CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILJ_iE, ·'l'HURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1872. - --- - ---- - "- ----------- - - -- - ------ - - ---- --------~;;;Velocipedes! BARGAINS. READt R E EA.~G-AIN'"S GRE<\T BARGAINS ARE NOW (}!YEN AT 'l'Hli: ' M B .A 1"l u ll utl~r M B E R ICARRIAGES! NEW RE AD I Cheap R A -A IJames Morris, I N RESPECTFULLY RETURNING thiutk$ to the public for past hbcuilpa.tronage! would n.nnon nce that J1c is now pi !:!parcd to !11 all 01 dc1s In his line in a n1anncr second ta no "s tabllsluncnt in th e couuties -- in good running order can be purchased cheap fot Fo1 pa1, a pply at this o! l flee, to W 0 ROHlNSON. Bo>\rnau-.,;lllc, Nov 29, 1871 T T wo OF THE ABOVE MACHINES, IP HOT O GR .A P FI G .A L L E R y No Risk. '1.)h01na$' })clcctr-1.{; Odl 1Tro1th Ten 1."ltfM.iJ i t1 ive~vht w1.- Gold Do you kntn* «"ything of it~ Tf not, "'t ts time you did HE SUBSCRIBEll HA YING Fir- nook Bindtng. teC up, in t.lrn bnck block corner of King 1111d 'fempcrancc s1rects, Olle of the most corn pk le Photograph Galleries in tbl9 section of the P10 viuce, is nov.: prepared t o take l ::>El=tSONS HAYJ:::<G BOOKS, MAGAInf;" R E A D I Corner N N T Store s A T TAKEN IN PIOTUJ:{ES s h CARRIAGES, WAGGO?i$, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, 1tfA"NUF\ CTUR E D I N .ANl: $ 1 '.\ LE DE 3U-Ui: J) ZINl!::::;, Pa.1nphleta, 01 a.113 tnmg in the book line, v.hwh they wish to bound, can hu.vo heir orders flllod in the neatest and mo!lt tlurablo style and on tho sbort(lst t1ohcc by 1c11-..ingthem o.t the ST\ rEsM l1'i otUce Bnng along you1 buH1 WR CI.IMIE l'or Sale! Durha1n FOL partlcula1!4 apply to T N P~UTLEDOGroEn' o AND 01' THl: SROHT ES l .NOliCFi: PUBLIC · OPINION 1 No. 1 Style AT FLETCHElt'S SIGN OF THE BED FLAG, BARGAINS - IN- lte niernlict that bu t the best ma~errn.l 1a m~ed, and best Workme n (lruployec l - thus en!!ur ing d u1nb1ht.y clognncc snd co1nfort- thc n103t unpoI ta.n t requisites 111 a co n' c'< 11.nce Hopau L ng 1n all br nuchc -: o r th e lnlflc p 1om pt i~ttend ccl SEV1£R.AL GOOD FAR?rIS JN WE&'l' I 1\[n rcli , J 1872 I ____ Pig l~ost. - h.aa fully J u.<iti1fiild th.e 011g1n il idert, th .1t 01.t the "Corner f5 lo1e you cau get Picture Gallery, KING SfRf~ET Ii:~ST _ Do·ronn\:lllc, Jl.;~_E~8'i'l ~---- - _ Io .\LI. K H;DS Ol' F' I'I' ·:r ED AND vVELL SUI'l~ED BLACKSMITH WORK, S ~TISF.!. O TOil!L DONE DRY GO 0 DS CHEMIST Dy~ FOR LADIES T CAMIDGE,°"MUS DOC , ENGAND DRUGGIST HE ATl'ENTION OF THE LADIES J OHN LAND T 'l'OWJ\' 'JIA.LL BV.ILDINGS, BOJJ-~lIANVILLB. MOOR 'S Canacl.ian Pain Del!troyer - - -- -·- - - - .urn ME DICINE, IT I Millinery Goods, L. C O R N I S H Dental NoHcc. Rural New- Yorker A S A :FAMILY fa.vorablr nlfevml' thau A \"ING DlSPOSED OF MY DEN Back and H«·d, &ugh<, &U., &.-· , DRUGS. MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, H Farm and Fzresule Weekly S ide, Throat, Sprains, 13,...,.., Cramp· "" MILLINJJRY, i Stoma;;/" Cholera Moi ow Stutl1, Pl\t6nt Jr:ledic111ea, Perfuinery, :ft.:ru8hc., Coltlb1, So&ps, Pa111ta and Dysenfuiry, B ou el l'mnpla.,.nts, ILLUSTATED I Oil·, P·.mt Brushe·, Otl, and 011 I .8mp11., &c , &c &aids, Fro·I BLtes, &:< AND "'rll.E TilKORY 01' MUSIC D. S ·T 0 TT, DJHLER IN GOOD NE~S IN ~t-. of Lile subsc11bcr Bowmnnville, about two months ago a SOW PIG, n.bout five month!\ old tpottcd l Jack nnd wJute An~ pei son knov; 1ng of t.ho "\\ horcabouts of' c pig will plowc inform tJte uuderstgned, or me.kc snnie known at t.he STArE81U..\"' ofilcf "nl <\..D .\.~I S Bow1n11n'"lllc }i(a,.r(lh 6 15i2 32-1( S ]lRAYED FROM THE PHEJ'YIISES A SUPERIOR MANNER. \Vhen j ou want anyth1ug tn the Mrriage !me, give JAMES Jl{ORltIS ~ call, and he '\-Ill stut y o n One door 'VoeL or the On t ario Do" n1nnv1Ue Oct 10 1871 - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - JNt:.J~f·· Pl lSO, VIOLlltt, RlR.MO"Ili !II of Dow:xnanvUlc a.nd vtc1nlt~ li!I ietspect!ully sollclted to m:r ne"' stock or- ~ --- Te11.cher of the Application 18 ly for ternu1, &c , to be n1a.dc to J.[essrs lt & 1I a>Hara. S tA.11onern i2:!im . x used It i~ tile cheapest Mc.diclno ever made Qi.e dose curcs con1n1011 Sore'l h roat Onobottlo ha." ( lued Dronch ttrn Fl:ft.y cents worth hali ALL KINDS OF LIKENESSE 1~ ~ i.S cuxcd an olclst11ud1ngCong h Oneorti.vo bottler», .... l :.i cni es b atl cuscs of Piles and Kiduoy 'I rouble& 1n the Six t o eight aJ.)pllca.ilo-11s cut e LOY case of ExeorlL \.TESr ~D ]i.fOS l l!\1PROVED nte<l 1up ples 01 infttLrned Bre One bottle hae cured hune bac k ot tJtgh t) e1u ~ ... t,und1nq Dan1el P lank of Dr ooktlcJd '1 log!\ ( otutty Pa so.yr:i I · went thnty nules fo r u e ot your Oil, whl1 ft A call and i nspection of Bpccuncns is requested effocted a 1·oudc r l'ul cui o uf a c rooked limb by1Jix: E ).l"TRANCE- Oppoaite To"u IIull en/..rauce a.p11hea hons Another who hashndA.atbn1a.for Yea.ra sa) s I have J1alf of a 50 cent bottle lei\ J "\V SEX'l ON and $100 wvuld not bny i t'"1fl could got n1J moro e>wni~nvlllu Ootubcr 4th, i! ?1. R n f tlB l{Qbin son, ot N u nda ~ \ wiitoo "One SllltLll bottle of your E c oti rcstorn4. ··Th 11,.the' 01oe where the person h ad not s11okcnabovo C a1·11l (JJI. an.IK.S ti. · w h i1;1 per lll fh e :earn," I t(! > r ?.1allor~' o( "\Vyoirung N Y, \I utea ' Your Ecloctr1c Oil -.:::JI, ......-.~Am~ cured111c uf Bronchitis In on e ,,eok Deniers ~._a:--~ .a.. ·· ~ a.U ovcrthccom1tl ysay \ Vo havenc,.er1'old T .AILOR, f~~~~~~c~~~t~;t has given such complete so.Us It is composed of !51,.. or t hb b>i~t oila tht'l.t arGi OULD RESPEC'TFU LLY RE- kno'~ n ls as g ood lo lake a~ for ox:ternn.l wt 'fUltN his sincci:~ lhAuke to his 1111 n,c-rous and 1s believed Lo ha tnuuoasnrahli. impetior t<!i uu3to111cr g and fnc nd B and would bog ta ~ll.Y that 11.nytbwg ever m 'VUl eave you rnucb irn! ho h~s rerno\ ed to the Ol)l ner of King and On fenng and runn' dolh~rs of e x:pcnt1e Is sold by 1eu.lcl s u1 ever y plll.ce '"'here tb~e t.o.rto streets \\he re he'" 1 11 be gla.d. to see a r; mn.ny one or moHl < of tho cood n.a.t1ll e< l and good tcmpored onos ns cu-cu lti.r s a re fottn d Price z,, cent a '~ h.y not please to give lnm a oall bu' Jt to da.y f. B 1 I 0 vnu1.nY1I o Nov 22nd 1871 l i If Prcra r e d by S 1'i THOMAs Pli~Pe N "\:' - - - - - - -.And NORTHROP&: L"{M.A.N NE"\VC.Ae!TLE, Oat THE BE"lT AND CHEAPJ~ST · Sote.!.genterortheDomlnlon. NOT:u: - Eclt.d1 LC-Selected ttnd Eleetru:ed \VT)1rERHAS COl\lE' Jl'or B<lle by Vr T Atkinson and. Dr Dea11.e Oshrn,a in 'V"htl b} h:YJ IT GoT"rfound J Bytt1 n Brooklin bJO John 'Vo.rrcn lJONG RVE~ING5 ARE HEng' Sold b y J IllGGINBOTU .!.M nnd D STOT'I PROSPERITY .!.IIO U1' DS 1 Onto.rm P AIN CANNOT STAY WHERE IT IS S T 1'. 1 E 0 F T H E ART W -- I .\>'VD NOWT~ TUX TTME TO SUSSORiBE Jl'Olt Co~] Co~! GROCERIES AND PYY"1CUNB l'REiCRlPTlONS CAREFUL!.Y COMPOUNDIW AND .li.L ORDl'JRS CORRECI'J,Y ANSW>;RED. $ill"' Fanner& and Phytnc.ians ft ·1n tlie Count1 v 1~ ~fl fl'i.d O'IW /$tocls of Mtdio11u~s cfr;l· did· OAul of th· b..,t quality otevorydoscnptlon ot the Jn.t est styles, and o.t prices to s1tlt evet'yhody, }Ust rc c cn e ·l fot thu~ Fall 8 trade I ha\: e A.leo a. very au11erior w1<>ort1nent or f, II.DIES UNDERCLOTHL~ G Lll.Dll!'S COLLARS and C UFF S, BRAIDED SUITS for CHILDREI> Berlin, Finft'ering_ nntl Flet.."C) VVools, Braiding and Embro1dc1 y l\la.tcunla SLn.1npLng for Briud· work and E1ubroidery, also, materlah; fur th e same Stltelung_ done to oi<ler Cblgnona, Sv;it.ehee i11d !tolls in grcn.t variety All orders prom11tlE attended to A. call re J epeotl\111' so11oltec R~me1nbel' tlic sta.nd- T,,,o tloora East otlleudcrson's liotcl MRS J C l'OLLARD Bowmanvi.lle September 11 187J u.nd~ well nnd from parn. in the k n own TALOftlceto lttr S G \VEBSTEH.,L D S I can with pleal!!u rc recouunond hlln to All re qn1nng hir· i:;c1 \ices a.f'I n skilful Dentist 1 J JONF.S L D 8 Bownio.nville, Jt1.11u1 1.1y 31, 1872 21 t/w, Bu¥1t.B, NEW TIN SHOP ClliOCKERY. iREY ARE J,ESS LIABLE TO GET 'I out of repan other " a t<.:h es TheJ- nre n101e >1.ucurat o t une keepers t han CV Cl ~ \ nearly rVteut~ : u·tve Year~ been the recognLao<l. L 6 adC1 1n. 1ts Spht:re !ind hs.s attain ed tho Larriettt Circulation. of ally N ev. in:iaper or HREE OH FOUR HUNDRED BAR its CJa88 It 1~ t.ho sta.nrlard authouty on RUR..1.L H.ELS gootl \Vintct 11.-_pplos, delivered ln .4Nn Ho~rn: Ai< FA-HI S o.nd conc ederll) the beet cou1bmOO .Ag 1 c;tt-lturltl Liletarv Fum~lv and l\-1arch B1£81ne..~s T Y ee.kly BUHDF.N I< WERRY Dov.: r11anv1lle, : E 'eb 28th, 1872 UNEQUALED ~EA1'URES ' T fIIS~.,AMOUS JO"LTRN.AL H AS FOR I I beenbefo1cith0public fornlcngthur 'I'he CANADIAN PAIN' DKBrROY&R T I m A special wauant J f1om tlio F actory '\ltb iLtCh. .!::lo" Se1Jt 20 1871 -- AGENCY 0}' TllK BOWMANVILLE FURNITURE Atthe Ironmongery I w. SOMEEHING ONG WANTED - OR- IN :BOW111ANVILLE 1- - BY EVERYBOD~ Mu1·doch Bro's liii.v;i 11till a L&r~& and W ll-.L.siorted I EVERY ONE BIS OR BER OWN PAINTElt! appointed retail o.~e nt by the Bowman' llle o 01 lg1no.ted nud coinnnnuoa.t ed to the \10011le Fu1n1ture M a nufnctunng Co, iH now in n post lnthe li'U.tureja.B in t he, the R UitA.L M Motin th e b11s1uess lntclv cnrr1crl on by 1nc 111 Ion to fill all orders o.t a-11 low a. ra.t.e ns t\O) deal AS MUCH PLEASURE IN INv.111 be" E x e. tnor! excopt lll prlce which ha.a FORMING the lnhubitants o!Hov. tnan\ illc J30\~ mo.nv.ille to nu=sonsdharles M and \l 1U111m er in the county :!It been re1lueed - mnk:ing it the Cheap~·t Ito· e Jndebted o.nd sntrounding countn tho.t 11e hn~ opened R Cnwkcr i hereby rc(J11cat :ill t h oB 11 26 ROB r S ~!ANNING uJ and J!umJly Weekly in. the ll'orld? to n1c by book .1ceount. or other" isc to call and out n New· Tiu Shop in the storo late ly oecup1cd settle fo1 th" ith by John Allen, coruer of G. REED, II HE ScBSCIUBER HAVING BEEN H AVING BOLD OU'l' MY INTEREST T i\'otice. MANUFACTURING CO T1uc HURAL f.I Ev1101uAJ SrAFF is the ll.Dd ablest of fill~ Jownal in its sphere -..\ h1l o its Illustr«.t.1ons, lypogrn phy E tc 1tro aupct ior .Hcside Lhc writings or the conducting Y.nd ns soc111te Editors its Corps of Contr1but-0rs js lt1.rgcrthau that of any othor HURAL A.NDLITJ. RAU): PAPER- 60 that ThfOOR.E P.I ltU JUL lS the Orgru1 IU. and through whteb gr-oat nnd beneflcial till"ort~ to'vnrd SB i L h ING .A.ND DIVISION STREE'fS Bo" 1na11\ ll le J au 9t h , 1872 ELIZABE'l'lf CA Vt' KJ<:R 21 tt 1'.l.L"LEOD"S HOUSE AND VILLA PAINT'S, 16 Bown1anvll1e where he will keep constantly uu hand a well sclocted stock ot stovu3 Jap anned, pressed and plain T1u which he ,,..u1 sell OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, N e.ppheat1on mu by tbe Corpore.tlon of u1ani. to the tbe Toy, n o( Bov.o be mado ille t'ron1 Bowmanvllle to Lindsay and Bobcavgoon for JlO'"' e re to extend frotn a point on the aforP. said line to such points and !-!arbours on Georgia.n B1ty as m.ty be doon1cd < h .1 s1rable ~· C UlJITT, H WINDAT1' iltavor 1 orn1~ Olm k Bowmainille Dec 2, 1871 19 6w THAT THE RURAL'S ILLUS'rRATIONS Legislatu1e of tho Province of Ontario at 1ts next SC!Saion, in nrlilit1on to fonuer notice of a-pphcat1011 ' !or un Act authorlQ.lng the eonstruction or a Rnliway Prepared for inuned1ate use, u.nd nothing but the purest Ulied, and qu1r1ng no further mixture of ot1s 1 Turpentine and Dryerg "CHEAP AS 'l'HE CHEAPEST Special att cnt1011 paid to El>.VETROUGHING AND lOllBING g Orders tron1 ths country p ro1n p tly al tended to W lI1ghc~L pr1co paid for H1do9 Sheepskins n .ags, Wool plcklnga, Covpo1 FcathCI'H IUld liornehiur .J. ll I G GI J\' Ji 0 '.l' II A J U, &.Jr Grcnt indncon1ents held out to ped!crl3 N D - Farmers 'vnnti ng Milk P1t1ls or Pt~ns CHE~II S T AND DHUGGIS'f, "ould do 1voll to ca.11 tiHl oxannno my stock be EGS RESPEC'IFULLY TO ANfort"; pnrelui.mng elsewhere A sluue of Pltblie rcapeetfulll sollc1tccl NOUNCE Uu1.t he h as received o. 'veil a.A eo1tcd stock of Uc nu1 ue Jl1 ugs and l~U"O Englis h ' ' G U.l~ ED Chen1 icala .Also tt eple nd1d slrn k of th e 1uost Bowma.nville March 8th 1371 32 tf c Lrcfu1l;;~ selcct<"d = nre Numerous, -Varied and Boa.utiful Indeed, om alru ls to i ende1 the ·whole paper excc~t1 on ally Valuable and o.ceeptable Thi:! RURAL s H e port.e of Markets Crops 1-"':lnl\nece etc are full and reHnble nnd alon e ,,.orth double the priet or the pa.per Inilecd next to vour local paper Moonn:'s H.URAt. is the 01w for Yourself .F'ani.Jly und Friends time, &nd. wboro' e1 used la Well ill..ed no' er taJJ.lna- In & single lnst,a.uce to g 1\ c perm.anent rolief when tnnol} used, o.nd we hu.1 e n evr,I known a. aina-Ie etll:!e or disf!atIBfaction, whe r e tho directions bocn properly follo,\od 1iut on the contra.q ,.u delighted w1th lt:; opeu:it1 0I s, and si:1eak In Lil6 h1gho::st t-e1 m s or Its virtuos and ma.glo&l clfcct We speak t ron1cxpc11e nce in the n1atter ha.T Ing tested it thoroughlv, a n d tl erefo1~thosc whq nre suftc1111g ~om &nv o f the co1nplaints for :which. it lB recon1mended roa) depend \lpon it being R S o-.,; ere1gu lterned y 1 he n.ston1sl1ing c.Uicucy of t he Canndisn Paha. Doolro) i:r tn curu1g the dfae11 ses for whlcb it 1' rtxXJnin1cudcd, and Its "oude1ful effoota 1n sutr 1!1.uu1i; the torturous pains o-f H.l10111n1~t.l81n, and in ieheving Nervous Atrcotions, eHtltlc it to 11lgh r nnk in the list o! Re1uedies Ordr-rs are coming in fi om ~lcd1cinu Dealers In all partrt of the countr)i fot f\uthe r "'u pphes and each tesbfyinQ' as t o the univcraa.I sat1sio.ct1on it gh ea 'I b e Canadu~n Pam De$troyci never fnil!I to 1rhe 1unnerluito rehet AJI Medicine DoaJ.en lieev it, Ph)sic1ans order M.Ud use it l Bnd nu tu.1n1l~ will be \\lthout it after trying_ it Price only Twenty 11' e { onta per bot.tie For so.le bJ. W T .A..tkinsou and Dr DMU »ha.YI a in ~ lutby bv J li Gerrie anU J liTt'»· Brooklyn by Jobn "ra.ite n Sold in Bowma.nville by :S Hlninbotla.m an4 D, Stott and a.U n11xltc1ne ll .mlers. hu now 'l'lte Gi:-eat ·'cmalc Re1ncdy. JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS j u nfailing In tho cure of a ll those painful ILll.d rl.augerom1 dJ:sensco to 'vhich the fen1ale oonati t ul 1011 is subJcct It n1ode1a tes all and re :n10\: f:A all obBtruc tion s, and u. speedy cure may be reluxl on It is peeuha.rly e:tutcd I t Wlll in l\ short tim~, bru:i g 011 t he monthly pf'lriod TI 1th regularity 1 hesr- Ptlls should not be taken by Femalu du1inoth~ FTRS1' TFlR EE MONT11SofPrf:fJ TO MARRIED LA IHES THEIR COMPOSITION CONSISTS SOLEY OF - STYLE AND REDUCED TERMS Ea.oh nutnbcr of tho Run.Ar NRW Yo RICER for 1872 Wlll compriBe Sateen Qunrto Pages (ifl.rgor than Ho.rpc1 s Weekly,) pnnted from Now l}pe on e:xt ra 1lne au<l 11oavy pa.per and Illustru.I ed nnd Printed in the highest ~tyl~ of tho Tyo grnpb1cal Art Tt.RMS9 ht A1lvnn~c ;- Sm~l o Copr $2 50 per year, FL Vo Copies for $1L 50, Seven Copies (01 $16, rcn Copies fo1 $20-only $2 per cop" l 1 lb eral Premiun1s to ull form C111 1 ,~ ~peennon l\un ibers Sho" Bills etc sent free Addi cr;s D D 1' MOORE· Ru1al l'o\V York er Office NC\Y Yo1 k Ci ty, Stock: Staple and Faney Dry I PM·e Color, Piire White Lead, Piwe White Zinc, Linseed Ou, Spir1t~ of Turpentine and Drye7'8 carefully and scientifically combined rrHIS INYALUABLE MEDICINE IS '111e co1ununer cn.n have <\UY desired shade oi Colors neatly put up in Cans, &nd al ho reqmres to buy v.1th the Pa.tut . us & Brush, :\S the 'vork c.'\n be done by h1n11Jelf or by ft.DY mcn1bcr of ]us household Corn for Sale, vVhole or Cl'acked· ·Joint McDougall. L111ube1· and Shingles Goods, wh1 eh they derenninoci to PURE WHITE LEAD. A Luge stock Just recei vecl for Autumn Pamting, imported direct from the English Manufacturers, includmg JA~fES' i(ieuume and celebrated Rooster brand-Guaranteed pure. A.LSO -.A.11 standard ColotA, 01l!'l,, &nd Painters' .l\' 0-Lll <d sec how cheap ·.1. Houae ca.n bo Pa.1nted a.nd Decorated, for all th ese B DYE quo.lit) STUFFS! ""lueh can not be e:urpasisod for oxtellener 2000 'Thre~bcrs goods will be oold at reduced figures GA! .LONS MACHINE OIL OF DIFFERENT KINDS n.nd all p1ut1os. 1cqutr1ug snolt oil spec1a.lly mTitcd tf) inapoct the var1ours qu1tht1ea -the pncc he1ng fa.r below anything ever offered m th11 ~ Jlla.rkot, W .l dit~ouut of :VIV1!: PER 500 COOK, PARLOR, HALL AND BOX STOVES, a.mvmg and now on Exlub1t1on Th.a largeat and clteape!'lt stock Tinware, 1n the County ·f Durha.n1 'I'. J)A.RJ,ING'l'O.N, or General Hardware, Oood1, alld D PORTED EALER IN; DOMESTIC ANJ> conr;tanth on, ha.ud t ogcthc1 "lt11 1t chou:e se Darlington looUon or A Il CAMPBELL Da.rlington, No1 29, 1!71 18-tf DR UGS, CHEMICALS P A.TD!1' ~1EDICINE~ A SJ·le1u· 1d Farn1 tor liiale, HHUSHES. cmm~ THE COUNTY OF DURHAM S II0 Uf,DER-BRA CE5, near the 'l o,...-n of Ilowmn.nv11le Appllcatlofi St: !'PORTERS,&< &o to ho tHnde to OILS J S BATES, Propnetor PH"qTS Bo wmn.nvillc, Oot.ohor Jth 1871 10 tt COLORS, Y ARNISHES 8 Notice. and!\\ III'l ELEAD ] ~I.. H" At the very lo'n"eJt prices .A.n 119aortn1eut of A..niliue D) es kept ot F OR SALE, AT MY MILLS, IN 7 0 1 I BEG MOST RESPECTFULLY TO b u t at any other ltnie th1.'-1f a 1 e safe In all CnaOfl of N l"lrvnnl!! and ~_pins.I .Affections, Pains 1n the B wk !'Lnd Ltmbs, Fis.tigua on e:liqhl Caution! ! Caution! ! ! exert.Ion, Pa.lp1tatfon oft.he hen.rt, Hyfitorlca a.n<S. VVh1tes, these Pills vrill offect n cure when all means ha.vo tailed, n.nd aJtho-ngb a. power lk-t. Pnblu of the. Brdt6h Pro tn.1'u~~ of other fulrem~, do not conta.m iron ea.lornC1T, mony or anj: tb111g lnrrtful to the constitution. 1.-orth .A.m-trl(;a Flill directions in the -pamphlet around eae1s l', whlch B hould be cn.refoJiy presOTvcd JOU MOSES ~l!:'i'{ nancr;, a~ the·y a 1c su r o to bl itlfl on /.11scan· 1ag~ \JN acquaint tbe public of the British !'orth Am erico.n provinces t.ha.t lll l\fay last I cauaed the bll!inesa at 80 }f1;L1den, New York tor the 8a.l.G of HOLLOW A y s Pu I..S Af\"l) OINT~EP.'"T.:-..which were up t.o that t1n1e :prepn.rcd by "ilJUJ.TI1 JJrowu now dooea.acd to ho closed These M;edic1uo8 were I regret to say, from what hl\s lateh come to n1y kaowledgc madcap of such vocy oi-<lllltt.r"J lngrodicnte o.s to render them nbno~t \:VOrtblo!5s and therefore calculat ed to da1nago 1uy good YOl\K, l'IOLE rno:ntIETOR. CJl:N'f mil aoo h11 1u&dt Ofl a.II eft~h GRommrns, CHOICE TE.AS, I HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES elllngton llu1ldlng, BowmanYille, .August 9 1871 JOHN McT,EOD. D \.\1 ILLI.A.l-IS, mnst 1)11.) up du.ring the N B - Countrs Sto1epeake11t $11pplied on ad preeeut Jnonth Bowrnauvillo Feb litl1, lRi:! la.n tageous torn1 ~ A LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO M l'R tJ f'l I<. PROVISIONS, &c , CROCKERY AND GLASSW.Utl·. llowmn.n\!Jlle, Out HARD TO BELIEVE. True Nevertheless I The Groeery Department 111 - -- I 37 tt ~till A.he:u1. o.-- - GROCERIES VERY CHEAP. 1tt1pphe<l w1ift New Fruiti., Spiees SOIREES, TEA PARTIES, :BALL SUPPERS, PUBLIC DINNERS, WEDDING CAKES Oot up in tho atyle 11nd on reo.eona.ble terms by the aubsclibcr The v.h1te1:1t, the 5weetest a11d bet'lt bread deh'fc1ed da.lly to custon1er~41n &ll pn.rte urthc town 15-3 store) s lug h cont11u11ng ten rooula "ith QtHH"Tei 11e1 e of la.nd a.ttai.::hed ten roorns, situate on King S t1c:et B oi.i,:m a irv11 1e aud at 1nesen t oc eupwd by t\:\ o fam1 1 1e.t1 Oood frult trees, bn.1 d and soft water o.nd othe r con i,: tmiences 011 the prcnHaos ..l!-.or termt:i etc n p plJ to tho under <:1gncd IUOS G l!U)IPHREY · Dow-u1anvllle, l<"'eb Ii 1872 29 tf A BRICK DWELLING HOUSE TWO l'hoso who do not" leh to be deceived by buy tug spur.. ous medioinos, whlcb a re i1uw ltk oly to e1na.nato f101n tho Stute~ or else\\here, l::ut to poBl3ess thcmsch ea of the gen tune HOLLOWAY s Prr1s AND OINT~lE!'T wlll do well to $CC I I a t each pot and box boors the H1 it1sh Govor nn en t s ta.1np on \:\:Juch ia e n grin ed t he words 'HoJ Io \V.4.l.'. sP1LLSANDOl:NTMlG::ST, " and that tho ad dtt'l SS on the label is.:>~ OX!iOHD STP.RJrT , Lo::s DON v.he1c onlv they are mannfactured and In no other par t o~ the \Vorld l he retail puues are on the la.bclt.t 111 ButtSh c urienc), and not 111 dol and cents No represontatlve of 1n1no 1vill ever tl iL \ e} throug-11 t\D) }Jn.rt of tlie Br1hah Pio' 1nces 01 the lJ nlted States;.. eit her to sell or to tciko order<1 ror n1y P1ll1;1 tt.ud u1nt1nenr, aud us I lune reaa on to behe ve that u.tteo1pts Vi ill' ery ptoha.bly bo ruad o to deee1ve the public in tlns way 1.iy p er sons< all lng upon n1edit.11ne 'entlors, falsely representing that the) are acting for me, and w1lli n1y kn olv ledge and consent, I deem it advisable to put t he pubho on tllelr guartl agmust any such dcce p t.1o u~ $1 00 :).nd 121.- cents for poetage, eucl~ed te Nor t.hrop & L Y"lnnn, New-co.11:tle, Ont, genot·l agent.s for the- Dominion will inmire a bott1o, eont.atn1ng over 50 pills, by r eturn mail. For salo bv W 1' Atkinson &nd DT' DG~1 Oshn.wa in '\VhitbybyJ H . Gen-ieo.ndJ Brme tn Broclyu by John Warron, Sold by J illGGI:-<BOTHAM nnd D !TOTT Bown1an \ lllo Ont!\no ·---------·-----... Bn JUen1oiriam in honor of t.hc d end I£eaven he.a utte r ed no p1oh1JJJL10n. and }~arth 111 not IDJUrcU bnt bonefit.tcd bJ thom All thos: @; beautiful emblem s \l'h1ch adon1 the m ain tombs aroun d i.t'lnch wo lovo to h ng or nssure us '" e in a world ot "nrm a n fl loving b(';tt.r t s , Lhe o.dornln$J: cf tho i:sepulchr(IS of the ' lovod ones a.llovla t c s ou r grief t~n 1l soothOB tho w ound ed heart It al so cheers Lhe be rca' e d to k 11<Jw t hat a n additional om bell lahment of tho grave presents 11t1onge1 fittractions to arrest the attention of the Bt111.ngcr o.nd ca.uses hin1 to Ea.use and learn tho Hu.111e or one i.vho ~lhor~hnrcd so la1gely In tho love o! A GMNST EXP E NDITURES Robe1·t Young, oud Cookmg Raisins only 5Jcents a pound, and it !cheap G er by the box. i te. None better ia q11ali 1y,and none cheapu ..._ UMMER DRY GOODS at cost L.i OTTON and Woolen goods are aclvancing, but you can buy them at Elliott's, for a short time, at the old pricea. Now is the time to secure what you need ALl!le. :FLETORER C t;edar ltaiJs antl Posts. For Sale or to Let. occupied by r_r Bassl'ltt ha.rdwil.rc met chant, IDng Street, Bowma.nville :\.pply to SA.J..iUEL HEAL, Dowmanville, or to MRS 'l'HOS ECK Os ho.we. February 16, 1872 :30 tf T HE SHOP AND DWELLING NOW ot NY QUANTITY UF GOOD CEDAR Adt·hvercd Ralls a.nd Posts for sn.le, either at. tho stump Darhngton, lJee 181l JAI\-fES " VEAL, Lot '· Cou 191.t CLOTHING! Ulf"). ttisoou11.t will b. mad& on A Small Fa1·1n Wanted. Brick Cottagt' G ~r t11 ENTLEMEN in want of a neat fitting snit should call early at Elliott's Fash10nable Tailoring Establishment. guaranteed in all reasonable cases. F OR tft--ruitt.1 SALE, ON WELLINt!lT~.N S{;reet For partioulara nuply to i\ P.H.O\.VEti Pay up and SaYe '.1'1·ouble, ~Satisfaction under1ngnod l'eQUePted pa y up befar fl 1he :ftr11t or Februa.Ty nflrt and trouble JI' 'f IJOSKIN l!:owmanTUle, Jan 3,1872 :?3 uali purehuee e'l'et one 500 Tea, Dinner 11.f·d Oha.mber &t~, in n.oqualn~ w1tb merit~ of re'rent Mac:hluM repreeent themaelvoo as agents t\>r. the eelebratcd J..ockman and Osborn .!\la~ chines a.od offer to grant wn.r.ra.ntfJforthe 1'Bime, within'tentto deee1vo We being the only au tbotttcd n.gesitl!ll fOr \\ eirt Dnrha1n nre the only ereont wlio can grant 'ivnrrnnt& thereon, and ~Y persons :not en1p}oyed by us, reproBonttng themeelTM...., agents or offering to grant warrante lmpo!ters and lla.ble to be 1JnY.Jecnted ror bud The t>Ilblic are hereby ea.utioned -INDEBTED TO THE A LL P ARTIJ!O to Going Jfi11 West ! Henry Elliott, Jr. tt Ia1npton, Augu·t 3rd, 1871 ISALE, WITH <SNUG H vUSE f To Let. A CA UTION~ -1:1~~ Bo~r!!:'..Frst-Prlze :F' The Furn~ Shop· SELLING OFIP ! IS THE MOST EY.F'ICIEN1' WITH HORSE-POWER & J.ATRllf, W E LEARN THAT THERE ARE ITHI:::i mor., room,i...n.nd .raons the the di! better than other nse a. at present worked by the sub· Cheap for Cash 1 ----- ~- ~ - - ----- T exch.1,n~e good h ouse n.nd Jot i n a. thriving Villae;e 1n 3'1ecln~a. n fut it s1null rarnl. neo.r Bow nrn.nv1llc lffarn1 la w o1 th mote than hou1'e and lot will pa'< bnlnnce in niuney Call 1n1n1od1ately m pc1 son or ad tl ress 1' W NICl!OLS, Box 71 ·1 tr Bo" n1an' Hlo HE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO ~'OR little S hOJl attached m a good bus-mes art or the Town F o r apply to J C >OLLA.RD en the prem1sc!3, two doors East o ll~nderaon " hotel, Bown1an' iUe "'\Ve take thie method to infol'lll you I most on.r-nestly entreat n.U t11ose who may that we ct\n fill orders for doooratlng the read this nd vcrt1semcnt 1 bat Lhc" be plmiscd u1 gra vos of d c pru tod fucmds at low the_public uuerest, to co1un1unicllte the 1nuporl 4. PPLICATION WILL BE MADE of the stune to t.hCll' t11e11d>1 that they nta) not be figur n'i oxecu led 1n t ho beat atr1o of wor k.·n l>~"1hip ..... ~to the Judge or the Surrogate Co m tot tl1e defrauded o! the1r n1oncy by purchasing ""orth Unite dCouutl~ o! Northtnuberlu.nd nndDurhn1n Jess 1m1tationsor tho genwue }!OLLOW Al.'. s l 1LL8 MONLMENTS,TABLE'fS,ET'~, after the exp11 tLtton or twent} dn.yH fro1n the AND 0DiTllEN I /li st Jn ser t.ion of th1t1 notice In the Cana.dJa.n OF Titp: FINEST Q UALITY OF I would a1:1k, 8.8 a great favour that should it S tates tnnn to ttp'Roint Jane 'rho1npl:IOll, or the oon1e to the knovt ledge of any tJersou thnt sp-w i lTA.LU.N & -<MER/ 0"4N MA. RBLJ! I ov. nslnp of Dar lngton in the County ot Dur ous medicines are being made or sold Jn my naine -AND-ham,"\"'\ idow u.ud IIe11ry EILiotli. the younger of he be pleai:ted to send me K-11 tho psrticul.ars he the !JU-D10 place Merchant Uuaraians 01 J\fs.tikla, ca.n colle( t l'ospei..:Ung the same, th1:1.t is to fmy SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, Mary Ann June aud John fhorupson the tultl a.dc..U:ess ot the ve 11dor v. ho IS 1:1eU supplied cn1 short notice Evorythlni' tnfnnt chii<l1en of the late John Tho1npson tllK the spurlous med1cl11ee,and the ii.a1ne ~rta.ining to Cemetery y,ork. will meos. (01:nie1Iy o t Darhugtou atore1:1a1d, deceased, and and n.ddJ.ess of the House in U1e United Stales with promp t ~Heutlon by l&av1.o.a or tho satd Jane 'lhon1pson or clst":whm e wluch JUI.\} have supplied then1 so dera witA HOB!lP.T ARMOUR. as to enable inc, for the 1notect1u11 ur the public, C BO'C NS ALL, Solicitor !01 .'\ppltcant to institute proceOOu1g~ ngu1nst such evil-doers nowml\uT1ll~. F eb 13 1872 21) and I engage to rc:rhunerate >el) )1u.ndso111ely uny person who nui.y gn e roe such in fo1 1natlou the iuror1nant s name never bo1ng d1vulp;ed 'l'o J,et. Should t~n,:. person have rca.son to be.1evc that he has been dec eived by buying spurious hnito. Uous of these Medicines, h e \VJ!f do well tu sond WELLUiG HOUSE AND FRONT me, in a lettc1 to the address at foot (which h e Rhop to let, "lnlh Immediate poi;P.f1:1sion on cn.11 do at l~ cost of si:s: cents u1 postnge ), one of the boo kg of in s~ruotions \:vhich arc o.ffi.xed to tho King street }1.pply to It PE A. TF.. '11ulo.r 1:1 1 u n e I pronusc to cxanune it and aoud a.1cply llo\:vtuaui. ille, Nov 9, 1871 ala.ting whet her Ill e 1\-fedieiucs nrc genuine 01 not, so that if RPlll'lOllS he 1nnv o.pph to the per sou fron1 "hou1 he purchased them to have Ina T money returucfi Chemists and Dn1ggists who dcstre to ob!Aun the .ilft"!dicinos can he su:pplicd 11.t th e) lo\vCfft A NEW GLEE BOOK, v. hole~ale pnce!J in or not l e e;~ t.han \\ITH PUNO .AOCOMP.ANJMEN'l' £20 worth (!or Yiblch ren11ttnnce muet be oont in advnnce)-v1z , &; Gd 22a and 345 per doz-cu Pmo $:/ 50 wch, $15 per dowL boxes of Pille: or pots of Ointm ent nett , without discount Stop and See. o be, "'t"l'THEREVER THE NJC PLDS I b.a'f"e the honour L '\'lth g1 ettl HISpect, l'l Ullra Gl~Book haa been 1:otroduced, 1 It HE FOLLOWING REM.ARKS ON ha! been pronounced ~uperior t.o all other works TIJOi\I.!.S HOLLOW A. Y T Teallroo1ual1' of tJ:ie OlO~t wonderto.1 and .e;f ot tbJ k tnd. I t. ii! the la.rgeet, 111.teet flne et, and 553 O:.t_n.,-d Stred (late :U-t S t1 and) Lottdo11., trtt.0rdinary cu..rofl in Cn.nadJl. by t.he GRE.A.'r Df. only collectif'ln of Ne\v Gl~s and Qua.rtettcs, TV C., .S ep~c11tbcr 1, 1871 17 10 DIAN REM.EDY They !tern, UDde111able nM-rly all of 'vhich htt." e, and inoont'!l5ta.ble fn.ct~ aufilcicnt to eonvin~t.h· ad lib. S:i.mple. co1J1e5 mft.l.led poe:t pa.Ld, for $1 most skopt1c~l tlrn Grea.t Medical C'A:lmpO'tIJ)d .5i) reamed for- a.geis 11'1 no'\T M:CCC'!Slble in the J L PETERS, »90 Brondn.a.y, N Y Great l\otice. ··- -- - - -- --- - ---- D Ne Plus Ultra Royal Insurance COJ\'IP A.NY. E A N D l~ Unprincipled per.1ons '"'ho, "'hen tJ.lcy a.nd cannot palm off a. worthletr.s Semng, on tribute Drum in UfM';, and w1ll di8~ heat, occupy 10153 a.newer all JHrrposo anr UT itl! houeo can be much better heated with 0116 11tove tilus.n UJldf!t tho old tryatom with ti.~o or th'l'ee stove&---thua more than paring for ltaelt in one 8ea.sonbyn.8&vingofwood. All who h&vetrlcd t.hem would not be without thetn for mo.ny time8 their CO:e!t The undersigned hM 1ecnred the Right for Bowm1mv:llle, Darlington, Cn.rtwriirht Clarke a.nd M'ltnvel"'ll\, and ls prepl\red t:-0 1111 a.ll orders on the ahortost notloo A full M!lortment or Cook , PMlor and Do.x Stoi. es, constantly on ~oonomlcal Notice SHOSHONEES REMEDY E' I L I F J:C. "It'"""' ·uOn R &; H 0 !!AR.A nowma.nville, June Hnd, 1871 4:7-!--m ttft I'. T. !IOSRIN ~rlbcr POl!sesrilon gn en lromedia.tely OnlY All 1ndebte<1 to t b e bu ~ine~1' will pletU!e cc.U nnd HE MEMBERS OF VOLUNTEER T MWtln. n-nd others 'vho bOCll in the 1EMPORARY OFFICES bnslllee!I of tho k1nr1 In town-plr:mty or cu~tom _. 11cttla th e ir ac-counts ,.-n.s soon A.s possible rare cb1tnce for a. good pnrupmaker. habit of prachcil1g \'t'lth ba.U cartndge1 on tho J C PO J,J, !..RD nnt, will plGMe bea.r in mind that rrom the Co1·11er of' St. Paul and St. E. SILVER Bo,vTna nv:IIle 4 .th Dec, 1871 19tt present time .!tn y consent., hitherto given by me1 1"rancoi!!I Xa vie1· Streets. ~I - - - Bowma,n \ 1Ue, ?.Ift.y t:S, 1871. 1s ab;,olutely withdrn.v.n, a.nd any one founa wiltnlly Mntinrung !title pra.ct100 after thie notice TIIE 54th VOLUME! (apltal $10,000,000 must be denll ~\Ith i15 the II\'\ directs Money to f,cmn. A.1111.ual e ovl"!r For 1"72 ! t,000,000 F Il;A YNES Fnnds Jn Rand Oler 9,5CMl,OOO .il;own'nn>tile, Ma> 10 1871 Sl tf FOR FROM ONE TO TWEN · L O.ANS TY :roar!'! b" In to to !:Ill'!: 111..UBTRATl!D Notice. N Cm· :t 11.nd 11M our Cit in& Hall. l wtll not be ~nsiblc for any debta eon t.n.crted by my gen. ' ' 1llil\m J &lllc8 Sulley WU;J,I Ul SULLEY. ·a.rl1Jagteft, Ju·· ID. 187L 46-tf OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT to rep&ul instalmcnttJ lffilt borrowers, who nre e.llowod 1no.ko such pay ments in addition to 1nstalment11, a s t hey may ftnd cOnvontenl, may he obtained from the Ca nada Pcri1111.ucnt Building o.n1l Savmg Sociot), by o."t)plying to Fl>.REWEr.r., McGEE & R U TLEDGE Sohc1tors, J3o\VID!ill'vllle trPrivn.te tnn<l~ to lou11 6lt Phrenological Journal, A FrnST-OL,\SS $!2u Reward, COME TO OUR KNOW· 11' LEDGE tbn.t PecllurH urc sellmg Spec Glasses to of H.~VING COI tfi( \ ~ 9 FIRE DEPART~:t:ENT. FOR A Good Smoke, · Wl'M cne 111.onth we .. mgin a dill(;Ount on Or~k~ ef TBN PER B T S'J)fft&cles and 1t) e GIA~ ma.nufaetnrotl by LAZARUS &:- :MORRIS, &nd for which have the sole agenoy, aro ga.Jn1n« golden opinion rom all iho£e whohaTe tried It. Jf:rou wan~ &nd no othen ..4..AltON BlJ C][L ll:Jt, AP :n Bowmanv-ill· and Yl·lnltty 1 Jftll HE CELEBRATED PERFECT!':!> GET THE NEW BRAND, THE FAMOUS w1nanTille Veterinary Myrtle Tobacco, SILVEH. & DOUGLAS', ONE DOOR EAST OF S,ur~ery ft>r person· wllfl ..... t ~arpin1 11.lltl lla.n the 11101tty, BROSI l1 t1at 1lU1tDOC!! pi.... .. 1·, - · ·e· to Ho~· and Cattle Having h&d mw.1;r yaa.r11 e.xperlenee In the treatml)nt of all compla1ntfl in ooru:r.oetlon with Horses and C&tUc, ho can oon Adently 58 r that all CO. i!!CIJ entru.stod to his care j,,f,.L. will receive ench meilice.l care and att.<int1on M thorr iml>l?_rtance d01na.nds · Ofnee King Stroot 2 door'fl Of llendet"9on & ARRISTER AND .A.TTORNEY-ATHotel R.el'llllt:nte Scugog Roa,d, where calls by LAW Solimtori11. Cl\&!'l~ry a.rid tneolncey ~t OT othei "'1.5e "'tU receh e prompt atrention· kc .&e. Velelina.ry 1}\;:Ultls always ou hand ~·fl't~ b'!t>d~r"tt A.a'&nt-to the ld:utu"1 J'ir. Oft!H cl'- ~n...l' 3 tr1&t !Je,.;tm-11e.-.Ule ifrtUi·· &!i)·:J~·) .t-cilliUW· '.rlitablfahtd ··le1t,nter.Mr ftbi' e "" ·1 ll-4.i lU.RTIN, M. P C, MAY BE A · Joonaulted. on all dlseues. belonging - - - ---- - -·- -----Win.ft. Lowe, D. B., B F. Y. COWLES', JUNG ~T, BOWM..1..NTILL". lttwma:..Tille Oft 11 ll'il o.nd to bear our names stamped thoroon \:\c h e reby ca.utlon the pubhe n.galnf'!t all asnch Phrenology - fh c Brmn 11.n <l i t!'! Funct.1onF1 mpost.ors a.a Mr AAnON I.tuc10 EH is our only Location of the OtgMlti " it h cll rcctlon s for cul Ageutin \\..,cstDn1h"111, und a re \.\a1d o!$25u1 ture und trn.lll111r.c, tllld ti1e i 1ons of Mind 11ncl hereb:v offered for the o.pprohenslon and conv-u Bod} describe(\ t1011 of all such nnt)osturs as try to clo!raud the Physioon om11 or. the Signs of Chnrnotel \vi th publtc by offering their trash as our ntake Jllost.1 ations and ho-..i. t.-0 ltead t hein , ia, a spec w.l LAZARUS, MOIU\IS & Co feature }.fontre1Ll, !!th Nov Hl7l Elh.nolorrv, or tho Natu1 al Iln1torj. ot Man 1llnstrat£ld, wil be gh en Physwlovy anll Anatomy - The Orgn.n1zntto11, structure flnil function i;; uf the hl.unan budi. "' lth the law& of life a.ud health \\ hnt we Flhould eat and drnik how· clothc<l and how to exorcise HE SUBSCRIBER HAV!NG LATE sleep and ln c, In a.ccordnncc \'ilth hrgtentc prln ly purcbaeed. the )1111 k:no,,.n as DH Hllr e1ples LirR l\11LT1 and gave IL Lhe s.bov-e ua1no by J>ortra1l8 s\~ctchC S n.nrl b10grtLJlhH~!I Of Jeii.<l1Ug 'vh1ch <;: it wll 1be known ln t.b.c tut.urc, and h.:i.i; lllF; men and" omen ln nll depa.runcnls or llfe, are put the Blune 1n goo-d running' order he is no Vi spec1al fea.t ures prepared to do l ;,arcnt11, 1.'eachers and Othcr11 - AR a gwde in educating and tr11.1nlng Cl11ld:rcn, th1a nw.i"azu1c lia.s no superior Muo-h general information on the lea.ding topics at all times, and .eol <;lt:ff the po.tronage or all h!1 of the da.y Is given e.nd 110 etforte arc epnr-ed to olcl friends and customere QB well as ncu oneM ma.kc this the n1ost. mtcrcstlJl_g and iuatruetlYc lla.~\ngaecured theP!1l'v1ces of ONE OF THE as well as the BaBl Pictorial Fanllly ]l{agaz1nc BES l' MILLKH.S IN THE COUNIR.Y, no j)a.b11 ever publlsbod -....ill bo to give sa.t1~tactio~ 8 T ALTEit &tabli..,hu f..- 'Th o J ournn.1' hn.s rcnched lt.e Vohune It hos sltm d1ly inc roiumrl lu favor P S - The 1-Illl i.vW be ready tor Flonnog In & dot ing the many years it has been pu blishcid, and sliorL time, of whu.: h d ne \\111 he given 1\ i~s never more popul11r than now J ~ Enn1skillen Feb 20th, 1872 M-t t T erm.s - Monthly, at !li3 a. )'OOr in o.dvanco Single numbcn;, 30 c cn l.-8 Clu bs of ten or rn oro, $2 a nd ttn cxhn. cop y t o Agent \Vantccl J mmediately, \V c arc offc1lug th e most libcnLl Inclosc 15 cents fo1 a ~ampl e num ber, with new FARM HAND APPLY Pletorrn l P os1e r tLnd P1 ospec tus, a.nd a complete J l'!t o f P1ti1n mrn !) _\.,tl 1 hc1!t1 ! TI. ' V.EtJ1S, PubliMet, W ~&aiway-~ N~~ Y· \< FAN.IL I' 111.AGAZJNN. o.nrl E.) e ta111 .A.11 descriptions o! TJroperty Jnisurod agn1nst Loss or Danl1\ge by F i re 11.t 111ode 1n.te rat-Os LOSSES Pl10MP1LY SEllL!lD Wl1HOUT REFERENCP] 'l 0 THE l!OMl' OFFH.:1' purporting 11c Oll.l" !:lHO-NEES RE:VillDY a.1 il f:!ntlsfy yourselves For D1se11t.1ta~ of the Thro&-t, LungeJ. Uv-eT, ~· tlve Orgn.n!\. Kldne;ri:i, &c , a.a weu Ser the varlon~ n:kln, Ilumoni rmd all I scn,sce: n.rlBJog from lmpUI'lti~s of l.he Bll'>Od. boldls at.ate that this iJ"t'at r emedy bB6 NE~R BEEN EQUALLED "\\hero 'va.s there t:iver .;iuch n. c uro as that in th o /'creon of \.Vllao-n Storms ofDrig_hton, Onttll"rn o Coneumption , or that of P e t-Or 0 V l\ollller, of Ernefrtown, Ont&rHJ of Consumption nr tho.t of Arnbro!'lc Wood. of Ckm secon Onl11.110, 01 D 1s_pep3ia anrl Ll-ver COmpltuntl or that of Joh n liose1 or ~o.panee, Ontario o Rhe1mrn.tism, who ho.a actWLily been on crntc.befl for ~('.ar., 111 splt e of all tror.i.tmcnt borctofore Hn·1 la now \"\'ell Scores off)nc}:l oasca might be mentioned had Wo, ~ CaU a t the Dr111t S tore n.n d get a Circ:ular o unques t lnnable cei1 iJlca.tes on t he GREAT SHO a.' w· LIFE DEPARTMENT. Assurance on Lives e,'Tantcd on fa.vonrable tcuns, and uuquostJonnble sccurit v u offered t o Policy hnldera B1 e1des t~10 La:rgc Pi:1.1d-U11 Cap ltal ot the Con1pa~y__,~.A.ssurers htne .Additional ~ecuut;; tn tl1e UNL. 1'.Ml'IED LIABil.1lTY' of u. \Vealthy Proprlotary Tho Spec1e.l Life As~ u r i nco Jf1m<l nov. a.mount" to Pr ice of R.1,tn~dty in. Lari ge Puif..s 1 $1 g Fo1 Sa.le by nll Druggist.a o.nd Deo.Iers in 1\lcd1cu1c A gents tor Bo n nu1.u v-ille - Mes8r8. l I:lir&ginbotha1n }) 8to~t \Vholermio AgentffNorthop & l.ymo.n, No'\ oaetll"l Manhood, How r.ost, Row Enniskillen Mill T GRISTING & CHOPPING ffi:H3,603,5210· THE S UM OF $736,5200. having hoen tuldod thereto as a. rcsultot the Bns lness or the P1wt "Y enr Arter Llto Pa)me nt of all Claims Bonuses, Annu:itiCM nnd Jtxpenaea of e\ ery Description Tablee of J{a.tes Proposal Forms and full iufor ma'tion ca.n ho obto.ined. on applicntton to the un clonugned II J, ROU'l II E F BEDDALL Chief Agent!!! for Cana.du. .1. PERitY, Fu-. Inercctor lOBERT .ARMOUR, A~enltnt Bowmanv1lle N B -The flnitnr.inJ position ot the H< >al .s ln no way a.ffeoted by the recent 1' Lre ~t Clnr:a , the Co.rnpa.ny h av1ug uo Agent doing bnslnca!l 1n that Cit' ]~lln torrhrea, or Se minal \Vco.knel'IP Jn ' olnnt.ary Se1nn1nl Loews, l u1potency Mentnl a.1ul Phys1c11l Jnca pn.clty lmp ed.1ments to ].ffl.l'J 1B.go eto also Co11surn1n 1on, Epilr.1psJ and Fit~, induced by i:iolr 1ndulgnnM or 11erutLJ ut.ra.v fl Rel!!torctl ' e(h t.ion of Dr. Cnlvt1rweJl"8 C-elc-;bnul:lf';(l l!:&"lft~ on the 1adical cu1c (-;\1 t hut1 L 1ued1c1ne) of Spcrnlll, J UbT P UBLISHED A NEW llfa1·mouiun1 to1· Sale. .Aloxandro of Po.rte 14 Regi~ter" Apply at on cf 1 -0 Cl1urr.h n.1den St,_, Geor~e e Church Ne,Vl"'ll.'!Stie ' "" 11) be 1:1old fot hn ll or ur!Kinal ~:--t"f. A SUPERIOlt °" INSTRUMENT, BY a~~1~: 1 In n. sealed onvolope only I! Ct'!nts I he celebrated author in thl!!! n.dmira.ble essay, olearh den1 ou1;tratcB from n thirty }ee.1"8 '3nooe~sful prac tice that the al&nntng consequences ot sell' o.bu11e ma.y be radwally cured ~~it.bout the c ..ouH use ot 1·tMnal m e d1c1ne or the o.p tiun of Lhe knife v rn ntlng out " J:node ot c no a t micl'! ~11n11le ccrt.a1n o.nd cifcctnal, g, of which ever~ sutf'cr cr no what bH1 condition O lfl.Y be inns cure him~ elf r.heaply, ])rrv arel ~ , nnd 1 ad f.Mf,1 1 11 Thiis ahonld be l.n lhc ba.ndo;; tJf 6vmy yout.h 11.n<l C>ory wan in tho land Sen t under seal in a plaJ n en\ elope, to ntt..l" addrees, 11ost paul on rccol pt of slx cents or t'l\ o ost st'ti.mpn Alsoi! Dr Cul>.er\ 1 cl ii; "Marrl~ Gulde, rice 2a cents Addruss the P1Mbli8}Jr t. lr.' Jl"el!'·l'!". ~ ' · C. K!4h'E. & CO o, h l'W!!tC·ilf<e Eo;c l,tVG e6st ·