CANADIAN STA'rESMAN, BOv,!ThfANVILLE, THURSDAY., JUNE 20, 1872. ~""!!!""""""""""""""".."""_.. ~......~"""'!""-"'_.. -~!!!"'.."!_"-"'."'"'!!!c~~ ........~~--""-""'"""""""'""'~~~.""'~""""'!"""""'""!""""'"'!"!""""'~~~-.-""= -~~......~ ~"""'-"'-""-"'~"'-!"":_.._!'~_.._~~""-""-""-""-"'--!""'"""""""""'!""~~"""'"""'"""'""'~"""'-"'-"'-"'-"'~-"'-"-"~""!'~~-"""-"'-"'~"""'"':"'"""'~"'"'"'!~'1""'""'""""· "'--"""'-"'-"'-"'_.."'-"-"-"-"~"""'"""'""""""!""""""""""""""'"~""!!!'!"""'!'""""""""_.,."""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!" Celebrated B1·adbur) ! A HINT TO MOTHERS Nlo .Rusk AGE NC Y 0 AR I-{ I AGES BARGAI NS. Flow inauy tunes o:1e hears a mother '1.lw flaJ Eclech tc U l! }1TU'J tJ 1 n 1 rnes co1xandur ehe1brtbJ to sa,wo1ds1l en its IVeigltmGol l Doyoi</now ' aytl17uit? Ij ! ,.,01 ncho\v he ltn.s in de u J? lns 1nu1 l 1 e 1t 1.s ft11 c yo1 d1 l won t or 1£ he has not made 1p lns mind the coaxu g ca uJes h11 n to Ord111ar1 IJ the ba.bJ stl.J s the one 'Vf rel of lns 'ocabul ru:y w1U readiness b ut tlus t1n1e thu co npau:, b efore "' ho1n h e IS b eing d splayed makes ]nm bashful or d f!idei t and 1 e does not say it" hen fhs t asked 'Ihen is tbe. tune for the mother to stop 1f she ur ge~ bun in such n. case ' h en he 1s l ot inc 1ued to talk it will only rndu cc a habit tho! "ill t:oro ~ '~1th lus growth and stre1 g then with lns sti eugtl1 and "ill bccorne ob stin tC) JS ·w of cou11:1e sho cunnot re ;t.8 or I J"'!T · P1.tno I'orte. Osborn. BAR..iG-AIN""S , GREAI BAllGAINS ARE NO\V C,IVEN A L THE BOV\711ANVILLE FURNI'lUl'E MANf F \OJ l RJNG CO James Morris, ---o--- , ROB l S 1\fANNINC Cheap Corr1er Store CARlUAGES WAGGONS CUIIEhS SLEIGHS &c "\Vhole Q I Ci acked · Cl tl:U DJN ST'YJEDES fl T D .Join; J'l[cDo ug.lli. SIIOH'l Sl J'\OTICJ: \"ND ON Corn for Sale, :ono HNsr IPS:'.l:>i.:, oi ~no'.'f 01' r11 ~.u:::ru 1 s A~Ul 1.~1: JG 39 tf 11i ~ J c n ou be tl at 1 otl PUBLIC h ::ts f tlly J tJ OPil\JION Corn~1 Ltnubcr .l!lul Slung le~ F ge l OJi S \ IJl lJ lrl 11gto1 ~OV iJ MY MILTS \ [l ( IN 1 g l t 1h best n<tUn nl s n oed..- uncl be::it \i'O J ni c r Cl lploycd-t.l is e t s u 1 J g n Lbil ty e1egancc SJ d COllliOl L tl 0 lOOl:>t. !1 po ta1 t cq s tes 1 \. o 'e a n cc Bo un Uc ~1t Mees s R &. lt OJ:fARA Gene al Age ts ONl<!.TilO D NJ{ :i. 1 b nn chcs oft c trndc pro11lpt Dall gto iJ 18 1 tied tJ o 011g111a.l Hlei ih Lt t ihe Sto1u ) OH c~ ~LIJ KI:\DS OE FIT' TED utother .A ND vVl""CLL 8U1 TED A 1" t>icm w I .n-1u .fol' ;<;al(, IN HLE couN n OF DURH~M tob~e~ ttl~\~o nofllov nn 11~ A11 I cu.tio 1 l 1 S IJ.A l ]<;8 l Bo -v1na 'illc Octolic1 11 ! lS I BLACKSMITH 8Al [:..,;;ij_ACIOR IJ l: WORK, DONE c 01 10 tf Q . CHEMIS'I' S'f OTT, AND DEALEit IN t Icm L Il' A SU"F EBJ on Ire J en Jou 1v a,nt ~nytluug Ill the g e J A:lfES MOTtlHS a c: t.11 ::i uU h~ \\ 1ll 1:1u1t ) ( u Ono loot ' ' est of I c n tn. o ll~ k B WJ ftll"\ ll c 0 t 10 1~ 1 lS 1 l UO HO~ ~~.. V\ 10 0 T HIS CELEBlt ATED M ACJ:fTNE u ow bee tested bejo fl 11.ll quvst1 011a1 1 tl1 e hct of t he pu bllc 1s that to--Ou.:r lSOI' J SQ DHiC10R Jl'l'.F GAN.ADlAN l.l.ANK DRUGGIST Musical J_,1brary CON SJSTIN G OJ! 'l01VN HALL JJulLDINGS, B0 1V11fANVILLE. FIUTEEN vOL CME~ FHLED WITH CHQTQE..l:J.ANO MUSIQ c0 R N I sH l :VI. so TonoN 10 March 15t.l IS-70 I St:uuh1 w1 tlu;ut a lhva H!tS l llEM I t. s the xnost substantiallr built has the fe-,, c.a ¥01 k ug pa t~ beautiful ln design a 1 fln sJ lius tl e best des ign o! a. B ittlc and b} far the LARGIES I RODB1NS It ts capable of perform ing a ~nge of wo r k hitht)rto thoug} t 1mposs1bl for Sew ngll\Iachmes DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHElvrICALS, Dye S tufh~ Pa.tent J\f 1 cine:. P erflunery B1 ushes Co1nbs Soaps Pa.11 b~ :ind Oil< P rnt Bt 18hes Coal Oil ai 1 Co I Oil Lamp li e cX c neas not sevent; and huruan ]1 earts needs no les3 cue w \tchfulness PYY~l C U."S PRf sc1m ]JON~ c \HJ FULI l COOMPOUNDED AND COililEO l LY ANSWJ ft.mD \.ll ORDEitS Western Assurance Company1 HE\D OldCE- lOlWNlO C11Ht l St) k S in 11lus I UJHl!!t Jtcc~..IJ·lH ~4 Is sold at al1eMt onc-balftbe JWH c "'{ tlnc1· J Uacl11ncs 00 ll'1 --..rnE Dubuqt1e (1011 a) 1 elcgia1 h BRUTE WISDOM - ·- ~ vouches fi!J!!I l! t w l'rs c d Phy1Jw an1J f1 o n t c Oo1t b 11 ll Ji id u die e a cl of ti e best gualit / Sloe! of ·fed cii es com ()0 ~{) I l)Of; f or the follo,,1ng singul~r ho1~e,.storv On l\ion<lay ov1..:n1ng last n. n1:in whose n ,ve could uo ., leat n \\'O.S soen \ end1ne> lus ,vay up J uhen a:-1 enue leading a n11rc 3iHI J1u1 n.u lSil t he yc:.u: c:rutlug l giis ... J 35 .v by the b ridle Ile" as badly mtoxwated so nluch so that h e ataggcrcd ind 11.J was SOMELHING ONG WANTED BY EVERYBODY, som et1mea ruo1e than li e could do to ina1n -ORt nn lus equ1hbr1um The 1na10 kc1 t u. EVJI UY Ol'IJE MIS HEU O\VN l'lf.l1Jli'I'JLU' close w 1tch on }us move111ents nnd when ' 0'"e~ he came near fallin 0 n ould gr:iL h s coat collar bet\vcen her teeth n.nd h old huu 1 Bowmanville by J II gr; boU n 1 nnd I NEW SCHOOL up She did so n less t h l.ll a dozen t1mea D Sold Stot t and ntl melliCJnc d \lers HOUSE AND VIT. . LA PAINTS, Bookb HS Per wo i 1un1usro 1n the presence of several pecta.torg [he Prcpn.1cd for nn1ned1ate llf;e and n0Uu11g but the purest M 1terrals used and re l 1cc l,;17 .JO pet I:" 0 R $ 3 drunkan 1nan fell down 111 th e street once Tbe 4"'.n·cat IFemaEc Rcn1edy. ql n1ng no furthe1 nnxture of o~ls Tnrpe ntn e and Drye1 s but n o aoon er had ho d one so than the JOB MOSES PEIUODIOAL PILLS C0711POSITION CONSIS'.IS SOLE} OF anunal t,<rabbed the back of h1' coat ancl set !um on Ins feet "When d1ttle beyond J'v. 0 Colo1 Pii1e Wnite Lead Pi o H7ide l1 rneecl Oil 81 i11ts McN ultj s house tlie Oi"i ner of the ina1 e of 1 io1Jenline and 1J1 ye1 s Cl'7 efully wnd scwntifically co 11 bvnecl met an acqun..1ntance of l is vrh o "as ilso 'lhe co1 surner ean J rn:C! an:y des re l shade of Colo s n""a.tly put up Ill Crrns and n.l drunk 'I hey enga.goJ. i i c n" ersat1on he requu:cs to Luy i; Ith the Paint is a. Brush ::t,, t he wo1k can b e do1 e by ]11n1r.ielf or and 1v lnle talking bumped ag uns"" each hy auy ntc ll1)e1 of lus household othe1 and Lhe man alluded to foll Ho wa.R unmed1atcly p1cl e up by the maxe and JllSt ts s oon ts she ha l ±i1nshc i hor A large 8tocl, JUSt 10ccrrnd fo1 Autumn Pa,1utmg nnpor tod JOb sho t urned ro und and lot h et heels ily ducct fiom the Engl,sh Manufactuteis mcludmg J \MES 111a savagc1nan11e1 att1c1n u1' ho knock cd h er mast er down1 Fortu1 ::i.tolj 1Gcnmne <tnd celcbrntcd R c;.ostm brand Gua.antocd pu10 , h eels missed tl- e n13.rk A Lt) O \11 st <l id Colo1 '8 Oils V'""11111;;hcs ru c1 I'>~untcrs 1\ftte1 als 0111 -~-----~-----~------~ -Lnd see ho\ ch cn.r J. 1-fot se can be i:i ~1ntecl an l D corated £01 all tl o ~ .u i hoai ! · i .s A1iodyne Li'l1Hne1 t \ill gne goods \v1ll be sold at r educed fig ures n1orc reh~f in c : uw l )f Olnon c Rheuma 1 u tic P ,~z c of t w B ·t h P1 o n e iLLONS ""\fACHINE OUJ 01 DJF'Elll NI KJNDS tu~m n o 1ua.ttet ho' sev.eru, than ~n j other 1'01th 1 " ca a.1 ticle l nown to medi cal IJltill rhrcshcrs and all 1 i cs Iequu 1ng such oil u o specially tn\ itcd to nu:!p {t the Xc is oft on ren1~ql e<l. 15 st1 1,1 ge1~ v1wt ~ ari.0 1s qu it1os- the1 cbcin fl b< O'\ nyt111geve1offe1ecl1nt}1s ing our St 1te t hat we Rho v n. la1g i pro 11a1kct po1t1011 of goocl ho1~cs thn i u y ot1 er State m tho U mon IhIB we tell them 500 COOK, PARLOR HALL AND BOX SIOVES, is ow1ng to tw9 j'r1nc1pal tea.sons in t h e aunmg and now on Exh1b1tLOn first place "e bi eed from tlie ve1y best Ihe l:uge1:>t and cheapest stoL:k )f G 1 crnl H1rdwarc c ~ur1 tgo Go ls stock and 111 the seconrl place our I eoplt1 rin'\ uc in tho Coun t y of Durhain use She1 d1an ~ Cavalry Co d ti n l ov de1 .s JO I-IN ellington n Jdtng li o vn1an' 11lo A ugust 9 l S 1 1vluch i n oui JUdgn1cnt :tre of 1nru lculablc adv n1tago Tn ousANDS of Prom1s1ng Youths of both sexes go 1Jo n to unhn1ely graves fr orn bene1'J.l dcb1ht y c:u1d ' sakness who mightJo e..saveci b; their B>sterr s "\111th Iron 'lhe Peruvian S..;r lp is u1 lion ronlC pr epar ed c,..._press]y to supply - -- - 0 - - - th 1 ~ v1tahz1ng ele 1 ent and s the only prepafat10n of Iron that will assimilate at once " ith the blood BRYAN s W;_1 ~ t s (The grc>t p iblic At tl1e l1°o r1mongery I on Th!..[' L E 0 HoN J" :M llfoRmOH P1es1dent ]1 H Ul)A"!\ ~f Lnn.b 1ng Dir ctor THll PtHCE OF OTHF Il M \CHINES DOING r1u Lll1:E W OHI"- ls equally a.t home on leather ns on fine goocls If as car cd off pri.zos o crtJe Ho~e ~1 get Loclma1 Wht.leler & \\ ilsvn VVa..i :-:or Raj mo d &c .&<IT ~Perfect l\.1achll c Guru:nntc<.>d 01 no s nlc Fire a nd Marine I NSlRANC E D "s - ---SONG ECHO FIFTY A DOLLARS AT LOWES[ CURHENT RAIES AND fotifi of TUC GllELPII IU.ND TREADl,E JUACDINCS 1_'1HEm z,," 1, &H OHARA l!o 1 are t he 1 est ma<lc s j lest 1nore durn bl~ and reh ablc tJ:ia ru y ot1 er a gle ti Len. 1 n1achinc l t\rgc1 and \vo1k \\ ltb g1ca.t \\.JU do r 10 k d8 of 5C'ving m a. perfectly 1 m.ti15f4 t tory manner J[:i.s taken first 1 r ze "hert..""V exlubitcd a ' llo Se1 t 11 18 1 PU RE WHI 'I'E LEAD. AGEN IS "ANTED EVEliYWHERE DYE ..,vl 1ch can n ot b e s SIUIIS p s e l for- e-.;-(.lelle cy of l Farrn Pror)erty -ANn- I SI LENDID I NDUCE MEN rs flu ,1,J riu\...l~ t ~tp 011 l I:,., l sso1tniont.. or A1u! c DJflB ke1 t rt l j O!:;~ l e l l 1 cl o Cf\ s DETACHED RESIDENCES nsun1 l OUlt J'llOPllRTY ND- ·-- 11 1 U Gt:i C.:11 Ji l\fLC-1. l !=1 I HENT !!I 1N u rn D!C l ~J, J o te.rins st n1 le!> Q f sew ng &.'C i,pply GUl LPJi SEWJ~ G ~IA C1ilINE COY. GUEIPH CANADA I 2000 .'.: B RUSHES cmrns SHOULDER JlRACES S L .P.PUl l J IS ?.:...: &.u Save 1-laif Your 1/1"0 tey Head Office for Canada Kmgoto n J WR Oll S I' \IN1S COJ OHS V iHN1 SHF.::i an fj ;, llllELl \]) c:; t p c 0 &: Ii 0 I-I :\.l tA 'Vholcsnle agents tl o Count e,, ofDurl a1n Ontario and V1ctorm ~ Spcc10.I 1nducen1cnts to Lrv c ngcnts Ja: .iitY I SU 1871 T ('ry 1 \.ND CATTLE MEDICINES pplcl onofl HIS old t n d ' ell s le d Con l n.n:y l\SULeS 11011 ng h1 t Fa.1m Property and 1e t:-1Cl el Res de n ccs antl I ss ues l ol cies at G cati=ly Bed ee l 1 ates -----------~------ ~ ASSETS Depo::i ed $5'0 ooo oo $ 100 000 General SewmgMachmeAgen q M ARKJi.J T BUILDINGS o;1th ti e F nn,nc c :Ahn ~ O\ E'f ter fo r s.pcc n l benefit of Ca nacl1 a 11 ?ol cvl oltle s I I I-IARD rI'O BELIEVE. True Nevertheless! BOWMANVILLE J oHN L:AJri G'l o~ fo !If tJ ste1 of F tn nn cc '1 h sh to ce L< f.> tl nt I J b%n ac qu a lnt cd w th the Ofhce s at d :t.1 inf'l.gers ot tbe .Agnc lltu1a.l Jnsur tncc Compun) for mn.nJ ) en s and also w1lh the business opc1 it ona of tl e Con pu.u) a l<l hfLvc no bes tnt 01 1n iec..:o m mend ng t s n. perfectlj saf~ ru d re l ab le Company and its Office rs as co11pe tent :1.1 d l onot::tb e bus nes~ men and ns it u sures t oth ng ht t Furm Prope1 t y and dt tncl ed Dwclhngs and li l :i ~530 000 Asst:'IS I cons1dcr t res1 ors ble be} on<l nny cont1n gen cy GI-tOCERI;ES MEl1iY ood ( ookmg G by the box 01 ~C,H]JAP. ien1edy ) } ave now been i 1 use O\ er twen ty years hence it cannot be srnd that tl1ey nre on tr al They have been thoroughly tr1ctl, n.ntl i rono 1nced (on the authority of those whose ln es n1cl health l;hcy ha:vc preserved) t o be a s111 c b Lrmlesf) 1. 1 d mu inently salntn.ry p1cparat1ou an<..l 1£ takc1 inaen. son will 1nvar1abl} cute colds co ughs sore throat and all Bronclna.1 aflcct1ous Oll lll).i: l I~ ES:r QU.AJ..:l I)' 0.1:1 Ra1~m::; 011 h 5 cents a pound mul Ccd:n·§ uul Po"'t". OF (,O()J) CEDAR s le c 1 er u.t t hostullil JU\I] S V>Al Lot 5 1t.l CJ Da.1hngton D e 4 J 18 1 l JU IT !J: I AN & .A~fERWAN MARllL Jr, - A:"!'D- o001CHABI£Jt])] EN GRA'.'llIE Bo 'n on1 l\o One fair t11al \v1ll co11v1nced the 1:1kept1cn.l Sold by all medicmc dealers nt 25cls per box I:r '1iAS C 1cERO 1irho said t hat n1en 'vc1e -.. UMJ\ fER DRY GOODS <tt cost lJ fTON .mcl Woolen goods .ue .tch ancmg, lmt } OU can buy them at Ellwtt s 101 ,L short time at the old puces Nn\\ IS the tune to SOClll 0 "lrnt you need , "LOCKMAN" Co G D D GALVIN ~! P P CLOrr:I:IING ! E~TJ A §mall F:wna '\Vanted. \Ve ha.v o ex tm e 1 u;ito tie con l1t1on and stn.nd 1n g of tlie \. g r c ilttuti.l Ins irnuce Company anU do f ll.) concur with Mr Oa e t rr ie corrnn end g 1t to the F nner.s o1 t111e Proi.;1ncc as one perfec tl y sate n1 d 1ehah e 1n wl ch to nsu10 t.L c1r vropc1ty ne,er so hk e the gods ::i,s "hen br1ng1n::i health to th ca fellow men With a kno1 ledvc of and fullest confidence in its in tm~sie merit DEPEW i; MEDICAL"\ I< TORY is offeretl"" i reliable cute for dis eases of the In: er bow els, 1 idneJ s and J 0 t.: rAnx Banke EME:N rn ~ant of a neat ftttmg ,mt should ea1iy at Ellwtt s Fa5111011ablc Lulormg Est 1bhshmont J CAnRUTllE s & Co 01'lo \ K1uP\'lllCK j1 i> li M Br Ir TON ,(l3JSat1sfact10n guaranteed m .Lll reasonable cases G 01ng f'.I. West ! bladder 'Iho frnl}l e that tlns BLOOD PURIFIER. h::i.s acqnued fo the cu1e of cos trvencss f ma.le we 1kncss ir11n11\ con sun1pt1on b1hons11csg u1cl geuc1nl >\ ea.k ness ind debiht'\i is "' 1thont \ rn.1 illel 1n med1c.'tl lustory I--Ienry Elliott, Jr \ tl grcn.t r c.,1 r.r.t 653 Oafo i St1 cet (lafe 911 I U f3 1 t b 1 IS 1 ' J !!OM \.S H OLLOW \ "Y Slr t ~ l) Lo u ; lo1 1 10 SELI,ING O:B"F ! ' " e would refer .) ou lo lhe !ollo,,, u g gc dcme i re giufl to tl o rc"pons1b 1 Lj oftht:: Co1n1 a1 \ -D Risher E sq Cashier ol the Ont.iu Ii J-'~nk J no ?lt cL('IOd r..f ·p P J B Fa rbo. u T: sq Postmas tc J J F il cwcll Esq_ 1 nt stc Agent fo Cobou g aJ d vie n L y W lf LIAM T F IS H 'V R CLIAJil L 0ctl Agent :i.t Bowm11.11 v llfl Decembr. r.. 18 (1 ~ --------- - Cheap for Cash 13cttl(} LI c. 1 n.ccoun ls as i;oo i 1 Royal Insurance COJ\1.:PANY AND LIF"l -~ -- -----·-----· .AJl rn lebted to trrc b is ncss " 11 pl e a.Be ori.11 an 1 as J v;;i:nble T Bo Jna llc lLh Dec 1371 o I OLJ urn - - - -- -- .,.-, For t~ir2? JUf TIIE 5<.Hh VOLUil:CE' T T:(:& ILLU8II:.\.TED J tl Il & ll 1 18 1 Cornci' oi' 1iV1n. H. lf TH Ar O\VC, P. . A .Jl,. L · .B ~t. I"::rn i. ::nul §t. Sh'cct~. $10 000 000 Machi11e Pro cl.uni lbc Glad 'I ul nags TOOK 'IJI E FIRSl PRIZE X.uur , ~n..nnallueouu~ Phrenological J ourual, A I rnST er ASS Notl~e. N O I TCE I S DE REBY GIVEN l U 1 t bcrcs o sbl cfor :t ~ lcbts con t1n.ctcd. liy i:;O 1 \'\' littln J J cs S 1110 WILLI.AM SULLE"l: Da:rl n ~l o1 J nc i<> l o 1 1Utf B 0"£ -1' OllU 01JU ARRISTEH AND iTTORNEY Ar fl · n·L>Julln·lo>01 LA'\~ &c &c Soliuitol l Ch 1nucr) u.1 a Ir sol fl ilOO OOU FANILY lr!f.AGAZJNE ency 0 fncc on S her Street Bo man 1 k onloi1 t.e u a to~s Cla sy Hii1 All desc pt on l'I of l oper ty ln s lrefl. ngm1 st l osso1})11 agc ll F'ren.t. ol 1 1.1.Le 1 H. t.t\8 IO>Sl s J HC~ rPrr y s r r fl ED " l lll01; r REFJ R] NC1' 1 0 JRJ, HOME Ol<>ICE AT TlU P1·ov1nc1al Exlub11Ion? Jm:t J eld Li I 01ont o over tho Sc inng 1nc3 l t]1e world J ost renov1ne n. 1 ong ,v) cl" the verd.1c vcie the cclel rateu IIo ti Vi h eehir &- 'V .::c:.::.n IHE 1 o TJ.!]I l nuHY - lhere !oems t o be pra.cL1call y no h m1ts to tho poifnbilities ~f t?1og1 tph c comn1ur 1cat1on !Urcacly t h e trans1n1s::non r 1p1d as it IS 18 found t )0 Sl OW ar d ffi tny Inge 11011S nl'.l.nds are employecl solving t1 tc proble1n hov; the sp~ed cilll be u1crcnscd ]Jut ' e behe~c perfection has been Lined in the Oauad1au Destroye1 and that 1t 113 t1Le onls rchn.ble agent f o1 re1no"r1n g, and cnr1ng co]J.s cough s,1hct1111tisn1 neuralgia Du1nmer compla1nts &c Sold by all Druggists and cotmt1y de i.lero Pnco 2o cents per bottle &:d '[J is s only a conflrinu. t10 1 o re1 dc 1ed by the J r ev 0 <.o )y Pi U c ~nd 187~. SPRU\G OE l'llll: t Ca.nall Ul l ro' es co1 clush ell t he sur r.:nIO.RTTY LOOI(}.f.J.. 'N" 0' ER AIL O'I'rJ!!:RS ac FASHION ST D°'[~V\.ltDEN' A! ents WI &ll O ilAR A \\lolesaJe ai d H.etn .A lso ag cub; for r.nclph Sew111g Mn ])OIL"l:VAIDEN A1Jll)'l THE LAIEST 'ASHIONS OUI Cr vcr C Bakc.r Si tgcr llo o n.nd \.\ illla..u s Mncl u ce \Ve l1avc also on ha 1d a f 1lli;tockoftlc] II lI RW \NnEUl\1achnP.« cl no Co :\!R~ '1 EX ]LE1CH ! H $t ( \1 t l lOl S