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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1872, p. 3

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· CANADIAN STATES~£AN, J;OWMANVILLE, THURSDA-Y, APRIL 11, 1872. · · "'""!!;){" FARE\VELL Wil\fTER-! ! MARKUS l\1AYER I I I I FLOWER, 'l'REB I11\ff~ 'FV iii t?"<V' no. I ~ ,.. u.~d Shr11b,gye1·grcon, F.rnitaJ 1<~1:lP1·hS ccda, I J.J - JJ .v ... A... -.\.UUJ.\ !ij · - ~'ZV'~ .t!f'S!j: 'fY'*nSie..,,."+~" - -:r· ii1RESH CARDJTIK, TMTM R ospectfull y i nvites U1 e a.ttcn Lion of the public t·.o the fue l, t hat l1r: has opened ont his OF HATS, The like of which hus never been snrp:l.$.<Jctl in Bowrnanvillc, House und Border .PJu;ut:-1, ,IJ:.c., &c .. 1 ,be n1013t, coniplct,c as8o rt.m cn t iu A01cric.a. 1-'r~·p;tid lJ~r nll.'ill. Priced Cn.ta logues to n r1y add1·1.!ss1 also t.r11 rlo lil!l.l'S, g1·uUs . Sc·cds on <Jo111 rui.t56ion. Agents ·wanted. _ n. 1\-'L \\-'ati:;on, Old Colony Nur::!crk's 1tn~l Seed \Vatehouse. Plymouth, J'd.a.s8 . .F.:-:ih~blishcll UH&. cl,lSAcs, (I.ill j 1:tckcts) fo1· i;i5 0() .Also, t~n l1111oenRe .;t.ockof ono year ;~ l'!lt'tC< L ll'r·nit 'J')UCtt Srnc..U l!'1 uits, 1:.,_n,a Stocl~s._ y·om1g- li'rtuj:i._ 01·11.\u1uu t aJ nnUEve1::;r1 ecn Scccllmg:J, Bulbs, .ttol!lef<, Vines, p1eCu.ud by '.ll:lll. A 001nplet,c and J tu1ldo ui:; assor 11 1en t, ~o sorts of mt.he1· clas:;, $1.00. 'lhe stx l A+ tl ~ l~ BTi' .\ -i:rE l' BL(lOK _1.·.u1 \ _, " · PIONE:EJR 'l'he Cl,A H_<t l~OI"ll'l' h; I! dmsq~:\'-, '!'be iUI L aUJISE a .f avmu·iite, '~'lie §A.J!t 1 'l 1'0~~ A a beaut3'i 'J.'be 4)i!Ji(f)AGO :t g·~~m, And th~ O'J!' '.11.'A\. WA. the.bc11t of' all. Such nn arrn.y of I-Iats and Caps; nnd such styles, inust t"mpt t h e n1 ost tniscrly t o inv est in a head 01·11a1ucut, Boot & ·shoe Store. ESTABLISHED 1838_ . ' GENTLT:LME:N-·s F1JRNIS EIINCJS,, --INCJ,UDING-- I out:. t heCotu1 ty that- l yvusa\Jout np nly 1la rge and incre:a.f';in g bus in C!lEI, I t.ake Liil?S 1n0Lbod I of il~fOl'mj11g 1uy lllllUerous f1"icnd3 r.nd custom- 0 el.IS 111 Dariing-to: ·, Clarke, Cartwi·ight a nd Jv.!uuv~rs, tha.t suoh. 15 not ti1c case. To be (\: 111' conv1ucod, call and ;oce tho llU"gcst, chc11pcst, nnc1 b est selccte1I stock of ERTAIN PAR.TIES HAYING INGrand Duke C'.l' liats ti le - V~er~y and C hicugo l ate,,st sty lCS ut' At the Bl<;AVER DLOCK_ Shirts, Collars, Neck-ties Braces, ..\';c., Be sure anrl call &t the sign of tho "PLUG," got suittld boLh in price nnrl quality. &c., &c. , I.ring n.ucl Divis.ion Stt·eets, and rou ' " ill ~IJ.\.ltl{US MAYER. to E .A S S E T T p1BOOTS, SHOES, & TRUNKS, 0 cvet oiI'ereU for sale in Lhis pl ac~. l l>l\"i1ig pur· cha.sod ruy spriug s tock p revjous t o t ho ~1dvan<..:c . I nn1 propurcd to oil'et extra inducements. I s till coi tLinue to manufu.cLul'C fro1n tho and none but the best v.-·orkn1eu cn1plovccl ; rtm I determined to gh·c sa tisfact10ll .-i.s ir~ tJn1bs lHrnt, 1 Cut',nCl' 1BEST OF MATERIAL. Do,"Vnt...'l.nvi11e, Ap~il 10, 1871. nnd v:lll not be undcrfJol<l by u.11 7 1111;1.n in the trade . . THE HIGHE ST Pi1. ICE IN CASII FOR HIDES. . RICI.IA RD RE.E D, Bolv1unnYille, lf.n.1·c h Wth, 1872. 31-!iu. Immlvent &ct oJf 1§69, AND .A.l\'.Il~ND1\1EN'T8 ·.rHE:IlETO. Has Removed his Stock of Shelf and Heavy Ha_rdware to the large an_d commodious premises recently occupied by Messrs. McClung Bro's as a Grocery Store, opposite the Ontario Bank. O I 1 CANADA: llu Province of Ont.ado, Un ited Co unties oflr .North'd & Du.rhiun. D11dw.:n. t he County Court of t.he U nit<'d C oun ties of Northun1borland nntl Spring Dress (food:'>, Frints, and Kid Gl oves, jllst :u-· rived At tlte BEA VEJi BLOCK. I n the 1natter of HENRY MOSES, lO~ 111,~ol·vent., N TUESDAY, 'l'fIE SIXTEENTH DAY of_APHIL ncx.t, the undersigned ·will apply t.o the J udg-e of t h e sntd Conl't for a. discharge Ulld('.1: the 8tiid Act. Dated at Bow_mnnville, in tho County of Dnrhan1, thh~ 12th day of l\f<:ach, A, D. 18i:i!. lfJ1~NH.Y 33-1iu. l\-1USES, by S'l'. J.11. IlU'l'CllESON, Jiis al.totney ad litem.. Insolvent Act o t 1869, ' AND il'lENDfl'LENTS TREU.E'j'Q. FlRST OF TI-IE SEASON! A FULL ASSOHTMENT .· --0!'- C.A.K ADA: ) In the County Co11rt or P rovince o!,J 1he United ColUlties of North'd & Dw·ham. Onited Counti.ef:I of Durham. Nrn·M1u1nbcrlo.-nd and In, t.lic 1>'ia-lte1· oj <tn l ?isol11ent. WILLIAM H. JJAS!3El'T, T he latest styles and the cheapest Tweeds and Cloths, just arri vcd At the BEAVER BLOCK. I I I - - -- : o : - - - SPRING GOODS HA v:¢ ARRIV ED AT THE Sign of the Golden. L,ion. Full Particulars Next Week. the very liberal patronage extended to me during the period of my connection with the I-Iardw are 'Trade, · I beg to returr1 my sincere thanks to the p ublic. My endeavor has been to serve the public faithfully and fully; and the measure of increased support with which I have been favored is evidence that business has been co11ducted upon correctprin_ ciples. Increase of business r1ecessitating increased accommodation, that want has been fully met. I hope to meet with all old friends, and !T1any new ones, in n1y new premises. F~or . THiltD d a.y of A.PTI.IL next, th e 1mdcr~ i i;rn ml wil! np ply LO the Judge of the ~~\id CouL't fo1· a dischu.rgo 1u1 der the said Act.. Dated a.t B o w mu.nville, in the _ C ounty or Dur· ham, this 12th day_of ?tiarcb , A. D. 1872, Vfl.T...LlAM ll. BASSE'l "l', by ~,If. J. II. IlOl'OHESON, 33-4in. h is attorn ey ad lil"en~. ON TUESDAY, THE 'l'WEN'l'Y· ,. lTOVSEKEEPER, BY A l'ERSON s1·.:iT:~~~~s~Wi-::e~lc experience. A1lply at the As §il!u:aHou ·,~W autcd, N o'v's tl1 c t ime to order y-our lm:u·~~w111ii.m&a lioir §ale._ a.t ouoe to Clt~u·l'.hwut·dcn - $ 12.00 su its (all wool,) the -be><t or th& mo ney in Canada, a t 4. SUPEitIOn INSTitU:lfE.:>!'l', BY L-~ A.1 exa.ndre, of Paris: H R.egistcrs. Apply 35-tr. Ne\vcastl c. cost. St. George's Clnu·ch, \V1ll be sold for h e. If of origin n.1 §ccd l?o~m~oei> . F .F. McARTHUR'S CASH STORE01· I lifrn, £\ro. Ii or l'eerJcas for Emlc in lot s to s ui t n urchascrs.~t Jo,vestn1nri,et pl'icr:s . 'l'hc~c v11riCtic-s Ure W10 best grown. n.nrl f ll)' sa1nploi:i arc not s urpassed, Al)ply early as the suppl.v is lintit;ed. I-!. IJH.APF.R. -~ow:u~n\·~~~· }.:[arch : !8,~~-72. --- ·--~~~~· _AHNET CHILI, EARLY ltOSJl:, G . . No. 4 or K ing of UH) Eo.rJica, No. 2 P ro- Bea. \"Cr .n!oc:k, l{ing· et ., Hr..w1 :uu1vi!l('. - - -- -·'il·§t i'ri:<>:ce C nBHvat<Jn:>;<. Jl the attention or f.a.rruers to the one-horse nlld two-bor_se Iron UultJr:ators 1nan ufactured by him, a nd ~vh1<:h l.1u\·e for s1x ycu,r~ oLlained 11rst pt'ize~ at hruv1 ncud n.nd .Loe1~l E airs. They nrc u11do~1br.~d1.y- tho_ betlt im _plc1n.<":.n ~ of t.hc kind in uso. u1n~ " 'ill 1n. a very ~hort l.une lnoro tluui repa y tllc11· cust, in t..h!" c.O.w ll,JHl excellence of Lheir wo1·t:. Inspection 111v1te d . A supµJ r o! Colthti.tors no w on hund fo1· t.lle Spl'illg ·wo1·k, and will be i::old at Io·weat 1·aLe.~. nnHE SUBSCRIBJ£R WOULD DIRECT IRON H fJUlOWS of e. supcl"ior k ind , ulso on hl',nd. BUGGIES AN D WAGONS T being tho Suut.h 00 J\.Cl'P.l3 , and 10 o 1 ~ Sold in Bowman ville b y .John lligginbothu. m , tho ~ C?rnor of Lot ii in t he ,lt J1 con. of by respectable d en l e1~ in Pain ts th1·0 \1g houL On- D_arhnl:fton, 2:~ nules f'l:oiu the 1.1 0'wr1 of Bownia.nt.ario, und to dealers only by v1Ue. 10 nct'CS. cl(l.'~red, au.d 30 jn \ Voods. ConiRLLIOT & CO., f?rtlil ble D 'velling -f1:ouse, good Barn, Stable, n.nd 35-Gm. 'l'oronto. :shed; som e Fnut lrcc s on t.hc pre1niscr::i a good \Vel!, also a stJ.·ea1 nof Sp1' \-V11ti:;r . Foi-furihcr r1 ~rt1c11la\s .tl;PPlY to t ho _vro prielor '.l'l10l\f_A$ !:¥ ELDO ~. 1 e1npo P . 0., ot· to JA:\'IF.S \VELlm;;olvcut ."-ct oJl:" ll.S64, , !},ON, .L ot No. i;;, in n 1c ·1 th cou. of the above l o'\vnshlJl. 17·33-3nt . ..\ _ 'KD J\l\1END1fEN1'S 'I'I-IEUETO. "No. J, " uNo. 2," anrl ·'No 3," off.bis a rc u nsu1:passcd ful' hotly ;:LnU bl'iJliancy ofsh nde. Packages contain full nett, we ig_ ht .. Th o public are w ni·necl tlu~t certai.n ot,be1· U1·an ds arc 1} lbs. short in every so-cD..llod 25ponud package. F~xa 1nin o the 1 Jra 11(l uJ 1r1 do not. be put otr wit-h inferior paintf:i. 'J'ho best is u.Lwa.ys chen.pcaL bri:~n d, W HI'l'g LEADS, "GENUJNE." conatant"ly on lui n tl for sale. ,1:-,lr All ki nd;; of Dluck smith v,·ork do ne on trlle ~iwrtes t. nollce. ;\. call solicited. lii-SA t f. I. \iYESTCO'l"l', IlowruC1.aville _ _......__ -- --- ·-- -~- - ..- SAT~E· -100 Ii' ARM for ACRES OF GOOD LAND STOCK TAKINGT CASE: SALE for 20 days. M'CL UNG BRO'S Cheap c a sh Sale is still go1ng on, and will be continued for so· days longer. GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER WILJ_, l3E GIVEN. )Ji:~eC01u1t.v CotLTtofthe 111 addition to n'ly previous Large and Well I:-IALLO ! off ~_21n rhnin . assorted Stock o f SI-IELF AND HEAVY HARDV\T ARE, I h ave l LL YOU W 0 In Uw1na1tcr of that purchased the Bankrupt Stock of Edwin Horsey, at a price .J!BN1VIS 8[I:l1TOll, a.-n Insob;ent. 'l'bns is Urn enables me to offer my customers N T\7ESDAY, THE THIItTIE'l'H an: d O Cl1NADA: Province of On tario. Un ited Co 11nti t1~ IKorth":.l & Dnrb a.n1. ·- - - --- - - ----- - - of No t t.h nn1bodn. nd .'Llld U l)i t, cd l....onnf.!ca TEIEftJI: ! NEE D SHOEING to Huy BootH J .\...con1 e nlongnnd g-ct Bal'!fUina, for it b a f;'· knov.·lcdgod by thos 1.1 of cxpcrie1u.:e tlrn.t P~acc ~.h.ocs- - N otae G R E A T B A G A V I N s '. · ·· Persons about to build vvill find it their advantage to give me a call. ~~~ -I_ ;..._! :r:F' To parties comn1encil1g Housekeeping I can offer Special Illducements 1 in Stoves, House-Furnishing Goods, etc. 'I B,. 0 · ... llct tei·~ day of .A.pril nex t . t he und ersigi1cd will ap· \Ye. nre nO\V u1unufact~1ri ng, ft·orn the bl~,~t ply to thr. Jurlgeof ;,be S<t-id (Joul't. fot tulischu1·g-c 111a.tcnu-l, Boot.s of i.~n y ll ef::llr·cd p"ttt.e1·n warlffi<l.or t ho sai.d A.ct. ' Dated 1~tlJowina.nyjlle. in t h e County ofDur- ra n t.eel to Jh Qr no 8Hlo. The subsm·i bcr feel :-: i;zrn.tcful fot· tl1c very liberha1n, thiB27!.h day of 1t1nreh 1872. u.l i;ia:tJ·on.nge ~c _hus had_fo1· the last ilfteeu yeare:, DENNIS SUT'l'OX, ttntl \.' \'ould s oh c1t a con t.i 111uince or vublic patr0 11 · b~-ST. J . _l:f,Ji u·1'Cf1 ESON, 11g0. 35-.5in. h ls ad Utc11i. I w~J1 lld b~:"S' to !5U.Y to nll who inde bted to rue, e ither by note or, hook account, t.hcy tn.1'3t couw lu the seralch tht.<1fall. experience ha.$ 1 tftught 1uo tha~ F>t.eer.s are much easier broken in · i:'oa· §ale. wlicn you_ng-- 1f al~o,vcd to run until four or ftvo years old it 1~ cont;nlercd a break~ncck age. 'f\.·ow CGTTAl;E ON LIBERTY ~~ll f,hi:t arc ill urre111"fi, and all acco un ts due thb 1all ·w il be expected to pay up. elroe>.atpces·uloc.·up;e(\ lJy,T.Christie,Esq , . ,. S . B . DR.ADSHAV.r. - ·· Sta t ion l:..gflnt. For pnrt1culs.rH enqun·e of Bowruanville, Oct. 18d. 12-ly. , . 'V {m. 'l'H01\1PSON, K ing tit. BOWO"lll'l;U l\foy26, um. 22-1.I 1- --------- - - -- ·-·-- I IS1TC'IE Sc·win;;- l'tll:achiue Cha Henge. DA u, y -TO-- L I NE rn ..L AFTER BEING ENGAGED FOUR C L=[ ...C:: E p D E I-. . ::-\; Crockery, China, Furs, Bonnets, Ha ts, Dress Goods, Clothing, and Buffa.lo I~.obes, will be sold at a great sac rifice. DON'T FAIL TO CALL. STOO:K: At present en1-braces EVERY ARTICLE I 1 $65 r.o SIOO, I""'!.satislled tn~~ m i-ange a1>d quo.JIfy of ·work the L< ' 1a not s urpassed by any of them ; nnd I _ hcre~y repeat. lny chullellffE' t.o _ln,st year,_LO ru n i ~ any of 1t 8 llrlCO mndo in Ontat'IO. · "" .i-\ .gcnt for R . & Downianvillo, .JuJy 2.,th. 1871.. m~st cel ~b rated 1\fa;-hineisi. rnn_ging i-n pri c 1~ froni lnonths i n tho l Jnitecl; selling the ~~m~ : a . O'H.A.i{ A. ,;i:vzs. I'('HE NEW LAirn STEAMER D A NA' s l~ 0 RS E Th-I AN, PATENT SH~~P MARKS. \Vill , 011 or n bout. let .Anril next, co1n111cncc her i·ogular daily tr:{)!:!, (Jee per:nittciug ) .L eavinti Cobou rg C\ e 1·r morning a r. ';'" $0, Port llope at~ o'dock;}or H.1, ch <~ S~cr, c011ne{;ti11g t hrre \_ \'il.h New Xork i..Jen l.r ul, N orLli ern Oc1du·.:i.l, llnd Eric R ailwny. fot· aH p oint s East, South ulld So ntll "\Vce;t. 11. ]~ '.l' U Jl N 1 N G, Lc3.ves Charlott.c, Port. of R<Jr.:J-u. '.stcr,eve.ry even iug at ~J o'clock, (except, Su.turday8, ,\'Ji\jn she leaves nt 2o'dock,l-'. 1\1.. for B rightoJ11. '!'ho Stea1nar caJ..t:-:i (lL 13eightm1, 1\'Tonda;rs and 'l 'h 111-:;;duys ; ut Col borne, every dn.y except \Ved· n esdn.)'; tit \.Vhitb)', Oshawa, Da rlington , ~ntl ~ewca:otle. 1·n \Vcdut'.:f:i:clay , should freight nffel-. D cnlt.-rs i n st,oc k ·w nl ii11rl t.bitl t. 110· chcu.pest, and qtut1ke:-:it r oute Lo ~'\ lba. 11 y , Hostou, N ew York, l\:.c. Addrc:ss, It. c, CAitTER, Port Hope, On t. 3Hf usually kept in the Hardware Trade· THESE ·},fARK.S .Al:lE TIIE CL'i"~-' lVIcCLUN G BROS. Sign of th e Golden Sheep. My stock of Paints includes all the y A~dlb'il'~~~ ,A, ~~ '~"'~ ~ ~¥" ~est Brands in the market, namely: BH..A.:N"X>R..AllOC"'S'!» I and 111usL complete e ver invented, 'J'hey ariJ UHCd nnd l'CccumL')Clldcd Ly Jn~tllY of tho best R!".'.c_;clcrs in tl1_c Un}led Sttt tes anrl "Canada, 1;1uC.1{ fl~ti G. B. J!ormg. l: a lc11i, l\Iaas. , l-'l'c f>1(lent Ne\v En g·ls. nc~ °V(ool Gro,vm·s' Sociot,y ; John S . ltoss, liennepui, JI!,; Professor 1'f. .l\Ii l,·s of th<" State Agrioultu ra.J College, L a-nsing, lrlich; l{on. Geo. _Brown, 'l'oronto, 0~ 1 k ; John 81m ll, J~<.lmo nton. Ont . On cuch!l'lurk rn sta1n \1 ed L hc owner'8 niune a,nd th.c :;hcep's nwn ber. T H\ Y \vill be se11 tf1·cc, h:;~ nuul 01 · c xproi;1:1. /'o)· onJ II /010· ccuts each. b:Hl \ Ydl lr~st for TW .:::wry YEAHS. t!.il. Cash u1 u5t. 1\cco1npa.ny all onlcr:;_ A.RCIIIB..ilLD YOUNG. Ji:. , Sarniri., Ollt Orders add1·e.$Sed t o tlto. C.d.NADL\ X STA'J:'Es:-.rAN Ofiic e for qua.nlity wiJl be 11Jlcll a t t-he A.bovcJlJl'11Lio11ed price, a s quic J;Jy n.s t.hc 1\-11u·kJ cn.n 1)? n1ci.Je a.n d s ~ut, l ~S'!';the u1ost lasting, the l ea.sLtro ubieson.1e, n. ..... _'L 1 ·_-)_ N.B.-All accounts must be paid at once, Mee. BROS. BowMA.NVILLE, . and the celeb rared ELEPHANT White Lead, direct fr om Alexander Ferguson's Paint ¥lorks, Glasgow; acknowledged by all Paiirters who have used it to be the BEST Lead in the market. J. NI. Rrinnacombe, tfiff0i W. R CLIJ.!J..1'._ JL: D. §., J icin. Gth, 1872. Uold Fillir J·J Lnsert0d . '1'eetll cxt.rlwtcd for 25 ce:uts each. Ail c xcell~nt 'l'oot h Po\~·dcr. for sale. Oil1ee iu lrleClnn;_:-'1:1 blvck. S URGEON DENTIST. SUPERIOR A few Fairbanks' Platform Scales, to be offered at a Bargain. Remelilber t he Stand-immediately opp9site Onta:c·io Bank, ( · Sign of the Gclden Anvil. 5 "'\-VI'l'll IIORSE-POVVE H. ('4, LATHE, .t.\.t. r;resent work1..·.11 by th e :::1~h~cr iher. Pos:-oessi on given inHnc:di11tcly. ii if Only business ot the kind in tovrn- ploul r o t' eu~to1n-J'fH:ocJ_ _,_anee fo r a Hood Puu~1prm::i.kcr.. K STLV£R. T. BASSETT. AW.RUSSELL:)'ONGE: STTQRONTO --

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