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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1872, p. 3

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' CAN.ADIA.N STATESMAN' BOWMANVILLE,THURSDAY, APRIL. 2G, 1872. --- ·- - ----··--· ----* --- --- -· 52.e!:.::..___ ~ JXiJ&LS-- DOLEVARDOl~ S ! .U tho BEAVER BLOCK. Solo Pronrl~to!S rnd 1i'l:annf'\ct.urcr) or ~e Cclcb!&tcd Victo ril. Carb'lli<? P rc p arllttOI)-8. L:? b oratory nnil W o rk:::i, Victori.a llall, 1\-fcilnda S treet, .i3c f: Ul'C n:orluek f n r 1hc VIC'roIUA Pn:s? A ..HAT.c.n;s, 1:1rnl 1:iec that you get thf.lru. aUDrui~tst~ . 'l"#"~g~~l~~\-n.-. Gc-nnlna Preparations 0 arc a old by McCLUNG BROS. 1.'hl~ J .r.Lt.Y l ~ h i!!hly recommended to L:z.dlcs fl.9 a r110 ,t ·~ · : rci: ,'1. b l e l'repa.~n.trnn for tha Toilet. For llHntifyln3" tho c ·,mp!cxlon, an<l rcn.~1...,rtng tha l:>kia. t-lort. \V, Clear. en<l. frco fr om J l q 11caa, i t ·. ·;.}. , ~, :Frccli\c1;1, J?iru plotJ. nntl other lmt' v r C!1 nppcnl IInude1Chllb !ain~ . ]'roet llllfl:! n'l.d S ro Llp1:1 , U · <;o.nuo~ be Snrj.:aased. I:'1·ice 2;:; coo! ;;. ~ l~·)a·.d1 U" io:!:I, n ~dt!c.ioit~. h tltt'" il'" til ~ Cl. 1 1 II; 1 v l1l (1uickl v rcmovcn 1l ]{nduePs. l'hb L'n(LEl' 80 Ap POS!!CBSC! nu tho well-known au tl~.:ptlc :i.;!'l d i·,« nlcctiog proporties of Cni"bo1lc AcU. u n ~~ r~'.':J. 1 ly f.<'Cntca. ha.M ahc3lthy nction o n tb. 1 i;'.;t n . Or(:Y e;ito;-fr.rita.tlon removes tho cfTocte ot \n -~p . rii.t. ;:J1 1 . a. cu l Eihonl(\ \io rcgo larly n sc d by r :.mF\c,. 1...::1·1\ · : r:!. Smallpo:::.:: n ud Fever l 'r.ltcnta ~h')U.\d be wn 1 1 1 ·.~:l with this Soap; ruul Ho uso -by p~t,)i.l! Jia'1\o to in rcctlo n '¥1'1ll dall:vurcvent SPRING STOCK, B~tnO""' t. : Jo t:1pr:!.~ Ll or 11[.3~,1~0 . Prlco 15 ccutl:! per Tablet. ~ to L11rge't· BASSETT · , Grand Duke und Chicag Hats-the very tatest styles At tho BEAV ER BLOCK . out, l':.tis ... r'-lp\d cure tor all Skin Dis c:i& ot, Ctl t ", W1>:in1.h, Urn1sc;i. Btu·ns, 8_orc$. Ulcor~, l:Ungg~L\D i ~ W .Jr'u '1'c:. 1cr. J~czoma, Scald Head, ~c u rvy, Ab !C:)1!C3 , 1Jo·d ..,. l'lm:plca, &c. Jt posscsf!o a all the cJ,eA·1ai o,;; n ull hP-ali ng virtues of Carbolic Acid, \'7h.~c1 h:ls bco'.'. fc und- b y Pbrs1c.1ans everywbare t·.>p \,- S ':!l3 c:tr:'.ti·1c qunlitlcs not <1isco~crcd in any c. t.!H:r <.;:.tcmical 11r-:varnl.lon. Prlco 2.5 ccut f3. I Complete in ever:y Department, :n. ~med 'Th!" 0..!.l'lGLE ie tl:!c n10at. r elin.lllo a 1~d cmc1c ton e · 1. t nil ca !'! ('~ or t:>orc 'l'llroi~t. Il0 a rs cnee~ 1 l iirt ollcd l, ll ~nncllitta, Irri!a L iun o r the Ilronchllll ".l';1:Jt-J LV c;> ~:J.ruou in t.l.lis CJ i\m"{1 :i1b \e c linun~ · .A ~ ~ u: ;l:l, on-,~u ~ ivi:, lire.', l "lco1ti.r...:tl ~nms , lllld ~ !! J. .":?.:·1(' :! Of t!J.o hio;1t.ll. I1 '0 r 1)1lbl!C tip .: r.kcra .M.:.!:>;<:,J .-a:: l '· I:igC"r1' it i s jrrvr.J u[].blc. 'fhc in rcd i1;n tA t n~ · · -~ J 1 ·1t ) 011 ~ Gn.rak 1 u·c _used lJy a il Puyelcinnt<, f.:..c.t r..1~' t"i.rn cu.r o of the u bovJ fuoordci·a a.r1} u ow, ?;. tcdlY, tllo most popular in the .Materia Has Removed hi s Stock of Shelf ~nd Heavy Spring Dres15 Good11, Pri11t11 Kid Gloves, just !\r·Hardware to th-e Ia?9-y_ e_and commodious P~~~ and rived ises recently occupied ~.~essrs. McCl_ung nk as a Grocery store, oppo~s):~·e the Ontario Ba . .Ai tho BE .~VER BLOCK. vtlce 2ri ccut11. AND WILL BE SOLD · T. ·111; -'t~rrr:"~r:'l'AN"r ls a suro ·prcvc11tf.,,-c or ".r"'l'" l:atn . "l'l i'y :< :mid Vcver. .:i:. Cholerfl, Sma.llpox, n.n(l i fl i :1":io u . ·1li'"lO:l.~C9, I t will nrc ve·;t f'ont ~ glon in c· .. .. ·. JU'J:ils'l [nv.1.hl t!.l>fo t u1· l 1ir~ iuf ec 1!1· g ' Yate r (:: ,-;:.: <! .".lh:!'I, C 0s -i:p'10! ~ . Sl~o·c~. Sltt.!lj?'T· ! · -C.!':'" &c .· tl:ld f1..w d\~<itru . i nu- r:.:1t!.<J~CUi t:filrrvil\ f ~ .-,. ~~ · .1. 1h:i}·C·'C:.1)J ~cftr i d mr. It l1ill dn -: o ll"\rAY :-: ; · ·i 1:: ,. .V< ; '\ f,{ot 11,,, :fllo~. C<lc::l::!'O!!c !": ""· .tc. l\Jc nt, f. :· · J .. :~ t . . c : :t t: ri pte n · :r~,_ tl r .-um putrcf1.ct!on 1>v1t s Pricu :.: ; c cr: t ~. ;:_ ' t :·)!i ,,~ i .u.f .;c;; i c:t··<l..! s ~ s'o :! . C: . '.-.jiic A':i ! w:11;1 Rdeet cU Py Ucr Mn.:!lity's '· .l:.:.l llli '. 'J l.O'~ Ct»: , l·t fY:'ofUl'C::J.C '! l·l t,J\ o t!.a"!' : ·.':l,: .. , t1' t!1 ~· lW':tDi i: . ii.r : c~ ·n1. f nr t l! O r reYt' l·· 1 ·. I CHEAP for CASH · \. CA.RD C>F T::S::A.N'~S. The latest styles and the cheapest Tweeds and Cloths just arrived At tho BE A. VER BLOCK:. ----:o:---- · m uch ..-o.Ju e i nc ,; ~ryhu~1 ;o cbolrl ll. :td worki!h o o Jtilllcral mcfulness. Price 25 cents. ~ nnequallcd In ita ra p!U.lty f vr ~h'.lrvcnlng n::id Poll~bh:i. ~ Cntler], Tnb J,, nn ll. Po:::kot·h'.:ni\·e.o,Ue..zoN!, i-:u rclc~lnstru mcnt 9 Shoemakers~ ll: ni ver:a 1 Plane Bi t s cntl ChlselJJ. etc . Noth· h~:; b:l.!t ever bero.i dtscovcrNl which bas ~pruDg , _ntl) popularity more quic 1 ·i ~ · or bocvme or so i·.1:.: ~ PL.'"l?:PA.R_ i..TlON" t~ . tot · Station .n.gont. lror part,w ulars engu ire of BoWl)l:'\nv.i.11 CCTTAllE ON LIBERTY S TC~E streel .a.ti pres..,nt oc .mpied by J. Clll'iaLle, E sq_, Wm. THOMPSON, - King8t. 1iay 2f.l, 1871. 22-t·t FAREWELL WINTER I MARKUS .. MAYER Respectfully invi~8 the attention of tho pnbllc to the !tt.ct th~t h· has opetted. &tit h.b DAILY - TO- LINE :.R 0 C ::E-I E S T E R .. TlIE NEW LAKE STEATulER! NOR SEJ\IAN, Tho llk.e of whioh hM never bee1~ surpa asod. ln BoW'M.a.JlYill&, OF HATS, o~ v~rrn, itn or- t\bo11t lit .An1·it nCxt., commence hor regular daily I.rips , (Ice pern1itti ug,) Leaving Coboutg every morning at, P ort Hope ttt 9 o'elock , for Hncltr..ste1·, connecti ng th ore wltb New York Ccntni..l, N"ort-h ern Central, and F.rle Railway. for a ll poil)t8 Eust, South and South \.Vest. Sueh a.n a.rrn.y of Hat.a and Cnpa , 1 R J;; '1' U R N I N G, 1 ves Ch arlot ·'), Por t of R·1C li Bs t el',e\"Cl'S ' evening at 9 o'clock, lcxcc .p t ~aturd~rs. when she "1\ A" leaves at 2 o'cloCK, P. 1\f., rm· B1 ·1 ..·hto n). ..l.X.L 'l'ho Steamer call~ at .Br ight on, li..! ondnys n.n d 'l'huradn.ys ; nt qolborneJ cvcr:v <lny t;xccpt '\\reel, The Cl,A.IR1110NT is a dand y , The MILROSE a tilvourite, 'l'hc SARATOGA. a beauty, The UDICA.G@ a gem, And the O'.l"i'A WA the bed all. o.nd such styles, m ust t"'mpt the most mil!e>:l7 to iaveat i n a htmtl ornament, - -INCLUDING-. GE< NTLE E ....:._"I ,. ,_, .S Li..,URNI SH I NG S J .J::l · &c.~ and quickest route t.o .A.liJa ny, Boston, New N~~~~,i:,~"~"~~'iinc2i'.~~':i:'ou~W~4:'i;fgirc~' Dealers in s t oc;k will find t.h is t.he cheapest 3H! Addt-C8S, It . C, CARTEU , Po1"t H_ope. Ont 1 Shirts, Collars, N eek-ties Braces, &c., &c., York, &c. For the -yery liberal patronage extended to me during the period of my connection with the Hardware Trade, I beg to return my sincere thanks to the public. My endeavor has been to serve the public faithfully · and fully; and the measure of increased s·upport with which I have been favored is evidence that business has been conducted upon correct principles. Increase of business r1ecessitating inc_ r eased accommodation, that want has been fully met. I · hope to meet with all old friends, and ' many new ones, in my new prem-ises. 'r your Now's the time to:or<lt>-. $11~.00 suits (alllwool ,) the b\... ~!!it J'.!'. McAR'i'HDR'i'l CASH iiTi)Rlf · l ne&Ter Dloek, Kine at,, Il-O v.'t"-a.ttv"iUe. First Prize Cultivators. the attention ortar1ners to the ono-horso and two-horse Iron Cultivators mnnu factured by him and which have !or slJC ycars o btninod first pl"izc~ at Provincta.l and J.. ocal F81I-s. 'l'hoy are un~ doubtedly thti best implement o! the kind iu u1i>e, and will in o. very short tin.w more than rept\_y their cost, in the efficiency n.nd oxcoUenee of thoir work. I1u1pcction invited. .A. su pply or Cultivators nov.· on hn.nd !or lho sp1·ll11 ; wuL·k, and ·w ill be s old at lo west ra.tee. T HE SUBSClUBER WOULD DIRECT IRON HARIWWS of a superior kind, also on h1.nd, Bo 8UT6 anil call a.t the 5~n of the " PLUG," Corner Ki.Ag tt.nd Di Tieion !!il'e&ta, and. T·U wm get sul t-0<1 both in pr!co.,. qu,Jity. MA:RKUS MAYER. .PIONEE:R BUGGIES AND WAGON S Boot & Shoe Store. ES'rAilLJSHED 1838. 'rERES'l'ED thcn1solves iuroporting throu ghout the Connty thn.t 1 W;'LS n.bou t giYing up rny large a.nd incrnu.sing bu sinc ~s. I tuke t his ine thod of informing my numerous friends nnd custoruel'l!l ln Da.riington. Clal'kC, Ciu·twr i~ht a n d MauVEl.1"8, that su ch is not tho 'fo be fu lly con-· Tincedl call and Hee the larges t , chea pest, aud b&~t ee ected stock of ehorieit notice, A ca-ll 1H>licited. on bond for saJ.o. W All kinds ot Blneksn:i itb ' vork ·done on tha cona~ntly 15-31tl. l. W'lliS'r Ccl'rT, Bo'"ill· CERTAIN PARTIES HAVHIG IN- F~~RM for SALE· 1()0 BOOTS, SHOES, & TRUNKS, ever offorod tor in this place . 1I1ving purch asocl my rlpriug· s tock previou s to the 11<1va.ncc 1 I a nt" prepnred to oJJei· extra i.ntlnce.LOonts. st.ill <;ont1nn e to maJn1facturo from tbe BEST OF' MATERIAL, trade. THE HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH FOR HIDES. e.nd nono b ut t he b est w or kmen ec1ployed ; am deterntin cd to g ivo so,tisfacLion llS in times past , and wlll not h e und.ersoJrl by any lllall in tho assorted Stock of SHELF AND HE VY HARDW ARE, I have purchased the Bankrupt Sto<;;k of Edwin Horsey, at a price that enables me to offer my customers In addition to my previous Large · and well- being the South ~ .Acres; and 10 oll the North-east corner of Lot !ii, Jn tl1a 1th con. ot Do.rllngton, 21 nai.Jca from the · rown of llowruanvllle. 1 0 a.Cres cleared, and SO in Woods. Comfortable Dwelling Rouge, good B n.rn,} ~n<l Sh(ld; some Ftuit '!'recs.on th e premiHes a good "'~ell, ab:o a. itro~n1 ofSpring Vlnter. Fo~f'u:tt110~· appl~- t.o tho proprle:tor 1'H01tfAS 'VELDON Tell'1po !'. 0., or to JAMES \VELDON1 Lot ko.13, iri tho ith con . or the above Townshl.p, li·33-3n1. AORES OF GOOD LAND, RICHAHD REED, Bowma-nville, iVIar ch 20th, 18'/2. 31·iin. fattening and bring h1g into cond.l· F"rt;ton, Horses, Cowe, Oalvee, Sheep and - ~ 187~. SPRING 187~. G R E A B A G A I N FASHIONS 1 DOLLY VA!illEN ! DOLLYVARDEN ! FIRST OF rrHE SEASON! .. A FU;LL ASSORTMENT ' · Pigs, used and. recommended. by flrstelae:s Breeders. S tock f ed with tt bavE" alwn.y9 taken ftrst prizes. Milk Ca.ttlf produce more milk and but t er. It tattene il:l one fourth t he ueua.1 t1me, &Jld 'NUN/# Persons about in Stov:es, House-Furnishing Goods, etc. .6 Do.LIJ.R .Box ca.I\~· PBBD6. HUG){ MILl,J!R .!> CO., ~lural Chemls\.. 16T Klnz Sl East, TOlUalo. Mvee tood. rre llUA"DllBD ~aie b~· THE LATEST FAS.H IONS OUT. Patterns jnet reooivod at Ivics. A.. FlBtcher'e: Dreesmaking emporiutn ; Pnttern.s ot $prln1t J'aabtons tor · sale ; Dressmaking and fi tting l\lil ::r:r- To parties commencing Housekeeping · . I can For J. HIGGINB OTHA 1I, Drugg ist,, DowmanviUI!'. 'a&ual. A prfl 10, 187!!. MUS. ALEX. >'LETCHER. 37-11. prep&id b y mail. A complete and jud.ioiOltS ae11ortroeut;25 ao rt;; of cit.her, $1.00. 'fhe six: clS.1:1ses, {l.50 packe ts) ror $5 .00 . Also, n:n immense stock of one year grn.ftcd Fruit '1'1·ees, Small Fruits, Fruit Stocks, Young Fruiti Orno.monta.l and E\~crgrocn Scodlin gfl, B uliJs, Ito~es Vines, House e.nd Border Plants, &c., &o .· t.1.e 1no$t complete aa1mrt.n1ent in Amer ica.. Prepaid by ma..U. Priced Cn,tuloguos to nny a ddress, also trade list<.j, gr11ti:'! . Seeds on Comml.esion. Agents '~·::i.nt<:d. B. M. vv·iitsou, Ohl Colony Knl'serlcs 11nd Seed 'Vl:l.rehouse. Ply mouth , ~Iu.':ls. Es t.o\blished 1842. F a.nd Shrub,Everg1.-een, b~rui t and l-Ierb Seed'- RESH GARDEN, FLOWER, TREE the Union School buildi ng, L-1 Bown1anVi1le, v.-UI T ENDERS o: The1 lowc&t, cepted, , of Brick SQhool Room, as an n.ddition .to FOR .THE ERECTION be received. o.p to STOCK: 1 ·Tuesday, 30Ua Instant. der. Tenders to be addressed [to t h o undersigned in whoBe po83e8sion plans a.ud J5.peciOoa.tion11 now 1:1.l'C. a.n d may be seen by parties wiflhing to ten· SPRING G· o ons oi.· any tender, not neccaaa.rny nttF. ·y, COWLE, Sec·y, 36-3w. At present embraces EVERY ARTICLE usually kept in the Hardware Trade. Bo·wmnnvlllc, April 3, 18/:2. ,R. HU1'CHISON . -HAS- J'IATE ARRIVED AT THE ALL THE NOVEJ,TIES FOR. TH:B Sign of the Golden Lion. J, & Spring Trade . FOR NEW SPRING GOODS Try R ·. l!UJ'il.'lflil!I§Ol\'. w. J. MciliURTRY & CO. My stock of Paints includes all .the Best Brands in the market, namely: J..A.JDES"S,. ~..A.L~ER.~s.. BR.A..l:\TDR.ADJ:· ,. and the celebrared ELEPHANT White Lead.; direct from Alexand_ e r Ferguson's Paint Works, Glasgow; acknowledged by all Painters who have used it to be the BEST Lead in the market. ·t o the GoYernment ot for Crown IAndu, timber duoa 1 law s ta-JnP!:l, licenses or anY othor n ccount, will J1ereo.ftcr be n u1de at the oili· co11 or age nciee of a.11 y of U1 c f ollowing banks:~ A J'.,L PAYMENTS OF MONEY DUE Rt·Yn1 Cann<Jlan Dani<, CEtnndian Dank of Commerce Ontario Hank. of any or the c:harteretl banks authorized by an1 of th& above-named banks t-0 receive such d·~ And l".·hen a }'la)'"m en t i~ t.o be n1ade at a point where there le no such age ncy, th en at t hen.goner poslt.!1 on.their A1~count. 'R. I-I1J 'l.,C::E-IIS ON F ul Particulars Next Week. A. MACKENZIE, 'freasllrcr. · Toronto, :March '7th, 1872. ia selling goods, bought under the most fa.vorable circu1n stancea, P.t prices A few Fairbanks' Platform Scales, to be offered at a Bargain. Dog Lo!lt. abouts will confer & faYor by Informing the su1' .. crlber tlloreo! ; o.nd fl.ny Ont') retaining her a! date will be proseouted. W m. DO!{J_,.A.ND. fjat·J~t~n . Aprll llt·h, l8i! . ·· :rt-lw . .J.l fuch Below their Pruen.t Vcdtie. fli!' CALL AND BUY . ."8l'li111tillert · ..A. r rH 1, 18';%. THEM .~ Remember the Stand-immediately opposite Ontario Bank, { Sign of the Gcld~n Anvil. · 5 A 13MAJ,L COLEY BITCH, GREY, shaggy· .Any of her where- T. BASSETT. · f

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