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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1872, p. 1

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jt tt rsmm1 tfi A RAILROAD STORY Gris wr te~ t o the Cu1c1nnati 'J ti cs L et l!1e relate a.n 1111.::ident of tra\ el t l1 t occu1Ted 1\hcn I \Vll.f:I a. tiu;ky young tufl.n 'v1th a fondnee.'J for yolu1g h\d1es society Understand n1e I have no d istaste for youn~ ladies s c1ety now hut tboy don see1n to hankor l!IO in uch for 1nu ie n.s t hey did sa.y twenty years ngo 11ns is nal. 1r al CDQ Ugh l don t bl tme then1-onJy they do1i t know what they are m1ssu g A fri end oi d n1yself ~ot on boatd an ex pruss train t o 110.ko a short trir '] ]10 car we entered was full Only one v c int se :..t in fact a nd that '\Vas alongiu<l.~ of a ver; charmmg lady Fnend and I m cl ni.ade l clash fo r tlu~t ' ery desirable nnd coveted vacant seat It 1sn t a fan tlu IP' t o do a general th ing to tr p :i. friend<:'> but it was a.How ible under the cncutu 'ta.nee~ &nd I gave hun Just ti1c "'hglitest trip m the world JUst enough t o en th le me to get the start of him and obtJ.m t he coveted ·oat J\fy fri end took a seat o 1 tho wood box and lookE:ld d1sconsola.te enough I th mk I added to lu· discom titure by certnn tr1umrha.nt "inks nodi! &nd mot10ns rn wluoh [ 111dulged The young lady wa.a n.ttrn.cti ve, and soine cu; ua.l renuuks dropped 011 one Bil.le or other - y oung folk!J will d rop a re1uai] occ L 1:11on :\lly and arc moro r eady t o p1ck .Lt up agiun tluu1 old ones- afforded u11 oppor tun1ty to ghdo easily and ple!\Sautly mto t-ouveraat ion She W&· witty and spri ~ht!J an1l I guy nnusually brilliant t hat is to tho best of n1y recollection at tlu s some\\ hat remote day My fnen d obs en mg thrn looke l lllf\dder than ever At length \ve reached a. st ition l\ here the t r in stopped for L mon1ent My f1ie11 d abdicated th e wo )d box and rushed out on the platform Suddenly he r eturned, ancl conu110 quick ly to me he se1zod me by the collar a d said in a tone heard all through the car "Quick llo l- get o.B: here You can , get a )Ob 110re iust ns woll as not Tlie) tell me there is only one shoemaker 1n the plMe, and lots of 1rn11< So t·ke your kit and get of! before the tram sta1 ts No Uie looku1g any furth er for work 1ng all a.rouu<l the coun +ry for , Job at shoe maku1g won tpay Take \\ Ork where you fmd 1t Thats my motto Ho almost forcod me out of the seat with his vehemence, and if I ha.du t mi~de a Ylgorou· rea1.stn.ncc he would }1av a had me out on tho platfonn fh e young lady gave n1e one lo ok of ouprenie dtsgust -a tra1np1ng 3our shoe Juaker - then d1re c ted her gaT.e o it of the w ndo" and kept it there for the i ema1nde1 of tho JOtu-ney my f11end r~mounted the wood box and indulged u1 such a series of fiendish grn s nnd malignant chuckleis as n ould ha~ e JU·t1fied me i 1 hurlmg !um fi om the car only I was t oo st11p1fiod by the proceedm 0 to proceed ag·mst hm1 \\hen I left the car the young lady looked to soc f I hadn L forgotten my kit aud I 1 1 a 1tisfied that ·he thought I ha 1 got oft t o kwk for J. JOb us they a1ty i n ahoc 1niiker iJ pi 11\.nce pru tell a d publisl c I Eve1·v 'l'bna·sda\ l'llol'IJIHS, by t h e I 01 etoi WM. i Tl'O J~ CLI~:f lt tl c lE, Ol<'iFU E-Post Office filocl· ONT lJOWM \N'IIJ n ::s I I E l J VOL. XVII. BOWMANVILJ_iE, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1872. NO. 37. · God helprng me I will say to my people nre 1 evelling In wealth wrung from where\ er I labour I take } ou to record widow a teorB and hon.i ding up gold coJn tins day that I nm pure from the blood ed from orpliano groans and the augu1sh ot BA'rTlNG s NEW DRJ,SS GOODS [on tGIN \J of all men ed cry for lielp comes up from wretched at BA'I UNG S NEW cr,orHS My young brother said Dr ~ill '1ctnna wntlung m the grasp of that foll THE GOOD TIME COMING ut BATTINGS NEW PRINTS onnhby '11th groat dignty I deplore destroyer, "hose touch JJJ pollut10n and $0 50 at BATTINGS Tho glonous timo iB co1n1ng girl11 NE\\ COTTONS, 0 13 'vith you the ev.ths of inte1npera.nce I whoao otmg is death But Pa.raon Wil When woman sba.ll bn t oo at BAT1ING'S NLW FLANNELS 0 7, too wo ild plcnd w1th t ho 1nebri~to t o loughby i· m lm ·tudy :No moro t o fzt.Hhion a dom1 god 0 20 al BATTINGS NEW KNITTED GOODS 0 08 She 11 humbly bolv the knoo forsake his cups because Ins only chance And our young mon arc f"111ng and &o 0 02 &o &c &o &o No more will all hor talents gl Is of safety hea ln J.bstinence l have no 'the niournere. go a.bout tho stroot..s and Be v. a.sled on hor dt'CS!5 IEil'" ALL MARKED AT LOW PRICMl l -,.. disposition to meddle with lour bolwf tho gray hairs of the father aro brought Nor l'.il11t be hor h ighest :.\hn .A lover to posaesa B e a teetotaler if you like and peran-aUo down in sorrow to tho grave, and lovely otl1ers t o iom Jou 'I1m is part of lour WuJunn n1onrns her blighted hopc1 ~nd Then h \v1ll not bo vulg4\r g rls Nor rougo nor pinioned waist Christian hbert> and though I hold that wivo1 aro w1dow1 nnd fathcr.1 are fiond$ Will be restQl'.ed to to Bmvmanv1lle October 1871 there is a better way that t en1pora.nce ts .Q.nd p.1-rents ~re paupers and homes are A low dEJgrl\ded taste a. lugher 'uiue than a.bstinonce that 1ny heliB and the mcendiary lights !us lurid B tt strong i 1 iI mat 1 ou.ot glrls She 11 scorn the t11cks of art liberty consists in using the world, I shall torch and the n1idnight aH1tn.ssin .isharpeua Nor deen1 porverLlng u :..tu re a sl ape not quarrel with you 1f you take tho ex ln· parneidal axe and at11l tho honor do --o-New g u.ves can lllpart trome ground~atruok bi the l rovalence r:stroying sense consuuung oonlu.gion '.I' Ry FOR YOlJ ltSELVES rh&-R'loriu.s tu 1e HJ con g g b KcHy, mtemperanoo in our mfdst-that!to par of breathmg woe creatmg soul danmmg '(.VJ en woma n :'I mln..d.... will crJl.VO !l.RBER AND lH1H PRESSER RE ta.ko of the '\ i ne c11p ever so soberly ~ a. work goes on, and tho groa1\11 and prny F ar h1gl er noblc t fie l!ls or tl o gl t HOSE WHO HA Vl~ TRIED IT ARE CONVINCED TUAI S l HIJ,J, sPECT~ UI Ll'. 'l.n o inc g to t ho. public Tl u.n woutlt> 1 ner gn ve JuXUXJ ) o i Lre called upon to 1 ehnq uish ors and shr1ekfi of the \ icc1n1:rJ ascending tl t t I e 1 us s Jcceedcd o tl e bllSiness fo11 1ed ) sells ]us Goods aM L ow or J,ower than any ono else Ill 'J:own lliir "'-largo I bl'.ln m ut w ll leiir1 tha t women g1rl1i <.:ut ed dn b.\. U e latr. \\ li :Ed oo l s a d s l re But,. hen yon talk about b1mg111g the to lugh honven, migl1t brmg t ears of pity pa1ed to to tho v ~\ts of the ubllc m his otook of Cloths Dress Goods striped oheok"d nnd plam Shawls Blankets Lmens Can th1 tk as well a.a fl i 1 t li e i a. 1 nan er ~ ~ ese l by a ny t ti e P o weight and authority of God· law to bear from the haggard eye· of a demon damned A i study more her mein a.i 1 mind Wrneeys Flannels Knitted Goods Hosiery Gloves and Tnmmrngs, all bought co Part cula n.ttcntion g en to the cuttlng Tl a l le gth or b re u. 1th of liklrt on your side and rrnnnt:un that the battle -Lut parson Willoughby is m Ins study o( Lallcs and 01 l l e s ha 1 A c1Jl sol c tel- befor< the late advance m prices lliil" A~speoial lme of Clan Tartans 60percent tl rd door east of tic PoH t Office 30 tf: for teetotalism ta God · battlo you m·kc lower than last ) eirr s At the conclus1on of tWs strange speech, 'Ihe glor1u3time16 cou ing M'trls "\\"'lieu v. oman will not stoop a great and fund ament d mistake A d1 which he delivered with (£rent rapid1t} To listen to a foppish ewoll vine perm1ss1on iny dear brother, 18 not a and accompanied with tho most extrava Stlll leea become lUs q.upe and you 'vill allow me to gent gestures Joe Martm bowed gravely r equirement Bu~ lnQ.11 to "'in a won1an s love G \Veb"ter, L. 119. M st havo nt least one thought rlwy try to 1mp1ovo on the Gospel say that the attempt you ultra temper t o the company, and left the room Abo\ e the twirl ot hi.ti mustache URGEON DJ NfISI OF F .CE Gents' Smts Made to Order, by the Best Workmen m Town, The nnmsters looked doubtfully m each sir, said the gentleml\n alluded to a.nee 1ncu n1ak1ng to fo1ce the Bible Or ne-..v c1ava.the s bought ve F F MeA t hu1 s sto1e Kit g Street Wwarranted to fit and t1ot coma to piece· "1iil They propose to do for the poor v1ctun to inculcate teetotalism must nocessari y others fa.cee and then, the>r host acttmg .Ho vm1u ville Teet h extiucte<l for 25 c eut8 Osti.A\VA Feb 26th 1872 encl the example they mdulgod m a hearty of sm what only the almighty ~mco ef flul f\nd the fa.1lure d Dimages the cause The Rest Rinck a11d f...i·een 'l'eas 111 Town, at $1.00 God can do And they o.-e toolR sir in Let me ask y uu one question, Brother laugh The Rest <'iO cent Tea in Town. Was the greatest reformll!t Cracked decidedly a&!d tho elderly the hands of wire pullmg pohticians- m1s Rwltmond o::J- Butter, l"ggs, Mittens Socks and Yam taken as Cash for Goods nu\n with the ueck tie ' and whJ\t a cur era.hie de1uagogues who tnl.der the spec1 and pl11la.nthrop1st the world ever saw ous nnmeof t ompcrauce, ha.'\ie raised t hen1 H e who knowmg tho encl from the begm 1ons face he has Oct 4, 1871 S. F. HILL. You have seen him befo:i;c Brother selves to power by pandering to the }>a.a n1ng n1ust have foreseen all the evil that 'l'HE REV. DR. WILLOUGHBY, would grow out of tho abuse of intoxicat N "h Dr W1lloughbv ea1d ·ions of zealots and fanatics They break A.ND Impossible 1 up t he peace of churches, a1r they sow rng drink - wasthoLordJcsusChrist, 'God H r s VTINE "Yea 1n this very room frequently d1asen:non and set brethren at V:\.rin.nco mamfest m tho flesh a total abstainer 1 J. I rnldmg, JU J). BY MARY SPRINO WALKER rhey march m the nnks of pohtw.l str1fe, Did He mcnlCl\to either by example or though it was many years ngo Don t you E JHBER OF ROYAL COLLEGE OF an l hght the fhoe of fanu.t1cl8m on our precept tins behef of our.I Did Re not remember a. curly headed handsome boy Surgeons E 1~land L ce1 t te R yal C oJ CHAPTER I cgc of l by!'! c a.1 " ~ L gl (J ate Rcs1dcnt very lie&1 thstones and In otr Chrntian oomo eating and dr1nlt1ng'l Did Ho not who used to meet here sometimes when Acoo1 cl c r St lhot a s l-Ios11lal Lo lun an<! l AB.SON WILLOUGHBY IS IN HIS STUDY 1nake Wlne on a fest1vo occaruou and use you w e~e settled over in nf\rton who ca1ne Act ng Itos le t Me l cttl OJ cc C ty of L on do:ro Grateful t o a generous pubhc fo1 liberal patrnnage begs most respect asaeznblles Hosp tal fot lhseascs or the C he::it ) Office Di full} to annoul\,Ce that on account of mcreasmg busmess be now occupies The fact is, brethren sn1d Dr W1l H crdm u.n i:; 0 ono The youug man who had before mam it at the mshtntion of the I,ord · ·Upper to my ·tudy to recite L·!Jn Poor follow JoughbJ I have for tlie most pa.rt stood fested a d1spoaitlon to speak now addrca -wu1e too t hat "ould make 1nen drunk? I hun twice a week for over two THE WHOLE OF HIS OLD !!l'l'AND, .a.lo )f ft om all thei1e works of 1nora.l refor1n sed Dr Willoughby You remember that h>y, Na.ah? N otJcc-Ucn:wval. He wO· of manly These fact· have got to be mot by t emper years In my view proportions a fair open f'.nd rather a.nee men Be careful Brother Riclunond, "7hy, you have seen him hmc and hn1e R REID H !l.S REMOVED HIS and has filled every shelf hole and c01nei with an exceedmgly clto1ce I ha' e no taste for them res leu c t tJ ~ l o se la el) occ1 p ed Ly assortment of goods comprmmg they mterforo with the sunple preaching florid face 1~ clear gray oy e and a I rofu lest ) o t t for doctrine the comniaud a.gain Dt Crowl 01 "\'Vellington Str eC!t Suri;: er) at [To DE CONTI NURD j of the Gospel I ha'e made it my bu01 awn of light brown curly hair He was a. n1onts of nien You ca.nnot condemn God bis old r es donco S l c Sl.rect Otllce ho 1 s 10 n 10 an to 8 p 16 Uf: that you yourself may be righteous 0 0 nes$ to p1each Ohmt and ITun crucified str;mger Lo moist pre&ent havu1g been MAKE STRAIGRr PATHS and I bl heve that in showing mon tho sin late!) 1Mlalled as p&8tor of tho Congrega At thui mo1ne11t th ere was a confused Dr. A. Reith, fulnesa of tlieir own heart· snd their need tiJ!i~1 Chur0 h rn Grantlo~ a manufactm nouo m tho hail the door of the otudy Young men when they fust go &way PAPER COJ,LARS, NECK TIES, -..RADUAT E OF rHE 'IORONIO l\M thrown wide open and th· Ir!Bh girl of & &vtour tho whole grouud lK covered iug village son10 thu ty n1iloa d1at:1ut ( ~Un ~ers1cy Phy,.; can ~ 1geon &c 00 ce fro111 hon1e and young \vo1non i\t tholl" K 1 g St eet~ x tdoor to Y llo cs& Q 1 cks Clo&n·o tho fount~m and the ·tro.m ml! Dr Willoughby he oaid voryre·poct who had waited upon the nun1stor at din firzt entta.ncc upon sociotJ aro \sry apt GENT"S FUR N ISHNGS, &c. auet) Store .uo vmm v Uc Ontiu o ner appea.rod be pure Lot a 1nan s .tioul be renen: ed fully Will you tell mo what you under to incur noodl eas rtaks to cha.ra.cter and And sh u rn Dr Willoughby half and h15 ontw·rd hfo will tako of itsolf .Ja111es P. J... ot ckan, M. D. The whole of the stock havmg been well bought, ba1ga1ns stand sir by Ni \\ ork of moral reforn1? reputation fro 1n shear foo lhard1ne ~s I bcho' o all "orka of nl.oral rofor1n "ill be given The Doctor gave the que·tion er a sonrcl1 cryu1g and 111 i.k1ng stt \llge ba.ckw:ttd gas They do uot intond to do wrong hut they EMBER OF THE COLLEGE OF supersodtld bJ tlu pruaclung of tho G JB ing lo lk front under lus sh lrggy brows t ires Wlth her arins I 111 ver opened a Phl sicuins and S u-geons Onta1 o Office They foe! w'"h to use their li eedom Ku1)? St1oot. No vcustle 27 3 n"' ALL KINDS OF FURS ALTERED AND REP AIRED pol crack o t he door to hnu till ho tlu1ttened st1ong and are \VI!le 111 t heu own conco1t A work of nio1al roforn1 Drothor ABOUT ADVERTISING to take the hfe o mo the nex.t ti ne I " nt Tho S]'e·kcr "as ~ mm past middle life Rwhmond ho '"'d I understand to ho t o nuiss and h 1:1 old shanty is between r.I hey wo lld like to d o soine da.rinJ deed lllghest Priee paid tb1· Raw l:'11r11. Fare \\ clJ,lllcGee &Rutlctlgc, of 1.t d1gn1fied pi escnce \Vlth a lofty tm and come out unsoa.thcd JUst to fa.ls1fy You cant oat enongh in a week to last a. tu t ed Lotion, bJ a body of 111 e n to cor hern an i:!t Patrick s church ARRISTERS !l.TTORNEYS SOLI Holy pending for ehead and a keen eyA MARKUS MAYER CIIOR;j d Notan Publ c 1ect at.1ue wrong doing in tho co1n111u111ty Mother p1otect me In w1d ye thm ye the predictions of older heacJs '\Ve you a yea,r q1<l. you ca11 t u.d, 01t1se ou llo \ nrn.nvi.lle Octob #;p, 1871 under shaggy bro\\ e He spoke 111 a cleat J E FA.Ill WL'Ll I I B,, H McGFJE B ~ - the endea\ oui to aupprcsa personal or ill rn a.nnered baste distnrb1n th en river known many ) ouths to throw themselve~ tl at plan e1tl or J \.:MES Ru r LEuGE B ... voice w1th groat dehbera.t1on a.nd a..1 ono Jn the way of \Vtcked tentpta.tton and to People '\\ho crt ise onlv once lU thieo OFFICE - Ovet "\\ l !\ilcMu I.. y s D y Goods p ubhc' cc en <xis \vid yor nonsense Store secon d door \VC5t of tl c I ost Ot't ce 1 p h aving authority Gt o upetl about lutn in W& lk purposely 011 the edge of so1ne fatal months forg et t hat n1oat foU~ n canr, ot re stairs Yes 1 1 1r Hll1.;cefJSful., that wl11oh JS Clear the tr wk, Katie s&1d a bold preuip1ce for the mere purpose of sho,v lneo1ber n.nytlnng lo11gur tluin :.\ho t se\ c the ar1n chrurs and comfc rtabl e lolu1g1ng 1 decidedly 1n1moral ind' c1ous 1s snppres ringing -voice behind he1 and T 11 make ing their moral ag1hty in ea.c ,p111g places \v1th ,v}nch. t he rooins \\as abun F or days AT THE Dan(I Sm.u·t , d ~ntly furnished s&t n. dozen clergymen sod a.ud the comn1un1ty becomef! conforn1 i t all right with tho p Lrson an 1 Katie such and for all vtho havo any 1n1iucncc Qu1ttu g adveitusetn~ nts ui dull tin es ARRT8TER AND ArIORNEY AT ed o-x:ternallJ at t o t l ti kno vn coin \Ylthdrr. vmg her subst ~n t1 0.l perz;on from in the easy attitude of me.u \\hose day fl with such "e hav"' a. tnesaage worth con i~ l1ko tearing out i d 111 bee ~use tho" nter LA.\V S ol c tor i u Cha lcer J a nd Insolvcnc~ Oonvoynnccr Notruy Sol c1to1 for t l e Onttt work was done aud "Whom a good dinnor moncls and Wlll of Ood Am I right there the door way ther e n1> Hi h er stead a .udering Make straight paths for your ts low Either plan will prevent good Bank &c Port l{op!j 0 t Dr W11loughby1 ehort gray hoacled man who stood hold feet l es t that ,v]nch is 1 ~mo be turned ont tu ies fro1n e1 er coi nng Money to Lo n and I 11 ls fo .;:i tle Imel left comfortable m body and mmd Undo ihtoclly mg h s hit m both hands nu l ho nng all of the \V ~.) but let 1t r~ther be healed ..A.ud Indian 0 1 ce tr ied the .softness of ' You express my views oxactly DocTHE SUBSCRIBER HAVING RECEIVED ms round to the coinpa ny 'Vhcther h o '\\as Not even tho Son of God would make a feathers by laying one on l rock and ' 'I hen dues not tnoral refor1n tend d1 Robert AI'mour tor saul an e1dcr1y ma.:n 1v1th a double r ectly t o mans sal.,.a.tion? It 1s not of o1d or young lti was nnpmrn1blo from his heedless leap fron1 t he pinnacle of th e stretching hlinself upon )t EGISfR!l. h ViEST DURHU\f 'Ihoro tre chin, and an immen8a wln e neck tie course a work of s vation it.~clf bit by aprearauce to decide The shoi t; hair tha.t te1nplc I ssue o r Mn. ;;.gn I ccenses Ba 1:>tc n g ~ngels w·ill bear u s up 1n 01e11 \ some \\ho try th e 111 ue of "1.dvertis1ng u In my Judgment the mistake medern .Attorney at J.1.'1\V nnd Solicilo[ 1n ChGrcery curled tight to h1' head was gray but lus danget so that no porson doing ]us dut) th e same plan l'-1.,ney toa ed o Real 1£sta t.e Ofllcc o King rcform1sta 1nake Jl.u:t lies here to accon1 r emoving the greatest obst ~i.:le to the sue SUITED T O THE PRESENT SEASON l&Je Do\ n "illc large bl 10 eyoa though wnndcr1ng and shall sufi~r bruising but he who choo1ea cess of the Goijpe1 docs it n ot prepare Its :i. s true of a.dve1tuung as of anythu g pheh u.ny special work they M ibabtute a the way of tho Lo dl If tins is not a 1mn troubled in their expression 'vas as clea..r tl1e roughost and tl ~ngerous paths without else in hfe that if it 1 INVITB s I HE IN:sPEC'.«~N OF THE PUBLIC s worth doing at all for the Gospel ....._ huma111nstrn1nentality .John It.. Galb1·.uth, 1ster s business 1vhose IB it'1 If '~ e ca.n ae an infants His foi: ehea.d was un wruikl ARRISTER J, ND ATTORNBY Ar In these da} s of puffmg and 1mpostme he thmks it needless t o say that he sells Y cs, sir the force of inan s "eak r esolu Justify onrselves in standing aloof from od and whe1e protected fron1 thewuathet being ca.lied to t1ead them is tc1upt1ng 1t u1 worth doing well LA.\\ Oft ce l{ ,... St eet Bo v1 a Ile - ~oods ClfEAPJi::H and of better 'a.lue than any ot1 er man 1n the se Counties all he asks s tl n.t tion 1s put in plac1J of the power of diVIne God to loavo !um to the natur~l re· ilt. of l~road 10 the staff of l uman hie one! ad Agent at Bo1~mnn\1llc fot the Freehold Bufld1n J lending p 1rcl a.sers give l l a call and Jndge ( Or tl e nseh es 1J&t1sfl ed thnt the result wlll be remarkably w}ute II1s features lfere.rug lns own weakness \: e1 t unng is th o ataft' of life n1 trade grace I have n o patience with the nus \ nks of 1noral reforrn under the ple 1r ~hat Soc cty Money to lt.wU 01 fa11 sccu1 ty mutullllJ profita ble \Dd sn.ti!lfuotory ular nnd he wonld have been good look · --A simple card 1nay profitablo stand tnken zea.l of t]u;ise fellows Ill the ininis our business is to nreach the Gospel who P S - A.11 unr1~ alled stock of Tnblu Linen Danuisko; puic.::haiecl b efore the recent ing but fot n. scar which extending th e "'ll do tins work? If Ohuetmmty winch !!It .John .l.'i Jlu t chc1!ioll LEARNING HOW T O DO THAT !or vears witlwut changmg but a sensi try or not who go bellowmg through the w h ule lenJth of one cheek tnd acros_, t he iRRISTER ATrOiiNEY SO LI CI rise m prices t1on advcrtu1e1nent should be changed ~ world, Reform Reform throwing open has the pronnse of the hfo that now is as A lady employed a young girl about fi[ well as t hat which 1s to con1e does not mouth dreadfully disfigmcd that side of Ton \nd ~ ota y 1 b 10 THOMAS PATERSON. often as you can get a pnnte r to tl 1t the door of fanaticism and, with a hglited 0FFJC1E - Ji rst l oor t a $t ofl ost Qjfi1,;e l'J.l sta r s BO\\ n..nv Ile Oat ?Q 18 1 but f~c c and entirely changed its expres teen J old to assist her abont the 'Ve don t iccoII1m1 nd advertisu1 as ti e fagot in one hautl ui 1 n. drawn &\vord in take the lead m ever) enterprise of plul 0 houao One day she was making a. cake s1on a.nth1opy, where is suifonng hurnan1ty to best way to get a good '\Vife but we C!!ll the other cut and slash in the nan1e of and w tshmg to put so1ne kind of plums ' · w hat do yon \Vant M arttn1 isa.1d Di recommC!nc l 1t as the beat v;n.y to get a philanthropy and charLty We ought '"' look for md! The Oospel what ls 1t7 The graco of God brmgeth oalvat1011 W 1ll11 1ghb~ 1mpat1e11tly as tlrn vlSltor m it she set a dish down on the table good trad1 muusters of Jes us Christ to oppose f ina with the plums and told the girl to stone t101sn1 in eve1y forn1 and for 111y part I tea.clung u.s that, denyi ng ungodliness and with strange gr1maccs and contors1ons Beu are of loug pros3 ad ve1 t1se1uentio theu1 To show hes..ho'v she took up a c ·ntu1ued h1s b ws t o the con1pa.ny worldly lusts 've should h ve s< herly glory ln the nan1e of a Conacrvat1 ve tak If you want people to rend them l "' c He adrnncod toivard Dr Willo 1ghby s pluxn R.Jtd t ook out,.th8 stone with the re thetn 'aho...t and sweet righloously and godly m thm pr<sent As there 1s a gieat de<tl of m1siep1 esentat1011 regai dmg the lug the ground of Conservatism enhghtcn world that 1· the ay Thmkmg tho chtur, an<l. with a f \Ce full of earnestness mark, My brethren, we cannot separate ed by tho Gospel Jnd1c1ous advertising dways p a.ya girl under·tood what she meant, sho put and selen1nity began t o speak inora.l reform fron1 rehg1on rh o two go ment~ of the different sewmg machmes, and may persons Ill. H. 'l'urneY, ' I behevo it to be tho only s·fe couroe the plum she had m her mouth mste&d of l sought for one said he ~nd bo hand m lia1 d And mo·t str1kmgly 1s UCrlONEER WOl: LD BEG 10 DON T KNOW ADAM Mid Dr Willoughby 'and this true of the tomperttnco work mform t1 c inha.b tauts of Bownla1 v ille n.ntl have been misled by these untruthful statements, we give be to pursue To hold there are t en gathered together m mto the dish and went a"ny What was fa.rme s of 'Vei:lt D rhan that 1 e is no\\ prepar 111 regard to tins temperance moveinent her surpr1se, a short tune a.ftei:, to have As Arten1ns \Vartl 1vas once travelling c. l to attend to tny aales t at u<L be l L wted lo"\\ the nam es of a few of those who tested the Wanze1 to which some allna1on ha.ti bee~ msde it succeed, we must ha\ e the weight &nd au the namo of the Lord Welcome heralds the to I u Cl arges node ate IC t f girl co1ne to the room 'vhe1 c she was in the, draadu1g to be bored antl thorLty of God a !&w and all the enorguang of salvat10n Hail ye watchmen on the has ao remote · be.rmg upon tho gre&t lovo of the go·pel If tho church stand height& of Zion '-yo candloshcks of the and tell her ·h· had oato11 all she could feeling mu1er-~ble a man 11.pproa.chod !um Machme and who aitenvai ds exchanged them with us fo1 the ohJect S. Chc,.tt·i·field, for which the m1matry w.. motitut back if mm1·tera keop ailont, the temper Lord '-ye hght· of the world -ye cit10· A.nd when the l· dy went mto the room ...t d own and ·&d uorrONEER ]OR BOWMAN Lockman, Osborn, 01 Raymond-some of them paymg us ed-1s so delicate and 1mpr&ct1c&ble-&nd a.nee reform lvlll 111 iL great moa.sura !ail Did you ho&r tho l~~t thing obout Hor 11et upon a. hill -ye oa.ptaiua of sa.11; atio11, where oho had been at "ork aho found VILLE and Darlington Residence Queen m the hand· of wire pulling delllAgoguea, -1t w1ll ho a tnere dietetic or ss.1utary arrayed m the panoply of JehoH·h, &nd ·he had put all the stone· into the dish ace Gr·oley I Street 01de1-a 1u nc t tally atto tded to Char17es ovei $20 to exchange '.Moderate iiihaa becomo ao mixed up and befogged, movenieut e\ anescont and without bind ready to do battle valrnntly ·g·m·t the &11d ··ton oll sho could oflhe pluma,thmk Groeley 1 Grooley 1 said A1temus Ho1 1 and mterwovon with poht1ca-that I have mg fore-0 It is God · b&ttle an we must atrougholda of s~tan - How ho·utiful mg th&t the h&rd p1eooa- mean111g the ooo Greeley 1 Who lll he 1 J SIMPSON Bowmanville MRS C G U o\NNING, Bowman ville HON '.l'homas Stouhonse no d1apo11tion to ineddlo nth 1t Tht1 nl&n was quiet about five :1t:nnutc8 fight it upon the mount&in· are tho foot of (him 1tonoo-would ·often up "hen baked m do do A UCTIONEER APPRAISER !I.ND D FISHER W G PERRY the c&kel Thon ho A young man uttmg on the oulaide of that brmgeth good tJdmgo ~General Agrm t lJarlmgto Cent1e Slllea He ·peke rapidly his handsome face promptly tltendcd LO rHOS JOHNSTON WE TILLEY do do the ctrcl·manifeated groat uneas1ne·1 dur ftn1b1ng with excitement and cnthua1as1n Georgo lt.,ranc1s I r, 111 k1ckuig up · How blcssad our eyet SA VE ._ LITTLE -EVERY man who 1a ob 1ng this oonvena.hon and now, bending Tha.t ace this hoa\ only &ght I good deal of a row over m England d1 1 The cro11 once soan 1s to every WM EDWARDS JOHN l\foCLUNG, do de to work for h11 hvmg should make you think they ll put him m a bastilo I hged It. D. l'oley, fo1\\ard, 1eemod about to 11peak, but was nee, said tho Profosaor Then lookmg earneotly m Dr \\ 1llough ' Brother MU LUMMIS, C&rtWt1ght IOENSED AUCT IONEER J; OR RICHARD SHAW, Darlington pro' ontod by a brisk, htUo, bl""k eyed Rtchmonc:i 1t ha.a ocet1rred to rue llla.ny bys faco ' Parson he H&!d, Tr~u1 1 Tram 7 Goorgo Francis Trznn 1 I bear a tt a pomt to lay up & little u.iuney for that the To' nship of Dru hngton S lea p ompt man a profeuor rn the ne1ghbounng the times tha.t 1f you ultra. tempera.nett 1nen me&11ago to yon J. tended t o Cl: argcs moderate I nu\ er hckrd You are wanted m the ' ramy day ·hich we &re all liable to en ·aid Arteinus solemnly J P LOVEKIN Clarke R T WILKINSON Neweaatle counter when least expected The heat of him I ological oemm~ry who eagerly reopondod front ranks Tho aoldiors have arrayed would spend a. q ua.rter of the tin1e 1n earn E BEMAN do MRS HILLAM do \Jl\f to do tlua 21 to open &n account v; itll IV!oney to Lend. to Dr "\\ 1lloughby s remark· Th1a ignoi a.nee kept the man. [Uiet for oat converant1on with men about the sal themselves fo r tho battle and the) are the oavmg· hank Accumulated money fifteen mu1utps t hen h e srnd -,H E UNDERSIGNED H !I. YING J BELLWOOD do do MR BARFOOT but wa1t1ng for their leader to advance to What do ' You are right, Brother Willoughby vation of their souls that you devote to bee tlPO telagcntforth)P O\ nc tlPer n anent Buihtin e;. un l ::S(I. ngs ;:,oc e :.y of [o on S BORLAND, Orono quite nght ho ·aid We mu·t l·t nrg111g t heo1 to s1gn the tota.1 abstinence victo1y '.!'he set ried host· of the destroy is a.lway11 1Jafc it is always ready for use yon tlunk about Gener al Grant "' chance 1 MISS HAMBLY Port D&rlmgton tQ i!I P.t'Cparc l to n egotiate loa is 01 H.eal Estaoo when needed Scrap· togethor five dollars for the Presidency 7 Do yon t hu1k the, these outsiders a.lone Jn n.ll onr works of plege you wonld aecomphsh more for the er oucn.mpedl!H:lcur t~ on the n os t fa.vo i a.ble te11ns A LOCI,HARI Clarke 0 W Sl\fI1 H Darhn[lton make your depos1tc rece1~c your bank book will run lum 1 l6 J9 J B F AIRB Ul<N plulantlu opy a.nd charity l'te are 1n niy glory of (,od Co me eome J oe that will do said and than resolve to depoette a g1 ven sum STEPHEN CLEMENCE Dorhni(to11 THOMAS llfoOLUNG Bo~ ma1mlle G1 nint I Grant 1 Hang 1t Jn LU ):) ud !tr op1n1on safe JUst so long ns we koop to Dr 'Yilloughby leave your n1easage ' Di<l you over attempt he rephod sntnll though it be, once a. nionth, or once ten1ua y ou appear to kuow 1nore about R Peatc Tador. Gods appomted way Tho church 10 that till another tune I 11111 busy as you see MD WILLIAMS CLEMENCE do WILLI,\_M do to persuade a man thoroughly under a week :tccording to the c1rcumt1tancet1 stra!"lgers th u1 1\.JJ.) n 1an T £ \ ei yet E N rLlLllfEN S A:!I D BOYS (;r,\_ll way All these outstde workmgs-th1a 1'.1~ .N'lS marle in t.1 c the 1nftltence of this vice to becoine ~ with thcsr. gentlemen 'Ve are du1cuss1ng Nobod7 knows without trymg it how """Y REv 11 BOYLE do MATTHEW COLE TFono seen JSE~ ES l ~1Y LI S 301n1ng lmnds 111 A work of moral reform, Chmtian! h there any ·Uch opponent to \ery iniportr~ntmatters and cannot be 1n a thing it is to eave 1noney 1vhcn an n.c Bowma ville lli:!b 19 1868 "O tf The tnau \vas fur1o na ho \Valk, l 11p as a ' hall fellow well mot, with the R R LOSCOMllE JOHN BURN 1\l&nvers do terrupted I hen ris the "isitor ral8ed the conv.Lct1on and conversion of sinners count with a bank haa been opened "W 1th the ca.1 but a.t b 1ck n.nd ~a1cl worldhngs and the sinners- are a daubing l'iillS BROOK a.s internpcrance1 The sin of nteu1 1 e1 his arm with a preparatory gesture the succh an 1 do And " b'Teat many others \V . .R. Chmu·, i.ccount a mn.n ft:els a des1re to Yo l 1 founded 1g 1 amus <lid JC:t ourselves l\ ith untempered n1ortar Not 1\. w >rtl Joe ance sa1d goocl old Dr Nettleton m 1829 m1nistor u.dded sternly enlarge lus d~posite It gives hun lessons ei er 1len.r of A dnn1 T'SS OER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Brethren il s like forsakmg the folio .. ship n ot another \Voi d You 1nnst go tins Intendmg pm chasers, can enquire of any of the abm e, ie .I.. BJ :1.u thor1tvofR s E xcellenc) 1'be Go~er has caused m ore trouble and done more 1n frugahty and economy '\Vcn11 a hnn front Artemn11 looked up me kli a..1 <l :srud o:r Gel e al Ot11.ce o.t the Stales a otllcc of God· chosen peoplo- leavmg the roa.d dushonour to the cause of Chru~t than nny mo1ncnt 'WJ1at ' Yi.<:t ]na uUu r uan1e ? habits of extrav Lgcnce and is the very gardmg the merits of these machmes that earned tlie patriarchs and prophet> IIe <l.ro1 ped Ins h cnd instantly both best gun.rd 1n the world against inten1perother vice that can be named I dread L.uul Snt le)1ni;. to the celestial city nth tlte H oly Spmt A D19APPOINTED lo\ er in ] cuncsaeo said the martyr Wilham· a little before face and n.tt1tudo expressing anc d1ss1 pat1on and vice to fil e our engine and the Lotd Jesus for a.vongtid h1n1self upon the false one by hIS death - I dread to see tho American ment and deJect1on our conductor and Jumping a.board a faogt lNTEit.J!lST1Na TO VoTt:NTE.ERS - An un blowing up her pa. a sm kc house 1"owmanv1lle October l}th 1871 And what shall I toll them pa1son' l 1r nJ flag come mto the Pacific She may bring train on a.nothe1 track with strange fire po1tant article 1n the outfit of zt. solcherii:1 a. the mnrr1age cercn1ony tho mi~tnonar1 es 1n h er cabin, but 1n her hold he sMd very sadly g ood med1c1ne in R convernent form and Ul the e igine and the ruff scuff of the Tell whom1 the i1ru 'v aters of da.mna.tion \.nd the Ca.nadian P~1n D eatroycr 1s JUst sw1 a.t nt d lay \ th a volcanic e1 lpt o) streets the rmg streaked and the apcckled IN~OLVENT ACT ot·ts69, TllE LOCKMAN 'Ihcrn that sent me \V1th my me:!lsago Archdeacon J effreya after a residence of the articlo it cures wounds bruises and of :ndee a n<l t!ho 1lders E . s1~c1 ua & Co, 1n the cars My Bible gives me n o di.rec mneteen years m Bomba) declared that fell them srud Dr Willoughby, froat bites and ia the best med1cme that AND ~MENDMlJ:N1S1HERETO Hou ~E rent in Chicago it Ls stated is "\"J:THOLES iLE llANUF AOTl: ROOS tion to Jo n a tcetota.1 society Let us withont the mtrod uchon of the total ab that I am m my study and cannot be can be used for <liarrrea and >"ummer com higher than la 3t y1..:ar t he ad ~nee ia1 g 'f'f ofHOOPtiJ..._{Il[::,; Bc,,t N e w York :M plaints generally and 1t is a .suro cure for CANAD.A t1 e County Court of keep w1thm the p ·le of tli.e church Broth sttnenco principle, Chr1stlan1ty '\VOnld be drnturbed, a l 1sed 1110 trade s t J J ed on best ter 1 es IS NOW 1HE the Un ted Counties ur Facto:r:; St1 cet East Ho n a1nille 16 89U Province of Ontario rheun.atlsm ~nd that class of compla.ints lng from fifty to one h nnd1ocl po cent er Willoughby, and 11 e ohall in all our en· a curse to India rather than n blessing Ui lted Co nt es ofJ Nortl un1berla.nd nnd LEADING 1\IAOHINE brought on by exposure or fatigue Price The great don1and for ho use8 J:i c nt sed b' No th il & Durha IJurb1tm Parson W1llou,hby " m h s ·tudv dctn ours to banofit our fello\\ men have .l\f FAIRB <..rnN BARRIS'IE:R >; for the H1ndoo on renouncing caste by said Joo Martin with ]us cy es fa stened 2o cent. per bottle to bo had of all med tho Oechan1cs and lab o1c1s emp1oyel Jn I" the matte of FREDERIOK WILLIAM IN THE DOM[NION OF OANADA the :J\fa.bter s approval and l\ hn.t measure which he is forbidden t o drmk, would rush oAttorney Soltc1tor &c L nd1::m.y icme dea.len R 4.TCLIFFJi:. an I isolve l( rehmldmg the burned clistncts on the fl oor Then looking r ound upon Offl e u Keenan s Bl i;k 0 e 1 I B II 8 Book s tore HIS PROUD POSITION I'l HAS of succes" He .sees fit to give us A friend oi ours who ta chH r clerk in the at once to the bottle and the Chustrnn tho co1npany he 1epeated 1n a louder \ Olce T A D10( E l t Indirt.n boy about 14 years att.a1ned through Jtl!I ml erent i;ood quallt es Governmental Dispensary says that 110 On \\ ed iesda" ti e f e1 th dll.y of January ne.xt. lbcac FaU1er s:ud a pale young rnan at Dr· church become tho ino8t drunkun part 1n qu.a.littos arc 1 nmplicity dwo.b1lit} ele al'Son W1llonghby 1s m his atudy P the unders g1 ed. '\YU npply to the Judge ot'tho of ag e cmploJ ed on u sheep ranch in Mon mec hc1n 0 chest l.!I now complate "'°1thout t.' G. Han111ng, g a.1 ce a daptabihty besides a. r,core 1nore ofequal W1llonghby · right hand, have you India im1d Court fo1 a llischarge under the srud Act. Pio .d w1th mon to cvme to lluin and de.struction are in our Inldst importance Ii or full particulars &ddress to tho Jolmaon1 Anodyn. Linmient We alwnys terey county Onhfornrn herds al o 1t 800 tr.mod your people 10 well that they suf Christl So I will and I will toll the poor In1qu1ty rnns down our !treets hke a river suppo111.P l tt v. at.<J proscribed by ]a.w tf it is sheep all by h11ns lf a nd kno'vli e~ er) PROVINCIAL LAND SUR\EYOJ1 I>a.tod at Bow1 n. t-Wle 1n tho Connty ot Dur Manufactnrcrtl C1v1l Eng ee1 d L a nd \.gent Office and ham th s sll:tJ la} (ff December A. D 1871 WILSON BOWMAN & Co fer you to hold this p osition in peace? ine r1a.h1 that the first !ltcp to bo ta.lean 115 Foul ces~pools of corrupt1on 1n every not Iv ought to be foi certa.1nlJ the1e 18 one of them by s gl t l'd1on he bung· resl lence I ot 13 3 1 co .Darlln to All 01 cler8 1' W "RATCLIFFE Hn.milton Ontario let't nt the office o f Robert A i 110U i:rsq ptom_pt 'll.othing In tho whulo 1naitrta medicn. of so thom h ome at mght ho is ablo to tell, The tone· of his v0100 wore peculiarly to ]us oupa:, for no drunkard csn aorncr 1-- J9IDf K GAL BR.A.J'nl. R & II OHARA lY o.tten led to .so Tho soul clestroying minions of IU 5w ney «d Hte1 J A.Jl$ntis ftr J:ituhAn1 e, V1ct0Ka suit ·nd 1nns1 c~l a111l Dr ~ 11loughby'a rnhor1t the kmadmn of God Brolliran Satan fr m t11eir ·nte~hambeu , f holl JUuclt 11nporta.nco to the soldier an I the without connt1ng \?hether A-ny one u 1a1lor 11.1 Johnso~ :t -'nody e Ll h n~r~l IWJl~inlf 1871 ·- FA.LL! iB71 !f 'ce assu1ue 1ita 1noat b en ignant expression NO A ATEMENTI ARE FACT! FAC'TS THAT B T s. ~ s., A lot of Last Season's Tweeds, at 20 per cent less than cost. as he turned to rep!' W hv as to that L oui.s he said, thera are unt'lasy spirits 1n every com u urntJ - Inan '-.:ho have their petscheines, an<l 'vhoso zoal for tho tinie benig IS nar rowed down to a. .!ungle issue who ride thou- hobby and d" ell on their 0110 idea till they cc me to thmk their way lll the only r1gl1t w·y I have suchmmy church good C}l.l'1stta.n mon, whoso hea.rta bet ter tha.n their hoa.ds I have a }ugh r es pe t for thorn I bcho' e they are actu ated b) the best of motives They come to n1e every n ow and then clamouring for some new measure They 1vant the r lodge circulated or a. populai te1npera.nce loo tnrer procured, or so111e ne"' organization started and l treat them with great eonr t e·J, and gratify tliem \Vhcn I cnn I do Una conscient1ou i 'Jly for I agree with the1n in the_ tna n I ackno\Yledge the force of flll they say concerrung the grcn.t and grow ing evil of intempo1ance ni 011r nudst I lament it a· thoy do and we only d1f!or as to the w&ys n.nd means of crn.d1ca.ting 1t ,\_1 Brother N ""h has very JUstly re marked thoy put too much confidence m h u man instrumentality S J tltcti~n.e. M MARKUS D Hats, Caps, Furs, Buffal R bes, M B FRESH l\_RRIVALS au, B GLASGOW HOUSE I R Full Assortment of Goods, B B I STUBBORN FACTS I H -------- H ~ '1 G · 0 R. & H. O'HARA lin"' ~ SEWING MAC HINE T .. ·

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