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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jun 1872, p. 4

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Let me go': n1) feet are ' vc ¥) I tl e lcscl t n ei e 1 ou. n Let n e go t.he ' u,y 1.$ lrcary Let tl c van der ei go l oroe I a :i. v. en. 1 of tllc d kne s Of the o lonely fail g s t cams L12 tmcgo be e fo t s a cJla hug Ll the hgl t of h ea\ c s beams Let me go but ltea,vonly Fatbt1 Iho 1dost1 e H Llnt ~ o pha.i 5 er;:; ' ' l en 1ro tr d m e ten I esUi gather Thou dost s t abo' e ti e ::>ky rn s t ng cc th o gl th1110 .Ar o ntc l 1 can yet contented roan1 K u o v ng in tJ ie ho n ....1 po ntl!l 'Iluu Ittcl~ethc' tnlererho e :\."BROKEN IIEU T.ED w1Clov·e lll BA:RGAI an, 11. r D \RGAIN s '\RE NOW GIVEN H l , HE TI0l3T S M \.NNI~ G ---o --- C <lRHIAD ES Corner PUBLIC has f tJJJ J <'.i v l o~ t Corn fo:-: Sale, WAGG0~:3 Store Whole l G39 Lf or O.i. acked· .lfo hua - --ll~cJil~ou;aEI. \ND CUTTERS SLEIGHS &c ANU l \C1'1JlU';J) l )f o~ :oHO ~ HN ST '{ .,,; )~ ::; 0 N"fOS 01' rrr l it& T3 N"\ S'l'YTF. DESTl ED rHE SIIOETEST :NOTICE - - -- - Shoi~1, Hes r O:"!T u o 1 B o wma Ue Sop Me 3t s It & I [ 0 HARA Ge1 e1nl \ ge n s OPINI O N Corn& ... ~t o 1~ m,umllcr ;un <l Dowu a1 has erect ed a p111e slab over 1 1 ti lvife s prc.,entcd n. fine p to the gnl 1vno v as Inn 1 to 111 11 dnru1g Ins afihct1on N FW YORK I tp cr } a.:J is.s 1od the fol low1n0 lust 'I nung - "- e ca.1 t10 fo tu black cats Lhat :ire cont1r. lally se1en admg u1 the back shed tha+ there 18 a saus lge i:>hop t,,; ) doors to the 11gh t If you are too weak to JOtnncy Up tl1e n1ount 11n sleep and lugh You can cl well w1tlnn the valley As the rnult1Ludes go by You can chant in h:ipµy ineu.surc As they slowly pass 1long Though they xuu.y fu1get the s1ng\}1a Ihey will not fo r 0 et the l.!ODt; Do n.1 t then st n.1 d idlJ 'ait1n~ For aorne greater work to d o Fortl ne i.:s a la.zy goddess She "ill never con1c to y l Go and to1l 1n any '1neJ~Ud Do not fear to do 01 clare If you want a field of labo1 You cn.n tncl it ny vhe1e A STitAl\ GER meetu1g a rn:1u streets of Boston a. fO\\ da;s n.go i o ghly accosted hun '~1th H erc 1 'v tut to go to the T.1.c1nont Hon se rhe deliberate rcp]y w·as Well ) on ca,n go if yon won L be gone long SHEU.ID.AN one day \Yhcn co ll IUei fr or1 shoohug "1t h a.n e1npt y bag did 1 ot lilA to go 11 01110 wi th notln ng and seeing n. number of ducks in i pond and a n1an or far1ne1 leaning on a ra.1l watclnng the1u aa1d VVh at ' Ill yon take for a shot at >ho ducks 1 " ell ho s ud I w1l l take a h alf a. sove1e1gn, Done a ud Sheri da.n and takn1g dcl be1ate alnl he fir ed i nto Soll in l3o vn a t Jle l.J J H g ,..11 lJotl a1u an d the tlock k1lhng a doze n :I n.m J..fra1d you D StoLt w U a ll n eilic le dcnJro:s h a\ e made a bad bargmn s;ud the n1an 'File G 1. eat !Pcn~,a!c ll!ic~lli! cd:y. ' they \Vern t mine 0 apolu~ F on. D a.r I Da.rl ,..t S<\.LE \'I Mr MILLS IN l} a t tex le(1 o Rep rlllg 111 gtou No -\.. B OAJ\ I DEI T 9018 L J.Stf 11 bTnn c t c 'f of tl lTdCJOJJt ' 10 n11gn n1 tdca inat ai:; the \ c cn.1 ge ~ 13' I'I1 TE T..> AND "\VE LT_, b u 1 -~-- rr ED JN -- - - - - -- - n i tl e X to be ..., a le tu rn~ COUli'l:Y ll n Octolf' n off.lo i.: m n villc J S D ~1h OI DulUIAM .A.1 p ica t to1 !Otf 01 BLACKS r1II'T'H fv 0 RK, SAIL.'<F \C l. OH.TT 1'. DO ~E CI-IEMIS1' Sora D. S'fOTT' ' AND 1 -AL1'l IN Bo :v l 11 D Pro l« t IN A SUPERlOR MANNFR J SLl\fI SON Fl OM: PETJ~ R'S DRUGGIS'1 Musical I.1brary CONS >lING OF ~illot T HIS OE LEBRA'IED MAOJ't I.N }I: now been tested b ovond all q 1cst1on .ttn'1 t,11. of ti e p 1bhc J.5 that to-dft.y vr l: OMl BON EBQ DJ :U:C'tOn OU' r.cui: IS ly :rtOY.tT OANADIA.N B \.N'K 'l OJTN I IA J!L B rJTLDTNGS, ROWi11ANVlLI.1 FIFIEEN \OLUl\iES FILLJiD WI'IH .DHOlCE..Jll.ANO ll'CTSJC it St.uull!l w1 th out a Rh a m DRUGS, l\1EDICTNES, AND Cf-IEJVUCALS, rt is the n ost substa1 t 8 n,. built Jtt\s th o fcwce DJ o St iffa Pate1 t J.\:Icct1c1n cs Pe1furnery B1uslF·s Co1nbs Soaps 1=- : nn t:i; and Oils Pan t B1usl e$ Co 11 Oil and Coal 011 La1nps ~c \: c vorl 1ng part ben t fl l in d ~ a1gn t1.nd fi1 ish - Pl'. YSI Cl l ~ P R E::.CH.TPT ION S CARE]l!J _u'Y [;01 \!IPOUNDFD AND AL[ < OltH ( LL Y t.N~\\ J. f{.l fJ or D.ERS Western Assurance Com~an1 HE\D OFFICE-10'Wl'i10 n q ayUul 8t H 'k :o.nrplu.s I unds Ifus tho best dcmgn of a fl 1tt1e and by far t h & LARGEST IlOBBDlS It Js capti.b c of per fo rm 1111 a tango of'v rk hitht"!rto thou,ibt 1m:pot:sibl for Scwin~ Maohmes h 1>old at allo11t onc· h :tlf'tbe Jll'H'c 0! tl111,cr iVl!aehi n e!!I (I(! .F ~ 1 ' w tn 8 and P hy'i)'l,Cll rflc e a cl f ti< best q ialit 1 M f o ~ the Coii,nlr y 1.~ i l Ji 1 l o H' Etocl' of ]IJed'ic inc~ C(J $ 4 CC - -- - ----- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - ---- Jtcceipts f H 1he ;) c U endln~ S i~h Ju ne 1!8 l ; 208 361' 64 SIJ'"',S&S 2fl At tr1e Ironmonger y I SOMEEHING EWIE:!l.~Ji HoN J Thfc'Thf c.:itn en Pres1de11t B H AIDAiS 1"lanag11 g Dnecto1 OJ\ G WANTED · BY EVER"Y BODY - ORfili][~ 1'Hl P1tlCE OF OTHE!t MAClllNES DOINl'! 'l HE Lll"-E WORJr la equally a.t hom.· (Ill eA.ther ui o ftne goods Ha8 ~ ml otr .PrUe1 ovet tl c llowu S ngQr J ockma. \Vheeler ~ \\ ilR01 W n zcr Rn.JI o:ud &.-c M" A Perteot Mac! 1nc Guarantee«. ·r ne sale Fire and Marine I N SURAN CE 01\E ran l!§JEJR ®\VI.'¥ p \Jl.~ Jl'!Ei:!. :Thv1l'. !> L I::LOUSE AN D .t~ 0 D 9 8 PAINT~S, VILLA OF - SONG ECHO !FIFTY A NE>\' SCHOQL DOLLARS Boo~ b;i II S Pet AT TOW:csr CUllRJNT RArES AND TRE GlJELPll H AND TUE4.0I. E llIAC:UINEl!I I ·w o1 Tll OF Mos rc P1epared foi imn1ech :i.te use a.1 d n th1 1g b1 t the p lrcst me l and re qurr ng I o furtl er n ix+t i e of oils i.lUL)enhno rtnd Dryers k ns Prict: 5 ..,o le I:!"" 0 R $ 3 Coui age brother, do not stun.1ble Though th) path I c dark as mght Theres a sk-ir to gtude the hun:i..blcJ'r 1st in God and do the r1ght !hough thJ "aybe chuk andclre...,1\ And the end be out of sight loot i t b1 ftvely strong or vreary Trust m God ~nd do the right Sh un all fonns of guilty p assion Friends Gan look hkc angels b1 gl t Heed no c u~tom schoo l no faslnon T1ust in Goel a.ucl <lo the r gl t 8ome ·w1ll lo vetl ee ao1nt..: will l ate thee Son1e \\Ill fi1tter some w11l slight CeaBe fro1n 1nan and look abo e t l ce Ir u1t in God u 1d do the 110 ht JOB l\10Sl S PEHIODICAL PILLS T HEm coMPOSITTON c0Ns1srs soLm p , e Colo P ii?e WI de Le id P u1c Tn i e Z i c 111 iseecl Oil Spi11ts of '1 u1 pentirw cmd Drym s careftdly and scientqicall'!; combined I b e co1 s nuer c._..,n have an.) J. e red sha de >i Colo1 s rie:l.tlv 1 ut up in CanB ::tnd al I f'c rcqnncs to l uy 1 t11 the Prun t rn a Bins l as t1 c 'vork ca.n be done by hn11se for arc the bc~t nul.dP. s mplcst more dnrable u d i ellable tban any ol.ber awglo thread D')aeh1 11.e Will do t c a 1' avcJ n i: \geucy for the To v 5h 1 ~ outi}1ng La.1gc1 and,. o k i.vlth great ea.~o Hns 'Jn V1 Appl 'Ti t. n g ·w1tl efc e ccs kind!5 o domestic sowing I a. per fectly s n.tilf11G lo tl e under<> ,.,ned fo1 tun su iss on to the J{ea.d t.ory rna1 1 er I.Yas ta.ken :first p1ize ~rt. v Offi ce exl ib1tcd FIRST CLASS MAN WANTED for H & H O:ll:AHA Local ~gents bJ B o· 11 an tile Sci U 18 1 LD\ i n en1b (:.ll, of J.llS household 7 PU RE VVH I TE LEAD. A l 1rdo stock JUSt iecen ed for Autumn Pamtmg rn1po1 tec1 dn oet frnrn tl'e English JVfanufactm 01 s mcludmg J ~\.JV!] S 1 Genume and celebrated Rooster brand- Guaranteed pm e ALSO - till stanan1cl Colo1s Oils \Ta1111shcs "lld Painters l\f:i..t e1 ials Cnll an cl see h ) v chc J p ~ f::Io 1se can h o P ~ 1 ted a.1 cl Deco1ate d fo1 :ill thes(lll To tl · P i bl e of 1 'I'O u lJ l e. O'WNJl"::RS OF A.GENTS \\.ANTED EVERY\\ HERE SPLENJl!D INJlUCEMEN T8 Farm Property -A D- d ct 1.m l.Ul b ers for Four l aok <> ce .a J L PETERS 5&D Ad l c:i s 1J10 ' ew dt ay Yori l.A DETACHED RESIDENCES IllSURl rnut. PUOl E llfAN D - IN HIE GUELPH S E H J/YG M:AOH.IliE ao Y. GUELPH OANA· A For terms &a:m:p es of ae ~In,; &e a pp ly Jo!11rnon.s A od ie l ininicnt \Vl ll gn o more iehef in cnBel'!i of Clno11c Rheun1a t1sm no inat ter how ~ev e1 e thri,n n,1:; other article known to rnod cal men ti· Bi 1{ sh Provi ce of OILS P.AINT~ Sew~ H~ ad 001 on s i:laif You1 iUoney Km gs ton Coint t ) 1\ or th, 4-nier ta Office fo r Canada ohl Bnd ·ell c t a b l sl e I r9-inrs S!i1" R & JI O IlA.RA.. Whol~lilttl· ai:e.n te. tl c Co\Ulties of Durhanl Ontario and Yictori11. l"!if SpeoJ.D..1 nd cemente te Lh l'l ag'<'ln s. Jan tl.lY l~tl 1871 i) V AP.NISIIE" Q. 1ns u cs oot l 1ng h t Fi n P ro l c G 1caL'lJ Red uced Hates nJ 500 COOK I>A.B LOR H ALL is: owing to two pr nc1pal i ea.so1 s l ll t} e firli!t pla.c~ '\ o breed fro1n t11e veiy be~t slock and rn t he second place., our pee plt: nse SJ c1dtan s Caval y Co idl-lion Po ivde1 s w hich n ou1 J 1dg1nent :tie of 1l ca.lc1 1tlbl e a.dvantago A.'>o BOX S10VES Carr1ag0 Good aunm,; and now on 1" 1 rn1b1twn · iin llll em .0&·m11n :rhe la1gcst nnd chea.pcst stock of rin w r "' i i 1.1 e Co iuty of Dtul nu e lllngtr:n B 1 " I \\ l!ITELEAD ~ ~t ti e vc 'Y lo vest p 1 e::; HOH'E !I.ND CA1TLE ~rnDICJNES N ~::1.1 dctnel d Res de nc es an l Iss ues Pul1c cs at A SSE lS Oepo s tc d 'l $o~O 000 00 G e neral S ewrngMacn in eAgency :'rlAllKE T B U I LDINGS Gener~l l-1 nd\ (1,re B - Co lntry <.;;Lo e1 ceke ~ 'iilll 1 licd on ad cous ter ms tl the f1na 1cl.'l M u s Id Jg Do m:in\ il}c A 13 s~ 91871 .JO I-IN ---- - ----·- - -- - Ll be[ c fi ot Canad a ?ol cvllo de s over $100 0 00 c1 ror f>PC - of Proou 1ng Y ont l s both iscxe!'I go do' n to unt 11 iely g rt\ es f101n gen eral deb1htJ nnd weakness ' vl o might be sa.\ ed by for 1fy1 1.s then SJ l:!tcmis with I1on The I-'er 1\ 1 Lil Syrt p s .1.n Iron Tonic prep ~r cd expressly t o sup.1; l'" this v1tn.liz1ng clemen t and rs t h o <I ]y preparation of I1 0 11 that will nn1lil.t.., at o 1co with the blood THOt SA'<D3 HARD TO BELIEVE. True 1'1' evertl1eless ! - - -:o - - JOHN L ANGTOS f 1 ill ris te1 of F nnnce Tl s 1:i tu ce t fy t hat. I have oecn ncq I'\ t e d w 1h t ie Offi cr. s and A f a no.g ers ot th e Ag c 1\tu al Tn "ur:i.nce Cowra.n.) Jor m iny 1'Cll. f! u d also v; th the b ;, ct;S o p eta t o f:I of tl e Oom1 u.ny fl.Ud I a ve o hes1tat o in ccdtnmeud 1 i; t s a p c rect ly safe n 1 d rt1 l 'Lble Oon1pa1 y n.nd ts Officers n a com1 e teut and houo a bl e b s ncss 1ncu and 11s Jt BO vVMANVILLE GROCERIES VERY OH]JAP0 Ol Tffi IN S TQU.l_ Tl'! YOF s "AFERs (The great p1bhc re1nedy ) 1tave 110,v been in use over t"TI on ty yea1s hence it cannot be said th 1t they ar e on t r1a1 They have b een thorou ghlj tr1edt and pronounced ( n t H autl oritJ of those "hose Ii' er> & nd health they have preserved) lo b o a sure harmtesR and cm 1nently ,galnta1y p1cparat1on and 1f ta.ken i n eoaso11 "°ill 1nva1 rn.b ly cure colds coughs 101 e throat a.nd all Bronchu1l affi.;ct1011~ One fn1r tr1n.l w11l con' inced t ho skeptical Sold by all m edicme deale1 s at 25cts pe1 box I t '\'\AS CICERO \Vho said tl at men were n e-ver so hke the gods as when b1 111g111g h ealth to their fello1' men ¥1 ith a lrno" ledge of and fullest confidence n1 rt m tr ms1c mont DEPEW S l'rlEDICAL VIC TORY is oftured as a r eliable cu1e for d is ea& ea of the h ver bow· els kidney ii and b ladder The frame that tlus B LOO D P URIFIER has acquired for the cure Jf cos tiveneas, fe male 'veaknesa p1nna1y con &ump t1011 biliousness and gcncr il '" e tk nes~ and dcb1hty is V ttthout a 1 1allel in med1c3.l lnstory Ow11 EP.S OF Hon.SE~ R&JOICI :NG -And why not1 and who knows bnt that the1r horses are T8JOic111g a.s w ·ell l\ho can prove tho cot1ttarJ 1 Bnt tl eu own c1s reJ01ce becau!':lc of tho ast on1s1 11 1cnt a 1d nost nnr.,eulo11s effects < n t hen horses of Du Icy a Co nd t 1011 Po,vde1s and .A.1 ab1an I I eave rernedy Sorne ·wc1 e len.11 and poor ha\ rng no appetite oth01s \VO 111 le vour their foodraven o11 Sl J vet derive no benefit fron1 i t sonc '~e10 11de b)und with r ough ancl ahagg;y han others had severe colds and coughs 1111 iy h Ld t 11e heaves and other co1u1 hunts pecuhar to h orses 011 all it operate d as n. ( harro the disease or compla.nt '" ts speedily re n: oved theappetrte and d1gcst1ve or 0 anscorrectcd th e skin softened and n sleek sl11n1ng ar pe1'.rance given to the<: at all without any danger to or pre1 enting t h e h orse being used 11.e1 n embc tho r 1.n1e and see th at tht a1gnat ue of IIu1d & Co 1a oa each pn.ckagc No1tluop & Lyman l\e\v eas tle Ont pro11r1etor s for Car ada Sold by all Med1cme doale10 ruE f CTUit.:E 01 lELECRAPHl: - I'herc ecema to be practically no hm1t3 to the poss1b1ht1ea of tcleg1apl11c con1mun1cation, Aheauy tho transm ss1on rap1d as it i s ts found too slow and J11 1.ny ingen1 ) US nu nds a"'C Cffil)l )yed flolvu1g he p1oblem h o\V the speed can be lllCIC liil! 1 Dut \ e bel eve perfect on has been 1tta1ncd Ill the Canadian Pant Des ti oyel and that 1t 1s t he only reh ablc for ie1no'\u J p n.1n a.ncl c1u ng colds cot ghs rhe11nal1:s1n ne ur algia aununor co npla1uts '-\>:c Sold by oll Druggists aud country deal ex s Pnce 25 cents per bottlo B1 YAN ITAL1AN & A WERICAN M~PJ3LE - A.ND- ood CoolnPg lhrnms only 5 cents a pound G by the boa ei and SCOTCli AilETIDEEN GRAN ITE su1 pl ell a n short n otice E c ytJWJg p e1ta 1u 1gto Ccnetc1y '"Olk w II 1 cot ' Lh 1 OU pt 11tte1 ders w1Lh t 011 ) 1<, b) !CU.\ Ing Ol l.'J UMMER DRY GOODS at eost 01 dcl vercd ins cs oth ng bit F ~rm Pro1 ei tJ and tll'I tached Dwclhngs nnd hn.s $530 000 .Assets "LOCK M AN" C BOU~ S.iLI Bo :-,.-manville { ~OTTON ,incl \VoolEn goods ,tre advanomg but you can buy \_!them at Ell10tt s fo1 a short t une at the old prices I~ ow Is the time to secme "hat )OU need A NY QU Hi 11'.Il' OF GOOD CED A.It P.a l!'!andPo t s for sac c crn,tth eetun J JAVIER VF.\ I 1 t 5 4-tl Con I con ien c v ler t rcspo 1 s blB be ond anj cont o D D C AL I IN hl P P I G ENTLEMEN m want of a neat fittmg smt should call earl) at Ell10tt s Fasluonable Ta1l01mg Est,ibhshment 1 ea,sonable Ji_ n.1gegoo lh ouse a1d lo L in a tJ l l mg \ n g-o 1 ".\lci.!l ~,.,. or as nu fu.rin 1 ear Do n1 lllo irf un s 'vo1th1 01e th L 101ae l)lld Jot ill I [l.y huln.ncc ll u o le\" Cu. I mined at elv 0. pc so or a l dTcsw N CIIOL~ Bi'lx 7! Ro 1 \Ve h 'e exam ned Jn t o the cond tion 1\I d' unr stnnc'l ng of tllo Ag1 eulh ral Ins 1rn nce Dcul 1gton ))cc tl 18 l Com1 n.ny nod do f11ly concu1 with Mr Oa e n i 1 rccown1en hc.g it to the Far u ers 01 tll" ~ §mall !Fa~ Dl W .uJted. Province as une pedec tly safe and rel al e niHE 'C"DEhSIGNLD \\'ISHES TO in '\V I 1ch to nst 1e tl e1r p OJ e1 y J 0 Cr .... nrr Bl\nkcr J 0Annu-r1 1E1 s & Co 'B M IlRil'lO~ ~lemcn GEO A 1\:uK ? \llU CK ht 'f!' a.nvilic jj:2rSat1 sfacL on g uai an teed m all oasr,s 1 Hen. ry Elliott, Jr traord1nttry c ue8 lll Cu.nRdU: 1 Y t i c GREAI IN DTAN l E?l:IEDY 'Ih J n rc s tein u de Ulc and 1 ncontestablf fac ts sufll cn t lo cot vn cctbo 1nost l:ll ep hco.1 lL L tl.t G e: t M cl cal Cun po n d yea, ell u.fte1 £01 ages is no-...· nuces blo u t h o Greit rrnHE FOJ,LOWINO REMA.RKS ON ...I... Test r on of the mo::;t vo <lu1 ful and ex Ha11pton A1 ,iust 3rd 1871 A CAUTION. · ll.11· .F1 &t·!Pirn:c Drrnm. W1tl grent 1es-pcct HIOM;s HOLIO\\,\Y w~~1-~1u1 F bn it:. E s q Postmaster J E F a r ewell (JUSE FOit S!l.LE "I'IH A SNUG Esq En nster A~eu fr Cob o n g a <l >lC n ty I tle SJ op att.acl c l 1n ti. good b sines a rt of ti 'I O'\V .E 0 1 po,rt c llara apnlv t o J U wrr LB}! T !JSR OIL\RDu LleJJreu::::e t o loo1i:1El:ito W R CLTMIB I &c ~ l .A~ent at Bowm·u ] H(.l derso l s hot el B w in \.n \. ll c v ll t1 December 18 Going 1ffl West ! We 'vould refer JOU to the follow ng gen 1n egard to the respo s b 1l1ty o f ti e Ccm1 aoy - D F s ber Esq Cnsh er o f the On t A.r i;. Po. k Jno McL('od i\[ I P J B l H 5-'"..>3 O:r;fo l St> cet (late ~U- SELLING OF'F I St a i d) Lo ido SHOSHONEE S iw i Cl'1eap for Casb_T A.ll 1ndcbtccl to the b 8 netJ;J v l l e "e <;all and 1c1ettle their :'.I.Ceo 1 t s as soon s poss ble Royal In_ surance C 0 J'\:f PA .L'f Y. LIFF; TEl\ft'OHJ\T, Y OFFICES T C P OLLARJl Bo m 1 ill'\ 4.U Dec 18 I l!Jtf T.H:E 54-th 'I HR vo:LTJ~'[E. Fu· .l!!i'12 ' ~t . lLLUS 'lll.A T.ll:D { ornaer o t '\Wm.Illl. Uon e, n A.J,.n-,. B., &i,; ·-.a. Ji"aui mad Sewing M a c hine · 100!1{ i'DE FIUS'l l' iHZE XlH'lCl" Sh·cotr. . o,noa cua 1 (~0030 Phrenological Journal, A ,,, o J or ASS PA111IL Y JJ1AGAZJNE A.ND A.TIORtrnr BAJlRI~rEit LA \V Sohc1to1 in Chl\n cer J a l I nsol Xe ~j Al ency ll !j..,.1j 004j Offioeo1Sl ~ onloa:n tern A ee Bo o~ Ci' Ul~nv Jo sy Hl :id. to....,~ AT TIU F 1·ov1ncMl Exlulnhon ! J ~a ulancc t h el at '10101 l u1 i t: to o· er tl o n 01>t J cnov."ll"" the vorld iLI OJl&' wh1o! $6.603,::210. .A1Il2.tl8? vere the cckbrated lio 'e \Vl eelor OJ 'V ..-n nn SU'I OF l:J sis pre ush oru~ a uo1 fumat on o th e vcrdie SPIUNG $736-~00. re ldl:IC l bv tl e G eat Cai u.d1H.u rubl c aud pro es coi clus1vely tl e ST P E[UOitirr FASHIO N SJ })OLL Y ' ATI DE'T DO LLY v.AIWE" A PETIRY l I HE LHEST FASHIONS O'CT Paottc1 s J s t <'-CC vod n !\-I ,, A F lctcl o s Di sHn 1k g cn1 o u 1 Patt er 3 of St mg 1! 1shlo lS for salo D ess l tkwg a nd fitting as usun.l Apr il lC 18 '2 MTIS AI EX ~ LET OHIBR :i tf Plnf Bottlca J 0() u1cmber lt HF>DWI' O E

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