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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1872, p. 3

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- -------------- - - CANADIAN Court of Uc-vision. tho 'l'0\\'11 of JJowmtt11vil.lo w ill rneet at tho Council Cham her, on 'I'll UR.SD_ \..\", J l;XJC 13th. at 7.BO p. 1n. "Y onler, Ti. "\V'I~DAT1', '1'. C. Bo\Ytn11uv:!Ue, .! unc 6, 1812. · ----~ · &W;cazUUU£&'._~,.l.!.!.-..,._5,,.~- . *.£'.!~E,,....,,...,..~~~,...,....,..,.,..,._R'!..,'"""'"="'""'mm£m~"""'"'~"'""""""""..,.,.·~i~ . ""'"'"..,.,."""".......,""'""'""'"""""'~'e'~·~cr~""""'°"'""" 'G'2,!2(.~~~~·~~"""'~ -~ --~ -"""~ .~ -~:w""' ·"'!'"""""."'.'""'""""'"'"'"""-"'"'"'""'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'""'""'""'"""""""'"'"'"'""'""'"'"'.....""'""'""'""'!"!'""'!"'""'!""!""!"'""'"'1'!"'!"'""'!!"""!"!"!!!'8!'!~::!!!!!!""!'!""!:"'"'""'""~""""!~~""'~"""":""!!!!'!!'!!'!"!'""'!""'~~!"'"!""!"'"!!"""'!!'!'~'!!!'!"'~'!'!"1!! ! sr_r_,_1\_TES~1AN 9 :J30WM_ A _ N,TIJ..LE, THURSDA.Y, JlJNE 13, 1872. )Pay- 1tp :H1ul :l872. T HE COUP.T CH' .REVISION I·'Oli ., i s_ ::YJ: .AY. 187~~. AGREATrdEDICALDISCOVERY. ~awe 'l'ruublc . T, L HAS NO"\Y A FULL A KD COMf'J,.,ETE STOCK t}F' J:~ un,dc rsigncd a rt :cq-w r- t e1l t o po.}'" b ofm o the flrr::t of li'el,ii·ua ry next nnd Riise \.ronlu·' . 1r. 'L' ·.HOSit.l.N'. Jlowmandl\e, Jau . 3,1872. ~-tr .. LL P A R TU;{; HfDEBTED 'l'O ·rHl' uy RE .A.D ' Hon~e :mid neddin;;· ~;~!DI~. ISprir1g&Suro.merDry(f'ood.s: A ut rI'o Let.. Cr 1 h~ ~PnT.n'p Shop· "\YITJI HO itSl~ -r O\V J;~l~.· ~ LATfi '}i~ 1 READ f,AJ\OE r.ud choic<> ttelection Ho~a>J a1h1 BeddiJ:g PhtniH fu::: ~;iJe , elH1x.p of I I ! I SUITABLE 'l'O THE W AN'f':,; 01<' EVEl{Y FAMILY. IGents' Clothing Made to Order' l I -N~ l..' ttt lJreceJ1t s eri A.a·. V·/OJ"]{ o (1 h· v E. tl1f~ ·n1b- Posscs:·it)n p:i,·c:1 l nir::; e (ii.otch'. Onl,· bus_1,er.;s of the k intl in i:ow n--p1·~nt,y of cust.Oll' ·· ril.r ) d 11H100 fot· a gootl. pun1pmaker. BOU>Jf· L \LI/d. Boin:i.1u.nviii0: r,[~\y 2J ~ _lt?:7"2 . r T' I-I J·; AND AT A GOOD A. THE LO\Vl!:HT PB.1C l~8. ON~ 4'.1-tf I --- · -~- IF o I' §a!-~. · ... ---· ···-1 ' i I ~~ ! LV ·:~~?,. R E D i I _ _!:_t~::~}!.::.~~l~-=-~·:_1 5/ l_._ ~-·--1 J! . ltn d Shntb, Evergreen , FruU, iind Herb ~ 0 ·.~~l~. p1"opnlll br ..:i C\)mpl ct~ null j Udf;·ln u~ n.:;:;m:tnwnt, ?.-.i sorW of t> it,ber, ~ I. C O. 'J'he si x : 1qi1msH GAT<DI;N, F LOWEI<, THEE c! .:tssos, (150 pael>.et8) fo r !'j;LJ.00. Aiso. a.n jmme1we ;,tock of one ye n1· 1 :;l' Frui t T t·eec·, ~n:uli F111ils, l·ruit 8Lock3, 1'01wg Fruit, Orr,ume11Lal ,11.n.J EYeLgl'CCil. .Seedlings, Dulb.s, noses Vines, Ho ur;n n.11 :-1 H01·dp t· P :t\ 1! IK, .&o., &.n., d1f· 1no:.t. cumpl-2te ttssoxtn10ll t in .A1ncrka. Prep.:iid by STOGi{ OF GENTS' .-L"{JI BOY8 ' ln th~ 'Town of 13ow·1n~tnvi:lo, Twenl:yeigh·t. acres of belong.i11g Lu ('~ h~ r.e of th if l!\to DA Y~lD DO\Vl,El--. For pttrticulara onquiro Gf _ r.r1£01\TPBON .S~ BlJ lt!-;S. Felt., Stravv I 'T' Pans ma l:..rats. I CALL AND EXA11IIKE Tl·l.E STOCK .rn. tl 1\.TO'l'1.CE __ ne best Groceries DO _.L ""' or1 '° .L. "'loj hand:fMEDltA!_JICTORY. . neut phyt1iciau of forai~n di:iacon.t, bas dbcovered a I DEPEW~S ll A H, G A. 1' N S - -l X - - - - --- --- ~- -·---· I~\ I1EitEB\'.- GI VEN 'l'llA.'l' tli(' e:et.:1 i.oo of. l~ rcµrH;cnc.:i.ri "e in t,h e ClHOwit of U1e l'ellt1Wl n( Pb .\ ~ici~,H:i ar..d SurgeonH of o,· thi"' 'l\:~r1·ilo 1·wJ l_iivisi·Jn, as 1 cunstitntcid o,~ A<cl 3·1 \'"ii.;., Ca.p. 45, Y:U b..: lle!d j on the 12ch dtiJ· vr J une n::.~ t. · Tl1e1·e .,.,;1 1 l>!! 110 nrndnation3. 'l'llt.' vote,13 wi JJ /.:If;) ea st. h.i- voti 11 g \J .~nm·oi , which ""'lll be sen~ fr01n U.1.b ~1 ft1co Q.ll tLc l]r·:>t nf .hme next, to cadJ r egiste;·ed 1n·actitioncr f !l Outariq. li'ull inr"orH1u ~u;:n wilt ;wco1n11au y each \'oting pn.pcr. If any perso.r1 doo3 l·Ot re cr:lvi'l hi.:; vollnr.· P,UP· er iu dim ti 111c after the day of nu-.i2ing it wi1I be het~ILIJ8l~ }J t\ liwJ 11o t s(\nt dur: uotit:e or" hi.J chango uf rosidcucc. 11. STH AN GI~, :l'il. J)., - -·- - - - - -- ---------· -··- - - -- - - - - -----· - --""'-" ·r [-_ )_ ·(·)...\-XT J:\_ . ,.._lI ~J .' ;nR. DEPEW, OF PARIS, FRANCE, &n omf. ...l.." A GJ"aat BlooU.Rl!)l.UeUv-o.Purdy Vegetnbl11C'..ompo1.ud by physiCi1u11, Depcw'n 1-hclic:tl Yiulory, thatc uresev el'y kind ofuuht: althy R':.l.m or,1.nd 41Yery dhe11.::n;tht.tdcpende1ou lmpurity o f tb0 Blood, where the Lunb>s, Liver, and Kirlt1oy11, and othflr "aAl or . snns, aro not wasted beyoud the hope of np!!.lr; mu.ii. Priced Cata1oguB3 to an~y addrc;:,g, also trade lii:;ti::;, gra tis. .Seed~ on Conuni8sio1;. Agents wanted . ll. ~1. \Vatson , o·:d Colony Kurs ori<'~ anti Seed '.'la.rt.1l10use. Plymoutl1, !11:11s1i. ~stilhlishcd 13.J2. :rlumm, Eczema, Scald.Head, Scaly Eruption of t_h.G For the cure of Scrofula, Erysipela.iJ, ~nlf J.& 'vV. J. NJ'_d lJ llrr ll Y&(j(). .A.HE NOW S1IO\VING DA I L Y LIKE DRY A (} 00 DS AND J\!ADE TO mrnJ<;[t And vVarranted to r_ l'"'· O for $10'? Ears, Eruption on the head, and l'imple11 or Blotches (lO the fa.ct1, it atiu1dl!I Pre-eminently nt tho he;i.d o! all other romcdl~11. Tho fa.<Jt h; II um on, Sc:rufula, aud Disease o! tho Skin of wlw.t1tvor name or n1.turo. literally dug up a~d carried out or the ~ystem, Skin Ulc{lt!I and }!~ever Sores of all k.1!l.d:t 1 Bu1L. nuU.:or irt the ?.Iouth auU _Stomt\-ch or lJyes, Sor111 in a short time, by the use of thils lHouU Rcmt!djOne>ttle, in iluch cues, "\'1ill A FULL ASSOI~TMENT 111.EDIC.\t , ~tcais·~·nATlO,'l 0FF'lC g, Hamiitotl~ )!ay, 187~. l j T~·:'g-!:>t?':tr. F. _B.,. YO li convince the moat lU- credulous ofih curative ofl"eGte. Royal Insurance COl\Jk'.,.\. NY. -· - -(·I ' · - GREY C0TTONS at Qc., FAST C,OLORED PRINTS AT 9 CTS. .A .ND 'l'HE J{E811 _.\ND 0 l!.h: Al' .EST its Jmpuritles hurstiuir th r ough 'the 11k1n iu l>nuplc~ . .Eruptioue, o:r Sores; clca.n:;e it .w-hon yon fl.n_ U lt ob . :r.trnr.tfld lll the vewa; cloan1rn ) t wheu it 1.8 foul, .snd your ! eelings will tell you when. Xeep th·· Dlood llUl"fl autl 1.ho health of the 11y1te1u ,..ill follow. ~ · It is a Gentle Regula.ting Purgat~V~hA·~ell Mn. Tonic .le. Pos:;e.. ~ing a.lao tho pt._....:~11:111.r me::1t "! actiUR as.: powerful :i,gent in 1elieving Cong1:~tio.u., C1 on.nse the Vitiatod Blood whene:.~r _you~ilri.11. r11HE ~Jj]VV L.A..E.JJ: Of.' · - STE.Ar~IEit 1\\r j ~ 0 i·;\_, i. C >.) .l"t ·rr;i l.lJl .f:}_ J..~ ' ~1lf l'>.' J\fIJ_,LI N]Jlt.Y, GOODS, MILLINERY. EVERYTHING NEvV, STYLISH & CHEAP. j 1,en ving '\rfil, on o;· a bout 1.;; t Auril next, co:nn\encc lie regular duily trips. (lee 11m·mit!ilig, ) and Ohron1c Tnfiarow9.tion of the Liver and All U1e Yisceral OrgAn11. For }"' Co:iiipla.ints, whothel' in youn· Ot" uld, warriedor 6inglo, at the da.wn o~ womaT1hood, or at tb..ihirn of life, the Medical Victory ba;i uo LIVERPOOL sub!;o'<'ra,ct1 C11 1tHitL.. .. l'nn.11~ LONDON. White Cot,ton Stockings t:iH~,n30,oco ~~.uoo,,~cN. ~ at 3Jc., .I i 8auth \\.' c·st. H E'r UR:t..~r ~G. l,e[l,ves Chu,rlot1 e, Port of P~ochester,en~lT even- C o h u11 rg- e· 1:r·y 11mJ\nii1G" HL \'.~:J, P.o rt Ho~c HI" 9 o'clo<;k, for Jl.~)ch estcl'. CO) \llCC Ling thcro "·it 1 Now York Central, ::forthern Cf'll \l"hl, rtncl lGri<:! Haiiway. for a ll p ointE k::~ ~t, 8outn and Jn. :i..h uHl , u""e e·· ............. _L) J:.~~· ~-:!J TN s s F ·qur.J.. In the..,eurB of Rl1,rnm,,.t1 ~m, Dy11pepsia., JATor, Knd diaea!IC3 of the Kifilli:lj'S a11U B_lf'.dder, ib etrecte are eurpr!siug to al1. }'Of lteg11b.t1 HJ.( tbe :Bowels, nnd curing J:l1liousu~u. Het>dnche 8ick. Hell.~lle, Jc.ti ve>; ttl 2 o cl:Jcl~. P. JH .. fur BriJ;h~i)nj. 1'he S tearn.el' en.Us 1i.t Brighton, ~\loadays nndThursdays: nJ,CcdiJo rne, cV crr ll a:: exce1lt \Ved neHd ay: .i..t \Vhi t by. U:;hu. ,.,..L, UarLinzl.on. flJHl ing at H c ,,~ ock , tc:n~ r.rit 80.tur11af i", ~)hen tilt 0 . AND GC, QDS I CUUN'I'Y~~ NeuruJgia., Tom s.le W~_aknet1a, Nerv(1mi_ Go to F. F. 'l'.Y ln;;ured t\.t cqnitl\bl0 rt!te 1. T.;':d dwcl1ings anll far1n ri3~,;:s taken on orable tei·me. ., J.ifc lns11rnncp,s grm1tod in nll the :no~t a.pprtn'ed methmh!. 'l'liose abm.1 t to 1nsm·e ·viil bear in til ind that SECUfC('J'Y SIIOULD BE THg Ji'fRRT ]\f.c.t\.l{rl"""\H-Ul~.'S. CI?LT!i , a }HJrfect Reuova.tor a.nd JnTigorator of the System, cartying otT all puioo1.J.om1 ~'!otter and B.oi~ toring the Blood. to Jt.g healthy coud1tion. nos!, !'oi.ins i"n tho Sidu, Loins a.nil Dack, ll.nd generit.l lVcc..k.ne11s :..nd Debility, iu curntive powMs rsc bo. :voud lUoney oi,;a.d be:vonil prico, l'f 18 'l'Hrn G lUllA'l' :BI~OOD .PURlFIER,A.ND A LIFE GIVING J>lUl{. \ r-:.~1vc n..otlc, on \\i i:d ne siln :v. should frc i~11t n!f';- 1· . Dcalei".1 in etcck .,,,ill llnd this 1~ · 0 ch ~H<~ G E-t 1 and qnickost route to ..:Hba nv, 1!. LJ',ton, New I ! York,&.:-. ::tt-tf -- - ·-~-- · Ad1! rt'~~ . PROPERA LL DESCRIPT,J(lNS OF spcclully fav- Ol~ Solcl by ~ll :Orug~ist1 S. :Dealers. For i·o."t_fp of prcn1imws, ::i.J111l.f t.o t11e 4.D-t.f. CON8Il)F~RAT10~. FEL'T HATS and STRAW HA.'TS, FO SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET' nooRESS YOU NC, SILLS &CO., Bath, Ont1.~T'iv. l~Jt 1.~ ~. .· P nIJ-rl CI·I·1r ~( l N'· 1 ) - --- ~---~ - -- - -- ?.. C. CA.HTKH, Port } [ Gpe, Ont ~- - -~ ~~ ~J . .l 1 -HA S- Finest Family · Groceries. SALT AND PLASTER .ALWAYS ON HAND. Solll Pronrlotors nnd !fant1factnrer3 ot the Celel)ratcd \~k.toria Carbolic Prep:\ra.Uons. Labor&· aUDn!ggi.:it~. 'Ee enrc I'U3l'!.Hi.T10~1s, 13ee AL L THE NOYE:Ul' IE S FOH. THF. lli urdocb llro's · lll~(lP-rsign- \V, THD1\1P.:30N , ag011t forBown1anyi!k. · S UN DO'-l\ N S, 7 PARASOLS · u ·1~·s Sprin g tory nnd "\.Yorks, Victoria liaJJ., MeJiuda Stre0t, Toronto, Ont. Trade. GOODS Stock of Staple tmd Fancy Dr.r NE\V Two or thr00 experienced ~o , 1fl LEV A·~ D0 . ,~·~ F. F. ~f l\!A:,., ·,JI ... . · ~tio~r~:,.~~o:= RS, CHE~~·-" "'""',..C2.~~~.~l-w_ ti . ~~C"jORE, MISS l\foTAVIS H, e,t "'"'" "' v ..,._,. '"""·""'"-""' c AR 'T' H ~ Tho following_ Preparations Bold hy audMlt fort:qe ""{tcTORI.L that you get them. The highest price paid for Butter & Eggs. SIGN nrF THE GOLDEN LION, J~. . E-IT.:;rccIT ISO:N" Goods, whi ch they are det ermined to le ,,,., · ·· Bownl<.u1vill~ 1 llfURDOCH & BEO'S. 43-t.f 1'--lny 23, 1872. I - - --- - --- ------· ~~- - --·----- Bki:.i 'doft., \71.J.ito, Clear, ond frco from Dryness, it h und \'r.llcd. It wlll quickly rcrnovll all Redness. H:>:i.g;1in ,o s~', ·rc.n , :Frccl.tles. l'irnpleei, and other iml:i1·I.,;~ h!~hlyreCOlillllelldCil to J.2di£:S SS 0. rno:it a~rec:i"Jlo Prcpat!\t1on for thu Toilet. :tror 13..!:i.u~it"ylng t.ho Complexion, and rend criDg tho 'l'hl.:3 J.i:!.t.Y is is r:-elling go<>d'.1, b ought under t h01nost favo!.·able circurasLai:. ce,-:;, at pric2s "~foe/; Belm0 thc i I' Present Ya.foe. J3UY TH.l~~ ~t . .. ?~.;~ New Busir1ess f fec ,!::1;u1. l\H' Ohappnd liruids!Chilblr.infl, J!'roi!t jlc: nt.:i~ 11.:'i.U s,re Li_pl:!, it cauc.o ba aurpll.t!&cd. .t~t Q _ A~LL .A~NJ) .. 2.J cents. · r11HE SUBSCRIBER mws RESPECTRood's businesi:J has changt:d hands, he luis i·o· iiOlvcd to open busintiss on l1ia cnvn account in the shop two Uoor8 \.Vest of :'1-lunloch Bros.; whero ho wfll keep on haud n. tirst-cl11ss stock of Doots a.nd Shoes suit'u.ble fol.' the season. Order work will hu.1ro liie 1r:·o mp t attention. ·r weuty .live years (;:Xperiencc. in t, 1n o1·c: tl1;i.11 Urn ] two of ·vhich he has spent as cu, a1Hl ,s-eneral umnager in lrlt. B.eed'o es1n.bUshn1c.nt, hM given hiln Opportunities of lea:rning ~v]1at the people roally ·want. Ile has therefore. no douiJt of being able to g ivn satisfaction to all who sh11ll favor hirn wi ~1i n c~~n. ~1.n<l ,.,.... ho11es b}- giYing duo attention to business to receive 1~ fnlr share of pnblic support. .J. St.1AI.E , The nC·Y stock~wlll b~ opened --- --- -- - - E:11: t:.;J.dile11, ..:\.pr il 1. l Bi:!. .... - ----~ - - ----- - - - 'B-tf. -- - Hell aL pl'iee,~ ari low ~· nuy iu the · FULLY to inforn1 the puOllc that ns 1-.'fr. H. ------ ·~ I Thi~ ~;0.\1· IAc~.J.. 1~ a~:c{'a 1 ;ly ~rcntccr. or p~~B~h;.·:1. ti V!!, a.~:..u Ne \VITii PL~.J ,"O o~ U _.._ lly"~, c . . i· I .l1. !\l'E\V G lJl~.!~ BOO!\, ACCO.M PA:NT::\!1~K 1' . t!.l'! !.l.~1u, p t ev ee:.t~ n:::itutlon'- removes the cUcctB 'l\J :!..El' poeacsses all tho well-known !1.ntl.'1.~ 11'::l.:: n .i·l di:>:nfccttn p:ropcrtica or Cnrbo!ia h::t11 nilcalthy ~ctkm on J-"J;·':c c '$1.JO e(!.cb; $15-pc·r do::.:c ,1. 'l:-XT HER~iVER THE SJiJ PLUS 'i' f l.lltra Gltc-Bno.~· ha3 h ee n iutrodueed., it lu~ A b l)e.n pronounce cl au 1Jerio1· to all ot; hr." r works ofit11 kind . It i:l the li1l'g'(·~">I,, tn t~~s 1, tlrn· hl,, a1 11l onh· eollecti(\n llf New G l ee~ and (,~uartette s neirl;r· all of ,~· hlch hnso Pi:~nu~ooon1PanilnenH:.; 9U tiu. ~u:1;.ple eoph:-3 nrn.iled , llO ~t , fu1· $1, v :10. :J. L . PE'l' Jl:l1S, 51':1 Bror..dwf.y, N . Y . the COHU L! y. I . ' (.L:ni 1'Hi4 . c~rn!r.:·.l. , Smalloo:s: nnd Ji'evcr PMlents eho:ilr.l h ~ W3..1~H~ 1l ; \°\" U1 t,his f:lo3:r1; rrncl in1 usu liy p ~ 1" 3 Jn.fl l! '.~' ~tc t n j nft0cth11\ -w ill m.!ll.()d1l.11.v prr.vent t b ~ 1~;i~c:., rJ 5b.ou.ld regularly used by I WA discount of :FIVE PER of> tll oeJ ~o. Pl'lce 15 ccrits per Tablet. On Sutm·i:lay, Uth .l!nstand. docll Bros. Re1ncmbcr tho place, t v·o doors " rer;it J. S. ~ of~fnr- D. ~Druggist ry1 . and Ohe1uist,) ' 1 American aa11s: I OI b ..... .... 0 ll AS FOE SALE A CHOICFc COLLECTION OF i~ n r:,r-ht cnro for t!.l.1 Skin D tsras!!S1 \~'U l!!!U ,i, nraiBC!J, Burns, Sore::i, Ulcer"· Ringworro 'J.'~·,tcr. Ecz~mn. Seo.Id llenll. Scurvy, Ab . !c~Hcs, Uo d::!, 1~implcs, &c. It posscsf!C3 £11 tlrn c:h-a :l liill~ 1 \ Htl 1lf:Olint° \·]r11lt.:il ur Carholil: Aci~l, wllkh ll(io:. IJc1J·1 fomu.L h;r l'hy s lchiu~ everywhere to :1J:::s r~ ;:J c:1-r[l.tlvc qua.litlc3 llOt cliaco';'"crcil in any c :.h~.r chcml c ~l pr:::p!l.1·atlon. Price 25 ccnte. Ti.1!3 f:', -1:.:.··1: Uat;l, I -Wia·~i:·~···h~e_ o:i;-;~1·r.;;·1-am~ffi~ - ' ,-.T"N vL. . .. 'i' t he cn!im~ of flll'l'Jel's to OIC one-h urse [LIH] t1vo-h orsc Jrun Cttltiyatc.1·smanufu.ctul'erl by 11im, n.nd "\Vhic11 for six ycurs ub!tdncc1. !host prizes n.t Provincial and L oca l J::"ain;.- 'fhev m·c un<louOtedly t h e bei.;t i 1up lenwr1t of tho J.:ili. (l in use, w1 ·u a1 ijQ 1 c ma d~ on 1t11 ot".s1 1 r1 · 1HE SUBSC:ctIBEJC: WOULJ) DIHEC'l' 1 HOUSE & ~}1-,ri;;-;h BEDDI I~G r~gularl:y PLAN1 S. T11 ~ G.i."CGLJo: iB tl!e most rollriblo c::d cfilc:1.cioas n~:rr'.!d' l~l all ~n. s es or 80ro 'l'J..n·ua.c, lioursc:ne~ict 'l',ll.1 .~,; and Will in a 7f;~·y shm· t, till'Jf\ 1H01 "1! ihn u 1·<'.!)IH' pUl'C lfLSeS 0V61' 0lle I.heir t:U!-;t , i u the c.tfkie n c:" nnd exc~·.llencc of tf~efr work. Inspection in\""it.ed. A :11lPP1Y" of Cu1tivnt ors nov,· on hn11d for the spriJ1:; '.V01·k, ;wul w el· be sold a t lo·.·: est ni.t e~. ] dOllar, supplies receivea during tlu" sea8on. Di1H!l..::.i 1, Dt·rinr.llllj <i, l r:·iJ:1. Li()a o ( ll11J Call and make Selections. Bowrnanville, 1\-Iay 20th, 1872. 43. ------~-- --- ·-~- -~-- ---· .A-:. :!n1 '. ~, OD:\i11~tve HrcMh, 'Clcoio. GUW.t!, an .t\ll '1·:1'.::P;;!l o r tho Montb.. For P11blic ~pcc.kcr3 :;:: ~·111;1rn o11 h1 this c.o.angc:ibto cliuu:1eJ Bro n chial I 'j IRON HARROWS Of fl. ~ll p:;)" inl· J-it1·1, tLhHJ Oil hLIJ.d, The Grccery Department 1s al~ IBUGGL'l:8 AND WAOO:)!S =--r-. ,., 1Hnl t.: ing e:-a it i~ inv.:ilnahlc. Tim in, ;redknts (11L~:- ' :; i.1t l tlJi~ G:ugle ura used by ttl \ l-'.ily:iicl&n.8, 1':.::. I L·" tll·! c1:r<J of tho c.bova dtr;.Ol'tlers nr'.~ now, '~;t'.l?},, l·~·!l~\ tl~c... most popula..: in thu .J[ateria t ii..o ·,..,,cents. McCLUNG BROS constantly on hand for sn.lo . :...:tr A11 J,:irnl~ of Blnck::>m ith work done on the Hhortest notice. A cnll solicited. ' 15-3-Jtf. I. \.1 lBS'TCOT'f. Dowmnuvlllo Sllpplied "ith NttlY F ruits! Spices .D·n·ill:un Bull,,;. low. O NE Dl:RHAM ffC-LL, ONR YEAR old, iiud two Buli Cul n~::i. \'ery tin c- in·cc S7. ~1. .TONE:~S. t e. None bet ,er in ciuali y,a.nd n on] BOWMANVILLE TM a .,...t:0 :;,y-::-:-.1~1' is1l. aaro J:lr<' l\.-o or 'i r ··bti!> Hc;,t :r s:;!l r,.d '"'""'!l t~i, Cl 1 1Jlr}11~, ~w:tllpox, nnd 1.h in· t'··. t:·"; u.· (1 1o.r ;_: , ;·1 l~ ·· . It.· wlll pr~1 1 ont rontsr;lon in C :ti k. ; t 1~ r. ~ t;,) !nveluttblo fvr 1Hi3infecting 'Vatlr CJ 1<::,.:l:!', !h·::iuf.l, Ccs::ipool::i, Btab:c~. Slanp-hter· Nll.oncy to J,oan. ycari1, si,1it bO\Tower,c,i, \Yho n.rt> n.llo~· ed. to mu,kc 5nch ]Jayn1ents, Jn addition fo inst.aln1cnt:i, 1t3 thev 1n1 i,..,.!lnd oonvcnie:nt' inny he Clbt.<.Line:l fro 1n t1te nttda Pe~'Tn l:l. lll'llL R11il(l m.g n.rdl Sa..ving Sut:iel y, b;r ap11ly1ng to MACHINE .AND IMPLEMENT Co. colllpletcd yearof husineas, 'vith a consta.ntand still inc1·easei o[growth. ,As U1e .rna1.111fac!AJ1'y i~ one or t.h6 oldest, it also r~nkfi n.tnong the hj~hest in the. country. During the long experience of t.he1 manufacturi:o.ra Uiey steadily acldell to thE· c~Dnclty oi their ins trunlCuts, o.nd ho.vo availed themsoh·os of f.xe ry methorl to improve the quality of tone and to iucl· th~ mecha.nica.l faeilit,1ee for th·'l 11erfo1·rn~1·_ And though they expect to continue the ~ou r,; e of i tnprnven·eat, they aro abundantly sn.ttatlcd with what ha.a been. doue, and ·w ith tJ10 (lstimation in which their ju.. struments are held by good judges pf inuaic. .As heretofore they will uso the best materials, without rcp;urd to , and give every Organ t..he most thorough Y>'orkl.llanshi.p. a11(1. f er rlestro·tin!! mJ.:ri::eoua d ll n"\""il\ J'·-.1 ·1. \': hatc1:<J · c'.L~ i~1~ ~rlsln:t, It -;··ill drrvc away J\{ro-i·;·:i. :O l· f' , \foHn. Fl!cs Cflckroac!H'f', &c. Ment. .!-'!~!1.-:C:_, -: . C.'\a ho Jl rcilcrved from pr:.tref:ictlou l::y iti; i1.0(1 · C.u·~~ alic .Ad l wtts Gc!cctcd by Der l'l[njr,aty's li:11,' t'.f e·Jmmi3" ~. in preferCilC) to JL1l oth~r pr.1ducts, t. ~ "lb·~ hc;itDL!!i.r.fcl:t.i'. nt f:lr 1h o rrcve1.t.~v:--~ ut !r:.fl.!C~l.·J ::r-tli ;:c a~c i1. Pri ce 2:; c;;nt~ . 1L' tl.J ""· \::·~ ., FOR FPoOl\1 ONE TO TWJLNL OANS TY to he r in im:it.alrucnLs 1.o chc~tp c r. SPRING STOCK, ca _ . .t""Tl'l'lYatc F~\H.J~\VJl:LL. !\fcGEE R1JTJ.Tl:DGE. ~ Sol.lcito1 ·s, BuwnH~nvillc. flll'ClR to lOH.!1, 6lt s· ._ 'Ir.!§" A discount will b e made Sl\H'l'H AMERICAN ORGAN T HE ha.Ye now their Twcnty-FiI'ljt. MANUFACTURING COMPANY '!·Ws I'REl'\. TION is nncquslled in it~ rs. ~1c1lty for Sll!l.rpcnl.D.g .anrJ. Polishing Cutlerv, Tab I<' and Pockct·K..Tli~'o:;,R11.zors 1 t-iurg!.Callu!';cnimcnt11 Shco· makera' Knrre~, .Plane BitB cnt1 Chi~els. &c. Noth· lng has eyer bcuu discovered which hn.s r:prnng into popnlttrity more quickl)\ or become ot i-;o m.uch viluoin every llo~ebold nutl op for :enera.l U!eful:oess. Prico 25ccnlA. TAILOR, ---11::1--- Groeeri0a of TWO AKD ..I -HA LF r im. WOOD'S Sll:LF'-UAKE REAPER, BUCKEYE MOWER, HILL'S P.~TENT PLOW, No 13, SCOTCH CANADIAN & GANG PI,OWS, ~'!$!,)) ~·nl hre mechanical appliances. They call attention to the fact that their Ol·gana are sold A'l' EXTREMELY :C..O\\.~ f'RlC~~. n.s low ti.Ii ia charged !or mnriy of an i11(orior sort. I-laving a. large, 4nd thoroughly appointed Inanufactorv, employ jng none but sldlled ·workmen, a.nd haVing ft.1nfm1te 11i~b;ion of h~li1J1-,th ey able to produce Orge.ns at less ratoatho.n 1nost competi- qual.ttr and volun1e of tone·, a,n·d as to the cft"ect· Thny Nl}ieulti.lly invitn ()01)1l)[Lri ;;nn::. fl.$ 11) t.hi< STRAW OUTTErtS, ROOT do., OARDEN ROLLERS, .F.AN:KING 1\!ILI..S, WOOD-WOHKINll MAClllNE~ OF ALL ICT~DS, SA WING MILLS, SHINGLE MILLS, HE4DIKG MACHIN ES, l'L.A.NEHS, IBOJ\ L.l.1'1IES, DRll.J, TN fl MAClllliE8, lRON-PLli..NER~. NEW TIN SHOP IN BOW~B.NVlJ,LE. FOUMING the. inhubil... '\..nts ofBownHi.nvHle nnd co1111tr·y lhH.t. li t} httS 01wmed out 1~ New 'l'ill :-5bop in tho store lat.(.'}y 01.;oupied lJy John. A.llcn, co:rncr of of Urn i;-ood-n;i , 1 trf'<l and i;o0d·l.c1npcrcd 011C1fl ttB please to gi·.r0 h 1m a call. · BowmUllyHJc NoY., 1S71. 17-tr e11stcmerr; u.nd fri e nd:'!, tt 11d would beg to ilU.Y th:tt 'he ~VLl:! l't'imo 1·1·d to ~he cor11or of King a.nrl Ontarrn ~ j _reeLs, '·;h ..!tehc will he gbtltosee n ~ many 1'TOULD RESPEOTFUl LY HE:1' 'l'UIC'i ills sincere tlrn n k3 l o i, ;,, 111unerum; I C"\:l'Ni' on ,, · 1 pnr~ha ~es 0Y~1· our.; CULTIVATORS, HORSE POWERS, &:c., &.·o., &:c. W. G. AS MUCH I I aurrounding hn.11d :L REED, PLEASFRE IN IN - Complete in everw Departmenit, ' .Book Bi1uln1~·· - ZrK.ES , P amphlets, Ol' anytning il~ tb ~~ honk line, ·wh1eh they wi:sh to 1111.Y l~ 11n1111ll caJJ hnvc heir orclers filled i1L Lb e nente::>tLtnd 11-tofrt durable style, n!1(J n11 LlJt> sliortcst n otic e, by len..Yi11g them !Lt! he t-3 'l'A'l".!;;!:>!<IAN office. Ddng along your bind111g, ] :>ERSONS HAVING BOOKS MAGA- dollor, except Flem· and Gi·r.:in. ...,, · They bcllevo. also. that ~unong othcl.' t11ings, the}' have earned a. reputation for dealing, - thd they 1vo11ld Ltssu1·0 distant purchaser:> thu.t an Organ '"m cvcl' their V>'arcroom ;, 1vlt.h noe1r k11owledgc, that is not in ever » l"espect perfect of its class. ' cure n.fne.nd in every purchaser. '11he-.lrcatalogne ,,.ith ftlll description and engravings, will be scnL free to auy adllress up(1Il ~ippli~ation, All necessary information chcc1·fnlly !"urnfahcd. Addrmis THE SMITH A)U]RIC,\N ORflAN CO. 'l'rm~1on t tor!'!, KING AND D lVTSTON' wru:E:ETS \VE KEEI-" NO :PEDI,ERS For Plows and other Small Implements, But\ ·,·ill iisell $UCh nrticles at the \Vorks for prjcel'I less than 11ny Bol"m.'.\ilvillo, '"'here he ...~·ill keep const11.ntly on of KLo ve.'J , Ja1J· ttn l}ed,pr1.:.1ssed and 'l.'h1v.-al'c, w1~l1:=11·l P(11.(· ll 1:1t.c 1 ()k - -- -·- ·------- - - - .For ~ale! W. R. CLIMIE, 500 rl' ca, J) 1Vhich he "\Till seJ1 .... \s thl",7 l11i.vo h,:.rn1'<l, 1l1P-y in t c:nd to ::;ri- "OBEAP AS 'L'HE CllEAP ES1'." Spccll'\.l t\.ttcnliion p-;id to SEVEllAL Dtu·l1am. GOOD FARMS n r WEST -- - - AND WILL BE SOLD For pa.rtlcntars ap))l.\' to J. K . H lJ'l'LEDG E, l\Iu..rch, 4, 1872. Oro110. inner a.nd Chamber sQw. in establishment can do 'vhich payg l<\rge oonuni.s8ion8 to 1.ravellcrs, EA 1tE1'R0 TJGIIING A1,~ D JODDl.KG - ---- ~ ··--- --- ----1 · ---~---- . SI., uppositf: "\ lrn.rn St. Fa.r1nern will Lhercfore get Pluws, &c., at tho ?..Iunufa.ctory, at a re<luction fron1 usnal prices equal to ·what is ui;.ually paid ped- to. J;.?F O!·de1·:. from tl1'! c oc;.ntrr pron> ptly aHe.c,dcd A~D 'I '!.'HJ<; THEORY Oi.~ MC~JC. Cliint~ and Stoncwm·e. J . J\I. Bl1Il'JACOMBE, · Ho-...vn1anvillc, Ocneral .Agcnt for the Province of Ontnrio. BowroanvHle, ~ .\.pl'il BtJ>jLOJ ~. 1\ft~l;!S, 10, 18';'2. lers. .A. few reliable Agents are engaged in taking orders for &c. Orders entrusted to the1n will receive Re~pera, ],fowers, ·, "~..... <.- , '· : ' - :-,._' . ~!·,: :· ~;'.;: ;,;,·~::;· ·c_ G:r~T~ging into condi· .i.l.v1 t:::~.-~ . Cot.\·s, Cal Ye~. t:;hecp and .!: '!;;:-ot., n&eLl unJ. rocon1mended by first.. (; .l!ret~r..lfJ:..·.~. c·,1,ock fed \vith it ha~·i; t\.l\~'ay.s takt:il:l. fi:-r.;t pri'!.es . J\otilk Cattle prod\.1Ce more milk and butter. . It fa.tten3 in one fourth the usual t1me, prou1pt attention. ALLI \YOitll: 'IURNElloUUT IN FIRS'r CL.ASS STYLE, AND fore pu1·clrnsi1H; dscwl 1cre. A ohuxo of 1Jub1ic } I'CS!)OctfUllJ :;oJlcitel1. \\1. G. H.EED. Bown1rurvillc. ·.}!o.roh 8th. 1871. 32-tf. t...fT :Ui~h c.<Jt prlee puid ffJi: Ill~1t>::i , Sl Je.~pskin s Ragn, "\\rool-lJic.kings, C:opper, Fcat-hei·s · JT~T Great induc0111cnts l:old ou t to vetUers. N. Il.- -F ::i.s tnct'S wfu1Li ng J\ifilk . Pail::t or Pans would do well t o call a nd ox:-,mine lH Y r;to('k be- LA~n. 'l'c iiclrnt· of the L~bove. ...1.pplica1ion for te nns, &0., to be ll.lP..lle to ) fes sr:'l. lL & 1£. O'Hn.ra, Stn,tioncrs. J~ .:1m. x J OHN CAMIDGE, MUS. DOC · ENQCon ,, tind see our China Ball l'!foHcc. i.1 · 1or . <t~ t 0. i L1J,~ !;'.!~_( W A.RllAN'rED. CHEAP forCA,SH ·.. un, sornEES, TEAP ARTfES, IAL Ofllceto 1\11·. d. G. 1~ EB:-:iln.R,L.D.S. I c&I1 with pl~a~mt·e rccon11nctul hint to t.11 re· quiring hi~ services n,s a skilful Dentist. 'l'. J". JU~ .1£S, L. D. l3o:wman.vilie, Januu.ry 31, 1872. 27 H ,~ :me; DISPOSJW .ov>~r.y DEN- s: r:t? ? "For cne month w e wili'gin 11. BALL SUPPE1<8, '\l':intcd, ).farC~~Ls good winter npples, delivered ;ll Bo~1HtnYillc, di~cuuut on d :ockery tlf TEN PER pur ~.has6.~. o.nd saves food. ~11 IJf>LLJil nox t.'O.!'t..· 7'.6l.,"rl!I TJriJ llff.i\"LJR.ELJ .l·'.EBDN., .HUGH :M.ILLEJl. & CO. , JNEW SPRING - - A T- - GOODS T PUBLIC DJN:'<EES, Got u.p in Ow ~I Yk :;i.r:!l on 1·P.fJ.R0nnblc tern:1s. J by the sub:icl'ibei·. frhc "\\' h ilc~t,, tlte i.;wee1.1~at and best bread delh·ered daily to cu.stomcrs4-iu all µu.xt s of the town. i;:;.3 i I ' ·w:r:nmNG CAKES , THREE cm FOFR HT.:NDirnD BARI'cb. 28th, l::s7:!. Agtieult11ral Clrnmisfa, 167 King St. East, Toronto. - ·- · ~ --- ·· - - ll'or sale by ,J. HIGGINJ.30TII.h.!rI, Druggh1t , Bo,vn1an,·ille. I ! BATT I POPLINS, ,s ~IUSLINS, HUHD KN tt V.'J£1tnY. -~ -·--- CE:i\1J.'. on AT;n~x . FLE'.l'CflEH. I Notice. 1ilat, l 1.filUi fL p,nd others who b.ave been. in the habit of prtwt iejng ·wit11 lirtll (:nrttidf;f'-,: on tJ1e will .Plea.Ge beax in rr1irid tb at tro1n the present time, any consent. hitherto gi"O'cn by 1110 u1 absolntcly Vi'iLluJra.wn; a nd any one found wilfully continuin g lUflc praotioc n.rtcr thil'J notice n1ust be <lealt y.ith as the lrtw d1roct s. j "· RAYNE~. I .&w1111odllo, ~(ny ao,1sn, rf J .\PANESE SILKS, FIGURED and PLAIN LUSTRES, street .at pros"nt oC.mpiod by J . Christie, Esq. Station .t')..grmt. }~or particulars nn1Jnire of °"Vm. 'l'H01\.1P80N" .. J,ACES, ' PRINTS GLOVES, &c. 'I 1HE 11rn11rnm1s O.F VOLUNTEEH ------- ----·----·.tWoHcc. i ALL P~\RTIES JNl)Kll'J.':RD ; 'IO Iii. For persons who wan t Bargai1·~ · S TC"<E CCTTM;E ON LIBER'l'Y Kln_ q $t, :2i!--t PARASOLS, 1>. \V1l,T,IAl\1S, ents t 1my up tlurini; the p1·1'180nt Bow:nanville, l"cb. llLh, 1S72. and have the money, MURD~ EXCELLENT VALUE. I .l!llrick CoUag·c .Bt)Wn ·\ nYft! Mai 26 1 1871 , F OH SALE, 01' ~t1·cet. }l~m· ViEJ.LINGT~>.N part.i c u!nrF3 ltl.1Dlv to BROS. is tha pbcc to go, an<i,.·0w w. PllOWF;L<

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