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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1872, p. 1

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Qtye (![ rnaut lit ~1 §t tf £Ellull1 bl sl cd I I I MR BEECHER O < THE DARWIN IAN THEORY nted a 'lc J tl c P 101 Evea y Ji ici. a t;d.1y llll orsHn;,, tor In101 'vV ~1: KING Ft 0 I_, I 1\f I E, at t.l o OFIFUJJE-Post O ill<:: <J llll! 1>ck srunT ll0 \ 1'1\NVlLIT ON I LE ., ONT"' THlJJ{SDA Y, ,JUNE 6, 1872e B 0 ~-:1\TMANVJI l'f JI .J .JL (ORI T~A NO. 45. good Re\ He1 ry \"'!, ard Dcecl ~r on S ind l.J 1 g 11 t1 e co ise of ]us ser 1 on thu~ I exr sac 1 1 1self re ar<l tq tl e Da.1 v; n ian theorj It lfS of 1 t tle conseq te1 c to e v ere I ca1ne fro n it is of ll. gre ....t deal of conse quc1 ce to l e t 1 no v ,v] ere I ant go ng Tl ere are a gre;it many 1ne1 n~ t1 c 1 res ent a3.y investigating the :road wh ch has btcugltt nrn.n n1 to tho I reseat state and I do i ot oay th,\ those iesoarc eon aJ not Iconfoasto icunoaty tit matter u!I ~===~~=~=====-~-= -~=-=-=-"-==================~====~~~~~~=~~~~~ '"='~=~~ be of benefit [ reg~rl the labors of Mt tlune unworthy scrva.nt to deln: rir th1g uttered underT1n1 s breath Pa. 8 co1n1ng prays the loudest says I thats the r c st Dnrwut ~1th profound interest bol cv111g 1 ttle wh te Ia.tnb 0 Hi of the I a. v of the A 1 o nont later Tohn DR-\ is entered w1llin t 1nnke sac dices for othe1 peo )1e s th;it de world ill in t e a.ccot i h 11 .,., hon tJ.nd 0( tho pn. .v of the bear a.nd out of tl e] aud of the u 1cuoun1c sed Phili~ tu e even as. did thy so1 vnnt Da.v1d when ho 5 note lnm aud elev !um ·, tl &t J e fell upon his face to tl 0 earth Do thu! 0 Lord a.nd get great grea.t glory to thy 1 for ever and e'er A1nen What does ho nean? thought Grace ~a. 'ague feel.ii g of uneas i ess stealing oi; or her at the solemnity n.nd car ncstness of the pot tion Then ho broka o ·t en g mg t l DJ.I clea e: :i. eat voice ~ I-Ie caught 1l m straightway by ti o bo rd No IY d e ti ou dog ho crled Sor e sl allGodao cnes "ho l avo h s name defiled ro LETTIE MA Y ER R e:oi cc fwly Jn 3J_' OUK OB, CN .& iH'.N\H ·N Q B"' 11. tl ~ ::i. tenlion of h e l bl c o L1 G rut t l at uG i.a~ open ed CJ t hlfl I-11~rl-,S, Bc.rwml!.nT lie S cet s ster tho gh thou rt !M fron: me Yet st! t t l y kmiJ 8oft voice 11 ea.r -\nd n.11 oat fa cy tJlo la.rt ner. r ind tl .} don.t fncc 1 soe 1 gaze upon ti e bl to oxpa 115.:, Of rlppl n g wa. es w1th lol\ging eyo3 'i._n 'l tl nk upon the al 010 that hell So !er b e ond ID} glance lhc like o! Til ol hao ne o beon s :irp:i.ei3ed '"""""' ~it1lhH~~ ~ nt!hn~ . !Uae MH ~U) .,.l!<] .t J!avcu u t e , Ji P.le ~;IU!ll.~ f C} ~ . u a b tirntth, :nae t::il!J!C \GO a ~ ( m, t"c bes .. o" .·JI 1' mi t E~e O l I %. \'W 11.. -'-' ~ ._ · v or I t ts n.n l C l · d s .. <ii a nd y, } m ds arc around mo I l ni; e all That 1 ea. t corud "\\ ish yet a sto m no I 1 ear lo s waeter vu cc than thine No ucaror face recall I (A:D~NT I :such a.n ~ } 1J}}1E.!"-~cw!~.I~NIBIIINGS, I !.oc & 1 st ·s n ui; t r pt t o u os v he c:. o a c nt m so Y to 1.1 vest I c i.n ot thoo forget for n.h rhon ¥. crt my tr est earlies i'nond My love for ~b ee ca.n bl.' o no ond No cl o.n"e can over know were aga n n g e:i.t dest1Lut1u Tl s mn.n s r n was CO.LJ11 lote ~nd drea.df il He r o8e fr< n1 hJJJ sick bed with JUSt PLUG co ner !( ng a d D v slon St eots a..nd you will stre gtl eno lgl left in hil'I rickety 1 a.If ~l ,1tKUS MA'i ER pals10 l Lo ly to , be dnvon b) a slaVJsh w1ll to the grat fica.t1on of ]us app~tite seek1 g C\ ery day 1n one and n.1 other of the places iu. the village wl ere I quor "as sold for th pol.Son that ~as hu1ry1ng hun AI TH E to ]us grave Filth .i.nd poverty and d s ease and gu lt w1:ire all that remained to THE R!;V DR WILLOUGHBY, this be g cre ...ted i i Gods l nage A.ND I There was no a1 s \er when Grace kn CK "" G ~;~ t b s·e·" If, ~::S: I S V\T I N E ed nt J h l Davis loor and :!.he entei ed ST:l3SCRIBER H \VING RECEIVED H IS B Y Mil.HY SPRUiG WALKER softly Tl e ioom bare a.nd fireless was dueei ted 1 t tl e sn all bedroo n beyo1 <l CHAPTER X where a fo v weeks before Dr Willougl by '!TIE Dl:tl N KARl 8 CURSE had talked with tlw h 1·bnnd !Ind father uLil.h:D T O Ill Ii: PUESJr.N I S .AS".N wholo she fouud the children playmg lbout tie WU IN\ lI;;;::; THl !NSPJ CW@N OF TH E PUI r TC bod "1 er" their mother I y Mrs Davis said Grace hngten1ng to 1 er s de I did not know you \Vtlre s ck Jent y Davrs tu1ned her head And d1cw up the sheet so a.a to covor a part of her sfill l ircl nscd befo10 the recent face r ise n prices Il U:\-Y N MJ heil.dlaches she 1und T n pit "W l e i Mr La.ndon brought Gr;ice ho111e d < own t h o b aI'Y an d oet ~ cIian f or !\itss Bo vn: n.n Je Oct 9 (} l 'l 1 after 1 er \eok s o; sit to the c ty he uar "'\\ Lllot ghby - - ----- - ---- - -rowly escaped ti. second encounter with '1 ts Da vw L et me h eIp my~e If " Crazy Joe rhe lll3.U was a.t work in the n ' II b th b b T 1 n t you rmg me e a Y till front prd under D1 VI illoughby s duoc "'h i e · 1 a JI IJoy " Iio Il~d recent lY effoct Noh<re-Reu1ovaD tion I rot.ect1ng son e shrubboIJ fro n t 1e ed an er trance mto l\frs \\illot ghby s ~~~~~~·--"""""""'"""~~~~~R HEID H AS :REJ\10 "\ E D HT(; eeveri tJ of tho sea.eon Ho 'vas talk ng kitchen in l!! O unprecedented a tnanner res denco to tho house latcl; oocup1e l b As there is a great deal of n11siepresentat1011 tegai dmg the softly no~ to lnmself and no\ to tho came for ore! at the young lad) ·call and Dr Cro le on Wellington St oo Su -ge ~ at Ws old residence S I or St 'Ct Ottice 1 o t1 plant w] i h nth strong sl lf l hands ron110 a ro to s p ro 16 !tr'. meuts of t he chfferent sev. rn,., machmes and rnay persons l e te1 de Iy viap1 ed from tho cold the pit tle U1bv. in ler lap Recogn1z1ng tl e r f.itauu she entered tho r oom have been misled h} the,,e unti uthful statements wo gn e be mnnster st~ndu g by when tlto sle gh w tl n. g e ~t app"'arance of secrecy he ' n.s loi;, tho names of a few of those who t ested the vVanzei stopped at the doo" J oe looked up and en lea.i: 011 g in dun b show to impart to recogu zing its ooc 1p :i.1 t bega.n to exh 1 t Jvfachme a 1d " ho afcer w trds ex( hangc l tnem " ith us for the r; gng of angry excitement \hon Dr hsbrotlersaodsstersthefactofhsprc v1oul.'I ac1 a ntance a.nd its hn,ppy 1ogults T ockmau O ~born 01 Ra3 mo1 u -soPie of thern pa} mg ,1s "I' illougl by caugh t h1' aim Tho b:.\by pale and puny and so lank and FareweH,1'IcG ec & RuHeti;.,c, J oe " d ho very sternly stop it long that the s1na.ll 1 oy could hardly ca1 ARRISTERS AI lORNEY S SOLI 01 er 820 to ex cha ige ins antlJ I l ear d of yol 1 trea n1 e1 t of r; t w tl oat lrngg ng son1e pa.1 t of it on 0 TOR a d tl,9Ul P bl th s gentleman the othe1 l y :Ii o " I ti e floor ~a.king ta poor httle blue th n b MD;o C G HANNIN G B o man lie J E E AitE" ELI L L n,,, H McGEE B \ lla HON J "1MP><ON l JAMES HU JL] u01' lJ A vant to say to JOU once for all 1f ever f o i its o ith and rio t liking tJ e ch!l. ige <l o W G P E RY Ol"FIC:n: --0 e ' ' n Me~11 t r 8 D y Gon 1s do aga.u by look or gest re or ~ ord yo Sto e seco d door ves of tJ e Pos t; Otflc P f I os1t10 se up a: dis '.lal ·~ t l ng eta rs do behave disco uteousl) to h 1 j o 1 ll 1 '>\ E IJLLKY do D d it v:it t 1t1:1 vr b bby1 s:11d Tin c r 1 y sei; ere disple . . . su10 Do Jo und do n l LI e I :i.t ent nrms openl! l again to ie ED ~ARDS do sh1. 1d me sII1 Mr Landon 1:1 n y f11cnd cc1vothcrbnrde1 l\IR L UMMIS lJa mgl t 1 llJHARD SH A \ \ Dar n0c\on a d n y Ua gl t er s f11end a d sh!l.11 be Ho a a d etf 11 treated ith the gtea.teat poi!s ble i e ~pect H T WII KIJ%0 "< N e c otlu P LO \ J%1N Claxke U 1less you 'va.nt ton ~ke 1 e 'CI} a.1 gry do :MRS HILLAM do Jou vill ' 1 ever g Vtj n1e occasion to i101 do 1'<R J3 \ R FOO I lo t10 l tt l.S S ll Jl:lCt ga Tl s rcp1oof ad n1nlBte1~d l\H::JS H AM BL'i l ort Dall i gton S lJO n LAND Or o V\ il1oughby s mo 0 t cl gn1ficd inu,1 ner "" l l\Irs hastily C W f,C.fTTH D· h gton A. LOCKHARI CI .c stn: ck te1io1 to the culp11 LfJ he ~rt S1LPHE '< CI EM ~ N C E Dn..r l > 0 ton tho respect a i d awe the c rly l ea.<l.ed bo, Jo You a eve y th.1rst'\i 11~ d G1ace aft I HO f "-" :\fcCI f 'G felt) ear:. ~ g o u 1 ,'J 1 structo s p l:lacnce she 1;11, ho v ea....,eily lhe sick \VO l n.n drank W ILLI \l\1 CLE :l1ENCE do d :i.1 D ' ILLIA all the sna n o ar cl conf 1sion he ox.perlenc W 01 ld y ou hKe a cup of tea1 M 'L1 'I H E\ COLE Tyrone do ed v;hen repro~ed for an unp rfect leauv llE V R J30YLL V\ c hi:n e 10 tea in the house said the gray headed man u 1 der ;ve:.1t now at Jenny Dan· I OH N B lJ RN Mor voIB R R LOSCO\fJ3E do tl s rebt ko He put np both hands en she re I h aome in my basket ~1RS BROCK <t o [A il t 0 1e~t 1 a1 y )thers treatu gly and l ia face expressed bo mlder pliod and going to the table she began to !4 t Joh1a Iii Ea1 ~d1e"o~ &c Sh1rLs, Colla rs, 1'Je clz-t 1es B races, d<le1e 1 11 e k ie., iot vl y and atolo away to} or roon1 She went the nex.t day to carry a basket of Ir ' sions to J oh1 Da s far uly "'ho Grace sl i\_R R I VALS ~ GI _,ASGO W f-IOUSE I !'>., T TIE At:>s ortment o f Goo els, P _,:'-\_TERSON. STTJ B B ORN FACTS I I D B "M I the 1oon1 Grace h d se n ti is rua.u ofte1 in her fathot B houso Ho :vaa a c.nrpcnter by trade n.nd 'vhen he was a steady sober man Dr "illougl by use<t fr equontl to en1ploy J1.1m to ht a lock 01 tnend a 1 e f1~ctory door She ren embered h1111 as n. quiet 1noften~avP. ma i some'\\ hat silent and unsocial but perfectlJ c1v1l nnd ie spectful111 manner Once she1ernenDer od I e b ought with lum a hltlo IOU headed bvy and setting the l1ttlo fellow· on 1:t. heap of shavings in the barn gale ]um h1s rule to plaJ 'v1tl n.nd turned round from his worl no\v and theu to clurrup and vh1stle to his bn.b;:i boy lie stood lll tho door vay no., 1agi,::ed il tl y bloa.ted and. heav;y eJ ed and looked about h min ~ sullen and ill ternpe1ed 1"ay till lus eye fell ur 011 Grace Be ki:.c.w her sta1 tl) 'h1tsshe doing]erc? hesadtoli~ vife with an gly sco\vl She ca.ate to help us tl e wife ssi d tJ idly to ln g so:ne tl tng~ for tl e ch ldren Ill have noue of her h"'lp l o sud Do you hear1 -to G1a.ce- we vant 1 ore 01' 11 help Go hon d i B\'er <lat ken my doors ag un Yo 1r fathers a canting old hJ i-1ocr1t and I 11 tell huu so to l u face if I get t] e cha.nco H e can I reach a1 U p1~y a.u<l wlnne over ric.:h t1 1 1 ers and .el p the1u all into l ea.ven with his pr.leHtcraft but} l;l 11 s 0 a poor inau go dov; n to hell before ho 11 lift a finger to '3ave h Dr V tllougl by · daughter roM from her s~at pn.le anU trembling but ihe f 1 riots man sto din tho doo1 waJ and sl e lare 1 not pass l 1m Cl rze luni smd J O hn Davis curse the proud old a.r1stocra.t ti at calls it re 1 gior to drink \\lne and bia.ndy uid aM 1 for ~poor man to take lua p11 t of "h skey now and then Curse hrm I say aud make hun feel 1n lus grand ho tse and h b d 1 under lus s iny roa c oth "' OI) e' 11 ho I threatened 1110 v.;1th lll my r;i,gs I want he shou j d d ru1k tl e cup I n1 a drink1n I want he should feel m I IB own fiooh and blood a id m h s body and bones the curse I o · left me to bear I w~nt l e shoulc\ be humbled and dusgra.ced n.nd ashaiued to show Jue head among docent folkstha.tswhat I wrut .And '"hen thep1t opens its mo ith to take 1 o in [ 11 tell every soul there th~t n. ca.nt1n hy1 ocrit 1cn.l old ptll~on na ned ~ llo ghbJ se t methere He stood aside to let herp~iss when her basket an i the food that remained on the table ca. Jg] t lug eye D1d you 1 rmg those th 1gs? e sa ] She luade hnn o answe1 for she too much f11ghten d to speak He wan th:i:o r g the f1agn1e 1ta i 1to tl e ha2kct vh 1 13 b Dai.: 3 crept tr Oh n you plc ee pa \V1thone k1c:L:: ofhisJcavyboo t hese t the boy half acr as tl e roo n For sha1ne sn l G1auo £01 0 ott ng """' Oh I 'nsh 1 '-~is a 1na.n JUSt for )1e1n1nutc an<l. then to p10"\ethat she war1veryn:n1h of1 v rr n l:'lleb ga. to cr i.: at cl ra. o t of the J ouso s faat as she coulJ CHAP'"fER XI 0 0 0 cl led. the vo1co of tt l ew co1ue1 - for the brtof serv ce :vas 1.:011clud ed a 1d ·e,oral who 1 ad followed tl o drnnka1d to lu:s gr::n e J01ued the con i aJ.1' grcrit dl'l l of c1od1t Altho gh I a t 1 ot prep::uod to accept all ] s s ec I t.t 5 I thank l i u for RU h s ded 10 t 10 s of fact I do 1 ot part c11 tte a p'! icle , tl tI ose tl at di cad the dea ( f na 1 s ha.\ ug svrung on the piazza No no its Briggs tl n.t front 501 ue l wcr fotnl uf exustcnce a.ll makes the l!ln.cr1fices when he takes tho that I a.ek 1 8 that yo 1 sl 0 1' n. e how I got ~o no ch ldron a shoes for ivhu!lkey and the oli lvo1nans betJt bel ci ults to fll 1p the empty Jug Tho li\ugh that f llowed tlus sally wa.s not ngreea.blo to l't'Ir Br ggs aJ tl he scowled n.ngr1lj in the d1rect1on of the speaker but the young man happenrng to be a good cu.stonier he S'i'I allo\\cd h srage fron1 1 lnt 'cs of po bey and ar swcted J un with a bla.nd sn ile You n1ust 1 ave your Joke Mr Ch11 p the I 11nselle1 but I put lt to t l 18 e1e comt a.n~ if l l ai:en t al" <1..) 3 con l ct cclruyb1snesac111 111c ules f equ1t;yand oo !\..trades a trade (.\. nl Im an honest 1nn.n earnin rr J cl Ilclrc1 s brcn.d in an } t'st v"'-Y l nt I doi t 1 ever sell 1 qu r to a 11rin vhen he a } ad as much as is good for hun Ive hn.d a lon:::. oxpcr1 eiceuithebus css ge1tlenen nnll\e learned to be ver) cueful Go it Buggs 511 cl tl e youi g man again Nobody e'er getsd1u 1k on your piei ises Oh 110 10 1 a dreadful abuse l rnan ain t J ou1 Folks get their hquor ·oinewhcrea else and come t< youi pl i.CC rlru k: and you 1 ave 0 take all the bla :ne Co 1 e what 8 tl a ~o of talk 1 that "aJ1 YLu might as \vcll wn up 1f it wasn t f or your place ~n<l n oro 1n \Vest Union J lSt 1 ke it the sexton ·wouldu t b e fill in up tl al g1ave you d e1 Its a inean busuiess and yo 1 know it b nt fo Ik s w ill d nnk and yo I m1g1 1t ~3 we ll 11 moi ey ot t fit as the- next man _ Ain t tl at eo? On ill.} hon r geutlon en Sf\ld Mi Briggs I' e told ])a.v1 s t1u1e and tuue ag;un he took n1orc than wari goc l for ht In fact I ·c sold it to hm for tl o s x n1ontlu1 under protest a.nd often sent l 1m a.way without a drop when he caino here begg 11 f r it I Of course yo 1 have reJomod Olapp when he hadn t any money or old shoes Ol bed q ilts In P"J for it with ftlr 13.nggs f'Iewve1y iel i.ntheface a11d a pa1 ty of ~choolboJ.B n.ttrncted by the lo 1d tones of the ta.lke1s Joined tha1 r shrill vo ces to t1 0 lei igh t n.t follo red \\hen ts1bsded the man who hn.1 fist introd eel the discussion ?.gain too.n. his pipe from his mon th s.ncl sr oke m de fc1 co of h s friend 1'>1T ~ look ha·· Clapp S" ] ]10 J. ·' · '~ yo 1 aro too plaf!uey hL\<r· 1 on Ihiggs ._, u He 8 au honest fellow and hos folio ;vin an 1 01 cs.t C[l.lhng He" J 1st 15 good a 1 :il t tu sell wh skey as Deacon Riley over ... tlie ,,::i.,y las t o sell gia1 r.nd groceries He 0 ves i.:ou a lonost 1 ea1 dont le ' for a.n l onest I enny 1 Yo i un t Ll~ .... _e<l to b1 y l 1s liquor Yo C" t tkc 1 '"" yo l can leavo it ] be! eve 1n free t1ade ldoi1ealllcolld too1 10°ea.l .. :vthat11 " it1 tle erso al11;.-,lts 1d1n ]iv d l h be1ty n.nd rep itat on anl clear froni ll.IOI keJH u,1 d then l 311 q nte satisfied to ha'e had one f t' an n,ucosto1 fifty centuHe· a.go (Lai~htcr ) Only the rl fference gre \t enough an 11 contei t I 1 a :l J HHi i\S h crre spr ng front a u on.key as rro 1 some n1en I know around } ere (Re 1 ewed Iaug itcr) 1 look npoa the Patago 11a1 s 1 1 the miser able crn. ¥1uu.' Esq 11 na x an<l I <l.01 t see 111 ch to chooBe let ween them a 1d my 1a. t ent 1111una.lhood I don t ca1e so rouch l.bout th tt thug fol I l a.vo J e'er been there I had 1 u early aisocui.t ons ri g1e t vhiloa0 0 Il::nenottle least l lee tion of vhathappened 1tu ll101ye\.lsago t\.ll my hfe is look ng for :vard I wnt t to kno v "here I a got g I don t c~re where I fronl ~ ----- -·AN EX'lR ~ORDIN'l.Rl C AS I 'Ile iro cce ) 1 gs I t a c se wl ch hn.s 1 o pteCt!-dent 11 t] 18 col ntry hai;e occ rr ed 1 1 Toro1 to Tl e following are the part icula1s A 1nan name l Donald So Jthe1 a. d <lece~sed a "go I ad 1n J 1o 6 ]ior t tine ·· ... 1110'1 " nc O" " 1 od a freehold property on Q ieeu street est Ho left a. w1 low but r o ch1l lren and no coHateLal he1ra ao fa ru; co lu Le u.::ccer t~une l 1here was n.r1 n ent1y not} x g d1fficult m all this but it ap1 cais that So 1tl erland wa.s of b1rt1 and the la v I iov1J.e tl at s ch 1 I e1son dy 11 g t state aud having no hcus of l 1!i body i or co1laternl his fr eel old estato escheats to the Crown In tl 111t c t."le .. i u qu11ntio11 was called by til o Cr w1 u d !\fr K l\IcKcnz e Q C ai cl M1 Jol11 O Donol ue were app uWd Oo1nu11s.s1on ers A spec1il Jury ,il!\ callad which sll.t to e 1qu re 11to tl e title of t ho loceased to the proi erty lus intest aCJ } is lleg1tuni\C\ a 1 d \~hothcr or not he J ;ii u y heirs ~ The J uy lo m 1 that t 10 title of tl e io ceaaod was good ti ot he l ad 11 adu n will that he was of illog1timate birth and that ti ero wore no J eir~ forthco r Jg Thei proceeded to , e v ti 0 ogtate and th0Co1umui:1onerstookf ru l p ~~oss1on fot Llut Crown Tl e 3ury a lso found tho va ue of the property had been consider n.b y 1crea<::1e l I y tl a ean 11 g~ of ti e de ceaaels v1dow still ~Utv \ 1g '\lat action the Oro vn 111a.y take n the ma.ttc1 it is lmposs blo to foretell SILVER Sprl 10 Fla ls o ti of tl egreat l I est cuI oinbes in the So t 1 t b irats forth t l tl e midst ( f the n1ost fert le coun try ii the State It bubole· up i l a bas n near o e h t ai oJ. feet leep \I l ~bo lt. an acre in extent and send ng fr on1 it a cldep strcn.11 sixty to one h 1 dred feet v;1de and cx tc l g " x to gl t k s t Oclda wal a J t h e 8} l l:;:. 1 se lf Ii' t"\' Loata !tivor 1 fl Tl 1naJ h"' at a. c uJ.: - 11 te ti. eet ie s1 ring tiHlfi f oi ms at ~ · . . ura] n l auc] por t t o l 1 I w] c t iee s eamer s i v.. 1 1111 regu a.t y ho St Joli s nlfl.l ngcloseco nectons vith the ocean steamers at 1.) 1.latka Tl u clearressot thti vntcr s tru ly wo1lderfil It s em1:1 e en I lore tra is ar c1 t tl an a t you see thti be tto n ~ig ity fuet belo the bot to 1 of your boat the exact fo1 '.l of the ~nui.llest pebble tho uuihne colui of the leaf t..ha.t hn. 3 8 nk a1 U u.11 tl e pr1~ irat10 coloisoftlera1b va1e.tefiected L~uge fish 9 v1 n1 in 1 t every scale vis ble and every tnove 1 e t cl sh lctl) seen If yo 1 go oper the apr11g in a boat yol v 11 aee tho fiss re 111 tl e rocks fron1 wl l th" r ver po tr~ up hke an invert ed cn.tar\ct D,\RING I ment and fear Parso t W Uougl by he ·aid don t you be angry ' itlt ine I i.:ouldn t bear it"' of t hose rn u hmes that you kno v Oh I conldn t boai that I" tl! do all you say I would bo' do" n a.1 d "oral ip the bea.<:Jt w1tlt tlie sav n llo Yl ,.., v1 e Octol er 5th 18 l j heads a.1 <l ten horns if you should bi l 1ne for you Jinow you are go111g to speak for E LALLO ! T HERE' r nm IOCKl\fAN me in tho great day Yo l p1onnsed You will nevet forget Whate\ er I do yo l will ne'er forget that A~: m?.~~g ~~J'~t ~~~~s 8 ~,°~~~·~ Parson I owledgcd by H osc of cxper enoo thnt IS NO"\\i THE Willoughby Tiu ~ ·· Uo e i"la"e l o iau y Boo ts I ·h~ll not be angry w 1th Ji ou Joe n ..1<! ~;.1oe§ ..... J:Vone .Set t c i' LEADING ~HCHJKE unless you g1 e mo en.use ne rephed Come to show J our t epentence bow TH E DOMI"YIO N OF OAli ADA r espectfully to !\fr L·ndon as he passes S Che!lltea Jill.c ad, HIS PROUD P05ITIO:N IT HA.S Dr W lloughbJi as he spoke stepped atta nP 1 tl rough nherent good qur.liUes UOTIO"N'EEit FOR BO" MAN T oso q nl t os nre st npllc1t y dura.bil t'7 ele forward to meet his laughter and her VILLE and Darlington Ree lence Queen gr:.ncc a h1. ab lit y lesdesal'lcoremoreof e qua. Street Orders puuct i.Jl) ttend<-:! d to Cl a rgcs m po t a.nee F or f ull pn.rUcula..rS" nddrc:m to the comparuon as they appioa.ched and Toe Mm erate 13 1\1a nufu.oLw o s endoavor1ng to comply 'I\ 1th his patron a: -------------~\\ ILS01' BOT~B.)[ & Co IVlSh n.d anced n. step inade ~ horrible J'homas §ton!wmie. IIau l on Onta,rio contortion of face n h s a.tten pt to sm lo n & n OHA.B A UCTIO:'<EEH APPRAISER AND for Durhan and Victor a. then shuddered fron1 head to foot and ran Geuera.1 .Agent Dn.rtington Cent re Salefl promptly attoncled to round the ho 1se as fas t. a& he could go Mr Ln. a n seemed d1gconcerted at the 'OLlCI I ntendmg p u cuasc1 s can cnqun e of m y of the R & I-I O'HARA S E W I N G :M AC H IN E A A T R. n. Wole~, ~ y ten JCENSED ~ e.d AUC1IONE"'R I OR the To vnalup or Da 1 ngton Sale prompt to Chnrgcs mode a te TO LET ~rhe mo.n s second np1_-1earance Wl y d o you keep tl at cr"-'Y fellow abot t t he place? I e sad to tho Doctor He looks ver)l'"' iunch to n-0 ...s 1f he J ad been m States prison and that cut 011 }us J"'W tells of some d esperate tight l c h ~shad with h s keei.J"'r Depend lpo it l e is a danoe o is n an He ' ill <lo 111 Pump Sl1op \\ It CLU!IE C t w gl t Se I Mr the nnniste ar S\\ eie 1 His u.nd she sn :v that the poor noiher va.'3 Cl v tie Oil er ng o;cry softly n.t iust then rie unaccou ita.ble 1ttai;k l pon yo 1:i.y I \\ ll ta.I e g ud c ~re shn.11 nnt ~ere press1ble e1no t1011 until he1 sobs sl ook tl c peatel You a e 1 at rally preJU l eccl c1azy be lstead 01 which s e w'fi.S lying aga n~t h 111 on tll'1t acc.:out t ht t J ass re Grace pt t t ho baby n her b1othc1 s yo 1 p or Joe 18 a 8 i l)Ccnt l. ere ture s arn s and ao11 g to tl e b ds de la 1 1 ei et" er ln e 1 I:Ce 1 a ~ been Cluclly treate l 1 ands on the a ck voman s heo.d 11 d uo doubt and they have nl leh to a.nswer I s1nothei ed the th1n ha r that W::t.P already for who have made hun vhat he u.i t r i 0 gray though Jenny Da"fis was a Father s;.ilGrace thatevenng I yoing'"onau believe Horf\CO 1s actually afra d of Crazy Cod know.1 a.11 l\1rs Dav1s er1.1d Joe Ho v r <lieu lo 1s \.S if 1 a would l 1rt Grace ·nylody My starvngchldren 8aidtherooi It l ppened that for so nfl reason J oc wuman and broke into fresh sobs :u1d slept at Dr \Vil ot gl bys that Iugl t oc while Gia.ce stool at h er side str v ng by cupying a sr1 ll cha n oe1 at the baclc of the gentleo touch of her hand to express the hou~o Go 1 g to he room late in the the sympathJ sho knuw not ho :v to I 1t e'euug Graceleardlnrn thsde otons ; ntowords thedr1nkards\v1fehfted her and standing at the head of the kite] en f ce nnd showed the in:.trt>. of the er el atairs 3l1e could en.s1ly dist lgu1sl t he hand that laid her on] er sicl bc1 in tho v..ords \ tni st of her fa.mishni::> children Then Oh iny Lord sa d J 00 tho 1 know there came a no se at the outer doo1 _ est that when thy sen ant Da\Hl kept h1 6 B lb Da, s ca ight up the baby a fathers sheep there camo a hon and a with it to the receM heh nd 111a bear nnd took a. lamb out of the flock be<l Tl o others followed qui K and thy tmrvaut wen.t after 1 n ll.Dd smote the s ck"' 1nr:m hastilv dried her eJ s r. nd him and delivered the la.mb out of his drew up the shedtao as ta h1do her bruised mo th An l .now oh my Loi cl help roe face ·nd all WM e:i:plomed m two w rds La. i lon scl ief one of these days I can contiol hl 1 v th a. ]ook take out t J10 proi: i.sions she had bro 1ght She t\ 1\S natantlysurr o 1nded 1 y the cl 1ld ren -who pushed and sc1a1nbled. oo;cr ci'lch ot} e1 1n their eagerness to see I here a 1 real sa d oi e ' 1 te bread :\.nd cakes and but.tar and nl eat crIE~d a.nother \.nd ln.sse.e acro"-n1ed Bub DaVls as Grace opened · ·mall p<U! ·nd d splayed it.s contents Mi~s VV1lloughby s:ud the mother a -. :i,ak voice nover mind about the tea 1f you II gt ve the cl ildren a b te of some thing They dtdu t have a hearty break fast and I " · well enough to cook then1 A.1 Y d nner llfa sau\ Bib Davis you knov there wasn t an; thing to cook only the sour meal And its so sour Hnn and got me II knife q uck Bub said G1ac0 S11e cut thick ahces of brca.d and meat ond cl stributec\ to the hungry g1oup They ate hko fan 'hed ...-ohes teaung 1 with t<>etl anc nails and o a.ri e "ci for the fra.g n1ei ts t h ey scatte1 eel in their nn seemly I oste The baby choKed itself an] grew bl ck i the face but Tim n Ins frant ch n:igei 1 d not 1 eed hrn charge C ten t ook L10 1 ttle creature in her la,p and i l p ig inotscls of bread 111 the pa. 1 of t olass s: she fed the h ng1y clnld '.\. sound fro1n the bed drew h er attention I propcrty oftlec t zers of thi oro gl0r1ous i ep bl c Ai d I n1 (T l to Si\) ge tlc I c1 tha.t tl is law s a. 1 1<l. Jett u tl e WUO S TO BLA!lil:: l to ;vn of 'rY est Un on to d y There ain t At ev rybody a s passed that road a man that 'otcd for 1t dares to enforce it A stick or a stone this old co c tl ro vcd? Thats so And now I sai: a.a r wI at I .Aud' e eTer h e tlunz bl':! stick or bls sto1 e sad fore Davn1 var:sh1Bown vorste1eny Ile d se p a soi ll LE t me alone I ct me n.lonc for I lo cs to S"'-Y' If ho drinkcd h n self to death I don t Tl ese b tf:I ot things at th po.s3crs by see as twas Briggs fault a.llo \ IJl he got Let me alo e for Ive ,ot your Un And 10 e, of otl c t aps i:in i.gly 1 all Ins 1 quor here 'luch he <lidn t If 111 ~ qu ct old cove SllYS le ~ ha g oan thcr"' s anybody bestdes hunself to bln.n1e .Al l 11:xes 1s Let rue nlo1 e -ERO NEII it s tho n1a.n that. refused to I ut l 8 :n g,1ue J ohu D :i.v s lied 111 h s next fit >f le alongside of h ·on that pnpc As l look i i n ire nc s \\ 1 e i tl r:; n ll f lnoral n.t it t 7 s tl c tn1nin pint 11 Da:v1s life prnce'5 o 1 "1th Dr Willo 1ghby nt ts tl e one tl al i; ouldn t 1 el) lun1 p head passed into the cemetry il gioup of 'va$ Ll ti oi ~ that kc 1>t h ni cl w1 idlers were sitting upon the piazza. n front (T J1 CONTINUE D of Bngg .;:' saloon J tat. oppornte Well ·atd one of then takmg Im Tag ' \. LUE Ol" Co \.L ~ IIE15 - \.s :11 pipe fro1 n Ins 110 1th '"e ve seen the abeorbe 1t dry coal ashes aro eq ta.I to dry of poor Jnl n I little thou 0 ht hen ea1 th 1.n l l ucn mote con""rc 1 ent E¥ ery I \\ orkod alongside of him A.t the same b11 ily that h.s a patch uf land big en 1gh bench that he d come to th s A strong to &wing a oat i 1 should innke it rich hy hearty )Cung fellow ho was m the1 i day· hsn i g a. hogshoa 1 ' here a h.ushel or tv;o as ever handled a. 5a,, But John vnlA his of coal ashes thro\\-'11 as n br\.si8 Into own worst ene1 y "\"\ell yonder 1 e go00 it pour nil the foul water of the fam ly onluslastJOUinoJ Wlatnllhedo ;, lere and throw 111 the ::h:y ashes of each d&y he 8 gone i! 1 e ca.n t get any vh18ke; 1 Twice a year up~et tlus recer tncle and 1IheJ 3 a.y he cn.lled for 1t with his spread the conte1 ts over tho ga den and breath spade it tu before the am 01 ,q, escapes y I No he didn t said an old na-n in the Dutt.AllIFl 'V'tttrE\V.ASH -\Vh1te,va:i::hed company fo1 my Bill '"" there the walls \V 11 not r tb off if the hme i:s thus n ght he u ed nnd aa d he hold up \us p1epared Mix half a. 1" lf 11 of lnnc \ll l right hn.nd and cursed ti e m1n1ster J uat wate:i. l a.lf a pint oc ilour ~nkc n afo e the breath left lno body !\nd there 1tA.rch of t an<l po r t l ot ln o the '"h1te oouId n t n b o d y h ave b een k m d er t o h m :vasl ei1r ii well and n.dd a little salt a.11 tl roug]l 1l 0 s ck I css tb a I D r \ 11 / JI d I f 11~ '!\. .. \.V ll ]b HY rnmc Br.un - J\fix mbo tod' 'cat o g Y an l s 0 ~· " " " i OU5 t Y she :fixed up all l 1nds of not101 G l.nd l\ftss n1eal (freshly gro1 ri l) wit h pu1e cold v. ater G1:tco couldn t do eno 1gh for tl en cl ild ton ake a stiff lough k1 eail the do igh rcn and t.l ey <::1ay tie Doct r vet t J l an tl: or ugl 1.) ' Ik ng in as rr cl I enl as tried to 1 a e sorne kind of good t lu: w th po,,,a ble c t t o s uall p eces and bake ln h l fo1e 1 e died but Johns 'ore n.t hun a yu ck oven It ill bake q ickci and a\ ful u d 'f Ould it la,, oh n 111 the h use I keep lo 1ger if made int rolls a httle 1t doei:; be ... t all the s tel e touk to tl at la1gcr than tho f gor or lnto cakes one good 1nn.1 half or three fourthc. of a u ch i th c:k 'Vel if you look at it sa. cl t ie first ness t o i 1cl eB v1do an l three inches speal e.i: 1t ain t so strange \fter a.11 £01 lot 0 Th s brea l nay be d1 eel as hard as t loos seer1 plll.rruev hJ.Id r the Doctor a LI ck n ld I r.1 ~ vee t nndboodfor :ve 1 s to ref 1se to put fJ name alon gside of You ha.i; e o ly to dip it l \l" at et a rn iute Johns on that paper 'Vliy I do1 t pre and let it stan l five min 1tes to I ai;e as tend to any iel g on 1nyself and I like my tender \\'l oleson ~ antl de] c ous hi ea l as glasilof&rogas ellu.sthenextnan but need be eaten if John Davii had satd to me La.rkins A TOUCHING i 1c dent II! reported kom " ll Io g Chattanooga. 1 Joi 1 i f you 11 qni t d rin k in I \.t !\.n utter m;tr u gcr called do;oi1cckon1t vo ld hai;ebecn beforo lpon are&pectablefn.imcr ]\st \T"Cek aid iny i a I e w e 11 t 0 1l to that paP erl \..ud I ve asked h11n if l s house had not bee 1 rob lei.rd the m1n1ster go o L by the hour be l d uing the war Tho far i er rephco about Ch ist an charity and b1 tl crlv that t h t.d I s ~ d tho stranger l ove a.n d all tli e l eSt 1>1 actice is bettor v; as one of the marn.u lin0 pa.Ity that <ltd th npreacln I say and lo ksto11e is t It )ora.1ttles1lver lwket. That tl ouo l the mn i 3tor was soTnehow re~1 or locket sa1 l Lh~ farn1er burshng: into inblo for poor John Dais death had been \orn by I y dea.r dead Brigg!!! thckeeuerofthosaloou listened c IIelO trn rerlecltlestrangei well pleased to tlus speed and no::ldecl visioly affected I atn .nch lot 1 0 niak..: h 8 head appro,ingl}' nt its conclusion rest1t t 1on here $20 for yo 1r J ttle That he is said Afr Briggs I son He g ve th e far ner a SoO b1 l and told e l ' hen John made h s offer sitt1n recc1"\-e<l $30 Ill ch mgc He t1 e i "rung m th~t very chair eays I Y 01 von t got tho fa.1mor l!i hand ' nr1nly and Jaft 'Ihe the to s gn that paper and they fa1ner1 a.s rnnce lried h s and loo\d d1dn t It am t them that pre·cho· and I ed Ins shot g n The $i'IO Jn]] wos bad ! co1nes to is fl ::im S J 0 t1 o first of this n1 nt h £., o w·ell dress ed men f lily mounte 1 l o le into th" little town of Coln tbi. tho mid ll o of the afternoon Two of tl c ) took tho r pos t101 :'l at e 1d of the court ho 1.8t1 II em the;y coulcl co n · n 1 ti e h lo squrire the reroa111111g throe dis i o nt :I a 1d going into the b L k \ here evend gantle1nen were ..eated i nfor n e 1 iheru that they vete ,11 prisoners k1! ed the er n.n 1 del ocra+ely pr cco led to rifle the bank The operation occ 'lied nbo it half an hour d1 r ing which ilinu was g van by the n el h ho esca p ed fr n th~ ba l but the vhole of tho c t zens vere held at ha· by the tw o lt la"' o t~de who fired right t.nd left keeping np lade ons jelling all tie tine The peon le of the town. ap1 ea1 to hn. e been 1 a1 al tte l "1th tetror as 11uch by lhe noise as O) tha 1nnrde... It w .... s not 11 tittle dar ng iuf fi:.i s ha l soc 1tl l a J. l H\ l o oil w·ith their plu lei tha t ti ey ro s l f u the r toi pot a l bct>n.n n l efi ct ial I nri.i1 t ]i'iT1 LLIG~N"OE 11 \n agr1c h le Ira ol g h e 1 "ppened be m lke l I I cnzu. G1ulu a.1 d n n.ny a es wl ch we1c noteclb.) ts t.tthe tine ~e r e callei oott by the o' erseer or Ot e of the von en and the wr ter "' .. tomshecl t ' see co v afteJ c vceaaefead 1gorchc~ 1gtncc1d ::i.ncl 1uake direct so net1 nes at :\ trot for the w ma 1 t] at usually nulked hor rhe p1act1ce we t d vi t; not co1 fine i to one f m ::ill ti e co v.a o oach fcu 1 .a..1 ( v 1le rc.s1euL1vc ianes r dtook lptleir I os t ons in the ope 1 ti cl 1 l st a...<i reachly as tie ndn1lual JUO bc1s of r. n c lf.l1ge he1l1:1 in tl s co nhy tr fr n th f clds take lp tl c r ln.ce i:.: n tho shed!! MoRMON131l r.iands \ cl a.nee of bci 1 0 ohecl mate 1 A \\ eotern p rop] cl c'5 o out preao l ng the doctr ne of A pl rah \: of ] usbancls a. 1d } ows lueroglyplucs 0 1 sto1 e d rect f ] o:t en 1n s tppo t othet posit o l ------ ---

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