Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1872, p. 3

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, "!!!~!!!!"!'!'~""'!~"!'!!~J~-~~ ·~ ·.,.~ ~~~ - "!.l!!!.~!... . !!'~!!'!!'!!' -~-~!!'.!!_ !!!'!!!!!!!!!'!"""""-"'-"'-!!'.".!..~ .""'!~!2"'-""'o;>"~."!. .~ -~~a~,...'!!!!!~-!AL~!!!!'~~"'.!'.."'._ ~m~se~o'!"'~·"""~-""!'"~!~'*"'!"!!'!'..'!...!!!'!_"!."'."'."!.'!..~~ -'~""!'"""""'"""' '==~""'--"=' ~~-~~-~·~SW::J:filt'LM ~~'!~-~.!!' . !!'..!!'_'!""'_!!'.~ 2!!!!'! ._!!!!!'!ll!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!""'"!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!ll!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!ll!!!!!!'!""'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!"""!""'~!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!""!'!!!'!!!!'!~!!!'!~·!"'F">'!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!~'!!!'!"!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!S S'!'!l!!!!ll~&t! .. IP ay up a nd Save '.l'1·ouble. 1· Wanted. CAN~t\._DIAN STATESMrlN., BO, Vl\:11.\.NVILLE , THURSDAY, J UNE 20, 1872. 1872. 1872. AP PLY TO }.1 AY. A SETtVANT GIRL. ·Mrs. C. D. SP.A.LDING, Scut; og Street. s_ :a: I L L H .A.S :.1'0\V A F UL[i A KD C011PL T J:TE STOC.l~ 01'~ /A GREAT ~1EDICAL DISGOVEllY. _, l LL PART!Rfl INDEBTED TO THE tl1 c Ut·st of Ji'cbruary next and savo trouble. F. · r. HOSKrn. ! Bowmunvillc, .T JHL 3,1872. :tJ-tt ...f}._ undcndgncrl ari.. rcQ11e11tod to pay up beforo ! RE.A D ! Berlin Wool Store. LADIES' I I S p ring& Sur11m.erDryGoods l SUir:I.'ABLE 11 U Tl IE \V_lt~T S OF E Yl!; RY F'.AJ'\fIL:t. j To. Let·~Wl'l'H HORSE-POWim & J, A'l'Hl<:, RE A D I iT h@ Pump Shop· 1 Dr~ess Caps TGents' Clothing i. N 'T' 1I B~ M a de to ()rder, N~ iLt present >vorkecl hy tlw musc:·i bcr. Posse~ion gi \'cn iwlnt>:dintely. Onl'f' brn~incl33 or t.hc k in d in town - pJont.y of custon1rurci c hance l'or a gvod p ltmp1~ut1' cr. } ~. R - .1..::-;o - CI-1 IG1'-JONS·. R _fir3t Sto re \Vest of l\'h u·docl.1. l:ko1:1. Bo w m un ville, .Jun u ~ith, 18:.·z. -- - -~- -- - - ---- -·~· ·r, A . T' in s ·r F A. S J -T T 0 STL\- i~ 1t. E A D T Downrnnville, J.In)'. :.!5, H~71. A CHOICE ASSOl:TMEN T AT TiIE l8-!J. ·- -· Felt, Straw and Pansrna Hats. CALL A:rn EXAML::rn THE STOCK. ' DEPEW~S A LAltG l!~ :u id ch1 )i ce ri electi nll of The best, Groceries always on hand: Do MEDICAL VICTORY. nent :pbyaician of for oig n dHc11nt , bas djMo T~red a Gro&t Blood ltemetly-a P urely\' egotablo Coi:n11ou.u;:l -:u~mod by p b y 1>lcia.n s, Dep-0w'1 Mediclll Vh1tury, thiLtcures trv11r y kb;td o fnnh~althy Humor,.and 11very dlscaaet.1111.tda p en<l~on Impu: d ty ot the Blood, \Th~rl) the Lung·, Lh·n, and Kidney·, and other vit:il or gans, are no\: "Wattod Myond the hope For the cure ot Scroful a , Er71ipelr.. , Salt. r'heum. E crotma, Sc&ld. Hea.d, S caly Eruption of the Sldt1, Ulcers, and Fover 8 orea of all kind·, )lci lA Humor tn tb· Mouth and Stoxnach or Eye1, Son Esr1, Eruption on the head, aud l'implN or Blokbi>t on the !11.c1t, it 1h.ud1 l're.eminen\ly at the beit.d of all other rrimedie1. Th· fa.ct is; Humor., Scl'ofula, a.nd Diae&.l!oof theSkin 1 of w h...tever name or n l\turu, a.Te litera.Jly dug u p :11.nd carried out of t he systsm, inn. short time _hy t h e u :so of t hi11 Blood RemedyOno bottle, in 6~\Ch ca:.i. e "li, "W ill convince the most i n. uedulous of i ta cur:i.tive effect&, its Impuritte1 bur11tiug lhrou¥h tho sklu in Pimple·, :ETuptiollll, or Sores: cle&lUlo it when y on fiud i ~ ob ~ 1tru.ctcd anrl sluggi11b. in the vein11; clenn!KI it w h en . it ii foul, and your foli!lings w ill tell you wl1cn. :Keep the - Blood pure and the boa.1th of the eyst om will follow. , It is a Genth't Rtgulating Purgative, a~ well .. .a 'l'onic &c. Posi>o::ieing al so the pi:cn1lar merit of a.ctiog a.~ powerful :i.guot in. relie"Ying CongQetion, and Cilrouie J n flammatiQn of tbe L iver ilolld ull tho 'Visceral Organ1J, 11ld, married or ai ngl e, at th e dawn of '"'oma.nhood, cir at theturn of life~ the Medical Vicior:r ha.& no · qual. I n the'l':curo of, Dyspops:ia, l·!Ter Complil-int, and di11ezue1t oftbe Kidueys and 11ladder, i11 effects ate s urprising to all. F or Uegu!a.tinR the Jsowehl ... ml c ur in g llilionsoeas, HcMl.a.che t;ic k.. Jieadacho, Neuralgia, Fema.le Weak ne1111, N~J'YOUI!· nen, Pal.wl in the Side , Loinii and ), and gen~ ral Wsakneu and Debility, ita curati'Ye }>OWOrB are ()11. · yond money and beyond price, IT JS '.l'HE GREA'J' llLOOD PURIFIE'R ,AN ll A LIFE GIVING PRlN · C11' L.lli~ a perfect. Renovator and lnvigor11.tor oft ha f:;y3 tcm, ca.Ttying off all polsonoua matte!.' 11.nd Bet · toting tbQ Dloon. to jts he:ilthy e~ndition. :DR. DEl'EW, OF PAJtIS, FRAlfCE, anouol- u1tl B cdd i11 g -Pla.1r!:=t f i 1 r ::. al1..1, d 1onp flouMe c at B.oWJINLn V illo, l\Liy 23, .tS72. 43-tf YOTT vVAN'J' A SUIT OF CLO TI-IE S, MADE TO ORDER JI&.\V . J. Ail' 1 11 ul{ rr ll y& c0I ARE 110.W SHOWING I 1------;; A I L -YL.i NE ...'f'o- and Sbrub,Evcrgrccn, Frult nud llc.rb Seeds p repaid by A. i;omplet.e and judicious as: sortnw.n~. 25 sort.s of either class, f,Sl.00. 'fhc l'liX · clltsi>es, (1.50 1mcket.. t:.) for $5.00. Alw. an immense I stock or one yenr g ruftecl lfruit Trees S mall Fr11.its, Fl'uit S tock s! Ym:ng Fruit., Orn~1nont.n.l j1 \.nd Evergreen Seed _ lugs, Bulbs, Rosce: Vine s i Row~e .a.u<l J3or<ler 1--'ln.nts, &c., &c . t.irn tno~i : co1nplct.e tl.seortment in .A.n~orica. Prepaid by l nuLil. Priced Catillogucs to any n.ddres~, nlso t lists, gra.th1. 8o ;)d~ on Corn ~J1ir;Sion . · I Age11 t~ wantc:d. B_ l\-I. "\Vu.L oon, Oltl Colony .N ur~ erle!; and· Seed YYa.1·ebousc. P ly111o u th, l\ E.11t.11.l1l i5ihctl 181.2. !] 71RESH GAl WEN, FLOWER, TREE B A ll G ,t\ I NS - JN --- - - ·- I{. 0 CF.IE STER. Dll Y (}() ODS AND - Iu the 1foW'll of Bo\Yl\l ;1UVilloi r1·wenty~ erght. . acres of land belonging to estate of the late DAV I D DOW"'EY. l~o« particula.1·s on qui1·e c.f . ' TH OJ\'lPSON & BURNS. · Bowrnanville, ~10.y 23r d , 1872. And Warranted to Fit, for $10? GO ·ro \VAN'J' A FULL A SSO RTM ENT r rHE NEW LAKE STEAMER --OF- 43-tf F. F . G RE Y C OT'1'0NS at Qc., FAST COLOI{ED PRINTS AT AND l'tlE BEST AND CHEAl'J£S'l' (}leanse.tho Vi t i ated Blood ·whenever you find N01lSEMAN , 'VJU, on or about 1st Auril next., cora1nenco lie . regular tluily trips, (fee pc1:.: 1 Leu,·mg C,olJourg evory 1nornhlg a.t, Port Ho1)e l'l.t fl o cloek, for H.1 )c hes tcr, eu1111~c t. i11g theL·c '!ith N o ~v York Ccntr&.l, ~ m·Lllcrn Ccnt-rnl, n.nd .Kric Hull way . for nil p ou1tg Eu..;t., South n nd South '\Vest. RE '! ' UR N I N G, l.ea\'ea Chul"lotte, Port of Roches en~rv c·.~en· iJ1g a.t 9. o\.1 Jock, !excep t S·tturday~, -.,.,,-h·on she le1\\'CS ,..rct. 2 o'clock,P. l\.f. , fnr Bri,i.~hton) . , '.Lhc !itcunlCr call ~ at Ddght:on . l\I ondo.y~ nnd· r 11u;rsdays; at Colborne, every rh~;i.- except Wcc i nesdny; at '\Yhitby. Os hawa , Darlington, and Nc w ea.stle, on \Vcdnesd a.y, shouhl freight o:ffcr. Deu.lCl:a Ln stock will tli~d this lJ1~ cheapest ~ and QlilCkc!:it route t o Albnny, Jlo::it011 NeY..' 1Yor1 - & c · ' : "'· . .A ddress. It. C. C.A'riTEH, ' 31-t.r Port Ilopu, Ont 1) MILLIN E R Y, R o yal Insurance COMPANY. - 0!1'- GOODS, ~- AND-- n CTS. LIVERPOOL & LONDON. White Cotton Stock ings at 3~c . , FIRE AND LIFE. 8ultS~1·J11c~l For Female Complaints, wh elb111; ln soung or MILLINERY. EVERYTHING NEW, STYLISH & CHEAP. !-' :FU LJ. gTQC JC OF THE AND CM.pj t nL ..... .. ... .. s ·1 0,oott, OOO Fnnd1' iu U.aud, ove··.. . ... , .. , 9 , Q00,000 IIEAP Ol!.,FICE Fon {)A~ ADA IN !VIONTRl!lAL. 'l'Y in sur ed at equHablu ratca. I solated dwellings and fann ri sks taken on specially favora.lJle terms . Life Insurances g ranted in all t he n1ost approv· ed n1ethods. Those about to lnsure wiJl bear in n1ind t hat SECU HIT Y 8HOULD BJ~ 'l'HE }.,!HST CONSIDEHA'l'ION. ; },or r of }Jremitnns, apply to the undcrsign~ GC.ODS DRESS IN THE O O UNTYP Go to F. l". ~foAHTHUR'S. CROCKER Y. ,\ LL DESCRIPTIO~S OF P ROPER- :FOR F ELT H A .T S and STRA \ N H A TS, FOR Sele!. by a.J.l Drug11ist1 &; :Dealers. SEN D FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAMP HLET, AD DRE SS YOUN C, SI LLS &. CO , · Bath. On.tario . -llA::i- Finest F a mily G r o cer ies. SAL'r AND PLASTER ALWAYS ON HAND. ALL TH-E NOVELTIES F'OR Tll:E Murdoch ll 1·o's Hiwe still n, L11.rge e.nd Well-Assort ed Sp ring T rade. NEW "\V, 4.l-t f. 'rIIO~IPSON, ,_ agent for:Uowmunvill~. SUN DO'VY7 N S , PARA S OLS 0 [() L EV A lR D 0 ~ft . 0 ~ E S M I L L I NE Rs .F . F '. M A 1~ rr :E-I u l=l 's w A N_! 1 E D The,highest price paid for Dutter & Eggs. ~IGN SPRING GOODS l'wo or three oxpcr1011ced. . ~ 0 .forthework-room. ' CHEAP " ·· CA SH ,STORE, , _. ll';re cablo Prcpatution 1.or tUo Toilet. For - - -.. - - -- - - - - n10Jt :n ~!l. 11tit:ting tho Comp1cxion and reudoring tho l)~rfcc tion'l!. "OF 'fHE GOLDEN L ION, :n. HU'l'CHISON . Stock . of Staple and Frncy Dry Ap£\t to MISS McTAYISH, at MUltDOCH & BllO'S. Bowmanvillo, May 23, 1872. BUA. VE 11.t llJJ,OCii," i,;; tile lllacc. T1i~ ,Jr.t.r.Y t.s hlgltly recommended to L!l.dies as a I~ . I-1UTCI-1ISO N i!i ijelling goods, bought undor t he rnoet favorable cil'cumsto11ce·, at price· .Goods, wh ieb they a t'e deter1ninod to - -- - ----- - ------·-· 43-tf 9 Ski!l. Sof t! Whito, Clear, tind tree from Dryncaa, it ls unt ival ed. I t wlll quickly removo all Itcdnefe., Rou ~h nea ~, ·.rau, Ji'rccldcil, Pimple&, and otbcrim- lofoch B elow their P.>·esent Value. $ if!" N ew Business I Fvr Chnpped :Hands~ Chilbln.lne. Frost Bites ti. !lll S.:iro Lipa, it cauuov bo eurpa~ncd. CALL AND BUY 'l' UF.M. "lh"" '16-tf. Price ~:1 Ennh> killcn, .'\pril 1, 18i2. ------·------' --~---· -- sell at pl"ieo~ a. low Ill any i11 the 1 FULLY to inform tho public that aa ~Ir. H . .Reod's business ht\.s changed hnnd!l, he has resolved to open buslness on l1fa own accolu1t. in t h e &hop two doors VVest of Murdoch Bros.; where ha will keep on ha.nd u Ifrst-c1 stock of Boots o.nd Shoefl su itable for the season. OL'dor work wilJ his prompt attention. T\\"entytiTe years expe rieoco i n the trnde, 1nore than the larst two or v.·h.ioh he h a.1:1 spent as cutter. a nd i'tneral 1nanager in !\il l'. Reed's. estlLblishmcnt, has glvenhim opportlUlities of 1etn·ni ng wl mt t11e people really want. Ile has th erefore no doubt ot belng able to give ~ a l.ieri:i.ct ion t.ti all w:ho shall ftt.vo r lliln ,.,·it h n. call, and ---'( hoJJe~ by givlng due n.ttent:.iou to bu8incss t o receive a fair o!' pulilic flup port. .T. SJlifALE. 'l'he new atock~·will br: openCll m 1rn SUDSCRIBERBEGSRESPECT- N e P lu s U ltra I A NEW GLEE BOOK, 'YITH Thli Soa.J> posseseca nll tho well-blown an1 i5ep~ l c an rl Q.lalnfcctlng __prOl)Ct Lics or Carbolic Achl. is n ~~t·e o :) lJl :J.' 8ccnteif, has ahcalthf nction on t ile elun, pr c v~ nt i> irritation removes he cD"cct a or pi;rep tr:ilio u , nncl allonld bo rcgul:lt'ly TJBCll b y r ~mi!i.e". t..:h0!c!':.1., Smnll'po:x aucl Fever r 1.1.ttentlil Tv rLt:~ PI.A.... ~O ACCOl\tP.ANll\fENT. Pri.ce .$1 .50 each; $15 per do;ten, the country. IW FLO-W'"E~SI Bh')aid be w a s :1(;ll with this Soap; nnll 1 tg use by per:D::is li :.l.'i tc t o in rcction wtll materially pr<~vent the ~ p :c :::. tl o r Ui ~C:l~ o;- Pilcc-t:tcc nt~-p crTublet. Clllra Glee·llook h::u:> lJcon iotroduct"'1l, it bas been pronounced au}J erior to an other wodrn of i.t.1:1 kind. It i>i tl1 e lurgest, latest, -finCHt., and only uollection of New f.?lcm1 n.nd Quartcttee, ncn~y o.11 of>vlLleh h_ a ve P1.1\.11.0Acco1npanirncnts, Go~' lib, Sa.m11le copies 101\1.led, 1)11$t 11tti<l, for $1,· HEI<E\'Ert -;HJ<~ NE PLUS @"'A discount of FI VE PER J. L. PE1'ERS, 599 Bi:-o~u.:lway, . N. Y. Oil S11ttu·thty, t~tla Instant. Rmncmber tho place, t'vo <loot·s "\Yes t of Mur doch Dros. ... J. S. D. (Drnggi~t n.uLl --rit·~t P rize . cu1tivat61-";:Chemist,) ~ American Organ s ! HAS FOR SALE A CHOICE COLLECTION OF ThlB t.~& L'i:C i ~ n. cilre for 8.11 Skin Disl'e.!!O!I, C1 1ta, \"foua d ~ . Drn i!~ cs, Barns, SorcJIJ Ulcer a. Ringworm '.l' cttcr. Eczema., 8cal<l J:ICru:l. 8 curvy, A.b .; cc~ ~ e.'J , Uoils, Pimples, &c. It possesses ull lhe cl c i n ~ an< l hcnlin; vlrtues or Cnrbolic Acid, whicb. lii1 ~ ll cc:i. f ounu by Physlcl:ina everywhere to 1.1 :.i~ s('~S. c11 rr>ti10 qrm.Utica Dot discovered in any , other c.~1cml cal rircpti.ratlon. Pdco 25 cents. CENT. will & l·<> b6 m & de on all tuh HOUSE & B'EDDING PLANTS. · t 1 S Ions. ec e Call and make _ ____________ ---- ---- - Bowmanville, May 20th, 1872. ,, I 1 .i ~ .1 the attfmtion or ffn·rners to the one-horso nnd two-horse Iron Cultivators mH.n1 Lfiwt.uretlby hiu1 and w h ich for si x ycn1'S obt ained flrst prizc8 at Provincial tnid Loca.l }1....a.irs. 'l'hey aro undoubtedly the best hnplc1nent of the kind in u se IUl~ >\oil\ 111. a very i".l~ort tilne 1nore ~ t han l'C]Jll~: thou- co1:1t, in tho cffic1cucv u.ncl execllence or t.heir work. Ini:opection invited. .A Bupply of Cult.iva~r:~iS'~tofo,~~1~\~~;~10 spring work, and ~· Ill T HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT p u rC 1Jl.$e$ OYel' On e l d 0 JI a t'. In.ON HAltROWS WF'r~sh . supplies regularly received during . t he season. I 43. 'l'hl" Oci.U!J LU h t he most r an<l cfllc::r.cions lbm-:: d r i a 1'. ll cn ~ c~rot Sore 'l'hron.t, llo1 usene11a Dipt.!1 crl 1,, Irritati.011 ot the Droncbtni 1 'l't1!~.3.J 1 ;0 coQ1mou in tllis changeable climutea I A~tlE..~::.\:i nsivc Brcnt.h, Ulcerated Guml,,I, an al1 d i_~:!:l SL ::I o r the Mouth. For Public ~penkers n n'.l !~ l n gerrJ it Ja invaluable. ThG lng;rcdients en· f. ,~r : :. ·-:- i~ t> l~ h> Gargle aroused by all Pbyaiclana, ILtd t !1 ~ e cr o of tho abova d1 ~ orderij. ure n ow. untl o:i. ·ti.;tU y , tbo most popular in rho Jlaletia ll!:!f-: ·;; P tlCo 25 ccnte:. or a superjor kin d , also on hr~ nd . The Grocery Deparlmeni ii ale BUGGIES AND W A GONS McCLUNG BROS ; constantly on hnnd for snle. 131" .All kinds o! .Blnclromith ,.,·ork done on the: .&horlewt notice. A ca.11 solicited. 1~·3-:ltf. I. VVESTCOTT. Dol'(ll1nnv llle supplied with N"w Fruits, Spi~ D ul'ham B u lls. low. ......... O NJ<J DURHAM BULL, ONE YEAR ohl, a.:nd two DuU Calves, very tine - -1n·ce 3i. M. JONE~S. tc. Non· bijt tu iu quali 7 ,».nd noul 'T h l ~ ~~:rT.L""t' nn~ .'r.y;: h \,ld !·' ~ye~~. Cholera, Smo.llpox, nnd BOWMANVILLE MACHINE AND · IMPLEMENT Co. have no"' con1pleted their ·rwenty-First yea.rot business,with n. constant and still increase ot growth. .A~ the manutaotory is one or the oldel'lt, it a le:o ranks among Uu3 hi~hest in the country. During Lhc long c:rpcr1once o( t.he manufa.cturers1they have steadily added to t)le c~,9 lty of their instru1nents, n.nd have· a.vailod th en1sclvt:s of · every method to improve the qua lity of ton e and'to i ncrease the mechanical !aellit.1es for the perrol'mer. .An"a thongh t;l u~y oxpect t,o continue tho cou.r~ e of improvement, they·aro n.bundanLly s;~Ustiod with what btuj hecn done, n.nd '\rlth tl1c csLimat;ion in which t h eir instruments arc held by good judges of music. A!!i heretofore they' '\YIU u se the best materials, ,,. without regtwd to cost, aud give cYery Organ the most thorough \Vork1mil1ship. · They especia.lly invite comparisons ns tn the quality and volumr:i of tone, and a.s to t.he, efi'ecth ·e 1nech a.nicn.1 appli;;ince!!! . 'fhey cnll atten tion to the fact tba.t tlu~h· Org__fl:_ns arc . ~o hl A'r EX· TREMEi~ Y LO"\V.PRlCES, as low 0.1> is charged for n1a.ny or a n inferior sort, !laving a. large, a.nd thoroughly appointed ni.anufu.ctory, c1nploy ing nono but skilled workmen, and having a minute divlsJon of labor,tl)ey are able Lu pro1lnce Organs e.t leB !:I J·nt.cE:sth an mo6t competitors. They believe, also, that among otlrnr things, t.hey have earned n reputation for fnir denl ing, ·- thU they would assure ili~lunt purchasers that . a.n Organ will ever leo.vO their wareroorns ·wi th noeir knov.·Ledge, tha.L i~ uot. in e very respect per!cct of it.a class. 1 As t hey b ,-.fore stated, they intend to se· cure a friend in every purchaser. 1'1wh·cu.taloguc with !ull description a n d acc urate engravings, wi ll be sent tree to a.ny arldresfi upon .a.p111ication. All necl~SS..'1.r~- inforn10.tiou cheerfully furnished. .Address . · THE Sl\.ll'l'Ii ,..i\ l\{Jl:RlCAN OR(tA~ CO. 'l'rcmont St., opposite WalthA.m St. Boston, J\Iasa. J . M. BH.IlHACOl\IDE, BoWJnanville, Getlei'a.1 Agent for tho Prov ince or Ontario. BowrnanviUet April 10, 1872. is n sure J>t'CVC!tt lvoOf Tn;hna flit inI t will pre vent Co11 t.!l.,.,.ion In C 1ttlL'. l t ii 1 11:;::> lnv:ilaablc for J)f!l- lnfecti11g W11.ter Cl· ·· ~ :: ::i, T h';l.1'1·) , Ccs Fpooh~, Stn.hlof!l, Slatti;;hterh·) t: .".1 ~ 9 . 1 \;c., i~ :td for c1cstro}'in~ n!l.nscow1 t;ll\nyio. f :·l\ :..'.:l w it ~t l <.:"t'n·· cr.ul! e nti!lin ~. It wlll dnvo nwl\y 1'Ic ,.qtliwc~. ::'!fo tln . Fl!el!, Cflckro=i. cll~f', ~rte. Jiieat, l~ i:b . &.. ; . c:i. n l.J o preserved trom u nt r cf~cl-\on hyite n,;c L!:lr'Jo!ic A ci d wus seleetccf by Iler lI11j ~!!lty'9 Ro~·nf Co:mn issioner.:ii, in pretereuc<i to o.11 other pr,n!nct )3 , r.s tlw bestDis iclcctnnt fo r t.he prcYCir lion o l I nr~c t.t o us d!!!c:2ses. l'rico ~5 cent~. f· 1 c~ 1')t1 c· Nlo ne:r f () L oa n. TY t o b~ rcpnid in instalmcmta to suit bot1·owcr8, wiio aro allowed to inake such pay· nionts, in ac!dition t o h11,;t u.lmcuts, ns they nrn.y find conYctucnt-, inay b e obtained frorn the Ca nuda. Pc.~wnne:ut D1tilding u.nd Saving Society, by applying to F.A.ltE\VELL. 1\IcGXE & RU'rLEDGF.. Solicitors, llowmn.nviUo. ~·Priva,te funds to 101u1. 61t rll"l t,-0"0'1. L OANS FOR FIWM ONE TO TWEN . cheaper. SPRING STOCK, · lMJ"'A 1 1ieeount will bo mado T HE SMITH Al\:CERICAN ORGAN MANUFAC T URING UANU'J~ .\C'l"O lt~ COMPANY This Pr.EP.A.r.A.TION is uncqu.e.Ucd tn · its rs piditv for Sharpening anLl l)olishing CnLl ory. T:lb J.,. anil Pockot-l:Cni7e!,Razors, Ehugicnl Instrument ii:. Shoemakers' Kuives, PJe.ue Dita end Chie:els_. &c . ·Nothing has cvel' b eerr d1.scovcrcd whJch ns.6 fpra og t nto popnlar1ty mo;;e quickl3\ or become of ~o m uch valua in every honschold n!ld worksh op fl)c general us efnln~ss. Pricll 25ccnts. Cu1··l ot· T b anli s. R..PE A. 1:raE '.fH)l; Jl'OLLOWIXI'~: TAILOR, Groceries of ·rwo U ID J.-HAL!'_ l'l!lt -- 1 ~-- W OOD'S SELF-R AKE REAPER. BUCKEYE MOWER, HILL'S PATENT PLOW, No 13, SCOTCH CANADI AN & GANG PLOWS, gTJlAW QUTTERS, P.00'1' do., ~'!ELD and GARDEN ROLLERS, FANNING MILLS, CULTIVATORS, HORSE POWERS, M'.ACHIN"ES OF AJ,L JCTNDS, ~A '1VING lifILLS, SHINGJ..E l\t:ILLS, \VOon :~vonKI~G ' ff HEADING MACl!IN'l!:S, PLAKERS, IRON LA'.flfES, DRif,LING l\IACHINE8, IRON-PLAKER~. NEW TIN SHOP ' I IN BOWJ'.1ANYILLE. TURN hitS ~ineero thn.nks t n i'..18 nunloro t18 cuswmcrs and fr i end~, u.nd would bog to isay that he hitl'! removed to the corner of K ing 11.nd On,s runny ui.rlo streets, ·wherehei;vill be gliid to see 1 of tho good-n11tw·ed and good-tempered onee as Jllease t o give. him n. call. llown"H&.lfvilh.J No,-. 22nd, 1871. 17-L( 'l;~TOULD RESPECTFUI LY ItE· OE1'.,...1'. OU .ett.s l i pureJta.see. over OUo &o., &·c ., &c. W. G . RE ED, AS MUCH PLEASUirn IN INlIsul'rounding FORMING th e 11hal)itant.s ofB01-v manville country t ho.t he bas i Complete in ever:v Departmenit, and opened out a New '_ fin Shop in t,h c s tor e lately occupied by John .Allen, corner of - Z IN.ES, Pam11~1l etH, or anytnlng in the book lino, \vluch. they wish to have bound can he.,·e heir or9.ers 1lllcd in the ncatcstand1l109t llnrablc 11tyle, and on the short-est. notice, b~· lcn.vingt.htSm !Lt the STA'l'ES:KAN' oftlce. Bring along youi· biudln~. l :>ERSONS H AYING BOOKS, MAGA- dollor. except F lom and Orain. Hook Di ntUng. W, R. CL!MIE. KING AND DIVISION S 'l'REll 'J:S WE K EEP NO :PEDLERS F or Plows and other Small Implement s, But will sell Buch articles f\t the \Vorks for prices leas t han any eata.blishroent can do which pa.ys large connni.asions to t.ra.velleri; . Ho·vma.nvi lle , · w here ho vi'lll kee1J constan tly (JU hand a ·w ell selected stock of stoves, nned,presE>e'l a nd plai n 'r in ware , ' vJ1ich h e 'vi ll sc11 ~ For Sal e ! · ·~EVERAL GOOD FARMS IN WEST S Durhan1. li'or upplv to "CHEAP A S T H E OIIEAPES1'." S pccin.t a tt cution pntd t o AND WILL BE SOLD March, 4, 1872. J. N. RUTLEDGE, Orono. Tea, Dinner wd ChMnber ~ea in EAVE'l'ROU G HING AN D JOBBING Farmers will thcrefo1·0 get Plows, &c. , at the Ma.nnfactory, at a reduction from uslutl prices equal to what is usually pedlers. A few reliable Agents are engaged in ta.king orclers for Orders entruated to .them will receive to. .w Ord ct!;I from the co1u1try prom ptly attended Al'i-D THli: TH¥0RY Olf :MUSIC, Ohina and St onewa.:e. Reapers, }lowers, &c. prompt attention. .!.LU WORK TURNED ;ouT IN FIRS'r CLA5S STYLE. AND ~· tid C. 1-~ n;:l n g into condi· l.i: v 1 ·ti~ ::o, Cows, C<1lves, Sheep unO f' ig::1, u :::;e-d and J·ecommended by fii'flt· clf'.!!-1'3 Breeders. Stock fed with it ha.VE al ways taken :first prizes. li<!ilk Cattle p:·oduco more milk and butter. ~ Jt fattens in one fourth the usual time, JL:iif Highes t price pai d for llides~ Sheep sk in s, ·\Vool-pickil 1t, "lj, C.orlpcr, ll ca.thcrs a nd l h wsehair. · star Grea t in du cen1enl'8 h e!d Oll.t to pc<llcrs . N . B.-F~u·1ners nting lV!ilk PitiJ S ot Pans would do well t o e1:1-1l 11.11U cxmntnc n1y stock before purchasing el c:ewhcl'C. ..A. s lHH 'C or Pnblio patronage i·cs pectfully enlicite U.. · V V. G. H.EED. Dawm~n vi lle. !l'l:ar .:;118th .1871. 32-tf. f~r J OHN CAMIDGE, MUS. DOC., ENGDe ntal. N ot i c e. terms, &c., to be mnde to Mcsars. R. & H . 9 Hara, Stati.onei-s. :!2-3m. x LAND, 'l'encl1m· of the a.hove. Applico.tion Con,1> and see ou1· Chinn H all. _·{:. ~tu :--. it,.~ l..-;' c'·. '.1u11, W ARRA.N'PED. §tiH Ahead. SOIIJ,EES, TEA PARTIES, BALL SUPP ERS, .l'UBLIC DINNE11S, WEDDING CAKES Got 11p in 1.J1c be st style n.n (l O n rcuaonable t ern1s AL:r:'.X. FLETC1:,~R CHEAP for CASH 1'.AL Oftlceto Mr. S.G. WEBSTEft,L.D.S. I can v.·1th pleasure recommeucl him to all roqu.irinli!' his services as a. skilful Dentist.. 'l'. J'. JONES, L. D. 8 . Bo1V!lla.nv-Ul~, Januaxy31, 1872. 27 H AVING DISPOSED OF MY DENWanted , ILifF01· one u1onth wa ·will jiT· & diacount ou Crockwy oC TllN PER o.nd saves food. d T.ll r~'\ ·JJ J111J,,J..4.11 J1ox C ON · 2" W'O HU.A ..DRR» .PBBDIJ., IlVGll M.ILL.F.R & CO., AgrlcuUtu·fl.l Chemish, 1G7 King St. E:tst, Torant· \NEW SPRING - - A T- GO ODS I · i ' HREE OR FOUR HUNDRED BAit1: I-tELS good winter n.pples, dellvcrcd in l-Ia.rch. · Dowma.nville, Ii~eb . 28th, 1872. For tiale by ':J POPLINS, JAPANESE SILKS, FIGURED ancl PLAIN LUSTRES, p_.rnASOLS, MUSLINS. LACES, . PRINTS, GLOYES, &c. s , I b)' the subscribe r. 'J'hc whit;cst, tho sv,rcc test.._ and bes t hrood dcli-vcrud <hiily to cnstomcrsiin n.11 parts of the town. 15-3 BUI\DEN ti WErtl\Y. CENT. on euh ptH"'ha;,e.w. J. IIIGG1NDO'fl!AM, Drnggiat, Bo wn iitn \· ille, -1 · .l\' o ticc. ~ D. WILIJIA.J.IS, must pay up during Urn prc~cnt month. Bowma.n>ille, Feb. lHh, 1872. :NoHce. HE MEMBERS OF VOLUNTEER ~·--I!'ol' ~aJe~· ··---- .. ~ TC ~ E CCTTA<iE OX LIBER'J.'Y Atreet ,at pl·cs<>nt oc.mpied by J . C hris tie, Es(t, Statton }ror partwulai:s enquire o( ~ \Vn1. THOM.PS O~ llon<D"'\1n·U1 J.Ia:r ~fl, 1871. S T I ,\ LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO Iii. Jl'or peuons wh o want Bupna itnd h& ve the money, M U.RD~ BROS. is tho plaoo to go, aa4,.,illtime. mn" st. 22-t ' EX CELLENT Howauttt\·ille, .lprj.l U, 187t. VALUE . :\1.ilitia and. ·others w h o hlLve been ·in tho bA.bit of iwu.ct icing ·wit.h btt11 c11 .J'1.ridge. on the tto.t, ·will· bear in n1 inr1 that. from the pre .· s ent time, any consent, }1ithc rto given by m e, ts absolute])' \7ithdra wn ; a.ncl a11y- one ! ound wilfully contin uing Jtiffe practice this notice inust be d.e u w itl1 a s the la.-w direc t.A. . F. TI.A.YNE!!. \t;f B ric)' Cottage F O lt SALE, ON WELLINCiVl'U.N Street. }l"or pt1.rticu lnrs: a_pp1y to VV. PRO \VEu. · JJO,filH\lll'"llle, 1·Iny 30,1871. ..,..,____

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