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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1872, p. 3

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' .. .. CANADIAN ST~t\..'TESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1872. AGREAT MEDIC£t DISCOVERY.' I I HE s !FOR L;DIES 11 I .f.;.. S U I .T 0 F CL0 )II T~r~,~~~v~~l~~ v?cr.,;{~~r!:J;~~~!~. MADE TO ORDER And Warranted to Fit, for .$10 ? l"Mii°t'[~'~~y Goods, I p,,~~ .OR':rOT ~ I-I:UR'S. ~~ll~it~~~J~it ' ' 'F ,,· M'AG _ DO YOl:J 00 Dissolution oC .Pat.·t11ersbip. the.t thn Partnership heretofore subsistlni:c between us the undersigned a.s Grocera and Provhdon Morclutnt.~. in tlie . 'l.'own or HOV,',1111\nvlllc , under thfl name style and. :firm ot SILVER and DOUGLAS, has bero1t.hi s daydiseolvod by.n1utual oonse11t. · All debts o,.,.. ing to the said Partnershit> Al"E! to be pa.Id to Charles 8ilver, a.t Do,VIlln.nvillo, aforesaid ; and nl.l claims n.r e to be presented Lo the Haid Charles Silver, b}' 1vhon1 t.ho same will bo 11ottled, Dated at Ilow1nanvlllo this 22nd day or Dlarclt. A. D.1872. \Yit noss l C. SILV. E lt. L.W.SEX'fON ) W, DOUGLAS. With reference to the above, the o.n,1ersigned would desire to return thanks to tho public tor tho liberal patronage ex tended to the firin of Silv er and Douglas; and to intiu1al.o tbl\t h \~ wUl continue tho business in the Mme stand, one d oor \~rest of H enderson'a llotcl, King "t.reet, where .,.-ill be kept in i.tock n choice collection of frci1h OroccriEs, ,Provieions, Fruitfll, Ao., and \Yhioh will be eold at ratee ns rtnrorable as any house in towu. C. SILVER. Bow1nanville, Aptil 11, 187!. 3!. WANT N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, READ! I li t k f I I ' . of e ve ry description or the latest stylea, n.nd at everybod.y, just recd vcd for this I ha.v i;, ~lao a ·very euperior a.ssortn1ent o{ LADIES' UNDE!WLOTHING, T.,ADIES' COLL.A.RS and CUF.B'S. RE AD! ·i DO I l' OU /C:XREY COTTONS I at 9c., 3~c., MEaicli.EvlcToRv. llB.DEl'EW,OFPARIS.FRANCE, anomf. !l.·ntpbysicbuoffo1·e igndesc11nt,!Ho1.'fdiBCOTer11d:t. LOCOtLtOolntED PRINTS .AT CTS. l' Wh1"tF.e\S1c' Stockings at I) BRAIDE D SUITS fo r ClllLDllEN, 3cr :in , Finge1·ing and Fleecy '\-Voob! ; IlraidJng a.nd E m broidOI'y Ma teriale. Stamping for Braidwor k and Eu1 broidcry ; nll'IO, materltl-ls for the eawe.. Stitching doue to order. Chignon·, Swltchos and Rolle in grer.t varioty. ·I All ord ers pron1pt ly a tten ded to. A C ·&ll reiwcctfully solicited. R emem ber the ~ tand-Two doors EMt of Ilendc1 13011'8H otel. MRSJ. C. l'OLLARD. Bowma.nv1Uc, SepLemb~.r li, 1871. R E A D BAllG A INS -IN- T · AND THE BEST AND CHEAPEST GrentlJlooJ.Rcm o(ly -n. J·11 r (llyYeget.ableCompoun.;l -··mod b y ph,.ic ia"'· Dopcw'· Mcdic o.l VM0<y, thatcurea&Tery k iml o f unhe a lthy Hu mor,and every 4i.. uetha.tde pond.'f onJ mpu Tity (lf t b o Dlood, · h oro t.he Lung1, LiTer, and K ldn eya, an d other ,-ital or- , l&Jlt, are not w a 1$t('ld be yo n d th11 hove of r DR., ElN s s , rr,I-IE " GO 0 D .s \ NE?"B~!~I~~OP COUNr.ryp - . . Go to Ti'_ ..r ' ".,. .l' R E R E M .cAR1'H . UR'S. ~ w II , G. REED ' M #·)l tetally Aug up a nd carri ~ ou t...of... t he ~y st~ m, in.· short ti me by the m1e of t h it .Ulood ll.emcd1- Y'htum, Bczema, Sca!tl. Heatl, St: Erup tion 0£ the lkio, Ulcers, an d F e vor 8 ore11 of a ll kinda, B nil1 Humor in t h ti M ou th a.nd Stouu.(;h or E y es, Bon JCa.n,Eru ptionon t he h ead , :in d P im pl1111 or Blot <?hH on th· fai:c it 1t..n da Pre -l'! mi n1mtly &t the h ea tl of all other re~e<li u . The fa.c t b; Humors , Scrofula. and DiHase ofthll Skin , Qf whate YC1 r namf' or nl.tur~, For the oureo! Scrofuhl., Br,raipela·, ~alt- FE[_ 'T HATS ·J. F Q R ~. B R B A M AS MUCH PI.EASURE IN IN- an d ST R\_ AW HATS, FO Tl li'ORl\1ING the inh:i.bit.a n ta ofDow·u u\nville and aUJ"rO l1 ndi11g couutry that J1e ho.a opened out 21. N a\\' '!'in ::lhop in the s tore latelr occupied by J ohn .Allen, corner o! .d "'! all oChti· Fit-1t - Cla11 A A.RB !WW 9HOWING DRY GOODS .· UfD 1' IN G AND DIVISION STREETS Ilow1na.11ville, l'.'here he will keep constnntly on hand ti well s elected stock o! staves, Js:P· un ned , pressed and pla in 'fin wn.rc, ~·hloh ho \vill sell N N T -0nt betttle in ·Uch C c leanse i t when it i1 foul, and ]'Our f eelin gs wi ll te ll yo u w hen. :X:eep the Blood pure and the ho t1.lth of t ho &ysteru will follow : O c SUNDOWNS, .A .~ . L -~~ V' · W ~I."!): ~ 1" · PARASOLS RT I-I UR'S A FULL ASSORTMENT -or- "UH E AP A S 'I'HE CHEAPE S T." ~JA s T TAKEN IN PIOTURES s MILLINERY, - - -A:'<D--- - f\ () n. u ~ r.~. r~ :t ~ W . .; ~ E'. ~1:c .L\. Sp ecial e.t t ention pahl to VETRO UG HING AND JOBBING ~ttcrulcd A No. 1 Style· AT FLETCHER'S ··a Tonic .!:c. l'oM! e~;;i n g al Ho the pecul lu.t m etit uf ktin!f u ~p o werful agent in reli eving Congntio11, ·nd Ohmnic Infiaroma,tiou of the L iver and all tlLe Yi1cer11.l' eld, llllUTfedor li n g le , a t the d a w n o( WU Ul lUl hUOd, or at th·~ura of lifo, the .Medtca.l Victory hai no equal. It i1 a Gentle Regulating Pur ga tive, as "eill F. to. tdJ' Orde rs from the cou ntry prouipUy For l!'emalc CornplaintiJ, wh ether in young or ..,.. CHEAP CASH ... STORE, "BEA VJ~U llUA}C'U ,;, i s the place. Complaiut, and di ~c l.\:les of th o B:i<ln(lys aud lllad<ler, lb etr1ct1 &r& liUr pri~inK to :..ll. li'or H.egnlu.ting th11 JJowell, ·aud · ou.riug Bil lou~ne.<is, He~d3.C hA Sic.kB·aJ.acbe , . Ncuni.l~ia, Fe111altt., Veakn c3l!I; Nervou.1. neu, Pai n a in t h e, Si de; J..o in11 a11d Back, a nd ge neni.l W1&ltnt.31 l\nd·Det.ility , itlJ curative 3ioweps arc he . 7ond mune1 aud beyond price, l'l' JS 1fRl.!l.GRE A'l' G FRIN. :BLOOD PUJtl FII~ll;A.N D 'A J,IFE GlYIN. .C IPLB a porfoct. Renovator a.hd l nv igor a.tor of the System: carrj-ing off ~1,ll poisouoll.9 ~·· ~tt er and Bea. \Qring the Blood to u .. he11>ltl.iy co.ndll1on . In the- cura of Rb11umathm, lJyspepai:i, LI vet ·- - --------·-- -- Rags, Wool-pick in gs, Co1Jper, l!cnthcrs and Hol'seh a ir. t;r. Gron!; h 1i1ucen1 e n ts held ou t to pcdle1 11. N . B.- Far1ncrs \Vnnt iug Milk P nil:Y or Pans wou lrl d o ""ell to call tt 111l cx1tn1ine n1y st ock borore pu ng cl1:1cwhcrc. A shai'e o f Pllblic pu.tronnge rm1pc utfu.lly l!l!)lic i tcd. W.G. R EED. 32-tf. DowmtlnTill c, ~larch Stli. 1871. &Ir Jligbest prloc for Illdes; Sheep~ldna GOODS, --.i..N"D- Picture Gallery, SIGN OF THE RED FLAG, KIKG STilEE'l' EAST. B c:w1na 1:, ·iJJc, N oY, 23rd.1871. (j RQ CE RIES J..ND MILLINERY. EVERYTHING NE\V, STYLISH & CHEAP. .l J'O'J.L ITOCJ:. OJ' TH"a l"or !Sale. e1gh t i·oonls with nearly an aore of land, op p.~l'l l te t h e Drllf Shed , Gcol'g.,, Slrect. Stable and driving h ouse good trnJ.t 1rces, good hard Ne Plus Ultra I wrrn A NEW GLEic BOOK, PIANO A CCOMP ..UHMJtNT. D w :eLLING HOUSE CONTAINING Dtn·ban1 Bulls. Sold by all Drug'iists &' Del'.lcrs. SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE .PAMPHLET, ADDRE SS YOU NC, SILLS&. CO . . . Bath, 9n t a r 10 . ...,_·_! Price $1. 50 each; $1 5 per dozen. has been introduced, lt has b eenJ>ronou nced euperior to all other wotb or it~ kin . It ts the largest, latest finest., and only (."Ollectirin of New Glcea n.nd Qu1u-tettc1, near1y all o!"·hich have Pi1ino.A.ecompaniment.11, ad Ub. S u.mple copies maile d, post, tor 81,· 50. j . and soft, and other iJntJro veruent&. For ter1ns, etc. , u.pply to 'Vrn. G. OT.AJVER. BowmBnvillc, April 17th, 1S7!l· CROCKERY. EREYEit 'l'HE WH Ultra Gke-Book NE PLUS :Finest Farr1ily Groceries. SALT AND PLASTER ALWAYS ON HAND. low. O old, a·d NE DURHAM BULL, ONE YEAR two 'Bull Cnlvoo, Yery tlnC>-p1·ct FLOVTER,S T - J ,. P E TERS, 599 Broadwo.y, N. Y. ar. M. JOXESS. - -- - Money to i,oan. Mu1·doch Bro's Have still a L&rie and W" ll-As~orted ------ -~~--· ·--·-- D. (Druggi·t &nd Chomiot,) The highest price paid for Butter & Eggs. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION, .King !ltreot, llowm.,.Tille. TY yoareJ to hPi repaid tn !nst&ln1ents to BUit borrowers, wno nre n.llowed to m:1k.e such va.1· monts, in n.ddlt ion to instalments, o.s they 1n11.1 1lnd convoniont., may ho obtained from th& Ca nada PerIIl1Ln6nt o.nd Saving Socict7, by applying t.o . l'AREW.IlLL. McGE·E & RUTT,EDGE. Solicitors, Bowmanvllle. &"Private runde to loari.. eti L OANS FOR FROM ONE TO TWEN. Stoek of Staple and P'auey Dry BAS FOR SALE A CHOICE COLLECTION OF NEW lI(JlJSl~ & BEDDING PLANrrs. PHOTO GR.A PH GALLERY. Good~, 'l'. DA.HJ,JNGTON, whi6h they are dotermine<l to D EALER. IN DOMESTIC ANJ> POitTltD ' " @ "Fresh supplies regularly received during the se11Son. GROCERIES, CHOICE TEAS, l<'IWI'l'H, T tee. np, in the brick block cornor of King and 1'e1npern.noe tnreetA, n11e or the most complete Photograph Galleries in this eection of the Pro· vince, is now prap&red to tako in thci I1A1'ES'r AND MOST IMPROVED HE SUBSCRIBER HA YING Fll'· ALL KINDS OF LIKENESSES sell at pric"8 aa low 11 any in the Call and make Selections. "< ,· poaeesses all 1hc well-known 11rope1·tic s or Carbolic has a "healthy acUou on th , ~ s:;.:i u. 1l:·r vc11Lr itrita.tlon., removes tho c:fl"'ectl or ;:." ·:~ p ra t.:on , :z.nU ,eho1 1ld b o r cgn htrl y ~se(l by t1-u !"c~. (..:'1·1! :!'l., Smn1loox and F e ver Pat1eut8 11 honhl be ~ a~ ~u;.d wlth tbla &.>an: a nd i te use by p ~ c!l LL~ Ji:i.'rln to inrcctloo will ma.tcr lallyptevent .t.J:) :) );c.:.\l o r <li :3 e a ~ o. Price 15CClit8 per Tablet. P.:t;i~e v tic 1 1 .1·1 <lb~u fcct l og 1~ u:' r '~~ a til:i: 1:1 centcd1 1 T.a" i'.JIL::>l' ~30.AP B omMnville, May 20th, 1872. 43. PROVISIONS, &c., OROOKERY AND GLASSWARK Bown1anvllle, Out. ST Y LE 0 F THE ART. Bo ~·manville, 3!-it NEW SPRING GOO DSI - -A T - - - --------- - - -- - - ---- ~till A OAll and lnspoction of specimen1 ls requeated: EN'l'.R.A.~CE.-Opposlte Town l11ill entrance. L. W, SEX'roN. Octobcrttb, -· -- ---~-~-- the country. A.head. - ----·- - -·- - EAT TI c.; ~h er cb.cuiJ ct~l , s_ MUSLINS, LACES, PRINTS, GLOVES, &c. SOIREES, TEA P AR'rIES, BALL SUPPERS, P UBLJO DlNNERS, WEDDING CAKES Got up in the best str,Je and on rea sonable teriM by the subscriber. l'he ·w h itest, the sweetest and best brend delivered daily to clliltozn el'l:l4ln u.11 pa.1-ts of tho town. 15·3 Cat"l o.f 'I'hanll s. Qr .A. diaeonot of l<'IYE PER R..l?EAS:PE TAILOR, customers nnd tri~ u ds , and 'vould beg to sa.v that lle "!las removed t o the corner or and Ontario streets, lvllere he>\·lll be glo.d to s ee IL8 mauJ' of the itnod-na t urccl a.ntl good:temperod onois as please to give him a c1t.ll. Bowmanvillo Nov. 22nd, l Sil. 11-tt -----~------~ nurru'!, Sore.!'_, Ulceri:i, Ring· 'l'cttcr. JT:czcmn, Scllld .l:leacl. Scurvy, A h ICC'.l""O.J , llo· ls. Pi mples, &c. It poaeesAe e all lhe clea.""!in~ n n{l ll ulln" v lrtues or Carboli c .A cid, w il.!cn h;i. ~ Ucc!l. f vunli' b 7 Phy5ictaue evcrywb cro t.:>; L).:i S c:in.ti rc qunlhics not c1iE1r.ovcrcd iu uny wor! a C u t ~, \V Otc1 U.3, Ilr;:nscs 1 1<1 cnru tor nil Ski.nDiBell!!f!B, 1"hii fl At.<'1: i l n.r1;p· POP LINS, JAPANESE SILKS, FlGUltED an d PLAIN LUSTRES, PARASOLS, "10-XTOULD RESl'EC'l'FULLY Irn- CENT. 1' l' '!'URN hi.8 sincere thanh! to numeron1 will aho be made on ail oaah prc.paratlon. Price :.!5 ccnt a. EXCELLENT B owmanvill~, April 21; 1872. VALUE. ALEX. FLETCHER. purehase1 .onr 1>Ju1 dollar. BOWMANVILLE T!!.i1 G1uor.E is til e m oat reUnble 1 u:id cfilc: .'leiou11 Il ~1ur:d I in nll C.'18f'!1 o r Soro 'l'llro:1 t, fl,) a raenesi:a l>ip ti1cd l , Il roucllltia, !rritution o t the Droncbial 'l'.1:,: p 60 c.) mmon. h1 this c.iaugcnbtc climate, A td 1 u1 ~\, J>ort Darlington Ha1·bor Company. Uu1n !:!, end all d:11 '. ;t'Ju;i c f Hw Mont lt. ll'or PnlJlic bpco.kcrM a ::i .l f' i·1;.;:!r·rJ it fo t::lvnluablc. The iD ·· red ltnt 8 l ll~ i -~:- ·1·:; i:-:t i t:: i!l G!:l.rg1e ~r " u0cd lJy u lt · l 'hJ· sician:t", h..i tl r Jr t ~ 1 i c.: nru o f the ubova cl1!lordcre nro now. und1 i ·t c ~H y, ti.lo ::nost poptJJ& r in ihe .Mat11'ia OIT:iti.~i v ~ h reat h , L~ce t a te{1 MACHINE AND IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURING M .UiUll' AC'l'URE 'l'FlE N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the annual m eeting of tho stockhoMera of the Pul·L DBrliugton Hn.rbor Company, tor the electlon of Directors, &.c .· for the enrmlng year, wJJI be h eld a t the offi.ce orthe CompanyJ &t P ort Da.rllngton, on MON 0.A Y, the 'l'HIRD ay ot JUNJt _n~x.t, at l o'clock p. m. line, \vhich t h ey ·w is h to have.hound can have heir orders ffllo<l iu the nea.teetn.nd 1llost durable &tyle, and on the shortest notlca, by leaving them a~ the STJ.TEBMAN office. Brlni" o.longyourbind~ lng. W. R. OLIMIE. Hool' Biudtng. ~1msoNS HAVING BOOKS, MAGA]ZINES, Pamphlets, or s.nvtntilg ln the book The Grocery Department is alot Ua.::. ::.:. T'ticc 2:i cents. COMPANY l ' OLLO WING: Notice. is also given, t hat a reaolution vrJU W submitt ed to said 1neeting, to con~rm certain arrft.nge1nent!'I partially e11t"t"1Rl into by the Board ot Directors, with t:lle 'J'own Counoll, oft.he 'J.'own of Dowm1Ln ville, lVlt h a view to enable the said Town of Bowmanv lll~ to aid ln the construction of tho Bowmanv ille, Lindsa.y and B obcaygeon Uailway. Dyordor, B o\\·mnnvllle, 1'-Ia.y 1st, 18'1'2. McCLUNG BROS 1~01· Sale! supplied with N~w FrJ i~. Spice~ S EVERAL GOOD FARMS IN V.'EST Durham. For partic ulars e.pp!J: t_~ , J. N. l(Ul'Lt:.I 1G!:, Ol"Ono. March, t, 1872. 'I'lifS --..t ~:"'l,'!.Ci'A ~rt' f g ,a snr-e Jlt'OVCTitlvc Of 1 'i' Ji;bna SlribJc:t, Sla ttghte.rh .·n; "· I.;¢ ., 1 rJ.1 1 rnr 11estroyf O!! m\1wecn ~ tolll avia f t'0 :.::. '·: il-: 1 1.: ,, ,~ · c:1.11 ~·c nrii. in.~. I t wll l . l1r1~0 ewa.l. } fo .·T 1 '. 0. c '? ~1. \fot!H. Fl1cs. ron.cl1c~. &c. Moa., F h::!i..-'; : , c ·.!1 b o nr ~scrved from ptltrnf:ictlon byit1 u go C-t rriolir. A~iJ \\'"ha selectctl by Uer Mn.j aety's R n::r, ( '~ o:.ll!nis.~foricr:.i. In prc~crcn c e to all o t ber rr<·ducU1. 1\3 tll c b c&t Di!ii:. f ~f :t.>'l.n t fo r tho preveI.i.t!on ot i..:i ~cctt ous d lsensc e. Prlco 25ccnte. 11 c1l 'f'y ;; l1 )itl F "cvcni, Ch olel'a, fl rn o.llpox, and iJ l i nf 1r.t1 ·. u · d : ~e :; ·· c:; . I t w ill nrew;>.TJt Con t!l glon in C :~: ! :. Jt i :i.'. !5 '.) lnvnluable f Ui!! IDf ccH11g 'Vatcr ::I.MILNE, Secretary. Pig Lost. S or the subscriber, B O>vmnUYill& about two Jnonths o.go , n SOW PIG, about five'mont.hs old. ~pott6d black and white. Any person kno,...·lng of the whereabouts of above pig will pl~aso inform tJ1e undcr8igned, or u1ako 1Jn.1nc kno,vn o.t the STA.'r.l!:SM.A I'i" Offt C('. Ci r ·'··.:!, 'I , CeS~pool s, WOOD'S SELF-RAKE REAPER. BUCKEYE MOWER, HILL'S"PATE NT PLOW, N o I~, SCOTCH CANADIAN & GANG PLOWS, STRAW CUTTERS, ROOT do., FIELD and GARDEN ROU,ER~. FANNING MILLS, CULTIVATORS, HORSE POWERS, ,~:· \~r ·~~:. '". i,'.~,~~; llfll.11 Pm:rJ....."U'!ION ie nncqnallcd tn 1tff n !'idit:r for Sha.rpen1ng nnd PollsbiD..g Cutlery, Tn.b IP and Pocket·1'nive!! 1 R~z or!!, ti urglca.l Instrument 11. 8hoe-uaker11 Kn1Yes., Plane. Bits nnd ObiHels, &c, NothID2 ha.a CTer been discovered which he.8 !pinng , b to pop"aladt y more quick!~ or b~me or 1G much T&luc1n every hoa.seholU' ::i.nd workah O.P tor atnCral ueofulnets. Price 25ccntB. ...... WOOD-WORKING MAClllNES OF ALL KINDS, SA ~' ING MILLS, SHINGLE MILLI!, HEADIKG MACHL.'(El!, PLANERS, IRON LATHES, DRILLING UACITINi!S. IRON-PL.A.NER5, &e., &o., &:c. »td TRAYED FROM THE PHEMISES First .Prize Cultivatprs. T th e attent.ton of farmers to tbe one-horl!le And Lwo-horselron Cnlt 1Tt1.tors mtt,nuft1.c tured by him, and whic h have for six years obtained:flrist prizee at ProvinoiaJ a.nd Loca.J: Fa.irs. 'rhey are nn· donbtedly the best implenumL of the kind in use, and will in a very short tln1e n1ore than rep1t7 their cost, ln the etnciencr a1nl excellence of their work. Inep6otiou inTlteu. A isupply of CnltiTator.8 now on ha.nd for the ~pri ng work, and will be eiold s.t loweeit rates, IRON HARROWS of a. ruporior kind, a.lso r)n h,..nd. cheaper. HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT SPRING STOCK, --1·-- Win.ADAMS. .Bowma.nvllle, l\iarch ~.18nt S:J-tt. l~GIY&, - - -- -- --- -··-- - .A.ND TllE THJ!;ORY OP' M"U!!Il':. rrAYO, TlOLt~, HA.K.110N"lt:M Ui1".A disoouut will he fo:r t«mi!!, ke., to be tnl\de t o Mes11ni. R . & H. O'H&ra. S_ tationo··· 1~-31>1.. J OHN C.AMIDGE, MUS. DOC., ENGLAND. Tea.eher of the abOTt'!. .AppUcati011 Groeerie~ of TWO A.ND A- H.U,F l'l!:R vVE KEE:F' NO :PEDT... ERS For Plows and otlrnr Small Implements, But will ·ell auch &i-ticlea &t the Worb for price· lea· than &ny e&t&blishment can do which pa.ys large commiBsiona to t.ra.vellers. BUGGIES AND WAGONS Dental .Notice. I eonl!lt.Antly on hand for sale. fir .All kinds of Blackem,Uh work done on the shortest notice. A oall 11olieited. 15-Mtf. I. 'VESTCOTT, DowmanTille Ontario . Bank DIVIDE!'I D NO. 30. ' quiring hil aorviceis AVING DISPOSED OF MY DENH oan a ekilM Dentist. T. J. JONKS, L. D.e. llowmanvJlle, Ja.nua.ry 31, 1872. ar TALOm.eetoMr.8.G.WEBSTER,L.n.s. with pleasure recommend him to all r·· OENT. on Ml h pure b U~ over one T Fannors will therefore get Plow·, &c. , at tho Manufactory, at n. a di v"hle ndof t'o u.t· per cent up on the pa id up Capital Stock or this J.n stitu t.ion, f or the cu rrent half yca,r, ha.s thi s cl n.y Uocn rlec.lnrod , a,nd that the same ""ill be p aya ble at the Bn.n k and its Branches, oo a.nd &fter SA'IURD ·..\.. Y, the E'IRST 1da.y of JUNE nex t. The Transfer Books w il l be closed from t he lGth to the 31st of 1\-Ia,y, bot..h days inclu sive. Notice is A.l so g i .... en, that t1Je ANNUAL GE N~ ERAL lVIIJ;ET1KG of the Stoc khoklcr$, for the election of Di routors <~nd .A.J oen<lmcnts of By-law s will b f) held at th e Dan k ing I-lou se , in Bow·rna.11ville, on M ONDAY,t.he'l'IIIRD day of J UNE N OTICE I S m mEBY GIVEN, THAT reduction from usual prices equal to what is U8U&lly paid ped- lers. A few reliable .Agents n.r~ engaged in taking order.11 for Roapero, Mower·, &c: Orders entru·led to them will reoeivo prompt attention. · being the South 90 .Acres and 10 on the N'orth-e&$t. cQrner of J..ot 9, in the t.lh con . of Darlington, 21 mtlee from the Town o( Bown11,nTille. 11'0 a.ore~ cleared, n.nd 30 in \\roods. (,'omtortablti Dwelling lloul!le, good Barn, SU..blo, and Shed; some F'rult Treet1 on the premie:~e, a. flOOd 'Yell, a.lso "'1:1trenmo!Spring \Vater. Forturther particulars n.ppl y to the proprietor:.. TIIOMAS \VEJA DON, Tem po P . 0., or to JA.1\-IES WELDON, Lot No. 13, in t he 4th Con. or the aboTe Town&hJp. 17-33-3m. loo FARM · for SALE· ACRES OF GOOD LAND, Complete in everlv Depart~ent, -·--- - --- - - - -------- Wa11ted. M.Mo~~LS goo(l winter applee, dcll...-cred in doll01', oxetf;t Ylour and Grain. ~ THREE OR FOUR HUNDHED BARBURDEN Bowma.nville, Feb. 281.h, 1872. WERRY. ALLI WORK TcRNED lOUT IN }'lRST CLASS S'l'1"I,E, AKD '\V.A.RR.ANTED. next. R. HUTCHISON -HA S- AGENCY OJ' TUC BOO Tea., Dinner and ChambM· !Seu, in The ch~dr to be taken at 12 o'cl ock, noon, precisely. By order of the .Bon.rd , 0 N1'ATit0 Bc.Nl{, A.ND Dowmanvillc, A.pril ::!O, 1Si 2. D.Fismm. Cns.hicr. i .1 FAREWELL WINTER! MARKUS MAYER WILL BE SOLD , BOWMAN VILLE iruRNITURE MANUFACTURING CO. ALL THE NOVELTIES FOR THE Spring Trade. NEW SPRING Respectfully invites the attention oft.he public to the fact that he ha.1 opened ont hla T R_Ppoint-Od retail a~c nt by the DO\'VJnanYille P'urn1ture 1'1anufacturmg Co. , Is 110\v in a por:illon to flll all orders at a.slow a rate as any dealer in the county, 11-~ IlOBT. S.MANNING. HE SUBSCRIBER HAYING BEEN and Stonewve. ~----~~~--~~~~~~-+ D A I LY - TO- L INE Corn for Sale, GOODS ConMI and aee our China Hall. R 0 C EI: ESTER. rrHE NEW LA.KE S1'EAMER Will on u t· ubout 1st An1·il next, commencu)te ' regular d<i.ily lrips, (Jee pcr1niLtin g,) Leaving Coliourg every rnorning l~J.. 7:~0, P ort Hope nt 9 o'clock,_for ftuc11cst e·1·, < ;onneobng there 'vith N c"v 1'.'" iwk Centra,J, Nor thern Centl·;·.l , a nd E:rie ,fta.ihva y. fur nil po. i 1i1.::1 1~~a1>\;, .8 ont.h (l.llCl :-:iout.h ' Vt·i:t. lt ETU H.NJNO., :t.ea.v~s Ch a rlotte, P ort of Roi.;P,ester,every eve1h {~g ~t 9 o'clock, (except S1il.urd!1YB, when sho leaveis a t 2 o'c.lock,P. 1.1., fo r Bn g-h ton ). The S1,ea..n1er calls at B l" igh t.n11 , Mondays nnd~ Thursday s ; nt Colborne; cycry day except \-V l'; d ncsday; n.t ' Vhit by, Os.n a.1vH., Da.rli?gton, a nd lfeWcastle1 on '\-Vcdncsday, should froigh t offe:r, Dealers 1n sto0k w.ill fl.n d this t ho ohco.peat an!l quh'.;~ est route to Alba.n y, Boston, N ew N0 R s E 1\£ .A N' R. HUTCHISON 1. ' he CLAillll.101\".f is a dandy, ia aolling good·, hought under the moat Tile J UILROSE a .favourite, favorabie: circumstancea, at prices 'l'hc SilRATOGA. a beauty, Much Below their Present Value. '.l'he CHICA.GO a gem, A.nd the O'l".l'A. WA. the best o.f all pl!"- CALL AND BUY THEM.~ Such t1.l1 it.rray o! Ho.ts n,11d Ca.vs, and such etylc!5, must t"mpt the inost n1L!erly to inv ea:t . in a head ornament, Ennie:killen, April 1, 1872. ~tr. 'J'l~ ~ H1'~ Qf 'vhtQh OF HATS, lHLi n&Vt)r been, surpaaa(ld in Bowmu.TW·, 'l'ry R. 11.U'l'CDISO.l\', CHEAP for CASH Whole or Cracked· John McDougall. WFor one wont.h we 'tl>ill gin a Lumber and Shingle" F IA OR SALE, AT MY MILLS, Darlington. IN ~un~ on Crockery of 1'BN PKR A, B. CAMPBELL. Darlington, Nov. 291 1871. 18-tl S)lle11(~td Farin f'or ~ale, CEN1'. on owb pur ::ha.~ee. 'tork, &c. 141 t( 'Adc1i:CS$ . R. C, P o? . ' t l !opo, Ont C~<\..RTER, habito!practicing with,b·ll.oartridg·, 6n th· rtat, will ple&fil! boar in m1nd t h a.t rrom t he &;c,, &c 0 &c,, present time, any consent , hitherto given by n1e.t 18 absolutely \Vitl1drawn; and aoy one Be suro &ttil itttll nt Lhe s!f"u of il1e "PLUG," Col"n~r King and Divielon Street!!, and you wilt wiltully oonlinuing Rifle a.tter this noUoo must be den.It as the law directs, get · uited both In priee eu quality. MAllKUS MAYER. J'.IU.YNES. . ts Sh . ir ·· .1 Bo~a11.vrue, GENT E MEN°S FURNISHINGS, ! -rNo~unrNq~ I THE .Notice. MEMBERS OF VOLUNTEER N I to c 0 11ars ·· ·' N ec k ....t ies . . . B r a ces, . . · ·· · l\1illtla ti.nd other s \Vho ha."e been in the · nes.r thq Town of Bowmanville. ..A.vplicalio~ be t o ,T, BA'I'E8, Proprlotor. Bowmanvlllc, October, l8TI. 10-tf. THE COUNTY OF DURHAM s. }'or pcnonir who want Bargnin1 ~----------- ------- Notice, D. '\VILLIAMS, mu!lt lll\J'" up durin&' tJ1e p?t.tent month. .Bo"manvllla, Feb. llU1, t81! . and the rnoney, MUltDOOR BROS. is the plaoo to go, anti. now time. A LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO M. ip:o:U io, 1rn. "'· ·

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