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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1872, p. 3

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CANADIAN STATESl\'IAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDA-Y, MAY 16, 1872. ' Dh1solution ot· i"a,.t11e1·ship. t hn.t tho P11.rtn er1;hip' h ~ r rito t'ort~ snbsist.iug bot,·rccn us the u n dersigned a s G rocets and Pro v.ision l-Ie . n ;h ant !> iu the 1'own o r Bowman ville, \Ul d c!· n 1 1~ n a.m e s-i.y l L~ ana. firm uf SILV.Rll n..nU D O C U! ·.~-~ . h ~l.-3 Lee n this d ay d l:; ; H Ol \' ed liy 1nutu~ ul con;,;cnt. A II de bts owin g to tbe said P 1 trtnersh ip to be paid t o C hnrle:.i Siiv cl', at Howruanville ,.nforesuid 1 ru1d ull cluilna a re to b e presented L o the cuid C!1u.r1e:1 Silv er, by v:ho!Tl LIH ; sa 1ue will be settled. Dated a t B ow uianvlilc t hh> :!2nd day of March, A. D, 1872. \Vitn elle, l C. SILVF.R . L.,V.SEX '1'0N i \.¥'.DOUGLAS. - --------- -----··---- - --·- -. ----- -·--·- · --- , _ --_ _ ( r_ o _ N~ :u~~~~ll~~~~.11~::· Y:}A~ low. old, nnd. t.wo Bull Ca !» CHl, Ycry fi w:·-prc o 1 ------------·--! j R E A D .. . '!.. _ . N OTICE JS HElrnBY GIV.IL:f , ' :P11.EI'A.:a.T to ~ra, Sole Pronrlctots s.nd Manuf:i.ct 11rcr~ of the Ccleb r»t ed Vic toria Ct1.rbolic Prcpnro.tion~; L a boratory and \Vork~, Victori:i. Ilsll, Mellurl~ S tre et, 'l'oronto, On t. Th o foll owing GenutDc P reparations are s old by n11 Un1g.:; lsl::i . Bo H uru nntl e.2k for the 'V'"t CTOlUA nnd Bee that yon cet them. I I I .. . I 'l'Y years, to hti repaid in instnJ.n1enta to suit borrower s, ·who Rrf1 n.Uowed to snch paytnents in uddition t.o instalments. ftS they may tlnU cOnvcnicnt., roa.y be obtuine<_l fr:om ~he Ca. 11ada Perinane.nt Rn.Heling B .nrt ~aY 1 ng :-J ocletr, 1 ·- ---~--Nioiie·y-1; i~:;~~~Kss. I L OANS FOR FROM ONE TO TWEN. LI)' npplyinK to RE AD bi~hiy recommended t o La. di es ne n m) . t !!. :rc'.! :\ble Prcparat1on tor tl.lo Toilet. For n - :-' Lif·~·in :r tho (.h mJllc:x ion, and reudcrlI1g the 1 ~ · ~h ., ·ft. WJ1i.'o, Clear, and tree from D rYll f'J'lB, it i ·1 n ·i i ,·:1ll:~J . I t will quickly remove ·al) l{.od11c!!!, l~ · 1 '. 11 \ ~~ . ···an, l!'rccklee, Pimples, .and otherim!1 '- L..: : J 'F~ · ).~ .Jr O.J1r~ppctl 1ftmdi!l1 Chtlblt\ini1, Frost 1:!· ' I 1 · L ::; .re L ipa, H C!Wt!Oti bo. 5urpa8aed. '!'!: 1 -1 J7.:r.:.Y Is I I !'. i.: " ~ ! C:J i".\;:l, low11. 'Vi th reference to Ww a bove, Llie u1H1 e t·ai[5Ile<l lvm1ld d esire L o 1·cturu t-h ankf4 to the puLlic for t '. ;6 li.9cru.l ptttr OH(l.gc extended t o t h e flrrn .of Sil· ';~ r a.1u1 Dou la s ; u ud to in tinrn.te tlia.t he will cout.tnne tho 'tm;jueas in r;. hc 1:1a1nc !:l l!~ntl, o n e <loo:r west of Henrh;rson's liotel , Kin g streflt. where · \vill bo keJ)t in stock a choice i::ollec.r,tou of ft-et'l11 / Groceries, P rovii::io ns, E'l'nits, .\ e, , a ntl wh iell will he Rold fl t nttt:_, all fn.\' Oru b.le na aur ho11 sc in Bo\YtrtnuYUl e, A.-p dl 11, 1812. FARE\\rELI,, MoGEJ~ &, H.UTLEOGE. Solicito1·t1. Ro\\-m~\nvilJe. .aarPrlvo.t.e tut1d.a to Joa11. Glt N I~W R I E A D r PHOTOGR .A J:>H McCLUNG BROS. / GALLERY. tc (~ C' . SJLV.ER. :'17. IT HE , SUBSCRIBERRAVING F ITof the lrtOilt u1>. in the hrick hlock corner of .King and R .".1 1 ·· , ~ !. "!~ S<J At· P 0!.!1!3C88es all the well-l::no°'vn \ :' >.·-p ~ , .: .i, : l d _proper . t1cs ot C11.rbollc ,\ ~. I : 1 ~1 '. "·..'.crn ly A('. cn~tr, har.1 n.lieal tb.y action on : "-:.. · , ; · , , ~. ri ;·.; v <!cil.i fr!ita.tion._ r emoves the cfl'eet 11 . "J! ., , .. ., :.1'. ' ,ir! , a. n cl t1hould 1..1 ercgo\arly used l1y i ·1 !~ . · . J i "lt··r;., Smalltiox and Fever P:&tiente . ~\ )!f l li : \1' ,l : '1·~d with t his Scutt; and 1ta use by :~ ~ 1 ii" r\) t.0 i nfection will matcr:inlly-prevcnt t . ·j . - · .: . : R E M E IALL K1NDS ' I j Tenrper1tnce A'l1·cct ;i, on e: cou1plete Photo!;T1.tPl1 Gnllerics in t h i:i sevtio.11 of t h o I~o" vinc e. ~ :s uowprepnreclto U\k C 13A R G A 1· N Jl' ] , · · · s OF LIKENESSES in the B R A B A M LATEST AND MOST IMPl!OV.F.D ··--lN-- S T -Y LE OF THE ART . f ,r d 1 .:2 ..1 ~ 0. Price l:iccnts per'roblet. A11cl all other '· i l. SPRING STOCK, N T A c-a.ll and inepoct.fon of apeG imcoi:s itt r equested . EKTRA.KCE- Oppoolte Tottn Un11 cnt.rarioe. owm!tuville. Octob ·..1r Ith, - - - - - - - - - -- -·-----Ctn··t oC Tlaankl!I. 1811. L.W.$EXN. DRY 1 G t) 0 DS AND N ' ~·: > 1 ' c:'. Ecz.:cmll, Scald u cad, 8 ctuvy, · \.:, ,;-: · .. 1:.v I~ Jlimple~ . &o. It posscs!IJc s all the ~· · · · · : · '_; n :.: ll h ~nlinf! virtues ot Carl.Jolie Acid, · ·.- ct I: ~ , l J .J'."~ rvnnlf .1~ ~, Phyalc~nus CVllrywbcre · · ·, 1 ·,1 :.. ~ l ·1· . '; rni <.t un.hi.le! uot du1coverctl. in any . r,. ..:::::;.' 1 :J l J;r::p::i.ra.tlou. l?'rice2!Sccnte. · ...: ·~ · .·.·.-: :: ft i 1 .:·:-:, I·, Burns, Sorc..s._, Ulcer~. Ring- rapid cnrei t or all Skin D lseasce., A F lJ LL ASSORTMENT s A PIOTlJRES TAKEN JN s . ..( )*.. . No. 1 Style AT l<'LETCHER'S -Complete in ever'y Departmen.t, AND WILI, BJ~ . R..PEA.TE TAILOR, ouston~orlJ anJ is tllc most relia.bie nnd cfficl ctoa1 l: . ·' .'. .' :.:;t l:.~OH'. 11 or ~ ore 'l'IJ.roat. IiO!!.rSCDCl! l:I 1; ':~·! : l-, .!. ~r .111:;b i Lia,Irrl l aliou or the Dtonchtil 't ' ' · · , , ,, ·1mo::i i u this c .!a.ngca.'blo clim1l.le A ! : ' , t; .T, -i:-lvC! l il"C!l.t-h, rlce ia Gums, an d , , .1 · , : ~. i' I!le .:Mont h. F or l:>nblic 1:.ipenli:cr.s ". : a i~ b lnYaluabio. The iu·1rcdicnls tll~ · l . t : i G~ rg l c lite u s e::(! b y a)L · l'hyatc11lUfl : . · .; ..: ro or Lllo nbov d loordor3 nro uow~ .'. _: ;y.. 11.J. 3 most i>opnla.r in tho .MateriQ .:! ... ... ~ i ' u~ ..i :.:J c:.:nts. 1 ) ... :. 1 0. 1~;.: i:. r: GOODS, he h'ls removed to tho c:ornt';t of F.lng nn d strec~. wherohc will be glad to ::me as many of the ~ood·natured a nd goo<l·t e 1~ir· onoH ail :pl i.o give.him a!. Bowrn~nn-H!c Nov. 22nd, Ul71. 17-tf ----- - - .,---- - -~ - ULD ' RESPECTFULLY RE· WO TURN 5lncoro thanks to his friends, and 'vould bog tu en y thtit , hia numr1ron" Picture Gallery, SIGN OF TH.E RED FLAG, KIN"G S'i'HEE'l' E _ \.ST. B(.":Ui ~ 1'\' ilJe , l\'f; \'. ,~(Jard. D URIN G nm 'l'EMPORAIW AB- SENCEof GltOCERIES AND DR. PA'l'TEHSON. who has g on e south for a short tim e , Dlj.. EVANS or Whitby, '""ill be at Dr.Pntterson"s office, Church street., Bown1n.n ville , eve:rJJ f-Vtdne.'ldt'l. V, to a.ltend those requ1rfa1g inedical aid . Bowmnnville, Mu.r let, 1872. MILLINERY. EVEHYTHING NEW, STYLISH & CHEAP. .l 2Zrd. 1871. .. J .,. GOOD NFn·VS .~r ~ (' ~ !, ,, · .,:./0- · . ·! ,J " ... ,, ·· ~ c .'-.·. 1] wus selcc tecl by li er Maj ~ .e ty 'a .1'::1.>'. ! · ::; .n m[· ~ Joncr·'· in prcrcrcmc;' t:l t.ll ot t er 1. t, .J.ict ;J. f: 1 ! l!e b ~."l tDisicr· ct1 n t fn r tho preveL· t :o:.i. of ;;,;fect1vu$ d~~ ~ af:l c s. Price ~.J cuu ~ . ! · -."r:::~~.::1'AN·~ fan auro ]ll'ITT' e ·1!illCOf ~ rrhn11 · d ·" '. 1 :·ld \ ·-"i vcr:<i, Chol..::rn, t:i:unll pox, !Ind 1 In'· ' ;_ ~ ~ ,d i · c:·.~" -. lt will 1we\·e·' t f 'out ·gJ on lu i ·; ' .A J j) .i..., ·~i ) ;11~·.:'!l.i. ~fo IJ l~ ifJf~CI g \Vat( r · ·L. . .,11, C ... s. po,1 ls, St P.~1 , c r., Slu.?!f/' hter: - ~ : '-, ~ ;., u.-.Hl f o r de~t r o '.fn !? 1l11 1l ~CC.U·J dlloYia t::_. . . l':· ~ :·d r; 1--. ~ r :i.~ 1 .o; t>t1 rl .>, iU :'.!'. It ,1 ill Llrlvo n~·ay ;~:~:'·; ;! ..J <: : 1, fo th i, FUcs, Cer.'!l.cb""· &e . !cs.t, L' '. .' · . - / . ::.·: ;~ o.J 'J Ji~;';SC rV c·d r 'Ol!l pUtt<: f:lCl iOn by lfff. h nville and \·icinlty is resticctfully solicited to my nt:w :'>tock or F ULL :ST OCK Olo' 1'HS !' FOR LADIES I A~_'TENTlON OF THE LADIES T HE or Millinery Goods, LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING, LADIES' COLLARS and CUFFS·, Book Hi11din!"· ·]:>ERSONS HAVING BOOKS, MAGA· . ZINES, Pan1phJets, Qt" a,,nytning Lu th o book lino, \\.'hich the y wish to bound , c:ln he ir orders fill od in the.nee.tcstu.nd 1noat d1rrable &tyle, o.nd on the short.cwt notice, '.J_;l lea\·lngt.hem a. t the ST A. 'l'ESMAN otlice. firing alongyour'bind~~ CROCKERY. . Finest Family Groceries . SALT AND PLASTER ALWAYS ON HAND. prices to suit everybody, just rccciYcd for th.ii Fe.ll's trade. ~ · I ha\·e a lso a. very superior u.~s:orimolit o! of ev~ry description of the latest styles, aud at SOLD . W. n. CLU\llE. Fo1· Sale! S · · March,4, lS'i:?. 1'furdoch llro's Hava 11till a. Large r.ncl W· lJ-Assortid EVERAL GOOD FARMS IN WEST Durham. F or portlculan a~plr, tO . J. N. RU~LEDGE, Thi! PRll:PAnATION Is un equalled In it9 :rll. pidft.y forShnr~eutng ancl Poliehi agCutlcry. TnbJ1· e.n<l Pocket·,;,Razors, i:iurgical Instrument it.Shoe) ... m&kerst Knives, Plane Bits tind Chisels, &c . Noth· - , iilg h.a.s e·rer been dt.scovcretl which. has i;prncg Into popula.rity more quickll or become or so mnch valuotn every honaeholtl and op tar c._~eral wiefulness. Price25cen ts. ----~ -- The highest price paid for Eutter &Eggs. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION, 'Kiiig St.rGet, 13owinar\\'ille. BRAIDED SclTS for CHILDREN, B erlin , Fingering and Fleecy VV-ools; BraldJng and En1b1"oid ery 'Jl.ta.terlals. Stamping for· v.·ork a nd E1nbroldcry; o.lso, nrn.t eda1s for lhe same. Stitching done to ordel'. Chi.i,.'11ons, Switches w1d R olls in gi·eat vn.rlcty. AU 01·dcrs p rc;.111\>tlY'cnded to. .A cn.11 re· spe ntfully t10Hcitcl. R c u1c n1ber U1e stand- Two d1)0l'!:I 1'~t~st o! JJ enderaou's l[otel. 1\1.B.8 J. G. POLI.ARD. Dow1 na11v ille, Scp ton1b~r 14. 1g1-1. Orono. t·ig· Lost. CHEAP for CASH --- - - - - -- - - - - Ontario B a nk I NEW rrIN SHOP IN BOWJ\HNVILLE. S or the suhscriber, Bowinan-ville, nbout two oi onths ngo. a SO\:V PIG, about five month s old, ·JJOtt.cti loluck nn<l wl1itn. J\J1y]le1·son kuowinK of the wheroo.!Jouta of abov(l ·pig will please inform the undorsig-n od, or n11tke i-;a.1nc kno wn at t11e STATESMAN" oftit:e-. .° ' Vtu .. AI>Al\t8. Bowman'fille, ).fnrch 6. 1872. · 32-tf. TRAYED :F'lWM THE PllEJ\1ISES Stock of Sta pl@ a-nd },a-ncy ])r)r DIVIDEND NO. -30. a dhidend of foul' p et: cen t upon pnid up Capital Stock of this Institution, for t.he cuiTent halt year, haR t.his day b een declared, a11d that thG will bo pn.ya.hlo o.t the Bank and tr.s Branches. ou n11d a fter SAT URDAY, tho FIRST da.y of JU NE noxt. '£he Tranefcr Books will be closed from ·the 16th t-O the 31et of l\1.ay, both dnyB inclusl "e. Notice is al~o ~lven , thnt the AN NUAL GENERAL Mll:E'l'll\ G of the Stockholders, for tho election of Directors n.nd 4o\.n1cn c llnenta of DY·ln. ·w s wUl bPJ held nt the Dank ing_Honso, in Bowmiiu. · THAT N OTICE IS HEREUY GIVEN th~ w. IIAS G. REED, A;s-D T HE 'l'HEORY OY MUS I(", I JOHN CAMIDGE, MUS. DOC., ENG. LAND, Tcaeher of the ubo"t"e. .A.)l~lioo.tio11 tor termt!, &o., to bo to MeB srs. H . & ll. G'H.ra, stat.tonet'!!. J:l-3m. x the lnhabita.n tsoCBowuittnvillo a.rid country t hat he has op en ed out n N'e v1 Tin 8bop in tho storo lnto1y occupied by John Aliun, corner pt FOR~ilNG MUCH PLEASURE IN IN- - ---·--·-- - -··- -- ll t 1e 3 ptte«~ M ' I r:IW 1111 any in th& KING A.N D D IVISION STREETS no·\"tna.nvill~, \.vher e 11e \Ylll koop hand a well selected stock of eto,·es, Jnp· ;i.nned , prcsaed and plntn·Tin\\·are, whlch he \vill sell oon5t&.ntl;r On D ental Notice. DISPOSED OF MY DEN. H AVING TALOilloet<> Mr.8.GCWEBSTER,L.D.S. I ono with plcll.suro re comuu~nd hhu to eU rel'!nil'lnftt Ws !crvicea as 1~ skilful Dcnth1t. 1'. J. JOKES, r,. O.S. l'lowma.n\'ille, Jaunal'"f31, 1872. 2'i the COUUtt-y. _ next. Tile chair to be ta.ken a.t l:? o'olock , no on, pre· clsoly. . . By 01·dcr of l·he Doard, vllir1, on l'rIOl\DA.Y, the 'fHtHD d o.)'· of JUNJlJ "()HEAP -AS THE CHEAPEST." Ffrst Prize Cultivators. the attention of fnrincrs to the on e-horse and two-J1 orse Iron Cultivators m1tntlfactured by him, and ·w hich have foi· six yeal'fl obtained fl rat prizei:i at Provinc!ul and Local lf'nil'S. 'l'hey arc un~ doubtedly th e best hnple.1ncnt of the kind in uso, o.nd will in a very a.hort time more than repay their cost , in the c filci enc:r a n d excellence of thci:r work. Inspection invited, A s upply of Culti\·a.tol·s llO"'>Y on hand fol' the spring ·work, i:i.nd wlll be sold at lowest rates. D. FISIIlm , ONTARIO B.n.N.K, l Bov.·u\a.nvWe, A p l'il ~. 18'12. ,1 . T HE SUBSCitlBElt WOULDDJREC'.l' A.t tho BEA VER BLOOK. Spccia.l attention to E.A.. V' £'.l'HOUGJ!I NG ..o\..Nll .TOBHlNG 4ifr 01·Uers fron1 the country ln·o1nptlr l\tlen.ded to. · UT Highest prioo pnid for I-Ude~~ Sheep!klnA, 'Yool-pickings, Copper, Eeathcns und liorseh a.ll'. t.¥ Gl'ent inducmnent s held out to pecUers. N. H.-Farmcrs wnntin"g M ilk Palla or Pans would do well to <;all and cXO.lnlnc my etllck be· fore purchasing elsowllere. A share ot lluhlic \iutro:Q.11ge,_,reapcct1 Ully solicited. _ , - - · - - S : : S - -- :Z: ----=-- -------------- · ·- -.A.1'-·- NEW SPRING GOOD SI 'Vanted. RELS g ood winlor npples, dellvered in March. ~A discount of FIVE .PER Co.Ah le;:. For St.ation .a.~P.nt-, ~a l e . E A T TIN"" G POPLINS, JAPANESE SILKS, FIGURED and PLAIN LUSTRES, PARASOLS, , s_ T HREE OR FOUR HUNDllED DAR· BURDEN llowu>anvllle, Jl'oh. 28th, 1872. & WE!Uff. CE~'I'. will alae bti m!lda nn o,ll eaah C CT T.~l:E ON LIBER'l'Y S ·rc~E streel ,at P L 'C:S"n1i oc.:upied by J, Chris t.i c, Esq, ]f or par ticuhu-s en q liirc of Bowu'l.nviu 'Vin , 'L'JlO:V'.T P SON,, K in g .:::it. May 26 , 1811. ~~- t IRON HARROWS ot a superior kind, u.lso on h£1.nd. BUGG I ES AND WAGONS constantly on hand for sale. lt1r All kinds of Blacksmit h work done on tbe shortest.notice. A call eolicited. 15-3£.tf. I. ' VESTCO'l"f', Hc.wman villc W.G.REED. Bownla.nville. l\-1arch 8th. 1871. MUSLINS, LAO ES, PRINTS, GLOVES, &o. ~'-\._ C+ E N 0 Y OF TH ~ 32-tf. -----·---- ---- ~ EXCELLENT Bowmanville, . April 24, 1872. DAILY - 'l'O·- LINE A ~OOOD lVante·l Immediately, FARllf HAND. APPLY VALUE. BOWJ\IA NVI LLE l<'U RNlTURE purehuet1 onr on· doll..~. MANUFAC'r URING CO. appl)inted retail a.~ent by the Ilo v: 1nanYillo li"u.rniture .l!.funu'fu.cturing Co., Is no1\· i1l a. poallon to fill a ll ordena at UR lo w u. ra.te as any denier in tho county. 11·26 T HE SUBSCRimm HA YI NG BEEN R 0 0 HES TE l~. rfiHE NEW LAKE STEAMER NORS EMAN, W ill, on or a.bou t l s l Andl next, co minen ce ho rc;ptlar d a ily trips, (le e permitt in g ) Lea.>lng Cobon rg ever y in o::-nlng a t 7.30, P or t l!ope a t 9 o'cloc!<, ! 01· Ftuch ester, co nn ecti ng there "Vrlth Kew York ()01\, Nurtli crn Central, a nd Erie·,·ay. for nil pui nt~ ~a.'!t, South and South \Vest. RlDT UH. N I N G, Loa\-"<:s Charlotte, Po rt of Huchester ,cv er y e ve n ing a t 9 o'clock, (except Saturd ay~ . w h en sh e Jeaves ·n1, 2o'clock.P. M., for Bd gh t.on ). 'l' ho Stcan1cr e n.Us a t .Brighton. lv!onda.)'s nnd Thursdu.ys ; ul Colbon1e, e very du.y e.xcept ~Vcd nesday; n.t \\rldtby, Oshawa, J)arlington, <~11d Nev.·castle1 on Wednesd ay, should freig h t offer. · Dos.lers 1n stock will find this the choape2t and quickest route to Albany, Dostou, Nev· York, &:c. Address. R. C, C~.\.RTER, Port I-lope, Ont l.icing the South 90 A.eres, o.nd 10 on t he North.east corner of Lot 9 iu t.h" 1t.h con. or c Town of Ro·w rnan· Durlington , 2~ t,nilos from tl1 ville. 't'O acres clcurcd, and 30 in \Voods. Con1 fo1·ti.blc D'veJli n ~ liuus e, good Barn, Stable, and Shed; t30Ul C Frmt '1'1-ees on the )':renlis ee:, a good '\Vell, also u. st rcLunofSpring,Vater. Forrnrt her pa rticnJars apply to the proprietor.._ 'fl:!Ol'vfAS \VELDON Te!n110 P. 0., or to JA 1 tIES WELDON. Lot Nu. 13, in tho ith con . of the a boye Township. 17-33·3m. lo·o FARM for 81'>,._LE· ' G. TIIOM.AS, or 'l'. 'l'ElO:;,\US. Ba"'"lltou.u.iolllo, Feb. 29, lSi:!. 3(1~11.· BOWMANVILLE 'fh0 G1·ceery Depar.tment lN 11,le ACRES OF GOOD LAND, - - - - - -- - RO_H1'. S . MANNING. Ne Plus Ultra 1 A NEW GLEE BOOK, WITH MACHINE AND IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY Corn for Sale' . Whole or 14-a9-t/, Grand Duke and Chicago Hats-the very latest styles out, At the BRA VER BLOCK. . Pri~e $1.50 each; $15 p rtr dv11cn. PIANO ACCOMPAN!l>IEKT. O~·acked· I . : te. llflLLS, IN 18·tf ol1pphed . W HEREVER La~ been THE NE PLUS Ultra Gler.-Book has been introduced, it n onnced supedor to all other works of its. k irH , It it1 thl"! lu.rgest, lateiit~ tineat, nnJ Johu lllcUougaii. Non~ h·tt~ , in quali y,u<l ncnl shaggy. Any person kno\vlng of her 'lvh ere· abouts will confer 1~ favor by informin g thti sub-· criber thereof; and any one retaining her a.rter this date Will l)e prl)secntcd. Win. BOP.LAND. Darlington, A.pril 11th, 1872. 37-lw·. A SllfALL COLEY BITCH, GREY, · nearly all o! which have PianoAccQmp"-11hnenta. ad lW. Srunple copies mailed, pos.t pllid, t o'!" ~1, !IO. J. L. PE'"CERS , 699 Droadway, N. Y. only collection or Ne"" Glees an.a Quartettea , L111nbcr and !!lhing·les WOOD'S SELF-RAKE REAPER, BUCKEYE ?ol:OWEit, !JIL:(.'S PATENT PLOW, No 11, £COTCH CANADIAN & GANG PJ~O"\V S, WOOD-WORKING MACHIN1"il OF ALL KINDS, 1 SA \VlNG MILLS. SHINGLE MILrn, ·H~~ ADING MACHINES, "PLANERS. IRON LATHES, F --- - -·- ·-·- OR SALE, AT MY Da.i ~n £·<, n . Da rlington , No \· , 20, 1871. A. B. CAMPBELL. Cll""'per. ~ R. HUTCHISON RAS- A. !!i)rlmu · 1d t ·:w1n f'or ~ale; - ----- --~- ------- STRAW CUTTERS, noo·r do.. JN '.!'HE COUNTY OF I>UitHAM, FIELD nnd GARDEN ROLI,F.R8, F .-\.NNIN G MILLS, to t!ei;:;.a~\1: t~o·vn of llownui.n ville. Application J. S . BA'l'ES. Prop!i,f.)to1·. BoY1·1nanvlllc, October ! , 1871. 10-t.f. ltll:rA <1.l·oount will be made ALL TlIE NOVELTIES FOR THFi CU LTIVATORS, HORSE POWERS, . DRILLIKG MACHI..°"P.B, !RON-PLANERS, &:o. , &-e., &c. . '. : ~·! .' ··:- - .1 ::. r ' .: .. ~ . .··' ~ . Spring Trade. F ~pring '.l'. -DARJ,INGT0!\'1 -- ----·------J~J. Notice. I ' ALL PARTIES INDEBTED TO M. D. \VILLIAMS, inust pay up du1:Jng the pr6!'lent month. B o"·man·dlle, Feb. ltt.h, 18(:?. · Groeeriea of TWO AND A·HA T,!' Pim Dress. C'foodR, }lriuts f r...,o.,. ~1 .· 1_ 0 ~ i « ·.r 1~.n::: b i-.; ; 1 g~n u \ n t.;:J ccndt · .)~;.fl'·, :ri:> · ~,f!'i: G,y ;\· s , C e.1V' : :> Sh e f' :p C.1)0 . r e c o1n men cled by first· ch."t6do J'3r o <:: de i·~. Stock · fed with it bavE alw~ys t ?.k e.n ft::-st prizes. Milk Cattk produce ruore milk and butter. lt flil.tteue in one foutth the usual time, ? 1{:a, tl E ~(!. ::1.1~cl SPRING GOODS . 'J)·:t· and · Kid Gloves, rived just flr·- · IN DOMESTIC D EALER PORTED AND WE KEEF NO '. PEDLERS ?or Plows and other Small Implements, }3ut v.ill selJ ouch articleo at the Works for price· less than any eata.bliahment can do. whieh pays large co1nm i!sio na to t.l'&vellars. GROCERIES, CHOICE TEAS, FRUITS, PROYTSIONS; &c. , CROO~ERY AND GLASSWAR~]; CJE!'1' r. cm ea<>h .1mi:ch&11es· over c1t1e Guelph Sewing Machine Co, R. DU'l'CHISON · .u the llEA vim BLOCK. ' and saves rood.. T~IJ\..!l A :11or..1~.J111 J1ox CO.I\". 7'JrO Hll.A"DRX!.D ~~B:BDS. HUGH MlliLER & CO., R. HUTCHISON Farmere ·ill therefore get Plow·, &e., at tho Manufaetory, at '!'. reduction.from usual price· equ·I to wh·t is u·ually paid pe<l· . . THE OSBORN Lock-Stitch Sewing Machine! KING OF CANADIAN SEWING MA.CHINES do\loi-, ox~ept. Flaur and Grain. 0 AgrtCUltara.1 Ch1trolsb., 167 Kil\S St., Toronto. ia selling good·, bought under the mo·t !avora.ble cirCumst...'\.nces, a.t prices - ---- - - --- -- - -- -Still A4end. SOIREES, TEA- PAR'.l'IES, BALL SUPPERS, PUBLIC DINNERS, WEDDI:KG.CAKES Bowmu.nville, Ont. 3'1·tf lon. A f;,w. reliable Agents are engaged in taking orden for Orders entrullted to them will rec<>ivo prompt ..ttention. For &A.le by J. ElQ-GI NilOTl IAi\!I. Druggist , Bow1na.n·· lll c, 1rhich Below theii' Present Value. pt- KING OF AMERICAN SE"\VJ NG J..1ACI1INES 500 D' · --' "'- J ._,_t · inner vuAm )~1· oo e, lll. . OALL AND BUY THEM.~ Enniekillen, .April 1, 1872. 3G·t!. IS7~. Pay Op :uul § ave '1'1·oublc. undersigne d nN. :cque:"ted to pa y l.lp b efoi e the fust of' February n'3x:t a rtcl saYc ti·oulJlc. Bow1nanvlllc, Ja.n . 3,1872. .A.LL WORK TURNEViOUi IN Fl'.RS'f W Al\R.6,NTED, q,i\-_~§ l!'JTJ,Jll, .A.N ti .THOUSANDS THROUGHOTIT CA' I S7 ~. SPRING A LL PARTili"1 T:KDEBTED TO THE . F. T. H OSJJ:IN . 23-tf. F ASHION ST DOLLYYARDEN! DOLLYVARDENI THE LATEST FASHIONS OUT. The latest styles and the I Got up in the bestetvle 1tnd on reasonable terms ' d d Cl 0 th S by the subscriber. > rhe whitest, the s~eetest C h ea pest 'I Wee S an and best bread deUvorcd daily In c~·\ornerM in all parts of the tol\'n. ·15-3 ust arrived ' AJ,EX. FLETCRER. A~ FAREWELL WINTER I MARKUS MAYER NADAal'enowuaing theseMaeh:lnos· T hey '! havo been tested beyond all quostion, mnke the· ea., fe.vorlt.e lock~stitch-a.likc on both sides, and are . pronounc~d s uperior t.o any other mMhineoffered to the public. For wide r ange of ·vork. p or foot.ion, beauty a nd excelloocl'.l of1nechanisn1,, j rn. · trength and duro.bility, The Osborn S ew ing Machine has no rival. IJ«I"mpro-renumts lately been 1nade, en ·bllnK t.ha m"-nt1facturerA to it as t.h o ne plus uUra or Scvo·ing Ml\ohines. liundredso( arc being received dn.ily from o ldas well a s i,ew o perl\tora 1itte.sting ita wondertnl oapu.billt~ea. VVill do u.U kinds of domestic 6CWlng fJ"om the finest ca.u1brio to the co1.irset$t oYcr-con.t or upper leather-. I 'I ~ v "m" 11.m . '?.t om1wani. l ., I ~e1C'3 and Eyc· ~1na se~ pur-portiµ g to 'b~ of_ onr make arid· to heux onr nnmcs stu mped f.he reon, \'le hereby c~ llLi o u the public n,gu.lnst nil su ch inpostonl, BS l\o1r . .<\.AHON BUCKLER is our onl v .Agent in West l.lurha.rn ; and a rc wnrd of $25 i'H h ereby ofi'ere d for t.hc a pprch eu::iiou a ud co.11 vie· tlon ot' all such im pos tors n:-i l.i'S t u defraud tho public by offering their tt·aah .a s ou1· LAZAilU.S, l\'IORHIS &; Co. :Montrenl, 8th No,~.. 1971. T HAVING COME TO OUR KNOW· usual. ... · LED.Gf: t hat, ccrt9,ip P ed.13.r.s. ure B ellin g S pee· Patt.crns jurst received at Mr9. A. Fletehcr·s Dressmaking em}lorium ; Fq.tterns of fi:ipring Fusbions fot sa.le; Dreesma.l,{.ing a n d ftttipg a.$ ~ t¥9 ~~~Yl!;:R :BLOOK.[ -- - -- - - -- - - - ··- - - - ~IRS. .A pril JO, 1872. · " · ALEX. FLETCHER 37-tt. Port Darlini.;·1011 Ha1·bor , C:oinpany. tt1c annual nieeting of t h e stockholcfcra of tho Poi·t Darlington Hnrbor Com.p auy, for the election of Directors, ~"c.c., for the ensuing voo.r, ·wlll be held at the olllce of the CompJi.nyi nt t·ort. Darlington, on ?\{ONDA Y , t4e 'l'l:lltt.D nay of JUNE next, at t o"~lock p. 1n. Not ice it1 also given, tliat o. resolution' \\1.ll be snbmltted to said 111ccting, 1-0 confirm cert!M.r;i ar· rangements pnrtinlly ente red in~o by the Board tlme to ·or er yeitlf of Dlrcctora, \VLtb -~llo_ 'f~W\\ ~'\>.1.lCil, of the Town of Down1snvilla, Wf h o. view to cu a.ble t he said . 'l'o..,·n of Bo\vmanvUI~ to aid in Lhe construction (all '\JVOOI '. . ~ ' ) th"' ¥ be~' ..,. 11 of "the Dc:nv1nanville, Lindsay- u.nd B ob('.a.ygeon -. . . . · 1 Rn.ilwo.y, · By order, · J, MIL~ll, · · Seerli!tary. Bo>vu1nnville, J\.!ay l st , 1~2. 3!H<l Con·t1 wd · ~e· our China ll&U. _Li and Shru b,J<Jycrgt·een, i.~rui t nndHerb Seeds, p repaid by mail. .A complete a.nll j udicious as· sortlnen t, 25 sorts of eith e r class, $1.00. The six_ classes, (150 pu.ckets) for $5.00. ~\l:"lo.i, a.n ilnmense stock of one year grafted Fruit Trees, Small "l:JiR.ESH Q_.\.RDEN, :H' LOWJ1~R , -TREE N RtepectJWl.r In·vttes the attention o! tho public to the taet tha.t ho has Oll<U.l.·q Q:ut l~Ja. OTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT The like or w~Jch ~ J;l_~,..~:t ~.MJ). ~~...-.d. lIJ. l;l:owmaJlvWa,_ OF HATS, G·u aranted to be as reprc.stI~ted, or no aa.le. .W an·anted f or three year;!, WFor orn1UJonth we will give a - - - - -- - - -- ·-- - - -- - --- - A'ott·,.o·e Dl..i.Ck "-' ··e ~~iM~!~~~~t~~~i1! g~~)l1Iu~~~~1¥t~~~1i~~~~~ F OR SA.IE Q tt wtreo t . .For , pa.1 · .,-lcn1ats a.pp ~ 1:ii:, \ ON VV"G'L L IKGT "ll'{ mail. · -- -~-----..· '· to PRO\VEn. ' lio use and Harder P Ja11te, &c., &c,, the most con1plet e a ssor tment In Am erica. P repald by O\V St e Prt ced Catalogues toany address, a lso ! \ ' tr·d.e , gratlB · ··· . Scede un. Commission . <!! Agentslists w·ntecl 'IP 12.00 Sllits ~· ' B. M. 'VatsQn , Ohl Colony NurserieB and Seed \V~re~ou ~~'i. ~Jyniouth ~ Mn:J ~: · ~~~~b'~~~~ie·d l ~~~· N , h · . , d , O!IBOitN O U'l'FI'l' .is · <;Otnp lc:te anll readily 'l'be CL41RJ1lON'l' 18 a daud)', comprehended. Ia eold a.t one,half the price hitherto Ch"9:·d rrincblnee dolug a like range diiconnt on Crmik:e: r.1 v of .'l'"'N PRR 'J'he MILR()!!lE·a favourite, ot work, the manulaet..111-era being dc ter1ui.ned to .&:!!; _plic.e it :w lthiu tb· reach of every family In the The ·sJlRll'J.'OGJl a beauty, counti.:y. 'rhe CHICAGO ' 1' 1·em, h Reversible CENT.onoanhpurchast;j. And the O'J.'T AW A 11ae be11t oC all The Guelp.. '°' Tg q:' he p _L~t. p _ Such an ~ray "" ,,.ot· 1~e, · of Ila.t· nud CaJIS, and such 2tflce, m'Wit t· the moat miserly to ll.t.Tc1t In a bead ornament~ Ilil pre· r.mlnentJ{i the ~ t Si111tle Thread lfach1De otrercd the pub e-ben ce lts 1n1'i.1·vellous auccef:IS, Will do all v .u.rletlef! ofdoruc.stic se.,,·ing. PRtCES QREA'l'LY l"tEDUOh:D, -- ---- ---------~--- GENTLEMEN"S FURNISHINGS, --IKCLUDI NG-- at rwesent worked h)' the ~<mb- 'tfot, w\11 plcn·c be~· ; u rµ ;ml th~t froin the preeon ~ tim e, any c011sept, 4~ ~11 ~rto g~\ren by ·niesc 1.ber. Pm!§CSHIOU g1ycn i y. 0 .1 ;lv is a.b::iolutclY ' " ith tiL>Vll: a.rid nn_ 't" 011:e fQuJld ll~sinCSa ot the.Ictnll in t.Ow·n ..- p · Ion. ' '. ·or cuatom.=- >vi lfnlly continuing i~ifl~ p.pi.rtice & f t1r tt"4 ts nOtic~ t¥e ~!ai~ce for a ~ ood J)lllllp~ak~r.. · ' n1ust be donlt with n.s ' Ulei "IR."I";' dlrect1:1. · · E. SILVER. Bow·a.~Ti.lle, l!a1· 2'51 Ii71. ·'· . · 'VITH lIORSE-POYV J1~.R & l"A rl'" , Urn Shop · . .- ..-' ' I I lttililit\ UJJt~ ot~e~~ who have in t)te hahit of pr.fl.chcrrig \\'Ith ball cm"\;r1dg e, on the rrHE :1l'IEllffi]1<RS OF· VOLUNTEER l<'or !!ijale. llan(l 1.f'lchinc~ :with full outfit. $12i Treadle llo., $17. ET.Ea.en Maolrine gnaranteea. d~:.:;;r. .. :r.LLlNG Hous-E coNTAININGI Shirts, Collars, N eek-ties Braces, Dw Ctght I - &c., &c. &c., Bowmau y illc~·il J';"th, 1872. . ~'. RA YNES. roo1n!!1 ·vith n crnly nJl nore or 10.nd, 1 opposite the Drill Shed, George Street. Ste.ble and driving house. good frnit trees, good l1ard ' , andsoft,yn.ter, an1l other iu1prove1nents. l<"'o::r Be isure anrl cnllat:the tugno!lbe "PL~G," Cornel' King aud DiYision Street~, and you will terms etc. .ti.PJlly to get suited both. in prletl and quAlity. H'Agcm:, <W.ntul <VC>'/JWll-Orc. Splendici in· e;1tc !O 1nake- mont..11. Apply to and have t he monoy, MUR _ DOCJH BROS. is the pJa,'& t-0 go, a.n1l time. 11ow G'TELPH SEWING MACHINE CO'Y, 1rnE:LPn, cA,-.,:ADA, · ' ' Wm,G,GI.OYKR. S8 Bc.,.,..m.1u1.yiUe, .Ap!.-il 10, 1$;-J.. ·- MARKUS MAYER .T. & A. SMITH, · 1:4. BQtmu1.:1:n·BJ·1 May 10, 1871. tl-tt1 · Agent~OJ rOihn w

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