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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1872, p. 1

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Qt~e ([ ltitnhntn ~ tnt£ z1mrn I a pru ted a.n 11 llJI sl cd ....... A STilEET CAR SCENF Eve1·y 'i'hut Ml l J tl e P o ·~ cto JYll.oD'&llHI., vVM. R 01<'~ UT.. IM Il.!., at ti c DOW~IA1'> lCE-Po·t Olllce Bluel· SrREEr ILLE O~T KING VOLo XVII. BOWl\'.I},._NVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 13, ] 872. 1 ron.IG l AI NO. 4f'. Io us y .'.~~~~~~~~~~~-~~-~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~=~--""=~~~~~~~~~~·-~-~-=-:--~-=~~~~,....., FAREWELL WINTER! MAYER od o I 1 i'I s c..,t ncl vo B Thciyer a pecn ha.1 c] auns ean e t t1 en llot H .tl no t b1oke I 11 to BESIDE THE GArE Bl: MAL L.I' '" o stood be~ le tJ c go..rle1 bate 11 e bra cl es cltoo1 mg o et c Now l tden ..,,10 U eu blossoms A d ll l es fo1 d ofyo10 1helkcof hcl 11 1:1 ~'l'crb eens tpus:;eJ. ClLA BRNIO~ l! ~s a dandy, Fh1 1'lII iL RO~Hi a .f:n oun 1te, 'Jibe §i\RA.'1'04,.A a beaut~, l'be l Ca.pR U~H:C4.GO a ,;em, Anti the 0 I' JI.' 1 \ '\VA t 1.npt tlH: 1 o~e 01:1 bed ot all Bcl'ly to Invest ru d s C!h styles 11 s in al cad o a cnt 'I I e. l gl t that 1,re111blcd 1:u the' Dyed l.11 tho cartl ' t1 red As ngle roscb d brokon. fell Its f1ag a.n t boautv d ad fl.t W. S Doy Jc, !'ti D TIES of ty Coll i:rc oro to a nil V c t ori l. College Cohn rg I l 0nt of the College of Pl} sic1ans and Surgeon Ont Ofllce a d 1 s ile ce S l er ist et one or souLl fD Ile ds !:IU gcr:ir Ev manv le 01 G RADUATE :r OF I HE FNIVERSI GE NT ID :rv.r E :::rs &c FURN IS I-I I NGS, &c &c g and D v1s1on Sheoia and you will - -INl LUDI Nl - - \.nendlcssglo ye o v elou JU I JJ n.t 1 tl c fut re lny r1 c fa m:it flo :.vcrs to l Q Rene ith t1 e s!lllset ray '\cpn. cl lythit g ard i So many ycnrs ago Tho lov ligl t drea 1 g no I' eyes Do vu in the golden glo v lhc snow ovl tc l losson s bloo H <i fl le111tgiavo to da:r S :veet ·no let s go11e l ucd l nd Clasped 1 h s ti ge1s la.J l Shirts, Collars, N eclz-t1es Braces, Re I'! u 8,llrl cn.l t\t the s1g or th6 gets i te l both in pr ce a d qua l t Bowtna.BTill~ PTUG ( or nor l{ v es "\' o l <l1ag l un out I sa.y to public sl a ne Unb d his h::i. cl::i stn.\ eh .s hogsl \. rl b l tl c will ng ea,rtl c i l p ] .::) l u:n MARKC S MAYER bovc .Ap 1110 l&'ll h n He bo ve 1 ith g1ea.t g1av1t} les"'ende l h1f! pos1t101 an d ' alked slu \]} a a FRESH ARRIVALS '.\.'l' THE I ""alt ulono bes de t1 c gate A. dheartbc breezes s g h A1dl1 eanngo1ccagau1lcrov Il'Iy pnt h tl.l to ti o sky CHAPTER Xll rU.Ei<..:H!r;G \\l'IHOV:r NO'I.L: GOW .Bo'v:m11ntillo each HOUSE I Onl) l en the r cxtten ity Pro· o " iat th~ y n. c - l at L l~ alJ l t SURGEON DEN TIST over Ti' ii leet h c1a J M<'Arth r 11 ato1 e Iu g . S reet e l l acted fo 25 cunts OFFICE THE SUUSCRIB?RHAVI:NG RECEIVEll HIS .A.bovo thn shu.dov: s d m a id col I II e a y g1ovr~ sltangcly b 1g Ano. a 1gel1:> J old tho gatef:I t>J U.r .Alld beckon u t he l ght B:ii:ll:OHD i\ Ll.i: F'. u . ~ May 2St11 IS Z Dr. Dav1d§on, TII IB HOY !1.L COL G RADUATEOF LEGE ot P hys of 1 glan 1 d a1 Full Assortment of Goods, SUITED TO 1HE I Rl SlcNI SEASON INVTTES THE INi:iPEC:l!flN OF THE YGBLIC Ui ivers1tv of\ 1cto l. Collugc Cobol rg Unde1 graduate at d P en1an oi the U en; ty ot Ioro1 to a. <i Un' eta ty of Q co s College In these d \)S of pu.fhng and unpostur e he tlunks it neodlt:i~m lo isay £hat he sells Kingston n1ember of Uv..1 College of I l ys1c111 s S U-geom1 of Ontu.110 Su gcry ~1 d ltea1 f;'Oods CIIEAPER uud of bettor '\lnl a than any otl er mn1 in tJ1csc Cou1 Lles aJ.I he a.skij lid that tcr d ng pur base -s g vc1 m a call tu d J dg0 for tl (Jmaclves aa.hsfled that tl e result w ll be dcnce alao !Ct g Street ~ccond 11001 c tat o l\f nut la.Hy profitable and satisfactor~ .l-fa} nnrd a Ilotol. IG 90 THE REV DR WILLOUGHBY, AND E::IS VITINE BY MARY SPRING W,\.LKl R J. F1cld111g, ill EJ\ffiER M ego of OF n. P S - An uur1vall cd atock of Table Linen Dru 1 sks puicl rise in pt1cas lSCd before the recent ROYAL COLLEGE OF Surgeon!'! Engla1 d L centiate Ro) al Col Pl ya1c1aua Ed1n1J i gb (Lat-0 Iles dm t A~o cl eur St Tl ornns RoRp taJ J..ondou a1 c:. A't:. ';J,g Re::ndent Med c11l Officer C y o Lon lo H O¢\l !or Diseases of t he Chest) Otnce Dr Kcrr1man i; 0 1ono THOMAS PATERSON Bowma \Ille Oct 26 1871 ~ohce-Re1urnval STUBBORN FACTS r DR Dr C REID H !\.S REMO> ED lFS residence to il1c J1ouse latob occ1 p ed lly Ot\ le Wei 1 gton Sheet S rgery at lue old re::.1dencc ~il\ e1 SL1ec Office ho :i;~ ron1 lO a. 1n to 8 p 1n 16 :ltf B As there 1s a gr cat deaJ of m1srnpresentat10n 1 egru: dmg the merits of the d1fieient sewm,:; maclunes, and may per sons Jl)l' 1 . Be ltb, ham been nnsled by these untiuthful statements >1e gne b e RADUATE OF TH E roRON'.10 G Uni e1t1 Lv Pl";:. ca S .ugcon &c Ofllce low the n1meu of a few of those who tested the "Wanzer K lg S t reet'.-: ~xt door l u 1: eHo vlees & Q l ck s a.r et) Stoic jjO v1na lV le 0 taro 1fachme a'1d who aften' a1 els exchanged them \Hth us for the Faren ell,llJ:cGee &Rutledge, Lockman Osborn or Haymond-some of tnem pay:mg us AURISTERS ATTOR:NKYS SOLI over $20 to exchange CJTORS and Notary I ul he T Sl"nso'Dowmam l c m.i ,, do CH ~PJER XI-coNnNUEI nd J e There \\ as a stir 1u the crowd Mar tu1 p lBI el lus w-ay to1\ ard the speaker Heres J oe Gn:o u.<J a speech Joe t] e school boJ s c11ed Yes . . . s1 eech a speech 'h ith great grf1\1ty Joe 11101nted ri. pile of board~ convon1eutly near H e wns d1 ess.ed u1 hts hol du.y clothes t J attend the funeral a nd w is re illy go geo lS ln lus gaJ 1 eek tie at cl perf 111od ha1 clkcrcl f Frier ds cu intryn e 1 a d 10,e1a sac .:[oo 1 c1r inu for iny causeNow f <o th1t 1 u 1 t fair tho scl uolbo\ s V. e don t It ·was a w·a.11n e' cn1n g in early SU J mer rho bell of the "ilr ot Str 0 Church ' o.s toll g for evening se1 1ce '"l en lYlrs Thayer enlered her 111sba. cl s study Not r eady L > ns she ~a 1 l and ll e Lell toll1ng'l I thou 0 ht y 1 would be \~a1t1nt::i for m e 111 the l all He rose h irr1edly fr u1 h1s ell ur Is it so la.te7 he said I have boen sleepmg I bo\te, e I ha\ c not I e>rd the bell She \ atched Jun 1 lx.1ously a.s he ti cw off the e:tudJ go \11111 vluch he had been sating cat ght lns so1111on f10J l the t l.ble and rnado other hasty prepa1 lo tions for de I art re and ah<J not ced lns u 1stcady ha 1d '>v1th a.n ind1c1s\on and l<."tck of p1 r I oce Ill 1 is 1uoven ents 1vJ ch she attr1but ed to n 1 vo s haste But u 1 the ha.ll he sea:i:cl od :1.bu it the £01 lus hat though the ba&-.. as l ghted and it 11 tng upon lts ace istv l tid leg Sl c h"'n<led i t t } n.1 1\1th a. ox:cln.tnat on of u np ~t1c1 ce g~te ln n a Kee L uarcl ng look a 1d 1 i cl h n tnto t ie struul A 110 ucnt l tet at s nc u cq l ltJ 111 tho r t e e1 t J e stu 1 blcc Ju:; l:ns halar ce l.nd 01 ly sa1 od l sel fl o l .e i.. ll11 e- by lo nu g le \ ly aga i st her s11 ulde1 SI e stop_pc 1 i;ho1t l t l l d to lnxn in q 1 ck ex v ll ha' u to go b ... cl Lo us s io Th e 1s no help for it 1 o i'"a1c 1 11 cor l t 1 t o come bP.fo1 e rtn auu1uJ c:e to ui"J t l n l::i~ tell Mr R Lrsto you rne tnKon s 1Jen J 111 ll ere is notlung: the Juatter cotJJer of the hou5o 'IJ u w [o hs e ie l a~ she had novo1 lis ten( l ton. p1a·er befo1c and '>V1 en .,,] o fo l d th1t he fe\v o ef ::;entc1 cr.s \Clo coheren t !ld vclle l 1 l took co r~g e her ea1t sank again 'vl en she sa tlU Jlll g tl e l en vcs of the B1L]e ir1 1H l cert in anu pu I selcfl5 n i ner n.1 d she kno \' tho port1or of Scripture ho l L 1 in te1 1 l io real t1 at e cnu g ha 1 go1 c fron1 lus ln1n l ..,\he lus -.. 01cc b o c tho sttll llC"'3 agai 1 t io ig h J e cl or:e tJ <Lt do t l ere ' as to he1 a. st 1ange s1 0 111Li llutakno ca1 ce 111 the .sec ] c1sc 1 r Ir ul) God s good to IS! ael i.,s :ne of a clean he rt But ir:; for n1e 1ny feet wc1e almost 01 c n1y steps had ell 1111)1 sl p etl 0 Of t l c son1'> of praise 111 l tho pra.ver that follo od sl a he u l ve1 y ittle S 1c 1 n rn ed h c1 self and more earnestly th;in for 1na.1 y t drLy t.hat he1 husb nd in1 0 ht ie cerve heJp in h s hou1 of nee J for she knew the g eut trial oI the even1 lg '" 1S at I )V J 11 see a bot t h nd She sa w lo~ closely he bent o\er his hy nn book l es1 t1:tL1ng m re tl an cc a n l f$hor tly a.fte1 remcu bc... ~d Ins 1ncltst1ncti ess of vis on in to the br1 0 Ltly bghte<l ha11 at ] on1e n,1 d tro llccl as she thot~ht of what w ~st i.;01ne F r he \ 111 I O\ 01 oc able to e J. 1ua ctr>J.o 1 she s d to her ~ lf It sec1ned for n. f v n101nentt1 that all her fol ~ 'ete to be. rcahze<. for Mr rJ \"\ Cl THiil: S liIY BO!' aftc1 gT\ ing ont his text and ;:,}o vly r~ l eaL1 ig the t o 01 tl 1 e ope 11 g se 1 n ee~ l1e1e i be Sl)~Dr lo ~lr.;1 Sta <l1n 0 f b1s scrinon h s ta.tec.l l ep e::i.t11 g ]11;::. last b) the s rg 0 l 1llo s all 01 c 'vea1y dav v. 01c s stu n led 11 ] s SJ eec} p 1t lu:s t 1 a tel ing fo1 lo is fatl er Jtr 1ggl 1 0 )1" 11 l to Ins br0\V '\V1th a confused look nc.l be) ond 1 l the b1ci.1.I er~ for tl e lire of J R '1.h1lo h s 1\1 c u1 a 0 onv 0f aprrehen \h, to\ ;i.r l t1 e lneu.k s1on \\a1 t1ng fo1 \'.hat w s tl o nc n ext cl el bc1 u.tely hn l a.all o ]us inauu scr1i t and closed t he Bible Dl \.\ 1l101ghby 111 ln ndlj co1ngel v1th Ins so 1 hal fL equently u1ged hun t o.c 1.:nst in lnn self hilt: a Jo mg i n to oc I ::in ... f1111l 11vhl1 cas101 .Jly pru~c l without. n tes n.llcg1n~ ...., t tu be a n1st ii u 11 Ins ow 1 :i;rofuss on 11 otl 81 source .. 1 ti sa1u e 1nuustc1 b1 telly ct1eo1 t I a.t lle had ne er 1rn.ctise<l ox 81 0 Joo-.ecl at th'" .· ~ ""-' rtvblisn.grnn to1 l ti cous s1 e :i,kn 6 but l al st? ctlJ to be excd 1[ I l:il cak co fi.1 cd 11 rn solf to :1. '"1itte l d1scotnsc Il llus ""' l' 1ce t1 e Jong u.1u i s~eL J c.d 1 ot voxed "\ 'lih i follo vc 1 a.1 1 t v l.S t l eref Tl:l v1tl 1 i I Store iccon 1 loo stairs J E FAilEWE!l L I B, n lltcGEE Il A HO~' JAME, Ill U J 1JGE Il A " OS'FJCTI' Over 'Vm !vicM rtr) !! Dry G-oodl5 ITt')St [ 3fRS C G RANNIN G Eown1a11'V1lle r tbe l ost OJti e up D FISHER THOS JOH:NSION JOH:N llfoCLBNG jw G PERHY do l 1 ends con 1t1yn en and lo'i ers he tl me for my caU:,C a.n<l be s1 lent tl n.t y n n1a.y hear 'Ihcre be so11e present '~ho have cn. U cd a good 1nan s h onour tn qucs t1on tlus d 1y Is there in tl is a~ tHnbh n.ny deru fr1end of John Da\1s1 l say t do do WE TILLEY WM ED\\ARDS do do I Da't HI Sm.n·t, Ie B Conveyancer ARRI8TER AND ATTORNE AT L \ V\: Sahe Lor n CUA-nccry and In so \'e C} Notai;v Sol c tor for the to.1 B1-tnk &c Port JI01 e 0 t Money to Loa «. d L 1,, fo Sale - - - - -------<- - Ito be1·1 J.l1·11umr Jolin fL G.1nwanh, LA \: Office Jr g St eet Bo nv He AK"ent ai Ho na l: Uc t'or tJ e Frecho I B Id ? Suclaty Money to lend on fu1 n 1 sccu iy I B ARRISTER AND !l.TTOltNE AT IER B !\.}{RI~ a !ort .J obn JI. Hutd1eson1. A r 'l ORN EY IOR d Not.a --y P bh c Ov FICE - J.!!rstdoor of Post Oillce up stauJJ sd lLIOI R. ill. I 11rne1·, the inhabitant~ of DowmanvJ~le and of WeHt Durhan ti n.t I e ts no v repa,r00. to a ttend to a ny sn.lcA that inn.y be en rusted to hiu1 Charges moder ate 10 tf A inforn1 t'a.rmere UCTIONEER WOULD BEG TO VILLE 1Lnd Da.rl ngton Rcsldenco Q ecn Street Order$ punct a1ly atte.1ded to Charge~ Moderate 13 A UC'IIONEER UCTIONEER FOR B OW rAN 'lhou1as §to11hom1e. General Agent Dari ngton Centro pI" attended to A }' AP PR<\JSER A:ND !=l.a.J.cs R. D. l'olcy, ~ the 1 o"toral tended ICEN SED A UC IIONEER I on p of Darllnirton Solos Jro Charges 1n0Ci.e1ate npt ! Uoney to f,end. been a.ppo1ute l agent for U oProv nc~l P e I a.nont Duilili g an l Sa ng s S oc et of roron to is µreparc i t o neg otiate Joa.ns o l l1e 1 E~t..u,to !leourlty on the most fa-.. o rahle te !'I IG-10 J B >AlRBalltN T HE t:NDERSIGNED HA I NG s 1 d but s l e spol o he stuurbled J\'[H L UJ\IMJ S Cari\\ ngl t RICHAliD SH\W Darlington I ou s she s rd u t'lreat chs reEm R I WILKINSON Newcast.e I beg JOll not to atten1pt to l)rc"'ch to J P Lff\ EKIN Chuke h1n that Pr111:10n \'1110 ghlys lo\e\~ as nght Iouc.:tuotuo it l)h hats 11 MRS HILLA ;I[ do do E BEMAN no less t han Ins Then if they a~k me I lo1 fol h e cl d not heed 1 er MR BAHFOOT do <lo J l:!ELL\\OOD "'l J Jo refused to save lnm I a s~er it "aB n ot that he loved Davis leas but that of t he city tl ioubecl MISS HAJ\fBI Y Poi t Darlrngton BORIAND 010110 1eloved1ts1i1uc pl~s 1noic \\]en th 1'l c go g o thed lfc.irontcl trcl ef,j C W SMITH D 11 lmgton ~ LOCKH ~HI Clai ke 111an va.s 'n t l u s he hon u b;:1.1 d 1ro ot so late B'lEPHEN CI EM:E:N CE Dai mgton Lile l{:henhc1vasunforun::tte he1 1tecllnr1 1Lft 1 tll ::1~l l~f 1 a Ba..i::;tov :ci JJ f IH0?11AS MuCI 11N G 1 " 'vhen he w·as in err 1 he adrr c 1 shed him fing at cl -..vhec.z1 1'> ,v 1t h the haste they h d WILLIAM GLEME:NCE do do M D \HLLIAl\b Therosho1 0 rfo1]1s\11t113 1 ty forl s 11 le the' rt1) co 1 1e cane up close ]l[ATTHEW COLE Tyrone de REV Ii BO>' LE 01 sfor tune and ieproc f for I 1s err n be]nnd LL.en £01 here is ou1 o1 n ue ... 1 1\-Iy noble p tt1on ICJec.:hi tht.! c:i.bst1nence n 1 1ster vhv ve a.ll ln ow 1s l. i 1ttorn of JOHN BUR~ Manveis do It R LOSCOMBE yoke as m ade by men \\ho l\ On!d b1mg pnnctnah ty Mr '.lhayer I "" deli ght And a great ma.ny ()theta do J\IRS BlWCK h1n1 mto bon l a0 c V\110 s hete so base j eat Jud 1 nJ ;i If in your col p ny :P,[y Intemlmg purchasm s cM1 er qmre of any of the abm e, ie t l at. "oul l be a bo1 J. u If auy speak h 1sbf\.nd Ii \s been fl lltt n tll the "a.y be fur h n1 1 J.S P:n.ion Y\1Jl ougl by offended cause] l cpt l 1m '\l'"a1c1ng~n non eni; Lftcr gardmg the me its ot these macluncs He boheve s wine to be one of the 1ne 1ts t11e bell Let:ian to toll Ent dear n1e 1f ,v]uch God has created ,r]uch rs to be \re keep \\ 1th the n111 ster I t lnnk 1ece1vcd -..v1th thanksg1v1ng Is any here &hall stra1gl t so "rl c that ho would not be :t ChrIBt1an? Ihe nun1ster a ~ire :i.t th ~t n1oment as Uowmannllc October 5th 1871 If 3.DY s1 t:itk for h m hn,s T'i.rson W1\ cxe ting 1.ll t] o strengtl of her 1ron1an s l onghby offended l pause for a. ie1 arm to uphold the crooked st,eps of tnerr Tl'IE LOCKMAN N one1 sp111t 1al g1ude She hnstened tor pl,y for Nary one Joe aa.1d a vo1"'0 fro111 the h111 \_LL YOU WHO NEED SHOEING crowd 1\-Ir Thayer "aJ3 so de ep in h 3 1 cdr ~ow~~dg~d1 h;~h~~e ~t~~:~~:~~ ~t t 1~ IS NOW TRE Then none ha.s he offendedtat1on she said that ho did not l en.r Y\. hen the m1n ste1 at the close of the :irhh h the 1·1ace to B·o Boots IEADlNG M!\.CHINE Do a.11 y aakthc ca tse of th s ina s tlcath1 the bell and for a lght I kno" nould still serv1cc Joined ]us ;v1flj at the door of l er and Sboes--None Better I answer p o son l quJd fire a id t \'"ice distilled be in lus study 1f I had not cn.lletl h in I s ip Bir Colet l:'l.n bustled t p to return to \\ ~ are now roa.Dufa.cturing f om the beet IN THE D07YJTNI01i OF CANADA da. n ntlon Ah said ]'!1 Barstow s~ e v] at iL tl e ]a l) h e1 bottle of 1 s I d1d 1 ot WI !ch s-wnllowOO. tn.kosn ~Ayt heliie n sos lrhcs mat er nl Boote or in) desired I ::i.ttern rwo -Wl\r one nrn.d 1s to a good w ifo ti) supple Hcnt a aond it lp ho said for h121 eor\ cc ranted to flt or no sale HIS PROUD POi'>IIION IT HAS I ho subacr 1 er feels g ra.tcful for the' 01~ l b er atla ell. thro1 i;l its 1 herent goo l ~ alihe!! man s de.fictenci~s Well 1t ah .ay 8 I ets con 11er ce 1 bcfo 1e I f ur 1 tl e s xto1 al pat.roange he has hail !01 the last fifteen Ji ears T hcao q abtics are s1n1plic ty durn.b l ty cle .A.nd mllkes n. Rtan a. block o. beo,st a fool and would sol c t a conL u Ut\l oe of p 11 e patron gcn1ce ndn.ptabil ty besides a seora 1 or eof equ& And tur s l 1m do ~ 1 to hell Du t whos to me tole beliind trmA but \Ve ~re srn..fc to That nun1 s alwa5s out of the 'ay hen n1 ortance Fo full partic uel.rl!I n.dd.le.ets lo the a,c-lc, 0 ld beg t o ~) to nil :vl o ndcbterl to :!vian bll.\me? Bng.,.l follov; s 1J tan honest calling n voht th\t lS certain he~ 1nost \\tl.Utcd nut I l 1ll Cl th nk fnctu crs N ot DI'lggs mo e1tber by aunt t1 ey oto or book n1ncctou8 \\'JJ "10N BOW:P.l.AN &:; CO tl at sern1on 'vas H1ngcnt e1 ough w1Ll o lt 1 A 1 sef l citizen n. good ha.1 d work g ma. Tl o } ouse ' ts full co-m e to tl e scratch ti .,. fall Pttilt exper <'.nee 1 e The bell h 1d ta ght n e t h tt st.eers o.1e in ch ens c1 broke l Ham lton Ontario \Vhose little ones ho wnrn s be ea l U e ll u k <lil.lts A n 05 l t!Xcellent <l1seo n se :ll:11 cea e 1 t ll 1 g rd a lce1 sri11l 1ess I e1 \ ~ded wl en yonn~-lf allo";red lo run lnl I four or five n & II OHARA nrds q ult years old t s conf5 der<.1d n break 1 eek .nge NO v Thaye1 \.nd see ho1e I tol<l Ba.rsl v ]{is Thayer fel A gents for DurhA.n1 a. id '\ 1ctoria Gro\V pJ mp a d strong !ed on I 1s ol lld en~ tho " a1t1ng ns"e1ub1J all tl ma ea1s and all acco r ~ d c th 3 tho the1 drr\ we sho ld h t put ii as they 1 ip the a1 le tha.t e~e1y eye broal fall ·w1l bo ox1 ccto<l to payS 1113 BRADSII.A.\V Moreover B ggs doll tell ls on his Jionour wa::; u1 on her husband She could n o couple n ore burners to th t drop light by no v1no.n\ uk Oct 1871 12-ll {And wo ill kno v B1lgg31s al l ono ua.blc ma longer uph old his a cps but she kept clo1"SC t 1 e d esk orson1e111ght o lr .fil111ste o ltl So a10 they all honourable n en ) cun.11 la1u th at he coul :ln t iea l Jn:> so u 10 1 t J l 1n1 till 11,he reach e<l. her own scat Ile g;..H e this poor man poison un lei: 1 ot st Yes .many t ncs has ser'\icd 1 n sore g u st Tien she wat(] ed 111n1 breathlessly as h e Out I concl lded to d gl tJ to do 11othu e his vill .J. I'll!. Drrn11aco1nbe, [,, D. She ~bout t auJ perhaps tin u thu gas tlo1vn a HESE J\IARKS ARE THE CHEAP often(~ hen ~here wore i10 q l a or chi d 'vent on ilone "\'ia.llnng vcrJ slo v], URGEON DENTIST SUPERIOI~ T EST the n1ost 1ust1 g t1 o least troublol'lome tnfl.e 1 ow and tl en :;\its Tl .1.yc y 11 trcn1blcd v. hen he re iche l the t :vo o ron s shoes) GolU Fill DITTI scrtcd Teeth cxt1 acted and t lOBt coniplete ever in-.,: cnl cd TJ cy are husband needs to be 1 nt 11 a tlght spot for 2 cents P..ach Ai excel e t '1 ooth I ow er se<l ru d 1ecco n me1 lel b} n an} of tho bc::it furned the poo dC'\ ) tl 1rst g fro 1 ] $ door fo Halo 01llco in McCl gs block U ceders J ti o United S ta es LI cl Cu ada such Ile tells you on h s hono lr - ho ou able a oecas1 1 :i.11\ to bring out l s 1 c.. er vcd a s G D li0r1ng ::5alen1 1\.lass Pr~s lent Ne \ "\Vhose long exper encc i tl J.S ho1 est trade force John S R fiB ] ngla'..ld '\\ ool G. O\\ e s Roe ct R : &H O'HA:RA HALLO! TJ-IERE' I ac Is E w I NG T MA H IN E c ly- 1 J n.ppens I DAN A'S ~ PATENT SHEEP MARKS. s., S TO LET. R Peate Talloa·. The Pump Shop GIB 30 tf G ENILEMEN S AND BOYS l\IENI:S n 111de n tl o ~EWES~ Wll H UOitSE POWER & L UJ!E \ t pt cscnt"' orkcd bi thosubRc her Possess o i g 1 en imn Only b 1sineso of' Ll e k d n town ple ty of uRto1u 1>\tc ch.a.nee for a good I u n1 n1 J..kcr H en ep1n Ill 11 o essor :i\f JifiJcs of t ht" State Airr1cu1tural College Lansi1 g M cl J:To l Geo Bro\v .iornu o Oot Juhn Snell Edn onto 0 ~t Oi cacl lflark s stam1 ctl. 1 e o er s nn ue " d the shee1 s n 1l e1 ThoJ " ill be seut/ree: by ma l r exp ess for only /01 cen{s cacl a d ' ill lust fol 1 WENfY YEAil.S lt1 must accompany all 01 lle1s Dowmron 1l1c .F eu 10 1868 S £"\:LE 0 I!a.8 ta 1gl t bun " se dlscrct o - 1 e "" 11 g e To I o man n1ore 'vhcn ho bas I a 1 f'lt ough Gooll !ricnd8 tl o gb. you be rag ng -., th tl e th r~t. (hell "You 11 th d hlm on ndfLtua.nt ind steel (Unl~ss indeed you b ng tJ good-w fes qu t the little chHdron s al oes) a ARCHIBALD YOU1'G Jrc 8\l a 0 t Orders addressed to the CAN ADIAN ST\'!; F.8MAN Office C r un q t.v n1ll bo filled at the nbove nen tio cd p c as CJ ckly a.s tbe ).larks can bo l\'.I r Br1ggn here inte1 _potied lil cr.r the clou1 sl a a 1 el<lc1ly 6 e1 tle nan ui s1 cetacles (f\I<lcntly a c 11 tty c e1gy l. 1 v tln 0 speal.l: ~ th 1'-Ir Thay er I-ie "as t l-k1 10 u old 1n n ~ hber tJ l c s i l hc1 he l n.d i 1trod 1c <l hnn elf W. lilt. ()hnue, HtRIAGE LICENSES I SSUER OEt:v M st tho Ily au or of Hrn Excel cl or Gei era.I Ottlce Sluli: C} tho Go ~anoftice E SHYER Bo\\ n1u.uvilh: 1t'Ia.:r 25 1871 n1a le anl sc t er Vi R CIDUE 'l'o Rent. and c do 10 v ca 'fl of fo.Jlc cedar o.t ex. luut qua ty !01 s ~le Apply to Rev VY LOG.A!\ iu r.r Cart"' right Sept O 4tt1 13 1 A 1 u n t} Yoll quit. that ]1 e shouted a, hanc ing 1nonac 1 gly upon the ::;! eakcr Gen tlemen 1 11 you allow this crazy fellow to ins llt n1e on in,r o 'n p e n1scg1 J ·~ W vev ( !vii J do a 1 ord rs 1 u c he Address Bo vrno. ville r' O .Ma. ch ! OJ I 18 l uu1~ be fn. o cd --~ j BOUI 50 ACRES OF LOT No 14 As \)ere Cui Cn. r I t. IJ e m ost of the land n a tu for u t 'i I ---~--- B. §her Ha & Fa Lory-I{ Co, HOLliSHE MiNUF\CT RERS Seed Pot.1toc11. n.l n sed r HOO-P;::;Kirtl>:i Tl 13 t le " 11 pl crl on 1 e!;L tc mes ~o io1 X J g of tl Eall cs ~o 2 01 Pro g:::>L cct 11':~5t Bo v an"\ill 1t>-3Dtf lillo i-; o 6 or Pee less for s de n lots to suit p l" - - - , - - - - - ch ase-sat lov;cstma1kct pnces 'lbce:o var ct1ea Jl at New orr G AHNET Dov. CHILI E <..RLY ROSE & Fm p ay 8"1d C!ai p Frno trnde and free speecl l hats the talk Joo Marh l ts as good a r 0 ht t o procla1nl l11s sentirnonts a!! Br1::igs h 1.S to carry on hrn l s ess Go 1t Joe I 111:1 eye i thro igl Tl e ~pe \ker stoo l i uet and apparently nT l Jv cd d rn g t1 s c nfhct f feeling luA face i elaps1ug 1nto the tro 1bleJ ex p oas1un h~b1..tual to 1t ~I e1 c tlie l u pon ho roused huuself i.nd tln s con T P M FAIRBArnN lHRRlS!ER & · \ tto1 CY Sol ~ to 1 &c ,_ Koo ""ru""- - --- Kt-Orc l. G. Ha.1111utg, "··'"·rI ISa.:i ar the bes t g o an l my san ples not passe l A.11 y cu. ly nsthcs 3plv 1s Im ted r n.n ~ Uc Mu.rch 28 18 2 II vHAPER 35 Lf RO 'vINCHL L \ND SURV[:YOR C1Vll Ji g:mcer nn 1 Land \ge t Oi'Hco a d ci;1de.n c c L o t 13 3 l on Da.rl g on Allordo~ l" tat tl e o:Olcc or J.:.ol crt Arnio u Esq_ 1 rompt tr a.tteadcd to 10 .. er1and the orga.n CN\5ed playll 0 uni ster ln.d not cha1 ged his po.s t n sat inot1onlcss lus face CO"'i ered h;inds 'Io Frances Thaye1 the s1lc.ncc thats:ucceoded washo1r1bJc She vonder ed if the people 11 tho next sli p could tin icd hcn.r her heart beat \\as he asle~pl Coo 1 frJen ls s veet fr ie1 d s be q not pray Thoy Ll at have tlone thU::1 dee l n.1c ho o 111.ble too f if gone to atol se hnnsclfl "hnt d d me 1t m en.n1 At length w} en others 1 egan to \nd ·viU no lo bt v1Lb ieasoJ s 11nswc1 you th nk the i 1tcrv al of s1lencn long 1VI1 ) ct beo.1 vi; th 1 c 1 y I cart rs ~ o der I tho ThaJer i a1sed l 1s head and can1e fornard gra"eyai l to the lcsk ll1s '>\1fe d::ned not J t I r, X ou ull did kl ow thw a -., I o l g tl erv Deep sed d shonourc d ui 1 s lo olJ g f\1'e eyes to his face and she heard no i:; 'V ti 1 one eo poo1 to lo 11.m- 1evcre1 ce bt L kue" b) the bo :red he ,.J.s uru 11 c l er Once walked 1.J cse streets erect a d strong tllat by the 1not1on of lus hand ho h td O! wl at a fall ·vaa ll e 10 my countrymen rna<:iters rI were lisposod to 15tlr called tho assembl) to] ·vor Then tl1"t pape1 111 y t 1 russess1on I scr1n ns on clear -.,;rJ itc papc1 i:v1th i , i e 11na.1g1n nnd on eve v other] e If y u yo i do not su by the tin: e you arc s1xt' ye us old t.1ey1VJ. l be 1 ttc1]y u eless to you I a111 a.1 ~u g ' 1L1 ess Lo the tit th [ of what I say - a v 1r i g ri.1 l ex n ple to 111) JOUl g b etluc l in the 1nuustiv I a11 1111 ~ g1ee1 s e tn.cles tor igltt s r hecat se vh i I 1v s a Joung 11 1 I wrote iny se1 1ons 01 l lue l l.pc1 l\f IJ OJ<l i.d h s "ife w·ll el l one ·

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