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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1872, p. 4

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UAN-4'.DL\N~ STATESMAN, CHAPPED h ~nds very common with those who luive there ha.nlls inuch in 'vat er ~ few <lr(pS of Jolvnso ~ Anod1r ic L in.irnent rubbed over the hands tlvo 01 three tnnes o. day will keep the1n soft n.nd \Vlnte F1sher1nen Sn. lora 1111c1 others 1'i ill do w ull to reme1nber thm Bf)W:MANVILLE, THURSDAY, MA¥ -9, 1872. IHE BEST '1ND CHEAP:FST "INTER !US COME I LONGEV'ENrnasAl)EHEREI PROSPERTrY ABOUNDS l Tl o us Eclecl!J ic 0 l' Wo th Ten Times its Weujl t ' ' Gold Du you k ww anythmg of it ? If 1wt 1 BARGAINS. E.A::RGAI~S CREA'!' BARGAINS ARE NOW GHEN AI 'rHE 0 RRIAGE::;! >t is time y91' did \ Morris, thnt k s otl cpubl cfo past I h eralpntronnl;),e ·ouldanomcc t hatheillnovpreparcdtonll all orders J s line 11) a. Jl a1 ncr second to no es tabh::ihme11t in the count cs Celebt·a1etl U1·adbury Piano l'or1c. '"Dli.e Osborn. -o~ ' A D NOW IS Ill TIMI TO 5til SCRTJ3R "FOR Rural New Yorker iHE GRIJ:\.'l NATIO:\'"\L F'\"\ORI'l'E M 0 0 1~ l..:..i ~ ' S IN Rf SPECTF ULLY RE1 UR., [:"[ ,,. G Cheap Farin and Fu es zde Weekly Corner PROFPSELY ILLUSfATED Store you can gc CARlUAGES W.AGGONS CUTTERS SLEIGHS &c M:\.NUFACTURl D lN \NY S'I'YLF. DESIRI D :orr e>N rrs 3Ii\T S ON s Ol iNlON CFT!'Illli: U1'9 \.NDO:N rHE snon11s r NO'liCI O::-;r1u10 B\"NTr { Bov O.ll\Jlle '"crt 51 Messrs R & H 0 JI.AHA General \ gcu ts 180 PUBLIC OPINION Corner Store nc1ne nbe tl at not1 lng but the best n ~tcr al is s 11 I l est 0\ o k c1 ll el tl us onsu1 ng 1 l ib I ty elegance snd <'.OJ for t-ti c l ost 1 po11 L t reqrus1 tes in a. convey tnce Hep dr ng in nil b1nnchcs of tic t nd1 J ro1npt. ly attcndt.:U to Bo n !ill\ illc has fully J ., nod the ongmal idea that at the ALL KINDS OF B' I'I' TED let }nm lay quietly for ten 1n1nutes or ~o it is s n1ply a.,;,fa.1nting fit, aucl the blood Howu1g on a. le"\ el '\vill speedily equalize itself through the ·>stem If you are troubled with rheu1na.t1s111 pleuracy pa.m in the 1nde oi: back cramps in the a:tomach burns frostbites <.~C procure a.t once a bottle of the Canadrnn Pam Destrnyer '\\ hich is a certam cn1e for all such coin plamts Sold by all medtcme dealers SOMEBODY S.A..YS---.- There 1a aometlung pei.;nlar attractive in a horse His intelbg ent eye and ear hiS lofty carnage, his free and graooful mot10n, his H·t strength ]ua obedient temper and lns 2nd1spentsable "' I t use all endea.t I111n to ua ne .,. lave O look at :\.ll his :fine proportions and t in the insp1ration of his energy and po~ e1 but it is only whon the horse lS pro1 t: rl) ., cared for -\V hen Iie is f ree f rom d 1 ease 1 l ess of any kmd that he lVIll or unsour.c l exib1t these points of attracti:)U flT 1 ~ without \Ve1ch he JS of but little value p dera d t D 1 C f pack age o ar eya on lion o'v and Arabi in Hoo;\ c Rernecly ahould be in possession of eve1y inan who owns a horse D on t to be used i n case of e1norgency nd ' b tl il t I fa to get i \lemcm er le a see that the s1grutu1c of Hurd & Co ls on each package 'Northrop & Lyman, New castle 0 nt p1opTJ,et f or Cana d Y S0ld b all Medicine <lea.lei.a ·i_ AND WELL SUITED .U uturc as n the I I i n the tll bu Exclsio exce} I Prepare l_})y S N TII011..A.~ Pn r s !' Y AnUNOltlHROP&LYWL\N Nl v. T:rt Ont Sole Agents f, 1 the Donunlon NoiK Eclect and Elcctilze l Fot sfllo by VV T .Alk\ son and Dr J1cnns Os! n.·wai ln \\ l ttbyb} J H Gcuiennd J Byrn n Drook in by Jo) n \-V arrtll Sol l by J HIGGINilOIHAM mu D S101T Bowman' ille Ontario BLACKSMITH WORK, S \ !ISFACTORU"'!I DONE ue g lnated and com nunlcalt"!d to tl c 1 cop l~ the Ru.a.<\1 s :ri.fot D. STOTT, CHEMIST AND Dl!ALER IN IN ~ A SUPERTOR :MANNER 1 n e e whtcl bas st bee ire ce 1- ma,k lg lt the Clleape!!t Ru nl w d Fu1uUy "\tc(kly Jn th e \Vo1ld DRUGGIST AND CHEMICALS, "\Vhcn you 1' ant anyLlnng in the carnage ]me give J Al\'.lES MORRIS a call and he ~ill suit you One door West of tho Ontario Bank Bovvma.nville Oct 10 1871 W TlIO)!PSON ROY4L THE RURAJ, S ILLUSTRATIONS arc Nun1croUB '\ ar1ed and Boautiful Indeed our a ul s to cnde1 the I ole i:apc1 excc~hon ally Vu.luableaud acceptable 'lhc RURAL s Re ports of M ~ kets C -ops F1nnncea etc arc full and reliable and alone ·vor h double the price of tho l ai o In locd next to your local paeer MOORE s RuRA.L is the one fo Yourself Family and Fuends ESQ Dr.RECTOR OP' U AN r.. DI Canadian Pain Destro) er wolland fnvota.bly kno"'ivn rehe\1ng thou a.nd.s trom pain in the TOW:N:HA.LL BuILDINGS, BOJVJII.1LNVILLE. !!Hy l OANADI..A~ A S A FAl\'.lILY MEDICINE, IT I L. C 0 RN IS H FAS rHEM Side Bacl and H ead Cougl s CoUl·, Sore 1.'h1oat Bpl aMtS Brwuie.s Oramp:J in the St01 uWi Cflwle1 a Mot bt« DRUGS. MEDICINES, STYLE AND ltEDUCED TERMS Dye Stuffs Patent Medtcmos Perfumety llrushes Comb· Soap· Pamt> llnd Oils Paint Bmshes Coal 011 and Coal Oil Lamps, &o , &c number of the Run t NEW 1'. ORKER for 181 ;v1ll con l r1Ao Sixteen Quarto Pages (largot t hn.n Hnrper s \Veekl ) p uted f1on1 Ne'v T:vpe on ex tra. flne 1;1.1 d hen.'" J:a.1 er and I llustrakd a l P i tc l in tho hlgllc t ::,tyle of the Iyo graph cal Art T~Jt1'1S 1n A.4lvaneci- S1ngleC01x $250per ~car F 'o Cop1ee fo $ 1:, 50 Seven vop1cs fo r $l6 'l'cn Co1 es for $20-only ~2 per copy L b er1;1.l Prem1 uns to o.11 for1u Clubs Snce1n1en .N11n1bers Sl o\'i Bills cto sent hee ~dd ess DDT MOORE n ral 1\ e"°' ~ orkcr om e 1' cw i' o k C1tv Dy15entet'Y Bowel its B1tniis &alds Frwt Bit" &o '!he CANADIAN l IN DESTROYER ha"' now bee he.,.o otheµubhcforalo gthof time anl TORONTO l\'(urch. 13th. 18 0 MESSRS R &JI OllARA GENTI EME~ I pureha.Sl'!d avant ton yc.o.ra i.go one of Bra.dbur~ a !llanos- the first con signed to th1s Jnnrket It iR ieknowledgctl by p oft.Jsa1onals to be a i cu nrknblv fl e-toned u s ru.mont and I way alao mei t1on that bn.l'J..Ug boon removed eeve1al tin1os dilling tl ut per1od. it ha.a ouly roq urcd turung twice Yorrstulv \' lLLI.A 'f TiiO:l-fPSON Firm of Thompson & BQr s R & H 0 Ha.ra. General Agents for Ontar o It §fand~ uathe»ut a Kha l It is the most s u bl'ltantiAlly built, he.111 th.e fewett working pa.rte beautiful ln design and ftn.i~ll IIas the "best Jerngn of 1.. suttle and by nu tho L.A.RGEST J{OBBINS It e capa..ble of ~mt mg a range of 'vork hitherto thought im1>oe~ibl I wherever used is' oil liked n cve1 tali ig Lu a single 1nstBJlcO to giv e permanent i clef when timely used a.nd "0 have 1 e 01 k \own a Bingle caae of dissatisfaction where the directions l ave been 1 opetl) follov.ed bit on t1 e contrary all arc delighted w ti its opcrn.t1ons and speak in the h gl ost terms. of ils 'u t ue B a d mag ca.J effect ¥. e apcak fron1 expericn<:e In the matter hav tngtei;ted1ttlu o gbly lnlt e-cforethose\\ho ~ o Fmfforn i;: :!'ro1n tiny of the corn1 lu1nts for wlnch 1t is recom ne1 de<l ma lcpend upon it be ng a. Sovereign H.ernedy lhe astonu,1h n_g eJTicau) of the Cn.nnd1an Pa1lt Destro:-,; er currng tl e duico.scs for whlct it is rcconunendcd :;, :l 1ti:i oude1r l effect.a l sub dung the t.orturo 1s pnu1s of H.hcunuitiem nnd m rehev ng Nervou s Atlect ons e t tlo Jt lh l gh rank u the Ust of lto1nc lies Orders are conung l fton1 Medicine Dealcre 11 :p :i.r ~ f the country for f th ct e1 Pl 1 es and cnch tcstif} u g a8 to the univc1su.I sattBfact.101 lt g 'es lhe Ca.nttdJa Pan Dcst1oye1 never fails to g,e rmmedlate iellcf All Medic 1e Dealers keep it I hyH u a )S order o.n.d use it and no PYY5IC!ANS PRESCRil'TIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED AND ALL ORDEl'\S CORRECTLY ANSWERED HEAD OFFICE- 10RON'IO o lt of rop(l.. r thnn other'\\ atche ~ Tl ev 1110 Capital Stock, $4 co GC 1nore acct ate t. me kcc1 crs 2UR 369 ti4: QA spcoinl \\anant; fron1 tho Facto y with t:i11rptus fund s, ever) vatch Reeel1ns f'"o r lhe 'en.r endtn:i-} 30 , ··s OG :J~tb .lnne 1 ~11 °" Bo nanvillc Sept 20 1871 PETER'S T HEY ARE LESS LIABLE ro GET Musical Library At the Ironmongery! SOMEEHING ONG vVANTED BY EVERYBODY, -ORE \' EUY ONE lllJS OR llER OW1'1 l"Alll'l'Ell t CONSISTllW OF FIFTEEN VOLUl\'.lES FILLED WITH CHOICE PIANO MUSIC 'i OCA.L COLLECTIONS i n t1 l\otice. 1S1ness latoh ca r ed on by u e in Bow :1. ll c tom~ sonsUharl(!B ?i-1 £U d \V II am n. Cnwker I hcr e bv 1eq les t all those indebted to m l y book aceo 1 t 01 other\"\ isc to call ~nd settle forth\'\ tl ELIZAJ-!E rn c ~ WKER Jan 9th 1872 24. tf I HoN J :B H 1kl\'.lumucrr Preai lent l\Ianag1ng Director H A.> l:-1 G SOI D 0 UT MY INTEREST !!..LDAN fllE PRICE OF OTHJft MACHINJro DOING !HE LIICE ' '\ORK Iii equally at .. on Jcnthe as on fine gooda Hoo oat ie<l oil :uru:ew ovc the Hoive S1ngor Lockman \V1ioe1u & \\Tilson \.\: o.n e R :iy J 01 I & c tE A Perfol!t ].fuchlne ( uarnntood or no r.w.l" fa Y uly·willl e '\v1thout1to.ttert1~ing1t 1 rice onl) 1 ve.nty fi'\e Oonts po bottle l U[ sale l!Y \V J Atk neon and Dr sba" n lll 1\ 1 it ty lJ~i J l:i Gerne Hnd J Dvnie I:.1uokJ}n b} Jol n Wi r cn YOUNG AMERICA AT THE WHEEL A well known clerg.y,putn was cro;;:is1ng Lake Erie some years lgo upon one of the lake stean1ers and seeing a ~n1 t.ll lad at the v.heel stre1ing the \essel questioned l11n1 thus l\'.ly son you appear to be a smn.11 b oy to steer so la1ge n. boa.t Yes air was the toply, but )OU sec I can do it though Do you tlnnk yon undcr~tand yo 1r bus111ess my son 1 ' Yes su l tlunk I do C J..11 you box +ho compass I Yea au Let ine hear yon Tho bo) did as rcquestl d when the said We l reolly you can do tt Can you bo< it backward? Yes sir Let me hear you Ihe boy did again as requested 1'i hen the m1nister said I declare n1y sou' You do seetu t o understand your busu:iess 'Ihe boy then took his turn at question ing beguuung Pra) air 1'i hLLt niight be J our bus1 ness 1 I a.Ill a m1nistcr of the gospel Do Jo 1 understand yo Ir business I t lnnk I dd.' Yes Say it Tho cit rgymnn did so repeating the words in Bt- vorj forveut manner as though t1y1ng to make a.n impre~s1on on the la.d Well r can, said the boy upon its conclusion "\ Ol clo know it don t you? Now say it backwards "Oh' I can t du such a thing "" that You cant do it then 1 returned the boy Well then you see I understand n1y business a great de~l better than you do you1s rnuu~ter Sold in Bo" u1 L y 1 0 b.., J I I ggn botham a.nd D Stott and all medicine dcalere l'\l.i:" L E 0 EI:OUSE AND D "8 PAINTS, ~ ofbea. VILLA ~ ~ ~ and s ·n t: et ~ 0111111~ Throe Volumes of eas Songs by V\ cbster I crsle' etc c.oldcn ,1.,- a1'eis Volumes I n l II~ 11 t'VI o v l n cs contaln a.11 of'\: ill S Hays Songs J>1Jcelc'>s ( en1s A collection of beau LI ful Bu.llad s by Wallace 11 01na.!) l{ellcr jirfsf Slltutug I lght~ :\ choice collect on t f I Sa eU So gs ~ Jlcinth uul llon1e I lle!SJ1lc Echucf'! F'1re and Marine IN SUR .\NCE AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES 1 Spec1al Low ranft of Rates eovem a 'IHE GUEJL~·n HAND ~JACDINES 'IREUH E 'I'he Great Fe111ale ltermcd~ JOB l\'.lOSES PElUODICAL PILLS u fruhng in Lho cure of a.II those patnr tl 1nd J.nngeron;, disc \SOB to which t..ho fem l.)e cu u;t tuhon is s ub ~ t lt modern cs o.11 cxcnss and r en10\; cs o.11 o bst1uct ons and u. s1 eedy cu1 e tL) be ielied on b; pcculially ti uted It 1\Jll n a oring on tl c o tl ly period' ith reguluuty ']_ he.'le Ptll'l sko1tl l not be t ~ken, by Fenuilcs r l !\I ARIUF.D L'\.DIES Prep n ed for inunediate use a.nd notl11ng but the ptnest Materials Uiied nnd re u111ng n 1 further nuxtu1e of 011.B Turpentine and D1yer.s THEIR COl\'.lPOSITION COJ'I SISTS SOLE} OF - T HIS INV\LUrnLE l\'.lEDICINE IS Pu1e Color Pure Wlnte L cacl PU1e Wlnte Zinc !Jinseecl Oil Sznnta of Turpe1it~ne an cl Di yers cu1 efully and sc1entifically comb~ned \IJ ] he eonsmner can have auy desncd slu1de of Colors rieatly pnt up 111 Cans and al he reqt11res to buy w1th th e Paint is a Brush a.s Lhe ~ork can b"" done by h1msEilf 01 sho1 t tine by any 1nernber of Jus household dnr 7tJthe 1 'IRST lHREE JUO~Tli"Soj 1 reg 1 anc11 as they ru c sure to bring on ilfisca1 nave b it «t o. ~v otlte? li1 ie ll ey are ~afc In all Casefl r :N c r· ous 11 d S~ nal .Afff:etlons Pains in tho Back 11nd] in1 bs ~ a t~ue on sllght exert oJ P:1.lp t..u.Llon of t) e heart .ttyatcr1cs al d Wlutes these Pills w II effect a. cul e when all other n eans ba1 c fulled nnd n po vcr ful rerno ly do not co tai iron en. 01nel man) or u.nytlunghtut1ul to the const1t.ut on F ill dtrecllons n tJ e I au phlet Lroru d each paeknge \Vhlch should be f illy preac1 ved JOB :MOS.EEi :-ll!\l YORK SOLE PROPRIE'lOR PURE WHITE LEAD.· A la1ge stock JUSt received fo1 Autumn Pamtmg 1mp01tecl direct from the English ManufactlU e1 s, mcludmg JAMES 1Genumc and celebrated l{ooster br,tnd-Guaranteed pme ~ ot;NSTRUllfEN TAI COI LEC rIONS )airy tiua:cr~ Mngic C:ircle and(/1 lfi!a0s~'M 's! 0'fc}i~ou~~17~a g;~ ues of' er Pt u J Dr1 I)~ and itlu·l~ tl nec1 t tti1 u~ Dance ?i.1us c Two co llect ons of moder~ ~1 0 d fl c ilty j I h us u1 t :u.e1uQrlc~ \.. collect on of 1 bcnutt t rccc,n;Wynan=>IackDress .. · J O i:'J ~ AHplcnd1dcollcction BEGS RE~PEOlFULI"t: TO AN byVUb c /\..llnrd Pach r l{ nkl\ etc JJ Price o:n nO pc: \olumc cl go.ntly bound8 1' OU~CE that he h11s rcco 'ed a. well ns n cloth · 1t h gilt sides $ 1n plam cloth so ttld stock of Ce 1ne Dr :g& and .El g s:U ~ 1701 bo~ud s Che nJ 1b1 Also a 8JJ1endid stock of ile JJlOSt Address J L PE'I EI S carefully selected Hrllliaut« c111s let;lt·~"'n Chl111r.1o1 A collcct1onofbrilli ~ ant p·rio1 Mus!c by Charles K nkel lllGf.JNiJO'.lrH ;\JU, · 11 ~ u u ce fo r one or three ye:1:rs en Detnohc~ Dv. ell1ngs Chnrches mtl c;:cl ools i; t ent"l i C I es 'I ow1 s and CotUltrv 111eea 11 ese rates aua tor ll H of 1 l y V&J. tlcu ally f arable to tJ e Furnuug Co11lll uut:. arc the best ma le s1ntploot n1oro durablo &nd rel able t11au n.U) other s ngle thread maohine.FIRST-CLA~S 1".1 iN YV AN TED fO'r f arge in l w ot k 1th grc11t eMO "Will d o t · a Trave l g Ag enc) fo the ] vnsl 1 s 0 tl:, ng tJ U1 lo vn 1. pply w1 L ng nth rete e ces I 10 ls of <lamest l'JC v1ng u a. petfoctl:r, ~-sa.t1Attr& to the u u.leu; g eel for hansn1 sslot to tl e llond tu Y mnuner Has taken first l r- ze wher1>V O.lllcc c:rhiblted. CHE"IST m ~' D A. , R &H OFB.R!I. Local DRUGGIST T 1 1 Bo vmanville SetJt 14. 1871 ~gc7 ts [ TO O'~'~'E ··~ .,..~ ..l'""I. ~JI,. >:.:::1 OF Far ~m - Property AND- IA GENTS \V ~:N TED E' EI-...YW"lfER.11: SPJE:KDID INDUCJi:Mh:Nll:3 SI 00 tnd 11)! cCJ ts for l ostnge enclosed to Norttii'op & J yn1a.n Newco.stle Ont general ts for the f> m n o 1 Wlll sure a bottle contain ng over 50 pills b:, tct rn matl 2000 ALSO - All stand3ld Colo1s OiJ. V arms] es and Pamlers Mate11 tls Call and Hee ho v chea.p a House can he Pru.nted and Decorated for all t hese goods will be sold at reduced figures G A.LLONS M \.CHINE OIL OF DIFFERENT KINDS o1,cr L Lt 1101ue o. collection of o er one~J } ch cannot be surpassed !or exceUencs of hi.nd1cd.Oeautifulop.,,1asu g8 Ince $.5 ~ quality ..An llflSO tirrcnt of Anll 1 o Dyes kopt i 1 elot1 u1.1d gilt l 10..dc prtee $4 co SL& tly o ban l togetl e1 ' ith a choice so lcction of DRU GS I \\ o ·oull call o~,p,,~ou~ "fo NTl;J~ Dy E S 1 U FF S Db .L ACHED RE IDEN CE INSURP. YOUll l'llOPBRT\ IN THE Fo1 Leri s sa nples of so,ving d:"C a}jplr Cauhon! ! Cautwn ! ! ! To tltc Pnb1w of t"' B t1'h p, o rnce.· For saJ() by ' ' T .Atkinson an l Dr Deans Oshawa m ' ' h tby b} J H Ge1'l e a.ndJ B} r1 e m Brodyn b) John Vi anon Sold by :r IllGGINBOTllA.11! and D STOTT Bo" manville Ontatio Thieshers an d n.11 parties requ1r1ng such oil are specially 111vltod to inspect the 'ir1oua qualities-the pr1cti b eing far below anything e\er offered in this market CHEMtC.o.LS PATEN T MEDICrnEs BRUSHES COMB· SHOULDER BRACES "UPPOR1ERS &o l _,. --- o- GUELPH SEW!~ G M.dOHil>E COY'. GUELPH CAN I.DA ... Save Haif Yozo &c Head Office for Canada J7fong Kingston 500 COOK, P~IBLOR, HALL A~D BOX STOVES, Can~age T WR. & H 0 HARA '\Vboles&le ngtrn_t11 feT tho Countie s of Durluun, and Victorl.Ja EM" Speclnl ind ioen1ent~ to Live agent.a Januat) 18th 1871 HIS 011 and well estabhsbed Company amvmg and now on Exh1b1t10n insures noth ng but lil'lirm Property anJ detached Residences and l;::.s 1ca Pol cies n.t G eately Reduced Rate s In lllen1or1a111 in l o o r tbe dead. Heaven has i i e1 ed no prolabition and Eart h J.S not 1DJ u-ed but benefi tcd by them "11 those beautif il on blcms vhich adorn the na.ny tomb;:. around \vh ch w e lovo to I nget ass re us we nro ln a 'vorld of \Vl'.J.IJU ~n d lov mg hearts tl e adorn ng ot the sepulchres of the lo\ ed ones alleviates o r g:r cf 1 nd 1:1 otJ cs tbe \'rounded hco.rt It also cheer!'{ the bo reaved t o kn9w that a1 adil t t; J 1 om be hahment of the g1a\ e t ~ ents ~trongcr attractions to a r est t ~ t ten t OJ of t11c st anger and ause m to pnuse and lcain the n ame of 01 e "ho h as shared so 1u. gely 1n the lovo of otl er1:1 Vt o take th El 1 ethoil to nfo n you ti at v. o cun :fill 01de a for docoro.t. ug t1 e gra.' es of depa. 1 d fne1 ds :it lov; tlgurce executed in the best style of v,;orkn~ansb1p A GAINST ot The largest and chenpeet stock oI General Ha.rd ware Tinware in the County of Durham elhngton Building Bown1&11v !lo Auguet 9 18'11 Goods and .ASSETS $550 000 00 General SewmgMachineAgenc J EXPENDITURES JOHN Depoe ted w th the Muns ter for &pee al benefit of Canad an ?ol CV"holdc a over $100 000 HARD TO BELIEVE. True Nevertheless! ----:o---~ BOvVMANVILL.E MONUMENTS TABLETS IT.&LIA ~& :Ere OF 'IHE Fir>BSi QIZIALl1\: O.F .&MERIO.&N 1'TA RBLE -AND- / IN the city of 'Vash1ngton whei e a. few years ago colo1 ed \VOmer were bo ght and sold under 1 u1ct1on of la'\V a wo1nan cf ..yr1can lesccnt h :l.S been \dnutted to r1 C t1cG n.t the ba1 of the Snp.,.erne Court c.f tlie D1str1ct of Colu1u b1a lh1s Cou1 t Il!t \ ng amended its 1ulos by st11ku1g out from tlle qualificahrns for admission to the bar the wo1d male on 1Illesday afternoon Miss Charlotte E Ray her appe tranee 11 tqeJClcrk a oftico nnd presenting a d1plo :il!a from tho Law College of Ho11 ard Um vors1ty rtquested a. ccrt1fica.te which wou d entitle her 1o practice I-Ier pap ors ha' lng passed exa1n1nat1on she was dttly sworn and fnrnrnhQcl with the desncd document l't11ss Ray is a dusky inulatto, possessing quite ~n 1ntolhgent countenance She hR.s the honor of being the fi1st lady lawyer in "\Vaslungton AN appallmg acoident happe crl l d iy or t\~ o ago at A1udu:ug near] ort \Vilha.m by 'vhich tl'i o young guls lost their lives .Actuated b' ou11oint) they v.e11t to see a steam tluMlung m a'Ch1ne n.t lvork Dur Ing tho te111porary absence of the perso 1 in charge, one of tho girls 3ee1nod to have l")one so near the n1aclune that her clothes wc1 e caught by the 1nacb1nery and she v; as drttgged in Her compan ion ui atten1pt1ng to ext11cate her \VM a.lao drawn in The altered n01se of the apparatus broupht the inan in cha,rge to tho spot but bc1ng ·tunned at the fu 0 htful atght th11t met hlS ej es he \Va.<; unable for a nunnent to stop the 1nachincry It ~ ri.s then found that tho unfortunate girls 'Were literally torn to fragments The deceased wero named McDonald and l\'.lcDoug ild respectnelv and were each about ] 4 years cf age They e u botl tl e daughters of w1do,,ed n1others SC01 en ABERDEEN GRANITE supJ lied on short J ot1ce Evcl·:tthlllg perta.mmg to Cernetery work "' lU meet with I ro lpt atter ~Jon by leavn g o dcra with C BOUNSALL Bowman.ville · ood Cookmg Raisms onl) 5. cents a 1 ouml, and st i lchea p I e1 by the box , UMMER DRY GOODS at co~t GROCERIES VERY CHEAP. G l_, " L, o c KMAN" I iOTTON cmd vVoolen goods are advancmg but you can bu3 \_; them at Elliott s, for a short time, at the old prices Now 1s tho time to seem e what you need. CLOTHING! / ENILEMEN m "ant of a neat fittmg G eaI13 at Ell10tt s :F ash10nable Ta1lormg Estabh~hme11t smt should call ~. j a<T Satisfact1011 guaranteed m all 1easonablc cases Sto1> and Set. trao 1naryc1r s 11 Cat a la. by the GREA! IN DI ~N REl\'[l! D 'l 'l'heJ stern Ul.ldQ able ti.nd mconresta.ble facts s 11J1c1e lt to conv1ncctha mo~t S'ko-pL cal that the Great ~1cdiccd Con >0und yeo.rned lftc1 for ages is no \ access1ble m the Great SHOSHON ~ E 0 REMEDY 1.'or DIBCaeee of tho Throat I rng<! Liver D gc.s tive Organs s &c na '""ell as Sci of Lla the v!Lrloue Skin D se LSO.'i Hut 01s a1 d all d1 1'cMcs in'lsing fron1 Imput tioa of the B oo 1 e I oldly st..ate th~t this great ren1ei:ly las NEV.EH. BEEN EQU .A.LLED "here "as th ore ever s ich a. as that n the per$On of \Vilson Storms ofBng_ h ton Ontario of ConB"nmption 01 tl a.t of Peter O \T M Uer of E1uef:ltown Onta,.. no of Co sm iption or that of Ambrose ' ' ooll of Co1 sccon Ont.ar10 of D1spepsia and Llve1 Complawt or that of John llosey of Napa.nee Onta:i o of Rhe wiatJsm wl o had actually been on crutcho~ for yea1s in s1 tc of a.11 trcat1neut heretofore and is no oll Scores of such enses miµ;ht be menhonod had "'iV6 space RT Cl t.11 n.t tho Dn1g Store and get a C1 c liar o unq1 Mt onab1e certiftcatea on tho GREAT SHO i.;:ITONEES RE111lJDY a..nd 1:1atiafy yourselves Henry Elliott, Jr Hampton August 3rd 1871 HE FOLLOWING RE~URKS ON T Te!;lhroonials of the J IOl:lt wonderfu1 tu d ex l W R CL!MIE Local Agcn 553 O:rf01 d Street (late ~U St a ·d) I-ondcn ___ Unpnno1plcd persons \\ho "\\I e11 tl ey c1uL.D.ot pahn off a. v.orthlees Se :y'll g 11achine on lcraona a.cq11BJ.nted ·with tJ1e mont.5 of the dif erent Machines 1epre8ent thcmso1vea as agenta fo1 th e eelebra.tcd f .ookman and Osborn !-ta cb.ineB 11.nd offer to g[ant arriintsfor the p;amc v.1H 1tc1 t to deed \Ve b 1ng the only al thorl.!lcd agent..s Ol \\est Durham the only persons \Vho oon giant \Variants U.1ereon ~nil any porsona not employed by us repreeenting th e1n~t 1Tes a.a a.go ts or offo ng to grnnt wu. rants a a inlpoaters and liable to be pro1>ccuted for tr iud The 1 ubli c are hereby ca.nt1onetl agvinst such R & ll 0 HAR~ Bo,vmn..n~iUe June 29 nd 18 I ! .. 3 m CAUTION. IJohn'~ Rot '-u· .t'1 st-Prize __ I Drum. W E LEARN !HAT THERE ARE ITHIS IS THE MOST EFFICIENT u A ! j1tf~ H-0 l economical Drumm uso nnd w dla tribute more heat oecupv lcaa t oom and ans , er all p r1 ose better tha.n at y othm By Jta uae a houso can be mnch better heated '"1th one stove than under the old $J'Btem Wlth two or tbLoe sto\: cs-th lB more than pnying for itsol! 1n one BOMon by a an.ting of',vood · .All \vho have tried ihem would :not 00 w:ithout them for many tin ea their cost. The uude®_gnod ha~ 8 ocurod Uie Right for Bowman.ville Ua.rlington Co.rtwright, Clarke and Man~ ers and Ja prcparOO to fill aJl orders on the shortest notice A. full nssortmont of Cook Pa.riot and Box Stoles constantly on F T HO=sillN IV 0 Sep ombo 1 18 1 _'._lfl_ Roya 1 I n SU ra n Ce 001\1:P ANY. FIRE AND LIFE TEMPORARY Ol FICES SELLING OFF! Ch ea p f 0 I' C 8 S h T , All Indebted lo 11 e business vill pleaso call and settle th01r account5 as soon as pos::.1blo J C POLLARD Bowmnnvlllc Uh Dec 181 19tf TI~E "'i lh1 December 5 18 ll 54t,Ii VOLUME~ Fo1 lS.,-2 ! ILLUSTRATED I j I Corner ot· !'<it. Paul and S t. Fr:u1cms Xanet· Streeh, £spit 1.1 Annual lnoomc O'l er THE Sewing Mach1 ne Phrenological ·Journal, A FutST CLASS :Notice. I vl11 uot he r0flponl!j1ble !or any debts cou tracted by my son 'Villiaw James Sulloy WILLIAM SUI LEY 46-tf Prico of Remedy in Large Pint· $1 N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Fnnd11 tnnr.n(lt),Cl"' $10,000.608 .. 000,000 9 A00,000 FA~MILY 111AGAZ1NE Procla1n11 lbc Gla1! 'I uliug11 G 1eatTnbeofShoshoneea D tsh Col 1mb a I~ --; 01 kh g tl c most velo s a d nston1 sJ lng C ires the VV 01ld cvo1 l eat'd of Nc1 er n tl an als of Canad au l\'f cd cal I-I stor:. has such success nttcnded the int.Ioductton of ru.iy med cine heretofore: ltfed c ne A.gents 1or Bowmanvillcl-::\ire s s J H gginbotho.m D Stott \ \ holesa o .Agents Northop & Lymo.n Nev.: cas tle Mr For Sn e by all D 'ltggiats a. cl Dealers m FIRE DEPARTMENT All cleacrl1 Mone of p oper y Insu el agn.Inst Loss or Damage by irire at moderate rate.\:! LOSSES PROMP'll Y SE rTLED WITHOUT REFERENCE 10 THE HOME OJiE ICE Phrenology -TI c and its Functions LocaL1on of the Organs v1th d rcct ons: for cul ure ~ d tra 1nt g and tho rcla.t1ona of Mind llnd Bo ly de~c1 be 1 Phys-wynomy ot tho Signs of Cbnrectcr" Ith illustrations and hO\\ t o noad thorn l& a special feature Eth nrogy or tho No.tural II!stor:,: of Mnn UJust1atec.l i: il be ghe1 Physi.oloyy and ny. - 'Ihc Orgn.1 zatim structn1e and tnnctJona of the h unan body 1" Ith the la s of 1 fc and h ea t11 'Vhat w·e al o 11 ea.tan 1 drink ho v otl ed autl ho to exe1 else aleep an l l e n a ccor la cc ' tl 1 ) glc 1 c pnn c11 les P<YI traits !lketchca and b ograp 1 e!'I of lea.<.11ng me1 a l omen in all d~pa1 tme nts of life a1c spccllLl foatnrca Parents Tcache sand Otlu. s - \s a gw le m ed t catlng and trllJ.1111 g Child c1 this mag zino hns no 6 JlCr 01 MucJ g~ncra.l 1nforn1at1 n on the lend ng top cs of the dn) s gl e a. I o effo ts !l o apn ed t n ake t l s ti c 1nost ntc cstin_g and 11 atru c t"'i e a \Vel1 as t.he Best I cto a l r l y 1..fagaz1ne evor 1 ulJLisl cd Est bl shi:d The Journl.\l has re ichc 1 1te 54th Volu no It has steadily in01eo.8cd lll favor duung t1e1nanyyo \rs it has bccnpubl shed and ""is never 1nore popula l t1 an oo v '1. '"Iris -1\1.'.onth l~ at $3 a year 1 idva ce Single nuu ben~ 10 C (Jl ts Club :. of ten or i 101c $ 9 c tt:h L rl u.n ext a cc P.'i t. \ ge nt \Ve tc oft"'er1n& tl c r s l lc1a! I rf' 1 msInelose 15 ce t,, 10 sn. plo n u b r "' th ne\v p utor l Poster an l P1osr c..:t s an 1 a. co plete List of Prsm tm~ A.ddros1 S R ':\ELLS Pnbl sher 3S~ ~re"'&w ay Nel1' 1:elk T Remcdi.: .1.11d Pille of tJ e Emln nt Indlatt JI.fol c 1i..e Mwn Doct r Lcw1s Joseph\ s of th1;: HAT THE GRE \T SHOSHONEES TOOK~THE FIRS1.' l'RIZE THll t AT lflanhood, Dow J,ost, .Hon· Ue!lfored on of Dr <:n11'ernell S Uelebrat4"A Es~uy on tl e ? adical cu. r- ( tJ out n od c 1 e) or Spe:r na ton.:hcea or Se nlnal 'V'eaknes!'l 11 l"'Olur tru:; Se unal Losses I1npotenc) 1:Ien al and I l )t.1 cal IncapnC'H·Y ln1pe:l ncnt.q to 1Iar riago cto also Consumption Ji,)Jilepsy and Fits induced by aclf1ndulgenocor scxu ~1 e:ctu'I.\ aganoc Pnco n a se.t;L.l cd et"'\ elopP- o lJ 5 cents The celebrated \. ttl or in this ri.dmirable r:ssn.y elearly dcmoutiL· .L.Les fl:o n a thilLy J cars sue cessf l vract ce that t he alarmlng consequr.ncce: ot self abul:le ln ) be 1 t l c \lly cu1ed \vithout the da. gc1oua s of intcr1 n1 med c ne 01 tl e up pltcnt101 oft.he krufe J o t ng out a mode Of c.ure at once 8 1n 1 le cci tn n and effect Ill by means or ,,1uch e' cry sufferer no ma.ttci \lhat"'" his con lllion may bC' mu.y cure ]iunselt cheaply pr tirel) and :iluall?f 'l tns Jcctme- sl ould be in lhc band!O o! oi; eiy youth ar d eve -y rr>&J i n t h e land S!!nt under acnl in a. envelope to anv ad drc·s po 3 tpad 01 1ecept ofs x. cent6 ortwo ost su Hl s Also ~r Cll-h e w· r 8 l\fa.rrl.,,ga Guide lfl.Ce 2;:, cen ts .Address the Publbihr>ra A \ rrguua City n1an thus describes Ins method. of conJuga.l d1sc1phne - " When e\"'"er I see shes got het rnad up if its n. dozen ttmes a slay, I JUSt qmetly say noth1n buc lnnder hu1uon het antl she right afte1 a wlule Th n comes round when she thro,vs things at me, or gLves a ,vilcl sla'Sli for ine lv1th the b1001n or rullm pm, I J11St dofges a little md she htts me the thml ttme before I get m~ eyes on her and let her know I d1ss iprove of such action on her pai:t Perha.ys I have to leave the homo to show }ier tlua bm <ees the pomt Then by bemg careful not to 1rr1ta.te her and Jetting her hn' e her own '\va.y I manage t<> make her d,o a1 I please rt LIFE DEPARTJUENT. THE CELEBRATED PERFE(Tl'l Speetacleij tu d Eye Gln.ases n1anufo.ct i lit by LAZ IBUS & :P.10RRIS and for 'vhJch ha"\ e the sole agcno~ gaining golden opin10 romallthoeewlobn,etrled J yc,1 Vitut and no others A.ARON BU CKL 'F.R azt1 n Bowma.nTille and vldnity 1 nl" Ass ranee o Lh c a giante l o ra.vo 1rable tc ms ancl lnq_uestio able see rity offere 1 t'l I olie:-,; hollers Iles les j I e P a. l t r Cap WHY? J UST PUBLISHED A. NEV'i ~dit of the Company., \ u-ers Ad htional ~ecurity 11 tie UN.tll\:IITF D l IABTI TTY o! a \Vealthy P opnetary Ihe SpeeuLJ. L fe A.ssu1n.nce F nil now amounts to Jmst held n.t To onto over the most·ned Sc" ng 1t:In.ch1nps n the world &mong wh1cl were the cel ~ bro.tcd ,u 0 D $6,603.210· THE SUM OF Howe \\ l eelol' di' 1V :..k:::l9 A wmannlle Veter11m1·y Surgery J lfARTIN ]rf p rhia a t ly a contlr1 l~t on o tl e verdJc re\ o 1sly rendered b} tho Great Cana.dla.ll P 1bl $736,200. hav ng 1 een addccl thereto as a result of the BuR inc s of the I Ml Year aft er the Pa.~ 1 ent of n.11 Cilurus Casl Bonuses 'I. t t os o. d Expcns s of every Desct pt.ion ru.blt!~ of Ratei:i l ropoan.l Fo ma a. ii f 11 1nfor mation can be obLa1ned ou appl canon t:i th<! un dcrs gi ed HI ROUllI E " lJf DlJALL Ch cf Age ts for Ca A PEH.R Y Fire lru;u_cct.or HOBER r ARMOUR A ~ e tat Bov.: ln ille N D - fl c fl unc n. I oa: Livn of th e R val 1~ i l l to waJ itrect d by the recent I ire at Chicago t.b.e Company ht\'\ Ulfl no A.1il:nt doing bUJ6melilS in li:\W i la. c a d provf:s conclu& vely tl e StJP.lUll onITT LOCK.JI.!. 1 V OVER Al L OiaF...rn> C MAY BE ~ n &: H 0 H \.f A · eonaulU-..d on all diseases belonging to Hors sand Cuttle l1nving had ma ) yerue experience in the treatment of all comp a1nte ln connection \\1th ll01l:!es a.ul le he can con fidently ;ia; that &11 ~scs entrusted tc hi5 ca e i.owe, Il. A J,.f,. H., v ll reoe1ve such med clll cai:e and attention as ti CU' I oortanee deinands ARRIS'lER AND ATTORNEY AT Ottlce K1nf::St1 eet.::2doorsEastofHendcrsons Hotel Hes dence 1"l.f: gog Road where ea.lie by LA 'V Solicitor in CI a. ccrJ and 11 solvency post or Othc 1'-i&e "ill r eceive prom1Jt atrention &o &6 V ctexmu.ry ineillclnes always on ban l Charges ll).odera~ to the Mutual Fire 0 ffice on Silve[' ~trcet, Bowm.anville CHA.S J . Jr.LI.Nm & CO ln.BU.rauM Co:wps.ny ot ClilLtoJl l£et&bl..Lalle' o~ot·im.J. 1 t.e~· M ·Y lS." 121 Bowory N 1nv ~ o .,. Pv"t· OfU·· Bax i,M 1858 .:l~ents \\11 olosalo and Uetail .Also n.gents for Gue ph Bo n1 g Aia. CrQver &; Baker Singer Ho" e and 'Vm.n:. B ·ha· P nt Ilottl£s 1 00 \\ UJin.rns 1\1 ichlnce We nleo oi;i h&nd a fu! stock C!f the LlfTLit \ V ANZErt l\faohlnm r e s rs not '"O.ti .. fk'-d with one Me.c1une lire.n chan""e for a ny olher in1udo of thirty days r':t1 1nou1ber H. & l:I 0 IIa.ra. Iii le tlu1 SJ:WOIQ '.M.A"J: ;:"(K D:ill:"OT

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