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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1872, p. 1

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QG anabrnn ~ tlttcsnmn Is pr nted o. l p ubl shed A I WHO WAS SHE [From th· Dct1 oit Free Pren ] About half p \St six o clock S 1tmday rnorntng a well dreesed woman about 30 of age ,,: ho 1 ad bee1 aeon on t] o ·lil'llets of>\ mdso1 on Friday made her ap pen.ranee near the railr ad ferry !'\l tp on that inde No 01 ~ noar the sl p saw h e1 as sh8 ·pproacl o l tlte dock looked up and down and then le&ped mto the stream but her act101 s were observed by parties nea:r ti e \"ssongor depot ' l o at or ce I umed to the spot The wou an did not ·I l car at the surface after going do 'n nor l\ as a tra.ce of her to be soeu o:rcept a bit of rrbbon float go i tie w·ter All t!r.t 10 k1 O'\'f n in regard to tl e str 1. gor ls that she was se uclnug after one She did uot clau 1 to be related to ht n. 1n 1.1 y way 1101 did she see l grMtly d 8a ) J 01uted th 1t she could not l ea1n of h13 vheren.b n s She spent neatly all day Fnday walkmg Uf :i.ud do vn tho llltl. l streets niakmg a r~w purc.:l ases of confectioner es 0.1 cl uh:10 buy 11 g L 1 f w pau of sh oes ~he hR l Jt.O bag gage \v1th her n ot e'e i a travellu g bag and l1er lress vould se 1n to ind1cato that sl e was a l l<lraon i h mble c rcu l a t t lCl.:lS Th~ caaa is probably onE\ of love and de sert1on pet haps ;voriie aud if the et1anger 1 n11 frHH ds or relat1 ves th o Ill) stery will a.oubtless »oon be up A :W:AN at Clugnecto clauna t o have killed 26 ducks at one ·hot and it " <Sn t a >·ry good la1 fo r duck. e1ther THE last Mamtoba ex1 odit10n to r opol the F en1a.n 11 vaa1on of thnt Province cost the countiy $34,241 46 SM.A.LL l'u:X. is incre in Tor onto ~ The number of cases h uwe \oi is not re ported THE co·t cf tho Lon lo 1 · ,., to tho 8 ubscr1 ber in Boaton 1a $40 per annun in g 11 the London Globe is $50 p"r annum gold IloR.t..C.E GP.EELEY ha.s r es1g od the edrt orshrp of t he Tr.bu >e Mi \\ h1 tclaw Reid succeeds him Evel'y l'hursd.ty lllol'Jllng, bytbePro11 etor WM. R. CLI~1IE, at the .. OFFICE-Post Office Blocl< KIN(} STHEET BO\\ MANVILLE ONI · VOL. XVII. BOWl\'lANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, M~:\.. Y 23, 1872. NO. 43. against aw nd \\hoao voloc1ty is uot gre11.t er than s :x: miles an hour with thts very apparatus With a motor of the oame we ght yet of double power twroe tins rate 1nay be atta.1 1ed Voya.glill therofo1e may be unde1 taken in ce1tai 1 directions nith a su1e't): of i oach1ng the desued des tmat10n for w t)i M D ipoy de Lo nc s a.eroostat a trip mlght be niade to Mar seillcs 01 N c~ rn a v nd vhich would d11 o i\11 ord1uary balloon fro u ParIB i;o P1uss1a. ARE FACTS THAT --o-FO It FACTT !<i' TIHT Y OU RSE LV E 1 HOSI WflO H \\ J ThIED IT Al E CONVINCED S F HIJ I Aelh I s Goods ,. Low or Lo\\ er tl on my one cloe ll To· n GEW' !\.large stock of Cloths D es< Good< stnp·l chec ked and plu n Sl·wls Blrnl ets L10 e11s Wrneeys Flun els Knittel Goods Hosiery Gloves nnd ,Ir mmrn 0 · oll bou,,ht before tl c late l var cc 1 prrn s ~ A spcmal lu c of Clan I 11 taus 60 per cent ] uFt 1owe1 tl a ea1 s A Jot of Last S eason's Tweeds, at 20 per cent less tha n cost Gents' Suits Made to Order, by the Best Workmen m Town ~ war anted to fit and not come to p ccc· -uilll W.S IJo~Ie, 1'11 D '.Ihe Dcs1 n1ac1~ .tud G1ccn leas Ill i'O"\HI, at $100 lhe :nest <'iO end I ca 111 Town & Butter Eags Mittens Socks and Yaro taken ·· Cash for Goods Oct 4 1871 S F. HIT_.L FRESH ARRIVALS AT THE GLASGOW THE SUBSCJ1l BER HAVIJliG RECEIVED HIS HOUSE I S G \VcbsteA , L ~ ~- s., Full P._.._ssortment of Goods, surrED 10 THE PRESEN1 SEASON SURGEON DENTIST D1· OF1 ICE o erJJ F '.i\f \J.U r s store J Bowma " lie 'I oeth ex aoie 1 fo each ~oods IN> IlI S THE Il'\SPF.Cl!HilN OF THE PUBLIC Intl esc d ys f puffmg 1 l postu e he th nl s it i eedless to say that ho ·ells vill be tend g pu hase s g e 1u n n. cnll an l j u dge for tl erogolves f;l.U.tistled that Lhe rcsu t nut a. J p101ltu.blo and sntLSfncto y CIIEAPJ!;lt and Of better v ll e than an y other mal\ in these Cot n t es al l e aaks s tJ at ex.tent t o which wine worship is carried m England We kuow httle about it m th s country The rrch landed propnotors SPRING and inen of large inea.ns there take great I pride u1 theu wine cellars and put tlu:nn l i: l £O hl\.$ HOOD sch os to a doal of trouble to stock them Cone oe lle Sp g etl ctcft. lcl css co lC A1 d tho sale of a lot of vme belongmg to 0 'J'l oo pson vo d of t 1 o ns well a!\ reason How co tld st thou ti ua poor 1i uno.n no.turo deceased gentlemen is ahno8t as conlmon h ni "" sales of ti eu librarres Well Ilrown Tho e .:1 no suel season ls in Lvu Ion the greater pa.rt of the t r 1 e and when he sees the s~le of such and a ch a ge1 tleu an s cellar cont1 un1n g V'alu able 'vine advertised he is s 1re to be on hard ~11 I lai.:e gn en h m ca te blanchc Iler p a ses then lethar ly poets srng to p urchase for me Of course he exer A n 1 l c J er t mef la co.tcilo and upltolders Who do not. feel o.s if they had a ~ ' cises h B d1scret1on f r soine of these Poured do 1 t1 e r shoulders \VInes sell :i. t almost fal u]o 18 prices Think of l ort at fi~e seven and e en nine Let others e I.log zo her tlo al sl o a From ro e they cannot win a single eta ZI\. po mds per dozen sherry at twelve I know her blooms aro in CuJl blo v-an 1 so e gumcas per dozen claret at eight aud ·O The rnfl e Y.a on Bro ~n says at one auction sale he Her co B l ps stocks and 111 ol!I ot tb.e vale a.itended there was \Vine sold to t11e value Her hone) blof'iso1us that yo boar tho bees a of five thot sand po md Thmk of it Hor pans es dattodil.e a d p r mrose p<1.1e Not less tha.n tl 1rtecn thousand bottles of tl gf! I sneeze u.t I wino in one mn.n a cella.1 Fair ei tho vernal quarter of the year .And fair its earthlv b id 1 ngs and ta blo..,.; u gs How do you know this is pure wn1e 1 ButJuat suppoee consumption a 1ee<ls appear How do I know 1 Ilecanso they ex W th oU e aowings t ercJJJe the greatest care 111 its selecbon For me I find wh e-a. e.astern 'vrnde A~ high attendtng to t personally Why srr A frigid not a gen al lnsp1ra l u ti oae gentlemen keep their cellar books Nor can like Iron cheBted Chubb defy a ti on ..An nflu. ns a merchant keeps hlB ledgor puttmg down all d e'l1ra.ble 1nformat on respect ng S tten by breezer; r_ o the land o! plague To me all ' c un uxu1'lcs are fables each k l or v ne he post\eaaes I will 0 wU~ e e the sp l{f m n. l c n at c leg give yo 1 only one nsta.nce 1 1 th1si lot SU.ff as a table s 1 1ust sent t l ere are fouI dozen of port of ll mp m agonJ - 1--; heezo and couttl which Brown vrttes - Acco1d11 g t o ]\fr And quake v; l i {,.-UC that grent agitator Cockburn s cellar book tins w·s solectod N 01 Ur earn before July of leaving oft' M) rei:>pU" tor from the hill country as the tit est port In sJ ort whatever'gy1 cs l e fron1 tlle bent i;.rrt1.pes bottled 10 1846 In ful som e odors too m&n-s to be cited Thi.s "ff no coats inonev Mr 'I hayer but The tende neas of S1 Ji cyeA d that ls blighted 1 man carrying his pale face into the pulpit "'cry S mday 1 She put a mark carefully betweou the leaves of the recipe lwok donned h er bon1 et a.nd sluiwl nnd '\\ ent ont Half au ho 1r later hen .sha chn bed the three :ft lghts of stairs lead ng to her roo n h er rheu1uat1c Jo11ts c1eaking at every atep ahe ca.1 l're l nndor her Bha ;vl t\ quart bottlejof Made ra wme aud various small packages that cuutted a sr icy smell And all that evening with painful exactness and wrth a ban I that trnmbled a !tttle at the res1 ons b1lity of ti e ta·k be ore her Bethtah we ghed -..nd measured n.nd strr red and sh ook and a perf 1me pervade l her apartn ont suggest ve of the del c1c U8 vmtages of Italy and the sunny South Eh woman said Jean l\'Iaghec Mias Emmersly s Scotch neighbor a.cross the gin I d1dna ken yo were a gu1d hall temperance buddy an nn. g11m to drmk1n ng B o.11 P S-An rise lll prices rn a.lied stuck of TablB Linen Dn.1n nsl1.S purchase i before the recent ============"'-"-"-"'"-"-"-"-" ~ TH0~1AS Bo vmn.nvllle Oot 6 1871 PATERSON. fK £} t Cf 1JCI U~ · .I.ND J. Fteld111g, lll D. S rgeons Eu~ln. d I 100 L ::iLe Ro n.l Col age of Phys CL.1.ns ~ d nbu gh ( R s dent Aoco cl e r ot J l o a0> Hospital L don fL a. :'}-..,. A Resident l\.1ed.lwl Officer C y of London U o1:1p tal for Diseases of tho Ch ost) Office Dr llernn an s Orono THE R:EV DR WILLOUGHBY, M El\IBER OF ROY lcL COLLEGE OF STUBBORN FACTS r BY MlcRY S PRING WALKE U CHAPJER VIII i'lohce-Re1nowil Vr le 01 \ \ his ol l res denoo I{ l"tEID HAS REMO\ ED HIS D Cro res tlen1.1e to e h o sc ln.tcly o c l ell by clllugtu Street tl ti YA iomlOa u to 81 n S treet Surger~ OiU ~ at l our':! As thorn 1s a great deal of nnsrnp1 osentat1011 1egat dmg the ments of the d1fferc nt sewmg machmes and may pe1sons h n e been misled by these untruthful st ·t ern on ts we gn e be low the names of a few of those "ho tested the 'Wanzo1 nfachmc and wJio aft e1 wards P.:X:Chanbecl them 1nth US for the Lockman Osborn 01 A LITTLE FOR MEDICINE Hiitf F 11 high ti e bo'\vl t h fnsil o I VY th tn.11n1n let your cups b El cro VJ od Ifstr chn leg es r el eftoto I Let str ohn nos ge ia Ju ee abo Let o l ot' itrol cool you br :t. n s Dr. A Beith, OF THE IORO:N ro G RADUATE ::5urgcon Strccti:nextdoo Un ers ty P l ys Clan &c Office King to Y e low s & Qw 1 s a:r St.ore lo v na ille Onta 'lo Or a 1mated itoms bro v A id 111 your u e e1:1 hearts and vein s 'V th g-lco-nnd nfuaor al glue Raymond- some of them pa)mg us lie \l TOl"tNEY;; B ARHISTERS and :Notary P bl c CITOR~ Fa1·ewell,lUcGec &Rutlcd,.;e, o' er $20 to exchange SOLI HO:'.'< J SIMPSON Bo" D FISHER THOS JOH:'.'<S'ION JORN McCLv~ G J E FAREWJI L._L L Bil n McGEE B A JAMES itUlLE m ll A O!'FJCE Over ~ n McMu try o D ~ Goods ~~{',!';,second door west or tie Post O co up 1r MR8 C G HlcNNI:NG Bo,,manv1Jle W G PERRY WE TILLEY WM Em\ARD~ do do do do do do Davul Srnart , LA Sol.le t o ~ve ancer Notal') l Tnsoh: ~nc Solicitor !o he 0 t r &nk &c P or t Hope 0 t .Money to Lo n nnd La ds for Sale AJIBJRTER \V AND A rroRNEY AT Chnncc y RICHARD SH \.W Darlington J P LOVEKI:N Clarke E BEi\l:AN J BELLWOOD do do MR LUMMIS Cartwught R l Wl LKI:N SON Newcastle do do MRS HILLA1t1 MR BARFOOr ltobcrt ~1 n1om R EGISTRAH I!:! WE S'!: DL,UHA M S BORLAND Oro10 A LOCKHART Clarke THOMAS McCI UNG Bo nanv Ile M D Vi IL TI \lit~ 11'.IISS H \.!\fBLY P rt Darln gton C v; SMI'l'H Duh igt on S'IEPHEN CLEl\<ENCE Darlmgton ViILIIAM CLElhJ NOE do do do M \. "lHEW COL]. Tyrone JOHN BlJRN Ma1 ors An<l a gieat man) others do er of }Iar &go L ceenses Ilar s tcr Attorney a t La v n. l Sol c to1 1 Oba ceg. Mo ey louned on Real El:!l.a e 0.frlcc o E g !~et Bown n lle .Jlohn Hi Galbraith, ARRISTER AND A TTOl"tNEY U B LAW Ofilce K ng et Bow au vl le tat Bown i.n yillc fo tho l euhol l Bu lU SW REV R BOYLE li P LOSCOlllBE Boclely Age 11-I 0} o eull on f:t n sccu ty l\IBS BROCK St J obn H Hu t~hti!i!(Jllll. Intonclmg purchas01s can onqune of any of the above r e ga1cling the meuts of these machmes R&H O'HARA Ho "manv ille October .:>th 18~1 I-:I:ALLO I TI-:I:ERE r I _.t:l.._ con c nJong QJld get Bar~ains fo t is ac kuo'\ lcdgcd by ti oso of cxper et ce that THE LOCKMAN A LL YOU WHO ~--:EED SHOEINl~ SEWING MAC HINE IS NOW HIE This Js the Place to Duy Boots and Shoes--None Bet lcr LE \.DING l\IAOHINJ;; I N 11IE DOMI NION 01 CAJ.AD 1 S Cbesh 1 field, VILI F. iJ d Da l gto n.~ s le ce Q ccn Street Ordo1s p not tally L t nded to Cha ges J.fodoratc 1 A U CTIONEE I FOR BO"i MU Ihomas S1onltouse Ge ·romptly H~ A UCTIONEER eral a.ttc rulton Ontnr o \PPRHSER il"ID Sa efl P. &;B OH\HA .Age t J)a li g .on Ce trc led to A.gents for D lI'han1 and Vlcto11.a @fi ;J, I'll . D11naaco1nbe, J,. D. DAN A'S s., PATENT SHEEP MARKS. Jllone! to Lend. been appO nted !l.gc t fO the Pro 'lDC al J'. er mn.nent B uilding a.nd tia I gs Society of 'loron to Is p cpa:red to egot e loans on Heal Estate 1ccur ty on t he ost l aura.Ole to u s 16 19 J ll l! All BAIRN T HE U:NDERSIGNED HAVI:NG ESI 't1 e tnoat Inst ng the Joa!>t t oubleson e Gold l ill nga sertcd TeelJ cxtractod Md moat co plcte ever in eut.e l 'I} oy n c fo ~ ccn s each AJ t:1xccllc t I ooth lo ~de s cd and reccon nc dcd by ma1 y ot the beet for a ale Office n l\!{cClung s block SURGEON DE:NTISI SUPERIO f~ T HEt:;E MARKS ARE THE CREtcP R Peate laJloi G Ji.!EN ir.; made o NEWBS l SI Yl ES ti E:N TLEME~ S A:N D B01 S 80 Bo vmanville Feb 19 1868 tf W. It Chnuc, D cede s 1n th e Un ted Sta.toe a l Canadn suoh as G B I on g Salen 1\-! P 'CB de t Nev England V VDol Grov.:e s Soc J1.; Toh.n S !toss Honnep n Ill Professor ~{ Miles of the Statu Agr cul rrnl Collego I ans g l\1h.ih IIon Geo B o n Toronto Ont J ohn Sn ell Edu onton Ont On oacl Mark 18 stan pc l t.h1;i o vncr s namo a d the sheet) s number 'I'hey rill bo se tfrec by ma 1 or e::q cas for onl11 Jou c nts c cl nnd w ll last fo T~ EN l'Y YEAHS ~ Ciwb u ust accompany all orders 1\ ITH HORSE PO\'\TEH & LU HE AllOHlll U.D YOUNG Jn. At present vorko 1b y thee ~set bfl:r Possess on S rn o. Ont g ven 1n1med at l) ii:E Only b l:i ness ot t he 0-dcrs o.dfu essed to tho CAN A AN Sr rr SMAN k nd in tow - plenty of CUR om T re cllancc for Office for a qu tit-v VJll b e ft ed at the above a. good Purr pn k c.r ent o ed price is ~u ne th e l\fa ks can be E ~IL\ Elt 18 1 Bovnuan illo )fay mado and sent ~ R OLill!IE TO LET The Pump Shop 'Io !!.tent l.~ n l eado v for 10) ca 'l:l .A. q ai tili) of fallen ucdu. of ex Ile t q ua.l ty tor au le A1 I '? to Rev W I OG.AN' 4tn1a1 iotr Ca t ;vr ght SePt 0 A been m pCart asture Uo BO< T oO lcCirnS viig t Tl e mo11t f tl c and or LOT No 14 of HOOI :::;1crn.1 ~ lJ" st N w Yu k l\fa r al s d lh rad ::; cd o ocst tern c Fn.cto1y KlngStreet 1£a.s~ Bo v an il e Hi 3!lLf W T P B !§hc1 lln & Uo, §ccd rotatoe!il HOLESATE AfANtFAC'IURERS llf FAlRBURN BlcRlU STER ~ ·A to n cy So o ~c I n<l a omec n Koe ru s 1 uck Ovo Bea 1 s Dook stol'e G o .nuun.,, R O> TJl<C!AL LAND SUR\ E} OR C v l Jr: g e~ilencc lP.-fi a.t the ofilco of Robo t 'l:ro o lY atto;ndGd to Lotl3 3rdoon eer d Lanll :\.go t D~rl ~ton Qitico :.. d illlo le s Eeq IJ om,pt 4:\J M l h:nst ow called to see h s mn u1ter the 1 ext day H e w·as a round portly gentleman "1th 'iho1n the ·w orld ha l g'..ine \\ell for sixty years a merchri.nt an l o 1e of the inoneyed men of tho " ilmot Street Church In the courae of the conversa lion he said I h"ve bid o.s do for you llfr Thay e1 a couple of dozen bottles of my choice wine which with your penn1ssion I will aeud iny man ro nd 1n the 1no1nmg :rt-1y wrfc l as a good deal to say about your lool mg pale lately and I have notrced it myself So I said to h er When Browns package comes t o hand - It was sh I pcd the 9th and I kne v it coul ln t fail to be h ere the last of the week - I "rll send our minister aom9 \ville that is wine Yo rnuport1t then7 Mr Thayer said For my f ly uee J 011 3 r I rot st ha'\ e n.n art clo that I cal depend upon and I l ave no coniidence w the 'vine sold hy the do 1lors n tl s country The great er purt s r is a. v,ilo co n po 1nd- lead and coccnl s and everytl u g else that Ia bad I wa1 t port and claret and sherry- good honeit officia] ' inc to promote d1gel! t1on st 1 t: p the heart and ariei:iea raise the bodily heat a n i exl 1larate tl o an1 na.1 sprr1ts - not cognac 011s sugM" colourmga gyps1 m arsemte of copper sugar of lead &c I ant to be grn1 ed sir not griped Why if this busine ss of manufacturing tn11h1.t1on lVtne goes on 111 a few years tl ere "ill not be the slightest occas10n for vineyards or the cultrvation of g1apes rh e vmeyarde of the Amerrcan people SU -why they are uot m Medoc or Frontig non 'Il ey in the gar1ets an l cellars of our la.rgo cities It makes a nan ah 1d der to t hmk of it I st ppose t l ere 1.3 n.n imn1enso qua.n t1ty of \v1 1e n1a1 ufactuted in tl is c u try P.rtJ.d the m1 i1ster 1' I y said }fr Barsto ~ look at the one article of port vu e 'b'Iy agent t ells mo and he 1 s g od means of kn w mg that the Oporto wme 18 sold m Eng land at thu ty dollars a dozen ·nd we ha' e a superio1 article a superu.n art cle Mr Tl aye1 offered m the :New 1 ork market at JUSt !half the I nee H ow do you account !01 that s:ir 1 And there a cha.n1pagne t here 1 a furn in New York city to day rnan1 fact rers of champagne "me-I speak that I do know-that does & busmos· of sll:ty thousand dollars per anll uu .A.nd of the hundreds of gallons ·ent out from thu.t house evory year not one of th em ever saw a i 1ntof grape JU1ce and if called fortieth cousu1 to a vine would do1 y the rol ahonsh1p Have you been bolund tho scenes Mr Barstow aaid tho m1mste1 that you speak so pos tivcly1 It was a ta 1do n shaft bt t it ht! tho mark I-the Ahem said Mr Barsto fact is I had a fr en i in the hq ior bu1n ness oomc } ears ago a dell 1s ) o sa.y I ha'ic been behu d the sccnos n.nd lndcr ·tand some of their tricks Anil may 1 ask sard Mt Thayer how y cu inanage to procure the ger l ni; ::n ticle1 Your friends champagne ln.anu fact ired m New York I as I suppose the fo1e1gn mark on it1 Of course and much of o r 1 nported "ine is as gr e ,t u. huinbt g as the homo manufacture Bro Nll tells me there JS a h ouse m the city of Lyons where they ahtp eighty ti ousand l ottles a year of Some what thoy call champagne wme chenusts an ilized it one day What do you s ppose it co tn.1ned7 Gypsum usen ite of co1 per ml 8 gnr of lea I Ugll B t s r t h o10 18 a , a.y r gett.i lg pure 'vine It cos ts t1nte and n onoy but it pays Pe1ha1 s you are uot awnre of tho rt pays It· tho genume artJCle-the simon lpure I want you to try it sir and if you don t fiI d it goos to tho right spot and works hke a charn1 my nan e s not Baratou· And v.:hen its gonc3 Mr Thayer theres moro where it !came from He al ook Ju. m1mster s hand" 1th gen nne cord al ty and took his depart ire Later m tie evenug Mr Colon an dropped m He couldn t stop a mo ment ho he "'n.s driven to de - led a dogs hie-fared n.ll the time but no Jiel1 for 1t Business n1ust bo a.tteJ d ed tQ L ea\ e you1 bus ness to you cleT'°k6 M1 Cole1 an sa d the m matei and give you1 ae]f n ore leisure .A. v1a.n of your n eans uug:l c n ot to be confined so closely to b ls ncss I know 11 but cant help it l\'I .t b on han d JU) self -can t leave tho con cern to boys But I d1dn t come here to grumble I h ·Ve worked hard all my life and expect t o A man 11 good healt h o 1ght to work And that br ng· me to my errand You look a httle worn Mr ThaJer Nothu g serous you know but J ni trifle under the 'vea.ther You mus drmk ale Mr 'Ihayer Nothrng l ke it depend upon rt I kn0w all about it for A dozen years I vc l een there myself ago evetybody thought I vas gomg nto a consumption cough night sweats and all t he rc11.t DoctCJr ordered co:l h ver 011 no good Son ebody told me to dnnk ale I concl ded it ould do I t 1 a.rm so I t ried it I t d d the bua ness for me au -cured n y cot 0 h a.nd l lJ night sweats ga;\:~ me st1e 1gL 1 appetite and ten pou1 ds of flosl 11 a llonth strung me rigl tupyo ~ see Depend upon it its JUSt wl at need I keep a barrel of no best Canada ule m my collar " d bottle it myself l l1 ac rd one of the boys round n the morr ni:;: wrth so ne if you 11 promise to dr1nk it Ah good evemng Mrs Thaver I I ope you are well No thank you 1 mu·n t srt down I called on irofesaio1 al bust neas I 11.1n :\ doctor as well fiS a dry goods mn.n J n. ho. I doal in meclic1nes as w~ll a.sin ishns I have been prescr1b ing for your :b..usba.nd Sllch .sermons as he glves us reqturci considerable hen.d work and t ell on a. n1an after awh le Try my med cine l\1r 'l hayer and ~ ou II be all n gh t rn a month Good mght str lletluah Emmersly after praying ear 011tlv one evening for the reelorat onla1 l e·tabl shm e1 t of her yom g pastors healtl resolved to add to her faith works Sho d1ew fro n undei: h or bed an old hair covered tri nk tluckly studded w th brass ails- ti o same i n '\\ h ch Hhe stored h er earthly possess ons an cl brought ,., ith her f101n the V e nuo1 f.; fai 1n ho Ill years ago \vhen she 'vn.s Jeft ~lrnost ponn less to push her sol taJ) · 'Y tl rough the "orld Ihere vere s~creta hidden in Botl 1a.h s tn1nk v1th wJllch a stra 1ger may not 1n tenne Idle We hMe noth ng to d o with tho relics of bygone days wluch she rev erently l fted one by ne fro1n th elr re treat b t \ e may look ovtir her aho tldor a.a she turns tl ~ le H"es of a l old rec pe book she has drawn from the b ttom of the trunk Some of the wrrhog rs pale "1th age tie paper worn w th long use and d ·figured by ancient atams little spin.shes of egg or bits of crusted sugar or the prmt of tl e house wife s finger - all br1ng1ng to Bcth1ah a remBmbra1 ce ti e kitchen table t the farm ho1 se where the halls of yellow hutter the bowls of cream the wooden spice box and the bucket of auga.1 could as "Well hn.v bee1 d s cnsed "itl as Tnother s cook hook Bet'- h turned tho leaves slowly h old mg the h k clwe to I or d m old O)OS but sl e did J ot atop at Mother a E!ou t1on Ca,.ir.c 01 S1ste1 Jane s S veet P cklcs or Mrs Deacon "\\lutes New Year s Do glu uts b it m tl e hack of t he hook between A Salve fo1 Olcl Sores and ~ S nre PO!lion for .B.ata she slay eel l er hand at a receipt lieuded Si iced Wme for a Weak Stomach SJ est 1died it !or g and carefully then she OJ e1 ed I er gree1 1norocco purse a1 d counted its con tents I s iy y e had spcctits on yo the n1cht Iha n ext evening "'1 en her fru g Ll sup per was cleared away with a ra.di int face Bethiah took the precious hottle ftom h er corner cupboa1d and "randed her way to the parsonage But when her n odeat re 1uest VM granted and tl o doo1 of the study thrown open she pa uiecl on the tl1rt>:.shold h er hea rt beating like a t11n1d g rl s and half t epented her purpose SJ e o lld fa1 r have takm ti e shoes from off h er feet before e terlllO' the sa. crad retreat-for must not the p} i.ce v; here those fervent d1scou1aea or which hor soul fea.sted we1a 'fr tten :Yhere the nru ister knelt at ]us pr1vato de\ ot1ons and reco1v ed the rich supply of mml8ter13.l gifts and gracea: that hun so faithful and a tc ces.sful a ls.borer 1n Clu st a vineyard be qmte on the 'erge of heaven 1 And I e the godly man bend111g ov"t lns sermon tho light from !us shaded lamp ·urround mg !nm lrke a halo and lcavmg the rest of the room ln shadow did he r eqmra the no mslunont of comn1on mortals 1 or had ho n1oat to eat we know not of 1 a.11d hoy, should she offer w"ie though it " ... the blood of the tr op cs and flav ored Wl!h the spJCos of Araby th o blast to one whose drink perchance was w1ne on the lees woll refi 1ed of winch he had beon bid den by !us beloved to dnnk ab wd antly 1 v; hilo these ti o 1gl l· I assod tl ro igh Beth ah s mind the m1u stcr w as r t1 g dow·n th o last few words of a. sentence n1 h1s sr.1 mon Then lte roise to gr ct het dr w her for rnrd to the hgh and by h s sunple kindly manner endea\ ored to set her n.t her ease She found it d1fficult to do hor e1ra.nd 1nt1l Ira 1nng her eyes ~o her ] astor s face ·II the i wt iorly foel ng in the lonely womans heart bnrst for th You do look dreadful pale Sabbath days Mt Thay er and I heard tho doctor sal<l you ho.d dyspepsia and a weak ston ach and mother was a m::1.ste r hand to nurse 01ck folks -they used ta send for l er ton nnles i ound the conn tr r -a1 d she said there v; na nothing so good for a \o;ea.k stomach as spiced w1ne and I "c fixed up son1e according to her r ecipe J\1r rhayer and I ve made bold to fetch it sir - here ·l e produce ! the bottle and if you ll go to ti e trouble of takmg a la.rge spoonf il three fan1es ~ day sir I ' o m:1t ti e drroctlous and I asted tho n on t he bottle -and eat your victuals ieg ula1 1t w11J bo !!lure to hel1 vol llfotl e1 used to tay it as Brble n edic ne and mo nt for unn1st0rJ for St Paul says to '.[ nothy r ·ke a I tile w Tc for thy stomachs sake (1 Tun v 25) Both ah s voice tremble l a ht tie wh le she 11\ as speak r g but tl c m n ster re ceived h er gift so kmdly express ng Ins thanks more Uran onco for her thoughtful remembrance that the good wo1nan was re ~ss 1red and "hon ho had co nfor ted her heart by a few wor ds of Chnshan counsel she went hoine .superlat1 vely l a1 py She was to u.Em the \ ords of h er d arv gTeatly ass sted n prnJ er l:tl at n ght for my dear P'"tor was blessed with much fre edom and rece1\ ed 1 1 n1y soul the assurance that the n eans t sed for h s recovery woul 1 mdor God bo blcsae ! to the establishment of Ins 1 ealth for winch 111erc1es I d es rl! 0 Lord to l en de u to thee the cal' es of n y l pa (Hosea x \ 2) (TO DE C0'1rINUET ) A Flymg Machme. At the seance on tl e 5th of F ebr ty of the IFrench Acade my of Sciences M Dupu; de Lome n:matod to a ciow ded as sembly the succes· of the tr al trip m Ins nereostn.t built by gover1 nent direction and s 1pport-an annouucon1ent in fact of the first real progress lll aerial nay1ga tion H a apparatus not con1plete l until after the n1ege f ParlB c ns1sts of an ovoid car firmly held by a do lble net·mg and is provtded w th a helm also a two "1nged hehx 'l'orked by e ght men and capable of producmg a voloc1ty of nearly su: miles an hour Inflated with pure hy drogen gas Lol'ISO all being cried at 1 o clock p m on tl o 2nd of February !he haJloon rose with a bo m I to tl e lre1ght of 1 8 0 feet The wmd wns strongly from t he southwest nth a veloc ty of f rty feet a second Or !er va· g ' c l to get the hel x m notron an I to keep the l o d to tho southe ast thus making by co irno an a1 gle of 85 degrees with the d1reot1ori of the Wll d \s th o bn.lloon rose tl e :v n l 1ncreasc:d 111 velocity to 58 feet a second at the height of 4 350 feet Durmg the whole period of the ascent ti e apparatus never fa led to obey the helm and held itfl course ata.unchly aorosa the v.: ind At 3 o clock the voyagero lowered at the very pornt !predicted by calculat10a Mondo court and by turnmg the head of the car to the w nd ahghted wrthout shock having traversal one httudr~d m t.le.a in two ho11re Thu· w '" domon·lratoo tho atabrhty of the o\ wd car anc\ the I erfect control of tho helm descent hm mg been effected i 1 ~ h gh wmd "rth cn!tre snfety no lllJury being done ei; en to the frag le anus of the hehx Alao that progteas may be made a.ta. greater oi less a 1gl0 t o the direction of tho win l a c rding to 1 Ls far o Ot' e' 01 lhe1e \as never p erhaps a better1ll 1s trat10n of the truth of t! o moral c h.,.wr from the old fahle of tl o chnmelon ti m l as been ex! tb tcd by tho lo 1rne ! drscus sion the past ~ear about ti e vn.l 10 of deep plo\'i111.g Thus dl8clles1on is still continu eel in agricultural papt.irs and fa1mer!5 cl lbs Indeed rt was tu one of those last that the drscu.sw n first opened-tho celebrated F an neu Club of Now York It had been a gonoral tr t!h th·! deep soils "Wero the best b it some on e of these modern philosophero etarted the rdca that deep plo nng ms a great miur:i He had tr ed it a> d kne v wheie f he spoke It rs I ard to get over the stotenicnt of that n1an who a v ers positively that t he a1 imal ia black Thero co 1ld not mcleed be tho lea.t doul t bit that those who ha! spoken m tl s way four cl ti e rnsults to be inJurious JUSt as ho had atated they were .l\foreove.r ROW comei a very careful set f expo1 monts on corn by tl e M1ch1g 1n Col lege I wl ich 1na.ny tracts of corn vero planted Wltli the s01l plowed of different depths and J ist m r roporhon to the d1ffeient <lei tha m plo" i g did the amom t 0f tho crop d6creuse Besides tlus there sco1 es of cases undoubtedly genuuie an! tn ti f lly stated wherem there was undoubted loss from deop plo\ving On tho other ha id thousands can testt fy to t he fact that deep plowmg hM been the great foundation of success w1th t1 en1 a.1 d the) \\ ould a.s soon abandon tho r hope of all that i8 blessed as to gi·e up this t1 n e honored and tnno rn1proved practice The n u n1a..l is red to theni Thero would be no ha.rm 111 tlus if each p&Ity would only admit that the otl er mtgllt possrbly le ri ght B 1t thoy w ]l not Each fights fo1 his f vorite col r "It! one s de there rs no behef ti "t a1 y g d crop ever can10 horn shallow plo,v 1llg with the othe1 sk m y plow the deep subso l ia b 1t the 'eriest n)oon£rh1ne But ~ e can loo] on and declare the a1 l nuil 13 wh1te It 1s either 01 both. of the other to us or there 1s tl e abiien ce of allj pa.rtic 1lar colo 1.s the ph loBopher,q toll s \\htt· la Wo know that deep s01! 1s tio netimes an 1n1u1y and ao neti nos-and most generally- ti e deep soil has the b est of the .rgument Why then do th~ac exporiments vary ao ? There are two reasons why 'Ihe ter1n sotl is a. very definite oI e It is not tho soil wh cl operntes on plant growth If vhu.t is in it be good the more of that good the better The deeper t he soil the ruore food it contains On the other hand if the sotl conta.u1s ba l matter ~f co 1rse the more of th s the worae for tho crop that gro" a on 1t Now sup1 ose the s ibsoil to ho filled n 1th al ov e1 lose of iro1 su ch for 1 !'!.ta.nee as many of t1 c Montg ery co t: nty soils aro the t ur o ng of t] 1S to the a xface ar d the t ll'l mg down of the goo l so I b·l~w ou d be ver) bad The do oper it is bur1od the \Vorse of courae '.Ihe young plant feeding in Its early ata 0 el\ 1po11 the surface can roa.ko no head way thto 1gh t] s infertile si ifl There can bo no cir cunutanco in r favorable to the heart w rn1 or the many otl er oxcuses wlucl poor farmers g ve for bo.d corn er s Al othe1 case- \Ve nll kno w ho v much lvater vluch 1odges rn the sotl lDJures a. crop Ui de1dra1ru11g Is fo 111ded 01 tl LB fact Water mnat go tl ro 1gh ti o soil rap dly before plants will gro v h ealthy ii it Nov 1f a soil is \vet retains moIBture long tho deepe1 rt s inado tJ e more n LLt r is l l t ho1 e u.nd the 'vorse for tl e crop 1 once h as arisen t] e d gin a 111 good soil culturo that un.derd1 nn 1 g n.1 cl sub sorling should go al01 g t gcther W o do not favor t h s rrrnerr lo absoluteli Tl ore are n anJ so1l8 thn.t might be s 1bso1led \nthout being underdra 1ed bu t th1ao a ro not those vl h h ave rete1 t 1ve har 1 pa.1 s b eJow wl ere the soil is st re<l. . About deep Plowmg -- T u.E betting on tho ap1 toltchu 6 int~r na.tlonal boat n th ~ Tha1nes I~ now two to one lll favor of tl e London cro, A young fatly bemg asked by n nch old If not yourself who would you bachelor ratl er be I bl 1shed""' sho ·,..cetly 1ephod Yours truly A Wl'INESlll being 11 ter1ogated Ni to whet} a1 the defentla.i t Jr the ,va.8 drunk re1 lrndWolf I can t exactly say that but I sa or l un s1ttu t in the middle of the floor lnak1ng grabs ut t 1e au and say that he he d be whipped f ho dtdn t catch the bed the r ext t no it r~, round 111n1 '\ OLUN?EER DAMPS - It i· · J \ th· t the in1ht1a a. 1thor1t1es h:\.\ e ]ec1 led to incrc L41B the ration ttllowances t o t i e mon lV hen 1u camp ue.x.t June I he horse a.llown.nce will u.1so bo u crease l fro1n ,..oc lo $1 00 Ho"· Tms - i Jomrg lady ent·ied ono our drug 1Jto1es n f ~ <layR s nco a.nd aake l for a bottle of J r o !i Ex.periencu The cleik 1 f 1 ed her t l ·t Jan e hudn I bottled h er expenence ) · t but the) o 1ld furnish J ayi er. Expectoru.nt of A C 'U NEHE thus d c 'lorib ~s u. tr j.1 u ti e Engl !Sh l.rnv courts () ne 1n :1. i r, q uto oilent another talks all the trmo nnd twelve w1ao men condon1 i the 11 vho has not a vord The L ondon Adtert"'er ~ays tl t S J ol n A llfucdonalcl · .,rg 1ment t·ko r &!together rs that Engl.,i l a1 d Cai ad· should be disposed to n1a e a iy concession of ho1 or or surrender of pro perty on wluch tho ha e set their h earts 'Ih I! only can wo ho snfo 'Ihu. lS Sl\fety of a 11t1a lge Kort rho rahf Cll. tion f the rr@aty-t.hon~h 111 the oor respondei ce with Earl Kin1bklrh y de 1o1nce 1 aa :fla.g UllJUSt to Cai \(l ~ has bacon o vo art.1 told ni. necas!nty n tl e rntercu ta of pence THE :No1ll er Pac1fi Ra. lw y has 1 iet li th a aar uo ol 3tacle n ti 1J deter i ineJ ref us l uf tl Q Ii din :! t u llo V' the works to I roceed A co ur c l 1 a.s been l eld at which repro·ontatnea of t ho Rarl .ay and of the var o is !1 d a i tr1b e~ 'vere present but tho lang iage lsed by the Jatte1 os Lil solent and defin.I t 'IJ ou oppoa huu to the Ra lro 1d ould be tho r r um ti o In I ann ad n tte<l but t e t l ey oul 1 b equally r l nc 11£ the woi .ks \Ter ca.rr1tJd on as the buffalo \Voul 1 then be dr1vf.ln a'\\ ay As they nust 1 er e i e the1 way they would fi ght eve 1 tl ot gh tl e) kt e · they mus t be beaten Tl e Secretary of \.'\ ar hn.s bee telegrn.uhe I to s <l tr )( l R Lo protect the votk1n 0 p~u hes · TnE Auer CR.n IIouse of Itc1 rei:s1.:: t ati,: os have sonie i t1porta.nt a.I ter:'l.tlo s i l the new t·rrff bill "I oh h ~· hoe l for ·o no t o before tl it body I ho foll v iug ieductions h it\ O boo n. n adc 01 eoo.1, 60 per cent 01 fro 11 $1 ... o to 60 ce itii po r to or fl n 18 u" ts ' l 2 1. co lts to S c i s o.nd 12 cent:i. o I g J o 14 p~ cent or fi orn *7 I ur t o to $G n l l b~r Ther es the nuss1on nry money said Iletluah to herself but uo I promised 1t to th o L ord for His sorva.i ts m a for e1gn 6eld I mist ma14~ge it sonie other wa) She tho\\ght ~ moment a d I er face l r1gl1toned l ll wear tho Lio vt rnertuo another w1nte1 tho 1ght l~ ti h Dea.r s l?. what d es 1.n oW \VO J fill hke me ' mt of a 1 ow go vr and tl ·! godly THEI<E are no v 124 p ii ils m the Deaf 50 per cent ox fro1n 20 per cent tv 10 per cent or books 50 I er cent 0 1 h om 25 and D i nb Asylum at BellM rlle cont.s to 12l cents per po iu l ~n] o pc110G AiroNG the 1 iliatr1ont1on rumour" .ilon.t aud newspa1 ers fi ou1 25 contA. t o 6 111g about in Ottawa lS one that Tor onto cents per pound Tlus u. "" pretty 1 ~riio is to h:.n e an a.ddttron 1.l me1nbor concoss1011 to the free t r a. l e p1:1 c1plea \ Nmur K (Now Jorsey) b oy dehher wh ch tv11l u t i1u.ti.=ly become do i nil t 11 ately hold 1t ~ :i.rin in front of n. h orse cn.r the U nited St~tes over those of pr >tochon whe~l n.nd allowed it tu be crushed in Times order to "'oil gou g to school ONE of tho pcpulttr an uemsnta of Rochester seem.!! to be to me int ti o Jugh R!!PORTS of the fall wheat crop m On tar10 are generally quite favorable but banks of the nver JUSt o its1do of the httle "heat has boen w nter k lied al c ty o.nd tl 1 o v stones at poop le rol\ ing th ugh it is 18 10lly back war I b 1! that is and .fish11 g below Tl e. ro ~ ers and :fiah ers arc in the cond1ti .of tt e frogs 1n t h'1 of no great eonseq 1cnce fable and don t ht\' e a ftnr share of the W1 Lr SAID - The successful compotrt01 f but an old llla.n d1scove1ed t ho othor a & foot rs.ce n ha. u g the pr zo pro lav a method of shar g t he p,port seutcd to 1 m s d Gent .:m en I y, hie l l roved to be qu to a 1ccvs11ful H~ 1 wor this c lp by the use t uy legs carr1oa a double b&rrtillcd sl vt go r. d I hope I shall 1 ever Jo,e tho i so of my blA.zes awa." at the s ons t wor~ lhey legs by tl e u'e of th ' CU] don t o lJOY it so ch aR a t fi rst l rr:t<: E 1ghsh gentlen en crrcketera are A. FACETIOUS ind1v1dual not n 1an y nnles to come over to play u1 CanOOa next from Danbtny Conn sought to d a.w Ina August They will b111 g a strong tea. n wrfo out by preto1 d g t u be f tnd d··d a d the Dle-ven compr se nll the most r e v th an e 111 t.> la.udaI uu plua.l b;; lu.a nowned players 111 the modern annals of rn le And tl at ln.<ly vn.s n. good dca.l the gau1e ·hooked &t first bit hav1n~ road that a N g 18. ca.used by r euuunu g so nee He rntrod iced in.tu the hu a.u .fl018h long in one pos1t1on that the blood ceases would 111 l c "to on its s 1rf ce \\ hether th :i t to circullte H ow ho.rd we try to nin in fleah v. as dco.d and be ng u. "'oruo.n of our sleep son etnnes to get out of the 'va.y e:iu1 1ent prncticab1hty she a.t 01 ce &r1n.ed of son1e terrible da.1 ger It does such 1. herself with L polished instr 1ic1t of near person n o good to ask what s the mnttcr ly two inchen in length .a.1 d with thr ob Don t waste time n ask1 ig a. question bing heart and bated bre· th introduced & b 1t give instant r ehcf t the sleeper I y an goo l share of t lengt h into a. 1 11.11 ror r What tl e u stanta.ncous sha.kc or even ' touch of portion or ti e doceasccl t he body thnt J re~ks the dreadful spell 11urface of tl e needle incl1cated w \5 u oL in an 1nstf'nt beca lse it sets t he blood lea1ned as ho took 1t with hun when ho J "'sod tl 1 ou~l ti e Sls! going to vai ls t l e ho art ·

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