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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1872, p. 2

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· CANADJAN STA1.'ESM1iN., GltAND lhU1"h. liAILRO!l.D TIMI< HME TADLE MON1REAL made a1 pl cat o to ti s 0 u nc 1 for J er n ss1u 1 to I 1ace a. vate1 tu u dcr1 oath the Kin""ston road at Blacl Ji creek th s ' G '11% b1mmons & Cloug h Organ Co's --IU[lROVI -- CP_,,__BINEr-i_, ORGANS Thursday Morn mg June THE Treaty difficulty rema ns in an un settled state and w1tl 1 ve1y flattering prospects of an am cable settlement Tl e United States Senato a nended tho pro posed add1t1onal article u a ma1u1er 1 ot acceptable to tho Br t sh Govetnment and explana.t ons :ira now being made The U S Senate wh ch as to bo adiou n ed on tho 3rd mst has postponed tl e a.diouxnmei t unit! the 10th mst to allow A HAN SO· N GIFT -On Saturday last Re W S Pascoe Pastor of tl e Bible Ch1 st1an CJ u1ch m ti s to vn v. a.s I Ie sentcd 1ntl a poc <et book contam 1g S150 -a f eew1ll offeung nd mark of esteem fro u t1 e members of tl e co gregat on u1 de1 l s charge hrE \ h tby C onicle has 1 cen e 1larged and I l ro,ed a ld is p1 nted fro n i ew I) po m·k ng it one of the best looking ncv. P.:lJ pers n the I>rovmce It 1s a JOU nal conducted · tl ab1hty and worthy of sup1 u t ENNISKI LEN - The Sabbath Scl ool So c o.l at Enn Rk1llen on } riday after 0011 last m connect on with the 0 P Ch irch passed off' ery successfully A good tea pl: epared by ladies of the congrcgat on folio ved by Rev J Smith s po1 ular lee t re 01 Infallible Remedies a.nd spoech s from otheis sav ig Trr:z procee dings 1n tho House of Com mons on Monday last 111 deal ng with Mr Cost gan s d al repreoontatwn bill gM e furtl or ev de ice of tl e sp1t·ful a ture of the 1 tcoaure aud the leternun at10 1 of the J. or1es in power to stick at nothing in t} e r effort to get r d of l\fes rs Blake and McKenzio \\hen M r Oosti. SCRIBNERS P1\TENI QUALIFYING TUBES ve ton h v n ., .-. . most m or u 1 ea ncnts by n a s f vh cl q ant t) ere sed n.n:l tl c q l l o t o fu e eputat on of Reed I 1 or Volu ne of ton e 1r. ve j largely n j of tone ren lered EOuAL ro IHAr OF THI BESI PlPE ORG,,.Nl:l OF nrn s urn OAPA011 x or C be obta '1.ed tl se 0 Vi lcox P 1te t Stops and A LLTilELATEIMPROV~MENTS, PHOTOP.RAPIIS - Mess s J 0 & R H Hen y I ave secured the Photograph (J"allerJ erectc l ana ]atel) occup ed by ALr L " Sex t o a d are 1 ov; ll a I os t fill order8 for 1 kenesses in the a d oat a1 proved styles M Herry be ng already avornbly kno 11n n tl s tow - frou lus rece t ei gogome t w th Mr Sexto -nee ls ot fort] er mtrod ct1ou Oall at tl a gallery nd ex1ur c spec mens of "Yr Olk See ad\ er sen o Lin a other colun n r U Rn Fn E DJFI d ENT sr B FOl\ HE ll OR Al'f JIE om R Oil QUALf1'Y AN D VOJ CME 0] 10~~ UNEQUA!TED TH ER J\Hl J TAT ' 'm " Ol rnH,.-SH p l\flCII Fall Whe t I r bus S1 i 0 W I eat Otarerb s P eas n itter Etrg::i F al s cd 1850 AG E! IS WAt TED IN EVER'i COUNTY - - o -\DDRESS SIMMONS"' OLOUGH ORGAN 00 DETROI'I MfCHIOAN ONlARIO BANK The annual n eet ng of stock l ol:lers u~ the 0 tal'lo Baik was I e d at tl e he'd Jr o , -· WM He was 15orcy the l or gent c na-:1 wh leader of the Ho ae I ad ti ought it proper- after what the member for Lamb to1 and I unself bad said after their ab s ainmg on. several occas ons froru aa.y1ng a. word with reference to u lJUl!t and un true atta.cka upon the connect on 'v1tl local polit cs - that after ti LS the hono r able gentleman should hai; e persisted in those attacks He was not s rpr sed] ow ever that the hon genileman should take t!iat course becatu1e it was h a. practice w on he could not answer a 1not on w th argument to answer It with abuse '\\hen be (Mr B ake) made tlus mot o i wb ch would meet with a rt:ispons1vo echo in the count11 tf not in ti e House he was per auaded the hon gentle n n would resort to bis u·ual practice He would tell the hon gentleman that a. motto l was made m the Ontar o Leiotslature to make the Law m thU! matter 1ust as the hon gen tleman himself would hke to have it that that motion. was made by the hon 0 entle man a 1 eutena.nt n the Local House Li.nd reiected by a very large maioi:i y But the hon gontlen a got h s mform·t on from the n ewspaper be ha l recently start od m wh ch be was a shareholder al thouglt he was asl :i.u ed to let ]us nan e appear on the l st Ho :vever ti ey knew tb&t be he~ded the · bscr pt on I st for the paper that I e ~as " shareholder n it :1.nd 1as 1ts inspuer he first got his stor es published m l 1· own paper and then he The hon repe..ted them n tl e .l:iouse gentleman was pleased to BwY hat h e (Mr Blake) had c·lled together m ca cus the members of the Local Leg &lat ire and aeked them how much they 'rnnted f their ra lwa.ya That eta.ten: ent was a.bso lately w thout a p r t1cle of fo ndut on not a single soul in the House 01 o t of 1t except h s colleagues had the sl ah est idea of wl at ra l~a)s ~ Id b a ded o t.o what e:<tent they wo Id be a ded t II the hour wl en he 1"1d upon tl e table the Order I Council determmrng that a d He here absolved evety I an w] o l eard h1m or who m10'ht read what he said fro 11 any obl gat1ona of "ecresy ipon this sub Jeot. :: ~v more he called lpon every n al from 01 e end of() tar o to tl e other who knew anything about it to speak out and ahame J m if he had not told the t1 uth (Cheers) On 1110 contmry tl e1e ms no enqu ry Ouly on two occasions was he appbe l to on ti e subJect and on these two occa.stons it 'va.a by publ c deputat ons who w shed o sul)plement by oral state mcnt tho wr tten -state1 ent they had sent Ill At the till e ho fom ed I ,. Go er I ment and for a. long time afterwards tl ere was no idea bat roads wo 1ld be a'ded and to what extent 'Ihey had not the necel!sa_--y 11format on at tl e time to en able thcni to form any Ju<lgmc t on tl e eubiect and he was emplo~ ed fo veeks 1n obt~m1ng that 1 lforrna.t on Du1 ng all that t me he was sus\amed by a large · JOrtty before a single ord bad been said about the ra lway subsidies Those were the facts and he challenged tho hon gen tleman to produce his a 1thoritv for his otatcments and I e hranaed him 1f he d d not produce it with the cl :lracter of a man who st11J1ding m the first po· t n m that Bouse dared to B1 lly h1spo111tion by mnk DAILLINarol'i -It is a c rcum5ta cc of tl e I st1t1 t or 1 this to" n on Mo day o :ti y of ute tha~ tl o Ooru c I of the last Tl e Dn octu1s Repvrt vi ch "e rownslup of Datl ngton ha' o decided to l ubl sl n tl · S3Ue show· ti at ti e bus1 d 'l ose of <he l ose1 t To"" Hall at noss of the Bank for the past yeat lacs: Hru.n1to1-rather an W11vitm.,. poorly bee 1 of a ery large and re nunerat 'e fu i ished struct 1 e and to e1ect a. new character v th l ofits amo 11 t ng to $218 bmldn g tl at nll better answer the p r 588 92 and the 1ese1 o account no v poses for 'l'h ch it is required sbnda at ">0 00 000 Proof of the ·· is faction rr ti vh1ch sl arehvlders v ew tho - -- - ·- - --ma1 ner m vhicl tho affa rs of the r Bank TIIE Gwbe appeared on Mo 1day n an 1ave1 een mann0 0 I vas g \ en 1 t he r e e la1ged form and in a new dress elect101 of the old Board of D rectors once mo e d1stanc nci all contempo1ar es No change l aa been n; ade rn the posit on The 'lores i.:rill requue to throw away a of ch ef o.ffic nls The report refers to good many fort 1 es i 1 tho esta.bhshment certa n by 1' vs wl cl rnuld be aubm tted 1 · I s stcna co of papers of the Ma l -and wl ch :vere subseq ently adopted stripe before they succeed lll eclipsn g the \.,r o 1g tl e n e v art cles .s o ie changing Globe-wl c~ s their obJect ~t present the q uahficat on for Directoro ai d \ha The Gwbe ' " the people ·paper and its owners'h p of :jt4000 I aid up stock ~ 1 ow ser timents accord 'With thoae o! the grcn.t nece sary to q ual fv for that po· \ on n b lk of the citizens of On tar · st ad of $9000 as formerly The lay for - -- - -boldmg the A nual Meetmg s hke nse H oN !JOHN SANDFIELD MA0DoNALDd1ed chai ged from ~Ionday to Tueoday ilS t a at h s res dence rn Cornwa l on Saturday former day waa fo nd exceed 1 gly i con last Thirty ufpubl c life as a nem venient for stockl oldorl". at ad stance :vho ber of parhame1 t en.used John Sa.ndfreld " shed to atte d these n eel ngs Tl 0 to be well known rn all par s of Canada and next an 1ual meet ng :nll tl erefore be held h s may therefore be looked upon AS oi the first Tuesday n .June next a P bile loss - - - - - -- - ·- T MAPLE GR_ O _ E__T _h _e -a n_n_1_a_l n.n versary PORT DARLINGTON HARBOR COY of the Maple Grove S S ill take place on Sunday a id lVlonday J t · 16th and rel oldC'rs of Tl e annual meet nrr of tho Port Darh gto11 H bor Oompany .as 17th Sermons on Sunday at 10 30 a m he! l at the Oon ] ani s office on Monda~ and 2 30 p m l y Rev J Gardrner artcrn on Tl e D rec ors teport and ed1 or o' ti e Ca ada Ch 't3ttan Advocate fina.nc1al state oe1 t she ~ tha.t the business On M0nday comme c 1 g at 2 I m ad f tl e past ye:.i r has been ery sat sfactor;i: dresses by several clergynieu w1th n: us c allowi11g of an i crea.sed t1 dend to stock by the Bowrnanvi le Pnm ltve MeU od st 1 olde :s fbc elect on of D rectors for he ensun g year resulted n the cl o ce of ti e choir J.ea at 4 o clock Proceeds u a cl follow1 s geu~e 1 en -Hon J S mpson of tho ne ~ M E cht ch to be built "t D F sher J l\'I lne F Raynes W h lliaplo Grove Burk M Galbrn th a d Joh Sn art - -- - -~--+~-----Tl e resolut o s prev ously passed by ONE WI o WAS PllESEN r - Your com tl e Boa'!'d of D rectors m t efe e ce to Vie h:1ve1ot bus esa arra ge ncnts v t tho pr posed m nic t o sto ha. d b ere confirmed an l roo n for its publication th s week B & B Rail va; Messrs Simpson F she a d M lnc a1 po tcd a. comn1 ttee to carr5 s cl agree Fn E -The barn and sled· on lot 21 ne 1t into etfcch vhcnever I ra.ct cable Qth coJI Darlington the premises occup1 The 1 ewly elected Board orga sed by ed by Mr 01 arles Will ams vore destroy the ·PI o n nent of Ho J S1mpso Part c 1 President D F1B1 er Ireasurer and J ed by fire ~ esterday forenoon M ne Sec stary not tu ha d Port Dari ngton at all t nes one of the best h n.rbors on the lake is thL'i aea.-so l NEW MILL - Mr Jacob Staller has be g co 1S de ab1y rmpro cd Tl e water p rchosed that port on of lot 33 rn the of the lake althougl lower tlian ever be fora known is still of sufficient depth at 2nd con of Dorhngton through wbicl B ack s creek runs a l<l s now e 1ga.ged in tl c p er t o allow of the pro 0 ress of ord nary sh11 p ng busmess The company s I repanng for the erect on of a gr st 10111 lredge is now aL work a.nd the l arbor is mrr ed ately sot th of tl e mam road Th s be1 g leepened to fo rteen feet bet~ ccn piers \Ve hope a success( l season 'v1Jl 'v1ll prove of great benefit to rea dents of that sect on ·nd will dispel the drcarmeas be exper e1 ced at the port of that lonely valley - - - - -- - MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISE ScHOOL BOARD - A m eetrngof tl e Un on 'I' :E-I I S 8 p A CE liQ!<' '>; fJiC! WHTED fo three no~and l:1.. ~ ..... $ J. h'1 u t! en o a Wool ON""TA:RIO ifJNQCBB~IN&S @F '!/'MD l!'IF'l!l!JlllN'l!'DI ~NNTif~if, ~7fflgi[J'lf1Nfi1 @Ji! '!l'RE S'!l'@f!JltH@lkff)}HBS OF '!J'l!PN @NT<lill!@ f'J~NN, B/£lb~ <l'lf TBJ!i fl<l!HllUNCi? li!l@f!fSI!!, fl@W,'f!!iflNJ'IlklU!/, Q;ri· "IIL DE l 11 LED TIY .JllONIMY. 'J!'HB 1l'llilllf> 92tl'J! QI' .JUND, :l@'l!2. afte t o pnom 1 ont of 0 T J Rob Srocrm:o Esq D RS u I.Sec THE \.T THEIR nn 1 Co nmerc a l terests D cc ors have tl us far pron ptli SIL VER I Hall J lla luff Den s ovEd ad Po ;e )I as Ji{ Sa.wyc ::\:I as E A \ V lso Joi u ' ' illiston E . . 0 Martv 'I llO B · NbXl WEEK - - -· ·- - - _!~ HODGES PM I 1st oil: r,cuer s sea to b0 re bJ o r Ag or tl r v g state tJ 1he Do 11 o 1 btlc s en ploy Dh &n: n ~GTOl'l.i, Ju·t rn c vcd a q n t y ORANGE~ --- ------ - LY\ ONS COC0r.NU1 ~ PEUiUTS ~ {;henucal Food and Nuh1hve lon1c nt fro u last year Bo T"rn anVl e Ont Vi h ch has been approp "ate I as follo" s D1v1dend No 29 4 per cent lat Dec 1871 30 4 per c t 1st J ne 18"2 Carr ed to Reser e <\.ccou I ~92 582 53 "o ooo oo 2sn 144 63 ~8 96 569 10 Photography I JO&RfI Henry Balance of Profit a d Loss Acco1 All of wl ch lJ! rnspectfully subn ittt d ONumo Ba,,-I< Bown annlle Jt ne 1 t 1872 216 42 JOHN SIMPSON I r , dent Already the Bowma iv1lle Macllll o and Implement Ma.nufactarJ,Dg Oompany have found the prennses ina.deq uate to the I e q irements of the r business aud have found it necessary to enlarge the1r wo k An add t on IS bemg made to the shops marn bwlding 40 feet wide and 80 feet rn lenb<th t vo a id a half stor es lugb This buildmg v JI bo completed a month a d m it will be placed · q antity of new ma cl mery now be1 g im1 orted by the Co 1 pan) It IS mte ded to make tho manu factuxe of Tools a leadmg feature of the establ sluncnt The Ma ager- Mr G b son-bomg tboro 1ghly acq amted with th is branch of bus ness leaves no doubt that the Bowman>ille 'Iools and Machi eo will soon secure a leading pos1tio1 t1 rough T1 e foundry s a so o t the Don n o l be ng enfargeu and made capable oft un ing o it t1 B largest Iurbme wheels an l other castings of a heavy character I t s g at1fymg to note the l rogrcas thu· e nly attending t ie efforts of the new Co np<tll) and we hope as a roward for t} eu enter l r se s ell as fort tl benefi t of the to vn that success may a.ttcn tl e r efforts Sol ool Board was held on ruesday even ng last Tl e only bus noso transacted was tl e adopt on of a mot on nstr rct ng the cha.irman and secretary to sign the contract with Messrs Despat, and Moma for the erection of an addition to the present School buildn g AFTER t ventj five years med1eal ex pQnence we h~v e never met w th aren1edy worthy of dependenco m any d sease Of the lungs unttl the d ·covery of Fellows Compound Syrup of Hypopl ospl tes 'II ~ art cle really 1s reliable and success ful u1 n. maJOr tJ of cases .scm $'J'~'l'NJIJJ11H'll <!JF !l'l§B f!IFFiflI'/.18 OF 'llllll!J @N'll.?ZIU@ W"BIM'ES»tnt. 'l!'l'fE 2/>'ll'lll e~r oF .J.ft.nt. 1@~2. L I A B I L I ' I IEl!S Capital Stock pa d m Reserve Account Interest and Excha.nge reserved Unclaimed D1V1denda D vidend No 30 payable Isl June Balance of Profit a id Loso Notes in C rculation Government Deposits payable o den and Otl er Depos ts payable on demand G arnment Depos t~ p 1yable after n otice or on a. fixed day h r or o»ts I apb e after noti.~e or on a lixod day Dt e t t ber Banks m Cannda 82 420 oOO 30( 000 3o 293 68 3 430 ou 06 562 10 8 216 42 - - - - $2 864 OJ2 76 H fine ew Galle \VE SEOURED lll:R ~ SEXTON S Corner of Krng & Temperance S reels on reo: peranco Street) I t w- be the a m tog ve sa.tisfact on ton. who may a.vor them v.:tth a. ca e the at t h e (Entrance opposite entrancB to To\\ H Romie and Bedding Planes A L \RG E an l cho co selection of Ilous" an l Bedd ng Plants for s"lo chMp at BOUNSALLS Bowmanv1Ue May 23 1872 43 tf ------- Gallery n OSHAWA OR BOW MANVILLE T ey n nke a stvle ann sues ot 14o4003 66 572 64 I 062 715 12 [410 000 1 370 814 8~ 5o 475 8 PH 0TOGRAPHS, 1 Fo1 S.a!c In t1 e To rn of Ilowmanville Twenty LEITERGRAPHS A GRA ND TURN OUT It is a.1 no need tl at m attract ve a d rmpos n 0 d '51 lay wi l be made in the s r ats of Bo vnlanl" lle torr orio v (Fr dn.y) a ter oo:'l by the appearance of n. sp endtd e tpage co1 ta1n1ng rt. noted Erass Bal d l on tie c I; of Roel ester .rd drawll by so ne of the finest mate) e l carriage l orses to be fou d m the States l'be I s lay vill fo rn1 n d vert se 11ent for the great nus cal festival to be 1 eld 1n R cheste1 e01ly m July i ider the d rect on of Mr Ellis f tl at c ty No do bt ti e s ~ht l'i 11 be vorth seeing and ne mus c of the highest order DARLINGTON DISTRICT L 0 L AssooIATJON -The ti ird inual meeting of the Toa.chers As oociat1on of West Durham will be held m the Pub! c School Bmld11 gs Hampton on Fr day and Satt rday of this week On Friday eve ing an c1 tertainment n Jl be t he 'Io 1 Hall of ti at village s1c e::it.m.ya a.Id readin gs w ll le The I bl c ore rnvited to atte1 d TE.A.CHE $ a- - - - $ 4 434 oSO 7 87 298 583 o3 Pho ograpl s n po ce or o ~ plu n o col e ght acres o lat d belong ng to estate ot ored P o ograptis finished n l'lid a Ink or Sa. tho late D <\.>ID D OW 1~EY For par p a and colo de the n t cuhus enq re vf WATER OR O:LL COLOURS, 'l Trrn B <:I B Ra lw ) bonus By law 1 3S bee defeated i 1 ' e ul J. n TOWNSHIP COUNCIL B AJ'\.IPTON Ji ue 1 Regular meeting of Council lllembeu all prc::1ent ~Unites read a 1d CO lii 1n cd A co nur cation as I resented fro n tl e 1:0 v1 sh p Clerk of Clarke in reference to stat itc labor on the to rvn lme Re ce1vod and filed A c.i cular from the Con miss oner of !\.gr c lture 1nak1ng enq uir ea as to the n mbcr and classes. of em gr::i. ta requ red ill the in n c11 ality a.a read A n mber of parl an entary doc 1ments fon ru:ded by Ho J S mpson vero re ceivetl Oounc I resolved itself mto a Court of R evs o adJud cated po11 appealo and finally r JSed a1 d passed the Assessment Roll for the cune1 t year Council resumed Moved by Mr Burk seconded by Mr Vi mdatt -fbat the re1 ort of the com m ttee appointed to exa nu1e the road arot nd 'Ihos Smiths null I oud be laid oi: or unhl next meetmg of t1 s Counc 1 and that the Olerk lJ! hereby mstructed tonotify ]\fr Sm th to be present and make ·one ar1rangement in reference thereto Carried J\Ioved by J\fr Wrndatt seconded by llfi Bmk,-rhat J acob Stalter havm::: Spec10 Provine al or Don n on Notes Noles of an l Cheq ies on other Ba ko Balances d e f1ou other Ba ks n Cuna ia. Balances d fro n 0t] er Ba.nks or A0 ents i ot i C ada. Goi.: ern nent Debentures or Stock L oa s D sco nts or Adv ces on C r ent Accu t Lo Co por io s Notes a id B Us d sco ntcd a de Te t Notes a.nd B lls l scountcd ove d e and not sp c all sec ed Ove d e Debt secUied I y JI<o tgago or oil er De d o 1 Real Estate or b} I I s t of other Secu11l es Bn.nk P e lnaes Other Assets not ncl <lf'd nder the fo reg nt:'I heads ONTARIO BAKK Bo M 039 168 3 289 "67 155 311 17 lG 417 7G IHOMPSON & BlRNS Do manv lie !\fay 23rl 1872 43 t f P o D Ca on &c y a e also prep(l cu o make D 349 1 lG 55 "11 oO 90 9S 114 13 220 0 > 9 90G 27 A.LL KINDS OF VIEWS 0 l 0 0 Stoc 0 by "\.V.u:ted A D FISHER Ca. SEmANT GIHL HPLY e TO Mun C A REG STP. H SfRANGE >f D Re& s Q.r :l\-1 s C D SPAT D NG Sc lf, O g S NVILLE 29tl May l8'2 ll:.\.11 I u iaJ i h 18 Z ON OF.F CE } 4l-l n ThEl- aenu ann a m of tl 1S Lodge 0 was 1 eld at the Lodge room 1ll Bo vn an ' lie o Tueaday laat-Bro Jamea Ca np boll D M m the chair After the ord nary b sinessofthemeet ng rt wag dee dcd that there sl o.11 be an assen bly of a.Ji Lod geo m tl e Oo mly 1n Bo :rmanville o 1 tho 12th of July next-to assemble on the narket aquare t 11 0 a m Tl e us rnl parade will take place a id after d nner speeches will be del vered n the drill sl ed or so ne otl er s table place llfo RonEn~ McFA :.LA" lll P rep e 1entat ve of South Perth d1od at Ottawa on Sat l ) after tl roe day· 1Jlne·o G bl s Esq was s bmittel to tl e Tl e President moved ti e adopt on of th Hepurt 1\.-feetl g and cnrried u a1 unouB ly Mo' db) W J M cdon II Eoq seconded by R H r m< Eaq -Reso! ed Tl at the tha ks of I e SJ areholders are hereby gi\:ea to tie Pres dent and Di ectors for tl c r effic ent n a.nnge l 1;:1 t of the ra of t1 e Bank durmg tl e yast ycn1 Mo>ed bJ Di Alhson seem ded bv C Diaper Esq - 1 esolved Tl at tl e By Lnws 1 ow read nn d vl ch have boon adopted by the D rectors to reg Jato matters n com ect10 wit h tl o ad n i IStrat on of tl o affa rs of tl e Baik be l \he sane ru:e hereby co1 fir1oed Mo ed by" m W ndatt Esq seconded bv Cn1 t S sson - Re.·olted 'l'bat C Draper lt H T n er 1 d W F A len Esq rs be Ser tL eers of th· elocl o I and that tl ey repo t the res ill to t he Cash er tl at ti e ballot g no v com e c u l that it close at four o clock bit 1f at any tune five 1ni iutes sl all have exp ied vitho t a ote being te de od the ballot m y be closed by the Scrut1 ioers JOHN J BOBSO::<i Sec ta ~ The followmg is the rcpor t of the Ser t neern To DAHD Frn1rnn ] SQ Oas] er of Ontar:to Bank Sm - We the unders gned Ser t neers aopo nted at t e Annual ]\[eet g of tie SJ ar eholdem of the Onlar o Bnnk J eld tl s day do declare tie follow n gentle nen du1y elected n.s Drrectors foi the c r fl t year v z Ho J S m1 son Hon \\ P Ho vla1 u T N G bbs M P D \ l\'IcDonald M P \\ McMu tiy J P Io ek and Jas D yde1 Esq s C DRAPER R II TURNER Bow>H~HLLE 3rd June 1872 W F \LLEN electe 1 the H n J ol n S m pson Pres dent and nd tl The Board of Directors met after the rcn ' T N Gibbs E·q M P Vice Pres dent D FISHER Cad ' Coull t of' Ren~1011 Royal I n surance Bo man iJ c J l c C0~1PANY --OF- Berlin Wool Store LADIES LIVERPOOL & LONDON. FIPE :\N D LIH'E Fu u l<t 1n JD 1 I "'.al sel'H c I ( pH l o Dress Caps I -AND- ~1 $10 000 000 9 .[i00 000 HEAD 0 li'ICE FOR MQNIHE L cqui ab e () ~N \DA IN CHIGNONS 0 ~t ~t~ ~~d fa m r k s take on spec alls fa L fc I nsurances gro.nted n all tl o most a.pprov rr ;FIH.S~ DESORIP'I JONS OF PROPER A LL in s o.t l Y cd ates I so u.ted IA first <:.:tore \Vos of 1\{u do h Bros n~ OHOIOE ABSORT~IEN'l AT 'IRE th 187 t8 t.t ed me hods Those about to ns e w I benr n 0 ECURUY nd h SHOULD DE TJfli CON'-IJDF.H.ATION Fo at 8 of l rem Ull s app y to the unilcrsig l30'\'t1nnn' illo J · ti V THOMPSON $!gen fo Bo nA Ule

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