.uge stock inst iecened fm Authgm Pv;mtmg nnpmtcd dnl'd from the :English M,mutactmc1s mcludmg J '\.7\fLS penume .md celebrated Hoostm b1a rnl - G-uarnntecd pur(' -- - - - "- 18 .....,,..... ., vcl! n s '\\ G Jt:Jj J~J) sorted Bto<'i of Ge r1nc 111u~--sa1 l I iro Engl l'lh St tf Cle icnls Also n. splei did 8tock of the n10Ht r t 1 "(;ltrof tllJ seleded ~OC NOE tl ut 1 c luw iccc 'cl " John Mcnoui;:ill. ,_ j JI DYE Sll1'18 f ' ' the coron b i ~LSO - \11 st Bl at l (20(){) 1111e~hc1 g ~a.no i laid Col 1° Oils \: armshe· "ill1f t'a111te1" ~1't0111Is C di c 1 O\\ cheap t 1-foua:c cu.n be Ptuntod and Decorated f t tll tht.:UL ~u)ds "\\lll le sold at 1educed figu1es 1 GAI I 01' t:l M \CIIINT OIL OF DIJ<'FE1 tEN l l~tNDS ( f WI IC l eu.unot be ~Urp \3 Ci for e.Jt.C(,llCll<.:;i Of >-l iuahty A..1 u.s orttnent o! \ulllne ll} os ko1 l -uioR :s \IE llJ:Y J\ lLr" rn I con 5tn ltl} ou hand togetl 0..:1 \ ill :i !1( o ~e ~I! Dttrllngton r lect ,n of A H l :\J\1 PHI I f Da. l ngtoJ No\ 2 13 1 18 lf DllUGS Lumbe "l and lllilunglcs · A'l To tic Piol ?I jll e l!tsl th I o ' ' r 1~ ' ...,, N TH01\fA~ PTIF.rri:> N Y I I t111 ttl J n ho:; 1eqn lung such 011 :u c apec1a.llv invite'd to ins1 ect thl I" q 1 tht1 es th e puce being fin below ttHif th1n$ e\ 1 l»fle1 din t111s 1na.1 kct ~ 1 ... l _.. .l ' . I I I l CH£1\llC' 'l1 :::i P ~ lJr.x 1 l'-1ED1U1Nl' BTU ~HJrS (0::\[D 1 saot: LDEH BH \ ( R~ 8 Cl PllHCJ Ji:H.'3 &c ~ :\. JN S.::e S1.teuM-;- .ll: ~rmfur tHE UOCNIY \ll ~.1Ie, ro \Jl llILS PHNl ( 01 OHS to ~e~ ntJ 0 et~o v1 of Bo J OJ 11 Uc llA lE DURhAM \ii I .., 0 F!VF 500 coor.., p \.RLO.H, HA lL.L/ 1.ND BOX sro\ ES 'J'. DARJ,ING'.fO!l. \.ATINI::;HE...i Iii U11 lH:V lll fRI l \,_]} CENT .. Canadian Pain Dest1·0~ e1· v; ell and fa> o tl l:t l no" n relieving tJ1ou ands fi om pain in the _A_S A FAMILY MEDICINE I'I I " pu1 d u vies ol'o< ono dollat o Suk Bad' mu! Head (m1gh,, Colds, Su Throat 1 Sprains B1 uwcs, C; a nips n the Stomach, t"flwl£1 a Mo1 bu3 Dy~entcnJ Bvwel Cornplaintri ~cald~, Jlrost ]Ji te;i., f:c , ])EAL ER IN DOMESTIC \J"JJ JM ur At i C\cry Jo" ""' pt! cs arrn mg and now on Exl11b1bon 'f'"Tf l PDHIEJJ J '_,c. ., .., l · !HORSE \ND C \'I TLE MEDICINE::; Ihe la1gest SJ d clteupeat nt ck of Genoral--' I!a1dv;nrc " Car11a.gc <..ooda nnd GltOOEI-tIES N n -C out try Sto Ql ed e 8 SUpJ lied 0 fl l I1uw1na 111 the County of Du1ha1n f , CIIOICE TE.A.8 "' ..,. ~ttagcou1:1 terum - - · -·---·-- --· McT.EOD. lIWJJS _!ll~g~~ lildin~ ~wm_'.1nvill:_ \.ugu,sl V Hrll I r ... PROVfSIONS &c / ( j ~ UROCKER1 ND j GIA:s:sWArfl J'OIIN ~-----------...-- _,,. HARD TO BEbJEVE. T'rue Nevertheless! - -- - o - - - H .ii 11, T!1e C.ANAUIA.."i P 'lt::>r DEsrnoY.KB haa now beon before the public for tt length of t mo u.n<l wh(lrever need ls \\ell hkcd ncve1 fa1l ng Ill a. 1nngle instttnce to g1:vo 1 crmanent relief when t nelyueed a.ndt\ehn vcno\erlnown~ single case or dis.<:1atis!action wl m c ti c dircotions have b..,en proper\)' followed b ton the cont:rrny nil Aro deli~htcd "ith 1t1::1 )pcrnhons and speuk in the lnglieat tc1 ins of JL1:1 v tt lQS and 1nng1cal clfect 1 ' ' e speak fro } expenencc ln the matter lia'\ lng tested Jt thorol g 1ly and therefore those-.,.\ ho a.:re suifenn~ 'ron1 lny of 11 fl 9n1pl!!]nts for which 1t 1s reco1 n1cn led inn.y <le pend l.V-O 1L being a Soveroigr Rei ied) l ho astor 1sh ug eflictic; of the Cnna 1 u Pali De&troycr in euru g tJ1c d1,;eases for \VI ioh it 1s recomruendc 1 and its wm lcif i1 effects in st b du1ng the tortill"O is pa111s of H.hen1ru.it1s1 1 ind in ,el ..ivlng Ncrvo11s Affect o s c t tle it to high rn.nk in1t1Jl:l lli:1t of Remedies Orders a1 e comb g in rto1n :\-lcd1clne Dealers in o.11 parts of the countr} fo fn thc:r st pplies ax d eacl tcst1fy1ng M to tl1e universal aal ,,faetlon it gives The Canadian Pn.u1 Deal l} er nt' er fails to gh C immediate rehof All l'vit! 1 c ~ D tlel'fl k~o}l It Physiuinm:1 or 1e-r ll.nd use It ( Mid I u family will bo v.1thout 1t after tty g It Pr1co only l\\'ent} J], e Cents per bottle l<'or so.lo h~ YV I .A.tkiu!:IOJ \ 1 J)~ Dr.a1 H shawn In i\h1tbyb>=_J II Gerrie ond.J Dyrulj Erooklyn bJ John \Yu.ncn Sold in Bowma.nville by J ll1gg nbotham and D Stott a.rid all medic1ne clcalc1"1'j l ho lhcctiy Departiment is -- :u ti L i !iltill A.hend. SOlREES IEA PARTIES ~A 11 GROCERIES VERY CHEAP. supplied with New Ifrn1ts Sp1ce11 SlJPPrJ,S PUBLIC DIN1'ERS V\ EJ>DIN G 0 ,\.KES Robei·t Young, -..;TED RIN \ 'll' SURGEON GRAD l l A I _}j of tho Untnr o V't:tennnry col1cge ood Cool,mg Ra1sms uuly G e1 b; the box ; 5jcents ,t pound, and stil~heap te None better m quah -v imd none 1.,, UMMEH DRY GOODS ,1t tost l_., b g~ to 11 fo11n tie 1 I a.b1tants of Down anvi11111 and sur1ountl ngco intry that 1 et as cmnmenced Got 1 l n tho best fltyle nn l 011 ca::im o.l le Lt! i'. tl e piaetwe o! l 1s p1otess10n and can le c r l y tJ e i'! ll "Je r 1~ 'J'be vl ttesl the sweetest su ltcd t';:I to tl c d1 cuses of horseR and c :i.ttlej "' a1 d best bread d!!li' ered da.il) to custo1nera4-1n Glovers L ver oillce Tu g Street Bu v nan'\ 1 lo all pa.its of the town J;i 3 >".l tf' lLE'K ~ U l'ClREN cheap1tr I G o;rTON and ' ". "9ulen goods are alh a;1cmg, hut yon i,:.. w lmv thenf-at Ell10ttls, fot a,short.. tm1e; at 'th old pl'rncs Nm~ the Jtl~l e to sccu c, wh(!;t :\' u nem] - '-::.. 1' ' II "'-'\;,..,l. -~ .l. .a. ..._ IS ,,,.. /' I I Trm Fm· Sale or to i,et : rror JN0 D i\ 111~1 0 1 Nm~ l J occup cd b) I Bassett hardware t tcrchont KngSt o.et Bo mnr'>'1lc .A'J1p!J t S!\_MQEI !IF.AI lJown1auv1llo or to ::_vrns £1!0.:;:. KCK Os! iWfl. Februm:i 16 le72 QTA d11eount will be made on I GENTLEMEN ~ m want of a ne.it fittmg smt should ~ (cl 11 ein l) at l~lhott s 'E aslnonablc Lulo1 mg Establishment Il.);3.)fj",~ E l'IOR SILE ON WETLJN<tll ll" I THE UNDEHSIGNED WISHES ro "' eJI'. l n.ngc goo 11 ouse l 1 d Jot 1n a. thu u i:; sireet E 01 l \ t , B1·1ck ('ottage , c I LTS · A. Small F:u·n· I "' _ J 1' al!ply to W. Pl O\\Et>t ,,.a-.ce 'I' ron bl e. P a~ up a111I "' --- - - -- ~ JOB MOSES i'El~IODICAL PILLS ~-S,ttisfac 10n gual.mteed m all ie.tsonahle cas' s y lla~c in Mech 1:$an 101 u. BID ll tnr n near .Wow l ma,n\ \l o ftnrtn1swurtl uorc thun houso Lil lot , UI 1 ay i, \aur.e lll n1ouo) Call unn cdi ttely h I cnmn or ad It · 1 \\ rcno1 s Box ; \ Utf _ __ ) Bo ~ mtt Ille ,.- Henry Elliott, Jr. Hamptuu rAugust 31d,, 1871 ~ ... LL l' ARTilll' lNDEllTED TO I HE ~ u 1 deis gnedara t'l!Q 10t-:tccl to P!l." u1 bcfo1c chcfitslo!Fcbtuu;oextand s; ~ttl~~~~,rn :!3 G · g Olil ,A;:· " (jA..UTION. 1 S> - -. ~ ~ - ' ~ / --f)---'V .I dollo1 excopt Flom and Guun I 500 r . 'I ea J)mne1 anrl ('Jfam bin Sots ; Unprinc1plc l pe-rsons whc v; hen they MntlOtpol rtf·"orthlc"5Se' ~M11Clhc on pr,rsons acql run\A l '"1th tl e n ents ot the d. f feicnt J!.:(aol nes 1evrescnt tie n~i::hcs n.s a.gents tor the celeb ttl l I ockroan and Osborn 1'Cn. cl 1ucs and o:trcr to g1 L t \VaJ.'l ants for the san1e wlth to Writ to dceol> (l \i; e I e H the only uu tl 01 izcd ugents 1'01 \\ e9t Dut lu rr t l' 11 ( ly I persons wbo 01111 gnu t v;n1rantB thorcon t\Dcl any persons not. en1µlO). cd b-.; us n I f'l<if rt ni; themsehcsus 11gent;,1 or offering to grnut. war ru.ntl!J are tm1 l stc1s nd 1 ible to 1 e p101>e-0utcd ro1 fi'fl.ud Tl c p lbl c are hereby cult 01 ed _ ·g·m·t ' >cu n & ll 0 HARA Ill ii Bow ma-.-.. ille J )}_( z1 1 18 1 17 3 ni I I t ' lior ule by"\\: T \lt k nson and Dr Deans 01tl «oWa Jn \~b1tbJ byJ IIr Gc1rica1 dJ B}ue hi JJrocJl n b} .Jo1 \"\ ar:i:en HoldbyJ HIGGINIJOIIIAM ~>1 D SIOTT DoYOnutnvlllc Ontario ... Churn and Stone~a1e ---'------ - - - ---~ EF:FICIENT " (I a. i econ' n11cal D 1 i in use u1d will duJ f1i 1~ r--4 .-il-.. T trlb '" '°"'""'OC" p)le ssroom anclans'1er h' ~ 11eap '! all purpose heLter thun any otl1e H{. its ll!jf! a J house c::iu be nlud bottc1 J1ea.ted wit lone RtO\ c HOllbe Pout:.les;;{Q gt r.n In i e ha. el:v Oulv bus 1rnsR '~ill please call and t.luin under tl e old S} utcni \\ nh tw l 1 t hi ee b 5 OM8 ot the kin 111 l. - ( 1 IJr 11!0 8 ;J,.:!! AO l~ }J(I.: l lt1 sto' cs thufi 11101 c tJ L pay g- ro 1~ lf 0 e 1a.i. c ch u ce to a good pun1pu akt 1 J C POI J AltD 8ea.~m l;) L 1:1a l g of wood. .All" ho Jrn.'\'e tried F 811 VER 18 I l )Li l l tJn \\ ould not be without them fo 1 an) h 11el:'! theft co!!t The undera1_ g1 od l tti:I s c retl U e 1 Do :i.1 '\tile ~fi1y 2.5 18 I £.t TIIIJ RIBl t !Or Do VIJH1ll\ illc JJarh gton Um t ~right - - -~ Cl~rkeanll\-fan\ms a:1 lieptcJ ir~d to flll ii.JI\ Fo1 l!lT'l I orders on t.l e eb.01l.c1:1t notice \..full tumortt rnnt JllOllCY to, of Cook 1 a1lox and BOx 8tcnua c01 stu, illy 01:1 1 1 ~J'.\ ~ F T HOoll!N LOA1' :s FOR FROM ONE TO r\\ LN r u r 1 1 T s T R · T "D TY years to b~ rep ud ln il stnln1cnts to :iult ~ borrower· 0"' .. uowc 1 to m"ko such l "l ---- --enj s in addi i >n to 1rn:>talmcnts a.a they JUtL\i 1 fin l c v( 1 cnt nay be obta l ed from l he Ct · J\OtlCt,.. , ia.<lo.Pe;im~ (1tllulll g 1.1nrl Sa>u1g Socety \_ lJHST CL~SS \ ,1 · 1 N { +(' 1 byapplJL!lgto . 7'AJl,,fJJ F 1 ~,i' l 1..r t OTICE S HEREllY ,IVEN IH I ~ FAHJCWJ IT Mcm F & IHJTLEDGE "' :H' ~- -' 'L ' 1· X \"., ~·:':; I Roll Itors Ho un~n 1llc I w1ll not be rospons1blo fot l.ny debts co 1 tiacled l y n1y soi \\illi' m James Sulley a Prn al.e f n ds to lo u tHl Pl olo 7'/J 11 Br nn :i l ts F l t 01 s Location of tho 0 gu.1 s ' lth d rcot ons for cul W I]}LHM SUIT 1 'i t (\ nnd ti\ o n~ and the 1elat ons or l\f1ud n 1 w ·' EJ J,EARN TH'l.T rfon:~'1:1tE t ohn's llot .\.u· t'1st·Pl'ize Dt·uJn. .:---- - - -- ~ J 1 *"'_. - 1 +A ....._. JJown1an '1lle Jan l L~ l' O Let ~i ' ~ tf1 CTUllSE FOR SALE w es t Jlli-'L ~ - --- . J rrms IS 'lHE M O SI 'T'w}i1?T~(rrs~1p~~~ ,~'t~~f, L.J.: l t.tle SJ op !fi.Hac!1d'd 11 a good buai 1cs tmrtofthcfow1 ""' Fo1plrt1cltrsa1lphtoJC POILAIW h·~101111oe· t"oduo,.E1sto 1r IIendtu ~oiishutc Bowm.an\1llc \\ITH ' H1'UG at p1csent w01ked thh' slil:l'- SEL'.LI~G f OF'jj-, ! Or' v3;o,1"1 -~ ----~ Not.cc , JTil~E AND L I Fl:':: I 1<'1 t: 1E1HPOR~l W OJ ( 01·uca· ot s t ·.Paul and !iif. F1·anco1!i! :X.l VU"I' Stt·eet"< Jao"11 u \iilc :Nl:i.) 10 18 l ( nplt11l \nn1l 1llnco uic O\o4'l' J nuds in l,la'lul o'\'el ~~IRE 810 OOIJ IM~ .t oau,(H)o wl I Ph reno l og1ca . l Journal ' "1 ' f:!AZJNL' -' I 9 500 mo DJ:CPA:L'?,TJU:EN'.I' N f All dcscnptwn1:1 ot -pr opcrtJ Insured agau1st Lo~sorJJ11magcby.Eue tnodc1lte2llt s I OR:-;~ H PRO Ml TT -V ~F.1 'I J F.D "\VI 'l HOU 1 lU£l EHE1' UI J 0 um uo:m OH !CE LIJ~E D:E!PAU: r~.lENT. Jn M~moria1n 43 tf Cou e and see om Cb.ma H1tll FOR I in honol" of the 1r. tel :Hen. v en hns uttcrctl 1 o p1on1b1t1on anll Ji::& th ifl not injured but berw!J l l/,l l hi; the1u All those beautiful c1nb cnrn wl 1 ndorn the n1nny ton bEi around "hkh \\Cl fl to huger nssul'e 1rn i. e tre n n \vorld ot "a.:rm IJ.Jlll loving 1 carts the n.dot1~ of the eepulchres of t.hc lo\ e 1 ones e.llevJa.tcs onr grw! and soothP.a the wounded }Jel\rt It a lso chcerfi tho be r1;::1Lv~ J Lo kn()W tlH1t an a lchttonal c:m belhshlne1 t t.1f the grave p1cscnts P1trongcr attract10i ~to Lrrc st Ute atte1 Uon of t1 e sttanger t nd c 1Rr. s 1nm to paul!le and learn t.lw tmo of 01 ~ vJ) o ha J t!luu-cd so lati:;ely U r. lovo of otberu \'\' e take tl ls metl c U to inform ) o l that 've can fill or<lc1 s for deco1ntlng the gravl'!s of departed fr end~ ut lo'v ftgurea executell n the beBt st}IC oi wm lcr tanslup A G-AIN ST EXPENDii OltES A Good S I oke, Budy le:i dLt! l Phusio(f1W ty or the S1gi F. of Uharac te1 with 1ll 1strations an l h ,., to Read tJlem iR a F.1 pec1 tJ l und now· (,ET WFor one month we will g1vli a l THE CEfEllltAIED PERJ<'EOTbll t ~peatacles and li ye Gltt-1).~es manufa.ctu1 cl %) , I AZ~ItUS &:: :J..lORRIS nnd for '\'ihlch ba' e \he sole agcnc~ n,re ga1nh g golden opinion lo1nallthoscw]f0hntetred1t Jf;you., t< 1 t ..,.. 1 discount NE'\V B 1-{AN D, IHJ~ . JHE ..... - Mill on C.:ockeiy of l'EN PER < FA:MOOS HI ROl: IH at all times nnd BOl c t's tl c patl on gc or alt 1 11 l l frl nds n.nd c 1ston ers o.o well as nc :v onea llav1ng !lee ired the set\ 1eea oJ! ONE QF IHE D.ESI.l\.llLLEliSIN L111t:C:Ol:-N1Il"\' 1opa1ns H l (I H_tl ~ r f l Lo give sn.tlsfR( tlon J S1HTEl1 P S Tl e "'-'[ 11 ' 1ll 1Jc 1 ca lj fo1 Ji lo irn g u1 n. e:11ort tln1e o!whtch due i ohce w1ll be gn <; u,__ · J s ~d 1 o otl era A.ARON Dl.J CKT ~R age n Bowm tn\: Ille tu 11 v t1ln1t~ 1 mo Mnianllllc Vetc1·ina1y Su1·ge1·J Myrtle SILVER JlIONUMENTS, TAllLErs "' - A11iD- ETCl' 01 Tl~JilZ..ESTQUAl.J.1\: OF Fm - persons IT Al l.J..\ & A ME1UCA1' N.ARBLE 8C101ClfABE!tDEEl\ GRA;,/l1E supphed on ahort notice 1 ' entb1ng pertahung to Cemetery "'OlR. w lf 1 crit with prompt Mottention by Je i..vlng or Llcl!'V.:ith and luwe tht! I ..,.L!!2 0 NS ~LL; ....., BROS:. ,., the " IOI Bo" nlc:tln: file the tune · t.;Onsultcd 0Il nll g1sw:ia.ca~ belongmiir to Hors·sa11d aJtj e Ha'\iing bird ma11YJycars Wh 0 wan t B al gains I experience in nm 1reatn\ent (jf 11U~ompla1 its n t - -- ~-..__ ~ _:;\ connection wlth Horaea and Ca.ttle 11 on-n con t fidently MY. thut 1111 ca.s<!s entrusted te lull ca.re Wm.ft. I owe, n.A.f,.I,. D., 1noney, MURDOCH will receive " ~h n1cdicnl en.re nnd attention as their ilnportn,nce dtnnn.nds Office Ki g St1cct 2 d~ ors East ofHcndorson s AURISTER ~ND ATTOltNEY AT Tri Ilotel RcBidence Seugog Rla.d where ctlls by J 1!..:VV 8 ollcito 1!1Clu1-uce1.l' a.ndln~ulv cn Y _J~~ .. ._.l'lncc to go &ntl J!cJW _post or otlle1w1se w It reccn e I rom pt u.trentlon ~( &t ' ct.er no.1-y med ell ~»al vnYfl on J -L 1 ,......,__. - tba1gc$ lll0dc1atc Agent lo 11cl\1l1tl1nl]) no OintO Oll Sll~t-l' 8tlcet no \H tn 1lle T s.uranee ( ()u pan o,f. C)JJ1t~ Etit(l.l hsl cd s:; 16-H.. 185S _____.:;.----- 1 nloa:uterm..\.~ to~ =.i co. A J lHRIIN M P C, MAY BE nom I\ l 4RMOUH ~Kent nt Bo vrn n \ 111 N D 11 e Jln tt c al pos t10 of U o H y ul H 1 no \'r y affected t y the r e cnt F re n.t ChH.;a go the Co1uµu.1~y l ;i ng no :1$wit uo lg bus1ncs8 11 th ~~~~,_ lZ Ir A I EHR"\ I e I Bµe ctor l" F BEDD\.LL Cl !cf igcnts for Canu( n - - -- - B ~ -,,., ·nr ..I.. ..:__--.,-.- -V -l - 0 C) ;r:,.- ±B--6~ ..__, ' .. t ..__ :::: l'"IN G ~!J UO'\Vl\f A..:N VII DM ... I · - - -- ------