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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1872, p. 4

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, ~CAL ....\.. whulb f.uu1ly 11a.1ued Ct)ok ha,s been murdered by Ind1nrts neo.r Oakdalo on the --~T. Pa.c1flc raii wtty. 'vVoor..-J\IIr Cornehns Chunp, of South Du1nf. 1 ~ $, has th10: y raJ clipped as n1uch <.HJ 17 lb" of W(Jl·l uH 0 1a r 1rn GREAT YIELD Oll' A..DESPATCH hc1.s icached London, ' .s..t.:.t ing that oYer s1xtt..: un hundred persons perished by the eart]111nakc, recently at, 1;i,nd lll the neighb o1hO·J1l of Antioch, Syna vV. CoLE-·s_ss ___r____ ____ _BARGAINS. --~------ --- CANADIAN STATESl\fAN, BO \VMA NVILLE, THURSDAY, M~i\.Y 1(), 1872. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST: - - - - __ _ __SL!£__;_ CA I~ l=t I A G E 8 l ·1.c!a.· ated Bradbnl'y D[,~·ir.1~usE· un11, H1rrp · 011n~·upn1.1.piE A R G- _p._ I lW. U u 1 ~ l~l GREAT BARGAINS s ':J I \VlNrE RII.A.S COME I LONG EVENI:-!GS ARE TfEHE I PRospJ,RlTY ABOUNDS, ,\.\D NO'V IS f!IR TIHE 'I O SUBSC:RIBE FOR I am es J M or r i s, , Piano l~o1·te. ,urn NOW GIVEN AT THE Cheap IR ew Y ork er Ura 1 I\l \I 'llll:i: UREA!' N '1.rIOl'i.\I 1'.'.C 0 0 .I:?.~~ ' , -· S t;hnn ks t othcpnbllcl01 past hbc1alf11tlronnge, would m·no11nccth11 l ln 19 no v p1cpa11H .l to f:!' , ull orders Ill lus hnc ln il. n111nncr second tu uo es tabi.Lsh1ucnt in the counties IN 11ESPECTFULLY RETUHNING A man named ]r'uatherstone, a residen t of West Oxford, died lately from the affects of poison enter 1ng his system throu gh a scrat,.,.h 1) 11 the hu.nd, wlule skin n1ng a 11101 hfied cu I\, v.· h1ch had died Some ar1Llunct1c1an has computed --A:-ID-- Corner Farin and Ezrcside Store I MEN AGE RIE, PUBLIC CON'l'AIN!NG haa fully Jtl6Li.1.Il.:;l<l tho 011g1na.l 1dea, thilt at the "Corner Store" yo,1 can that it has cost tho Government over fifteen hundred dollars for printmg t\io single word "laughter " 1n the OongrMnonal t-ilobe du1111g the past tlurty fear:i OPINION T nenrl) 'l'?.cnt) :u'Lve Yca1 s been tlle recognised Leo.if-er 1n 1'.l.s .'Sp Ii ere and has atta11l ed the Large.1:1ot C11 culatton of lLJ1y };:ev. s1Jo.pcr Of its Cla:is It 1 s the st.andatd nnthority on RurtA T AND flOME _>\.l'FAJTIS, 1v1il con ccdcrtl~ tllc best con1b1ucd A(J1 .., cuU~u al, Lilc1ai11. 1· aniily and B·usn1c.9s We ekly CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, PROFUSELY ILLUSTATED CUTTERS, SLEIGHS &c, HIS FAMOUS JOURNAL HAS FOR bA VORllE W eekly. : onos [IN' SIMPSO:o;' 6 Ol' H'HO:i OJr I H~EB.IT3 U~EQUALED FEATURES ' T1rn Strathroy Age regrets to learn thot the se\Yore frosts, '"Inch lack of snow, h~ve had a very miunous effect on the fall wheat and from prel!lent a.ppoaranoos it 1s likely to prove a general !alure. BunNs AND ScALD.S -Take one drach1n of finely powdered alum and mix thoroughly with the wlutes of two eggs and one tea.spoonful of fresh laid, sprea.d on a. cloth, and apply to the parts burnt. The application should be chi1nged once a day. THE London Fiee Press says a pet1tJon 300 MEN AND HORSES! 200 LIVING ANIMALS'. WILD AND TAMED BEASTS AND BffiDS F I'I' TED " ' WET__,L AND SUITED - ----- --- ----------- -~ ~---- - ---- -- S'TAF~ 1::; the largest 11nd o.hlcst of o.ny Journ11.l 1u its Hpherc, '\'l"hile ils I lnstrn.tioni;, '1 :Yllography, Etc are supenot Hcaldo tho '\Vr1tingt; of the conductl11g a11d as socrn.w };cUtorl'I, its Corps of Uontr1butor8 is lar ger than th11.t of any otherRUJtAL ANDLITEB \RY PAPEH. .--50 tho.t !\IoORl£8 Run.AL is tho Oigau iu aud through wh1ch great and bene!1cinl effolh to'\ ard Tai; :Rl:'RAr,'s En1Ton1AT D. STOTT, CHEMIST AND lll':.1.LER IN VEMENT o e _ ,itlna,ted s.nd oowmnu1oatod to the l?_60ple. t.nthe Fututo, a.~ 1n the Past. the Rr;RaL.r; :Mot "'ill be "Exelswt J" e:z:ccpc. ln price, tvblch b.ns DRUGGIST b 00u rerluccd-n1aktng it tho Cbcn.J>1'-'lt Rn· a. tul l' ~ eckly in the ll orJd i f ONTARIO n ,\.\K 1 1 BO\\ ltl&ll\tlle, Sept 5th 1870 MA:-l'Ull'A CTURl(D I:\ ANY ST"iLE Dli'.91RFD Meaars R & ll O'HARA, AND ON IHI S ll0HT FS1 NOlIC.l' General .igonw, Rc1n l!n1 her that notlnug but the best lH,Llcrrn.118 -...; used, a..nd best " 01 kmen cn\ployed-t11us cnsur Hov.·n1un\ llle :.,_ 1.ngdu1abll1 tY, clcgan<",o Bnd co1ufo1 t-Lile 1oost DE.·R S1Rs,-The purchased frolll. jVu 1111portaut t equis1tcs 111 n. oon' CJ som e 81X inont!IB ago, manufnetm ed by l\'Ic:sstR ~ F G Smith & Co, New York, (successors to \V hcpalr1nf Ill an hranchos·of th o tr vle pron1pt- B B1adbur) or the fmm.o cit ; ) for n ho1n you tU O lj o.ttenrlet to ( Gcne1al ,,\.gcii ta, ia giving grca.L sa tisfctcLli>n 11nd is in my opn'ton, and i n the op1n1on or xnan; AI..iL KIKDS OF 01npoient Judges n. :!lrst class 1n shun 1ent .As far as tho work.manalup is coneeruod, it 1s e~ual to the bt>st Cluckering. and ts. ln "" op,. n1on1 ~upi:rlorio the nuit nunenM bv tlus firn1 1 in richness an< l full ness of tone, and it 1s equal, if not supcrto1', lJ1 both tJ1eao r~1:1·peets, to 8A11SFACTORIL'Y DONE t llc instn uueuta m anufacluted hy Stoddard &. MANNER Duuham, or Duah~m. I may meut,on th&. I IN A SUPERIOR L ~ ha" e pmch.18ccl, for myool! n.nd friends, SO'\ oral Pianos manu.ia.ctlu od by lhe old fi.rn1 of Stoddn.rd ~ 'Vhon you "ant anything 111 tho & D unh all)., a11L't I.ave still cue of theirs il1 ?l.1Y Youni, carriage !me, gn a JAMES MOltRIS a bouF.O J Sl)IPSON call, and he v; ill suit ) ou BL C K S MI H W 0 RK' THE RURAL'S ILLUSTRATIONS &re Numerous, Varied, nuJ. Boautiful. Indeed our a.Im 16 to render the whole paper cxeev.tioo a.lh Valunbloand aceeptablo 'J'he RuRA LS Re I ports of :J\'Iarkets, C1ops F1nnnc~s. etc · aro full u.nd reliable, and alone wor1 h double the pncf of the pnper, Indeed, next to r.our local palH~r ~Io oR1£'s RunAr.. 1s tho one for Yourself, .!fa.mill and Fr1onllil TOJV.S If.ALL BtJILDINGS, B01ViJJANVTLLE. Ono door 'Vest of tho Ba,1lk no"manville, Oct 10 1871 IrhOill \V rHO!'llP50'N ES Q · DlnECTOR OF r1n~ L . C 0 RN IS H R AS rrHEM ' ' ·------------ - - - - l M·ssns SJ.g ned t.o 181~ TI:OYAt. 0<.\l'o~,\Dli~ BANK '.rORON'TO, Mnrclt 15tn, 1870 n & H O H>n \ - was 111 c1rcul.tt1on in that city on 'Yetlneaday, prny1ng that executive le1nenoy may be extended to tl1 e conde1nued cr1n11nal, lv!r~. Campbell, now in J.\.11 unde1 the sentn..nce of de.ith A coinpn.ny 18 puttn1g up ,\ l ~uge factory in Fau lield, Ct , and will shortly engage in the building of carrages made en DRUGS . 1'-ITEDICTNES, AND CHEMICALS, Dyo Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, .:Brushes, Combs, So::tps, Piunts and 011!!, l':i.1nt Bru1:1hes, Coal 011, a nd Con.l 011 La1nps 1 &c , ,~c G1~N TLE:>IE~,-I purchMed about ten ~eara a _go, one of Dr11dtn1ry'c:; prnnos-tho ftr!!t cunthu; n1arJ...ot It I S 11.ckno~t ledgecl by }H ol C9SH.J n ald to be a. rcniarklLbly fl n o toned in STYLE AND REDUCED 'l'EftMS Each number of the RGRAL NEW' YOUf{Eil for 1872 ·w lll com pi 1se Si:ttcen Quarto Pages, {larger than Ha.rper s \\~f:eklv,l punted fro1n ~cw 'l J pc, on exha fine and heavy J10.per antl Dlual1at.ell n.nd Printed 1n the lughest t;tyle of the l'y o t b e< n 101no' ed seve1al I 1t R1rumont, and Ima :. also u 1 ent1on, that hai:1ng tnoes during tn,~t ponod, ho.sonly req uired tuning tl \ tGC. '.3.oms t1ub, 'VlLLl.A.l\1 l'.flO.l\fPSON, · Firn1 of 'lbompson & Btun:i. It k JI 0 IIa.ra , Genet ~I .Agent s fol Onlluio pyySICUNS PfiKSCIUPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED AND ALL ORDERS CORH.ECILY ..A.NS\'Y.EU.ED. trrcly of India rubber, except m axles and tires A decided super1or1ty is claimed for the inater1a1 over \\OOd THE JY.IEN AG ERIE, CONTAINING jl:ii!r Fa.mi ti~ and Physicw.ns ft oni the Count> y will jtnd our /Stock dlete and of th. best quality graphical Art TfltM!ii:, tn ld,anct ;-S1ngleCopv,$250])er rear ;.,ll'ive Coptcs for $12 50, ~( ... en Co:pLeS fOl ~iG. Ten COfJICS (Ol 520- onlj $2 per CO'PY Lib era! Pre1n1u111s to all fornt Clubs Spee1men Numb er s, Sho"' Bills, etc, sent free Add tcsB D D T MOORE, Ne>'< Yorker Office New York City, of Medicine3 com- - ' -Rurnl -- HEAD OJ<'FICE- TOHONl'O 1note nccuratc tune k t>.epera ~A specia.l wu.riaJJ.tY fro1n r.ho r uctor:, w1tl c\ ery tvutch Dov;n1an,1lle Sept 20 1871. p ~ r_c )j; }:"?, ' S T HEY ARE LESS LUBLE TO GET outof repll lrthun othorwi~tcl.t es PHILO Clark shot and mstantly killed ]us tnster, 1\-frs Ellen Turner, at Otis,, Friday evening, while p ou1t1ng a gun at her in spo1 t Her 11tUe girl had her arms aronnd the mother's neck, and was so se1iously lDJnred that her ar1u had to be amputated. The Cannon cap tut eg by the Germans from the }...,1 cnch du1 ing thP recent 1var, arc to be cast into bells for churches. The Cathedral of Cologne ]1as received five hundred \\eight of rnetal, and F1ankfort2G0hundred wetght, and var.ions quant1t1e2 have been sent to othei places. Musical Library 'lbc} ate CnJ·Ual Stock, SllJ'I)llJ.1'1 Fn1ub, Jtecel1~t!I $4 tlO, 00 ' 208,369 c14 Wth June, for tile ;J ear e ndlni;:} 357 , 858 26. 18 71 , :f\.1c M "t RRICH, ASIATIC NYLGAU, A GIANT KANGAROO, A SOUTH AFRICAN At the Ironmongery! SOMEEHING ONG WANTED BY EVEilYBODY, -onF.~ CONSI STING Oli..., FIFTEEN YOI,UMES FILLED 'Vl'l'H CHOICE PIANO MUSIC VOCAL COLLECTIONS I\' oC ice. IloN J IN Sou them E nope the cold durrng tho past winter has been unprece dentedly severe . A . t .h.1 :n1tpeher, in the South of France, tho ohve-trees h.,~ e been killed to the ground, and PVen p11u:s ,\nd v. d.lnuttrccs a hundred years old hi:n·o beon dcst1oyed by the long conhuued cold -To a pint of wate r add tlnrty drops (about hall a teaspoonful) RANCID BUTTER of liquor of chloride of 111ne W in tlus two pounds and a J1alf of ran cid butter. When every pa1t1cle of the bu tter } t,t has come 1n contatJt with the water, it stand an hour or tl\ o, then wash the bntt()r well aga.m m pure water. The buttor 1s then left without any odour, and has the ·woetness of fresh butter. NEW TIOKET.-A great boon has iuot been granted by the G W R. It is in the shape of a ticket 1vhich on.i.blcs the purchaser t o travel for one tholisand 1niles at a leas rate than the usual tar1£f The pas~ senger is allowed ono year m wluch to con1., plete lus ptlg1image, but we feel assured that numbers of onr travelling citizen.a will get through more than one of the "'rhousand 1\-!!lc Tickets " per annum These tickets C·n be ob.tamed by letter to W. IC Mun, G W. R, Hannlton. 'VE find that Robert Buist, sen , n1do1ses the use of blue glass 111 green-houses and other structures, for forcing plants, etc l11a co1nmun1ca.tion to l'tltona's J1n~rn. al of H0>ticult1tre he ·ays - I applied a coating of Prnssuin-blue pa.nit, six inches wide, up the centre of each row of panes , the result was e1ectr1c, ancl in a few days the plants assumed their beauttfnl green color, and the trusses of bloo1n came to n111.tur1ty The green house 11ad been used to grow· geraniums for bedding purposes but th~y ha<l lvst their color every ye~ir about the fhat of a1)r1l The plants "ere completely raiuvenated by the blue glass. hands nre very common '"1th thoRe "ho have the1 0 hands much in w~\t er. . A. f~"~ drops of Johnf;ons ..Anodyne Lin.imcn,t rubbed over t ho hands two or three hmes a. day vnll keep the1n soft a.nd ,vh;.tc Fisher1nen, Sa.tlors, cutd ot hers will do well to i on1ember tlua CHAPPED THE Blood owes its red color to nnnute globules 'vh1ch ilo.t.t Ifl that fluid, and contain, in a healthy pe1 son, a large a1nount of non, wlnch gives v1tahLy to the blood The Peruvian Syrup supplies the blood with tlus '·1ta.l elcnnent, and gives strength and vigor to the whole syste1n TnE Tmi<· oays Dr. W alpolc ha< lost his beautiful chesnut She died suddenly in harness, 1t is supposed from bots or pm worms. If the Docter had used Shcridans' Cavalry Conditwn. Puw1ler8, he would, no doubt have had his mare they are death on worms IF a person faints place huu instantly fiat on the floor, or bed, on ]us back, nnd lei him lay quietly for ten minutes or so it is s1mply a fainting fit, and the blood Bowing on a ' le~el l\11l speedily equalize itself through the oystem If you aro troubled with rheun1atisro, pleu1asy, pa1n in the Rtdti or back, cra1nps in the stomach 40 Laches, Gentlen1 cn and Oh1ld ren onr Horseback, bcautifLll Flo.raea, Ponies and Mules, a. drove of Dromedaries ; Horses Plumed, D1 ive;s Urnformed, Flags ilnd burns, fiostb1tes, &c, proeure at once a Banners .Flying, all forming a 8tl1pendous near.y ONE MILE LONG 11 bottle of tho Canadian i=>n.n1 D .;:stroyer," which is a certain cure fo r ,LU s uch co1nplamts. Sold by all medtcmo dealers. One Price an<l Ono Ticket Admits to in the busmess; c,L 1T1e<l on b' ru e, in Bo"' ln<tnV11let tom} !:mnsCha1 h oi ~J and \VJJlia.n1 H Cawker h ereby 1cqncst fLll lh uo;o 1ntlebtet1 lo m~ by boo\ ucci)nnt 01 ot11er\'ilse to cn'l n11ll Shintn&' Llgh,llJ. A choice collection of beautiful ~acred Songs. ~ settle fortlnvitb INSURANCE ELIZ <\.BE1'lI c~'... \YJ{ER Hcnrfh and Honte, l· ' lrflJ(le Echoes, El' ER Y O i~E HIS OR l!ER OWN PAl1"l'Ell ! and l!wcct i!tOuu<l... 'l'h1 ee ·volnmes of Bo\vmrtn-\ Ille, Jnn 9t h 1872 21 tf UAMELS, LEOPARDS, BEARS, llYENAS,MO~KEYS, AT LOWES'l' CURllENT RATEis. cas\ Songs by 'Vc bstc1 , Pe1 slcy, etc Golden J;cnvcs Volntrlt'S l a.nd II~ '!he two '\ olumcs con tam all of: ~ill S Hnys' Songs Cabui. Bara, H1p:iopot,1.mus, Gnu, 01ietu.h, Kangaro0, P orcupin e, Special Low T«l1ff of Ru.tcs, coverii~g 1·r1ceiefisGen·s. A col1ecti.on ofbeautl Gazellesa, Tapn, Ibex 1 Antelope, Zebra, Goats, Dison, J p.gun.r, CouJni::ntrn.·)ce for on e oi t l1ree, on DeWtel1od ~~~.Bu.llr;i.chl by 1Va.Ilt1.ce, 1homas, Ke!lor, "'1_ D\\ eli1ngs, Chu.rohcs nnd :-<chooh1. \~ it.h contents, gar, Deer, Sacred Cattle, Lania, Puma, Pant her, Ocelot, DioniedarPrepared for nnmed1nte use, and nothing but the pur&st Materials used, and rein C1!1es rown s iind Count1) places 1'bc!J() cs, Jackall~ 1 Ch1.mo1s, Aro1addlo, Hedge Hog, l\!Iand"'1ll, Apea, Gor1 .... 1 "8nd ternm of pulley: p.ut..u.:ulu.ily favoui.blei INSTRUMEN'l'Al, COLLFCTIONS ~-J qu1ru1g no fur~her mixture of oils, Turpentine and Dryera illa, Orang (Jnt.tng, Peoary,, Cockatoos, Parroquets, in adto the Far1n1ug Commi.u:..its Fairy l'lna-crs, J'tfngic Circle, and Q.1t1on to spec1os of every bud and foreign a.n1"Jla1 k1iown to THEIR COMPOSITION CONSISTS SOLEY OJ<' l:OllUC Pianist. 'fh1ee volnn1os of ve1yal easy Musw fo1 yowip; p1o.yers. FmST-CLASS MAN WAN'l'J!!!l for ex1st Pc.ltll Drops andM.ullotcnJ Rf·crc ttions. a Tru.' elhng .AgeJ1cy, for tbe 'Io'"nsh1ps outly ~J1g · Pun Colo?-, Pun White Lead, Pwre White Zinc, Linseed Oil, Spirits Du.nee Mu81C Two col]e( tion8 of 1 noder ~ tlns Tovrn Apply in \\11t1ng '\'\'1Lb. refe renct!S, ,\t.c difficulty to lb c underalgn ed fut transrn1531on to the Jlea d of T<irpentine a;id Dryers carefully and scientifically combined. PJea~-.ui llcn101 lcs. A collect1on of OfRco rrhe CODf,nllnOr can have a.ny desired shade of Colors noa.tly put np 111 Cans, and al Pe';:~\~~l pieces by W ymu.n, Jvlack, Dress It & H. O'HARA, HI G GIN D 0 'l' lfrl & ill, he req unes to buy 'v1th the Paint L'!: a Brush, as the \'iOrk can be done by hnuself or Local .Ag~ ' uta t.oldnn Chln·e s A collection of bulliBov:rnuinvtll(' Sept 14, l871 ant p1.nlor Music by Charles l(tnkcl by any member of his household l<'ILLED WITH WILD ANIMALS CHEMIST AND DHG GGIST, BrlllluutGcms A s'J)lcnd1 cl eollectton , ' 1 EGS HE SPECTFULLY TO ANby V1l1.Jre, Allard, Pacher Kinkel, otc TO 0-W-NERS OF"' NOUNCE that he hns t eeen ed a wel1 a s Pri.ce, $150 ]Jer '\ olume, elcgiinth bound8 1n cloth, with gilt aides , $2 Ul plain oloth, soLled stock of Genuine Drugs and Puro E1 glbih $1 75 111 boards. Cholllicnls Also n. splendid stoc"" of the mor;t Address, J L PETERS, carefully selected 5ll.l Bmadway, N Y DYE S T UFFS' '\Ye '\vould call attcuti.on to Tho - .ANDContains a large collection of Animate and Inanimate CurOpcrn. nt Home. a l'lOUecti.on ot over one which cannot bo ~nrpn..'>scd for excellency ot hundred beautiful opern. i:ionga Price, $5w 1os1ties, Monstros1t1es, and a Gallery of L1fo Size l\!loYJtlg F1g111es of ~ quality An Maort.mcmt <'lt .A..nillne DyoB kent in cloth :i.nd gilt. Tri:Lde price, $4. 1 Noted and Celebrated Characters of the Old and New lVoild,an1ong constantly on hand, toge"h e1 'vtth a choice selection of -----------·-------~. winch may be mentioned GRAND DUKE ALEXIS, PRINCE Ol!' .~LSO -All ·tand>rd Colora, Oils, Varmshes, ·nd Painter·' Materials Call INS U:lE Y OUR PROPERTY I~ THE DRUGS, C:auti1n1 ! ! C:aution ! ! ! WALES, LOUIS NAPOLEON, Col Jomes Fisk, Jr (lately assassn.nd aee how che::i.p a House oa.n be Painted and Dcoora.ted, for all these -A NDCREMIC.oLS. mated,) Edward S Stokes, the Assasm, the Slcepmg beauty and the goods will bo sold at reduced figuros PATENT MEDICINES, To t1"' Pnb h~ of the Brit"h Pt ovrn.<" Dying Zouave GALLONS MACHINE OIL OF DIFFEHENT KINDS BRUSHES, COMBS, N 01 th A mc1"1ca. SHOULDEH BRACES, ST;PPOHfERS , &.c , &c. Head Office for Canada, Kingston Thresherij and a.11 parties re,1 uir111g such 011 specially m'Vltod to inspect the BEG MOST RESPECTFULLY TO OII.3, various qualities-the price be111g far belov.· anything <l\ er offered in this the public of the British North Am PAINTS, market. or1ean provmcee that in :i\la.f. htat I caused the H1S old nnd. well estabhehcd Company COLORS, bnsmc3s at 80, !\iaidcn Lano New York, for the 1nsure3 ooth1ng hut F arm Property l\I d aa.lo oflioI LOWAY s P l LLS \.ND0INTMl!NT."' h1ch V AR'.'HSlIEti, !!!! de ta.ch1·d Hcs1dencos, nnd Is sues Pohcrns 11l ,,.ere up to that..trme prepared by \Villto.m Drown, .AND :a.nd~,VJI I'rELEA D Greately Re<lure d Hates uow deceased, to be closed These Medicines a,rnving and now on Exhibition. were, I regret to sav, from "h(l.t has lately come a At the very lO"'ost prices ASSETS . ... · · · $550,000 00 to n1y koowle.dge , 111a.dtiup ofaui b ~err 01U 1narl IiORSE AND Q}.,TTLE ?t'IEDICII\TES Thc l&rgest a.nd chea.pest stock of Ge11e1al Ha.rd ware, Car11&ga Good!, and as to render thmn aln1ost \V01 thlesa 1 ls the inost Extensl ve, Expens1 \: o, Comand tl1lrefo:i: c calculated to damage n1y .roon N B -Co11nt1;i; Sto.,.epeizkers supplwn 1Ju t><d Dep osited with tho Fui anee M1n1s'!1n\\·ai: e, in the County of Durham. no.1ne '\antageoua teLnts te1 for s.pec1a l bene fit ot Caundlll.O plete and Comprehens1vo Eq11estrian Those who do not wish to be decen cd by buy ?olic.vbo ld e1 s 1 0'1'I · ,. $100 000 lng spurious wedw1nes, wluch arc now likely to Aggteg~tion in the world. It conhuns ellington Building, HO\'\ nu1nv11le, August 0,1871 emauato from the States 01 el.Buwhere, !Jut to See th~ follo w1 ng CP.rt1Grntcs inore and better Per for1n ers, adult :-l.lld possess thenuwlves of the ge)1ume HoLr O\'f A 'ta PILl s \NO OrNT\Ifli~ r l\lll do '\Vc ll to see t.h nt 1'h1s 1s to Ct;HtlfJ lhrt ~ 1he Agt 1cu ltn1al TnJUVenile, n1ale nnd fe1nale , th e finest and each pot and box be111 s the Hrltish G1)Vcr11mc11t snr1tn cr Com r RnJ lutvt n g d <' po s 1 ted tn the Lugeat numbE\r of Perfo1 ·m1ng H orses, ~~!~,;~ ~~L~~~!l~~~~~~; ~~ t11~;~o~g~t ·t~~r ~S 1 h ands of t he B ec e 1v~1 Gen et ll of Cl'lnn.du, dressonthelaocl i~ 5:1J, OxFOHO S1HJ~J..t:1 Lors Ponies and 1\'Inlea, and presents more the ~ nm of F'1 ft v hrnr l hou sn.HJ P1·e Hun ~ DON, t\herc oul v they ;ire manufactuicd, l\nd in dred Dolla1s, 11; t, 111 Ltd Sta tes LJ0 . 1<i~, as r e No\elt1es, and inside, outside and all no othc· pal t oft ho vi· oriel The :retail p1 ices rue quHcd by tb f:' .\ct of l,a u.:i.d11, 31 Vic 1, on tlio labels lll Bi ittsh current;l , and not in do 1 around is 111 evo1y particula.r a.head of any la.1 s and con ts 48 1 src 22 is h~re li,> 1 1u~ni; e c1 to on No representative of mine \"Oll ever travel e ver \\:.I~ Ol' PO"' is ex.J nb1ted in tlus th e bn <11 n0As in C1t11adn of Fire Insu1 ance through n.ny p1i.rt of the British Provinces~ or tbc Dnt "rl at th e 01ty of\ 1 tbe 2nd da.y Uni1ed St.'i.tes either to Bell, or to take OlllCLS for or any other country The C11cus and my Pilla and (hntrnent, and tis I have 1CU.30ll Lu of June, 1870 Mer:.agene Entertiunn1ents :uo given btihe\ c that attempts..,., ill ve1) probably be UH\de to deceive the J.?Ublic 1n tb1s \vay by pe1 sons caU .T oEIN l1All: GTON , fnr :M ir1 s ter'mnnct) mg upon 1ned1c1ne '\ cndors fnh:lely re p1 esmlt1ng 1 h1 8 lS tucert1fy tbttt I }1a\·e be1;;ri'l ::t.CqUrt.lDl~ Robea·t Yo111sg, thl\t t" "Y are for n'e, n.nd " 1t 11 m:y knov. l l ledge nnu consent, l deem it D.d\ i1:1ulJle to put the VETERlN A.RY SlTl{GE<)N GllAD- ed with the Oflh:e1s aud )lann.gcrs of the pul::ilic on then guard ag1Hn1:1t auy s uch decepUA'lE 0f 'the ont'.ario Vet.elinlry college Agricu ltu 1u.l 1n~urR.nce Com pany for roflny ) e1 ~r s, 1tnd rd ~o w 1th t!.J« busine ss operations tlonfl b egs t o in f orm iiie in l1ab' i .. <f Bow1nn,uville I wo1>t e1unestJy entLOUL all th oi;;c who mny lA' i ' cd p read this udn:i1tise1ue ut th a.t they be pleased iu and Blnround1ngco\11nry hU.ll of the Com µil ri y 1 1tnd have no hes itatio n Iu th:lt he h::i.s conuuel 1 C the pubHe rn terc~t to com1nunle&te the pu 1 i)ort the pr1~ct1cc of bts 1 1rofess1on, und cu.n be 1con recomrne11d 111 g it a s n. perfcctl j safe and r0 1 of the same to their fuendf> that they nltL!i not hr. snlted a1:1 to tho dteenl:leo. of and Ctttt ell t !1able C ompnny anJ its Officers as com]Je~ 1 def1auded of their tnoi 1ey bl .Purchasing "'orth Glover B Lt' ery oillce, KlJlg St1cec., Bo·vniau~~ teut and hooo1ahh; 1J 11s1ne:rn me11 1 ruu.l us 1t less irnltttt1onsof th~ gcn\l1r.e l!OLLO" .i1.1: H l ILLS Co1npletely sPparated from each other, const1tut1ng Two Imrncnse Plea.sure J>,tv1hona, H.1sures noth ing but Fl m Ptope1 ty and dt' .. AND OrNTMli:N J', well ventilated, cool and elegantly arranged, capable of hol<l.n1g 5000 peo ple, who can I,_, I would a.:;k, lLS a great tavour, tln\.t should !ached Dw<l l111gs, and b f\~ $o3U,000 .A.ttl:l('IH (;cdaa· Uails and Po!>ts. come to the kno'\\ le<lga of any peJ son that !!purl view the Wonders of the Musen1n or ?tfenageric, 01 in and bchokl the pcrformA l consul.e r it responsible bcJ ood nny contui. oua rr1ed1clues u.te bcu:.i:; wade Ct soltl in .t.oy name, ' ance of the H1ppodro1ne he be pleased to send iue all the patUeulare he NY QUANTITY OF GOOD CEDAR geucy. cau collect 1cspccting the, that u; to say D D ~ALYJN, M. P P, Rntls and Po~ts fot aale, etthcr u.t the stunip .J the nan1c an1l add1css of the "endo1 '\fh o 1s soll Ing the spur10us1ncd1cu1cs,11nd hke \\ ISe the nan1e ordeh\cHcd. '~e exami ned into the conctn1on A.nd J .A.~1ES \"'E .\.L 1s and addles~ of the .Hous o in Oto United States, 1 ut 5, 4th Con slt:uHl1ug of the Agr1culturnl 01 clst'\'\llere, \\ b1ch 1uny ha\ e f:mp})hccl thc1n, so D;;nllngton, Dec 1th 187l . Hltf I. Comp11ny, a.rnl do fully conetu "1tb Mr, tu enable 1uc, for the ptutcchon of the }JUbhc, to u1~t1Lnte ptocecd1ngs a~a1nr,it such C'\ il doc1 s en 111 recornmea ,lJ ng it to t be Fl'1.rmers ot thl.3 and I eng.n.gc to ver)' handsomoly A §mall ~'al'In liV:untcd. Pro·1nce 1 a.a one pcd cc Uy Bafo nnd 1elrn.h10 any pei son who u1n.y g1vo 1ne such lnformat1011, in~ h1ch to 1as11re I.hen prope1ty tho informant B nu.1ne ne\ er being d1vu1ged rrIIE l:NDEBSIGNlm WISHES TO Should any person reason to belie\ e tlu\t J C Cr ARK 1 Bankeri exchange gootl J1011·c and Jot 1n n thrt n ng he hns been clece1vcd b~ bny1ng spurioui> Jllllta honoi of thf;'lse Me<hc mcs, be \\ill dO ",~n to sen1l Villa~e lJJ M6ch1g-nn fol a sm t... l fo.un ncn.r How· J CA1iRUTHHllS &: Co m me,10 1t letter, to tho uddioss n.t foot (which ho nmn\ illc iffar1n is '"01th0101e than house aud Gro:o A K1nKPATRICK 1 r.L 1" can rlo ut a cost of six cents ln postage), one of lot will p~\Y balance tu lUOlltJ5 C&ll 1mmcd1u.tely 1 B .M IlHlfTOi~ tho booksot1nstruotions \\h1eh are aJti.xed to the in person. or nddTe{'\.r, NICI-tOLs; no:x 71., CONT A.INING I promu~c to c:xa.1n1ne it and send a ieply, 'Ve woul d iefer you to the follo,vtng gen· Bo" iua.u' ille stating ?. hother the Med.ic1uea are genuine 01 4.1 tf not, ao that lf s.pW'tOU3 he ma.;r a.ppll to th~ per den1en 1 iu regard to the r espo ns1b1h ty of t he son from ·vhom he lll.t.rChJl.EICd thcn1 to hi:n e W:i ~Satisfaction ColllJHlDY -D . F1sber 1 E sq' , Co.shir.r of t b e money r ctun:ied Ontn.n( Pa.n k 1 Jno McLf'od, M P P, J B Ohom1sta and Dru ste -o;vho def'l1r~ to obto.1n tho l\{edicinoR can d 'l-t the lowest Fa1rbo.1u. Esq, Postmaster, J. E. Farewell wholesn.Jc prices in of AOt les!I th&n Ilarri s ter . FAMOUS MILITARY BAND ~~ "orth jfor wh1p4 IDtJSt Pe 1mnt ln v!.HlE FOP. SALE, W!'l'H A SNUG Esq, Agent fo r Cobourg and »ic1n1ty, 11idvap.c~)-vlz: 11 !ils {id, a.n ~·ts per dozen Hampton, August 3rd, 1871. httlo Shop attaQbcd, in a. good bua1nol\ boxes of f11lls or pota o~ rnent, netL, w·Jthout part of the Town For1x1.rt1culars apply to J. C J WILLIAM T. FISH . cllscount, POLL.ARP, on t11e \)reUJJses, t\vo doors EMt o .J the honour to be, W R CLl l\IIE, Local Ag-en t at Bowman· F Henderson s hotc , BowmaovUle Joh11'111 Dot '-ii' Frst-Pri:ie Vlllt. ""' "1th great respect, Dec~mb er !S 1 1871 THOMASHGLLO\VAY. E LEARN THAT 'l'HERE ARE THIS IS THE MOST EFFICIENT 1553 Oeford /Stred (k>to ZH, Strand), L-O>ido1" 1710. Unpnnm~d persons "h o, '"'hon they nnd ooonomical Dr\Ull 1n U5e, and will w. a.,~..··r_i,1s11 cannot palm otr a. \VOrthles5 Sewtnf{ Ma.chine, on k1bute more heat, occupy 1eB& room.,and answer persons aoq\latnted with the mentA of the d1f- a.ll i;n1rpore. better than aoy other, ny its n1e a All indebted lo the bUl!incss will plenso call and fercnt Mach1nea, 1epresrint thenuielves aft agents houeo c11.n 00 much better heated '\Vfth one stove a-ettlo tbeir accounts a.a soon a.s possible for tho celebrated Lockman and Osborn Ma tha.n under the old ii,yst.em with two 01 thiee ,...T--.:T J C. POLLARD chines, a.nd offer to grant warrants for the 1 stoYes- thUB n1ore than pay mg for itaolf l.l1 one ' ..L"'< ..L · Bo"wan,olle, 4th Dec , 1871 19tf w1th lntent to deceive We being tho only All- season by a. sa.ving of wood · .All who hnve tried thortzed a.gents for '\Vest Durluun, nre the only U1em '\\ould not bC without them for many times F I H E LIFE. AND personA who can grant wa.1ra.nta thereon; and then cost 'lhe underalgn.ed lHLFJ secuxed the TIIE 64th VOLUME! any persons not en1ploycd b:.. 11s, representing Right for l3owmanv1Jle, Darlington, Ca.rtwl'lgbt, themselves as ageJ1ts, or offenng to grant >Yar .Cla.1 ko a.n(l Ji.inn" ere, and is prepared to 1UI all TEMPOR.\.RY OFFICES llor 18'12 ! rant8 aro 1Ul~8tc1s, and hable t o be 11roeecnted orders on the shortest notice .A. full nssortment for Jt,\ud.. f h e public are hereby ca.ul1oned of Cook, Pa.rlo1 and Bo:i: Stove11, consta.ntJy on 'l:RE ILLt.~STRATEl> Col'11c1· of' ~t. Paul an!l §H . ba.nd I against sucll · R & H o·HARA 16 JS F T IIOSHIN. l'l'a11coil!I Xaviel' !Sh·eefa. Bowmanville, June 22nd.1871. :l"-3 in H AVf'NG SOLD OUT MY INTEUEST R Ii.ALDA~, J\.f ,i11 ag1ng P1es1clcnt. Dnector. HIPPOPOTAMUS I I\.,:Z: ' L 0 D' 8 til fE F'ire and Marine EIOU8E AND VIT.,LA PAINrrs, ~ O I 20 MASSIVE DENS ~ MUSEUM! PURE WHITE LEAD. A large stock just received for Autumn Painting, imported direct from the English Manufacturers, including JAMES' Genuine and celebrated Rooster brand-Guaranteed pure. < ~ I ~ :2 lll J. B Farm Property f D1J.CHED RE LJ CE 2000 S ave Half Your Mong ·. Tl1.e CIRCUS 500 COOK, PARLOR, HALL BOX STOVES, T .JOI-IN McT,J!:OD. HARD TO BELIEVE. True Nevertheless! ----- o· - - - - I GROCEJtIES VERY CHEAP. 5 cents a pound, and st i lchea ood Cooking Haisms only UNDER TWO BIG TENTS G er by the box:. ._ UMMER DRY GOODS at cost t1 ELEGANT BAND CAR ( 10TTON and Woolen goods are advancing, but you can buy them at Elliott's, for a short time, at the old prices. Now the time to secure what you need. A CLOTHIN(3-- ! 10 Dapple Gray Horses, want of a neat fitting suit should call GENTLEMEN eaily at Elliott s Fash10nable Tailorrng Establishment. guaranteed m all reasonable cases, PROF. C. A. JONES' Henry Elliott, Jr. Drun1. -Going ru:i West ! re H · .' THE GRAND PROCESSION A W CAUTION. SELLING OFF l I I Roya 1 Insurance OOMPA Cheap for Cash ! DON'T MIRS IT. 20 CAGES, 40 VEHICLES, I Phrenological Journal, A FlltST-CL ·SS ~otice. $10,GOO,OOU tra.ctea b,Y n1y IS HEREBV GIVEN, THAT N OTICE I 'Ytll not be ros2ons1ble for any d.e);)ts con son, illlam Jaml!s SU.lIOr W ~ o'f'er I nnds tn. Jlanfl ove1 .i,ooo,oou 9,!$0U:i00t1' Pa·oclaiJn the Ghul '!'idrn1gs PAllJ.JLY .MAG'.AZJNE. WILLIAM Sl:):.LEY. l>a.rhngton. Juna 12. l..S'li., J(i tf :Both Ten:e, SoMEBODY 8AYs-"There lB aon1etlung pecular attractive 111 a h.or~e. His 1ntelhgTo the 1\'Ienager1c, 1\1useun1 .1nd Cucus, to ent eye and ear, his lofty carriage, his fr'3e the 1'1u ec Sep:.i.1ate Slio·~s, to the nhole Grnnd Caravan, Gieat C1rcus and Or111thw And graceful niotiou, bis vast stre11gth, ological and Zoologtca-1 lnstitute. h1H obedient temper and lus ind1spensab1c uee, all endear lum to us. YV c have to look at all his finn proportions, and ta.kt:: ADMISSION 50 CENa'S, Jn the inspuat1on of 1us ene1gy and power," Children under 10 25 ct· but tt is ortly when the horse is properly 'Ca.led f or - when he is froe f1on1 d1seasti or unsoundness of any kind that he 'v1ll Ren1c1nber the na1nc, " COLE," tho Ma(initudo, the Attraction, the Day, the eDb1t these po1nta of attrncti:n1, and Date and Place, look at t he elegant P1cwithout which he is of but little ulue A tora.l Posters, read tho Progr.tnm1es, Adpackage of ' 1Darley's Condition Powdera and.Arabian Hea\·e Remcdy,"ahoold be In vertisements .i.nd Nut1cos and fa1l 11ot to co1ne see the BLggcst Tlung on '\Vheels 1 poaseas1011 of ct"CfJ.Y man who owns a horse that ever \v,Ls or ever w 111 vunt tins section of the country. ..r.\VY .A.IT rl,IIE .ADVENT to be rsed lU case of e mergency Don't OF THE MON.AJ:WH fail to get it. Remeniber the name, and WILL EXHIBIT AT aoe that the signature of Hurd & Co lS on ca.oh package. ~ Northrop & Ly1nan, N c'v Tuoedoy, May 21. WlutLy, co.stlo,. Ont,~proprietors far Canada.. Sold Wcdll··day, ~fay 22. ' llowm.nv1llo, , , , by all Med1cme dealer·. I?.en1cdr u.nd PtUs of the Emmcnr Intl.i.~n I'ltrcm olo{JIJ - 1'1 c nnil its F tm ct1ons lllr.dic1ne 11Ht:n , Doehn Le\\1 ', Josephi.f'I, of tbf.I FIRE Dli:PART JH: EN'l.'. Localion or 1he 01gans with d11ect.1ons for cul G1eat 'lniJe of Sh(1' \,one<'s Bt1lbh Col·11nb111 ts ture tLnd tr::urung an(l the r elti.t1ons of 1'11lnd nu d "n1.k.i11g the 1 );,;t nuuvelou s a nd 1tston ishlng .All dct>er1ptlona of prope"Tty Insn1ed agamilt Body described ' G1uc;;; tlie \ \ 01lrl e~c1 hcmd of Never in the Lo11'5 or Da1nago by l.i?trC' at n1aderate 1at.cs fCb t t1 nJ1uulsof C nnntlL<~n l\.fe<lHal ff1sto y ha1:1 such he , s Phy!:l1or;11.01·q1 ort · tguso aTo.c cr,\ I s uc cess nttcnded the un1oduetion of an~ 1ne(ll LO~SJ>S EfWMl'rLY SE I1LED WITHOUT illutlt..raLlons, 1~ud ho \~ to Head th e1n, is a specla cme h t;.11.:t.1..r rur~ RE!'EJ1Jii)1Cf.] 'Iq llfE qq}f)i; OFIJ:ICE fcutu1 e Et~j.olf1.r11.1 , 01 t ho Notll..ptl ff1 >1 ~01~ ~t ~:lan ·vv 11Y 1 1 T HAT THE I tI GJil'AT SHOSHOYEES LIFE llEPAR/J:'l\1EN 'I', .ASSUrl\nCe Oll Li THE D wmauville J MARTIN, !-f P C , MAY BE A e on all d.isea$Cl;l, P,elonging to Uors· a. uud Cattle lla.vmg had con ~mlted ....... . ... . . exp011enee Ln the trcatn1e11t of all co1n1llal.n.t1:11n COJ.UlCCt10n with JI01ees a.nd Uattle, he cu.u COll Jldently say thu.t ull cases entruste(l te lus cn1 e w1ll 1oce1ve 1>uch meihcal and attention ILS their importance dc:nuJ..nds i Office JG.ug_ Stre et, ,t doors East OfHcnclorson's Hotel Iteaidencc Scugog H.oad, '\vhmo calls by pol4i pr otltc1 wise ~ill rccel\ e :prompt c.trention V s~ui~rY meclicwcs al'\\ ays on ba.nd Charg68 i:U.Qde11g.t.Q, to 1he .Mutual :ri:re {'!o!lJ,IJM.l!!f ·f Cllaton r i:atabll$bed. 1n&f1) yeau~ rranee 1 1 tJ the In" fJ of IJfe {L11d JioaJ1h 'Vhnt ,, e tihmtld ,..,.e' 1!1 inr;u~wQ{ s uch us t he J<.:x.{uie t1> or '\VJ11 1 tcr.os, ~n(~ unqu,jt 101 r~btf ~1ni ityp Polw~ h rd cr s t):'JICCH le iurie~ ni \dp o,pl ()atn1iddrlnk h(H\ clothed nnrl ho1'\ toexero1 se Chea ~ Ba r},, lod.o,Jh,!.Jluin Jtirup~1, Q.u u; ~i.1, CELEBRATED PERFEOT~:t 1Ln.i 8~~% 8LJ.A.Dt£iT~ 1 1Jfl~ I aleQ}l culd llv ~ 1n a.coot dance \l'iLh lfyg1e nk pr11~ 8 11i0.1 t\\ ced J) Lndt hon, .fl vo s0,:. ru1111"" I om p o111HI of the Co mPl'!1~'.LI'!JJ. 0 a Ctp!e' t>C(;Unt~ 111 t 1 1e J n.c t of Cul uc~ nt li l a!iq 1, ~ocon in e Aloes,<·!'I and Eye Glasses manufactuit· Wealthy P1opneta.rr , :. d l ,.,. i f 1 d Utp:, wuu F .., c ~~t ,) '\dlloh (lltc1 into tho con1po by L~\.Z.ARUS & lfORRIS, o.nd for which 1 "8 Ilic 8 pec1 al I..1rc A1:1:Hll'1J.l'ICe Fu nd now Poi t1 a.iis, sl~ctche!i an Po,., ral)1 cn. ing i:itivu of u'u?. < nuib1ned n1ethci11e, <Lrc ! :mch and so the sole agenCJ, a1e gain111g golden opullm u.mounte to m en 1md \\om en ·U u.J I dcp il trncnls of 1tfe, aie ]1a 1 m on u 111S1Y olati'=-lfi<..:d anti co1·'p011udecl 1ha.t it Sj1CCH\.l fetLtll"'l'.lS ls made t he JUO;,\L 8e<t.tChm,; C'lll111JVe' In tlic ron1a1l1bt;i;e '¥.} t 1'""11H d H ]1 '<1.l \at 1 Parents 1'ea chcr'I c~nd Olhet s -As a guide ln 1.-nO\\'ll \\ 01l<l aud c uulot heip Ont tlot un the $6,GOo.~10· and no othe1s AARON BU CK.I. F.R. n.~e n elhlCnt1ng: :a.nd trri,1u1ng OJnld1cn, thJJ::i D«lJ,pl~illt: 8 ~ steni 111 a ven e \t1;if11ctm t: n.nd dcs.1 able man THE SUM Oh ' no,vn1t1.nYHle and vicinity' l ~:mr ha.a 110 onpeuo1 11e1' No what )OUI u1lincut muJ be, or J.I m;h gcncral lnfo1mat1on on thf! lending top1ca of ho " long sta·1diug, it will fiud the ;; pot nnu ' $736,~00. of tbe day is f.pvon a11rl no ctlorts ~Pf\H.ld to a st.on1sh J on b'i the rap td 11mnlwr in ·\lu.,;b you hn.vlng l11,; ~ ll ~1 dded thereto as u. o! Bll.B- mak~ thfo the moRt 1ntcrcst1Hg nn1l 1n~t1uctive u11 rest m ed to pertect bell.Ith and fuJl \ 1gol" l'h H1 :rtfcdic1uc 1i:; plet~snn t and anfe to tnkc, 1nel>S of the Pasi.. Yon1, after the l',Ll mcnt of a.11 1u1 ,veil ns tl1e Heat P1ctonnl Fu1n 1 l~ l\fn.g1.LZ1ne JS 1\Ur1n.nt cd, anll ulay 'flOS\tHclJ he relied llllOn Clnims, Cneh Bonu::;es, .~nnu1 t1ca tind F...xpenlile~ ever pubb.sbr.d Et b. l d-"'Tlc J ourial hnsrenchedlts ton1 ake a pc1 tw:~ntnt cu1coffl lld l:'lc n... <Jcs of thi · of every Desc1 1ption 15 lllfl( I ! > d l rhroat,Lu uw; Lncr KulnC\SD1gc-,tncOrgans '1able3 of ltatcs, Proposal Form s nnd fut! infer 5-lth \'folun1e It hns stendi.l r 1nc1 eaae 11 10.vm &. &c as vre ll us &::! oft 'a· 1 , 1;; \ tLJ 1 ouoi Skin matioo can be obtluned uu ap1)liClit1on to tbc un duung t.he 1:nany)OltlS 1t lifLll bccn pubUshcd l:Lfld 1 n~ew;P.~ 1f1 nno1s lLnd all d1>:1e<.1.~CS 1.n u~1 11 g f1om dr.rs1g11ed. was never n1ore vopul 1t ,h in 110 '· I illJ)lU lt)' of lhc Bloo<l cxc~v t1ng th(} 'I hni:l II J... ROUTII Terms-1\fonth\y, flt $3 n. \ (} "I.I 11\ ndvnu ce - of Uousnin))l,Hln F1u' hct mf1nu:,aho11, '\\ 11h fn]J Win.ft. I.owe, B.A..f,,J,. B., ckie~~..:.~~~L~~t:t\.na.d.& Sing le nmnbcrs, 30 cents Ulnh>i of ten 011no1e1 1 flu ecilon s 01 us ugt 1 u:~G1eat Shoshoncc~ Rcn1ecly R\Fil t !J2 ench r~ud ru1 extr,t COJTJ l ' Agent and Pills a.111.l cou t.-wn1 nc 1n101 als anri Cc1111 1 ARMOlYR ':Ve p{c oft'e11n~ the iooat hhern.l 1'1em111n1s - ftcat cs of C urOb c.~n h~ obta1n0d by RC<.:llrmg tlrn ARRISTER AND ATTORNEY-AT- A PE l ' e nsr~8J'kn.'£ A nt at 15f.l\vmAl:iv1Uc Jnclosc ~ 5 c,enJ..s ! Qt a 81i..n J./1n number ~ 1tl nc"' Creatmti, th~ I lanil hool... 01 the .tU1u.~r nc uud L.\..\V', Sollo1tor in Cho.ncery and Insol\"ency N D - Tho tlnn.neia.l posifi~n u<f the ll'dlal u1 lri P1ctorla4. Posfe1· ~ind 1'1 o"'p'Cet ,11s, and a co,nplptµ i}j1reuJn-r l!i frQrn :rcspceta.bk.. Druggy;;t Ul th Cl &c ,&c. 0 IJst 0 8 R '\V'EL£s, Publislio.J) i1 ,i large P int ] OU. Oft}ce ou Silver SLreet, Bowma'l\villi, l!b.At Ql~l. 'Z-lm:, · Droo.8.wa.y, ~ ew 1; e:-k, dllJ 'j)t>r '1 X' ..w tt-fl ~ oiil<.ir.J1ttJPl.~ ,t~s ·ea q J&.,f.i, ,~ers wrn.n tcd Ql f Q.V 1.U J' bc a3 Q. 0 bl r I'h11s1ol(J(JY ancl j:nalo11L\f - 'l he Ot'grnnzlil mn , ( ::Hl\1:f.l.J Y b qr a use t.hc ;iu.111< ro1is 'Vu.1u;i1l Q n< t 1\·I C etn1ct111 e and li.\IlC llJUOl of 1 lC J,u1nnn bu,ly, '\ 1t]1 { rnG d l\;PUd ... 0 g'( ti ~b lC lll);'rfJ((irintS, (;;i tin1C 6f \\ lJ6f iUns t r11fCd, \\ 11 be gl..v6U, ° I I B r~ew~ap~~~~~6i..~h:orr::iu\~~~r;Q~\UIJ;1~~ -~ I 1a,t~~l~~Ull1S p~~~ ef]j l~~~idv B~tths .

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